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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Challenges and Possibilities for Accommodating Wild Animals in the Realm of Justice

Björnegran, Amalia January 2017 (has links)
Abstract: This research seeks to investigate the possibilities and inadequacies of including wild animals within the justice realm. It bases this research on the reasons and rationales of representatives within environmental non- governmental organizations (ENGOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and public agency working with animal- rights and welfare or environmental protection. These representatives reason from a personal and organizational perspective concerning justice, ethics and morals to wild animals. Environmental Justice (EJ) and Ecological Justice (EcJ) serves as the main theories for this research where EJ is often perceived as anthropocentric and EcJ as a non- anthropocentric amelioration of the former. The results indicate that Animal Rights (AR) and World Animal Protection (WAP) think more of animals in terms of individualism, whilst World Wide Foundation (WWF), Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) and Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) think in terms of consideration for species and ecosystems holistically. Some respondents perceived justice exclusively as a human term, however with regard to altered paths of reasoning later in the interview as most respondents continuously struggled, to various degrees, to make sense of justice in relation to wild animals. There were occasional uncertainties concerning ethics and morals, however less alien than the justice term and more relevant in relation to other NGOs, i.e. animal- rights and welfare organizations and less outspoken, though not entirely dismissed, within ENGOs and public agency. However, although some respondents occasionally argued that they do not reflect on ethics, morals and justice, these interviews are testament that they do, but with other terms and concepts that could be argued to be synonymous to ethics, morals and justice and perhaps used consciously and/or unconsciously at work. In other words, one can say that a different kind of rhetoric was applied i.e. justice in form of rights, respect. Another finding of the research was a structuration concern: specifically, on whether morals and ethics are reflected in law, or whether the law becomes what constitutes our morals and ethics, given as a majority of the respondents often refer to laws as general guidelines. In other words, does the law reflect reality, or does the law constitute reality? What is the dialectic here? In conclusion, wild animals might never receive full justice, where the researcher analyses it as a sequence of animals not holding moral capacities enough to be moral agents, though with the exception of having rights. As shown in the results, some wild animals can already be said to receive justice, e.g. wild animals as state property and hunting legislation, whilst other wild animals are excluded altogether, e.g. wild animals not being considered in welfare law. In this way, many future challenges include expanding the legal stance of wild animals. Human precedence barricades the opportunities for extending justice which are shown in this study and can be said to link to relational-, aesthetical-, contextual factors and deep cultural values and associations, aspects which overshadow human flourishing, wild animals not having a counterpart, animals as objects and so forth. Though, by giving e.g. wild animals a heightened status in legislation, extending the moral circle to include wild animals the utility of justice may prove helpful in furthering the rights and welfare of animals. Additionally, properties as recognition through, e.g. agency and capabilities could also guide us in giving justice to the natural world, as highlighted by Schlosberg (2007), but also the idea of intrinsic value as highlighted by many respondents. Future research may consider the holistic and individualistic tendencies held within ENGOs, NGOs and public agency to see how it could be mutually considered to a larger extent. As highlighted by one of the respondents, perhaps laws and legislation are not enough and that one could investigate more in how one perceive animals culturally, in other words human dimensions socially and culturally.

Organizational Subculture And Circular Economy : A Case Study Of Circular Purchasing In The Municipality Of Malmö

Strahinic, Nikolina, Hanna, Hagbom January 2021 (has links)
To this day, literature has mainly been focused on the implementation of Circular Economy in the business sector, but as more and more nations adopt the approach of Circular Economy there is a need to further research the role of public agencies in this transition. The City of Malmö is seen as a progressive actor in the field of climate issues and has integrated sustainability objectives widely across the entire organizational culture. However, behaviors and understandings of sustainability are not only connected to organizational culture, but also to organizational subculture. To successfully implement sustainable and circular practices in a public agency there is therefore a need to understand organizational subculture. To initiate the transition towards a circular economy, the municipality of Malmö procured a contract in 2019 that gave the departments of the city an opportunity to purchase circular furniture instead of new. On this foundation, the purpose of this paper was to qualitatively explore what possible subcultures that exist in the City of Malmö and how subcultures can influence circular purchasing practices within a public agency. Empirical data was gathered from semi-structured interviews, individual Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument surveys and strategic documents from five of Malmö’s departments. By analyzing the collected data from the theoretical lens of organizational culture, subculture and Competing Values Framework, this study reached three major findings. Firstly, the study indicates the existence of several organizational subcultures within the City of Malmö, that in various ways influence circular purchasing practices within the municipality. Secondly, circular purchasing is not only affected by subcultural values but also individual values and understandings of sustainability. Finally, multiple barriers and motivators for purchasing circular furniture were identified, where the main barrier shows a cultural and physical distance between the umbrella organization of the municipality and the departments. / <p></p><p></p>

