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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trestná činnost v souvislosti s veřejnými zakázkami / Criminal liability in public procurements

Richter, Martin January 2020 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT Criminal liability in public procurements The thesis deals with the criminal liability in public procurements. Public procurement is a very complex and organized activity, the criminal assessment of which, however, cannot reliably lead to satisfactory results on the basis of existing doctrine. The primary goal of this work is therefore to identify the roles and extent of criminal liability of individual actors in the decision- making process of public administration and on this basis to analyze which type of negotiations concerning public procurement may be punished under a special part of the Criminal Code. The importance of effective prosecution of criminal offenses relating to public procurement results from the fact that amount of funds in public procurement correspond to tenth of gross domestic product. For easier orientation of the reader, a formal structure was chosen so that, as far as possible, it comes as close as possible to the standard criminal law teaching on elements of a crime. Specifically, the chapters are divided into actions in public administration, its criminal relevance, the consequence in public administration, the subject, the subjective aspect, circumstances precluding illegality and finally to crimes related to public procurement. From the material point of view, the...

It takes three to tango:end-user engagement in innovative public procurement

Torvinen, H. (Hannu) 03 December 2019 (has links)
Abstract This study examines the phenomenon of end-user engagement in innovative public procurement. Innovative public procurement aims at satisfying human needs and fixing societal problems by enhancing the development of innovative products, services or processes. To understand the functions expected from procurement, collaborative interfaces, such as interaction with citizen communities, become instrumental for innovations to materialise. In contrast to the existing debate on innovative public procurement focused on broad policy issues or the dyadic relationship between procurer and supplier parties, the interest of this study lies in the micro-level interaction within the inter-organisational triad of public-sector procurer, private-sector supplier and public-service end-user. Value creation via end-user engagement is examined in the study through the three issues of co-creation activities, end-user roles and procurer capabilities. The empirical findings are based on a qualitative case approach to four innovative public property procurement projects in northern Finland. The primary data are generated through interviews and participant observation on relevant procurer, supplier, end-user and expert informants. The results of the thesis highlight the need to further place end-user interaction at the heart of developing public procurement procedures. First, the study categorises end-user engagement activities following the key principles of value co-creation in dialogue, access, risk assessment and reflexivity as well as transparency related actions. Second, the study identifies four end-user roles, conventional, cooperative, collaborative or controlling roles, each of which embodies different value potential according to the procurement situation. Third, adopting a user-centred approach to public procurement calls for an experimental culture that enables the procurer’s capabilities of learning-by-doing, alliancing and networking as well as the evaluation of external support to take place. By integrating the debate of public service co-production into the public procurement context, the study contributes to both innovative public procurement and public service management discussions. From a practitioner’s perspective, the main motivation to use innovative public procurement should not be financial savings, but the added value-in-use and well-being of the public. / Tiivistelmä Tämä väitöskirja tutkii loppukäyttäjien sitouttamista innovatiivisissa julkisissa hankinnoissa. Innovatiiviset julkiset hankinnat pyrkivät täyttämään ihmisten tarpeita ja vastaamaan yhteiskunnallisiin ongelmiin tehostamalla innovatiivisten tuotteiden, palveluiden ja prosessien syntymistä. Ymmärtääkseen hankinnalta vaaditun toiminnallisuuden, yhteistyö julkisia palveluita käyttävien kansalaisten kanssa on elintärkeää innovaatioiden materialisoitumiselle. Siinä missä innovatiivisten hankintojen keskustelu on nykyisellään keskittynyt erityisesti hankintapolitiikkaan ja dyadiseen suhteeseen tilaajan ja toimittajan välillä, tämä tutkimus keskittyy vuorovaikutuksen tarkasteluun mikrotasolla triadisessa suhteessa julkisen sektorin tilaajan, yksityisen sektorin toimittajan ja julkisen palvelun loppukäyttäjän välillä. Loppukäyttäjien sitouttamisella saavutettua arvontuotantoa tarkastellaan tutkimuksessa kolmen sitouttamisen toimintoihin, loppukäyttäjän rooleihin ja tilaajan kyvykkyyksiin liittyvän kysymyksen avulla. Empiiriset tulokset perustuvat laadulliseen tapaustutkimukseen neljästä innovatiivisesta tilahankinnasta Pohjois-Suomessa. Ensisijainen aineisto on kerätty haastattelemalla ja havainnoimalla keskeisiä tilaaja-, toimittaja- ja loppukäyttäjäorganisaatioiden edustajia. Tutkimuksen tulokset korostavat loppukäyttäjävuorovaikutuksen selkeää asettamista innovatiivisten hankintakäytäntöjen ytimeen. Ensiksi, tutkimus luokittelee loppukäyttäjien sitouttamisen vuorovaikutukseen, pääsyyn, riskien hallintaan ja refleksiivisyyteen sekä läpinäkyvyyteen liittyviin toimintoihin. Toiseksi, tutkimuksen tuloksissa tunnistetaan neljä tilannesidonnaista loppukäyttäjien omaksumaa joko perinteistä, auttavaa, kumppanillista tai hallitsevaa roolia. Viimeiseksi, käyttäjäkeskeinen lähestymistapa julkiseen hankintaan edellyttää kokeilevaa kulttuuria, joka mahdollistaa tilaajalle ensiarvoiset kokeilemalla-oppimisen, verkostoitumisen ja ulkoisen tuen arvioimisen kyvykkyydet. Integroimalla julkisten palveluiden yhteistuotannon keskustelua julkisen hankinnan kontekstiin, tutkimuksen kontribuutiot suuntautuvat sekä innovatiivisten julkisten hankintojen että julkisten palveluiden keskusteluun. Käytännön toimijoiden näkökulmasta tärkeää on, että taloudellisten säästöjen sijasta hankinnan tärkein vaikutin olisi käyttöarvon luominen ja kansalaisten hyvinvoinnin edistäminen.

