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Partnerství veřejného a soukromého sektoru v České republice / Public Private Partnership in the Czech RepublicKovařovicová, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The dissertation describes the current situation of Public Private Partnership (PPP), and then analyzes the development of this concept in the Czech Republic from 2004 to the present time, especially regarding to the implementation of Governmental policy in the field of Public Private Partnership declared in the key resolutions of the Government, institutional ensure and number and volume of the implemented projects. This dissertation also defines the main causes of failure of Public Private Partnership in the Czech Republic. Moreover, the thesis also includes a comparison of Public Private Partnership in the Czech Republic and in selected European countries (Slovakia, Croatia, Portugal) and formulation of the preconditions for successful implementation of Public Private Partnership in the Czech Republic in the future.
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Financování výstavby rychlostních komunikací se zvláštním zřetelem na partnerství veřejného a soukromého sektoru. / Financing the expressways with special emphasis on public-private partnership formŠprlák, Štefan January 2012 (has links)
Claiming that the state of transport infrastructure is an important indicator of country´s competitiveness, not many would polemicize. The question of an appropriate method of ensuring the infrastructure financing can, however, raise disagreement. The reality of regular deficit financing of public expenditure, combined with a view of gradually declining support for transport infrastructure from the EU funds, provides space for alternative forms of infrastructure provision also in Central Europe. The aim of this work is to point out the financing via public-private partnerships (i.e. PPP), which is currently not very used form in the region. I will highlight the advantages, disadvantages and risks associated with this form by evaluating the cost side of concrete implemented PPP project in Slovakia (R1 expressway) and validate the hypothesis that despite the method of funding transport infrastructure through PPP projects is more expensive than the public procurement case, the "value for money" factor compensates the higher price.
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Analýza a návrh úprav metodických pokynů OP LZZ pro oblast veřejných zakázek / Analysis and Recommendations to amend the Methodology for Public Procurement Issued by the HREOPŠvec, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to formulate recommendations to amend the guideline issued by the Operational Programme Human Resources and Employment. Their subject matter is based on the analysis of decision situations which must be handled by contracting entities in order to successfully find the right contractor. The paper explains the methods of multi criteria decision making which are suitable for use in public procurement. First part describes requirements which are a prerequisite to creating the rational set of evaluation criteria. Theoretical part continues with description of the Public Procurement Act and its recent changes made by amendments. The practical part contains the survey conducted among contracting entities which were supported by operational programme. It is aimed on their approach to organizing competitions and information management. The last part describes the authors proposed changes.
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Vliv vlastnictví na efektivnost institutu veřejných zakázek u sektorových zadavatelů / The analysis of a relationship between the level of public ownnership and the procurement effectiveness in utilities sectorRističová, Sara January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on the public procurement in the utilities sector. The main objective is to analyze the influence of the level of the public sector ownership on the public procurement effectiveness. To give the complex view of the problem, the study also determines the final impact of the public procurement effectiveness on the global operational effectiveness. The theoretical part starts with the analysis of the legal directives and the environment in the relevant sectors. The analytical part uses the econometrics methods for the data file of utilities sector procurement from the period of 2006-2011 based on the information from ISVZ and Creditinfo-Albertina systems. When the conclusions are made, the public sector ownership has the positive impact on the public procurement effectiveness but the contrary effect on the global operational effectiveness.
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Transakční náklady soukromé zadávání veřejných zakázek / Private Transaction Costs of Public ProcurementDufek, Luboš January 2011 (has links)
Subject of thesis are private transaction costs of public procurement. It's estimation of money spent by firms during public procurement tenders and seeking out factors influencing these costs. Theoretical frame of this thesis is between transaction cost economy and public procurement economy. Main result is estimation of private transaction cost of one offer in 0,44% of final contract prize. Estimation of whole private transaction costs of public procurement in Czech republic for 2011 is almost 9 milliard CZK. Important factors found out by econometric analysis and correlative coefficients are size of firm and contract value.
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PPP projekty ve zdravotnictví. / PPP Projects in Health CarePetržela, Karel January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is PPP projects in healthcare. The thesis is focused on assessment of relevance of PPP projects securing public services in the healthcare sector in the Czech Republic. It is intended to assess whether PPP projects are a suitable instrument for securing public services in the healthcare sector and if so, under what conditions and to what extent. The first part of this thesis inquires into the definition of public private partnership and PPP projects in a strict sense and describes individual types of PPP projects. Second part defines in more detail the legal and institutional framework for implementation of PPP projects and discusses the current status of PPP projects in the Czech Republic. Third part analyses in detail the assessment instruments for PPP and guidelines for such assessment concerning projects in healthcare. Fourth part is focused on analysis of implementation of PPP projects abroad and fifth part evaluates PPP projects in healthcare implemented in the Czech Republic. Sixth part reviews this actual experience and findings concerning PPP projects in healthcare. The conclusion summarises results of the assessment.
