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Membrane studies in Japanese plums (Prunus salicina Lindl.)Jooste, Mariana 12 1900 (has links)
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The export of Japanese plums from South Africa is challenging, since most cultivars are prone to
develop chilling injury (CI) when stored at low temperatures. This injury manifests as gel
breakdown or internal browning in the mesocarp tissue of the fruit on removal from low storage
temperature conditions, i.e. in the consumer’s fruit basket, who subsequently does not buy plums
Loss of cell membrane integrity and oxidative stress are, respectively, the primary and secondary
physiological responses to CI. The main aim of this study was to investigate changes in cell
membrane composition and levels of antioxidants in plums throughout fruit development and
maturation, during forced air cooling (FAC) and storage under different temperature regimes.
‘Sapphire’ (a chilling susceptible cultivar) accumulated high levels of glutathione and
polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) during fruit development. Therefore, the cultivar is protected
against lipid peroxidation while developing on the tree, but the high levels of PUFAs, which are
easily oxidised, may cause this cultivar to be chilling susceptible when stored at low temperatures.
It is suggested that the high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), which are not easily
oxidised, and ascorbic acid that accumulated in ‘Angeleno’ (a chilling resistant cultivar) during fruit
development, render this cultivar CI resistant during long-term cold-storage.
When stored at -0.5 °C, CI development increased at a higher rate, ethylene evolution rates were
higher and water soluble antioxidant activity (HAA), ascorbic acid and glutathione levels, and the
MUFA:PUFA ratio were lower in H2 (more mature) ‘Sapphire’ plums than H1 fruit (less mature).
Therefore, concurrent with H2 fruit having lower levels of antioxidants to quench free radicals
caused by chilling stress, their cell membranes were more vulnerable to oxidation due to their
phospholipid fatty acid composition. H2 fruit also had higher levels of saturated fatty acids, and
hence less fluid cell membranes than H1 fruit when stored at -0.5 °C.
An intermittent warming (IW) regime delayed symptom appearance and reduced CI severity in
plums significantly compared to storage at -0.5 °C. Fruit stored under the IW regime had a more optimal phospholipid fatty acid composition and lower membrane sterol levels under shelf-life
conditions to keep the membranes fluid. It also had higher levels of HAA and lipid soluble
antioxidant activity, ascorbic acid and glutathione, which rendered fruit better protected against
Elevated storage temperatures (2.5 °C to 7.5 °C) caused higher levels of lipid peroxidation or low
ascorbic acid levels and poor fruit quality compared to the IW regime in ‘Sapphire’ plums. ‘Laetitia’
plums stored at 5 °C and 7.5 °C had significantly less CI than under the IW regime, but softened
quicker due to higher ethylene evolution rates.
‘Sapphire’ tolerated both long and short FAC durations, but a slower initial FAC rate prevented CI
manifestation and caused a higher HAA after cold-storage in this fruit. ‘Laetitia’ cooled with a
slower initial FAC rate and for a longer duration resulted in the best fruit quality and had higher
HAA, total phenolic, phospholipid and saturated phospholipid fatty acid concentrations during
storage. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die uitvoer van Japanese pruime vanaf Suid-Afrika hou talle uitdagings in, want die meeste van die
kultivars ontwikkel koueskade wanneer hulle by lae temperature opgeberg word. Koueskade
manifesteer as gelverval of interne verbruining in die mesokarpweefsel van die vrugte wanneer die
vrugte verwyder word uit die lae opbergingstemperatuuromstandighede, m.a.w. in die verbruiker se
vrugtemandjie, wat nie weer pruime koop nie.
Verlies aan selmembraanintegriteit en oksidatiewe druk is, respektiewelik, die primêre and
sekondêre fisiologiese reaksies op koueskade. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om die
veranderinge in selmembraansamestelling en antioksidantkonsentrasie in pruime te ondersoek
tydens vrugontwikkeling en volwassewording, tydens geforseerde lugverkoeling (GLV) en tydens
opberging onder verskillende temperatuurregimes.
‘Sapphire’ (‘n koueskade sensitiewe kultivar) het hoër konsentrasies van glutatioon en polionversadigde
vetsure (POV) tydens vrugontwikkeling geakkumuleer. Dié kultivar is dus voldoende
beskerm teen lipiedperoksidasie tydens vrugontwikkeling aan die boom, maar die hoë
konsentrasies van POVs, wat maklik oksideer, mag veroorsaak dat hierdie kultivar meer
koueskadesensitief is wanneer dit by lae temperature opgeberg word. Die hoë konsentrasies van
mono-onversadigde vetsure (MOV), wat nie maklik oksideer nie, en askorbiensuur wat in
‘Angeleno’ (‘n koueskade weerstandbiedende kultivar) geakkumuleer het tydens vrugontwikkeling,
verleen moontlik weerstandbiedendheid teen koueskade aan hierdie kultivar tydens langtermyn
Tydens opberging by -0.5 °C het koueskade ontwikkeling vinniger toegeneem, was
etileenvrystellingstempos hoër en die wateroplosbare antioksidantaktiwiteit (HAA), askorbiensuuren
glutatioonkonsentrasies en die MOV:POV verhouding laer in H2 (meer volwasse) ‘Sapphire’
pruime as in die H1 vrugte (minder volwasse). Dus, tesame met die laer antioksidantkonsentrasies
in die H2 vrugte om die vry radikale veroorsaak deur koelopbering te verminder, was hul
selmembrane ook meer vatbaar vir oksidasie a.g.v. die vetsuursamestellling van hul
membraanfosfolipiede. Die H2 vrugte het ook ‘n hoër konsentrasie van versadigde vetsure, en dus
minder vloeibare membrane as die H1 vrugte gehad tydens opberging by -0.5 °C.
Die dubbeltemperatuurregime (DT) het simptoomontwikkeling vertraag en koueskade-intensiteit
betekenisvol verminder in vergelyking met pruime wat by -0.5 °C opgeberg is. Vrugte wat met die
DT regime opgeberg is, het ‘n meer optimale fosfolipiedvetsuursamestelling en laer konsentrasie
van membraansterole tydens gesimuleerde raklewe gehad wat meer vloeibare membrane
verseker het. Hierdie behandeling het ook hoër HAA en lipiedoplosbare antioksidantaktiwiteit
(LAA), askorbiensuur- en glutatioonkonsentrasies gehad wat die vrugte beskerm het teen
oksidatiewe druk.
Verhoogde opbergingstemperature het hoër vlakke van lipiedperoksidasie of lae
askorbiensuurkonsentrasies asook swak vrugkwaliteit in ‘Sapphire’ pruime veroorsaak in
vergelyking met die DT regime. ‘Laetitia’ pruime wat by 5 °C en 7.5 °C opgeberg is, het
betekenisvol minder koueskade gehad in vergelyking met die DT regime, maar het vinniger sag
geword a.g.v. hoër etileenvrystellingstempos.
