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Riskuppfattning om kemikalier i kosmetika : En kvalitativ studie om studenters riskuppfattning gällande kemikalier i kosmetika, inverkande faktorer på riskuppfattningen och vidtagande av åtgärder / Riskperception about chemicals in cosmetics : A qualitative study of students' perception of risk regarding chemicals in cosmetics, influencing factors on the perception of risk and taking protective measuresLiljebjörn, Ellen January 2022 (has links)
Kemikalier utgör idag ett hot för mänskligheten, framtagandet och användningen av kemikalier stiger i takt med samhällets ekonomiska utveckling. Kemikalier återfinns inte endast utomhus utan hittas också i konsumentprodukter som kosmetika. Kosmetika används dagligen och kemikalier som medför risker för både miljö och hälsa har hittats i dessa konsumentprodukter. Syftet med studien är att undersöka studenters riskuppfattning gällande kemikalier i kosmetika, vilka faktorer som influerar uppfattningen och om skyddsåtgärder vidtas. Tidigare forskning ger en inblick i individers riskuppfattning om kemikalier samt hälso- och miljöeffekter av kemikalier som återfinns i kosmetika. En kvalitativ metod har använts med semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod och kvalitativ innehållsanalys som analysmetod. Riskuppfattningsteorierna habituated action theory och protection motivation theory. har använts som hjälpmedel för att tolka studiens resultat. Resultatet påvisar en koppling till tidigare forskning och teorier. Studenternas riskuppfattning påvisade en upplevelse av trygghet till kosmetikaprodukter inom olika aspekter och en delad riskuppfattning gällande kosmetikaföretagen. Oron för miljön, framtiden och de ”kemikalier” som återfinns i produkterna var högre än oron för potentiella hälsorisker med kemikalier i kosmetika. Riskuppfattningen influerades av rutiner, vanor och strukturer men förändrades av negativa upplevelser och interaktioner. Skyddsåtgärder vidtogs i det fallet individen upplevde ett hot eller en sårbarhet för kemikalier i kosmetika. / Chemicals today pose a threat to humanity, the development and use of chemicals increases in step with society's economic development. Chemicals are not only found outdoors but are also found in consumer products such as cosmetics. Cosmetics are used daily and chemicals that pose risks to both the environment and health have been found in these consumer products. The aim of the study is to investigate students' risk perception regarding chemicals in cosmetics, which factors that influence the perception and whether protective measures are taken. Previous research provides an insight into individuals' risk perception of chemicals and the health and environmental effects of chemicals found in cosmetics. A qualitative method has been used with semi-structured interviews as a data collection method and qualitative content analysis as an analysis method. The risk perception theories, habituated action theory and protection motivation theory has been used as an aid in interpreting the results of the study. The results showed a connection to previous research and theories. The students' perception of risk demonstrated an experience of security for the cosmetic products in various aspects and a split perception of risks regarding the cosmetics companies. Concerns about the environment, the future and the “chemicals” that are found in the products were higher than concerns about potential health risks of chemicals in cosmetics. The perception of risk was influenced by routines, habits and structures but changed by negative experiences and interactions. Protective measures were taken if the individual experienced a threat or a vulnerability to chemicals in cosmetics
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Behovet att klimatanpassa privata fastigheter mot framtida skyfallsöversvämningar : Privata fastighetsägares reflektioner kring sina förmågor att skydda sin fastighet innan en översvämning sker / The need to climate adapt private properties against future pluvial floods : Private property owners´ reflections on their ability to protect their property before a flood occursGullberg, Eleonor January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Klimatförändringarnas effekter globalt som på lokal nivå, kan redan noteras. För skyfallsöversvämningar har det ökat och kommer öka än mer framöver. Olika sektorer i ett samhälle påverkas när en stad översvämmas, varav en stor grupp består av samhällets medborgare. Individer upplever skyfall som oförutsägbara och slumpmässiga. Konsekvenserna efter en skyfallsöversvämning har effekt på både de sociotekniska och socioekonomiska dimensionerna för en individ på kort och lång sikt. Med detta perspektiv