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Advanced Computational Methods for Power System Data Analysis in an Electricity MarketKe Meng Unknown Date (has links)
The power industry has undergone significant restructuring throughout the world since the 1990s. In particular, its traditional, vertically monopolistic structures have been reformed into competitive markets in pursuit of increased efficiency in electricity production and utilization. However, along with market deregulation, power systems presently face severe challenges. One is power system stability, a problem that has attracted widespread concern because of severe blackouts experienced in the USA, the UK, Italy, and other countries. Another is that electricity market operation warrants more effective planning, management, and direction techniques due to the ever expanding large-scale interconnection of power grids. Moreover, many exterior constraints, such as environmental protection influences and associated government regulations, now need to be taken into consideration. All these have made existing challenges even more complex. One consequence is that more advanced power system data analysis methods are required in the deregulated, market-oriented environment. At the same time, the computational power of modern computers and the application of databases have facilitated the effective employment of new data analysis techniques. In this thesis, the reported research is directed at developing computational intelligence based techniques to solve several power system problems that emerge in deregulated electricity markets. Four major contributions are included in the thesis: a newly proposed quantum-inspired particle swarm optimization and self-adaptive learning scheme for radial basis function neural networks; online wavelet denoising techniques; electricity regional reference price forecasting methods in the electricity market; and power system security assessment approaches for deregulated markets, including fault analysis, voltage profile prediction under contingencies, and machine learning based load shedding scheme for voltage stability enhancement. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) inspired by biological evolution mechanisms have had great success in power system stability analysis and operation planning. Here, a new quantum-inspired particle swarm optimization (QPSO) is proposed. Its inspiration stems from quantum computation theory, whose mechanism is totally different from those of original EAs. The benchmark data sets and economic load dispatch research results show that the QPSO improves on other versions of evolutionary algorithms in terms of both speed and accuracy. Compared to the original PSO, it greatly enhances the searching ability and efficiently manages system constraints. Then, fuzzy C-means (FCM) and QPSO are applied to train radial basis function (RBF) neural networks with the capacity to auto-configure the network structures and obtain the model parameters. The benchmark data sets test results suggest that the proposed training algorithms ensure good performance on data clustering, also improve training and generalization capabilities of RBF neural networks. Wavelet analysis has been widely used in signal estimation, classification, and compression. Denoising with traditional wavelet transforms always exhibits visual artefacts because of translation-variant. Furthermore, in most cases, wavelet denoising of real-time signals is actualized via offline processing which limits the efficacy of such real-time applications. In the present context, an online wavelet denoising method using a moving window technique is proposed. Problems that may occur in real-time wavelet denoising, such as border distortion and pseudo-Gibbs phenomena, are effectively solved by using window extension and window circle spinning methods. This provides an effective data pre-processing technique for the online application of other data analysis approaches. In a competitive electricity market, price forecasting is one of the essential functions required of a generation company and the system operator. It provides critical information for building up effective risk management plans by market participants, especially those companies that generate and retail electrical power. Here, an RBF neural network is adopted as a predictor of the electricity market regional reference price in the Australian national electricity market (NEM). Furthermore, the wavelet denoising technique is adopted to pre-process the historical price data. The promising network prediction performance with respect to price data demonstrates the efficiency of the proposed method, with real-time wavelet denoising making feasible the online application of the proposed price prediction method. Along with market deregulation, power system security assessment has attracted great concern from both academic and industry analysts, especially after several devastating blackouts in the USA, the UK, and Russia. This thesis goes on to propose an efficient composite method for cascading failure prevention comprising three major stages. Firstly, a hybrid method based on principal component analysis (PCA) and specific statistic measures is used to detect system faults. Secondly, the RBF neural network is then used for power network bus voltage profile prediction. Tests are carried out by means of the “N-1” and “N-1-1” methods applied in the New England power system through PSS/E dynamic simulations. Results show that system faults can be reliably detected and voltage profiles can be correctly predicted. In contrast to traditional methods involving phase calculation, this technique uses raw data from time domains and is computationally inexpensive in terms of both memory and speed for practical applications. This establishes a connection between power system fault analysis and cascading analysis. Finally, a multi-stage model predictive control (MPC) based load shedding scheme for ensuring power system voltage stability is proposed. It has been demonstrated that optimal action in the process of load shedding for voltage stability during emergencies can be achieved as a consequence. Based on above discussions, a framework for analysing power system voltage stability and ensuring its enhancement is proposed, with such a framework able to be used as an effective means of cascading failure analysis. In summary, the research reported in this thesis provides a composite framework for power system data analysis in a market environment. It covers advanced techniques of computational intelligence and machine learning, also proposes effective solutions for both the market operation and the system stability related problems facing today’s power industry.
