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"Plné stáje vedou v ráje." Organizovaný chov koní v českých zemích od 16. století do 1. poloviny 20. století / "Full stable lead in paradise." Organized horse breeding in the Czech country from 16 century to the first half of the 20th centuryKOŠÁNOVÁ, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis deals with historical development of the organized horse breeding in the Czech lands, with a special focus on the provincial breeding of distinct farm type. The main research was carried out in the sphere of activities of the present Provincial Stud Farm in Písek (?Zemský hřebčinec Písek?). The reason for choosing this breeding institute is the fact that it concerns the only provincial stud farm in the Czech lands that was offering to breeders both warm-blooded and heavy stud horses in the monitored period while their numbers were adjusted in accordance with the demand of mare owners. The diploma thesis can be divided in two parts. The first part provides readers with the introduction to the issue of individual types of horses and puts the work in a broader historical context. This block includes also an iconographic analyse of the paintings with hippologic themes and the texts comparing breeding of horses in the aristocratic and courtly environment in the first half of the 17th century, using an example of the Imperial Courtly Stud Farm in Kladruby nad Labem (?Císařský dvorní hřebčín Kladruby nad Labem?) and Smrkovice?s Game Preserve of Albrecht from Valdštejn (?smrkovická Obora Albrechta z Valdštejna?) in the region of Nový Bydžov. The second part describes the key research of horse breeding in the Czech lands, for the most part built on the mating protocols of the station of farm stud horses in Humpolec, and includes the strategies of breeders in this region compared with the other regions under administration of the Provincial Stud Farm in Písek. It deals mainly with breeding of trendy heavy horses of Belgian and Noric breed demanded by farmers, while these horses were experiencing their last big growth in the first half of the 20th century.
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Understanding the “micro” in micro-targeting: an analysis of the 2018 Ontario provincial electionYawney, Lauren 19 December 2018 (has links)
There is a breadth of research on micro-targeting in American elections, while the practice is
under-researched in Canadian federal elections. Additionally, there is no academic commentary on micro-targeting at the Canadian provincial election level. This thesis draws on this gap in literature to investigate how micro-targeting is used at the provincial campaign level by parties and candidates. My research was conducted through an analysis of emails, Facebook ads and Facebook posts by the Liberal, Progressive Conservative and New Democratic Party candidates in 8 ridings in the 2018 Ontario election. I drew hypotheses about the types of “micro” appeals in provincial micro-targeting from the work of Kreiss (2017), Giasson and Small (2017), Marland and Matthews (2017), Munroe and Munroe (2018), Delacourt (2015) and Carty, Cross and Young (2000). From this research, I argue that provincial micro-targeting is nowhere near the level of specificity that is found in Canadian federal elections, let alone American elections. Parties rely on appeals to very broad groups and areas, such as occupations and “the North.” Parties do not use the information contained in voter management databases to target campaign appeals on social media or other media, and instead rely on these systems more for get-out-the-vote activities. This thesis contributes to the growing research on micro-targeting and the use of Facebook for political campaigning, while also remaining conscious to the fact that these technologies are constantly changing and advancing. / Graduate
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Relações executivo-legislativo nas províncias argentinas: delegação parlamentar e sucesso dos governadores / Executive-legislative relations in Argentinean provinces: parliamentary delegation and governors successMiguel Barrientos 10 August 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as relações entre o Poder Executivo e o Poder Legislativo em nível provincial na Argentina. Tanto estas relações entre os poderes do Estado quanto a esfera estadual colocam-se como temas de relevância nos estudos de ciência política na atualidade, que analisam os sistemas presidencialistas em diferentes níveis. O federalismo e o presidencialismo são matérias recorrentes nos estudos sobre as instituições na Argentina. Os debates enfatizam o papel que o presidente tem na dinâmica das interações entre os entes e os poderes, ora na esfera nacional, ora nas próprias províncias. Tradicionalmente, as análises levavam em consideração um predomínio do executivo e da administração federal em distintas esferas, supondo que o legislativo era um simples homologador das decisões executivas e colocando um véu