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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Critical factors affecting leadership: a higher education context

Hassan, A., Gallear, D., Sivarajah, Uthayasankar 03 1900 (has links)
Yes / Purpose – While the importance of leadership in various domains has been highlighted in the extant literature, effective leadership in the context of higher education sector has not been well addressed in the leadership scholarship. There is a need to address the challenge of leadership effectiveness in the education sector, including business schools, given the failures noticed in the sector attributed to poor-quality leadership. The purpose of this study was therefore to explore the factors that affected leadership in the context of higher education institutions. Design/methodology/approach – The research is exploratory in nature as the study critically reviewed extant literature surrounding leadership practices specifically from a public-sector context to identify factors affecting leadership effectiveness. Findings – The findings of the study pointed out that, regardless of the nation or organisation, leadership effectiveness is a factor that is dependent on how well the followers have accepted the leader. This indicates that, amongst the different challenges explored in this study, leadership effectiveness is not only a challenge by itself but is also affected by other challenges, including leadership practice and style. Research limitations/implications – This research provides a better understanding of the critical factors affecting leadership practice of deans of business schools and how the styles’ influence on leadership practice, the relationship between leadership practice and leadership effectiveness and how leadership style translates into leadership effectiveness. Originality/value – This research contributes to the growing body of knowledge surrounding leadership scholarship from a public-sector context about the challenges that affect leadership effectiveness in the context of HEIs and stimulates further investigation into those challenges.

Allmänheten som intuitiv magkänsla : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om Region Stockholms kommunikation med allmänheten

Gäfvert, Hanna, Rinalder, Svante January 2024 (has links)
This study explores the complexities of public sector communication in Region Stockholm, focusing on the reasons for the communicative decisions made to reach the public. Through qualitative interviews with communication professionals in the organisation, the study investigates the conditions they face, how they conceptualise their audiences (the public), and how this affects their communicative decisions, as well as what the consequences are following these communicative decisions. The study utilises a theoretical framework drawn from the concepts of the Montreal School’s perspective on the communicative constitution of organisation (CCO) and strategic communication, both through the theoretical lens of actor-network theory (ANT). Furthermore, these perspectives are combined with the concept of imagined audience.  This study identifies several conditions that influence both communication professionals’ communicative choices and their conceptualisation of the public. These include organisational structure, economic resources and digital affordances. This in turn shapes a dual perception of the public; as a homogeneous majority public conceptualised in relation to the organisation, possessing attributes such as Swedish-speaking and digital literacy, as well as diverse minority publics requiring tailored communication strategies outside ordinary day-to-day communication activities. Due to limited economic and structural resources, the organisation’s communication professionals tend to prioritise known groups (the general and homogeneous public) leading to the exclusion of the less familiar publics, which can be seen as problematic from a democratic perspective. This study contributes to the understanding of public sector communication through a novel perspective, highlighting the need to understand communication professionals’ perceptions of the public and the conditions in which they operate, with an emphasis on the democratic implications of inclusion and exclusion that follow.

The Impact of Accrual Accounting Reform on Public Financial Management : A qualitative study based on the perception of Sri Lankan public sector accounting professionals

