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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mécanismes de régulation de la hème-oxygénase-1 et de la cyclooxygénase-2 par les statines dans les macrophages et les fibroblastes / Mechanisms of regulation of heme-oxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2- by statins in macrophages and fibroblasts

Mrad, May 15 October 2013 (has links)
Les statines sont des molécules hypocholestérolémiantes, inhibiteurs compétitifs de l'hydroxyméthylglutaryl-CoA réductase, possédant des propriétés anti-inflammatoires et anti-oxydantes dépendantes et indépendantes de leur capacité à réduire le cholestérol. L'hème-oxygénase-1, une enzyme responsable du catabolisme de l'hème participe à la résolution de l'inflammation, notamment via ses propriétés anti-oxydantes. Le système enzymatique cyclooxygénase-2/prostaglandine synthase-1 microsomale catalyse la transformation de l'acide arachidonique en prostaglandine E2, médiateur biologique important dans la régulation de l'hémostase des vaisseaux, la croissance cellulaire, l'inflammation et la douleur. La cyclooxygenase-2 et l'heme-oxygenase-1 étant des cibles des statines, et jouant un rôle majeur dans l'inflammation et la fibrose, le but de ce travail a été d'élucider les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la régulation de l'expression de ces enzymes par les statines dans les macrophages et les fibroblastes. Dans les fibroblastes, nous avons démontré que l'induction de l'hème-oxygénase-1 par deux statines différentes, la simvastatine et la fluvastatine, est dépendante de la voie du mévalonate et de la géranygéranylation des protéines. Nous avons pu également démontrer le rôle des facteurs de transcription CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein beta et gamma et upstream stimulatory factor 1 ou 2 dans cette induction, en utilisant des ARN interférants. Dans les macrophages, nous avons mis en évidence que les statines induisent l'hème-oxygénase-1 par un mécanisme dépendant du monoxyde d'azote. La petite protéine G Rho A/C semble être impliquée dans cette régulation ainsi que le facteur de transcription CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein beta. Finalement, nous avons analysé le rôle des statines dans la régulation des cyclooxygénase-2 et la prostaglandine synthase-1 microsomale dans des myofibroblastes hépatiques humains. Nous avons mis en évidence que les statines induisent l'expression de ces deux enzymes, par un mécanisme impliquant la voie de la Rho A/C. La conséquence de cette activation est une libération de la prostaglandine E2 qui inhibe la prolifération des myofibroblastes hépatiques. Au niveau transcriptionnel, l'élément de réponse nuclear factor-kappa B et cAMP response element/E box régions ainsi que GATA les régions riches en GC participent à la régulation des promoteurs de la cyclooxygénase-2 et de la prostaglandine synthase-1 microsomale, respectivement. En resumé, nos travaux confirment que les statines jouent un rôle protecteur dans les macrophages et les fibroblastes en induisant hème-oxygénase-1, la cyclooxygénase-2 et la prostaglandine synthase-1 microsomale, des enzymes qui jouent un rôle majeur dans le contrôle de l'inflammation et la fibrose. / Statins are selective competitive inhibitors of the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase administered for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. These molecules have multiple pleiotropic effects in addition to lowering cholesterol such as anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. Heme-oxygenase-1 is responsible for the catabolism of heme and has important anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Cylooxygenase-2, along with microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1, metabolizes arachidonic acid into prostaglandin E2, a biological mediator with important effects on vascular tone, cell growth, inflammation and pain. Because cyclooxygenase-2 and heme-oxygenase-1 are targets for statins and play a key role in inflammation and fibrosis, we aimed to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of these enzymes by statins in macrophages and fibroblasts.In fibroblasts, simvastatin and fluvastatin induced HO-1 expression in a mevalonate and geranylgeranylated-dependent manner. We further demonstrated a role of the transcription factors CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein beta and gamma and upstream stimulatory factor 1 or 2 in statin-dependent induction of heme-oxygenase-1 using small interfering RNA and dominant-negative constructs.In macrophages, we showed that statins i- increase the level of expression of heme-oxygenase-1 and ii- nitric oxide can play a role in statin-dependent induction of heme-oxygenase-1 , iii- RhoA/C is one of the target of statins, iv- the transcription factor CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein beta is involved in the regulation of heme-oxygenase-1 by statins.Finally, since cyclooxygenase-2 and heme-oxygenase-1 play a role in fibrosis and inflammation, we analyzed the effect of statins in human hepatic myofibroblasts, the fibrogenic cells of the liver. Statins significantly upregulated cyclooxygenase-2 and microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 and inhibited cell proliferation in a PGE2-dependent manner via inhibition of RhoA/C activity. Further analysis of the transcription factors involved showed a role for nuclear factor kappa B and cAMP response element/Ebox regions of cyclooxygenase-2 promoter and GATA and GC rich box regions for microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1.Overall, our thesis results highlight the molecular mechanisms of statin-dependent regulation of two important enzymes in inflammation and fibrosis, in macrophages and fibroblasts. They confirm that some of the protective effects of statins go through the upregulation of heme-oxygenase-1, cyclooxygenase-2 and microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1.

NSAID effect on prostanoids in fishes: Prostaglandin E2 levels in bluntnose minnows (Pimephales notatus) exposed to ibuprofen.

