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Kunskapsöverföring mellan projektledare och upphandlare vid offentlig upphandling av byggentreprenader / Knowledge Transfer Between Project Managers and Procurers in Public Procurement of Construction ContractsPethrosson, Alfred January 2021 (has links)
Offentlig upphandling av byggentreprenader är en komplex process som involverar både generell kompetens inom upphandling relaterad till upphandlingsförfaranden enligt Lagen om offentlig upphandling och kompetens inom projektledning för att välja entreprenadform, ersättningsform, samverkansform och för att utforma tilldelningskriterier. En utveckling av upphandlingen förutsätter att projektledare, och upphandlare, samarbetar och är involverade i utvecklingsprocessen. För att de två olika kunskapsområden ska integreras med varandra krävs det att socialisation sker mellan rollerna enligt SECI-modellen. Kunskapen behöver vidare överföras på en högre, organisatorisk nivå för att utveckla upphandlingsarbetet. En förutsättning är att kunskapen kodifieras för att, enligt SECI-modellen, kunna internaliseras av andra medarbetare inom en organisation. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur samarbetet mellan upphandlare och projektledare fungerar när det kommer till utveckling av det offentliga upphandlingsarbetet av byggentreprenader och hur kunskapsöverföring kan se ut i upphandlingsfasen. En fallstudie genomfördes med fyra upphandlande myndigheter med empiri som hämtades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med upphandlare och projektledare i de fyra olika fallen. En intervju med en representant från Upphandlingsmyndigheten genomfördes också för att undersöka hur de stödjer utvecklingsarbetet hos de upphandlande myndigheterna. Empirin analyserades med teorier om kunskapsöverföring och kunskapsintegration. Resultatet visade att samarbetet påverkas av hur centraliserad organisationen av upphandlingsfunktionen är. Ju mer centraliserad en organisation av upphandlingsfunktionen var desto färre tillfällen för kontakt verkade ske mellan rollerna. Detta kan leda till att processen socialisation inte sker i tillräckligt hög utsträckning vilket i sin tur kan påverka tillgången till kodifierad kunskap. Arbetet med kunskapsöverföring varierade mellan de fyra olika fallen och kan förklaras med att de har olika förutsättningar och resurser för att åstadkomma kunskapsöverföring på kollektiv nivå. Detta visar sig även i utnyttjandet av Upphandlingsmyndighetens stödfunktioner där interna resurser inom de upphandlande myndigheterna kan täcka detta behov av stöd. Däremot utnyttjades den kodifierade kunskapen i form av exempelvis kriteriedatabaser frekvent av samtliga upphandlande myndigheter i studien. / Public procurement of construction contracts is a complex process that involves both general competence in procurement related to procurement procedures according to the laws of public procurement, and competences in project management to choose contract delivery form, payment form, collaboration form and to design the selection of supplier. A development of the procurement requires that project managers, and procurers, cooperate and are involved in the development process. In order for the two different areas of knowledge to be integrated with each other, it is required that socialization takes place between the roles according to the SECI model. The knowledge also needs to be transferred on a higher, organizational level to develop the procurement work. A prerequisite is that the knowledge is codified so that, according to the SECI model, it can be internalized by other employees within an organization. The purpose of this work is to investigate how the cooperation between procurers and project managers works when it comes to the development of the public procurement of construction contracts and how knowledge transfer can look like in the procurement phase. A case study was conducted with four contracting authorities and empirical data was obtained through semistructured interviews with procurers and project managers in the four different cases. An interview with a representative from The National Agency for Public Procurement was also conducted to investigate how they support the development of the contracting authorities. The data were analyzed with theories of knowledge transfer and knowledge integration. The results showed that the collaboration is affected by how centralized the organization of the procurement function is. The more centralized the organization is, the fewer opportunities of contact are taking place between the roles. This can lead to the socialization process not taking place to a sufficient extent, which in turn can affect the availability of codified knowledge. The work with knowledge transfer varies between the four different cases and can be explained by the fact that they have different prerequisites and resources for achieving knowledge transfer at a collective level. This is also evident in the utilization of the support functions of The National Agency for Public Procurement, where internal resources within the contracting authorities can cover this need for support. On the other hand, codified knowledge in the form of, for example, criteria databases are used frequently by all contracting authorities in the study.