Hodnocení veřejných zakázek dle ekonomické výhodnosti / Evaluation of tenders in public procurement according to its economical advantage

Sahánková, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
Abtract The main aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the evaluation of tenders in public procurement according to their economic advantageousness and at the same time to compare the current stage of the ability of contracting authorities to evaluate this economic advantageousness compared to the stage of effect of the previous legal regulation. The background information for the topic of this diploma thesis were obtained from the legal regulation of the Czech Republic and the European Union, professional literature (legal commentaries), professional articles of periodical publications dealing with public procurement, internet sources and the case law of the Office for the Protection of Competition, administrative courts of the Czech Republic and the Court of Justice of the European Union. The analytical approach, linguistic, teleological and comparative method of legal interpretation were used. This diploma thesis consists of six main chapters. The introductory chapter discusses the purpose and aim of the legal regulation of public procurement and in the following chapter the part of the tender procedure and the basic principles of public procurement, crucial for the whole process of public procurement. The third chapter is devoted to the core of this thesis, namely the economic advantage in the...

Predicting the size of a company winning a procurement: an evaluation study of three classification models

Björkegren, Ellen January 2022 (has links)
In this thesis, the performance of the classification methods Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Random Forests (RF), and Support Vector Machines (SVM) are compared using procurement data to predict what size company will win a procurement. This is useful information for companies, since bidding on a procurement takes time and resources, which they can save if they know their chances of winning are low. The data used in the models are collected from OpenTender and allabolag.se and represent procurements that were awarded to companies in 2020. A total of 8 models are created, two versions of the LDA model, two versions of the RF model, and four versions of the SVM model, where some models are more complex than others. All models are evaluated on overall performance using hit rate, Huberty’s I Index, mean average error, and Area Under the Curve. The most complex SVM model performed the best across all evaluation measurements, whereas the less complex LDA model performed overall worst. Hit rates and mean average errors are also calculated within each class, and the complex SVM models performed best on all company sizes, except the small companies which were best predicted by the less complex Random Forest model.

Transparency in public procurement processes : a case study of a Swedish public procurement process in the consultancy market

Knutsen-Öy, Karolin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the transparency in public procurement processes in Sweden. The purpose of the thesis is to evaluate the procurement process in the case of framework agreements on consultancy services and the focus is on exploring perceptions on the procurement process from both suppliers and procurers. The thesis contributes with findings to a research area that is not well studied, and where there is a need for more research. Previous research has focused on evaluating the regulations rather than the process. The results suggest that the specific procurement process studied is perceived to work well and being transparent. There might be information asymmetries present in the process which could potentially threaten the transparency. To further improve the procurement process both suppliers and procures would like to see more room for dialogue and less focus on following the regulations to the letter.

Essays on Political Corruption

Graiff Garcia, Ricardo January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Competitive Dialogue in Practice.