Bhandari, Khageshor 08 1900 (has links)
Prostanoids are oxygenated derivatives of arachidonic acid with a wide range of physiological effects in vertebrates including modulation of inflammation and innate immune responses. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) act through inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) conversion of arachidonic acid to prostanoids. In order to better understand the potential of environmental NSAIDS for interruption of normal levels COX products in fishes, we developed an LC/MS/MS-based approach for tissue analysis of 7 prostanoids. Initial studies examining muscle, gut and gill demonstrated that prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) was the most abundant of the measured prostanoids in all tissues and that gill tissue had the highest and most consistent concentrations of PGE2. After short-term 48-h laboratory exposures to concentrations of 5, 25, 50 and 100 ppb ibuprofen, 50.0ppb and 100.0 ppb exposure concentrations resulted in significant reduction of gill tissue PGE2 concentration by approximately 30% and 80% respectively. The lower exposures did not result in significant reductions when compared to unexposed controls. Measured tissue concentrations of ibuprofen indicated that this NSAID had little potential for bioaccumulation (BCF 1.3) and the IC50 of ibuprofen for inhibition of PGE2 production in gill tissue was calculated to be 0.4 µM. Short-term laboratory exposure to ibuprofen did not result in significant alteration of concentrations of PGE2 at environmentally relevant concentrations.

Sulfeto de hidrogênio durante o choque endotoxêmico: modulação da produção de PGD2 na AVPO e de citocinas periféricas durante as fases de hipotermia e febre / Hydrogen sulfide during endotoxic shock: Modulation of PGD2 production in AVPO and peripheral cytokines during hypothermia and fever

Fernández, Rodrigo Alberto Restrepo 25 August 2017 (has links)
As respostas termorregulatórias ao lipopolissacarídeo (LPS) são influenciadas por moduladores que aumentam (febrigênicos) ou diminuem (criogênicos) a temperatura corporal (Tb). Entre eles, o neurotransmissor gasoso sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S) modula a inflamação sistêmica induzida por endotoxina em ratos, agindo como uma molécula anti-inflamatória e criogênica, embora os mecanismos subjacentes ainda sejam pouco compreendidos. Considerando que a endotoxina é um ligando para o Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) e que evidências recentes revelam um cross-talk entre a via de sinalização TLR e fosfo-Akt (p-Akt), o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar se o H2S atua como um mediador antiinflamatório e antipirético durante as fases termorregulatórias que ocorrem no choque endotoxêmico (hipotermia e febre) induzido por lipopolissacarídeo bacteriano (LPS, 2,5 mg / kg intraperitoneal (ip)) através da modulação sobre a produção de prostaglandina D2 (PGD2) e a ativação de Akt na área pré-óptica ântero-ventral do hipotálamo (AVPO). A Tb profunda de ratos mantidos a uma temperatura ambiente de 25 °C foi registrada antes e depois da inibição farmacológica da enzima cistationina ?-sintase (CBS - responsável pela produção endógena de H2S no cérebro) usando aminooxiacetato (AOA, 100 pmol, intracerebroventricular (icv)), combinado ou não com administração de LPS. Para esclarecer os mecanismos responsáveis por esses ajustes da resposta imune, foram determinados na AVPO os níveis de H2S, a produção de PGD2 e o perfil de expressão das proteínas CBS, p-Akt e p-CREB. Além disso, foi analisada a concentração de citocinas plasmáticas (IL-1?, IL-6, IL-10, TNF?, IFN-? , E IL-4). A injeção ip de LPS causou hipotermia típica seguida de febre. Os níveis de AVPO H2S aumentaram significativamente durante a hipotermia quando comparado com ratos eutérmicos e febris. A microinjeção icv de AOA não causou nenhuma alteração na Tb nem na produção basal de PGD2 durante a eutermia. Em ratos tratados com LPS, o AOA causou uma atenuação na queda da Tb durante a fase de hipotermia e uma febre exacerbada, simultaneamente com o aumento na produção de PGD2 e abolição do aumento induzido pela endotoxina na atividade de Akt. Durante a fase de febre, a expressão relativa de CBS esteve significativamente diminuída enquanto a expressão relativa de p-Akt esteve aumentada, quando comparado com ratos eutérmicos e hipotérmicos. As citocinas plasmáticas aumentaram durante a inflamação sistêmica, mas apenas a IL-4 mostrou um padrão semelhante em relação à Akt. Estes dados são consistentes com a noção de que o neurotransmissor gasoso H2S modula as fases de hipotermia e febre durante o choque endotoxêmico, atuando como uma molécula criogênica. Este papel anti-inflamatório durante a inflamação sistémica envolve uma regulação positiva da PGD2, de Akt e da IL-4 plasmática. / Thermoregulatory responses to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) are affected by modulators that increase (pro-pyretic) or decrease (cryogenic) body temperature (Tb). Among them, the gaseous messenger hydrogen sulfide (H2S) modulates endotoxin-induced systemic inflammation being an anti-inflammatory and cryogenic molecule, although the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. Since endotoxin is a Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) ligand and recent evidence indicates that there is a possible a cross-talk between the TLR and phospho-Akt (p-Akt) signaling pathway, the current study aimed to investigate whether H2S acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic mediator during thermoregulatory phases of endotoxic shock (hypothermia and fever) induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 2.5 mg/kg intraperitoneal (ip)) through the modulation of prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) production and activation of Akt in the anteroventral preoptic region of the hypothalamus (AVPO). Deep Tb in rats kept at an ambient temperature of 25 °C, was recorded before and after pharmacological inhibition of the enzyme cystathionine ?-synthase (CBS - responsible for H 2S endogenous production in the brain) using aminooxyacetate (AOA; 100 pmol/1 ?l intracerebroventricular (icv)) combined or not with endotoxin administration. To clarify the mechanisms responsible for these adjustments on immune response were verified in the AVPO H 2S levels, PGD2 production and expression profiles of CBS, p-Akt and p-CREB. In addition, plasma cytokines concentration (IL-1?, IL-6, IL-10, TNF?, IFN-?, and IL-4) was analyzed. Intraperitoneal injection of LPS caused typical hypothermia followed by fever. Intracerebroventricular microinjection of AOA neither affected Tb nor basal PGD2 production during euthermia. Levels of AVPO H2S were significantly increased during hypothermia when compared to both euthermic and febrile rats. In LPS-treated rats, AOA increased Tb values during hypothermia and fever, along with enhanced PGD2 production and abolition of endotoxin-induced increase in Akt activity. During fever, CBS relative expression was significantly decreased whereas p-Akt was significantly increased when compared to both euthermic and hypothermic rats. Plasma cytokines were increased during systemic inflammation, but only IL-4 showed a similar pattern in relation to Akt. These data are consistent with the notion that the gaseous messenger H2S modulates hypothermia and fever during endotoxic shock, acting as a cryogenic molecule. This anti-inflammatory role during systemic inflammation involves a H2S-induced up-modulation of PGD2, Akt and plasma IL-4.

