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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'imaginaire comme refuge. Utopies et prophéties protestantes à l'époque de la Révocation de l'Édit de Nantes

Cherdon, Laetitia 14 September 2009 (has links)
Dans la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle, selon sa logique centralisatrice, la politique louis-quatorzienne à légard des protestants vise à les réunir au catholicisme, en usant de mesures discriminatoires et de violence dès le début des années 1680. LÉdit de Nantes est révoqué en 1685 et tout exercice de la religion protestante est interdit dans le Royaume. La plupart des huguenots abjurent tandis quune partie dentre eux se lance sur les chemins de lexil, malgré linterdiction qui en est faite. Cette diaspora crée ce que les historiens ont appelé le Refuge. Le contexte religieux troublé de la fin du XVIIe siècle et lexpérience de lexil comptent pour une grande part dans lexploitation dun imaginaire comme refuge. Il ne sagit pas ici du Refuge dans sa dimension concrète, mais dun refuge intellectuel, dun refuge virtuel, véritable échappatoire à une réalité difficile. La thèse soutient en effet que les utopies et les prophéties écrites par des réfugiés huguenots offrent évasion et compensations aux auteurs en construisant un monde imaginaire posé comme irréalisable dans le monde réel. Pour établir la pertinence et la justesse de cette thèse, létude se propose de démontrer les trois points suivants. Il sagit dabord de prouver lintérêt de réunir au sein dune seule et même recherche deux types de sources qui peuvent apparaître, au premier abord, très éloignés lun de lautre. Il faut ensuite justifier la pertinence de la réinsertion de ces écrits dans un contexte protestant français. Le travail vise enfin à convaincre de lintérêt de la démarche historique pour traiter de textes mettant en place un univers fictionnel. Si lassociation dutopies et de prophéties peut être justifiée dun point de vue théorique, cest surtout linsertion de ces deux types de sources dans le cadre méthodologique dune étude sur limaginaire qui donne toute sa cohérence au corpus. De part et dautre, il y a en effet mise en place dun imaginaire qui se construit comme refuge en réaction, notamment, à un contexte de référence commun et à une expérience de vie marquée par lexil et par la marginalité. La réunion de ces deux genres littéraires, qui constitue lune des originalités de létude, savère très enrichissante. Elle permet dune part de faire émerger des représentations semblables, parfois de mieux les comprendre et de leur donner un sens nouveau. Lintérêt de la comparaison consiste dautre part dans la mise en évidence des spécificités de chaque genre. Létude de la réception des textes et de lhistoriographie qui leur a été consacrée, principalement dans les cinquante dernières années, révèle le peu dintérêt accordé à une réinsertion de ces utopies et prophéties dans lhistoire du protestantisme français et plus particulièrement du Refuge. Or une lecture attentive des sources montre quelles portent lempreinte du calvinisme et prouve quelles sont profondément ancrées dans un contexte religieux troublé, marqué par la Révocation et ses conséquences. La démarche, consistant à donner sens aux imaginaires utopique et prophétique en tenant compte de cette situation historique et cherchant à y voir une réponse originale des auteurs est donc tout à fait pertinente. Limaginaire présente, pour lhistorien, un intérêt dans son rapport au réel. Il sen inspire, le reflète assez fidèlement sur certains points, sen détache fortement sur dautres. Cette relation au réel permet de déterminer le regard porté par les auteurs sur le monde qui les entoure et la façon dont ils sy perçoivent. Elle démontre aussi que les imaginaires utopique et prophétique ne sont pas transposables dans la réalité. Une frontière infranchissable, marquée par un décalage spatial et chronologique, les sépare en effet du monde réel. Par contre, face au contexte troublé et difficile, limaginaire représente clairement une voie dévasion, tout en constituant souvent un moyen de redéfinir son rôle dans la société et dy trouver une raison dexister.