‘Sapphire’ kon lang en kort GLV tye weerstaan, maar ‘n stadiger inisiële GLV spoed het die
manifestasie van koueskade voorkom en het ‘n hoër HAA in die vrugte tot gevolg gehad na
koelopberging. ‘Laetitia’ wat met ‘n stadiger inisiële GLV spoed en oor ‘n langer tyd verkoel is, het
die beste vrugkwaliteit, en hoër HAA, totale fenool-, fosfolipied- en versadigde
fosfolipiedvetsuurkonsentrasies as die ander behandelings tydens koelopberging gehad
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Evaluation of temperature variances found with integral reefer containers during shipment of Japanese plums (Prunus salicina Lindl.) at dual and single temperatureKapp, Anine A. C. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Stone fruit is susceptible to chilling injury and intermittent warming has been shown to
alleviate chilling injury during cold storage. A dual temperature storage regime was
developed in South Africa for plums based on the principles of intermittent warming. The
regime consists of an initial period at -0.5°C, a variable duration warming period at 7.5°C,
followed by -0.5°C. Refrigerated integral containers were designed to maintain product
temperature and not to reduce product temperature, per se. Considering that dual
temperature shipment requires significant refrigeration and effective distribution of cool air to
remove sensible- and respiratory heat, the capacity of integral containers to ship plums
successfully at dual temperature is questioned.
The objectives of this study were, firstly, to analyse pulp temperature data and possibly
identify different temperature zones within containers shipping plums at dual temperature.
Secondly, to understand the underlying processes differentiating the temperature zones and
thirdly, to determine the effect of container performance on fruit quality.
Three processes were identified as important characteristics of pulp temperature data sets
recorded during dual temperature shipping, namely cooling down, heating up and over
heating in the container. The order of importance differed according to the cultivar shipped
and the container’s performance. Three temperature zones were identified in dual
temperature containers, where the average pulp temperature, time to heat up and time to
cool down for each temperature zone increased along the length, across the width from the
left to the right and up the container system. The variable temperature conditions were
possibly due to a variation in delivery air temperature, poor airflow and the effect of increased
respiration and, therefore, production of vital heat by the fruit. The cooling down process was
identified as the most important process discriminating the temperature zones.
With the exception of ‘Fortune’, variable temperature conditions found within integral
containers shipping plums at dual temperature had a significant influence on the fruit
firmness post-shipment, where deterioration levels increased from the front to the door end
of the container due to an increase in pulp temperature. However, it was also shown that fruit
firmness prior to shipment could have a determining effect on differences found. It could not be proven that variable temperature conditions resulted in significantly higher levels of
internal defects within the integral container.
Temperature zones could not be identified within refrigerated integral containers shipping
plums at single temperature, suggesting that the containers are able to maintain the
temperature well throughout the container area.
A constant 2°C storage temperature could possibly replace the commercial dual temperature
regime in the case of ‘Pioneer’ plums due to improved fruit firmness, similar colour
development to the control and less sensible heat produced in the container resulting in a
more stable container environment. However, unacceptably high levels of shrivel and internal
browning were found. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Steenvrugte is vatbaar vir koueskade en dit is bewys dat periodieke verwarming gedurende
koelopberging koueskade kan verlig. Die dubbeltemperatuur opbergingsregime is in Suid-
Afrika ontwikkel vir pruime en is gebaseer op die beginsels van periodieke verwarming. Die
regime bestaan uit ‘n inisiële periode by -0.5°C, ‘n variërende periode by 7.5°C, gevolg deur
-0.5°C. Verkoelde integrale houers is ontwerp om produktemperature te handhaaf en nie
soseer om produktemperatuur te verlaag nie. Die kapasiteit van integrale houers om pruime
suksesvol teen dubbeltemperatuur te verskeep word dus bevraagteken, in ag geneem dat
dubbeltemperatuurverskeping betekenisvolle verkoeling en effektiewe verspreiding van koue
lug vereis om die waarneembare- en respiratoriese hitte te verwyder.
Die doelwitte van die studie was eerstens om die pulptemperatuurdata te analiseer en
moontlik verskillende temperatuursones binne houers wat pruime teen dubbeltemperatuur
verskeep te identifiseer. Tweedens, om die onderliggende prosesse wat die
temperatuursones van mekaar onderskei te verstaan, en derdens om die effek van die houer
se werkverrigting op vrugkwaliteit te bepaal.
Drie prosesse is geïdentifiseer as belangrike eienskappe van pulptemperatuur datastelle
aangeteken gedurende dubbeltemperatuurverskeping, naamlik afkoeling, opwarming en
oorverhitting wat binne die houer plaasvind. Die volgorde van belangrikheid het gevarieer
afhangende van die kultivar verskeep en die houer se werkverrigting. Drie temperatuursones
is geïdentifiseer binne integrale houers wat pruime teen dubbeltemperatuur verskeep, waar
die gemiddelde pulptemperatuur, die opwarmingstyd en die afkoelingstyd vir elke
temperatuursone in die lengte, oor die wydte van links na regs en van onder na bo in die
houersisteem toegeneem het. Die variërende temperatuur toestande kan moontlik toegeskryf
word aan ‘n variasie in leweringstemperatuur, swak lugvloei en die effek van toenemende
respirasie, en dus die produksie van hitte vrygestel deur die vrugte. Die afkoelingsproses is
geïdentifiseer as die belangrikste proses wat die temperatuursones van mekaar onderskei.
Behalwe in die geval van ‘Fortune, het variërende temperatuurtoestande in integrale houers
wat pruime teen dubbeltemperatuur verskeep ‘n betekenisvolle invloed op die vrugfermheid
na verskeping gehad, waar vrugveroudering toegeneem het van voor in die houer na die
deur van die houer as gevolg van ‘n toename in pulptemperatuur. Daar is egter bewys dat die vrugfermheid voor verskeping ook ‘n bepalende effek kon hê op die fermheidsverskille.
Dit kon nie bewys word dat die variërende temperatuurtoestande betekenisvol hoër vlakke
van interne defekte binne die integrale houer veroorsaak het nie.
Temperatuursones kon nie geïdentifiseer word binne verkoelde integrale houers wat pruime
teen enkeltemperatuur verskeep het nie, wat dus impliseer dat die houers daartoe instaat is
om temperatuur goed te onderhou binne die houer.
‘n Konstante 2°C opbergingstemperatuur kan moontlik die kommersiële
dubbeltemperatuurregime vervang in die geval van ‘Pioneer’ pruime as gevolg van
verbeterde vrugfermheid, soortgelyke kleurontwikkeling as die dubbeltemperatuurregime en
minder hitte geproduseer binne die houer deur die pruime, wat ‘n meer stabiele
houeromgewing veroorsaak. Onaanvaarbare hoë vlakke van verrimpeling en interne
verbruining is egter gevind.