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Social sustainability in public-work procurementMontalbán Domingo, María Laura 18 November 2019 (has links)
[ES] La contratacion pública ha sido destacada como el elemento clave para impulsar las tres principales dimensiones de la sostenibilidad (económica, ambiental y social) en la industria de la construcción. Sin embargo, a pesar de los esfuerzos llevados a cabo por las administraciones públicas a nivel internacional, en la actualidad, existen importantes limitaciones que están obstaculizando la implementación efectiva y eficiente de la sostenibilidad social en la contratación de obra pública. Las limitaciones más importantes son: la falta de conocimiento sobre cómo implementarla en el sector de la construcción; la escasez de definiciones claras, consistentes y prácticas sobre qué es la sostenibilidad social para esta industria; y, la necesidad de determinar los criterios sociales a tener en cuenta, así como el mejor método para evaluarlos y medirlos. En base a esto, la literatura científica destaca la necesidad de estudiar cómo la sostenibilidad social podría implementarse de manera más efectiva en la industria de la construcción a través de la contratación pública, y alega la necesidad de desarrollar una metodología que ayude a las administraciones públicas en la implantación de dichos criterios, al mismo tiempo que se garantiza su evaluación objetiva.
A la vista de estos antecedentes, el presente trabajo propone dos preguntas de investigación. Por un lado, esta investigación busca caracterizar la situación actual respecto a la inclusión de la sostenibilidad social en la contratación de obra pública a nivel internacional. Para ello, se analizan 451 licitaciones procedentes de diez países con el objeto de estudiar el uso de estrategias de contratación y estrategias de licitación a nivel internacional, identificar los principales criterios de sostenibilidad social, estudiar cómo se definen estos criterios según la etapa de la licitación y determinar las variables que influyen en la implementación de dichos criterios en la contratación de obra pública. Por otro lado, esta investigación analiza cómo debería mejorarse la integración de los criterios de sostenibilidad social en la contratación pública respecto al escenario actual. Por tanto, se establecen los indicadores que deberían utilizarse para evaluar la sostenibilidad social en la contratación pública de obras de ingeniería civil; y se desarrolla una metodología que favorezca la correcta implementación de dichos criterios a nivel internacional, especificando dónde deberían ser incluidos según la estrategia de licitación.
Este estudio define un alcance específico para cada pregunta de investigación. En lo que respecta a la caracterización de la sostenibilidad social en la contratación de obra pública, se busca un alcance internacional que cubra cada etapa del ciclo de vida de la infraestructura. En dicho estudio se analizan licitaciones relativas a proyectos tanto de edificación como de ingeniería civil. Por otra parte, a la hora de desarrollar la metodología para integrar los criterios sociales en la contratación de obra pública, el alcance se limita únicamente a la etapa de construcción de proyectos de ingeniería civil.
El estudio de la caracterización del escenario actual concluyó que existe una falta de comprensión sobre cómo hacer que los indicadores sociales sean cuantificables; se necesitan mayores esfuerzos para aumentar el número de categorías sociales en las estrategias de licitación; y, existe una fuerte dependencia del contexto nacional en la inclusión de criterios sociales en la contratación pública. En base a estos resultados, se abordó el desarrollo de una metodología holística en la que se destaca que para garantizar una efectiva implementación de los criterios de sostenibilidad social se deben diferenciar tres grupos: 1) derechos fundamentales; 2) responsabilidad social corporativa; y, 3) compromiso social en el proyecto. Se definió un enfoque metodológico para cada uno de ellos / [CA] La contractació pública ha sigut destacada com l'element clau per a impulsar les tres principals dimensions de la sostenibilitat (econòmica, ambiental i social) en la indústria de la construcció. No obstant, a pesar dels esforços duts a terme per les administracions públiques a nivell internacional, en l'actualitat, hi ha importants limitacions que estan obstaculitzant la implementació efectiva i eficient de la sostenibilitat social en la contractació d'obra pública. Les limitacions més importants són: la falta de coneixement sobre com implementar-la en el sector de la construcció; l'escassetat de definicions clares, consistents i pràctiques sobre què és la sostenibilitat social per a esta indústria; i, la necessitat de determinar els criteris socials a tindre en compte, així com el millor mètode per a avaluar-los i mesurar-los. Basant-se en açò, la literatura científica destaca la necessitat d'estudiar com la sostenibilitat social podria implementar-se de manera més efectiva en la indústria de la construcció a través de la contractació pública, i al·lega la necessitat de desenrotllar una metodologia que ajude a les administracions públiques en la implantació d'estos criteris, alhora que es garantix la seua avaluació objectiva.