Participação da Prostaglandina E2 e seus receptores na proliferação celular do carcinoma epidermóide de cabeça e pescoço / Role of Prostaglandin E2 and its receptors in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.

Abrahão, Aline Corrêa 03 February 2010 (has links)
O carcinoma epidermóide de cabeça e pescoço (CECP) representa 6ª malignidade mais comum no mundo. Para melhor entender os mecanismos envolvidos na iniciação tumoral, progressão e metástase, é necessária a elucidação dos eventos moleculares que guiam esses processos. É também importante a investigação da interação e modulação das células tumorais e seu microambiente. A participação de agentes inflamatórios no desenvolvimento e manutenção do CECP pode ser resumida na superexpressão da cicloxigenase 2 (COX-2) e na secreção de prostaglandina E2 (PGE2) pelas células tumorais. A PGE2 ativa seus receptores EP1-4 que são ligados a proteínas G. As proteínas G ativam outras vias de sinalização responsáveis por processos celulares como proliferação e angiogênese. Embora a participação do EP2 no câncer de cólon seja bem estabelecida, o papel dos receptores de PGE2 no CECP ainda permanece incerto. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o papel da PGE2 e de seus receptores na proliferação celular em linhagens celulares de CECP, bem como a expressão dos receptores em tissue microarrays de CECP. Inicialmente as linhagens de CECP foram utilizadas para analisar o padrão de expressão da COX-2 e dos receptores EP1-4 por meio da técnica de western blotting. A inibição da secreção da PGE2 pelos inibidores de COX-2 foi mensurada por meio da técnica de ELISA. A expressão dos receptores EP1-3 e da COX-2 foi também avaliada por meio da imuno-histoquímica em dois diferentes tissue microarray. A fim de esclarecer a indução da proliferação celular pela PGE2 e de apontar um de seus receptores como responsável pelo processo, duas PGE2 sintéticas, um antagonista do EP2 e um antagonista do EP3 foram utilizados para estimular a proliferação celular. Foi realizado o bloqueio do receptor EP2 por meio da interferência de RNA. Seus efeitos sobre a proliferação foram avaliados por meio do ensaio de incorporação de timidina. Os resultados mostraram que o CECP expressa constitutivamente a COX-2, o EP1, o EP2 e o EP3; e que é capaz de secretar PGE2. Os inibidores de COX-2 inibiram a secreção de PGE2 em baixas concentrações, mas não foram capazes de inibir a proliferação. A COX-2 e os receptores EP1-3 foram amplamente expressos nos tissue microarrays. Foi observada correlação entre EP1 e EP2; EP1 e EP3; e EP2 e EP3 (p<0,05). Somente o EP1 mostrou correlação com a COX-2 (p<0,05). A PGE2 induziu a proliferação por meio da indução da síntese de DNA nas linhagens celulares de CECP. O agonista de EP3 também induziu a síntese de DNA, sugerindo sua participação na proliferação dos CECPs. Os efeitos do siRNA para EP2 sobre a síntese de DNA não foram conclusivos. As proteínas ativadas por segundos mensageiros do EP2 também não foram afetadas pelo bloqueio do mesmo. Este estudo indica três importantes achados: 1. a PGE2 é secretada por linhagens de CECP; 2. a COX-2 é superexpressa nos CECPs; 3. os receptores de PGE2 são constitutivamente expressos nos CECPs. No entanto, esse trabalho mostra que esta via inflamatória parece ser independente aos mecanismos indutores da proliferação nos CECPs. / Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the 6th most common malignant lesion worldwide. To better understand the mechanisms of tumor initiation, progression, and metastasis a better understanding of the molecular networks that guides these process is needed. Towards this goal, it is important to investigate the interaction and modulation of cancer cells over its surrounding microenvironment. The involvement of inflammatory agents in HNSCC development and maintenance can be resumed in the overexpression of cycloxygenase 2 (COX-2) and secretion of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) by tumor cells. Prostaglandin E2 activates its receptors EP1-4 which are coupled to G proteins. G protein activates other pathways responsible for cellular processes such as proliferation and angiogenesis. The participation of EP2 in colon cancer is well established however the role of PGE2 receptors in HNSCC is still poorly understood. This work aims to investigate the role of PGE2 and its receptors in cellular proliferation in HNSCC cell lines and the clinical relevant expression pattern in HNSCC tissue microarrays. HNSCC cell lines were initially used to access the expression pattern of COX-2 and EP1-4 by using western blotting technique. The ability of selective COX-2 inhibition to block PGE2 secretion was measured by ELISA antibody specific assay. Also, EP1, EP2, EP3 and COX-2 expression were evaluated by immuno-histochemistry in two different sets of HNSCC tissue microarrays. To address the question about PGE2 inducted cell proliferation and which PGE2 receptor are involved in the process, two synthetic PGE2, an EP2 agonist and an EP3 agonist were used to stimulate cell proliferation. Finally, the knockdown of EP2 receptor was performed by siRNA transfection assay and its effect was evaluated in cell proliferation by radioactive thymidine incorporation assay. The results presented here shows that HNSCC constitutively express COX-2, EP1, EP2 and EP3 and that they are able to secret PGE2. COX-2 selective inhibitors are able to suppress PGE2 secretion in lower concentrations but not to inhibit cell proliferation. Also, COX-2, EP1, E2 and EP3 are widely expressed in HNSCC tissue microarrays. A correlation between EP1 and EP2; EP1 and EP3; and EP2 and EP3 (p<0.05) was observed. Only EP1 showed correlation with COX-2 in tissue microarrays (p<0,05). PGE2 was able to induce cell proliferation as it induces DNA synthesis in HNSCC cell lines. EP3 agonist also induced DNA synthesis addressing its role in cell proliferation induction in HNSCC. The siRNA for EP2 effects in DNA synthesis was not conclusive and the downstream proteins activated by EP2 second messenger were not affected following its expression knockdown. This study indicates three important findings. First, PGE2 is secreted by HNSCC. Second, COX-2 is found to be overexpressed in HNSCC; and third, PGE2 receptors are found to be constitutively expressed in HNSCC. Most interesting, we show here that this inflammatory pathway seems to be independent of the mechanisms that induce HNSCC proliferation.