The work of death in the Americas

Sayre, Jillian J. 07 February 2011 (has links)
This dissertation is a transnational study that argues that a structure of mourning, spoken through and effected by the historical romance, underlies the narrative of national culture as it emerges in the Americas during the early nineteenth century. The writing, consumption and preservation of these texts reveal not only the psychic life of community but also the material basis for that psychic life. Writing and reading, the production and circulation of texts, plays a crucial role in developing this psychic life, and the historical romance was particularly important in the Americas for imagining a national legacy. Current criticism emphasizes the sexual coupling and generative romantic structure of the marriage plot around which many of these novels circulate. This criticism emphasizes the somatic nature of the genre, the corporeal language of romance that is read in the tears of joy and grief spilled by its characters as well as its readers. But while I agree that a libidinal energy is at the heart of both the narrative and its readers’ responses, I argue that the focus on sexual coupling neglects to consider another bodily discourse: that of death and mourning. Mourning enacts a simultaneous identification with and desire for a lost object, a fetishistic relationship that brings together the Freudian “to be” and “to have” and so invests the lost object with both narcissistic and communal attachments. These texts offer their readers the bodies within the narratives, as well as the texts themselves, as the material of a cultural heritage, constructing a nativism that ties the subjects to the land and to the community through a shared lost artifact, their history. Through mourning a common object, the subjects become citizens, native Americans that distance themselves from Europe while supplanting the Amerindian. In combining modern studies of material culture with post Freudian psychoanalytic criticism, the dissertation works to make explicit the relationship between death, citizenship and textuality in order to show the cultural work of fictional historiography in the making of the American nations. / text

« Et ils prophétiseront » : la prophétie de Jl 3,1-5 reprise en Ac 2, 17-21 : clé d'interprétation du phénomène pentecostal

Martin, David 01 1900 (has links)
Cette présente recherche vise à défendre le point de vue selon lequel le don de l’Esprit dans le récit de la Pentecôte (Ac 2, 1-13) s’interprète principalement comme l’investissement d’une puissance habilitant au témoignage. À cette fin, nous posons l’hypothèse que le contenu d’Ac 2, 17-21 est un axe fondamental de la théologie pneumatique de l’œuvre lucanienne, lequel interprète la manifestation pentecostale dans une perspective prophétique. La démonstration se fait par le biais d’une analyse rédactionnelle d’Ac 2, 17-21, une citation de Jl 3,1-5 insérée dans un discours explicatif de Pierre du phénomène pentecostal. Nous examinons d’abord le lieu d’inscription de ce passage dans l’œuvre lucanienne afin d’évaluer la valeur stratégique de son emplacement (chapitre 1). Nous étudions ensuite l’interprétation que fait Luc de cette prophétie pour en venir à la conclusion qu’il envisage l’intervention de l’Esprit essentiellement dans une perspective d’habilitation à la prophétie (chapitre 2). Nous vérifions cette première conclusion dans l’Évangile de Luc (chapitre 3); puis ensuite dans les Actes des Apôtres (chapitre 4). Nous en arrivons ainsi à établir un parallélisme entre les étapes initiatiques du ministère de Jésus dans le troisième évangile et celui des disciples dans les Actes, pour y découvrir que, dans les deux cas, l’effusion de l’Esprit habilite à l’activité prophétique. Le ministère des disciples s’inscrit de la sorte dans le prolongement de celui du Maître. Nous soutenons, en fait, que tout le discours pneumatique de l’Évangile de Luc converge vers l’effusion initiale de l’Esprit sur les disciples dans le récit pentecostal, d’une part, et que cette effusion jette un éclairage sur l’ensemble de l’œuvre missionnaire des Actes, d’autre part. Bref, le passage explicatif du phénomène pentecostal, en l’occurrence Ac 2, 17-21, met en lumière un axe central des perspectives de Luc sur l’Esprit : Il s’agit de l’Esprit de prophétie. Dans cette optique, l’effusion de l’Esprit à la Pentecôte s’interpréterait essentiellement comme l’investissement du croyant d’une puissance en vue du témoignage. / This present research argues that the gift of the Spirit in the Pentecost account (Ac 2.1-13) is to be understood as a source of empowerment for the task of witnessing. The thesis that I defend is that the passage of Ac 2.17-21 is in fact a fundamental axis of the pneumatic theology of Luke’s work, which in turn interprets the pentecostal gift as a prophetic endowment. I will demonstrate this affirmation by performing a redactional analysis of Ac 2.17-21, which is, in fact, a citation from Jl 3.1-5 quoted in Peter’s pentecostal speech whose purpose is to interpret the pneumatic phenomenon of Ac 2.1-13. I start by examining the specific position of Ac 2.17-21 in order to assess the strategic value of its location (chapter 1). I will then carefully look at how Luke interprets this prophecy, only to conclude that he understands the work of the Spirit mainly as a source of empowerment for a prophetic task (chapter 2). I will verify this conclusion throughout the Gospel of Luke (chapter 3), and then in the Acts of the Apostles (chapter 4). This exercise will bring to light an important parallel between the circumstances surrounding the inauguration of Jesus’ ministry in the Gospel of Luke and that of the disciples in Acts, which shows that, in both cases, the Spirit is given as a source of power for a prophetic ministry. The disciples’ ministry is therefore to be understood to lie in the continuity of the one of the Master. Consequently, we will see that all of the pneumatic discourse of Luke’s Gospel converges towards the initial outpouring of the Spirit on the disciples in the Pentecost account, and that this same passage subsequently sheds light on the missionary work in Acts. In short, the interpretative passage of the pentecostal phenomenon, Ac 2.17-21, brings to light a fundamental axis of Luke’s perspectives on the Sprit; It is the prophetic Spirit. The gift of Spirit at Pentecost is then in turn to be understood primarily as a prophetic endowment enabling the disciples to witness.