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Comparación del nivel de depósito inicial en hojas de ciruelo japonés (Prunus salicina Lindl.), ante distintos métodos de aplicación con una máquina hidroneumática modificada / Comparison of initial level of spray deposit in leaves of japanese plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.) between different application methods with a modified hydropneumatic machineRíos Núñez, Juan Carlos January 2015 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título profesional de: Ingeniero Agrónomo Mención: Manejo de Suelos y Aguas / Con el objetivo de evaluar cuantitativamente la efectividad de la aplicación de una pulverizadora hidroneumática modificada, se midió el depósito del caldo de aplicación sobre las hojas de Prunus salicina Lindl., en un huerto plenamente productivo ubicado en la Comuna de Peumo, Región de O´Higgins, Chile. Se evaluaron 4 tratamientos, diferenciados en el volumen de agua aplicado por hectárea y el número de boquillas utilizadas en la máquina: 1.200 L∙ha-1 y 56 boquillas; 1.200 L∙ha-1 y 28 boquillas; 600 L∙ha-1 y 56 boquillas; y 600 L∙ha-1 y 28 boquillas; cada uno con 4 repeticiones. Para cuantificar el depósito sobre las hojas, se utilizó una solución de Azul Brillante FD&C-1 en agua como caldo de aplicación de los cuatro tratamientos, recolectando, inmediatamente seco el residuo, 10 muestras por repetición compuestas por 3 hojas cada una, a las cuales se les midió la superficie y el depósito de la solución mediante espectrofotometría UV. Los valores del depósito logrado fueron expresados como μL del caldo de aplicación por cm2 de hoja. El comportamiento del depósito en hojas a distintos niveles de cubrimiento conservó proporcionalidad, logrando obtener aproximadamente la mitad del depósito en hojas al emplear 600 L∙ha-1 respecto al depósito logrado al emplear 1.200 L∙ha-1. Por su parte, el número de boquillas no logra por sí sólo un efecto en el depósito sobre hojas. Un análisis de varianza de dos factores permitió establecer que el depósito en hojas es afectado por la interacción entre el cubrimiento utilizado y el número de boquillas. / With the aim to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of an application with a modified hydropneumatic sprayer, spray deposition was measured on leaves of Prunus salicina Lindl. in a fully productive orchard (Peumo, O'Higgins Region, Chile). Four treatments were evaluated, differentiated by water volume applied per hectare and the number of nozzles of the machine: 1,200 L∙ha-1 and 56 nozzles; 1,200 L∙ha-1 and 28 nozzles; 600 L∙ha-1 and 56 nozzles; and 600 L∙ha-1 and 28 nozzles; each with 4 replications. To quantify the deposit on the leaves, a solution of Brilliant Blue FD&C-1 in water was used as the spray solution of the four treatments, then 10 samples per repeat composed by three leaves each were collected, to measure the surface and the deposit of the solution by UV spectrophotometry. The achieved deposit values were expressed as μL∙cm-2 leaf. Deposit behavior at different levels of coverage maintained proportionality, achieving about half the deposit in leaves by using 600 L∙ha-1 respect to the deposit when using 1,200 L∙ha-1. Meanwhile, the number of nozzles by itself fails effect in the deposit on leaves. ANOVA of two factors showed that interaction between the spray coverage used and the number of nozzles was significant.
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Moisture loss studies in Japanese plums (Prunus salicina Lindl.)Theron, Jacobus Adriaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The export of Japanese plums from South Africa is challenging. Exporting late season plums require fruit to last as long as 8 weeks in cold-storage. Prolonged storage periods can cause some cultivars to develop a shrivelled appearance due to moisture loss. Moisture loss from perishable commodities manifests mainly as shrivelling due to a loss in the turgidity of the surface cells of the fruit, or weight loss.
‘African DelightTM’ (highly susceptible to shrivel), ‘Laetitia’ (shrivel susceptible), ‘Sapphire’ (shrivel susceptible) and ‘Songold’ (not shrivel susceptible) plums were investigated by means of fluorescent microscopy for cracks and openings in the fruit peel. Only ‘African DelightTM’ had open hairline cracks in its peel, and fruit with wider cracks were associated with higher water vapour permeabilities. Open lenticels were found in the peels of ‘African DelightTM’, ‘Laetitia’ and ‘Sapphire’ plums. For ‘Songold’ no peel cracking or open lenticels were observed. The fact that the cuticle of this cultivar is mostly intact may be the reason why it is not susceptible to postharvest shrivel manifestation.
The water vapour permeance of the fruit peel determines how easily fruit lose moisture. In this study it was determined to what extent fruit, trees, orchards, harvest date and cultivar contribute to the total variation in plum peel water vapour permeability. The permeabilities of ‘African DelightTM’, ‘Laetitia’, and ‘Songold’ were determined weekly from 4 weeks before harvest until post optimum maturity. Fruit to fruit variation made the largest contribution towards the total variation (> 45%), followed by harvest date (> 20%) and orchard (> 15%) effects. The permeability across all cultivars increased two-fold as fruit became over mature. The contribution of cultivar differences to fruit peel permeability varied greatly between seasons (42% in 2013/2014 and 5% in 2014/2015). Differences between cultivars may include cuticle thickness and composition, micro cracks in the peel and/or open lenticels.
Current handling protocols suggest that fruit should be cooled as soon as possible after harvest, but this is not always possible. ‘African DelightTM’ plums were exposed to various handling scenarios in order to determine the handling protocol with the least risk of moisture loss. The control consisted of packaging and cooling the fruit within 6 h of harvest. Fruit quality was comparable or even better than the control when the fruit were pre-cooled to 0 °C and 15 °C for up to 72 h. High vapour pressure deficits caused fruit to lose more moisture, especially when fruit were exposed to ambient temperatures for 48 h and 72 h. It is recommended that handling protocols for plums should be followed stringently in order to reduce mass loss and shrivel manifestation.
Since other studies found that silicate (Si) has positive effects on fruit quality, we applied potassium silicate preharvest to ‘African DelightTM’ trees. However, we did not find significant differences between treatments regarding crack width or crack incidence in the fruit peel, shrivel, decay, internal browning, gel breakdown or aerated tissue levels. Currently preharvest potassium silicate applications are not recommended to improve plum quality. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die uitvoer van die Japanese pruime uit Suid-Afrika is 'n uitdaging, omrede daar verwag word dat laatseisoen kultivars tot 8 weke in koelopberging moet bly. Lang opbergingsperiodes veroorsaak dat sommige kultivars 'n verrimpelde voorkoms ontwikkel a.g.v. vogverlies. Vogverlies uit vars produkte manifesteer hoofsaaklik as verrimpeling a.g.v. 'n verlies in die turgiditeit van die selle in en onder die vrugskil, en as massaverlies.