Hewasinghe, Prathibha Pabasari Jayawickrama, Lakmali, Pitiduwa Koralage Shashikala January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to investigate the perceptions of Sri Lankan public sector accounting professionals regarding the impacts of successful implementation of accrual accounting on public financial management in Sri Lanka over the long term. Furthermore, this study intends to explore the barriers that hinder such successful implementation and recommendations for the successful maintenance of accrual accounting in Sri Lanka over the long term. This qualitative study collected data by conducting semi-structured interviews with Sri Lankan public sector accounting professionals. The sample was selected non-randomly using the purposive sampling method. Thematic analysis was used to systematically identify and analyze patterns, themes and trends in the qualitative data collected relating to accrual accounting reform in the Sri Lankan public sector. First, this study identified that while some government organizations have successfully implemented accrual accounting in Sri Lanka other organizations still are in the initial phase of adoption, indicating that the Sri Lankan public sector has yet not fully implemented accrual accounting successfully. Second, the study found that some of the reasons for delaying the successful implementation are, interdependency of government organizations, prevailing inappropriate government regulations and policies, implementation costs, outdated systems, complexity, lack of experience and knowledge of government employees in accounts divisions, lack of support from other parties and resistance to change. Third, this study found that the successful implementation would require changing government regulations and policies suitable to the accrual concept, enhancing digitalization in the public sector, increasing other institutional support, legalization of accrual-based accounting, promoting international collaborations, developing professional skills of accounting staff in the public sector and initiating step by step approach to minimize resistance to change. Fourth, the study found that accuracy, completeness, transparency, accountability, comparability, performance evaluation, risk management, asset liability management, income expenditure management and minimizing corruption, fraud and waste are diverse benefits in the short term by implementing accrual accounting in the Sri Lankan public sector. Through these benefits, informed decision-making, international recognition and collaboration, robust budgeting and financial planning, efficiency and effectiveness, and economic stability and development will be derived in the long term. Finally, this study found that Sri Lankan public sector accounting professionals perceive that accrual accounting brings more positive advantages in both the short term and long term through its successful implementation over the issues encountered by them currently. This study offers valuable insight for policymakers, administrators and other stakeholders involved in the Sri Lankan public sector by emphasizing the importance of strengthening the successful implementation of accrual accounting.

Do you have enough competence to work with AI within the public sector? : Qualitative research exploring the employee's competence concerning AI

Lundström, Matilda January 2024 (has links)
Artificial intelligence (AI) in the public sector is a debated topic that has the potential to enhance performance. The public sector is complex and characterized by bureaucratic challenges, posing significant procedural and financial difficulties. Using AI systems can substantially enhance the efficiency of administrative processes and the quality of services provided to citizens. However, the use of AI, in general and in the public sector, has mainly been focused on ethical issues such as trust, bias, or surveillance. One crucial factor directly affecting the efficient and ethical use of AI systems is employee competence. Employees' competence is, however, one of the least explored areas when it comes to working with AI systems, especially in the public sector. This study addresses this gap by examining the perceived necessary competences of employees within the Swedish public sector utilizing a qualitative research method and semi-structured interviews. The findings reveal three overarching areas of competences: 1) systemic competence, encompassing AI literacy and general knowledge; 2) Particular competence relating to expertise where the AI is being used; 3) Contextual competence involving data governance, legal implications, and personal data protection.

Stakeholder Engagement in Public Sector Sport Facility Projects : A case study on Stadionområdet in Malmö

Bravinger, John January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to examine Stakeholder Engagement in the construction of a new public sector sport facility and explore the stakeholder perspective on the engagement process. The construction of sports facilities is complex and requires stakeholder insights for a better end product. Stakeholders have expertise that the project management does not have, which can improve both the end product and the stakeholders' willingness to use the area. A case study has been conducted at the Stadionområdet in Malmö where an older sports facility is to be replaced with a new one.  The study is based on Stakeholder Theory and Stakeholder Engagement and applies these theories to understand the tools used in the engagement process. A qualitative mixed methods approach has been used where both semi-structured interviews and document collection have been conducted. In total, eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with respondents from the project side, internal and external stakeholders.   The study shows that the engagement processes used in Stadionområdet are mainly information meetings, workshops and working groups. Information meetings have been held in an initial stage to create understanding of the redevelopment, however, a further demand for these meetings has been identified. Workshops have been held with external stakeholders where stakeholders are given the opportunity to express their views on the design of the area. While workshops are seen as the most effective, they are considered to lack feedback, which creates irritation. Internally in Malmö Stad, working groups have been used. These work well, but the processes can sometimes be time-consuming as the decision-making paths are long and need to be confirmed by many. There are also problems with administrations not striving for the same end goal, which creates irritation and lack of understanding for each other's opinions.  To overcome these challenges and streamline Stakeholder Engagement, Stadionområdet can introduce a contact person for the external stakeholders who creates communication channels and provides feedback after workshops. Marketing the final goal more clearly, for both internal and external stakeholders, is also of great importance so that stakeholders know what to expect.

