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ATT TRIGGA KONSUMENTERTILL KÖP : Genom olika säljfrämjande åtgärder / TO GET CONSUMERS TO BUY : Through various promotionsVikström, Jenny, Eriksson, Alexandra January 2012 (has links)
Det finns idag väldigt många olika handelsföretag, vilket medför att konkurrensen om konsumenterna är stenhård. Butiker använder många olika former av marknadsföring för att nå fram till sina respektive målgrupper, marknadsföring är ett väldigt brett begrepp och involverar många olika åtgärder som butiken kan använda sig av. Det här arbetet fokuserar på tre olika former av säljfrämjande åtgärder som är relativt vanliga idag. Det som studeras i denna rapport är huruvida kupongerbjudanden, SMS erbjudanden och erbjudandet ’tag 2 betala för 1’ påverkar olika konsumenters beteenden och om de blir mer benägna till köp när de utsätts för dessa. Erbjudandet ’tag 2 betala för 1’ kan användas på flertal lika sätt men författarna har endast sett på erbjudandet som en kommunikationskanal i butiksmiljö, såsom skyltning och förpackningar. Forskningsfrågan som kommer att belysa hela arbetet är: hur påverkas konsumenters beteenden av rabatterbjudanden? Vi belyser i arbetet de skillnader och likheter som framkommit mellan olika generationer och ur ett genusperspektiv. Vi ser även över vilka eventuella risker respektive möjligheter som kan finnas genom att använda sig av dessa tre olika sorters besparingserbjudanden. Författarna har valt att genomföra en kvantitativ ansats och inspirationen till vår enkätundersökning grundar sig på tidigare forskning. Enkätundersökningen har utförts på 100 respondenter som tillfrågats via e-post och slumpvis utvalda personer i Katrineholms centrum. Deltagarna som tillfrågats är uppdelade i fyra kategorier, utifrån ålder och kön.Enkätundersökningen gav författarna belägg för att påvisa att konsumenter reagerar olika beroende på vilken typ av säljfrämjande åtgärder dessa utsattes för. Författarna kan se tydliga skillnader mellan dessa typer av erbjudanden. ’Tag 2 betala för 1’ som avser en kommunikationskanal i butiksmiljö var det erbjudande som samtliga deltagare föredrog. Kategorin som behandlar äldre män var de deltagare som överlag inte föredrog olika typer av rabatterbjudanden. / There are many trading companies today, which bring fierce competition over the customers. Stores use a lot of different kinds of marketing to reach respective target groups, marketing is a very wide term and involves many different measures that the stores can use. Our study focuses on three different kinds of sales promotion who are relative common today. We have studied whether the coupon offers, SMS offers and offer ‘buy one get one for free’ affects different consumer behavior and if consumers become more inclined to buy when they are exposed to them. The offer ‘buy one get one for free’ can be used in several similar ways, but the authors have only seen the offer as a communication channel in the retail environment, such as signage and packaging. The research question that will illuminate the entire work is how consumer behavior is influenced by the discount offers? The things that are investigated are if coupons, text message offers and ‘buy one get one for free’ have an effect on consumers behavior and if they become more liable to purchase when they are exposed of these promotions. In our study we will express the highlights of the differences and similarities that emerged between different generations and through a gender perspective. We have also checked the possible risks respective opportunities that may be found using these three different kinds of saving offers. The authors have chosen to implement a quantitative approach and the inspiration for our survey is based on previous research. The survey has been conducted on 100 respondents questioned by e-mail and randomly selected in Katrineholm city. The participants surveyed are divided into four categories according to age and gender.The survey gave the authors evidence to demonstrate that consumers react differently depending on the type of promotion they were subjected. The authors can see a clear difference between these types of offers. 'Buy one get one for free' which refers to a communication channel in the retail environment was the offer that all participants preferred. The category with older men was the participants who generally did not prefer different types of discount offers.