‘African DelightTM’ (hoogs vatbaar vir verrimpeling), ‘Laetitia’ (vatbaar vir verrimpeling), ‘Sapphire’ (vatbaar vir verrimpeling) en ‘Songold’ (nie vatbaar vir verrimpeling) pruime is ondersoek deur middel van fluoressensie mikroskopie vir krake en openinge in die vrugskil. Slegs ‘African DelightTM’ het oop haarlyn krake in sy skil gehad en vrugte met wyer krake het ʼn hoër waterdamp deurlaatbaarheid gehad. Oop lentiselle is gevind in die skille van ‘African DelightTM’, ‘Laetitia’ en ‘Sapphire’ pruime. ‘Songold’ het geen krake of oop lentiselle getoon nie. Die feit dat ‘Songold’ se kutikula meestal ongeskonde was, mag die rede wees waarom hierdie kultivar nie vatbaar vir verrimpeling is nie.
Die waterdamp deurlaatbaarheid van 'n vrugskil bepaal hoe maklik vrugte vog verloor. In hierdie studie is bepaal tot watter mate vrugte, bome, boorde, oesdatum en kultivar bydra tot die totale variasie in die pruimskil se waterdamp deurlaatbaarheid. Die deurlaatbaarheid van ‘African DelightTM’, ‘Laetitia’, en ‘Songold’ is weekliks bepaal vanaf 4 weke voor die verwagte oesdatum tot die vrugte oorryp was. Vrug tot vrug variasie het die grootste bydrae tot die totale variasie gemaak (> 45%), gevolg deur oesdatum (> 20%) en boord (> 15%). Die skildeurlaatbaarheid van al die kultivars het verdubbel in die tyd van net voor oes tot die vrugte oorryp was. Die kultivar se bydrae tot die deurlaatbaarheid van die vrugskil het baie gewissel tussen seisoene (42% in 2013/2014 en 5% in 2014/2015). Verskille in skil-deurlaatbaarheid tussen kultivars kan kutikula-dikte en -samestelling, mikro-krake in die skil en/of oop lentiselle insluit.
Huidige hanteringsprotokolle stel voor dat vrugte so spoedig moontlik afgekoel word na oes, maar dit is nie altyd moontlik nie. In hierdie studie is 'African DelightTM' pruime is blootgestel aan verskeie hantering scenario's om die hanteringsprotokol met die laagste risiko vir vogverlies te bepaal. Die kontrole vrugte is gepak en onder geforseerde verkoeling geplaas binne 6 ure na oes. Vrugkwaliteit was vergelykbaar of selfs beter in vergelyking met die kontrole wanneer die vrugte voorverkoel is tot 0 °C en 15 °C vir tot 72 uur. Hoë dampdrukverskille het veroorsaak dat vrugte meer vog verloor, veral wanneer vrugte aan kamertemperatuur blootgestel was vir 48 h en 72 h na oes. Dit word aanbeveel dat hanteringsprotokolle vir pruime streng gevolg moet word om massaverlies en verrimpeling te beperk.
Aangesien ander studies gevind het dat silikaat (Si) ‘n positiewe uitwerking op vrugkwaliteit het, het ons kaliumsilikaat vooroes aan ‘African DelightTM’ bome toegedien. Daar was egter geen beduidende verskille tussen behandelings met betrekking tot kraakbreedte of kraakvoorkoms in die vrugskil of t.o.v. gehalte eienskappe soos die voorkoms van verrimpeling, bederf, interne verbruining, gelverval of deurlugte weefsel nie. Tans word voor-oes kaliumsilikaat spuite nie aanbeveel om pruimkwaliteit te verbeter nie.
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ÁCIDO 2-CLOROETILFOSFÔNICO NO RALEIO DE AMEIXEIRAS EM PÓS FLORADAPavanello, Alexandre Pozzobom 10 May 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-05-10 / Fundação Araucária de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Paraná / Fruit thinning is one of the main practice to produce good quality fruit today. It promotes a balance between vegetative growth and production, increases fruit size and avoids alternation of production. Thinning can be done during flowering, but its often done later after fruit set, which can be defined best fruiting. Manual thinning of large number of plants is not practical or economical. An alternative is chemical thinning, which involves the application of chemicals on flowering or right after flowering and leads to fruit abscission, reducing or eliminating manual thinning. The objectives of this trial was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic) in chemical thinning of plum cvs. Irati, Reubennel during the harvest of 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 and its economic feasibility in Arapoti-PR. East central region of Paraná. The following characteristics were evaluated, number of fruits per branch, per plant, production, medium weight, firmness, soluble solids, pH, acidity and color. In the season 2010/2011, it was observed that increased concentration of ethephon linearly decreased the number of fruit caliber I, II, III, since the gauge IV had a higher number of fruits on the estimated concentration of 0.093 mL L ethephon and necessary to drive studies at lower concentrations, which were made in 2011/2012 harvest. In this harvest, the estimated concentration of 0.07 mL L ethephon, cv. Irati produced 23 kg/plant and the cv. Reubennel 73 kg/plant having satisfactory quantity of fruit size III and IV. The use of ethephon decreased the firmness of the fruits for cv. Irati and did not influenced the cv. Reubennel. None of the concentrations of ethephon affected the physical and chemical quality of fruits in relation to total soluble solids, pH and acidity for both crops and cvs. Economical evaluation of both cvs., showed that productivity and net income of treatment with etehephon gave better results than other treatments. Manual thinning showed a higher percentage gave better results than other treatments. Manual thinning showed a higher percentage of fruit size III and IV but at higher cost, which is difficult to sustain in time, due to high cost and availability of skilled labor force in the region, which indicates that chemical thinning will be a good economical alternative. / O raleio de frutos é uma das práticas mais importantes para se produzir frutos de qualidade. Promove equilíbrio entre o crescimento vegetativo e produtivo, aumento no tamanho dos frutos e evita alternância da produção. O raleio pode ser realizado durante a floração, mas é frequentemente feito mais tarde, após a fixação dos frutos, onde pode se definir melhor a frutificação. O raleio manual de um grande número de plantas não é prático nem econômico. A alternativa é o raleio químico, o qual consiste na aplicação de produtos químicos na floração ou logo após, provocando a abscisão de frutos, diminuindo ou eliminando, a atividade do raleio manual. Nesse contexto, os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentrações de ethephon (ácido 2-cloroetilfosfônico), para o raleio químico das ameixeiras cvs. Irati e Reubennel, nas safras 2010/2011 e 2011/2012 e sua viabilidade econômica, no município de Arapoti – PR, região centro leste do Paraná. As seguintes características foram avaliadas: número de frutos por ramo, por planta, produção, massa médio, firmeza, sólidos solúveis, pH, acidez e coloração. Na safra 2010/2011, concluiu-se que o aumento na concentração de ethephon diminuiu linearmente o número de frutos de calibre I, II e III, já o calibre IV apresentou maior número de frutos na concentração estimada de 0,093 mL Lˉˡ de ethephon, sendo necessário realizar estudos com menores concentrações, as quais foram feitas na safra 2011/2012. Nesta safra, a concentração estimada de 0,07 mL Lˉˡ de ethephon, a cv. Irati produziu 23 kg/planta e a cv. Reubennel 73 kg/planta, apresentando quantidade satisfatória de frutos calibre III e IV. A utilização de ethephon diminui a firmeza dos frutos para cv. Irati e não influenciou a cv. Reubennel. Nenhuma das concentrações de ethephon afetou a qualidade física e química dos frutos, em relação ao teor de sólidos solúveis, pH e acidez, para ambas cvs e safras. Na análise econômica, em ambas cvs., a produtividade e a receita líquida para o tratamento com ethephon, foi superior aos demais. O tratamento com raleio manual apresentou maior porcentagem de frutos calibre III e IV, porém o alto custo, a dificuldade e disponibilidade de mão-de-obra para o raleio manual, fazem com que o raleio químico venha a ser usado cada vez mais.