Síntese da Prostaglandina da Série 8-AZA-10-TIA-11-Desóxi-PGE / Prostaglandin synthesis in the series 8-aza-10-thia-11-deoxy-PGE

Rufino, Alessandra Rodrigues 16 June 2000 (has links)
A síntese do análogo de prostaglandina, n-heptil-4-(3-hidroxi-trans-1-octenil)-1,3-tiazolidina-2-tiona, foi realizada através das seguintes etapas: obtenção do anel ciclopentânico, N-alquilação do 4-(R)-etoxicarbonil-1,3-tiazolidina-2-tiona, obtenção do álcool do composto derivado N-alquilado, oxidação do álcool ao aldeído correspondente, introdução da cadeia-&#969; no anel ciclopentânico do análogo da prostaglandina e finalmente, a redução da enona ao álcool alílico correspondente. O produto final foi obtido sob a forma de uma mistura diastereoisomérica. A cisteína, utilizada como reagente de partida, é responsável pela formação do anel ciclopentânico da prostaglandina (intermediário chave da reação). Na etapa de introdução da cadeia-&#945; à prostaglandina, por meio de uma N-Alquilação, foi necessário introduzir uma reação de redução do éster a álcool e posteriormente uma proteção do álcool, evitando assim possíveis competições CxN e OxN- Alquilação respectivamente. Após remoção do grupo protetor do álcool, este foi oxidado ao aldeído correspondente, empregando diferentes agentes oxidantes. Entre estes, o reagente de Swern foi escolhido para o trabalho, por que apresentou maior seletividade. A introdução da cadeia-&#969; no anel de cinco membros do análogo da prostaglandina, foi realizada via uma reação de Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons, utilizando-se uma fosforana estabilizada, para garantir a configuração E na dubla ligação formada no C13 - C14, geralmente encontrada nas prostaglandinas naturais. A prostaglandina obtida por esta rota será testada como agente broncodilatador ou inibidor de agregação plaquetária, no Laboratório de Avaliação e Síntese de Substâncias Bioativas (LASSBIO) / The synthesis of the prostaglandin analog, n-heptyl-4-(3-hydroxy-trans-1-octenyl)-1,3-thiazolidin-2-thione, was carried through the following steps: cyclopentane ring obtainment; N-alkylation of 4-(R)-ethoxycarbonyl-1,3-thiazolidin-2-tione; obtainment of the alcohol from the N-alkyl derivative compound; oxidation of the alcohol to the corresponding aldehyde; introduction of the &#969;-chain in the : cyclopentane ring of the prostaglandin analog; and finally, the reduction of the enone to the corresponding allyl alcohol. The final product was obtained as a distereomeric mixture. The cystein utilized as starting material; is responsible for the prostaglandin cyclopentane ring formation (the reaction key intermediate). The step of introduction the &#969;-chain in the cyclopentanone ring, by means of an N-alkylation, it was needed to reduce an intermediate esther, and the formed alcohol was further protected conveniently, thus avoiding possible CxN- and OxN-alkylation competition reactions, respectively. Afther removal of the protecting group from the alcohol, it was oxidized to the corresponding aldehyde employing different oxidizing agents. Among these, the Swern reagent was chosen for the work, because of its greater selectivity. The introduction of the &#969;-chain into the five membered ring of the prostaglandin analog was performed via a Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reactions, using a stabilized phosphorane in order to guarantee the E configuration of the double bond formed on C13 - C14, commonly found in natural prostaglandins. The prostaglandins obtained in this way will have its possible biological activities assayed as bronchodilatory or platelet aggregations inhibition agent in the Laboratório de Avaliação e Síntese de Substâncias Bioativas (LASSBIO).