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An exploratory study on upward mobility for sheltered workers: a myth or reality?Lai, Wai-man., 黎偉民. January 1998 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Social Work / Master / Master of Social Work
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Job satisfaction among academic staff in Ethiopian public universitiesBekele Meaza Damtae 06 1900 (has links)
This study aimed at exploring the level of job satisfaction among academic staff members in Ethiopian public universities. For this purpose, a conceptual framework incorporating group of constructs, namely university policies and support, working conditions, student achievement, and demographic factors was developed based on the literature reviewed in the study. A descriptive survey research design was employed in the study to collect and analyse quantitative data obtained from participants. Clustered and systematic random sampling techniques were used in the study to choose 400 academic staff members from eight public universities. A questionnaire comprising closed- and open-ended questions, and Likert scale items was adapted in order to gather data from the participants. Descriptive and inferential statistical procedures were used to analyse the relationships between all the study constructs with the help of IBM SPSS, version 25. The study revealed that there were significant differences among different demographic groups, and positive relationships between job satisfaction and its defining constructs. The study also found that most of the academic staff members were dissatisfied with their jobs. Female academic staff members were more significantly dissatisfied with students‟ discipline policy, university governance and support, their salary, workload, communication, and students‟ achievement than male academic staff members. Male academic staff members were, however, more significantly satisfied with the promotion policy and more significantly dissatisfied with reward than the female academic staff members. The study revealed that academic staff members significantly differed in the level of job satisfaction corresponding to their age and qualification. The study also indicated that academic staff members significantly differed in the level of job satisfaction corresponding to their work experience and academic rank. Significant correlations between the eight constructs and job satisfaction of academic staff members were also found in the study. Finally, the study recommended directions for policy amendment and implications for practice and future research relevant to the issue under study. / Educational Studies / D. Phil. (Education)
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Topics in macroeconomics and financeRaciborski, Rafal 06 October 2014 (has links)
The thesis consists of four chapters. The introductory chapter clarifies different notions of rationality used by economists and gives a summary of the remainder of the thesis. Chapter 2 proposes an explanation for the common empirical observation of the coexistence of infrequently-changing regular price ceilings and promotion-like price patterns. The results derive from enriching an otherwise standard, albeit stylized, general equilibrium model with two elements. First, the consumer-producer interaction is modeled in the spirit of the price dispersion literature, by introducing oligopolistic markets, consumer search costs and heterogeneity. Second, consumers are assumed to be boundedly-rational: In order to incorporate new information about the general price level, they have to incur a small cognitive cost. The decision whether to re-optimize or act according to the obsolete knowledge about prices is itself a result of optimization. It is shown that in this economy, individual retail prices are capped below the monopoly price, but are otherwise flexible. Moreover, they have the following three properties: 1) An individual price has a positive probability of being equal to the ceiling. 2) Prices have a tendency to fall below the ceiling and then be reset back to the cap value. 3) The ceiling remains constant for extended time intervals even when the mean rate of inflation is positive. Properties 1) and 2) can be associated with promotions and properties 1) and 3) imply the emergence of nominal price rigidity. The results do not rely on any type of direct costs of price adjustment. Instead, price stickiness derives from frictions on the consumers’ side of the market, in line with the results of several managerial surveys. It is shown that the developed theory, compared to the classic menu costs-based approach, does better in matching the stylized facts about the reaction of individual prices to inflation. In terms of quantitative assessment, the model, when calibrated to realistic parameter values, produces median price ceiling durations that match values reported in empirical studies.<p><p>The starting point of the essay in Chapter 3 is the observation that the baseline New-Keynesian model, which relies solely on the notion of infrequent price adjustment, cannot account for the observed degree of inflation sluggishness. Therefore, it is a common practice among macro- modelers to introduce an ad hoc additional source of persistence to their models, by assuming that price setters, when adjusting a price of their product, do not set it equal to its unobserved individual optimal level, but instead catch up with the optimal price only gradually. In the paper, a model of incomplete adjustment is built which allows for explicitly testing whether price-setters adjust to the shocks to the unobserved optimal price only gradually and, if so, measure the speed of the catching up process. According to the author, a similar test has not been performed before. It is found that new prices do not generally match their estimated optimal level. However, only in some sectors, e.g. for some industrial goods and services, prices adjust to this level gradually, which should add to the aggregate inflation