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Έλεγχος μεταβατικής ευστάθειας συστήματος ισχύος / Transient stability control of a power systemΦωτόπουλος, Ευριπίδης 20 October 2010 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία έχει ως στόχο την αντιμετώπιση των ηλεκτρομηχανικών ταλαντώσεων οι οποίες εμφανίζονται σε μία σύγχρονη γεννήτρια παραγωγής Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας μετά από διαταραχές.
Ο συμβατικός έλεγχος για τη διατήρηση της μηχανής σε συγχρονισμό μετά από ξαφνικές αλλαγές φορτίου, βραχυκυκλωμάτων, κλείσιμο διακοπτών ή οποιασδήποτε κατάστασης που μπορεί να προκαλέσει αστάθεια στο Σύστημα της Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας, γίνεται με χρήση ελεγκτικών διατάξεων Σταθεροποιητών Συστημάτων Ισχύος σε συνδυασμό με τον Αυτόματο Ρυθμιστή Τάσης (ΑΡΤ/ΣΣΙ).
Σκοπός της εργασίας αυτής είναι να σχεδιαστούν και να ρυθμιστούν κατάλληλα οι διατάξεις αυτές, ώστε να εξασφαλίζεται η απόσβεση των ηλεκτρομηχανικών ταλαντώσεων που εμφανίζονται ανάμεσα στην γεννήτρια και το υπόλοιπο σύστημα.
Στην εργασία αυτή, αρχικά γίνεται μια εισαγωγή στα είδη των ηλεκτρομηχανικών ταλαντώσεων και την ευστάθεια για δυναμικά Συστήματα Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας. Στη συνέχεια αναπτύσσεται το δυναμικό μοντέλο ενός απλού συστήματος μιας γεννήτριας άπειρου ζυγού βασισμένο στο απλοποιημένο μοντέλο 4ης τάξης της σύγχρονης μηχανής. Επειδή το μοντέλο αυτό είναι μη γραμμικό προχωράμε στην εξαγωγή του γραμμικοποιημένου μοντέλου που θα μας βοηθήσει για τον σχεδιασμό του κατάλληλου ελεγκτή. Αξιοποιώντας ιδιότητες του μοντέλου παρουσιάζεται μια συστηματική μέθοδος σχεδίασης του Σταθεροποιητή Συστήματος Ισχύος που είναι βασισμένη στη λογική των ολοκληρωτικών υπολοίπων. Τέλος με τη βοήθεια του λογισμικού SIMULINK του MATLAB προσομοιώνεται το σύστημα σύγχρονης γεννήτριας συνδεδεμένης σε άπειρο ζυγό, που ελέγχεται με την χρήση του Αυτόματου Ρυθμιστή Τάσης και του Σταθεροποιητή Συστήματος Ισχύος σε κατάσταση τυπικής φόρτισης. Εφαρμόζοντας διαταραχές στο σύστημα παρατηρείται η απόκριση του συστήματος και εκτιμάται η λειτουργία του ελεγκτή. / This thesis aims to address the electromechanical oscillations which appear in a synchronous generator after disturbances.
The conventional control for maintaining the machine synchronized after sudden load changes, short circuits, switching or any condition which may cause instability phenomena, is achieved by the use of control circuits such as Power System Stabilizers combined with the Automatic Voltage Regulator ( PSS / AVR).
The purpose of this work is to design and configure properly these control circuits to ensure the reduction of electromechanical oscillations that occur between the generator and the rest of the system.