The contribution of steroids and prostaglandins to the lifespan of corpora lutea in domestic cats and lynxes

Zschockelt, Lina 11 May 2016 (has links)
Iberische und Eurasische Luchse zeigen einen saisonalen Monoöstrus. Nach der Ovulation findet man frisch gebildete (freshCL) und physiologisch persistierende Gelbkörper (corpora lutea, perCL). Funktionelle perCL verhindern eine Ovulation außerhalb der Zuchtsaison durch konstant erhöhte Progesteron-(P4)-Plasmawerte. Hauskatzen zeigen einen saisonalen Polyöstrus. Nach der Ovulation werden CL gebildet, deren Lebensspanne in Abhängigkeit von einer Trächtigkeit durch unterschiedliche P4-Plasmaprofile charakterisiert ist. Ziel der Dissertation war es, die Synthese und Rezeption von Steroiden und Prostaglandinen (PG) in CL von Feliden zu untersuchen, um potentiell luteotrophe und luteolytische Faktoren zu identifizieren. Während der Gelbkörperphase trächtiger und nicht-trächtiger Katzen weisen CL gleicher Histomorphologie, unabhängig vom Vorhandensein einer Trächtigkeit, ähnliche steroidogene Kapazitäten auf. Die Abnahme der CL-Funktion spiegelt sich im graduellen Verlust der Steroidbiogenese wider. Bei Luchsen ist die steroidogene Kapazität der perCL im Proöstrus herabgesetzt, aber im Metöstrus wieder verstärkt. Die steroidogene Kapazität ist demnach mit verschiedenen CL-Stadien und dem Reproduktionszyklus assoziiert. Die Synthese und Rezeption von PGE2 erfolgen bei Katze und Luchs unabhängig vom CL-Stadium und dem Reproduktionszyklus. Hohe Werte an luteotrophem PGE2 in perCL könnten für die funktionelle und strukturelle CL-Persistenz beim Luchs verantwortlich sein. Der feline CL ist zur Bindung von luteolytischem PGF2alpha fähig, jedoch ist die Kapazität zur Synthese begrenzt. Feliden weisen keine PGF2alpha-assoziierte luteale Regression in Abwesenheit einer Trächtigkeit auf. Allerdings wurden Höchstwerte an PGF2alpha in der Plazenta, wie auch im Plasma (PGFM), im letzten Trächtigkeitstrimester der Katze gemessen. Folglich ist die feline Plazenta zur Synthese von luteolytischem PGF2alpha fähig, welches die CL-Regression und Geburt am Ende der Trächtigkeit ermöglicht. / Iberian and Eurasian lynxes exhibit a seasonal monooestrus. After ovulation, freshly formed (freshCL) coexist with physiologically persistent luteal bodies (corpora lutea, perCL). Functional perCL prevent ovulation outside the breeding season through constantly elevated plasma progesterone (P4) levels. Domestic cats show a seasonal polyoestrus. After ovulation, CL are built with lifespans being characterised by different plasma P4 profiles dependent on pregnancy. The aim of the dissertation was to characterise the synthesis and reception of steroids and prostaglandins (PGs) in CL of felids to identify potential luteotrophic and luteolytic factors. During the luteal lifespan of pregnant and non-pregnant cats, CL of equal histomorphology exhibit similar steroidogenic capacities, irrespectively of an ongoing pregnancy. The functional demise of CL mirrors the gradual loss of steroid biogenesis. In lynxes, the steroidogenic capacity of perCL is limited at prooestrus, but is enhanced again during metoestrus. The steroidogenic capacity is thus associated with different CL stages and the reproductive cycle. The synthesis and reception of PGE2 in cat and lynx is independent on the CL stage and reproductive cycle. High levels of luteotrophic PGE2 in perCL might be responsible for the functional and structural CL persistence in lynxes. The feline CL is capable of binding luteolytic PGF2alpha; however, the capacity to synthesise PGF2alpha is limited. Felids show no PGF2alpha-associated luteal regression in the absence of pregnancy. Interestingly, peak levels of PGF2alpha in the placenta, as well as in plasma (PGFM), were measured during the last trimester of pregnancy in the cat. Therefore, the feline placenta is capable of synthesising luteolytic PGF2alpha, which enables CL regression and parturition at the end of pregnancy.

Estudo da reposição volêmica inicial em modelo experimental de choque hemorrágico associado ao traumatismo craniencefálico: comparação entre as soluções de ringer lactado e salina hipertônica 3% / Volume replacement with lactated ringer\'s or 3% hypertonic saline solution during combined experimental hemorrhagic shock and traumatic brain injury

