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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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The work attitudes and job perceptions of Commonwealth Government Libraians : with descriptive data on Commonwealth Government librarianship as an occupation

Barnes, Helen, n/a January 1987 (has links)
This study has three major purposes: to describe systematically the practice of librarianship in Australian Commonwealth Government departments and agencies from the perspective of librarians employed in that environment; to relate the characteristics of government librarianship to librarians' perceptions of and attitudes to their work; and to assess the extent to which the work of Commonwealth Government librarians needs to be redesigned to improve the level of job satisfaction they experience. A subsidiary purpose is to test the job characteristics theory of work motivation on a population of librarians. Information was gathered by a survey questionnaire on a range of variables relating to librarians and their perceptions of different aspects of their jobs. The primary instrument for gathering data on perceptions was the complete form of the Job Diagnostic Survey. The population under investigation comprised those Commonwealth Government department and agency librarians employed on a full-time, permanent basis under the Public Service Act 1922. and located in Canberra. Because the population was small but diverse, it was decided to survey the total population rather than a random or stratified sample. One hundred and eight usable responses were received which represented a response rate of 83 percent. The results of the survey were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Frequency distributions and Pearson's Product-Moment Correlations were calculated to determine the percentage of respondents who selected each option and the strength of relationships between pairs of variables. The study found that Commonwealth Government department and agency librarians in Australia are highly satisfied with their work generally, and with the environment in which it is performed. None of the null hypotheses relating to Commonwealth Government librarians and job satisfaction were rejected. All but one of the null hypotheses retating to the application of the job characteristics model to Commonwealth Government librarians are rejected. The study concludes by identifying issues and areas for further research in public sector librarianship.

Employee Perceptions of stress and organisational change

Bryant, Gerdina, n/a January 1995 (has links)
This study explored employees' perceptions of organisational change as a stressor within a public sector work place undergoing significant change. A number of major stress-producing factors in that environment were examined and data collected of employees' perceptions of the nature of stress, changes in health status and data gathered of stress-related compensation claims. Data was also collected of employees' perceptions of effective strategies for coping with change from an individual and organisational perspective. The research design was a case study with embedded units of analysis incorporating elements of quantitative analysis. The method was chosen to flesh out the limited choices offered by many standard questionnaires. A case study approach and various categories of stress-related factors were selected measures to evaluate the perceived effects of work place change on stress levels. The eight females and three males, aged 27�50 were each interviewed for an hour for their perceptions of stress and reports of stress related illness, relationship changes and other reported changes�diet, sleep, heart disease, asthma, anxiety and headaches. Workplace changes to the Division were analysed, Departmental claims officers were interviewed and Comcare data analysed. Results show participants appeared to feel or experience "stress" in a way which they distinguished as different from feelings or experiences which were nonstressful states and they appeared able to separate these states and ascribe to each particular qualities. They also seemed able to identify that the stressful state occurred in response to some form of demands. Some subjects (36%) reported developing strategies for managing their stress. The majority of subjects (82%) believed work place change was inevitable and a number of subjects (45%) reported they believed implementation of change to be poorly managed, while some subjects (36%) perceived change impacting negatively on the work place. On the basis of the results, it would appear that a human resource management framework may enable more successful implementation of change in public sector organisations.

產品類型與民營化目標對民營化機制選擇關係之研究 / The Relationship between the goods type and Privatization goals to the Choice of the Privatization Mechanism

簡曉瑩, Jen, Hsiao Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究基於「各種不同消費型態特性的產品類型, 應有一最適的提供機 制」此項論點, 旨在探討公共部門中所提供的產品與其民營化的選擇有 何關聯; 而在既定的民營化目標下,公共部門的民營化機制又將如何抉 擇?依此想法, 本研究的主要研究問題有三:(一)不同的公共部門所 提供的產品, 其所適用的機制為何?(二)不同的民營化目標如何影響 公共部門選擇所適用的民營化機制? (三)依照民營化目標與其所提供 的產品交互影響下,有效的民營化機制為何?目前我國的各項公共建設與 公共部門的財政支出已漸感不足, 在下一階段, 民營化的重點,除了繼 續推動事業單位的民營化,公務機關的民營化也將刻不容緩地開展; 截 至目前為止在公務機關的民營化部份,尚少有學者予以探討。 因此在本 研究中試圖為我國的公共部門找尋如何有效地管理與達成配置資源效率的 新方向。以往全由預算支應的公共支出, 政府部門已開始計劃運用民間 部門的資源,以減輕財政負擔。 在公共部門與民間部門的角色分配中, 「政府」不一定要負責生產與製造, 也可透過安排者的角色、或是擔任 規則的管理者來滿足人民的需要。 根據財政學者的看法,公共部門的產 品傳遞流程中, 安排者與製造者角色可切割為二,因此兩種角色的擔任 者不同,組合成不同的機制;在不同的產品類別中,政府所扮演的角色也 不相同。本研究利用文獻探討法, 試圖結合安排者與製造者兩種角色與 產品傳遞程序,提出各類產品的可能提供機制。 做為公共部門在民營化 目標與選擇上, 有一更為週詳的觀念架構,更希望以此出發,衡量我國 公共部門的適當性與更有效地達成民營化的效率。