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Comparação de métodos de raleio manual, químico e mecânico de frutos / Comparação de métodos de raleio manual, químico e mecânico de frutos / Comparison of hand, chemical and mechanical thinning methods for fruit. / Comparison of hand, chemical and mechanical thinning methods for fruit.Pavanello, Alexandre Pozzobom 10 June 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-06-10 / Fundação Araucária de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Paraná / The harvest of fruits of high quality provides increased market value for the fruit grower. A effective fruit thinning is of the most important steps to provide good commercialization. The increased occurrence of hail storms during the growing period resulted in the installation of protective hail nets. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of chemical and mechanical thinning in plums and hand, chemical and mechanical thinning in apples for different hail nets.. For thinning in plums, mechanical thinning was more efficient when compared to chemical thinning. The mechanical thinning treatment reduced fruit set, number of fruit per tree and yield, however it increased fruit size, fruit weight and promoted higher vegetative growth, an important factor to avoid alternating production every year. For apple thinning, mechanical thinning was an effective fruit thinner. It was observed that some treatments like CT-BA required around 300 hours or more per hectare of hand thinning to achieve a satisfactory thinning efficacy. The black hail nets showed a reduction in red colour in apples. The thinning efficacy value (TEV) for hand thinning was 93%, for mechanical thinning was 74%, for chemical thinning with Metamitron was 62% and for chemical thinning with Benzyladenine was 54%. / A colheita de frutos com qualidade proporciona ao produtor agregar valor na venda da fruta. Realizar o raleio dos frutos de maneira eficiente é uma das práticas que proporcionam ao fruticultor melhorar a rentabilidade na produção. Devido as frequentes chuvas de granizo no período de produção de frutas, alguns fruticultores optam por implantar telas antigranizo. Neste contexto, os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar os efeitos do raleio químico e mecânico em ameixeira e do raleio manual, químico e mecânico em macieiras sobre diferentes telas antigranizo. Para os raleios em ameixeira, os tratamentos com raleio mecânico foram mais eficientes comparados aos tratamentos com raleio químico. O raleio mecânico reduziu o pegamento de frutos, o número de frutos e a produtividade. Entretanto, proporcionou aumento no tamanho e peso dos frutos e maior crescimento vegetativo, o que pode evitar a alternância de produção. Para o raleio em macieiras, o raleio mecânico foi o mais efetivo. Para o tratamento com benziladenina, foram necessárias mais de 300 horas por hectare de raleio manual para alcançar um raleio eficaz. A utilização de tela preta proporciona redução na coloração vermelha dos frutos de maçã. O Valor da Eficácia do Raleio (VER) para o tratamento com raleio manual foi de 93%, com raleio mecânico de 74%, com raleio químico Metamitron de 62% e o raleio químico Benziladenina 54%.
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Ponto de colheita, efeito do 1-metilciclopropeno, etileno e do armazenamento refrigerado em ameixa \'Gulfblaze\' / Harvest time and effect of 1-methylcyclopropene, ethylene and cold storage in \'Gulfblaze\' plumPessoa, Cleucione de Oliveira 23 May 2016 (has links)
A ameixeira Gulfblaze, também conhecida como FLA 87-7, é uma cultivar de ameixa japonesa que se destaca pelo tamanho do fruto, precocidade de produção e resistência a escaldadura das folhas, doença que tem sido entrava a produção de ameixas no Brasil. Essa cultivar foi incorporada ao Banco Ativo de Germoplasma (BAG) do IAC por volta das décadas de 60 e 70, mas ainda há poucos trabalhos no tocante a informações sobre sua a fisiologia, conservação e armazenamento pós-colheita. As ameixas apresentam, geralmente, um curto período pós-colheita, sendo necessárias tecnologias para aumentar seu tempo de armazenamento e a manutenção da qualidade, as quais visam, sobretudo, a minimização dos efeitos deletérios causados pelo etileno, desde a maturação até o momento da chegada ao consumidor. Para sugerir melhorias no manejo e conservação da qualidade pós-colheita e promover maior longevidade da ameixa \"Gulfblaze\", alguns experimentos foram realizados. Desses experimentos, surgiram três trabalhos. O primeiro trabalho investigou o ponto de colheita ideal baseado no estado de maturação. No segundo, foi investigado o uso da refrigeração associado ao 1-MCP para prolongar o tempo de armazenamento. E no terceiro, foi testada a hipótese de que a aplicação do etileno poderia reiniciar o processo regular de amadurecimento de frutos refrigerados, interrompido pelo 1-MCP, e uniformizar o amadurecimento. A ameixa \"Gulfblaze\" apresenta padrão climatérico de amadurecimento, e quando colhida com casca apresentando 50 a 75% da coloração característica da cultivar apresentam maturação regular e maior potencial para comercialização e consumo, com longevidade comercial de 10 dias em temperatura ambiente (25°C). Sob essas condições, a firmeza dos frutos no momento da colheita é adequada ao transporte e são visualizados melhores resultados para os índices de qualidade, tais como sólidos solúveis e relação sólidos solúveis/acidez titulável, ao longo do período de armazenamento. A aplicação de 1-MCP retarda o pico climatérico em ameixa \"Gulfblaze\". Aplicação de 450 nL L-1 de 1-MCP seguido do armazenamento a 1°C mantém a qualidade desses frutos durante 36 dias de armazenamento refrigerado, proporcionando firmeza, cor e sabor adequados a comercialização e consumo mesmo após seis dias de armazenamento a 25°C. A aplicação de etileno em ameixa \"Gulfblaze\" tratada com 1-MCP não provocou aumento na atividade respiratória e na produção de etileno, tampouco antecipou o climatérico. Embora a perda de massa e a acidez titulável nos frutos tratados com 1-MCP e etileno tenha sido maior que nos demais tratamentos, essa combinação permitiu a manutenção da coloração da casca mais próxima daquela observada na colheita e proporcionou maiores valores para o teor de sólidos solúveis e atividade antioxidante. A aplicação de 1-MCP e etileno aos 18 dias proporcionou maior conteúdo de antocianina na casca e maior teor de vitamina C na polpa. A aplicação do 1-MCP inibiu o surgimento de injúrias por frio, mesmo em frutos tratados com etileno. / The Gulfblaze plum, also known as FLA 87-7, is a Japanese plum cultivar that stands out for fruit size, earliness and resistance to the leaf scald disease, which has been hindering the production of plums in Brazil. This cultivar was incorporated into the Active Germplasm Bank of IAC around the \'60s and \'70s, but