anses det intressant att undersöka hur individer resonerar kring framtida skyfallsöversvämningar på lokal nivå. Studien avgränsas till privata fastighetsägare, då tidigare forskning pekar på att de som äger sin egen bostad är mer benägna att anta skyddande anpassningar på sina enskilda fastigheter, vilket antas bidra till den totala samhällssäkerheten. Syftet: Syftet med studien var att öka förståelsen för privata fastighetsägares syn på skyfall som leder till översvämning och hur det motiverar dem att vilja skydda sin privata fastighet innan en översvämning sker. Metod: Studiens kvalitativa forskningsinriktning utgick från en hermeneutisk vetenskapsteori med inriktning åt samhälls- och beteendevetenskap. Datainsamlingen genomfördes som semi-strukturerade intervjuer som analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ konventionell innehållsanalysmetod med induktiv ansats. Totalt genomfördes sex kvalitativa intervjuer. Områdesurvalet utgick från ett strategiskt icke-sannolikhetsbaserat urval medan respondenturvalet var ett icke-slumpmässigt bekvämlighetsurval. En testintervju genomfördes innan själva studien påbörjades, för att säkerställa att frågorna var relevanta. Som teoretiskt ramverk valdes Protection motivation theory för att fånga upp likheter och skillnader i individers resonemang kopplat till skyfallsöversvämningar. Resultat: Det induktiva analysförfarandet resulterade i tre huvudkategorier och nio underkategorier. Förmågor, riskhantering och samhällspåverkan belyser olika perspektiv hur privata fastighetsägare resonerar kring sin kapacitet innan en skyfallsöversvämning sker. Kunskapsbrist och individnivån; intra- och interpersonlighet inverkar på individernas förmågor och beslut. Medan valet av anpassningar av fastigheten vägdes mellan kostnaden i relation till tid och nyttovärdet. Vidare pekade resultatet på att samhällspåverkan var bidragande till en känsla av utsatthet, detta främst inom ansvarsfördelning och information hos respondenterna då de upplevde ett beroendesamband till kommunen och försäkringsbolagen. Utmärkande för studien: Respondenterna upplever skyfallsöversvämningar som ett abstrakt fenomen, vilket påvisas av en uttalad kunskapsbrist kopplat till området. Vidare har tidsfaktorn tillsammans med ansvarskostnaden inverkan på hur nyttovärdet av en anpassning upplevs. Mest framträdande är hur den sociala omgivningen tillsammans med individens självförmåga kan påverka riskbedömning och hanteringsförmåga i relation till skyfallsöversvämningar. Slutligen upplever den undersökta populationen privata fastighetsägare samhällspåverkan i form av beroendesamband och utsatthet till både kommun och försäkringsbolag, vilket pekar på att individperspektivet med inriktning på hantering av skyfallsrisker bör inkluderas i framtida forskning. / Background: The effects of climate change globally as well as at the local level can already be noted. Pluvial flood events have increased and will increase even more in the future. Different sectors of a society are affected when a city is flooded, of which a large group consists of the citizens of the society. Individuals experience extreme rains as unpredictable and random. The consequences after pluvial floods have an effect on both the socio-technical and socio-economic dimensions of an individual in the short and long term. With this perspective it is considered interesting to do research, to capture how individuals reason about future pluvial floods, at the local level. The study is limited to private property owners, as previous research indicates that those who own their home are more aware and prone to adopt protective adaptations to protect their property, which is assumed to contribute to overall social security. Purpose: The aim of the study was to increase the understanding of private property owners´ views on pluvial floods that lead to flooding and how it motivates them to want to protect their private property before a flood occurs. Method: The qualitative research was based on a hermeneutic theory of science with a focus on social and behavioural sciences. The data collection was conducted as semi-structured interviews. The collected data material was analyzed by applying a qualitative conventional content analysis method with an inductive approach. A total of six qualitative interviews were conducted. The area of the sample was based on a strategic non-probability sample, while the respondent sample was a non-random convenience sample. A test interview was conducted before the actual study began, to ensure that the questions were relevant. The Protection Motivation Theory, was chosen as the theoretical framework to capture similarities and differences in the individuals´ reasoning, linked to pluvial floods. Results: The inductive analysis procedure resulted in three main categories and nine sub-categories. Abilities, risk management and societal impact shed light on perspectives on how private property owners’ reason about their abilities before a pluvial flood occurs. Lack of knowledge and the level of the individual; intra- and interpersonal levels affect individuals´ inner abilities and decisions. While the choice of adaptations of the property was weighed between the cost in relation to time and utility value. Furthermore, the results indicated that social impact was contributing to a feeling of vulnerability, mainly within the division of responsibilities and information among the respondents when they experienced a dependency relationship with the municipality and the insurance companies. Characteristic of the study: The respondents experience pluvial floods as an abstract phenomenon, which is expressed as a lack of knowledge linked to the area of research. Furthermore, the time factor together with the cost of liability has an impact on how the utility value of the adaptation measure is perceived. Most prominent is how the social environment together with the individual´s self-efficacy can affect risk assessment and coping ability in relation to pluvial floods. Finally, the surveyed population of private property owners’ experiences societal impact in the form of dependency and vulnerability to both municipality and insurance companies, which indicates that the individual perspective with a focus on managing pluvial flood risks, should be included in future research.
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IT security expert’s perceptions of cybersecurity when working remotely compared to working in the office : A quality study on Swedish insurance companies / IT-säkerhetsexperters uppfattningar om cybersäkerhet vid distansarbete jämfört med arbete på kontoret : En kvalitativ studie på svenska försäkringsbolagKullander, Kristoffer, Cselenyi, Mathilda January 2024 (has links)
Teleworking has become a significant aspect of working life, especially after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which accelerated the trend of teleworking. However, this shift has increased the risk of cyber threats and security risks. Despite organizations' efforts to strengthen cybersecurity, a significant risk remains, with employees posing one of the main security risks in the form of human error and mistakes. Previous research highlights that employees tend to exhibit lower levels of cybersecurity awareness and are more likely to perform riskful actions when working remotely compared to working in the office. However, recent research has shown the opposite, where employees are more conscious of cybersecurity awareness and more likely to apply security-based precaution measures during remote work compared to office work. In light of these research findings, this study focuses on examining how IT-security experts perceive cybersecurity when working remotely compared to working in the office. To explore this, the study has, through qualitative mapping, conducted semi-structured interviews with a theoretical basis in Protection Motivation Theory (PMT). Overall, the study showed that IT- security experts perceive cybersecurity as more manageable when working in the office compared to remote work, with an increased awareness of the importance of the human factor. / Distansarbete har blivit en betydande aspekt av arbetslivet, särskilt efter utbrottet av Covid-19- pandemin, vilket accelererade trenden med distansarbete. Denna omställning har emellertid ökat risken för cyberhot och säkerhetsrisker. Trots organisationers insatser för att stärka cybersäkerheten kvarstår en betydande risk, då anställda utgör en av de främsta säkerhetsriskerna i form av mänskliga fel och misstag. Tidigare forskning framhäver att anställda ofta är mindre säkerhetsmedvetna och mer benägna att utföra riskfyllda handlingar när de arbetar på distans jämfört med arbete på kontoret. Däremot har senare forskning visat motsatsen, där anställda är mer säkerhetsmedvetna och mer benägna att vidta säkerhetsåtgärder under distansarbete jämfört med arbete på kontoret. Mot bakgrund till dessa forskningsresultat, fokuserar denna studie på att undersöka hur IT-säkerhetsexperter uppfattar cybersäkerhet vid distansarbete jämfört med arbete på kontoret. För att utforska detta har studien, genom kvalitativ kartläggning, genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med teoretisk grund i Protection Motivation Theory (PMT). Sammantaget visade studien på att IT-säkerhetsexperter uppfattar cybersäkerhet som mer hanterbar vid arbete på kontoret jämfört med distansarbete, med en ökad medvetenhet om den mänskliga faktorns betydelse.