In the beginning this thesis, an introduction of the types of power system electromechanical oscillations and stability is being discussed. Afterwards, the dynamic model of a simple system of a generator infinite-bus based on simplified 4th order of synchronous machine is being developed. Due to the model nonlinearities, we export the linearized model which helps us to design a suitable controller. Taking into account the model properties, we provide a systematic method for designing a Power System Stabilizer based on the residues method. Finally, using the MATLAB-SIMULINK software, the synchronous generator infinite-bus system is simulated which is controlled by an Automatic Voltage Regulator and a Power System Stabilizer. After applying disturbances, the system response is driven and analyzed along with the controller functioning.
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Redesign of Gas Hydraulic Suspension for Product Service System : A Master Thesis Work at Strömsholmen ABAnkarberg, Martin, Jilnö, Erik January 2018 (has links)
In these times, when manufacturing firms wonder how to integrate products and services into innovative offerings, how should products be designed to be of most value? This study is the investigation of this question for the manufacturing firm Strömsholmen AB, which designs gas springs and hydraulic suspension. The research has led to interviews of personnel to identify challenges and a workshop to generate new service ideas. By analyzing a specific gas hydraulic suspension product, this study shows that designing for product service systems (PSS) with a life-cycle perspective specifically for manufacturing, assembly, delivery, use, maintenance and remanufacturing, can greatly reduce costs and open up for innovative PSS business models. Using Design for Assembly, Design for Disassembly, Design for Serviceability and Design for Remanufacturing shows how concrete improvements to a product can be made. Improvements that show the potential of a redesign for the gas hydraulic suspension. Integrating products and services and pursuing the ideas and methods of this thesis, will ultimately make Strömsholmen better prepared to differentiate, to stay competitive, to deepen customer relations and to gain greater profits long-term.
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Supporting servitization via the Internet of Things: the ES provider viewpoint : A case study of the multinational ES provider IFS and its customersOskarsson, Fredrik, Gernelin Wallin, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
Servitization is a popular term referring to the innovation of an organization’s capabilities and processes to better create mutual value through a shift from selling products to selling Product-Service Systems. It is generally regarded as an innovative business model with great potential for smoother revenue streams, higher profit margins and longer, more closely-knit customer relationships. It is seldom easy to reengineer the business model of an entire organization and the servitization concept does not come without risks and uncertainties. One of the biggest changes when servitizing is the ownership of products; it is no longer necessarily the customer who owns the product, but the producer. This entails new uncertainties surrounding the use and care of the product, leaving the provider with a risk because of a lack of information about how the product is being used. The technology Internet of Things (IoT) can potentially solve this problem by enabling a constant remote data flow from the products in use back to the provider. IFS, the company at which the research of this study took place, develops and supplies enterprise systems (ES) such as enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) and can be described as forward-thinking and innovative. The ERP is a central point for any manufacturing firm, governing data and enabling an organization to automate and integrate a comprehensive part of their business processes, and to produce and access information in real time. In order to build functionality which can be referred to as the “best practice”, and to make a profit doing it, ES providers, such as IFS, need to stay in touch with the market and develop attractive applications in line with the general demand. One way to do this is to collaboratively develop functionality together with customers. In recent years, IFS has developed the product IFS IoT Business Connector in such a collaborative way with a number of pioneer customers. The product enables the collection and analysis of IoT data as well as seamless integration into IFS’ other products. This has opened up possibilities to utilize IoT functionality to support a more efficient provision of services, but the continued successful development of the Business Connector in this direction entails several more collaborative ventures into many different industries. To assist in this, we have concretized how IoT can be used to support a servitization process, as well as how the market has realized and adopted this. This has rendered a conceptual model for judging the suitability of a company, based on the readiness to utilize IoT and servitization respectively. We have then presented which types of customers an ES provider should aim to collaborate with for joint development of functionality in the enterprise system, to enable IoT solutions which can support servitization. This is followed by a presentation of a short market review, and the visualization of the market in the model. From this we draw conclusions about the fit and usefulness of the model, and the market maturity in general. Finally, we present a number of suggestions on how ES providers can work to develop such support in a more efficient manner.