Le Lann Roos, Caroline January 2012 (has links)
Public procurement is often regarded as rigid, which is why competitive dialogue was implemented. It was also believed to give rise to technical innovations and to create beneficial buying conditions for the public sector. However, many people are sceptic of it, arguing that it does not meet the principles of equal treatment of suppliers and transparency. This thesis seeks to investigate the potential of competitive dialogue and to identify its main challenges. A study of Sweden’s first large infrastructure contract, the Kvarnholmen link, procured with competitive dialogue was therefore undertaken, as well as an extensive literature review. The results show that competitive dialogue is beneficial in several ways: It involves contractors at an early stage and encourages them to find the best solutions to the lowest price. The suppliers get to adapt their tenders to their competence and to take benefit from it. This is a model that seems to have a great potential to improve both public procurement and urban planning.

Komparační analýza uplatňování zákona o veřejných zakázkách autoritami státní správy a samosprávy / Comparative analysis of applying the public procurement law by authorities of state administrative and self-government

Rýcová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
(angl.) This thesis discusses the public procurement law. The thesis is a case study. The author follows up on how the law is being used with public procurement at chosen institutions of the state administrative and self-government. The first part of the thesis deals with the explication of the term public procurement and other related terms. The explanation of the term public procurement as the tool of public policy serves as an acquisition. Furthermore, the thesis covers theoretical concepts, which enter the process of public procurement. Through the process of analysis, the analysis of documents and comparative analysis, the author determines whether the law is sufficient for the acts the people working in public procurement have to carry out. The results of the analysis indicate that there are stages of public procurement in which there is a need of creating a methodical material regarding procedures.

Standardisering av avtal inom offentliga godstransportupphandlingar vid kommunalt samordnad varudistribution

Axelsson, Chatarina, Persson, Åsa January 2019 (has links)
Vår studie har sin utgångspunkt i avtalen som upprättas mellan kommuner och leverantörer i de projekt som kallas kommunal samordnad varudistribution. Trots att antalet kommuner som idag berörs av detta upplägg ständigt ökar, finns det ingen obligatorisk miljöprofil och ännu inga standardiserade avtalsunderlag. Detta har gjort oss frågande till om det inte finns möjlighet till detta och vilka fördelar och nackdelar det skulle innebära. Genom att granska delar av kommunernas befintliga avtal utifrån avtalstid, utvärderingsgrunder och prisindex ‒ en avgränsning som var nödvändig på grund av avtalens omfattning till antal och storlek ‒ och ställa dessa mot en analysmodell bestående av teorier inom principal-agent-teorin, transaktionskostnadsanalys och hållbarhetsperspektivet kom vi fram till att det absolut finns potential till en standardisering, men att mer forskning inom ämnet krävs. / Our study is based on the agreements established between municipalities and suppliers in the projects known as Municipal coordinated distribution. Although the number of municipalities currently affected by this arrangement is constantly increasing, there is no mandatory environmental profile and not yet a standardized contractual basis. This has made us question if that would be possible and what advantages and disadvantages such arrangement would entail. By examining parts of the municipalities' existing agreements by contract period, evaluation grounds and price index – a delimitation necessary due to the scope of the agreements in number and size – and setting these against an analysis model consisting of theories within the principal-agent-theory, transaction-cost-analysis and the sustainability perspective, we concluded that there is absolutely potential for a standardization, but that more research within the subject is required.

Les entreprises françaises et la commande publique en Afrique / French companies and public procurement in Africa

Perichon, Lukas 29 November 2019 (has links)
Les relations contractuelles entre les États africains francophones et les entreprises françaises dans la commande publique se nouent dans un cadre juridique et institutionnel constitué d'un enchevêtrement complexe de normes nationales, régionales et internationales en rupture progressive avec le modèle historique français. Ces relations se formalisent dans des contrats hybrides, aux caractères mal définis, entre contrats publics et contrats internationaux. Ils s'insèrent dans des montages juridiques et financiers où sont mis en balance la profitabilité, l'intérêt général, et les enjeux environnementaux et sociaux du développement. / Contractual relationships between french-speaking african countries and french companies in the public procurement sector are formed under a complex network of national, regional and international rules breaking away from the historical french legal and administrative model. These relationships are maintained through ill-defined hybrid contracts that draw from public and international contractual laws and practices. They are integrated into legal and financial frameworks balancing profitability, public interests, environmental and social matters.

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