Critical Success Factors in ERP Systems Implementations in the Cypriot Public Sector

Papageorgiou, Sofronis January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>One of the major advancements in the IT industry during the 1990s was the development of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Beyond the high costs and significant amount of effort needed to implement such a system, the possible benefits for the organization in achieving more efficient operations and improving its competitive stance in the competitive business environment have been undoubted.</p><p>The high failure rates of ERP systems implementations (Soh et al., 2000; Willis and Willis-Brown; 2002) have paved the way for a chase from both academicians and practitioners to understand and pinpoint the critical success factors that positively impact this type of projects’ success.</p><p>Research has been done for ERP implementations in numerous environments but there is a serious gap in the literature regarding implementations in the Cypriot context. Furthermore, after the island’s accession to the European Union (EU) in 2004, the need for the governmental sector to harmonize its systems and processes according to EU directives and to provide efficient services through transparent processes to citizens of Cyprus urged public organizations to proceed with the adoption of ERP systems to serve these purposes from both technological and business aspects.</p><p>This thesis aims to investigate the critical success factors that foster the successful rollout of ERP implementation projects in Cypriot public sector organizations. From the literature review a research proposition is devised through the development of a theoretical framework consisting of 10 critical success factors. These factors are examined in the specific project environment and their applicability and impact in successful implementations is determined.</p><p>A qualitative approach has been followed, through a multiple-case study in three Cypriot public sector organizations, by conducting a set of 9 semi-structured interviews and analyzing the results to determine the theoretical framework’s fit in the particular context and furthermore to determine the criteria which are used to determine ERP implementation success in the specific projects.</p><p>The results of the study indicate that project success is evaluated solely based on three criteria; time, cost and quality. In addition, 9 out of the 10 factors of the theoretical framework appear to be critical for implementation success.</p><p> </p>

Inköp av tjänster i offentlig verksamhet : - En studie av relationerna mellan offentliga organisationer och deras privata leverantörer / Purchases within the public sector : - A study of the relations between public organisations and their private suppliers