Socio-economic impacts of a public agency – enhancing decision support for performance management

Mononen, P. (Petri) 24 November 2017 (has links)
Abstract Pressures to cut public expenditure and to maximize value-adding use of scarce governmental resources are evident across the globe. Decision support tools for pinpointing when the activity is net beneficial are lacking, i.e. accountability is urgently called for but the process for recognizing and validating the best choices in direction and control are yet in their development. The objective of this research is to provide the science in general, and national administrations’ management and overseeing bodies in particular, a new understanding of how well the tasks and missions of the administration are fulfilled in terms of enhanced socio-economic well-being and adding to the value of different functions of society. This study approaches public performance management from the view-point of impact evaluation of a service oriented public product portfolio. The adopted research approach combines both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The research presents a process for evaluating a public organization’s overall benefit to cost ratio, with a case study within transport safety administration. The key findings of this research are that the socio-economic efficiency of a public entity can be quantified and that an operation of a public agency can be socio-economically net beneficial. Practical implications include re-allocation of resources to other more beneficial fields of responsibility, redesign of performance agreements and their indicators and initiating discussion in joint design of sustainable and balanced operational and strategic targets across government. Further research can exploit the methods presented in this study, as it has overcome some of the hurdles in socio-economic evaluation of public entities. With a clearer understanding of performance, government is able to better achieve its mission and its task of ensuring that agencies and other public bodies are functioning efficiently and properly. / Tiivistelmä Paineet julkisten menojen leikkaamiseksi tai hallitsemiseksi sekä julkisten resurssien tehokkaimman mahdollisen käytön varmistamiseksi kasvavat maailmanlaajuisesti. Julkisen toiminnan tulosohjausta tukevat päätöksenteko-työkalut ovat vielä puutteellisia ja varhaisessa kehitysvaiheessa, samalla kun toiminnan kustannusvastaavuutta ja tehokkuutta vaaditaan. Tämän tutkimuksen päätavoite on tuottaa uuttaa tietoa tieteelle ja myös julkishallinnolle siitä, kuinka hyvin viranomaisille asetetut tavoitteet ja tehtävät toteutuvat yhteiskuntataloudelle tuotettavan lisäarvon kannalta, sekä siitä miten lisäarvoa kyetään mittaamaan. Tämä tutkimus lähestyy tulosohjauksen tutkimusta ja kehittämistä palvelukeskeisen julkisorganisaation sekä sen palveluvalikoiman yhteiskunta-taloudellisen vaikuttavuuden arvioinnin keinoin. Valittu lähestymistapa yhdistelee laadullisia ja määrällisiä tutkimusmenetelmiä. Tutkimuksessa esitetään prosessi ja menetelmävalikoima julkisviranomaisen kustannushyötysuhteen määrittelemiseksi Liikenteen turvallisuusvirastoa käsittelevän tapausesimerkin avulla. Tutkimuksen keskeiset löydökset osoittavat, että julkisorganisaation yhteiskuntataloudellinen tehokkuus voidaan määrällistää ja että julkistoimijan toiminta voi olla yhteiskuntataloudellisesti kannattavaa. Käytännön suosituksiin sisältyy resurssien uudelleenohjaaminen tehokkaammin toimiville vastuualueille, tulossopimusten ja erityisesti niihin valittavien mittareiden uudelleensuunnittelu, sekä koko hallinnon kattavan keskustelun ja yhteissuunnittelun aloittaminen kestävän ja tasapainoisen tulosohjauksen aikaansaamiseksi strategisella ja operatiivisella tasolla. Jatkotutkimus ja hallinto voi hyödyntää tässä esitettyjä menetelmiä, nyt kun julkistoimijoiden yhteiskuntataloudellisen vaikuttavuuden arvioimisen haasteita on ratkaistu. Tuloksellisuuden vaatimusten selkeämpi ymmärtäminen mahdollistaa hallinnolle tehokkaamman tulosohjauksen ja siten tukee hallintoa sen pyrkimyksissä varmistaa julkistoimijoiden tehokas ja asianmukainen toiminta.