From Critical to Prophetic Idealism: Ethics, Law, and Religion in the Philosophy of Hermann Cohen

Nahme, Paul 13 January 2014 (has links)
In this study of the nineteenth-century German-Jewish philosopher Hermann Cohen, I argue that Cohen’s revision of Kantian ethics and moral theology is permeated with concepts drawn from and logically contoured by his interpretation of Maimonidean rationalism and Jewish sources, more generally. Through an idealizing hermeneutic, Cohen normativizes certain philosophical problems in post-Kantian philosophy and addresses them under the title of "pantheism" and "positivism". Between both pantheism and positivism, Cohen’s idealism presents a middle path, which I describe as "prophetic idealism", or a philosophy of time and ideality that interprets history, law, and ethical normativity as future-oriented. In other words, "prophecy" intimates a methodological role for temporality in practical philosophy and introduces a new meaning for legality in ethics. Cohen therefore offers a philosophy of Judaism, as a philosophy of religion, by normativizing the idea of prophecy and making it a conceptual model for reason-giving, agency, legal norms and ethical action. By focusing upon the critique of both pantheism and positivism, this dissertation therefore argues that Cohen’s negotiations of nineteenth-century philosophical problems introduces a normative role for Judaism as a public philosophy and the argument concludes by suggesting that Cohen’s philosophy of Judaism is instructive for contemporary public philosophy.

From Critical to Prophetic Idealism: Ethics, Law, and Religion in the Philosophy of Hermann Cohen

Nahme, Paul 13 January 2014 (has links)
In this study of the nineteenth-century German-Jewish philosopher Hermann Cohen, I argue that Cohen’s revision of Kantian ethics and moral theology is permeated with concepts drawn from and logically contoured by his interpretation of Maimonidean rationalism and Jewish sources, more generally. Through an idealizing hermeneutic, Cohen normativizes certain philosophical problems in post-Kantian philosophy and addresses them under the title of "pantheism" and "positivism". Between both pantheism and positivism, Cohen’s idealism presents a middle path, which I describe as "prophetic idealism", or a philosophy of time and ideality that interprets history, law, and ethical normativity as future-oriented. In other words, "prophecy" intimates a methodological role for temporality in practical philosophy and introduces a new meaning for legality in ethics. Cohen therefore offers a philosophy of Judaism, as a philosophy of religion, by normativizing the idea of prophecy and making it a conceptual model for reason-giving, agency, legal norms and ethical action. By focusing upon the critique of both pantheism and positivism, this dissertation therefore argues that Cohen’s negotiations of nineteenth-century philosophical problems introduces a normative role for Judaism as a public philosophy and the argument concludes by suggesting that Cohen’s philosophy of Judaism is instructive for contemporary public philosophy.

Prophetic Scribalism: A Semantic, Textual and Hypertextual Study of the Serek Texts

Stauber, Chad 13 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis challenges the position that the serek texts are primarily prescriptive and legal, as they have been customarily defined. It argues that the term serek should be reconceptualized according to descriptive analysis, with the purpose of creating what C. Newsom terms a ‘Gestalt structure.’ In order to achieve this, four serek texts (M, S, Sa, and D) will be analyzed at three literary levels—semantic, textual and hypertextual—explaining how the elements at these levels interact as cohesive wholes, thus serving to create a more complete picture of this group of texts as a literary unity. Thus, while the separate, constituent semantic, textual and hypertextual parts must be analysed as separate elements, the fundamental questions posed regarding these elements will be different in a Gestalt paradigm as compared to a traditional, definitional analysis. Going from the micro to the macro, the first chapter will look at the serek texts through the ‘microscope’ of close philological analysis, examining how the term serek functions atomistically within the Dead Sea Scrolls. Building upon these results, the second chapter will more broadly analyse the structure, themes and narrative apparent in the serek texts, thus creating a fuller understanding of how the serek texts relate to one another and respond to circumstances in community life. Finally, the last chapter seeks yet more broadly to understand the serek texts in the wider literary milieu of the Second Temple Period. Here, a scribal technique present in the serek texts will be compared to a similar technique used in the Book of Isaiah—arguably the most important prophetic work for the Qumran sectarians.