there are few papers related to information about their physiology, conservation and post-harvest storage. Plums have a short post-harvest period, and further technology is necessary to increase their shelf life and maintain quality, primarily by minimizing the deleterious effects of ethylene from ripening until the time of arrival to the consumer. In order to suggest improvements in the management and conservation of postharvest quality and promote longevity plum \'Gulfblaze\', some experiments were carried out. Three studies resulted from these experiments: The first study investigated the point of ideal harvest based on ripeness, the second one investigated refrigeration associated with 1-MCP to extend the storage time, and the third paper tested the hypothesis that the application of ethylene could restart the regular process of maturation of chilled fruit, interrupted by 1-MCP, and uniform ripening. \'Gulfblaze\' plums exhibit a climacteric ripening pattern, and when harvested within 50-75% of a cultivar\'s characteristic color, they have regular maturation with an brand longevity of 10 days at room temperature (25°C). In that condition, the fruit has greater potential for marketing and consumption, with a proper firmness transport at harvest and better results for the quality indexes such as soluble solids and soluble solids / titratable acidity during the storage period. The application of 1-MCP slows the climacteric peak in \'Gulfblaze\' plums. Application 450 nL L-1 1-MCP followed by storage at 1°C maintains the quality of the fruit during 36 days of cold storage, providing firmness, color and flavor suitable for marketing and consumption even after six days of storage at 25°C. The application of ethylene in \'Gulfblaze\' plums treated with 1-MCP did not cause an increase in respiratory activity and ethylene production, nor did it anticipate the climacteric. Although weight loss and titratable acidity in fruit treated with 1-MCP and ethylene was higher than other treatments, this combination allowed the maintenance of the peel color closer to that observed at harvest, and it gave higher values for the solids and soluble antioxidant activity. The application of 1-MCP and ethylene in the 18th day showed higher content of anthocyanin in the skin and higher content of vitamin C in the pulp. The application of 1-MCP inhibited the incidence of chilling injuries, even in ethylene treated fruit.
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Qualidade de ameixas ‘Laetitia’ frigoconservadas e submetidas ao estresse inicial por baixo oxigênio, tratamento térmico e vapor de etanol / Quality of ‘Laetitia’ plums cold stored and submitted to initial low oxygen stress, heat treatment and ethanol vaporHeinzen, Angélica Schmitz 28 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudia Rocha (claudia.rocha@udesc.br) on 2018-02-27T14:30:45Z
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PGPV16MA207.pdf: 1304865 bytes, checksum: 7b2854584ba3fabd5f5a4cf59285f1f4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-27T14:30:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
PGPV16MA207.pdf: 1304865 bytes, checksum: 7b2854584ba3fabd5f5a4cf59285f1f4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-07-28 / Capes / ‘Laetitia’ plums develop internal browning during cold storage. The severity of this disorder is associated with factors such as harvest time, storage time, and oxidative stress. The occurrence of this disorder and rapid ripening of fruits during storage are the main challenges after harvesting plums. Methods such as initial low oxygen stress (ILOS) and heat treatments and ethanol vapor application can be alternatives for controlling internal browning and delaying ripening of fruits. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of ILOS, heat treatments and ethanol vapor application on both ripening of fruits and internal browning in ‘Laetitia’ plums cold stored, as well as on the oxidative stress on fruit pulp tissues. The fruits used in the experiments were from commercial orchards located in the municipalities of Urubici, Santa Catarina, 2014/15 and 2015/16 seasons and Vacaria, Rio Grande do Sul, 2014/15. In experiment 1, the following treatments were evaluated: control, ethanol vapor application (0.15%), heat treatment (37ºC/24 h), heat treatment (40ºC/6 h), heat treatment (37°C/24 h) + ethanol vapor application (0.15%), and heat treatment (40ºC/6 h) + ethanol vapor application (0.15%). In experiment 2, the following treatments were evaluated: maintenance of the fruits for 48 h under environmental conditions (20°C ± 5°C/63% ± 2% RH), and five periods of ILOS (1.0 kPa O2) (0, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h) under environmental conditions. Each treatment was performed four times, and an experimental unit comprised 20 fruits. Fruits were
stored (1±0.2°C e 92±2% de RH) during 35 days. In experiment 1, heat treatment at both temperatures resulted in a lower incidence of internal browning. The combination of heat treatment at 40°C for 6 h plus ethanol vapor application reduced the ethylene production rate, severity of internal browning, concentration of phenolic compounds, and antioxidant activity. It also maintained greater flesh firmness and POD and SOD activities. In experiment 2, fruits from the treatments with ILOS, at 2014/15, showed lower ethylene production and respiratory rates, less internal browning, as well as greater SOD enzyme activity. Fruits that presented a reddish epidermis color and had a greater fruit compression force and flesh firmness during the 48 and 72 h of ILOS treatment. ILOS treatment for 12 and 24 h led to decreased H2O2 production and greater SOD activity. In fruits from 2015/16, ILOS treatment for 12 h provided greater fruit compression force and flesh firmness and lower ethylene production rate, with less internal browning, lipid peroxidation, and POD and SOD activities / Ameixas ‘Laetitia’ desenvolvem escurecimento de polpa durante o armazenamento refrigerado e a severidade do distúrbio está associada a fatores como ponto de colheita, tempo de armazenamento, estresse oxidativo, entre outros. A ocorrência deste distúrbio e o rápido amadurecimento dos frutos durante o armazenamento caracterizam os principais desafios para a pós-colheita de ameixas. Tratamentos como o estresse inicial por baixo oxigênio (ILOS), tratamento térmico e o etanol podem ser alternativas para o controle do escurecimento de polpa e retardo do amadurecimento dos frutos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do estresse por baixo oxigênio, do tratamento térmico e da aplicação de vapor de etanol sobre o amadurecimento e o escurecimento de polpa em ameixas ‘Laetitia’ armazenadas sob refrigeração, bem como sobre o estresse oxidativo no tecido da polpa dos frutos. Os frutos foram provenientes de pomares comerciais situados nos municípios de Urubici, SC, nas safras 2014/15 e 2015/16, e Vacaria, RS, na safra de 2014/15. No experimento 1, os tratamentos avaliados foram controle, aplicação de vapor de etanol (0,15%), tratamento térmico (37ºC/24 h), tratamento térmico (40ºC/6 h), tratamento térmico (37°C/24 h) + vapor de etanol (0,15%) e tratamento térmico (40ºC/6 h) + vapor de etanol (0,15%). Para o experimento 2, os tratamentos avaliados foram manutenção dos