Petri, Maria, Svensson, Ulrika January 2006 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund</p><p>Under de senaste 30 åren har företag inom det privata näringslivet alltmer fokuserat på att skapa nära relationer till sina leverantörer. I motsats till utvecklingen inom det privata näringslivet, har utvecklingen inom offentliga verksamheter alltmer kommit att präglas av att inköpen skall konkurrensutsättas. Lagen om offentlig upphandling (LOU) reglerar i hög grad offentliga organisationers relationer till sina leverantörer. Emellanåt väcks frågan om inte offentliga organisationer skulle ha nytta av närmare leverantörsrelationer, liknande de som finns inom det privata näringslivet, där båda parter känner varandra och varandras behov väl.</p><p>Syfte</p><p>Syftet med undersökningen har varit att klarlägga huruvida den offentliga sektorn skulle kunna dra nytta av närmare leverantörsrelationer när det gäller inköp av vissa tjänster, samt att utreda i vilken utsträckning LOU tillåter ett nära samarbete mellan den offentliga sektorn och dess privata leverantörer.</p><p>Genomförande</p><p>Undersökningen har genomförts i form av en fallstudie, då vi har undersökt relationerna mellan Linköpings kommun och dess leverantörer. Fallstudien har genomförts dels genom en kvantitativ enkätundersökning bland Linköpings kommuns leverantörer, dels genom kvalitativa intervjuer med upphandlare och andra ämneskunniga personer.</p><p>Resultat</p><p>Undersökningen har visat att offentlig sektor skulle kunna dra nytta av närmare leverantörsrelationer för att tillfredsställa tre olika typer av behov. Dessa behov gäller utveckling och effektivisering av verksamheten, leverantörernas medverkan i utformningen av tjänsterna samt längre avtalstider inom vissa verksamheter. Undersökningen har även visat att offentliga organisationer idag har möjlighet att samarbeta med sina leverantörer under flera olika former. Dessa samarbetsformer tillfredsställer till viss del de behov av närmare leverantörsrelationer som idag finns inom offentlig sektor.</p> / <p>Background</p><p>During the past 30 years, companies within the trade and industry have more and more focused on creating closer relationships with thier suppliers. In contrast to the development in the trade and industry, purchases within the public sector is nowadays caracterized by keen competition. The relationship between public organisations and their suppliers is regulated to a great extent by The Law of Public Purchases (LOU). Occasionally, the question is raised whether public organisations would benefit from closer relationships with their suppliers, relationships similar to those that can be observed in the trade and industry, where both parties know each other and each others interests well.</p><p>Purpose</p><p>The aim of this paper is to find out whether the public sector would benefit from closer supplier relations when it comes to certain services, as well as to investigate to what extent LOU allows a closer collaboration between the public sector and ther private suppliers.</p><p>Implementation</p><p>The investigation has been implemented in the form of a case study, since we have studied the relations between the municipality of Linköping and its suppliers. The case study has been implemented partly though a quantitative survey among the suppliers of the municipality of Linköping, partly through qualitative interviews with purchasers and other people that have a lot of knowledge and experience of this matter.</p><p>Results</p><p>The investigation has shown that the public sector would benefit from closer relationships in order to satisfy three different types of needs. These needs concern development and effectivisation of the activity, the suppliers participation of the design of the services and longer time limits for contracts. The investigation has also shown that there are possibilities for public organisations to collaborate with their suppliers in different ways. These ways of collaboration partly satisfy the needs of closer supplier relations that we can find today within the public sector.</p>

Vinstintresse som incitament för vården?

Jonsson, Sofia, Sandberg, Sebastian January 2008 (has links)
<p>Diskussionen om den svenska vården är ständigt aktuell, särskilt den som rör de tio till tolv procent som utgör privat verksamhet. De ekonomiska drivkrafter som finns i ett företag med vinstintresse kan anses vara oförenliga med vård av god kvalitet. Det är viktigt att kunna balansera incitamenten kvalitet och vinstintresse för att undvika att patienter eller brukare blir missgynnade. Den privata vården och omsorgen tampas med dagens rådande organisationskultur som säger att det är fult att tjäna pengar på vård. Den offentliga sektorn i sin tur arbetar mot kvalitetsmål vare sig de är företagsekonomiskt effektiva eller ej, samtidigt som de brottas med svårigheter gällande krav på ökad ekonomisk effektivitet, åtstramningar och problem med att mäta graden av framgång baserat på prestationer. Det komplexa i att kunna balansera vinstintresse och kvalitet och på bästa sätt möta omvärldens krav på styrning och mål har lett fram till denna undersöknings forskningsfråga som lyder:</p><p>Vilka likheter och skillnader förekommer i mellanchefers målarbete beroende på vinstintresse?</p><p>I en kvalitativ studie har sex stycken mellanchefer inom vård- och omsorgssektorn intervjuats med avsikt att skapa förståelse kring hur deras målarbete bedrivs. Vidare syftar studien till att försöka urskilja om och i så fall på vilket eller vilka sätt incitamentet vinstintresse påverkar detta målarbete. Utifrån studien har flera slutsatser dragits. Det finns skillnader i målarbete på grund av incitamentet vinstintresse. Exempel på dessa är konkretisering av mål och förtydligande av övergripande syfte. Samtidigt kan detta incitament inte betraktas som angörande för hur målarbetet utförs. </p><p>Nyckelord: Incitament, offentlig sektor, privat sektor, vinstintresse, mål.</p>

Kvalitetsidén möter praktiken : institutionalisering, meningsskapande och organisationskultur