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Les partenariats d'innovation en droit de la commande publique / The innovation partnerships in public procurement lawHammoud-Chobert, Serghinia 12 December 2017 (has links)
Les marchés publics sont devenus des instruments des politiques de l’innovation. Dans cet esprit, les directives européennes de 2014 relatives aux marchés publics introduisent un nouveau marché public de « partenariat d’innovation » qui a été transposé en droit interne par le décret n°2014-1097 du 26 septembre 2014 portant mesures de simplification applicables aux marchés publics. Ce nouveau marché combine la recherche et l’achat de fournitures, services ou travaux nouveau, innovants et qui sont indisponibles sur le marché. Le présent travail a pour objet, d’une part, de démontrer l’originalité contractuelle du partenariat d’innovation qui se rapproche de la réalité économique et concurrentielle du marché et, d’autre part, l’illusion d’une nouveauté au sein des procédures de passation des marchés publics, dans la mesure où cette procédure se rapproche des procédures existantes comme le dialogue compétitif et les anciens marchés négociés avec publicité et mise en concurrence. De même, le partenariat d’innovation soulève de nombreuses interrogations dont la réponse suppose à la fois des clarifications des textes juridiques relatives à la délimitation de l’innovation, le régime juridique de la propriété intellectuelle, la répartition du risque, etc. ; et de l’introduction d’une réelle innovation procédurale afin de fluidifier la passation d’achats publics innovants / Public procurement is being seen increasingly as an instrument of innovation policy. With this in mind, the new 2014 European Union directives on public procurement introduces a new public procurement contract of « innovation partnership », has tranposed into national law by decree n° 2014-1097 of 26 september 2014, which concerns simplification measures applicable to public procurement contracts. This new market combines the researche and purchase innovative product, service or works and that are unavailable on the market. This present work aims firstly to demonstrate the contractual originality of the innovation partenschip approaching the economic and competitive reality of the market and, on the other hand the illusion of a novelty in the public procurement procedures, insofar as this procedure approximates the existing procedures notably the competitive dialogue and the former markets negotialted with publicity and competitive tendering. Similarly, the innovation partnerschip raises many questions of legal status of intellectual property, the distribution of risk, and so on, and the introduction of a genuine innovation procedure of fluidfication of the procurement of innovative public procurement
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HÅLLBAR OFFENTLIG UPPHANDLING : En analys av hållbarhetskriterier och standarder / Sustainable Public Procurement : An analysis of criteria and standards for sustainabilityJansson, Martin January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie har haft som syfte att förklara hur ytterligare hållbarhetskriterier kan förbättrahållbarhetspotentialen inom offentlig upphandling. I studien har tolv upphandlare, i tolvsvenska kommuner, intervjuats för att samla in data om hållbarhetskriterier och nyttjandetav standardiserade lösningar. Kvalitativ metod har använts för att tolka och analyserainsamlade data. Resultatet visar på stora skillnader i hållbarhetsarbetet inom offentligupphandling mellan de deltagande kommunarderna men också mellan de två folktätasteregionerna i Sverige, Region Stockholm och Västra götalandsregionen. Kriterier ochstandardiserade lösningar är något som efterfrågas av samtliga kommuner samtidigt somarbetet för hållbar utveckling ser mycket olika ut mellan de olika kommunerna. Tidigareforskning kring organisationsstrukturen hos kommuner, som en mycket påverkande faktori beslutsfattande, samt att behovet av utveckling mot hållbarbarhetskriterier och flerstandardiserade lösningar har ökat, styrks. Hållbar offentlig upphandling kan inte än ansesvara ett etablerat arbetssätt för Sveriges kommuner då pris och kostnad fortfarandedominerar merparten av alla upphandlade produkter och tjänster. Samarbete, dialoger ochrelationsbyggande åtgärder, med andra kommuner, men även med privata företag ochleverantörer förväntas öka antalet positiva effekter inom hållbar offentlig upphandling ochrekommenderas därför som direkta åtgärder. / The purpose of this study was to explain how enhanced sustainability criteria’s can improvethe sustainability potential of public procurement. Through the study, twelve purchasers,in twelve Swedish municipalities, were interviewed to collect data on sustainability criteriaand the use of standardized solutions. The qualitative methodology has been used tointerpret and analyse collected data. Results show extensive differences in the sustainabilitywork for public procurement between the participating municipalities, but also between thetwo most densely populated regions in Sweden, the “Stockholm region” and”Västragötaland region”. Criteria’s and standardized solutions are equally demanded by allmunicipalities, while their work for sustainable development differs a lot. Previous researchon the organizational structure of municipalities, as a very influential factor in decisionmakingand need for development towards sustainability criteria’s, is strengthened by thefact that more standardized solutions have been created. Although, Sustainable publicprocurement cannot yet be the definition for Swedish municipalities way of working, sinceprice and cost factors still dominate most of all procured products and services. Collaboration, enhanced dialogues, and relationship-building measures betweenmunicipalities, but also including private companies and suppliers, are expected to increasethe number of positive effects in sustainable public procurement. Such measures aretherefore of direct recommendation for the future.