Pinto, Fernando Campos Gomes 05 April 2007 (has links)
O efeito devastador da hipotensão na mortalidade relacionada ao trauma de crânio é bem estabelecido. Este estudo avalia a resposta hemodinâmica sistêmica e cerebral à reposição volêmica com Solução de Ringer Lactato (RL) ou Salina Hipertônica a 3% (SSH 3%), o comportamento da liberação de prostanóides encefálicos, aspectos anátomo-patológicos encefálicos e aspectos neurológicos, durante a fase aguda do choque hemorrágico (CH) associado ao traumatismo craniencefálico (TCE). MÉTODOS: Quinze cães foram distribuidos em três grupos (n=5, cada), após randomização, de acordo com o protocolo de reposição volêmica, realizada após TCE (fluido-percussão cerebral, 4 atm) e balão epidural para induzir hipertensão intracraniana (HIC) a 20-25 mmHg e CH, induzido por remoção sanguínea até pressão arterial média (PAM) de 40 mmHg em 5 minutos: grupo CH+TCE+HSS 3% (8ml/kg), CH+TCE+RL (16ml/kg) e grupo CH+TCE (controle, sem tratamento). Simulamos o tratamento durante a fase pré-hospitalar e hospitalar precoce. Os grupos tratados receberam infusão sanguínea para atingir hematócrito de 30%. As medidas incluiram volume sanguíneo removido, volume de cristalóide infundido para restabelecer PAM, PAM, índice cardíaco (IC), pressão intracraniana (PIC), pressão de perfusão cerebral (PPC), lactato sistêmico e cerebral, taxas de extração de oxigênio, concentração plasmática de tromboxane e prostaciclina. Avaliamos o padrão pupilar dos animais e realizamos análise anátomo-patológica dos encéfalos. RESULTADOS: A reposição volêmica com RL ou SSH 3% promoveu maior benefício hemodinâmico que o grupo controle sem tratamento. A pressão de perfusão cerebral foi maior que no grupo controle e similar entre os grupos tratados; entretanto, a infusão de SSH 3% foi associada com valores mais baixos de PIC durante a fase \"hospitalar precoce\" e com maior osmolaridade e concentração de sódio plasmático. Não houve diferença nos valores da concentração venosa cerebral de prostaciclina e tromboxane. Os encéfalos do grupo tratado com SSH 3% não demonstraram edema e os hipocampos dos cães do grupo controle se mostraram isquêmicos em relação ao grupo tratado com SSH 3%. A reversão pupilar após alteração pupilar estabelecida ocorreu mais precocemente no grupo tratado com SSH 3% que RL. CONCLUSÕES: No evento de um trauma de crânio grave e choque hemorrágico, o uso de SSH 3% ou o dobro do volume de RL promoveram benefícios hemodinâmicos sistêmicos e cerebrais. Entretanto, valores mais baixos de PIC foram observados após SSH 3%. / The devastating effects of hypotension on head-trauma-related mortality are well known. This study evaluates the systemic and cerebral hemodynamic responses to volume replacement with 3% hypertonic saline (HSS) or lactated Ringer\'s solution (LR), during the acute phase of hemorrhagic shock (HS) associated with traumatic brain injury (TBI). METHODS: Fifteen mongrel dogs were assigned to one of three groups (n=5, each) according to the volume replacement protocol, infused after TBI (brain fluid percussion, 4atm) and epidural balloon to an intracranial pressure (ICP) higher than 20 mm Hg and HS, induced by blood removal to a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 40 mm Hg in 5 minutes: Group HS+TBI+HSS (8 mL/kg of 3% HSS), HS+TBI+LR (16 mL/kg LR) and Group HS+TBI (controls, no fluids). We simulated treatment during prehospital and early hospital admission. Groups HS+TBI+HSS and HS+TBI+LR received shed blood infusion to a target hematocrit of 30%. Measurements included shed blood volume, fluid volume infused to restore MAP, MAP, cardiac output, cerebral perfusion pressure, cerebral and systemic lactate, and oxygen extraction ratios, tromboxane and prostaciclin. We evaluated the dog\'s pupil pattern and the anatomopathological study of the brain. RESULTS: Fluid replacement with HSS or LR promoted major hemodynamic benefits over control animals without fluids. Cerebral perfusion pressure was higher than controls and similar between treated groups; however, HSS infusion was associated with lower ICP during the \"early hospital phase\" and a higher serum sodium and osmolarity. There were no differences between groups in cerebral venous concentration of tromboxane and prostaciclin. There was no edema in brains of HSS group, the hypocampi of control\'s group showed ischemia comparing to HSS group. The pupils reverted early in HSS than LR group. CONCLUSION: In the event of severe head trauma and hemorrhagic shock, the use of HSS and larger volumes of LR promote similar systemic and cerebral hemodynamic benefits. However, a lower ICP was observed after HSS 3% than after LR.

Participação da Prostaglandina E2 e seus receptores na proliferação celular do carcinoma epidermóide de cabeça e pescoço / Role of Prostaglandin E2 and its receptors in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.