no que realmente se passava tanto nas arenas legislativas quanto nos níveis provinciais. Um novo grupo de estudos demonstrou, através de análises da produção legislativa, que o presidente argentino não é todo-poderoso, encontra empecilhos em sua relação com o legislativo, e só consegue aprovar metade das propostas que encaminha ao parlamento nacional, evidenciando que não há tal predomínio de um poder sobre o outro. Seguindo estes trabalhos, assim como a literatura que trata sobre a temática, a presente tese busca novos enfoques para estudar o que acontece no presidencialismo estadual na Argentina. Estudam-se os projetos de lei ingressados nas câmaras baixas provinciais e as taxas de sucesso que parlamentares e governadores conseguem em sua aprovação. Compara-se o comportamento dos atores nos trabalhos legislativos, levando em consideração os poderes constitucionalmente conferidos a eles, as regras eleitorais para os cargos executivos e legislativos, a estruturação do Poder Legislativo em uma ou duas câmaras, o tamanho das bases governistas e a organização interna do legislativo em forma mais e menos centralizada. Usando estes fatores que incentivam maior ou menor produção legislativa por parte de governadores e parlamentares, busca-se esclarecer o papel que eles cumprem no processo decisório das províncias argentinas. / The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the relations between Executive and Legislative powers in the Argentinean provinces. Nowadays, these relations between the powers of the State in those two spheres of government are relevant subjects in the Political Science studies, which analyze presidential system at different levels. The federalism and presidentialism are frequent topics in the papers of Argentinean institutional analysis. The interactions between the spheres and powers at national or provincial levels are fundamental debates that emphasize the center role of the President in the power relation dynamics. Traditionally, scholars presupposed a predominance of federal Executive and administration. They assume that Legislative was a simple approval agency of Executive decisions, putting a veil in what really happened in both legislative and provincial levels. Recently studies demonstrate, using a legislative production analysis that Argentinean President is not almighty, as was thought to be. They found obstacles in the relation between the Executive and Legislative power, and demonstrate that the success rate rise about to the half of the bills, showing that there is no dominance of one power over another. Following these researches and the literature on the issue, this thesis looks for new approaches to study the provincial presidentialism in Argentina. The success rates of the bills presented by Governors and representatives to the provincial low chambers are used here as performance indicators. This work compares the behavior of actors at legislative office, taking into account their constitutional instruments, the electoral rules to executive and legislative positions, the difference between the legislative structure (one or two chambers), the parliamentary group of the official coalition, and the internal legislative organization depending on a more or less centralized way. It pretends to achieve their role in decision process at Argentinean provinces using all these factors that incentive Governors and representatives to higher or lower legislative production.
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Caracterizaçao florística e fitossociológica da vegetaçao arbórea em tres unidades pedológicas do parque provincial Cruce Caballero, Missiones ArgentinaRios, Roman Carlos 25 June 2013 (has links)
Avaliou-se a composição florística, a estrutura e a regeneração de Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze do Parque Provincial Cruce Caballero, que se constitui na unidade mais representativa com a citada espécie na Argentina. Foram alocadas 82 parcelas (10 x 20 m), distribuidas em três compartimentos pedológicos: Latossolo Vermelho (54 parcelas), Neossolo Litólico (20 parcelas) e Gleissolo Melânico (8 parcelas). O primeiro compartimento tem solos profundos, diferente dos demais que possuem pequena profundidade efetiva. O Neossolo Litólico com alta pedregosidade e o Gleissolo Melânico tem lençol freático quase na superficie. Foram avaliados todos os indivíduos arbóreos com mais de 4,8 cm de DAP. Registraram-se no total 116 espécies nos três compartimentos, sendo 28 exclusivas do Latossolo Vermelho, 18 do Neossolo Litólico e 6 do Gleissolo Melânico. As maiores alturas totais e diâmetros foram encontrados no compartimento Latossolo Vermelho e a maior densidade total sobre o Neossolo Litólico. A estrutura horizontal tem diferenças entre os três compartimentos, tendo como característica comum uma notável redução de densidade de árvores de grande porte. Na floresta sobre Latossolo Vermelho, os descritores estruturais denotam uma distribuição bastante eqüitativa das principais espécies, destacando-se