A la vista d'estos antecedents, el present treball proposa dos preguntes d'investigació. D'una banda, esta investigació busca caracteritzar la situació actual respecte a la inclusió de la sostenibilitat social en la contractació d'obra pública a nivell internacional. Per a això, s'analitzen 451 licitacions procedents de deu països amb l'objecte d'estudiar l'ús d'estratègies de contractació i estratègies de licitació a nivell internacional, identificar els principals criteris de sostenibilitat social, estudiar com es definixen estos criteris segons l'etapa de la licitació i determinar les variables que influïxen en la implementació d'estos criteris en la contractació d'obra pública. D'altra banda, esta investigació analitza com hauria de millorar-se la integració dels criteris de sostenibilitat social en la contractació pública respecte a l'escenari actual. Per tant, s'establixen els indicadors que haurien d'utilitzar-se per a avaluar la sostenibilitat social en la contractació pública d'obres d'enginyeria civil; i es desenrotlla una metodologia que afavorisca la correcta implementació dels criteris a nivell internacional, especificant on haurien de ser inclosos segons l'estratègia de licitació.
Este estudi definix un abast específic per a cada pregunta d'investigació. Pel que fa a la caracterització de la sostenibilitat social en la contractació d'obra pública, es busca un abast internacional que cobrisca cada etapa del cicle de vida de la infraestructura. En el estudi s'analitzen licitacions relatives a projectes tant d'edificació com d'enginyeria civil. D'altra banda, a l'hora de desenrotllar la metodologia per a integrar els criteris socials en la contractació d'obra pública, l'abast es limita únicament a l'etapa de construcció de projectes d'enginyeria civil.
L'estudi de la caracterització de l'escenari actual va concloure que hi ha una falta de comprensió sobre com fer que els indicadors socials siguen quantificables; es necessiten majors esforços per a augmentar el nombre de categories socials en les estratègies de licitació; i, hi ha una forta dependència del context nacional en la inclusió de criteris socials en la contractació pública. Basant-se en estos resultats, es va abordar el desenrotllament d'una metodologia holística per a incloure els criteris socials en la contractació pública d'obres d'enginyeria civil. Este treball va destacar que per a garantir una efectiva implementació dels criteris de sostenibilitat social, s'han de diferenciar tres grups: 1) drets fonamentals; 2) responsabilitat social corporativa; i, 3) compromís social en el projecte. Es va definir un enfocament metodològic per a cada un d' / [EN] Public procurement has been claimed as the key element to drive the integration of the three dimensions of sustainability (economic, environmental, and social) in the construction industry. However, important drawbacks are hindering the effective and efficient implementation of social sustainability in public-works procurement. Currently, a lack of knowledge exists about how social sustainability is considered in the construction industry. There is also a lack of consistent, clear, and practical definitions about what is social sustainability in the construction industry, what factors should be used to define it, and how social sustainability in this industry should be measured and assessed. Based on this, scientific literature highlights the need to study how social sustainability could be implemented more effectively in the construction industry through public procurement, claiming the need for developing a methodology to assist agencies in the effective inclusion and objective assessment of social criteria in public-works procurement.