Prophetic Scribalism: A Semantic, Textual and Hypertextual Study of the Serek Texts

Stauber, Chad 13 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis challenges the position that the serek texts are primarily prescriptive and legal, as they have been customarily defined. It argues that the term serek should be reconceptualized according to descriptive analysis, with the purpose of creating what C. Newsom terms a ‘Gestalt structure.’ In order to achieve this, four serek texts (M, S, Sa, and D) will be analyzed at three literary levels—semantic, textual and hypertextual—explaining how the elements at these levels interact as cohesive wholes, thus serving to create a more complete picture of this group of texts as a literary unity. Thus, while the separate, constituent semantic, textual and hypertextual parts must be analysed as separate elements, the fundamental questions posed regarding these elements will be different in a Gestalt paradigm as compared to a traditional, definitional analysis. Going from the micro to the macro, the first chapter will look at the serek texts through the ‘microscope’ of close philological analysis, examining how the term serek functions atomistically within the Dead Sea Scrolls. Building upon these results, the second chapter will more broadly analyse the structure, themes and narrative apparent in the serek texts, thus creating a fuller understanding of how the serek texts relate to one another and respond to circumstances in community life. Finally, the last chapter seeks yet more broadly to understand the serek texts in the wider literary milieu of the Second Temple Period. Here, a scribal technique present in the serek texts will be compared to a similar technique used in the Book of Isaiah—arguably the most important prophetic work for the Qumran sectarians.

A MULHER DE JÓ: UM GRITO CONTRA A TEOLOGIA DA RETRIBUIÇÃO. Uma análise exegética de Jó 1,1-2,13. / Job's wife: A cry against the Theology of Retribution. An exegetical analysis Jó1,1-2,13.

WALDHELm, Wellington da Cunha 15 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2017-02-23T19:15:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Wellington2.pdf: 1778614 bytes, checksum: 94c14738c09b9b9e5c6adcb85a3227e6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-23T19:15:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Wellington2.pdf: 1778614 bytes, checksum: 94c14738c09b9b9e5c6adcb85a3227e6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-15 / The book of Job belongs to the wisdom literature of Israel. Its content is a big debate among scholars. These formed an educated segment of the population: read and write. Wisdom was too valued and seen as prudent guidance for life. The Job 1-2 text belongs to the part of the book frame with Chapters 42.12-17. These frames were not born in the book was probably written in the fifth century BC, in the post-exilic period, during the rule of the Persians. But probably born in the tenth century BC Since its greatest value occurred at the junction of its history in the post-exile since the Persian empire brought profound changes to the lives of the people in Judah. Despite the apparent tolerance on the part of their leaders, they They have created very effective methods to achieve their goals on the subject peoples. Through a strong bureaucracy, fiscal and military controlled and guaranteed the order and the payment of taxes. The temple became the intermediary between the empire and the people. The economy and society were structured as the Persian tax regime. This economic and administrative policy favored the enrichment of the dominant sectors, and consequently the increasing impoverishment of the peasantry. The priests were leaders of the people and the theology of retribution became very strong at that time. It is from experience and observation of reality that comes from a resistance movement to the theology of retribution. At that moment stand women who courageously open their mouths and impose themselves in front of an oppressive view of Judah Temple who was abusing offers so that this form of billing could pass on the taxes owed to the empire. In chapter 2.9, Job's wife screams against this oppression before an abusive theology, leaving their mark here for the story that something was wrong in the post-exilic religion. His intention is to show that text through reality because they do not agree with the statements of the priests of the temple who hold this theology, on the infallible punishment for the rich wicked and the suffering of the poor and of women as punishment indication. KEYWORDS: Job, / O livro de Jó pertence à literatura sapiencial de Israel. Seu conteúdo é um grande debate entre sábios. Estes formavam um segmento educado da população: sabiam ler e escrever. A sabedoria era demasiadamente valorizada e concebida como orientação prudente para a vida. O texto de Jó 1-2 pertence à parte da moldura do livro juntamente com os capítulos 42.12-17. Estas molduras não nasceram no livro que provavelmente foi escrito no século V a.C., no período pós-exílio, durante a dominação dos persas. Mas provavelmente nasceram no século X a.C. Sendo que seu valor maior se deu na junção de sua história no pós-exílio, pois o império persa trouxe profundas modificações para a vida do povo em Judá. Apesar da aparente tolerância por parte de seus governantes, eles criaram métodos muito eficazes para alcançar seus objetivos sobre os povos submetidos. Através de um forte aparelho burocrático, fiscal e militar controlavame garantiam a ordem e o pagamento de tributos. O templo tornou-se o intermediário entre o império e o povo. A economia e a sociedade se estruturaram conforme o regime imposto pelos persas. Essa política econômica e administrativa favorecia o enriquecimento dos setores dominantes, e consequentemente o empobrecimento cada vez maior dos camponeses. Os sacerdotes eram lideres do povo e a teologia da retribuição se fortaleceu muito nessa época. É a partir da experiência e da observação da realidade que se origina um movimento de resistência à teologia da retribuição. Nesse momento se destacam as mulheres que corajosamente abrem suas bocas e se impõem diante de uma visão opressora do Templo de Judá que estava abusando das ofertas para que dessa forma de cobrança pudesse repassar os impostos devidos ao império. No capítulo 2,9, a mulher de Jó grita contra essa opressão diante de uma Teologia abusiva, deixando aqui sua marca para a história de que algo estava errado na religião pós-exílica. Sua intenção nesse texto é mostrar através da realidade, porque não concorda com as afirmações dos sacerdotes do templo que defendem essa teologia, sobre o castigo infalível para os ímpios ricos e sobre o sofrimento dos pobres e das mulheres como indicação de castigo.