como principais Sorocea bomplandii, Cabralea canjerana, Ocotea lancifolia, Araucaria angustifolia e Apuleia leiocarpa. Sobre o Neossolo Litólico há poucas espécies que repartem o espaço horizontal: Actinostemon concolor e Trichilia claussenii. No compartimento Gleissolo Melânico o espaço horizontal é compartilhado por sete espécies: Parapiptadenia rigida, Alchornea triplinervia, Luehea divaricata, Erythrina falcata, Myrsine gardneriana, Nectandra lanceolata e Cabralea canjerana. A maior diversidade de espécies foi encontrada no Latossolo Vermelho, seguida no Gleissolo Melânico e por último no Neossolo Litólico. As florestas dos três compartimentos contêm uma baixa similaridade entre elas, especialmente o Gleissolo Melânico com os demais. Os compartimentos Latossolo Vermelho e Neossolo Litólico apresentam uma similaridade média entre eles. Quando avaliada a regeneração natural da Araucaria angustifolia, encontrou-se uma baixa densidade no Latossolo Vermelho, com 18,51 ind/ha, e nenhum indivíduo nos demais compartimentos. Ao comparar a floresta do parque com outras áreas de Misiones (Argentina) e do Brasil, conclui-se que a vegetação da área é única por suas características florísticas, tendo mais similaridade com Florestas Estacionais próximas de Misiones e do Rio Grande do Sul, do que com Florestas com Araucária dos estados do Paraná e do Rio Grande do Sul. Conclui-se que a área tem grande valor biológico e genético devido, sobretudo, à população de araucária em uma área de tensão ecológica e ocorrendo em solos hidromórficos.
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Pequenos aprendizes: assistência à infância desvalida em Pernambuco no século XIXLúcia Braga de Moura, Vera January 2003 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2003 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste estudo abordamos a infância desvalida na Província de Pernambuco,
especificamente, na segunda metade do século XIX, através do assistencialismo
do Estado e da Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Recife.
Para tanto, analisamos os espaços institucionais que recolhiam a criança
desvalida, abandonada, órfã, pobre, exposta e ingênua. A Casa de Expostos, O
Colégio de Órfãos de ambos os sexos e a Colônia Orfanológica Isabel, eram
administrados pela Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Recife com subsídios dos
Governos Imperial e Provincial e as Escolas de Aprendizes do Arsenal da Guerra
e Marinha eram administradas totalmente pelo poder público. O cotidiano destas
crianças, as atividades que desenvolviam, a disciplina a que eram submetidas e o
tratamento assistencial dispensados a estas são eixos centrais deste trabalho.
No tocante a criança ingênua, analisamos também as condições sociais da
criança liberta filho da escrava após a implementação da Lei N.2040 de 28 de
setembro de 1871, denominada Lei do Ventre Livre .
Nossa perspectiva centra-se nas condições sociais destas crianças desvalidas e
não nas instituições em si. Para isso procuramos traçar um perfil das vivências
desses menores.
Nesse sentido, a pesquisa que desenvolvemos aponta que, no século XIX,
em Pernambuco, as instituições de amparo ao menor desvalido não ofereciam a
estrutura adequada para as devidas admissões. Assim, a análise dos dados
evidenciou que o assistencialismo à infância desvalida na Província de
Pernambuco neste período era algo a ser construído, pois o recolhimento nem
sempre era acompanhado da devida assistência
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An evaluation of the effectiveness of the Gauteng Provisional Legislature Infrastructure Development Portfolio CommitteeMuzenda, Eugenia 04 June 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Public Management and Governance) / This research is an assessment of the level of goal achievement by the Gauteng Provincial Legislature’s (GPL) Infrastructure Development Portfolio Committee (IDCP). The overall aim is to determine the effectiveness of the Portfolio Committee, the reasons behind the discovered level of performance, and how to improve the status quo. Research findings reveal that the IDPC managed to achieve 61% of its targets over a four-year period (2009-2014). This is a fairly respectable achievement considering that the Portfolio Committee was only established in the current legislative term. Research findings also reveal a number of factors to support this achievement, such as capacity issues for both Members of the Provincial Legislature (MPLs) and staff and the institution’s congested programme. Quite a number of these factors need to be addressed at institutional level, including capacitation of MPLs and administrative support staff, the GPL’s congested programme, and the identification of relevant stakeholders. However, there are issues that can be addressed at committee level and include engaging in law making discussions, providing feedback to stakeholders on a regular basis and systematically, and gathering more independent information for verification purposes.