Agile Adoption in Public Agencies : A case study of the Swedish Tax agency / Införande av Agilt Arbetssätt inom Myndigheter : En fallstudie av Skatteverket

Nguyen, Demi, Hu, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
Citizens’ expectations of products and services produced by the public agencies are rising incredibly due to the fact that savvy startups and other global technology businesses have been succeeded in providing a high standard of digital services in the past decades. This, in turn, puts pressure on the public agencies in how they need to work in order to meet the citizens’ expectations and needs. Besides, during the years, there are a number of projects done by some of the agencies that has been identified as not having succeeded in delivering the desired value, staying in budget and delivering the project’s result in time. Therefore, there is a need for actions in order to counteract this. It is believed that applying Agile into the agency’s project management will help them to not only meet the citizens’ expectations, but also improve the project’s outcome. Many agencies have been hierarchical for a long time involving complex and rigid structure, and the fact that they have been working with a Waterfall-based methodology for a long time. Therefore, adopting this Agile approach implies a number of challenges for the agency. Thus, this thesis aims to investigate to what extent the Agile approach can be implemented into the agency by identifying the challenges that the adoption of Agile entails. A number of different previous research and literature about the Waterfall, even called traditional in this thesis, and Agile project management methods have been reviewed in order to provide theoretical frameworks that are of relevance for this study. As the research subject is quite complex and broad, a qualitative approach has been utilized to obtain in-depth knowledge. Interviews have been conducted with employees from the investigated agency, and in order to pursue a comparison with how other public agencies have worked with a potential Agile adoption, interviews have also been conducted with a second agency. The thesis finds that applying the Agile project management method into the investigated agency will imply some challenges. A total of seven different challenges were identified which can be briefly summed up as following; Employees being too comfortable with old methods; Staff has difficulty committing to the new working culture; Agile is not a “one-size-fits-all” method; Large size projects; Heavy documentation; Financial reporting practices affecting the efficiency of Agile planning; Lack of competencies or some competencies being considered rare, hence there is no guarantee for each team to have all competencies that are needed. This study’s result shows that the studied public agency can work with Agile project management methods to a wider extent than what is done today. However, there are a couple of challenges, and solely working with the Agile method was showed to not be recommended. In order to find out if the Agile approach can be used in other works that are not covered in this study, or if the result can be applied to other sectors as well, further research is required. / Invånarnas förväntan för en produkt eller tjänst framtagen av myndigheter har ökat drastiskt. Detta kan bero på att startupföretag samt andra globala tekniska företag har lyckats erbjuda digitala tjänster av hög standard under de senaste årtionden. Det sätter i sin tur press på hur myndigheten behöver arbeta för att kunna bemöta invånarnas förväntningar och behov. Under åren har dessutom ett antal projekt inom myndigheterna blivit identifierade för att inte ha lyckats leverera det önskade värdet, hålla sig inom den satta budgeten och/eller leverera projektresultat inom den satta tidsramen. Därmed finns det ett behov av åtgärder för att motarbeta detta. Ett införande av Agil projekthantering tros kunna hjälpa till med att inte bara uppnå invånarnas förväntningar och behov utan även till förbättrat projektresultat. Myndigheterna har länge varit hierarkisk bestående av komplexa och stela strukturer, dessutom har de även under en lång tid arbetat Vattenfalls-baserat när det kommer till projekthantering. Därmed kan ett införande av det Agila konceptet medföra en del utmaningar. Denna rapport har därför riktats mot att undersöka till vilken utsträckning ett Agilt tillvägagångssätt kan implementeras inom myndigheten genom att identifiera utmaningarna som det Agila kan medföra. Ett antal olika litteraturer samt tidigare forskningar inom Vattenfall, även kallat traditionell i denna rapport, och Agil projekthantering har granskats för att tillhandahålla den teoretiska biten om de olika arbetsmetoderna. I och med att detta undersökningsområde kan ses som relativt komplext och brett så har en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod använts för att få en djupare förståelse av området. Förutsättningarna av detta ges av intervjuer från anställda från den undersökta myndigheten. För att göra en jämförelse i hur andra myndigheter har arbetat med Agilt införande har intervjuer även hållits med ytterligare en myndighet. Studien visar att tillämpning av Agil projekthantering inom den undersökta myndigheten kan medföra en del utmaningar. Totalt identifierades sju olika utmaningar som är sammanfattade på följande sätt: Anställda är för bekväma med den gamla arbetsmetoden; Anställda har svårigheter med den nya arbetsmiljön; Agil är inte en metod som är av “en storlek passar alla” principen; Stora projekt; Tung dokumentation; Redovisningspraxis som påverkas av den Agila planeringen; Avsaknad av kompetens eller att vissa kompetenser anses vara en bristvara. Denna studie visar att den undersökta myndigheten kan arbeta med Agila projekthanteringsmetoder till en större utsträckning än vad som redan görs idag, däremot finns en del utmaningar, och att enbart arbeta med den Agila metoden visar sig inte vara rekommenderat. För att veta om det Agila konceptet kan användas i större utsträckning även utanför projekthantering eller om resultatet även gäller för andra sektorer krävs vidare påbyggnad av studien.

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