Organisationsförändring inom den offentliga sektorn : En kvalitativ studie om chefers och medarbetares upplevelser av kommunikationen under en förändringsprocess / Organizational Change in the Public Sector : A qualitative study of managers' and employees' experiences of communication during a change process

Edvinsson, Julia, Fejza, Vrionela January 2024 (has links)
Studien innefattar en undersökning om hur medarbetare och chefer upplevt kommunikationen under en förändringsprocess inom den offentliga sektorn, på Arbetsförmedlingen. Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera hur kommunikationen i en organisatorisk förändringsprocess kan uppfattas av medarbetare och chefer inom offentlig sektor. Genom att jämföra chefers och medarbetares uppfattningar är avsikten att öka kunskapen om vilka möjligheter och utmaningar som kan uppstå under en förändringsprocess, samt hur dessa upplevs beroende på aktör. Under studien har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ undersökning, i form av intervjuer, med två chefer och sju arbetsförmedlare inom Arbetsförmedlingen. Den insamlade empirin har bearbetats med hjälp av befintlig forskning och teorier kring kommunikation samt förändringsarbete.  Resultatet indikerar att kommunikationen under förändringsprocessen uppfattades på olika sätt av de berörda aktörerna. Beslut och information som förmedlats från cheferna upplevdes som otydliga från medarbetarnas håll. Däremot uppfattade cheferna själva att deras sätt att kommunicera var tydligt och transparent. Den bristande kommunikationen ledde i vissa fall till ryktesspridning och spekulationer från medarbetarnas sida. Cheferna delade uppfattningen att rykten förekom, däremot påtalade de inte samma orsak som medarbetarna. I slutresultatet framkom det att både medarbetarna och cheferna upplevde att många av de utmaningar kring förändringskommunikationen hade sin grund i den byråkratiska organisationsstrukturen. / The study consists of an examination of how employees and managers perceived communication during a change process within the public sector, specifically at Arbetsförmedlingen. The purpose of the study is to describe and analyze how communication in an organizational change process can be perceived by employees and managers in the public sector. By comparing the perceptions of managers and employees, the intention is to increase knowledge about the opportunities and challenges that may arise during a change process, and how these are perceived depending on the participant.  During the study, we used a qualitative research method, consisting of interviews, with two managers and seven employees at Arbetsförmedlingen. The collected empirical data has been analyzed using previous research and theories on communication and change management. The results indicate that communication during the change process was perceived differently by the involved actors. Decisions and information conveyed by managers were perceived as unclear from the employees' perspective. However, managers themselves believed that their way of communicating was clear and transparent. The lack of communication led, in some cases, to rumors and speculation among the employees. While managers acknowledged the existence of rumors, they did not attribute them to the same causes as the employees. The final results revealed that both employees and managers felt that many of the challenges related to change communication stemmed from the bureaucratic organizational structure.

Lifelong training of civil servants on information systems in the field of Health

Lalos, Christos 17 March 2023 (has links)
En el sector público, los sistemas de información juegan un papel crucial en la prestación de servicios eficientes y efectivos a los ciudadanos. Por lo tanto, es imperativo que los empleados estén equipados con los últimos conocimientos y habilidades en el campo de los sistemas de información. Esto se puede lograr a través de la formación permanente y continua. El aprendizaje permanente se refiere a un proceso continuo de aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida de una persona, independientemente de su edad, estado u ocupación. En el contexto de los sistemas de información, esto significa que los empleados del sector público necesitan actualizar continuamente sus conocimientos y habilidades para mantenerse al día con los últimos desarrollos y avances en el campo. La formación continua, por otro lado, se refiere a actividades regulares y continuas de formación y desarrollo que están diseñadas para satisfacer necesidades específicas de aprendizaje. La importancia de la formación permanente y continua en el sector público se destaca por el hecho de que los sistemas de información están en constante evolución. Se están desarrollando nuevas tecnologías y técnicas, y los empleados deben estar familiarizados con ellas para poder realizar su trabajo de manera efectiva. Además, el sector público está bajo constante presión para mejorar la calidad de sus servicios y ser más eficiente y rentable. Esto requiere que los empleados tengan una buena comprensión de los sistemas de información y las mejores prácticas más recientes. Son varios los beneficios de la formación permanente y continua para los empleados del sector público. En primer lugar, ayuda a mantener y mejorar sus conocimientos y habilidades, lo que puede tener un impacto positivo en su desempeño laboral. En segundo lugar, permite a los empleados asumir nuevos retos y responsabilidades, lo que puede conducir al crecimiento personal y profesional. En tercer lugar, puede aumentar la moral y la motivación de los empleados, ya que se sienten valorados y apreciados por su empleador. Hay varios métodos de formación que se pueden utilizar para apoyar el aprendizaje permanente y continuo en el sector público. Estos incluyen cursos de capacitación formales, talleres, aprendizaje en línea, capacitación en el trabajo y tutoría y entrenamiento. La elección del método de capacitación dependerá de las necesidades de aprendizaje del individuo, los recursos disponibles y los objetivos del programa de capacitación. Además, invertir en la formación permanente y continua de los empleados en sistemas de información también puede mejorar la reputación de la organización del sector público. Al contar con empleados bien capacitados que puedan brindar servicios de alta calidad, la organización puede generar confianza con el público y establecer una imagen positiva. Además, los programas de capacitación también pueden ayudar a retener a los empleados, ya que sienten que su empleador está comprometido con su desarrollo profesional y les brinda oportunidades de crecimiento. En conclusión, la formación permanente y continua es fundamental para los empleados del sector público que trabajan en el ámbito de los sistemas de información. Al garantizar que los empleados estén equipados con los últimos conocimientos y habilidades, las organizaciones pueden mejorar sus servicios y ser más eficientes y eficaces. Además, la capacitación puede tener un impacto positivo en la moral y la motivación de los empleados, lo que conduce a un mejor desempeño laboral y al crecimiento personal y profesional. Por lo tanto, es importante que las organizaciones del sector público inviertan en la formación permanente y continua de sus empleados para garantizar su éxito en el mundo en constante evolución de los sistemas de información.