frutos em condições ambiente por 48 horas (20±5ºC/UR de 63±2%) e cinco períodos de ILOS (1,0 kPa O2) (0, 12, 24, 48, 72 horas) em condições ambiente. Cada tratamento foi composto de quatro repetições e unidade experimental constituída de 20 frutos. Os frutos foram armazenados (1±0,2°C e 92±2% de UR) durante 35 dias. No experimento 1 o tratamento térmico, em ambas as temperaturas, resultou em menor incidência de escurecimento de polpa. A combinação de tratamento térmico 40°C por 6 horas mais aplicação de vapor de etanol reduziu a taxa de produção de etileno, a severidade do escurecimento de polpa e a concentração de compostos fenólicos e atividade antioxidante e manteve maior firmeza da polpa e atividade da POD e SOD. No experimento 2 os frutos dos tratamentos com ILOS, safra 2014/15, apresentaram menor taxas de produção de etileno e respiratória e menor incidência de escurecimento da polpa, bem como maior atividade da enzima SOD. Os frutos com cor da epiderme menos vermelha e maior força para compressão do fruto e firmeza de polpa foram observados em ILOS por 48 e 72 horas. Menor quantidade de H2O2, e maior atividade da SOD foram obtidos nos tratamentos com ILOS por 12 e 24 horas. Em frutos da safra 2015/16, o tratamento com ILOS por 12 horas proporcionou maior força para compressão do fruto e firmeza de polpa e menor taxa de produção de etileno, incidência de escurecimento da polpa, peroxidação de lipídios e atividade da POD e SOD
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Manejo da temperatura e do etileno na conservação de ameixas Laetitia em armazenamento refrigerado e atmosfera controlada / Temperature and ethylene management and conservation Laetitia plums in cold storage and controlled atmosphereAlves, Erlani de Oliveira 16 February 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-02-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the temperature, induction of fresh mass loss and 1-MCP application in cold storage (CS), and temperature, partial pressure of O₂ and CO₂, ethylene and 1-MCP application in controlled atmosphere (CA) o the metabolismo and maintenanceof the quality of Laetitia plums after storage. Three diferente and independentes experiments were performed. The first experimente evaluated the follow tratments: -0.5°C; 0.5°C; 0.5°C combined with induction of loss fresh mass (ILFM); and 0.5°µL L¯¹). at second experimente the treatments were obtained from the combination of two temperatures (-0.5°C e 0.5°C) and three controled atmosphere (21.0 kPa de O₂ + 0.03 kPa de CO₂, AR; 1.0 kPa de O₂ + 3.0 kPa de CO₂; 2.0 kPa de O₂ + 5.0 kPa de CO₂). the third experimente the treatments evaluatesd were: 1-MCP application (1.0 µL L¯¹); ˂0.04 µL L¯¹; 1.0 µL L¯¹; ˃10 µL L¯¹ de etileno (C₂H₄ at AC. All experiments followed a completely randomized design, with five replicates of 30 fruits. Fruit were assessed in terms of red color index, peel color, flesh firmness, texture atributes (skin ruoture force, and pulp penetration and to pulp compression resistance), soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), respiration and ethylene evolution rates, rot and fruit cracking incidences, flesh browning incidence and index. The variables were submitted to the variance analysis and, the averages, compared by the testo f Tukey (p ˂0,05). The best temperature for cold storage of Laetitia plums is -0.5°C and 1-MCP application ando f induction of loss of fresh mass contributes to maintenance of fruit quality during storage. Effectof the 1-MCP application remain during shelf life. The controled atmosphere provides a better controlo f fruitd ripening. The use of te controlled atmosphere should be combined with 0,5°C, and the best condition is 2,0 kPa of O₂ + 5,0 kPa of CO₂. however, Laetitia plums storage for 60 days is not recommended in the atmosphere controlled conditions evaluated, because there was not substancial reduction in flesh browning incidence. 1-MCP application and ethylene absorption delay the ripening of Laetitia plums and reduce flesh browning incidence. Effects of 1-MCP is prolonged during shelf life. However, even with the use of these Technologies, flesh browning occurrence doesn t allow the storage for 60 days / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da temperatura, da indução de perda de massa fresca e da aplicação de 1-MCP em armazenamento refrigerado (AR), e da temperatura, pressões parciais de O₂ e CO₂ do etileno e da aplicação de 1-MCP em atmosfera controlada (AC) sobre o metabolismo e a manutenção da qualidade de ameixas Laetitia durante o armazenamento. Foram realizados três experimentos distintos e independentes. O primeiro experimento avaliou os seguintes tratamentos: -0,5°C; 0,5°; 0,5°C combinado com indução de perda de massa fresca (1,5%); e 0,5°C com aplicação de 1-MCP. O segundo experimento constitui-se de um esquema bifatorial (2x3), sendo avaliadas duas temperaturas (-0,5°C e 0,5°C) e três atmosferas de armazenamento (21,0 kPa de O₂ + 0,03 kPa de CO₂, AR; 1,0 kPa de O₂ + 3,0 kPa de CO₂; 2,0 kPa de O₂ + 5,0 kPa de CO₂). No terceiro experimento os tratamentos utilizados foram aplicação de 1-MCP (1,0 µL L¯¹); ˂0,04 µL¯¹; 1,0 µL L¯¹; ˃10 µL L¯¹ de etileno (C₂H₄) em AC. Em todos os experimentos o delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, sendo cada tratamento repetido cinco vezes e a unidade experimental composta por 30 frutos. As variáveis dependentes avaliadas foram: índice de cor vermelha (ICV), cor da epiderme, firmeza de polpa, atributos de textura, sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT), taxas respiratória e de produção de etileno, incidência de podridões e de frutos rachados, índice e incidência de degenerescência da polpa. As variáveis avaliadas foram submetidas à análise de variância e, as médias, comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (p˂0,05). A melhor temperatura para o armazenamento refrigerado de ameixas Laetitia é de -0,05°C e o uso do 1-MCP e da indução de perda de massa fresca contribuem para a manutenção da qualidade dos frutos durante o armazenamento, sendo que o efeito do 1-MCP persiste após o armazenamento. A atmosfera controlada proporciona um melhor controle do amadurecimento dos frutos. O uso da atmosfera controlada deve ser combinado com a temperatura de 0,5°C, sendo que a melhor condição é 2,0 kPa de O₂ + 5,0 kPa de CO₂. No entanto, o armazenamento da ameixa Laetitia por 60 dias não é recomendado nas condições de atmosfera controlada avaliadas, pois não houve redução substancial na incidência de degenerescência da polpa. A aplicação de 1-MCP e a absorção de etileno retardam o amadurecimento da ameixa Laetitia e diminuem a incidência de degenerescência da polpa, sendo que o efeito da 1-MCP se prolonga durante o período da prateleira. Contudo, mesmo com o uso destas tecnologias, a incidência de degenerescência de polpa não permite o armazenamento por 60 dias