Skålén, Per January 2002 (has links)
<p>In the new millennium the ideas of New Public Management (NPM) have become more and more popular within the public sector and its health care. NPM is a management philosophy that, among other things, aims at making public organizations more business like. The study explores the encounter between the organizational practice and an NPM idea, the idea of quality, at Landstinget in Värmland (LiV). More precisely the study aims at contributing to the discourse on effects of institutionalization as well as to knowledge on the process of local institutionalization. Another purpose of the study is to contribute to quality development in organizations.</p><p>In order to do this, a project of quality (LiV 2002) at LiV is followed in time and space. In the empirical section three actor groups are identified, the new management, the old officials and the health care personnel. Between the old officials and the new management, and between the health care personnel and the new management conflicts burst out. The reason for these conflicts is, among other things, the actor groups’ diverging cultural conceptions.</p><p>In the conclusion the idea of quality is, to a certain extent, found to be institutionalized in the formal structure of LiV. But the greater part of the actors’ action and thought schemes are unaffected. However, the actors at LiV are not fully unaffected by the idea of quality. It is argued that the cultural conceptions of the old officials and the health care personnel are reproduced during the work on quality. In the discussion concerning contributions, a model for studying local institutionalization from the perspective of sensemaking is put forward. It is argued that the model enables students of local institutionalization to focus on the cognitive micro processes of institutionalization. In the discussion on quality development, the focus is on difficulties and obstacles with quality development. These are found to be cultural conceptions, preservative sensemaking, processes of translation and that most public organizations are arena organizations.</p>

Management och motstånd : Offentlig sektor i omvandling - en fallstudie

Huzell, Henrietta January 2005 (has links)
<p>This case study focuses on the intentions of public sector transformation. In particular, on a Swedish public authority, the National Rail Administration (NRA) this is studied and analysed. As in other parts of the Swedish public sector, the management of this authority is planning and executing ‘marketisation’ reforms. Parts of NRA’s monopoly are to be ended and to be guided by the market. The aim of the study is to examine how conflicts between management and employees are shaped according to the changes taking place. Firstly, the study assesses how management interprets the new demands put upon the organisation and translates them into action. These actions illustrated as changes from 'monopoly to market' in order to be a legitimate business competitor; from ‘bureaucracy to flexibility’ in order to enhance competence and changing employees' identities from 'technique to tactic' in order to serve the customer properly</p><p>The study then examines the management-driven implementation of these reforms; and how the employees respond to the changes from a resistance perspective. The discussion highlights what happens when the new management-driven organising principles meet the old, technology-oriented principles of employees. This contributes to a deepened understanding of why organisational changes made in the name of ‘market’, ‘flexibility’ and ‘customer’ meet resistance in the public sector. From a resistance perspective the changes are understood as ‘rationalisation’, work intensification’ and increased ‘individual control’, which per se leads to undermining of the traditional safety culture and technical skills. The customer orientation is met with highly ironic attitudes and interpreted as ‘infantilisation’ of the employees.</p><p>The concluding remarks are that conflict and antagonism is ever present in organisations and in this case manifest in three domains, legitimating, restructuring and revaluating, and between management perspective and resistance perspective.</p>

KOSTRA som verktøy for styring av kommunene : en studie av 10 kommuner i Hedmark og Oppland

Halvorsen, Stein, Hauge, Frank Steinar January 2008 (has links)
<p>The Norwegian public sector, in particular local Councils as the principal supplier of welfare services, face great challenges in the coming years. Expectations and demands upon public services are increasing in proportion with the increase in private wealth. Among the consequences are higher demands on the distribution of welfare services, and the need for a more effective use of resources.</p><p>Inspired by New Public Management theories, Norwegian local Councils have made considerable changes in management over the last 10-20 years. To meet the demands for increased activity, public sector has undergone a transition towards a less hierarchal organisational structure, their delegation to appropriate performance units has increased, and systems to monitor aims and results have been introduced. With respect to the latter, it has become crucial that data concerning resource utilisation and economy are made easily available and can be related to management issues.</p><p>In 2001 the national government introduced the so-called KOSTRA public reporting system (Kommune-ST-at-Rapportering) The overall aim of KOSTRA is to produce relevant, reliable, current and comparable management information. In addition, the KOSTRA reporting system will provide an improved database as an aid to service provision, as well as providing a foundation for improved Council management.</p><p>Our aim with this assignment has been to take a closer look at KOSTRA as a suitable tool for resource management within local Councils, and to see whether Councils do in fact use it actively in their own administrational priorities and activities. We have illustrated this by taking a closer look at possible connections between active use of KOSTRA and the Councils` economic situation, priorities and effectiveness.</p><p>We have found no grounds in our studies to indicate that there is any difference in the allocation of priorities between those local Councils using KOSTRA in management-related activities and those who do not. On the other hand, we have discovered links between active use of KOSTRA and the Councils`economic situation.</p><p>This connection is very interesting. It is the Councils under financial stress which appear to be using KOSTRA actively.</p><p>Our major conclusion is that KOSTRA alone does not produce all necessary and relevant management information. KOSTRA is more applicable when seen in context with the complexity of public sector, and with a firm knowledge of the system's underlying indicators.</p>