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A Reading Preference and Risk Taxonomy for Printed Proprietary Information Compromise in the Aerospace and Defense IndustryStalker, Joshua D. 01 January 2012 (has links)
The protection of proprietary information that users print from their information systems is a significant and relevant concern in the field of information security to both researchers and practitioners. Information security researchers have repeatedly indicated that human behaviors and perception are important factors influencing the information security of organizations and have called for more research. The aerospace and defense industry commonly deals with its own proprietary information as well its customers. Further, e-training is a growing practice in this industry, it frequently deals with proprietary information, and has unique information security challenge, thus, serves as additional context for this study.
This study focused on the investigation of two constructs, user reading preference and user perceived risk of compromising printed proprietary information, as well as seven user demographics. These constructs reflect human behavior and risk perceptions associated with compromising printed proprietary information and, thus, provide valuable insights applicable into information security. This study developed a Reading Preference and Risk (RPR) Taxonomy, which allows users to be classified according to the aforementioned two constructs under investigation and provides insightful characterizations of information security risks. A survey based on existing literature, the primary constructs, and several demographics was implemented to assess two research questions and seven associated hypotheses. The survey was sent to 1,728 employees of an aerospace and defense organization. The response rate was 18% with 311 usable records.
The results of the study showed that employees were dispersed across the RPR Taxonomy with 15.1% identified as potentially problematic to the protection of printed proprietary information. The overall results showed that the population had a reading preference for print materials and a high perceived risk for compromising printed proprietary information, as well as significantly higher print preference for e-training materials when it was necessary to retain the content in memory. Significant differences in the two constructs were also found across several demographics including age, gender, frequency of user exposure to proprietary information, the confidentiality level of the proprietary information a user is regularly exposed to, and previous user experience with the compromise of proprietary information. Recommendations for practice and research are provided. Moreover, several areas for future research are also presented.
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Motivation att utföra skyddsåtgärder : Innan, under och efter översvämning i privata villahushåll / Motivation to carry out protective measures : Before, during and after flooding in private householdsErlandsson, Fabian January 2019 (has links)
Introduktion och syfte: Årsmedelnederbörd och antalet extrema nederbördstillfällen i Sverige antas öka i framtiden. När antalet extrema nederbördstillfällen ökar så ökar också antalet försäkringskompensationer till privata husägare. Erfarenhet har visat sig göra människor mer medvetna om associerade risker och påverkar en individs motivation att själv utföra översvämningsskyddande åtgärder. Men bara en tredjedel av de som drabbas av översvämning genomför en åtgärd för att minska framtida risk. Tidigare studier har visat att Protection motivation theory (PMT) kan vara användbar för att förklara vad som påverkar en individs motivation att utföra åtgärder. Tillsammans med ytterligare faktorer som också identifierats påverka en individs benägenhet att utföra skyddsåtgärder mot översvämningar syftar studien till att undersöka orsaker till skada, hantering och uppkomna skador vid översvämning i privata hushåll samt hur olika faktorer påverkar en individs motivation att utföra skyddsåtgärder. Metod: Studien använder en kombination av kvantitativ- och kvalitativ metod för att undersöka förekomst och innebörd av olika fenomen kopplade till översvämning. Datainsamling gjordes med semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer som analyserades med tematisk analys och deskriptiv statistik. Resultat: Resultaten visar att PMT tillsammans med individens tillgängliga information om åtgärder och uppfattning av vem som har det huvudsakliga ansvaret för att hantera översvämning är viktiga för att förklara vad som motiverar en individ till att utföra åtgärder. Bedömning av hotet och bedömning av skyddsåtgärder som båda ingår i PMT påverkar individens motivation men bedömning av skyddsåtgärder verkar ha en större påverkan på utförda åtgärder. Slutsats: För att villaägare ska utföra skyddsåtgärder utöver de som de identifierat förhindrar skada är det viktigt att information om åtgärder och metoder för dess utförande kommer villaägare tillgodo. Även ansvarsfördelningen mellan privatperson och kommun behöver förtydligas då detta identifieras som en orsak till varför individer slutar genomföra åtgärder. / Introduction & aim: Annual mean precipitation and the number of heavy rainfalls is expected to increase in both the short- and long-term perspective in Sweden. As the number of heavy rainfalls increases, the number of insurance compensation to private homeowners