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As cooperativas de trabalho associado à luz dos postulados do trabalho decente: estudo de caso Brasil - Colômbia / As associated work cooperatives in the light of postulates of decent work: a case study Brazil - ColombiaDiego Leon Rios Cortes 23 September 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo geral descrever o tipo de trabalho oferecido por duas Cooperativas de Trabalho Associado à luz do conceito de Trabalho Decente postulado pela Organização Internacional do Trabalho. Com este intuito, se buscou descrever o conceito de flexibilidade na produção, as modalidades que esta apresenta, bem como a precarização das condições no trabalho que gera. Posteriormente, se apresenta o cooperativismo, e em especial as Cooperativas de Trabalho Associado CTAs- como alternativa para contrabalancear a flexibilização do mercado de trabalho. Na seqüência, se expõe o conceito de Trabalho Decente como ferramenta que permite identificar a existência de precariedade no trabalho, e seu instrumento para a análise do nível micro. Os dados desta pesquisa foram coletados e sistematizados sob a ótica do Trabalho Decente, cuja diretriz se fundamenta nos sete tipos de segurança indicados pela Organização Internacional do Trabalho. A investigação teve como eixo principal o estudo de caso de duas cooperativas de Trabalho Associado nas cidades de Medellín Colômbia- e São Paulo Brasil. Foi uma investigação de tipo descritiva, com dados coletados por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e aplicação da Pesquisa de Segurança das Pessoas ESP. Com relação ao tipo de trabalho exercido em ambas as cooperativas analisadas, dada a heterogeneidade dos resultados, conclui-se pela impossibilidade de se afirmar de maneira categórica de tratar-se de Trabalho Decente ou Precário, sendo necessária uma conclusão específica para cada um dos tipos de segurança. / The general objective of this research is to describe the sort of work offered by two associated work cooperatives under the concept of Decent Labor proposed by the International Labor Organization. With this intention, we want to describe de concept of flexibility in production and the existing modalities to the cooperativism, especially the Associated Labor Cooperatives -ALC- as an alternative for balancing the flexibilization of the labor market. Therefore, the concept of labor is presented as a tool that helps us to identify the existence of precariousness in the work and as an instrument for analysis at the micro level. The collected data was processed and presented under the perspective of decent labor, whose guideline is based on the seven types of safety identified by the International Labor Organization. The core of this research was the study case of two Associated Work Cooperatives in the cities of Medellin, Colombia, and Sao Paulo, Brazil. It was a descriptive investigation with data collected through Bibliographic research and application of the People\'s Security Survey -PSS-. Regarding type of labor in both of the analyzed cooperatives, and given the heterogeneity of the results, we conclude the impossibility to affirm categorically whether it is a decent or precarious work, since is necessary a specific conclusion for each kind of security.
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A Vision for a Better User Experience in a Smart HomeMa, Sicong, Shah, Prina, Che, Jun January 2014 (has links)
The maturity of smart home technologies and wireless capabilities, increased accessibility through mass-market availability of internet is making the feasibility of the smart home more realistic. The added incentives to better control utilities and communications to make lives more sustainable, has also driven the growth in the market. This thesis investigates the advantages of the smart home both for the environment and user. Outlining opportunities for business by finding gaps in the market is to better synthesise products and services to improve the user experience. A literature review, market research and ethnographic research was undertaken to understand the current state of the smart home industry and identify the main stakeholders that impact the user. A customer journey map was created to visualise the user process and highlighted problem areas. A survey showed users were most concerned about quality, functions and saving energy and money. The survey perceptions on interactions with technology also shed light into the necessity for robust and reliable technology and adaptable products and services. The final outcome is a prototype model to improve user experience, including stakeholder influence, user needs and the connections between different stakeholders from pre-sale, sale and after-sale.
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An Innovation Approach for Sustainable Product and Product-Service System DevelopmentDavis, Kara, Öncel, Pinar, Yang, Qingqing January 2010 (has links)
This thesis investigates the potential of User-Centered Design (UCD) and Agile to support Strategic Sustainable Development (SSD) practice in product and product-service system (PSS) design. UCD tools and concepts are used to support stakeholder and needs research. Agile provides process support for collaboration and resilience. SSD tools and concepts are used to define and work within the system boundaries for sustainability. All three practices are combined in an innovation approach that supports collaborative and cross-functional design teams as they develop products and PSS. Design teams using this approach will work to satisfy the needs of customers while considering the needs of all non-customer stakeholders and the ecosphere. The full-systems context emphasized in the approach will support innovation and encourage design teams to consider services as complements to, or substitutes for, physical products.