Justice and poverty in the democratic republic of the Congo : a challenge to the church

Ekakhol, Eale Bosele 06 1900 (has links)
The central theme of this study involves an ethical examination of the issues of justice and poverty in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Chapter one deals with the methodology of the research. It also provides an overview of the DRC. Chapter two shows that justice occupies a special place in society. It represents a fundamental aspect of human beings that illustrates one’s humanity. In the biblical perspective, justice is considered as a chief attribute of God. Chapter three discusses the phenomenon of poverty in the world, particularly in developing nations where people are unable to meet their basic needs. The chapter explores different causes of poverty on the African continent, as well as the crisis of underdevelopment, which to some extent is attributed to the exploitation of African nations by the Western powers. In chapter four, the researcher deals with the situation of poverty in the DRC. It is argued that regardless of its apparent wealth, the DRC remains one of the poorest countries in the world. The chapter explores the period of economic growth in the DRC, as well as its economic decline. Certain reasons for this economic decline are evoked, of which the most important are the economic policies of Zairianisation and radicalisation In chapter five, research steers toward the role that the Church could play in the areas of justice and poverty in the DRC. The Church is challenged to promote justice and the struggle against poverty in all its forms. It is also challenged to fully play its prophetic role. Chapter six explores poverty in relation to theological reflections. Poverty is considered as being evil. The responsibility of theologians and Christians in general is to promote a fair and just society in which the poor will be empowered in such a manner that they can contribute to the development of their community. In chapter seven, the researcher makes some recommendations to both Church and government and concludes that patriotism, justice, moral values and commitments to African solidarity are pillars on which Congolese citizens should build their nation. / Theological Ethics / D.Th. (Theological Ethics)

Holy Spirit and church in First Corinthians : the role of the Holy Spirit in creating unity with special reference to 1 Cor. 12-14

Shumilin, Alexander 11 1900 (has links)
The main goal of this study is to demonstrate the role of the Holy Spirit in building up Church unity, based on the exegesis of I Corinthians. The current theme is urgent; however, little attention has been paid to it in research literature. We have noted that it is not human wisdom but the Holy Spirit who is the key to our faith, salvation, and understanding of divine mysteries. The Holy Spirit along with Christ brings forward the building of the Church and guides it. One Spirit is the foundation for Church unity. The Holy Spirit administers spiritual gifts according to His will and establishes their orderly operation. Seeking the guidance of the Spirit, trusting and obeying Him brings unity, whereas following different authorities, mistrusting and disobeying Him results in disunity. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M. Th. (New Testament)

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