sluggishness. In other sectors, particularly food, price-setters seem to overreact to shocks, with new prices overshooting the optimal level. These sectors are likely to contribute to decreasing the aggregate inflation sluggishness. Overall, these findings are consistent with the view that price-setters are boundedly-rational. However, they do not provide clear-cut support for the existence of an additional source of inflation persistence due to gradual individual price adjustment. Instead, they suggest that general equilibrium macroeconomic models may need to include at least two types of production sectors, characterized by a contrasting behavior of price-setters. An additional finding stemming from this work is that the idiosyncratic component of the optimal individual price is well approximated by a random walk. This is in line with the assumptions maintained in most of the theoretical literature. <p><p>Chapter 4 of the thesis has been co-authored by Julia Lendvai. In this paper a full-fledged production economy model with Kahneman and Tversky’s Prospect Theory features is constructed. The agents’ objective function is assumed to be a weighted sum of the usual utility over consumption and leisure and the utility over relative changes of agents’ wealth. It is also assumed that agents are loss-averse: They are more sensitive to wealth losses than to gains. Apart from the changes in the utility, the model is set-up in a standard Real Business Cycle framework. The authors study prices of stocks and risk-free bonds in this economy. Their work shows that under plausible parameterizations of the objective function, the model is able to explain a wide set of unconditional asset return moments, including the mean return on risk-free bonds, equity premium and the Sharpe Ratio. When the degree of loss aversion in the model is additionally assumed to be state-dependent, the model also produces countercyclical risk premia. This helps it match an array of conditional moments and in particular the predictability pattern of stock returns. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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L’expérience institutionnelle des femmes qui font carrière au sein des Forces armées canadiennes : comment expliquer leur manque d’accès aux postes névralgiques?Poirier, Kary-Anne 04 1900 (has links)
La crise qui sévit actuellement au sein du leadership supérieur des Forces armées canadiennes
(FAC) ramène au premier plan certaines lacunes structurelles profondes de la culture militaire
canadienne. Le peu de représentation féminine parmi les postes clés fait resurgir les questionnements
quant aux barrières limitant leur accès. L’objectif de ce mémoire sera d’abord de raconter les parcours
de carrières de femmes militaires actives au sein de la Force régulière et d’en cerner les obstacles vécus
en fonction du genre. Le matériel empirique puisé à partir des récits de vie permettra ensuite de
déterminer l’existence de barrières structurelles pour identifier leur nature, leur construit et leur
Cette recherche est le produit de 15 entretiens semi-dirigés réalisés auprès de femmes militaires
actives de la Force régulière. Elles évoluent distinctement dans les trois éléments des FAC (Marine
royale canadienne, Armée canadienne et Aviation royale du Canada) et font carrière dans plus d’une
dizaine de métiers différents. Le matériel empirique recueilli a permis de cibler des moments clés de
la carrière et d’ensuite procéder à une analyse de croisement des données. Au niveau des parcours de
carrière individuels, ce mémoire démontre que la culture normative dominante est issue d’une
masculinité hégémonique. Ainsi, les métiers des armes de combat demeurent toujours les plus valorisés
de l’organisation, étant ceux par lesquels passe l’ascension vers les rangs supérieurs. Structurellement,
les allers-retours entre empirie et théorie ainsi que les interactions entre structure et individualité
confirment l’existence de rapports de pouvoir multilatéraux, allant au-delà de la logique top-down de la
hiérarchie. Ce multilatéralisme est vécu horizontalement en raison de la culture normative puis
verticalement dans la hiérarchisation des rôles de genre et des échanges entre leaders et
subordonné·e·s. Combiné aux exigences institutionnelles des FAC, il exacerbe les défis invisibles
auxquels les femmes militaires se heurtent dans l’ascension des rangs, notamment en rapport avec la
crédibilité minée, la conciliation travail-famille, la posture maternelle et le tokénisme d’être « première
femme ».
En donnant la parole aux récits de vie et aux parcours de carrières de femmes actuellement en
service, ce mémoire contribue à briser l’invisibilité des réalités vécues et d’identifier les barrières
structurelles de genre intrinsèque aux FAC. Au niveau empirique, la méthode utilisée contribue à
l’avancement des recherches sur les parcours de carrière des femmes militaires des Forces armées
canadiennes. Au niveau théorique, la méthode amène de nouvelles perspectives d’analyse
complémentaires au féminisme d’État en l’appliquant à une bureaucratie atypique. Les théories
mobilisées soulèvent des pistes de solution dans l’élaboration de politiques qui assureraient une
meilleure rétention des femmes militaires déjà en poste. La recherche contribue également à la
littérature francophone qui traite du leadership militaire féminin et des enjeux de genre dans les FAC. / The current crisis amongst the senior leadership of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) brings
to the forefront structural gaps within Canadian military culture more broadly. The paltry
representation of women within key posts has resurfaced questions surrounding barriers to entry. The
objective of this thesis is primarily to present the career trajectories of Regular Force female members
of the military and to highlight the obstacles they face because of their gender. The empirical data
taken from these narratives allows for identifying structural barriers, their nature, their construction,
and their reproduction.