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Barriärer kring grön offentlig upphandling i fem svenska kommunerSandahl, Christian, Wenner, Joakim January 2016 (has links)
Grön offentlig upphandling är enligt studier och statliga rapporter ett kraftfullt bidragande verktyg i arbetet för en bättre miljö och hållbar framtid. Då det har möjligheten att direkt påverka en stor del av det aktiva flödet av miljövänliga produkter på marknaden. Trots dess betydelse så går arbetet långsamt. Flera studier undersöker de bakomliggande orsakerna till detta och lyfter fram flera barriärer och lösningar. Denna studie ämnar undersöka hur dessa barriärer ser ut hos sex kommunala upphandlare i fem olika Svenska kommuner, samt ställa det i förhållande till tidigare forskning. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med en intervjuguide som baseras på föregående studier. Utifrån svaren från respondenterna kunde det noterades skiftningar mellan barriärerna idag och de tidigare studierna. I denna studie diskuteras sju olika barriärer där kunskap spelar en central roll. Green public procurement is according to studies and official reports a powerful tool in the work for a better environment and sustainable future. This is because it has the ability to influence a big part of the flow of environmentally friendly products on the market. But the work goes slow despite its importance. Several studies have been done on the subject, where they present several barriers and solutions. This study will take a look at how these barriers is perceived by six different municipality procurement workers in five different Swedish municipalities today, as well as put this in perspective to previous studies. Qualitative interviews were performed with an interview guide based on previous studies. From the answers of the respondents a shift between barriers today and previous studies could be identified. This study discusses seven different barriers where knowledge play a central role.
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Caractérisation et modélisation de la performance achats dans les collectivités territoriales / Characterization and modelization of procurement performance in local authoritiesMalm, Brice 26 November 2018 (has links)
La maitrise de la dépense publique locale constitue un enjeu majeur actuel, notamment face à la baisse des dotations de l’Etat vers les collectivités locales. Dans ce contexte, les achats publics locaux représentent un levier d’action important pour agir sur la baisse des dépenses de fonctionnement. Ainsi, plusieurs collectivités locales ont engagé des processus d’optimisation de leurs organisations et pratiques achats. Ces avancées demeurent pourtant isolées et, surtout, hétérogènes, dans la mesure où ces pratiques apparaissent peu cadrées de manière instrumentale et méthodologique.La présente thèse étudie ainsi les dimensions de la performance achats dans les collectivités locales, dans le contexte français. Elle vise en effet à caractériser les pratiques actuelles en termes d’outils et de modes d’organisation, pour aboutir à la définition de leviers d’optimisation. Suivant la démarche préconisée par Churchill (1979), cette recherche doctorale nous permet ainsi de proposer un modèle d’évaluation de la performance achats des collectivités locales, structuré autour de 9 dimensions constitutives, sur la base de la perception des acheteurs publics locaux. Une fois défini, ce modèle nous permet non seulement d’analyser le niveau actuel de maturité des collectivités locales en matière de performance achats, mais aussi de proposer des recommandations, pour s’engager dans un processus d’amélioration de la performance achats au niveau local. / The control of local public expenditure is a major challenge today, especially in the face of declining state allocations to local authorities. In this context, local public procurement is an important lever for action to reduce operating costs. Thus, several local authorities have initiated processes to optimize their organizations and purchasing practices. These advances, however, remain isolated and, above all, heterogeneous, insofar as these practices are not framed in an instrumental and methodological manner.This thesis examines the dimensions of purchasing performance in local authorities, in the French context. It aims to characterize current practices in terms of tools and modes of organization, to arrive at the definition of levers of optimization. Following the approach advocated by Churchill (1979), this doctoral research allows us to propose a model for evaluating the purchasing performance of local authorities, structured around 9 constituent dimensions, based on the perception of local public purchasers. Once defined, this model allows us not only to analyze the current level of maturity of local authorities in terms of purchasing performance, but also to propose recommendations, to commit themselves in a process of improvement of purchasing performance at the level of local authorities.
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