According to these needs, two research questions are defined. On the one hand, this research seeks to characterize the current scenario regarding the inclusion of social sustainability within public-works procurement at the international level. To that end, the analysis of 451 tendering documents from ten countries is performed in order to: determine how public-works procurement procedures and project delivery methods are considered at the international level; identify the main social sustainability criteria; study how these criteria are defined depending on the stage of the tendering procedure; and, identify the variables that influence the implementation of social sustainability criteria in public-works procurement. On the other hand, this research analyzes how the integration of social sustainability criteria in public-works procurement should be improved to overcome the current scenario. The indicators that should be used to assess the social sustainability criteria in public procurement of civil engineering construction projects are established; and a methodology is developed to improve and strengthen the correct implementation of the social criteria in public-works procurement at the international level, specifying where the social criteria should be included depending on the procurement procedure.
This study has established a specific scope for each research question. To characterize the inclusion of social sustainability criteria in public-works procurement, the scope has been defined considering an international approach; and every stage of the infrastructure life cycle of building and civil engineering projects covered. To integrate the social criteria in public-works procurement, the methodology focused only on the construction stage of civil engineering projects.
The characterization of the current scenario concluded that there is a lack of understanding regarding how to quantify social indicators; more significant efforts are needed to increase the number of social categories in procurement procedures; and, a strong dependence of the national context on the inclusion of social criteria in public procurement exists, emphasizing the consideration of location-dependent aspects in the development of methodologies to assess social sustainability in public procurement. Based on this, the development of a holistic methodology to include social criteria in public procurement of civil engineering construction projects was addressed. This work highlighted that, in order to guarantee their effective implementation, three groups of social criteria should be differentiated: 1) human rights; 2) corporate social responsibility; and, 3) social commitment in the project. A methodological approach was established for each of these groups. / Gracias a la Generalitat Valenciana y el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad por
ayudar económicamente en el desarrollo de la presente investigación a través de los
proyectos “Contratación eficiente de infraestructuras considerando la sostenibilidad
social y medioambiental (CONSOST)” y “Diseño y mantenimiento óptimo robusto y
basado en fiabilidad de puentes e infraestructuras viarias de alta eficiencia social y
medioambiental bajo presupuestos restrictivos (DIMALIFE)”. / Montalbán Domingo, ML. (2019). Social sustainability in public-work procurement [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/131204
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Green Public Procurement and the circularity of the built environmentFinamore, M., Oltean-Dumbrava, Crina 11 1900 (has links)
Yes / The case study presented in this paper is a demonstration of the success of a green public procurement (GPP) model that allows to build buildings in accordance with the principles of the circularity by ensuring sustainable consumption and production.
The relevance of green procurement has lately become a focus of research because of public institutions' growing interest in circularity for built environment investment. The case study of a school gym presented in this paper is emphasising the role the public authorities are playing in promoting the transition to the circularity of the built environment through sustainable procurement. Despite being a voluntary instrument, GPP also plays a significant part in the global efforts to develop a more resource-efficient economy. It can help to develop a critical mass of demand for more sustainable buildings that would be difficult to bring to the market otherwise.
The challenge of convincing public-sector institutions to use GPP across nations, to become 'normal practice' continues and will drive the market for environmentally friendly buildings. The case study presented demonstrate that the GPP model is widely replicable and leads to positive outcomes. It has already been applied for the Brancati secondary and high school project built in Pesaro, Italy, that has been awarded by the International Jury of the Green Solutions Awards 2020-21, Construction 21, the Prize for the Energy for the Temperate Climate International Platform category.