A Grounded Theory Exploration of Public Sector Innovation in Kuwait During and Beyond Crisis: Building Adaptability for Future

Albous, Mohammad Rashed 06 1900 (has links)
In points, the description of this manuscript content, as follows: - Explores how administrative innovation is generated and implemented in Kuwait's public sector, particularly during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. - Focuses on understanding how such innovation contributes to adaptability in both crisis and post-crisis periods. - Employs a grounded theory methodology, utilizing data from interviews, document analysis, and observations to develop a theoretical framework. - Identifies key characteristics of Kuwait's public sector that both enable and constrain innovation, such as the dominance of oil-fueled public sector jobs and the prevalence of bureaucratic culture. - Examines the pandemic's impact on public sector operations and the adaptive measures taken, including the rapid adoption of digital technologies and increased reliance on public-private partnerships. - Proposes a theoretical framework highlighting the central role of "exploring feedback" in driving administrative innovation and enhancing adaptability. Suggests that actively seeking and incorporating feedback from citizens, stakeholders, and data analysis fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the public sector. - Offers valuable insights into strategies for fostering innovation-driven resilience across diverse public sectors, contributing to the fields of public administration, innovation studies, and crisis management. / The dissertation investigates the generation and implementation of administrative innovation within Kuwait's public sector, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, to understand how such innovation contributes to adaptability in both crisis and post-crisis periods. The research employs a grounded theory methodology, utilizing data from interviews, document analysis, and observations to develop a theoretical framework. The study identifies key characteristics of Kuwait's public sector that both enable and constrain innovation, such as the dominance of oil-fueled public sector jobs and the prevalence of bureaucratic culture. It also explores the pandemic's impact on operations and the adaptive measures taken, including the rapid adoption of digital technologies and the increased reliance on public-private partnerships. The study concludes by proposing a theoretical framework that highlights the central role of "exploring feedback" in driving administrative innovation and enhancing adaptability. The findings suggest that actively seeking and incorporating feedback from citizens, stakeholders, and data analysis fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the public sector. By analyzing the Kuwaiti experience, the research offers valuable insights into strategies for fostering innovation-driven resilience across diverse public sectors, contributing to the fields of public administration, innovation studies, and crisis management.