Aline Corrêa Abrahão 03 February 2010 (has links)
O carcinoma epidermóide de cabeça e pescoço (CECP) representa 6ª malignidade mais comum no mundo. Para melhor entender os mecanismos envolvidos na iniciação tumoral, progressão e metástase, é necessária a elucidação dos eventos moleculares que guiam esses processos. É também importante a investigação da interação e modulação das células tumorais e seu microambiente. A participação de agentes inflamatórios no desenvolvimento e manutenção do CECP pode ser resumida na superexpressão da cicloxigenase 2 (COX-2) e na secreção de prostaglandina E2 (PGE2) pelas células tumorais. A PGE2 ativa seus receptores EP1-4 que são ligados a proteínas G. As proteínas G ativam outras vias de sinalização responsáveis por processos celulares como proliferação e angiogênese. Embora a participação do EP2 no câncer de cólon seja bem estabelecida, o papel dos receptores de PGE2 no CECP ainda permanece incerto. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o papel da PGE2 e de seus receptores na proliferação celular em linhagens celulares de CECP, bem como a expressão dos receptores em tissue microarrays de CECP. Inicialmente as linhagens de CECP foram utilizadas para analisar o padrão de expressão da COX-2 e dos receptores EP1-4 por meio da técnica de western blotting. A inibição da secreção da PGE2 pelos inibidores de COX-2 foi mensurada por meio da técnica de ELISA. A expressão dos receptores EP1-3 e da COX-2 foi também avaliada por meio da imuno-histoquímica em dois diferentes tissue microarray. A fim de esclarecer a indução da proliferação celular pela PGE2 e de apontar um de seus receptores como responsável pelo processo, duas PGE2 sintéticas, um antagonista do EP2 e um antagonista do EP3 foram utilizados para estimular a proliferação celular. Foi realizado o bloqueio do receptor EP2 por meio da interferência de RNA. Seus efeitos sobre a proliferação foram avaliados por meio do ensaio de incorporação de timidina. Os resultados mostraram que o CECP expressa constitutivamente a COX-2, o EP1, o EP2 e o EP3; e que é capaz de secretar PGE2. Os inibidores de COX-2 inibiram a secreção de PGE2 em baixas concentrações, mas não foram capazes de inibir a proliferação. A COX-2 e os receptores EP1-3 foram amplamente expressos nos tissue microarrays. Foi observada correlação entre EP1 e EP2; EP1 e EP3; e EP2 e EP3 (p<0,05). Somente o EP1 mostrou correlação com a COX-2 (p<0,05). A PGE2 induziu a proliferação por meio da indução da síntese de DNA nas linhagens celulares de CECP. O agonista de EP3 também induziu a síntese de DNA, sugerindo sua participação na proliferação dos CECPs. Os efeitos do siRNA para EP2 sobre a síntese de DNA não foram conclusivos. As proteínas ativadas por segundos mensageiros do EP2 também não foram afetadas pelo bloqueio do mesmo. Este estudo indica três importantes achados: 1. a PGE2 é secretada por linhagens de CECP; 2. a COX-2 é superexpressa nos CECPs; 3. os receptores de PGE2 são constitutivamente expressos nos CECPs. No entanto, esse trabalho mostra que esta via inflamatória parece ser independente aos mecanismos indutores da proliferação nos CECPs. / Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the 6th most common malignant lesion worldwide. To better understand the mechanisms of tumor initiation, progression, and metastasis a better understanding of the molecular networks that guides these process is needed. Towards this goal, it is important to investigate the interaction and modulation of cancer cells over its surrounding microenvironment. The involvement of inflammatory agents in HNSCC development and maintenance can be resumed in the overexpression of cycloxygenase 2 (COX-2) and secretion of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) by tumor cells. Prostaglandin E2 activates its receptors EP1-4 which are coupled to G proteins. G protein activates other pathways responsible for cellular processes such as proliferation and angiogenesis. The participation of EP2 in colon cancer is well established however the role of PGE2 receptors in HNSCC is still poorly understood. This work aims to investigate the role of PGE2 and its receptors in cellular proliferation in HNSCC cell lines and the clinical relevant expression pattern in HNSCC tissue microarrays. HNSCC cell lines were initially used to access the expression pattern of COX-2 and EP1-4 by using western blotting technique. The ability of selective COX-2 inhibition to block PGE2 secretion was measured by ELISA antibody specific assay. Also, EP1, EP2, EP3 and COX-2 expression were evaluated by immuno-histochemistry in two different sets of HNSCC tissue microarrays. To address the question about PGE2 inducted cell proliferation and which PGE2 receptor are involved in the process, two synthetic PGE2, an EP2 agonist and an EP3 agonist were used to stimulate cell proliferation. Finally, the knockdown of EP2 receptor was performed by siRNA transfection assay and its effect was evaluated in cell proliferation by radioactive thymidine incorporation assay. The results presented here shows that HNSCC constitutively express COX-2, EP1, EP2 and EP3 and that they are able to secret PGE2. COX-2 selective inhibitors are able to suppress PGE2 secretion in lower concentrations but not to inhibit cell proliferation. Also, COX-2, EP1, E2 and EP3 are widely expressed in HNSCC tissue microarrays. A correlation between EP1 and EP2; EP1 and EP3; and EP2 and EP3 (p<0.05) was observed. Only EP1 showed correlation with COX-2 in tissue microarrays (p<0,05). PGE2 was able to induce cell proliferation as it induces DNA synthesis in HNSCC cell lines. EP3 agonist also induced DNA synthesis addressing its role in cell proliferation induction in HNSCC. The siRNA for EP2 effects in DNA synthesis was not conclusive and the downstream proteins activated by EP2 second messenger were not affected following its expression knockdown. This study indicates three important findings. First, PGE2 is secreted by HNSCC. Second, COX-2 is found to be overexpressed in HNSCC; and third, PGE2 receptors are found to be constitutively expressed in HNSCC. Most interesting, we show here that this inflammatory pathway seems to be independent of the mechanisms that induce HNSCC proliferation.

Effects of thromboxane A₂ receptor activation and periadventitial fat on cyclic GMP-dependent vaso-relaxation.