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Conteúdo jurídico da cláusula trabalhista nos contratos públicos e a afirmação dos direitos fundamentais no trabalho / Labour clause in public contracts and the affirmation of the fundamental rights at work.Alves, Marcos César Amador 08 May 2014 (has links)
O princípio da dignidade humana necessita, como em nenhum outro momento, sair do plano etéreo. Direitos meramente de papel em nada contribuem para o verdadeiro avanço civilizacional por todos ambicionado. Para que a humanidade caminhe celeremente para a realização dos valores sedimentados ao longo de um lento processo de consciência política e jurídica que resultou na construção dos catálogos de direitos fundamentais, impreterível se mostra a efetivação plena dos direitos humanos. A convicção da imprescindibilidade da proteção da dignidade humana necessita ser materializada. A questão da efetividade dos direitos fundamentais afeta, com notável magnitude, a proteção jurídica dos trabalhadores. A Declaração de Princípios e Direitos Fundamentais no Trabalho da OIT e os postulados do trabalho decente, saudável e seguro, os quais configuram a definição dos padrões mínimos de direitos trabalhistas no âmbito internacional, não têm sido cumpridos nos diferentes países, comprometendo gravemente a tutela deferida à dignidade do trabalhador. É preciso assegurar a aplicabilidade e a realização dos direitos trabalhistas fundamentais, combatendo os abjetos casos de trabalho em condições análogas à de escravo, de discriminação de trabalhadores, de cerceamento às liberdades sindicais e negociais, de trabalho infantil, inseguro ou em condições indignas, entre inúmeras outras injustas e execráveis situações vivenciadas no ambiente laboral. No cenário econômico globalizado, em que sobressai o capitalismo financeiro, os governos necessitam assumir, como em nenhum outro momento, seu necessário papel na proteção efetiva dos direitos humanos no trabalho. Neste sentido, diante da vinculação à supremacia e à indisponibilidade dos direitos fundamentais como preceptivos essenciais da atividade administrativa no Estado Democrático de Direito, o Poder Público deve exercer sua função de induzir e modelar as condutas sociais. O trabalho acadêmico presente preconiza e defende que os governos devem exercer um papel verdadeiramente ativo, a fomentar e a exigir o efetivo cumprimento dos direitos fundamentais no trabalho, notadamente pela aplicação de instrumentos jurídicos como a cláusula trabalhista nos contratos públicos. A cláusula trabalhista expressa e proclama a emanação da força cogente, vinculante, dos contratos públicos, das disposições contratuais, e revela a capacidade de subtrair os direitos subjetivos do plano abstrato, formando uma conexão real e obrigatória, alicerçada em obrigações particularizadas, diretamente imponíveis, destinadas à realização dos direitos fundamentais no trabalho e da proteção da dignidade do trabalhador, incorrendo o infrator de seus comandos, na imediata aplicação de sanções. Por conseguinte, produz implicações jurídicas materiais para a proteção do trabalho. Os contornos da concepção contemporânea do contrato público socialmente responsável demandam a adoção da cláusula laboral para a afirmação dos direitos fundamentais no trabalho. As características e particularidades do novo regime jurídico em que se inserem os contratos administrativos exprimem e legitimam a plena pertinência e juridicidade da adoção da cláusula social trabalhista em seu núcleo. Neste contexto, a realização dos padrões internacionais de proteção ao trabalhador é condição mandatória para o desenvolvimento sustentável. A contratação pública socialmente responsável que valoriza e concretiza a proteção da dignidade do trabalhador pode, verdadeiramente, influenciar as atividades econômicas, promovendo a justiça social nas relações de trabalho que encerram ao exigir, com ênfase, a formatação de padrões de emprego e ocupação laboral que respeitam os direitos humanos no trabalho. / The principle of human dignity, as never before, has to be pulled out of its ethereal plane. Empty rights do not contribute to the true civilization progress coveted by all. So that mankind walks faster towards the achievement of the values settled along the slow process of political and legal awareness that resulted in the construction of catalogs of fundamental rights, the full effectiveness of legal rights shall not be avoided. The indispensable protection to human dignity must be enforced with conviction. The issue of the effectiveness of fundamental principles significantly affects workers legal protection. The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the guidelines on decent, healthy and safe work, which define minimum international labour standards, have not been complied with in different countries, severely compromising the protection to workers dignity. The applicability and enforcement of fundamental labour rights must be guaranteed to fight contemptible cases of slavery-like work conditions, workers discrimination, retrenchment to free labour union and collective bargaining, child labour, unsafe work or under degrading conditions, among several other unfair and infamous situations experienced in the work environment. In a globalized economic scenario, where financial capitalism is emphasized, governments have to assume, as never before, their role in the effective protection of human rights at work. Accordingly, in view of the supremacy and inalienability of fundamental rights as essential principles of administrative activities of the Rule of Law, the role of the Government is to induce and shape social conducts. The present academic paper argues and claims that governments should have a decisively active role, fomenting and enforcing the effective compliance with fundamental rights at work, notably by applying legal instruments as the labour clause in public contracts. The labour clause expresses and affirms the cogent and binding force that arises out of public contracts and contractual provisions, and pulls subjective rights out of their abstract plane, establishing an actual and mandatory connection grounded on specific obligations immediately enforceable and aimed to realize fundamental rights at work and protect the dignity of workers, and applying immediate sanctions on the offender of such legal provisions. Therefore, it produces real and concrete legal developments to labour protection. The outlines of the contemporary conception of socially responsible public contracts require the adoption of the labour clause for the enforcement of fundamental labour rights at work. The characteristics and specificities of the new legal regime, which comprises administrative contracts, express and legitimize the full pertinence and legality of including the labour clause among their provisions. In this context, the compliance with international workers protection standards is mandatory to a sustainable development. Socially responsible public contracts that value and enforce the protection to workers dignity may effectively influence economic activities, promoting social justice in labour relations that emphatically claim for the structuring of employment and labour standards that respect human rights at work.