also increase. Experience has shown to make people more aware of the associated risks and influences an individual's motivation to carry out flood protective measures himself but only a third of the people exposed performs measures to decrease the risk of future flooding. Previous studies have also found Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) to be a useful tool for explaining what influences the probability of an individual to take protective measures. This study aims to investigate causes of damage, management and damage caused by flooding in private households, and how various factors affect an individual's motivation to perform protective measures, using PMT together with additional literature as an explanatory tool. Method: The study uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to examine the occurrence of the different phenomenon’srelated to flooding. Data collection Semi-structural interviews were performed an analysed with thematic analyses and descriptive statistics. Results: The results show that PMT, together with the individual's knowledge on measures and perception of who has the main responsibility for managing flooding, is important in explaining what motivates an individual to perform measures. Threat appraisal and coping appraisal, both included in the PMT, is shown to affect the individual's motivation. Thought coping appraisal seems to have a greater impact on the actions performed. Conclusion: For homeowners to carry out protective measures in addition to those already performed in response to the experienced flooding it’s important that information on measures and how to implement them are provided. The division of responsibility between the private person and the municipality also needs to be clarified to the homeowner as this is identified as a reason why individuals stop implementing measures. / Skyfallsmodellering- Planering, analys och sårbarhetshantering, SPLASH
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Examining the Behavioral Intention of Individuals' Compliance with Information Security PoliciesBrown, David A. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Target Corporation experienced an information security breach resulting in compromising customers' financial information. Management is responsible for implementing adequate information security policies that protect corporate data and minimize financial losses. The purpose of this experimental study was to examine the effect of a fear appeal communication on an individual's information security policy behavioral intention. The sample population involved information technology professionals randomly selected from the SurveyMonkey audience. A research model, developed using constructs from deterrence theory and protection motivation theory, became the structural model used for partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis of the survey response data, which indicated that self-efficacy was statistically significant. The remaining model variables, perceived threat vulnerability, perceived threat severity, response efficacy, informal sanction certainty, informal sanction severity, formal sanction certainty, and formal sanction severity, were not statistically significant. A statistically significant self-efficacy result could indicate confidence among the population to comply with information security policies. The nonsignificant results could indicate the fear appeal treatment did not motivate a change in behavior or information security policy awareness bias was introduced by selecting information technology professionals. Social change in information security could be achieved by developing an effective information security policy compliance fear appeal communication, which could change information security compliance behavior and contribute to securing the nation's critical cyber infrastructure and protecting data.
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Respondent Perceived Threat During the Information Systems Requirements Determination Process: Understanding and MitigationCastillo, Alfred 25 August 2017 (has links)
Requirements determination is a critical driver in a successful software development process. Despite decades of research prescribing various software development methodologies, intended to aid in achieving an eventual convergence between the user’s mental models and an informationally equivalent representation that is codified within an information system, we can still attribute many of the deficiencies in software development projects to the improper or ineffective execution of the requirements determination process. This study draws on the user resistance, software development, and psychology literature to discuss how perceived threats by potential users and key respondents can result in sub-optimization of a proposed information system via reduction in the quality of their responses during the requirements gathering phase. A laboratory experiment was carried out to explore the sources and effects of various threat perceptions and the effectiveness of techniques intended to detect and mitigate such perceptions of threat. The results confirm that perception of threat does lead to a degradation in response quality, with perceived adaptability fully mediating the relationship. The findings on whether interviewer reassurance has a moderating effect on the relationship between threat and perceived adaptability had interesting results, which are discussed.