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Geografické aspekty bezpečnosti aktivit provinčních rekonstrukčních týmů ISAF v Afghánistánu / Geographical aspects of the security of International Security Assistance Forces's projects in AfghanistanJelínek, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is dedicated to the ISAF's Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan. The research focus of this study is the analysis of specific geographic factors related to location of selected reconstruction teams in Afghan provinces. Geographic factors affecting security consist of armed groups, warlords, ethno-cultural structure of population and terrain type of the areas examined. Structure, investments, prevailing priorities and effect of local area characteristics are analysed in connection with selected provincial reconstruction teams. The study aims to determine whether teams managed to stabilize the situation in their provinces and which geographic factors affected the safety of their activities.
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Étampes et la Bretagne : le métier de gouverneur de province à la Renaissance (1543-1565) / Etampes and Brittany : the profession of provincial governor in the Renaissance (1543- 1565)Rivault, Antoine 01 July 2017 (has links)
Pendant plus de vingt ans (1543-1565), Jean de Bretagne, duc d’Étampes est à la tête de la Bretagne en tant que gouverneur de la province. Héritier des comtes de Penthièvre, eux mêmes issus des ducs de Bretagne, il devient un fidèle serviteur des Valois à qui il doit tous ses honneurs. Des sources renouvelées, tant épistolaires qu’administratives, permettent de cerner les contours du métier de gouverneur, dans une province en voie d’intégration au royaume de France, entre le règne de François Ier et les premières guerres de Religion. Si le rôle de défense armée en zone frontalière, est central, il est loin d’être le seul. Au quotidien, le gouverneur de Bretagne est impliqué dans des domaines très variés. Surtout, il est facteur d’union entre la province et le souverain-suzerain. Relais mais aussi intercesseur, le gouverneur est assurément un acteur politique de premier ordre dans une province dont il est le premier gentilhomme. Analyser ses réseaux, cerner son influence, mesurer son pouvoir permet de mieux appréhender le rôle d’un type de serviteur du roi souvent mal compris, voire mal jugé, par l’historiographie. / For more than twenty years (1543-1565), Jean de Bretagne, duke of Étampes, governs Brittany as King’s governor and lieutenant. Heir of the Counts of Penthièvre, he became a faithful servant of the Valois to whom he owed each one of his honors. Some renewed sources, both epistolary and administrative, make it possible to seize the profession ofprovincial governor in the process of integration to the kingdom of France, between the reign of Francis I and the first wars of Religion. If the armed defense role of a reputed border province is central, the governor deals with many other problems on a daily basis. Above all else, he is supposed to be the link between the province and the king. Broker but also intercessor, the governor is undoubtedly a preeminent political actor in the province. First gentleman of the province, all his networks, influences and powers must be analyzed as a whole to better understand the daily life of a type of royal servant often misjudged and misunderstood by historiography.
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Paradiplomacy : a comparative analysis of the international relations of South Africa’s Gauteng, North West and Western Cape provincesNganje, Fritz Ikome 20 November 2013 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil. (Politics) / South Africa’s 1996 Constitution makes provision for relatively autonomous provincial administrations, which share responsibility with the national government for important functional areas while also exercising exclusive authority over others. Although the Constitution is not explicit on the distribution of foreign policy competence, the dominant interpretation among South African policy-makers is that this functional area is the exclusive domain of the national government. Consequently, the foreign policy-making process in the country has over the years been dominated by the national executive. Even so, since 1995 the interplay of a set of push and pull factors has encouraged all provinces to assume an active and direct international role, to the extent that provincial international relations or paradiplomacy has become an important feature of South Africa’s international relations. This study examines the paradiplomacy of the South African provinces of Gauteng, the North West and the Western Cape against the backdrop of a relatively weak scholarly and public discourse of the phenomenon in the country. Through an in-depth and empirically based analysis of the three case studies, the inquiry generates insight into the nature and meaning of paradiplomacy in South Africa, as a contribution to the development of alternative accounts of a phenomenon whose scholarship is still heavily dominated by Western perspectives. The study finds that paradiplomacy has evolved in South Africa as a predominantly functional project, which has little significance for the authority of the national government over the country’s foreign policy and international relations. The provincial governments in Gauteng, the North West and the Western Cape engage in international relations primarily as a strategy to harness the opportunities of globalisation and economic interdependence, in the interest of the socio-economic development of their respective jurisdictions. This ‘developmental paradiplomacy’ is conditioned to a large extent by the limited provincial powers on foreign affairs, strong centripetal forces in South Africa’s political system, as well as the pervasive influence of the post-apartheid discourse on socio-economic transformation. Thus, although all three provinces examined conduct their international relations with relative autonomy and in ways that have at times undermined the country’s international reputation and attracted Pretoria’s ire, these activities are consciously defined within the framework of the country’s foreign policy and, in some cases, are executed in close collaboration with the national government. In a sense, therefore, provinces conceive of their international role as that of agents or champions of Pretoria’s foreign policy agenda. The key findings of this study, especially as they pertain to the nature and significance of paradiplomacy in South Africa, highlight the North-South geopolitical cleavage in the manifestation of the phenomenon. On the one hand, the South African case resonates with the experience in other developing countries like India, China, Malaysia and Argentina, where paradiplomacy evolves under the shadow of national foreign policy processes. On the other hand, the findings contrast with the experience in most countries in Europe and North America where questions of nationalism, sub-national identity and the sovereign authority for international representation have contributed to defining the international agency of sub-national governments.