This research is the result of 15 semi-directed in-depth interviews conducted with female
members of the military in the Regular Force. These women develop differently according to the three
distinct elements of the CAF (Royal Canadian Navy, Canadian Army and Royal Canadian Air Force)
and bear witness to careers lived across more than ten different trades. The empirical data allows for
the triangulation of key moments within each woman’s career and to then proceed to crossreferencing.
On an individual career level, this thesis shows that the dominant normative culture
derives from hegemonic masculinity. Furthermore, trades belonging to the combat arms are still the
most valued within the organisation and represent the path to the highest attainable ranks. Structurally,
the liaison between theory and empirical practice, and those between structures and individuality
confirm the existence of multilateral relationships of power. These relationships go beyond the topdown
logic of hierarchy. This multilateralism is lived horizontally because of the normative culture,
vertically based on the hierarchization of gender roles, and also amidst the exchanges between leaders
and subordinates. Combined with the CAF’s institutional requirements, this exacerbates the invisible
challenges which confront women as they climb the ranks, notably with regard to credibility, worklife
balance, motherhood, and the tokenism of being the “first woman.”
By giving a platform to these narratives from currently serving women, this thesis serves to
break invisible lived realities and identify the gendered structural barriers intrinsic to the CAF. On an
empirical level, the method used contributes to the advancement of research on the career trajectories
of woman in the Canadian Armed Forces. On a theoretical level, the method used applies new
analytical perspectives related to state feminism and directs them toward an atypical bureaucracy. The
theories discussed within this project upend the current policies which seek to promote retention
amongst women already serving. This research also contributes to the body of francophone literature
which deals with female military leadership and with gender issues in the CAF.
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Návrh komunikační strategie (pro konkrétní firmu, organizaci) / Proposal of Communication Strategy (for real company, organizaci)Tuč, David January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis concerns a creation of communication strategy for multimedia festival named Lumirova triska 2009. The work includes a summary of basic marketing approaches towards the communication strategy creation, description of its application, former communication analysis and an overview of the current state on the market of festivals involving advertising creation, as well as proposals for communication improvement, managing model of the event and an effectivity assessment from the economical point of view.
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Návrh komunikační strategie pro obchodní firmu / Proposal of Communication Strategy for Business CompanyKozáková, Andrea January 2009 (has links)
The master’s thesis concerns about analyses of existing conditions of Stim tools, PLC., its surroundings and factors influencing its customers. The thesis is based on theoretical knowledge of marketing, which is used for the company description in the practical part of the work. Based on the existing information a proposal of communication strategy for this company is suggested.
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Consumer perceptions of loyalty programmes offered by cosmetic retailers in Durban and on the KwaZulu-Natal North CoastSingh, Sheritha 11 1900 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to determine consumers’ perceptions of loyalty programmes offered by cosmetic retailers in Durban and on the KwaZulu-Natal North Coast, South Africa. A broad and in-depth literature review of loyalty programmes as tools for retaining consumers, as well as the different types of loyalty programmes currently available in South Africa, was conducted. An empirical study was conducted by using an interviewer-administered questionnaire to collect data from consumers who were members of cosmetic retailers’ loyalty programmes. A quantitative approach was followed in order to satisfy the research objectives of the study.
Loyalty programmes are an integral part of many retail businesses as they allow retailers to reward returning consumers with (amongst others) discounts or special promotional offers when the loyalty programme is used at the point of sale. The rapid advancements in technology has also enabled retailers to maintain databases containing valuable information on consumers’ spending patterns, which informs retailers about products consumers prefer buying. Retailers all over the world have been using loyalty programmes to retain existing consumers by rewarding loyalty and win over new consumers. Although many South African retailers have introduced loyalty programmes into their businesses, consumers’ perceptions of loyalty programmes offered by cosmetic retailers have not been investigated here.
The results of this research study indicate that consumers perceived loyalty programmes as easy to use at the point of sale when making purchases. Consumers also felt that loyalty programmes helped them to save money through the redemption of vouchers or points. Overall, consumers were satisfied as members of cosmetic retailers’ loyalty programmes. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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