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Factors Influencing Kaohsiung Residents¡¦ Flood PreparednessChou, Chia-Ying 27 July 2011 (has links)
Global climate change has brought about not only rise in global temperature, but also other climate anomalies such as severe storms, droughts and floods. To reduce damages from these disasters, both the government and public need to take preparations. This study aims to explore the factors that may influence the public's flood preparedness. The explored factors were derived from Rogers¡¦s (1983) protection motivation theory and Grothmann and Patt's (2005) model of private proactive adaptation to climate change. A questionnaire was mailed to a random sample of Kaohsiung citizens, 490 of whom lived in flood-prone areas and the rest 210 lived in other areas in Kaohsiung. A total of 264 citizens responded. Results showed that threat appraisal and coping appraisal could affect the intent to prepare, and threat appraisal was affected by reliance on government and disaster experience. These suggest that if the government wants to increase people's flood preparedness, it should both (a) make people alert to the severity and high possibility of future floods, and (b) make people believe that they could take affordable and effective measures to reduce their flood damage.
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Factors Affecting Public Support for Energy-Saving and Carbon-Reduction PoliciesLin, Tzu-ting 09 August 2011 (has links)
To lessen the threats of global climate change, governments have to set and enforce robust polices to save energy and reduce greenhouse gases. But will the public support these policies? And what cognitive factors will affect the public's support? To answer these two questions, this study surveyed a convenience sample consisted of 171 Taichung citizens and 132 Kaohsiung citizens. The survey questionnaire asked questions for 2 variables about the threats of climate change and 5 variables about carbon reducing policies. The variables were vulnerability, severity, personal benefit, social benefit, response efficacy, self-efficacy, and response cost. All these were cognitive variables based on Rogers' (1983) protection motivation theory. The latter 5 variables were assessed for each of the 3 policies mentioned in the questionnaire. The policies were (a) rebate on electric bills for energy saving; (b) energy tax; and (c) ordering public places to keep temperatures above 26 degrees Celsius in summer. Results showed that though respondents moderately supported energy taxation policy, this policy was the least welcomed. Further, personal benefit, social benefit and self-efficacy had significant effects on all three policies. In contrast, perceived vulnerability to climate threats and response cost (policy-induced personal cost) had no effect on any of the policies. Implications of these findings are discussed.
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To (m)eat or not to (m)eat? : Exploring the effectiveness of message appeals on packaging of meat substitutes, focussing on reaction.Apon, Marit, Huijs, Sven Paul January 2023 (has links)
Background: Environmental sustainability and climate change are of increasing concern. The agriculture and food sector generate a large negative impact on the environment, and whilst the awareness is increasing, limited change in behaviour is visible. This resulted in the exploration of opportunities in relation to this topic, where meat consumption, meat substitutes and reactions to messaging are the main focus. Purpose: From an environmentally sustainable perspective, to understand how European Millennial and Gen Z consumers react to message appeals on the packaging of meat substitutes, by using the PMT. Method: A qualitative approach was followed to understand the reactions from European Millennial and Gen Z consumers when showing different message appeals on the packaging of meat substitutes. To explore their feelings, attitudes and perception towards these message appeals, and how this could influence their reaction, semi-structured interviews were conducted. Conclusion: The results show that message appeals are effective when applying PMT to explore the reaction to reduce meat consumption. The emotional appeal was found to be the most effective. The informational appeal is moderately effective as the effectiveness depends on presentation and communication, and reduce appeal is found ineffective.
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