January 2007 (has links)
Ho, Kwok Wa. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 60-65). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Chapter Chapter I / Chapter 1.1. --- Thromboxane A2 (TP) Receptors --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1.1. --- Gene structure of human TP receptors --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1.2. --- Isoforms of TP receptor --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1.3. --- Distribution and expression of TP receptors in human --- p.2 / Chapter 1.1.4. --- Signal transduction of TP receptors --- p.4 / Chapter 1.1.5. --- Major agonists of TP receptor in animals and humans --- p.7 / Chapter --- Thromboxane A2 --- p.7 / Chapter --- Prostaglandin H2 --- p.7 / Chapter 1.1.6. --- Functional studies: effect of TP receptor activation and blockade on vascular tone and atherosclerosis --- p.8 / Chapter --- Effect of TP receptor activation --- p.8 / Chapter --- On vaso-contraction --- p.8 / Chapter --- On vaso-relaxation --- p.9 / Chapter --- Effect of TP receptor blockade --- p.9 / Chapter --- On endothelium dependent vaso-contraction --- p.9 / Chapter --- On animal models related to atherosclerosis --- p.10 / Chapter 1.1.7. --- Objectives of current study --- p.10 / Chapter 1.2. --- Periadventitial Adipose (Fat) Tissue --- p.12 / Chapter 1.2.1. --- "General function, distribution and classification of fat" --- p.12 / Chapter 1.2.2. --- Representative endocrine/paracrine role of adipose tissues --- p.13 / Chapter --- Leptin --- p.13 / Chapter --- Angiotensinogen --- p.14 / Chapter 1.2.3. --- Functional studies on vessels with periadventital fat attached -The beginning of the story of adipcyte-derived relaxing factor (ADRF) --- p.15 / Chapter 1.2.3. --- Mechanisms behind the action of ADRF --- p.17 / Chapter --- Nature of ADRF --- p.17 / Chapter --- The mechanisms controlling the release of ADRF --- p.17 / Chapter --- Proposed mechanisms explaining the anti-contractile effect mediated by ADRF --- p.17 / Chapter 1.2.4. --- Objectives of current study --- p.20 / Chapter Chapter II / Chapter 2.1. --- Tissue Preparation --- p.21 / Chapter 2.1.1. --- Preparation of blood vessels --- p.21 / Chapter 2.1.2. --- Procedures to remove the endothelium --- p.21 / Chapter 2.2. --- The Organ Bath Setups --- p.22 / Chapter 2.3. --- Calculation of Results --- p.24 / Chapter 2.3.1. --- Calculation of active tension --- p.24 / Chapter 2.3.2. --- Measurement of dry weight of arterial rings --- p.24 / Chapter 2.3.3. --- Measurement of the weight for periadventitial fat --- p.24 / Chapter 2.3.4. --- Statistic analysis --- p.24 / Chapter 2.4. --- Chemicals and Solutions --- p.25 / Chapter 2.4.1. --- Chemicals --- p.25 / Chapter 2.4.2. --- Solutions --- p.26 / Chapter Chapter III --- Stimulation of TP receptors by U46619 inhibits cGMP dependent vaso-relaxation --- p.27 / Chapter 3.1. --- Detail methods and materials --- p.27 / Chapter 3.1.1. --- "Safety announcement, tissue preparation and materials" --- p.27 / Chapter 3.1.1. --- Protocol --- p.27 / Chapter --- PartI --- p.27 / Chapter --- Part II --- p.28 / Chapter --- Part III --- p.28 / Chapter 3.2. --- Results --- p.29 / Chapter 3.2.1. --- Effect of U46619 on vaso-relaxation --- p.29 / Chapter 3.2.2. --- Effect of Rho kinase and phosphodiesterase inhibitor on the inhibitory effect of U46619 --- p.29 / Chapter 3.2.3. --- The effect of low concentration of U46619 on vaso-relaxation --- p.29 / Chapter 3.3. --- Discussion --- p.37 / Chapter 3.3.1. --- Implication of the current study --- p.37 / Chapter 3.3.2. --- Formulated Theory --- p.41 / Chapter Chapter IV --- Effect of periadventitial fat on anti-relaxation effect induced by U46619 - A preliminary test --- p.43 / Chapter 4.1. --- Detail methods and materials --- p.43 / Chapter 4.1.1. --- "Safety announcement, tissue preparation and materials" --- p.43 / Chapter 4.1.2. --- Protocol --- p.43 / Chapter --- Part I --- p.43 / Chapter --- Part II --- p.44 / Chapter --- Part III --- p.44 / Chapter --- Part IV --- p.44 / Chapter 4.2. --- Results --- p.45 / Chapter 4.2.1. --- Effect of periadventitial fat on vaso-relaxation of rings contracted by phenylephrine --- p.45 / Chapter 4.2.2. --- Effect of periadventitial fat on vaso-relaxation of rings contracted by U46619 plus phenylephrine --- p.45 / Chapter 4.2.3. --- Effect of S18886 on vaso-relaxation in endothelium removed rings --- p.45 / Chapter 4.2.4. --- Effect of elevated extracellular potassium ions on vaso-relaxation --- p.46 / Chapter 4.3. --- Discussion --- p.56 / Chapter 4.3.1. --- Implication of current study --- p.56 / Chapter 4.3.2. --- Improvements and future perspectives of current study --- p.58 / Summary --- p.59 / References --- p.60

Redox Reactions of NO and O<sub>2</sub> in Iron Enzymes : A Density Functional Theory Study

Blomberg, Mattias January 2006 (has links)
<p>In the present thesis the density functional B3LYP has been used to study reactions of NO and O<sub>2</sub> in redox active enzymes.</p><p>Reduction of nitric oxide (NO) to nitrous oxide (N<sub>2</sub>O) is an important part in the bacterial energy conservation (denitrification). The reduction of NO in three different bimetallic active sites leads to the formation of hyponitrous acid anhydride (N<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub><sup>2-</sup>). The stability of this intermediate is crucial for the reaction rate. In the two diiron systems, respiratory and scavenging types of NOR, it is possible to cleave the N-O bond, forming N<sub>2</sub>O, without any extra protons or electrons. In a heme-copper oxidase, on the other hand, both a proton and an electron are needed to form N<sub>2</sub>O.</p><p>In addition to being an intermediate in the denitrification, NO is a toxic agent. Myoglobin in the oxy-form reacts with NO forming nitrate (NO<sub>3</sub> <sup>-</sup>) at a high rate, which should make this enzyme an efficient NO scavenger. Peroxynitrite (ONOO<sup>-</sup>) is formed as a short-lived intermediate and isomerizes to nitrate through a radical reaction.</p><p>In the mechanism for pumping protons in cytochrome oxidase, thermodynamics, rather than structural changes, might guide protons to the heme propionate for further translocation.</p><p>The dioxygenation of arachidonic acid in prostaglandin endoperoxide H synthase forms the bicyclic prostaglandin G<sub>2</sub>, through a cascade of radical reactions. The mechanism proposed by Hamberg and Samuelsson is energetically feasible.</p>

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