Projektledning inom offentliga organisationer : -En studie av projektledares användning av planeringsmetoder / Project Management in Public Sector Organizations : -A Study on Use of Planning Methods by Project Managers

Heen, Lisbeth, Nordmark, Maria January 2006 (has links)
<p>I de flesta offentliga organisationer arbetas idag i projekt¬arbets¬form. Dessa organisationer måste ta hänsyn till att projekt inte längre är ett undantag och skapa strukturer och metoder för koordination av projektverksamheten. Vid projektplaneringen kan ett antal olika metoder användas för att undvika fel och brister som lätt uppstår när flera personer är inblandade. Fel och brister gynnar inte den inre effektiviteten. Ett likartat arbetssätt, ibland i form av projektmodell, kan användas för ökad kontroll av projektarbetsformen. Projektmodellen medför struktur och rutiner som förbättrar utnyttjandet av projekt¬arbets¬formen.</p><p>Syftet med denna magisteruppsats i industriell projektledning är att undersöka och be¬skriva om projektledarna inom offentliga organisationer använder metoder som bidrar till att öka den inre effektiviteten i projektledarens projektplanering.</p><p>Undersökningsmetoden är av kvalitativ art. Den empiriska datainsamlingen har skett genom telefonintervjuer eller besöksintervjuer med tolv respondenter fördelade på sex av Sveriges länsstyrelser.</p><p>Med utgångspunkt från undersökningen har vi konstaterat att den inre effektiviteten på¬ver¬kas av i vilken mån metoder för projektplanering används. För att öka projektets inre effek¬tivitet och förankringen av projektet bör intressentanalys och kravanalys föregå den över¬enskommelse som resulterar i en tydlig beskrivning av projektets mål.</p><p>Vi har funnit att ansvar och befogenheter måste anges tydligare än vad som är brukligt idag för att öka den inre effektiviteten samt fördelar med att placera projekten utanför den vanliga linjeorganisationen. Beträffande kommunikation behöver fler rapporter skrivas i avsikt att gynna lärandet inom organisationen och finnas tillgängliga i större utsträckning.</p><p>Den inre effektiviteten kan öka om projektledaren förutom kunskap i sakämnen också besitter kunskap i metoder för projektplanering. En generell slutsats är att en projekt¬modell och/eller en väl genomförd och strukturerad planering gynnar den inre effek¬tiviteten eftersom problem och konflikter minimeras när så sker.</p> / <p>The work in most public sectors today is sometimes done in project work form. These organizations have to realize that projects are no longer an exception, but rather the norm, and create structure and methods to coordinate the projects. There are some different methods that can be used during project planning to avoid mistakes and shortcomings, which can easily happen when many people are involved. Mistakes and shortcomings do not improve the efficiency of the organization. A similar way of working, often in the way of a project model, can be used to increase the control of the project. The project model intro¬duces structure and routine which in turn increases the use of the project work form.</p><p>The purpose of this master thesis in Industrial Project Management is to examine and describe if project managers within the public sector use methods of project planning to increase the efficiency of the organization.</p><p>The research method is of qualitative conduction. The empirical data collection has been done through phone interviews and personal interviews with 12 respondents representing six of Sweden’s county ministries.</p><p>Starting with the study, we concluded that the efficiency of an organization depends on which level of methods the organization use for project planning. To increase a project’s efficiency and to attain organizational commitment a stakeholder analyse and analysis of requirements should be done before the agreement of the project result. The agreement must show a detailed description of the project goal.</p><p>We have found that responsibility and duties have to be more clearly specified to increase the efficiency. If the project is organized outside the normal guidelines we have found an improvement of the efficiency. To improve the learning within the organization more reports need to be done and be easily accessible.</p><p>The efficiency of the organization will improve if the project manager not only is know¬ledgeable about the project idea but also has good knowledge about project planning methods. A general conclusion is that problems and conflicts are minimized if the project is well planned and structured or a project model is used. In consequence of those actions the project efficiency will increase.</p>

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