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Rätt till utbildning : En kartläggning av funktionshinderperspektiv vid upphandling av SFI utbildning / Right to education : A survey of disability perspectives in the procurement of SFI educationLagerblad, Isabelle January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether the Swedish municipalities apply the UN Convention on the rights of Persons with Disabilities and article number 24 regarding right to education when purchasing Swedish education for immigrants. One aim is to identify whether legislation, policies and rights of people with disabilities occur in different procurement documents. The study furthermore investigates if the right to education connects to the concept of social sustainability and Agenda 2030 for sustainable development and if that shows in the reviewed documents. This qualitative study maps and compares contents of different documents, descriptions of legislation, policies and concepts concerning rights of persons with disabilities. General comment No. 4 regarding right to inclusive education supports the work and analysis. The result finds that some rights of persons with disabilities occur in the different documents but to a different extent between the municipalities. Human Rights are not widely described and the Convention not mentioned, which could hinder to fulfill the obligation. The concept of social sustainability exists in the documents but does not always constitute the same purpose as described by the Swedish authority for public purchasing.
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Contract Amendment in the State Procurement Law (Law No. 30225) / Modificaciones al Contrato en la Normativa de Contrataciones del Estado (Ley Nº 30225)Zegarra Pinto, José 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present article has as principal goal to analyze and comment the more relevant aspects referred to the amendments on that can be done to a contract, in the terms allowed by the new Public Procurement Peruvian Law. Also, the author will refer to the opinions emitted by the OSCE about the topic. Finally, he will state his main conclusions. / El presente artículo tiene como objetivo principal, analizar y comentar los más importantes aspectos referidos al tema de las modificaciones que se pueden realizar al Contrato, en los términos expuestos en la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado – Ley Nº 30225. Asimismo, procederemos a citar opiniones del OSCE referentes al tema; finalizando con la exposición de nuestras conclusiones.
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L'utilisation des contrats globaux de la commande publique par les collectivités territoriales de taille moyenne : le cas de la ville de Lourdes / The use of comprehensive contracts in public procurement by local authorities : the case of the city of Lourdes.Picard, Patrick 22 June 2015 (has links)
Les contrats globaux de la commande publique, catégorie de contrats constituée au fur et à mesure de leur création, jouent un rôle majeur dans l’action des personnes publiques et des collectivités territoriales notamment. Le contrat de partenariat est devenu l’élément phare de cette famille d’instruments juridiques. Ces derniers se sont superposés au point de constituer un ensemble difficilement lisible pour les collectivités territoriales sans que cela ne ralentisse leur utilisation et leur succès. L’analyse du cas de la ville de Lourdes, de projets portés par des collectivités territoriales aux importances diverses ainsi que de l’utilisation par l’Etat des contrats globaux sont autant d’exemples qui ont mis en évidence la nécessité de procéder à un véritable état des lieux. Après une décennie de pratique et d’observation des contrats de partenariat notamment, il apparaît, plus que jamais, nécessaire de traduire le bilan qui a été réalisé en une véritable clarification des catégories de contrats de la commande publique. L’adoption des directives marchés et concessions lors de l’année 2014 et l’arrivée d’une ordonnance relative aux marchés publics en 2015 mettent en exergue l’actualité de la question ainsi que l’importance de procéder à une réorganisation d’envergure du droit français de la commande publique. / Comprehensive contracts in public procurement constitute a class of contracts that have been formed gradually since their creation and play a major role, for instance in the action of public entities and local authorities. Partnership agreements became the main element of this family of legal instruments. They superimposed to compose a group that is hardly comprehensible by territorial authorities, which minimise their utilisation and success. Analyses of the case of Lourdes, of projects led by local authorities as well as the use of comprehensive agreements by the government are all examples that highlight the necessity of carrying out a real overview of the situation. After a decade of practicing and observing the use of public-private partnerships, it appears that the necessity of translating the achieved assessment into a real clarification of the different types of public procurements is more important than ever. The adoption of public procurement directives and concession directives in 2004 and the order relating to public procurement setting up in 2015 bring out the pertinence of the subject as well as the importance of proceeding to a major reorganisation of the French public procurement law.