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The profile and outcomes of stroke patients discharged from a hospital In the Eastern CapeCunningham, Natalie Lorinda January 2012 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Physiotherapy) - MSc(Physio) / Stroke is the third leading cause of death and disability worldwide. The Uitenhage
Provincial Hospital admits many stroke patients. To date, no in-depth study has been
conducted on stroke patients admitted to the Hospital. This study identified the
profile of stroke patients admitted to the Uitenhage Provincial Hospital and explored
the challenges that these patients experienced post stroke. A concurrent mixed
model design was used to collect the data. Firstly retrospective data was obtained by
means of a quantitative data gathering instrument designed by the researcher. The
information obtained, included data relating to demographic characteristics, reported
risk factors relating to stroke, stroke onset-admission interval and length of hospital
stay, as well as information relating to the process of physiotherapy. Secondly
quantitative prospective information was collected by means of the Barthel Index, the
Modified Rankin Scale and the Facilitators And Barriers Survey. The sample for the
quantitative phase was drawn from medical records of 168 stroke patients admitted
to the Uitenhage Provincial Hospital from the 1 of January 2008 up to and including
the 31 of December 2009. For the second prospective quantitative part of the study,
participants were selected conveniently from the admitted patients. In the qualitative
phase, nine participants taken of the sampled participants were selected. The
Microsoft Excel 2007 Package and the SPSS 18 for social sciences were used to
analyse the quantitative data. Means, standard deviations, frequencies and
percentages were calculated for descriptive purposes and the Chi-square test was
used to test for associations between variables. Qualitative analysis began with the
transcription of voice recordings and the translation of relevant Afrikaans
transcription into English. Emerging categories were identified within the pre-determined themes. Permission and ethical clearance was obtained from the Higher
Degrees Committee and the Senate Research and Grants and Study Leave
Committee of the University of the Western Cape and permission to conduct this
study was also obtained from the Medical Superintendent of the Uitenhage
Provincial Hospital. Altogether 461 patients had been admitted with stroke during the
relevant period, but only 168 could be included in the retrospective quantitative
study. The mean age of the participants was 61,54 years; 59% were females and
41% males. The majority of the participants (86,9%) were admitted on the same day
of stroke onset, and the mean length of hospital stay was 7,38 days. Hypertension
was the most common reported risk factor, at 79%. Only 165 of the participants
received physiotherapy while hospitalised, with the mean total physiotherapy
sessions being 2,56 sessions. In 90% of the cases, physiotherapy sessions were
discontinued due to the patient being discharged from the Hospital. The mean
Barthel Index score was 81,46 and the family care domain of the Modified Rankin
Scale was the most affected. Participants experienced participation restrictions and
activity limitations due to stairs, gravel surfaces and kerb cuts. During the qualitative
interviews participants reported activity limitations related to walking and activities of
daily living. The participants also experienced participation restrictions, which
included dependency on others, decreased social support and an array of emotions
experienced post stroke. The current study’s findings suggest that the discharge of
patients from the hospital post stroke should follow a mulitidisciplinary approach.
Rehabilitation professionals should play an active role in the discharge process in
providing patient and caregiver education.
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