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Fatores associados à manifestação do escurecimento de polpa em ameixas / Factors associated to the occurrence of flesh browning disorder in plumsEspíndola, Bruno Pansera 04 December 2012 (has links)
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PGPV12MA113.pdf: 776914 bytes, checksum: 1b2df461f65d8892e51fd73c7b41950d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-12-04 / The aim of this study was to identify possible factors that influence the occurrence flesh browning incidence in Laetitia and Angeleno plums. Three experiments were conducted. The objective of the first experiment was to evaluate the influence of production site, maturity stages at harves, fruit mineral content and quality attributes on flesh browning incidence in Laetitia plums. The experiment followed a 2x3 factorial design, with two production sites (Vacaria-RS and Lages-SC) and 3 maturity stages (fruit with 25, 50 and 75% of epidermis surface covered with red color). Fruit were stored for 30 days 0.5˚C/95% RH. The aim of the second experiment was to evaluate the effect of different storages atmospheres, the treatment with 1-MCP and flesh mass loss induction (FMLI) on the flesh browning incidence, as well as the relationship between soluble minerals content and ripening attributes after storage with the flesh browning disorder. The treatments were air atmosphere (21 kPa 02 + 0.03 kPa CO2); 1 kPa 02 + 10 kPa CO2; 2 kPa 02 + kPa CO2; 2 kPa 02 + 2 kPa CO2 with FMLI; 2 kPa 02 + 2 kPa CO2 with 1-MCP application. The fruit were stored at 0.5˚ C and 95% RH (except for FMLI treatment), and analyzed after 30 and 50 days of storage, at removal from cold storage and after 4 days at 20˚C. The third experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of ethylene on flesh browning disorder in Laetitia and Angeleno plums. The treatments were control and 1-MCP at the dose of 1.0 µL L-1 in laetitia , and control and ethylene application at the concentration of 5.0 µL L-1 for Angeleno . Fruit from Vacaria showed lower flesh browning incidence and severity. Fruit with 75% of skin red color had higher flesh browning incidence and severity rhan fruits with 25% of skin red color. Fruit from vacaria had higher Ca and N contents and higher Ca/N ratio. Fruit stored in air atnomphere and 1kPa 02 + 10 kPa CO2 had the highest flesh browning incidence and severity. The highest ethylene production rate were observed in fruit stored in air atmosphere for 30 days, and in fruit stored in 1 kPa 02 + 10 kPa CO2 for 50 days. The flesh browning incidence was reduced in fruit treated with 1-MCP and left in 2 kPa 02 + 2 kPa CO2. The treatment with 1-MCP delayed ripening and reduced the occurrence of flesh browning in Laetitia plums. The treatment with exogenous ethylene accelerated the ripening and increased the flesh browning incidence in Angeleno plums. In conclusion, the occurrende of flesh browning is associated with a combination of factors. Fruit mineral content, ripening process, and inadequate storage conditions are involved in the flesh browning occurrence. The storage condition with 2 kPa 02 + 2 kPa CO2 associated to fruit treatment with 1-MCP reduces the occurrence of the disorder / O objetivo desse trabalho foi identificar possíveis fatores que influenciam a ocorrência de escurecimento de polpa em ameixas Laetitia e Angeleno . Foram realizados três experimentos, sendo o objetivo do primeiro avaliar a influência do local de produção, estádios de maturação na colheita, o teor mineral dos frutos e atributos de qualidade na manifestação do distúrbio escurecimento de polpa em ameixas Laetitia . O experimento constituiu de um fatorial 2x3, sendo dois locais de produção (Vacaria-RS e Lages-SC) e três estádios de maturação (frutos com 25, 50 e 75% da epiderme coberta com a coloração vermelha). Os frutos foram armazenados por 30 dias a 0,5°C / UR 95%. O segundo experimento teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes atmosferas de armazenamento, a aplicação de 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP) e indução de perda de massa fresca (IPMF), na ocorrência do escurecimento de polpa, bem como se existe relação da manifestação do distúrbio com atributos minerais solúveis e de amadurecimento após o armazenamento. Os tratamentos foram atmosfera do ar (21 kPa O2 + 0,03 kPa CO2); 1 kPa O2 + 10 kPa CO2; 2 kPa O2 + 2 kPa CO2; 2 kPa O2 + 2 kPa CO2 com IPMF e 2 kPa O2 + 2 kPa CO2 com a aplicação de 1-MCP. A temperatura de armazenamento foi de 0,5°C e uma umidade relativa de 95%, exceto para IPMF, e os períodos de análise foram aos 30 e 50 dias de armazenamento, na saída da câmara e após quatro dias em condições ambiente. O terceiro experimento teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do etileno na manifestação do escurecimento de polpa em ameixas Laetitia e em Angeleno . Os tratamentos avaliadosforam controle e aplicação de 1-MCP na dose de 1,0 μL L-1 em Laetitia e controle e aplicação de etileno na concentração de 5,0 μL L-1 para Angeleno . Frutos provenientes de Vacaria apresentaram menor incidência e severidade de escurecimento de polpa. Frutos com maturação de 75% apresentaram maior incidência e severidade de escurecimento de polpa que frutos com 25% de cor vermelha. Quanto aos teores minerais totais, Vacaria apresentou maiores conteúdos de Ca e N e maior relação Ca/N. Os tratamentos atmosfera do ar e 1 kPa O2 + 10 kPa CO2 apresentaram maior incidência e severidade de escurecimentode polpa. As taxas de produção de etileno foram superiores nos tratamentos atmosfera do ar aos 30 dias, mantendo-se a mais elevada junto ao tratamento 1 kPa O2 + 10 kPa CO2aos 50 dias. A ocorrência de escurecimento de polpa foi menor no tratamento 2 kPa O2 + 2 kPa CO2 + 1-MCP. A aplicação de 1-MCP retardou o amadurecimento e reduziu a ocorrência de escurecimento de polpa em ameixas Laetitia . O tratamento etileno exógeno acelerou o processo de amadurecimento e aumentou a ocorrência de escurecimento de polpa em ameixas Angeleno . Pode-se concluir que a manifestação do escurecimento de polpa está associada a uma combinação de fatores, sendo que o teor mineral e o processo de amadurecimento estão envolvidos na ocorrência do escurecimento de polpa e condição inadequada de armazenamento também pode estimular o distúrbio. A condição de 2 kPa O2 + 2 kPa CO2 com a aplicação de 1-MCP proporciona baixa ocorrência do distúrbio
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