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Co-creating a sustainability strategy in a Product/Service-System value-based network of stakeholdersMateu, Adrià Garcia i, Li, Zhe, Tyson, Petronella January 2012 (has links)
This thesis project extends current research on how Product-Service/Systems (PSS) increase the competitiveness of what businesses provide to society. In particular, when the significant stakeholders who create value, structured as a network, are also involved in the co-development of the value proposition. Applying the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development (FSSD), this study looks at how the early stages of a strategic planning process for sustainability could improve this co-development of PSS. The field research helped to understand the particularities of co-developing PSS and how the planning process could be adapted using the FSSD. As a result, theoretical dimensions, and general guidelines to put these into practice, are recommended in a model. The theoretical dimensions were field tested and refined. It was discovered that when creating the aspirational goals of the network, including other perspectives, in addition to companies and the customer’s, could expand the perception of value available to be provided. To do so is proposed a systematic understanding of the situation, and its socio-ecological context, where the activities of the value-based network of stakeholders are performed.
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The Ugandan private students scheme at Makerere University School of Medicine and its effect on increasing the number of medical doctors enrolled and trained from 1993 to 2004Namusoke, Kiwanuka Suzanne January 2010 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Background: The global human resources for health crisis has affected Uganda deeply as is evidenced by grossly inadequate medical doctor to population ratios. Strategies to increase training and retention initiatives have been identified as the most promising ways to address the problem. In Uganda, the dual track tuition policy of higher education (called the Private Students Scheme or PSS) at the University of Makerere was initiated in the academic year 1993/94, to boost student intake and to supplement university revenue. However, the impact of this scheme on the enrolment and graduation of medical students at this University is unknown. Aim: This study aimed to assess the effect of the PSS on enrolment, time to completion, attrition and number of graduated medical students at Makerere University Medical School after (post-) the Private Students Scheme (PSS). Study design: A quantitative cross-sectional descriptive study based on a retrospective review of enrolment and graduation records of medical students was conducted comparing records of students enrolled five years before and after the privatisation scheme. Numbers enrolled, attrition rates, time to completion and graduation numbers were analysed. Results: There were 895 students enrolled in the study period, 612 (72.2%) males and 236 (27.6%) females. Pre- and post-PSS periods had 401 and 494 enrolments respectively (a net increase of 93 students). During the post-PSS period, 447 (90.5%) government sponsored students were enrolled - 351 (71.1%) males and 143 (28.9% females); in the same period, 47 (9.5%) private students were enrolled, 30 (63.8%) male and 17 (36.2%) female. Graduation rates for the entire study period were 96% (859), which represented 44% (378) in the pre-PSS and 56% (481) in the post-PSS periods. Private students contributed 8.9% (43) of the graduates 9in the post-PSS period. The majority of students (90.4%) graduated in five years. Thirty four students (3.8%) dropped out in the entire period, constituting significantly more in the pre-PSS - 22 (5.5%) than in the post PSS-period - 12 (2.4%). Males were more likely to drop out: 31 males did so (4.4%) compared with 3 (1.2%) females. In the post-PSS period, males made up 83.3% (10/12) of the attrition rate. Nine of them were government sponsored while three were private students. Conclusions: The PSS resulted in a 10% increase in enrolments when compared to the pre-PSS period. Furthermore the number of private medical student enrolments contributed 8.9% of the total graduations indicating that PSS succeeded in increasing the number of medical doctors graduated at MUSM. More males than females enrolled across all the years which might indicate a tendency for females to pursue non-medical professions which should be discouraged. Attrition of students was low which is encouraging but the finding that males were more likely to drop out than females deserves attention. / South Africa
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The Ugandan private students scheme at Makerere university school of medicine and its effect on increasing the number of medical doctors enrolled and trained from 1993 to 2004Kiwanuka, Suzanne Namusoke January 2010 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Aim: This study aimed to assess the effect of the PSS on enrolment, time to completion, attrition
and number of graduated medical students at Makerere University Medical School after (post-)
the Private Students Scheme (PSS).
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