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Obec jako zadavatel zelených veřejných zakázek / Municipality and GPPŠlechtová, Markéta January 2021 (has links)
1 Abstract With effect from 1 January 2021, municipalities, as contracting authorities, have to comply with environmentally responsible procurement principles, taking into account the nature and purpose of the contract. In this context, we are talking about green public procurement, the requirements of which arise from the European Union directives. This thesis deals with green public procurement by municipalities in the Czech Republic. Since this issue has not yet been explored and widespread in the Czech Republic, the introduction of the new obligation may cause difficulties for municipalities in practice. Therefore, this paper focuses on the attitudes of Czech municipalities towards green public procurement and analyses the specifics of the preparation of green public procurement compared to other public procurement and the resulting new requirements imposed on municipalities. The thesis is intended to serve as a basic insight into the examined issues as well as a potential basis for the practice of municipalities as contracting authorities. The thesis is based on the theoretical background of public interest, sustainable development, good governance and public finance. In terms of methodology, a qualitative type of research was chosen for the purposes of this thesis and a case study was chosen as a type...
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Miljöetiska perspektiv på offentlig upphandlingAnderson, Pia January 2020 (has links)
There are directives for how public procurement should be conducted, in terms of quality,price, non-discrimination, transparency, equal treatment, reasonable requirements and how environmental, social and labor law considerations should be taken into account. Public procurement must also solve societal problems with the aim of achieving the global goals, but despite these guidelines, environmental ethical problems still remain for how a purchaser should prioritize and evaluate between the social, ecological and economic responsibility in public procurement. The purpose was to investigate whether environmental ethics could make a significant contribution in highlighting and understanding the environmental ethical challenges, conflicts, gaps and considerations that public procurement faces and provide answers to how public procurement should ethically value different tenders in order to be able to choose the supplier that makes the greatest social, ecological and economic benefit to society with the aim of achieving the global goals. The conclusion is that doctor Olle Torpman's environmental ethical sub-issues make the ethical challenges, as conflicts, gaps and considerations that public procurement faces visible and comprehensible. The application of the ethics of sustainable development, specified by professor Mikael Stenmark, solves the environmental ethics problems and shows that an environmental ethics theory makes a significant contribution when it comes to providing answers to how public procurement should ethically value the social, ecological and economic responsibility in public procurement. The procurement authority has been commissioned by the government to amend the law on public procurement so that it is in line with the new climate law. I hope that this thesis can provide an environmental ethical perspective on public procurement. Keywords: sustainable purchases, sustainable public procurement, environmental ethics, evaluate sustainability in purchasing, sustainable development goals, public procurement shall solve societal problems.
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Nakupování a výběr dodavatelů ve veřejném sektoru / Purchasing and supplier selection in the public sectorŠvábová, Lucie Unknown Date (has links)
The main theme of this work is the purchasing and supplier selection in the public sector. The thesis deals with public procurement, supplier selection and public purchasing at the theoretical level. The next part is devoted to the directives for small-scale public procurement and their analysis.
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