Systemic corruption in public enterprises in the Harare metropolitan area : a case study

Dube, Toanashe 02 1900 (has links)
The study sought to investigate the impact of systemic corruption in public enterprises in the Harare metropolitan area in Zimbabwe. This research study used a case and explanatory research designs as its major research approaches. The study was largely prompted by the high level of corruption in public enterprises as reported to the Anti - Corruption Commission and the media. In this study, fourteen (14) directors and twenty six (26) public enterprise officials were used as research subjects. Questionnaires, interviews and documentary reviews were used as research instruments to collect information on the impact of systemic corruption in public enterprises in the Harare metropolitan area. The study showed that low remuneration levels for both low and high level public enterprise officials, patronage appointment to higher level of management and the lack of political will to empower public enterprise officials on the evil of corruption were the causes of systemic corruption. Greed, the disintegration of work morality and ethics in the manner in which public affairs across public enterprises were being handled, were key causes of systemic corruption (see chapter 4 for details). The high level of secrecy in the management of public affairs, the lack of transparency, discipline, fairness, responsibility, equity and weak legal system on corruption were also noted to be corruption drivers. With regard the manifestation of corruption in public enterprises, it was established that systemic corruption occurred in the following forms: abuse of power, fraud, favouritism, embezzlement, weak control, extortion and ghosting.The study also showed that systemic corruption created problems such as administrative inefficiency and parasitism, a social atmosphere of tension and dishonesty within public enterprises (see chapter 4 for details). Corruption reallocated resources to the rich and powerful public officials who were aligned to the ruling party or those in authority. The study also noted that public enterprises officials were using technical complexity in procedures and regulations to conceal under-dealings.It was iv the findings of this study that rewarding for reasons not related to performance, dishonesty, over claiming expenses, falsification of reports/records and favouritism in public enterprises were high. The study also revealed that bid-rigging, shifting from core business, ghosting, and giving gratitude/gift to influence decision were some of the prevalent unethical activities in public enterprises. Against this backdrop, it is recommended that the level of remuneration in public enterprises for public officials is improved so that the minimum grounds for corruption motives are reduced. When salaries are too low, officers are obviously forced to indulge in unethical activities which in turn affect the general public directly or indirectly. It is critical that all public enterprise officials undergo training in the dimension of corruption and corporate governance as a means of empowerment. Corrupt individuals and business organisations in the Harare metropolitan area should not be employed or engaged in public related work and that public affairs must be managed in a transparent and open manner although confidentiality must be observed. The study also recommends that the appointment of public enterprise officials must be based on competence, relevant educational qualifications and experience. Another recommendation is that all cases of corruption must be treated as high level criminal cases which attract longer and deterrent court judgments (see chapter four for details). / Public Administration and Management / M.P.A.

Turizmo informacinių paslaugų sistemos analizė viešajame sektoriuje / Tourism information services system analysis in the public sector

Janušaitė, Indrė 20 January 2009 (has links)
Viešojo administravimo magistro baigiamojo darbo tema yra aktuali, kadangi Lietuvai įstojus į Europos Sąjungą vis svarbesnis šalies turizmo vaidmuo ne tik Europoje, bet ir kitose užsienio šalyse. Turizmo industrijos plėtra labai priklauso nuo informacinių paslaugų sistemos išvystymo, kuri skatina vietinį ir atvykstamąjį turizmą. Turizmo informacinių ir rinkodaros paslaugų plėtros išplėtojimą lemia ES struktūrinės paramos fondai, kurių dėka projektų įgyvendinimas yra būdas Lietuvos ir jos regionų mastu pagerinti viešąją turizmo infrastruktūrą. Spartėjant turizmo plėtrai ir turizmo informacijos sklaidai Lietuvoje, viena iš aktualių problemų yra viešosios turizmo informacinės infrastruktūros trūkumas Lietuvos regionuose. Tyrimo objektas – turizmo informacinių paslaugų sistema Lietuvoje ir užsienyje. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti turizmo informacinių paslaugų sistemą viešajame sektoriuje. Hipotezė: Lietuvos miestuose ir rajonuose nėra tinkamai išplėtota viešoji turizmo informacijos infrastruktūra. Tyrimo metodika: mokslinės literatūros analizė, teisinių dokumentų analizė, statistinių duomenų analizė, anketinė apklausa, interviu, SSGG analizė. Teisiniai dokumentai reglamentuoja turizmo informacinių paslaugų sistemos organizavimą bei viešųjų įstaigų, teikiančių informacines paslaugas, steigimą. Lietuvoje turizmas prasideda nuo nacionalinio turizmo, kur turi būti išvystytas vietos turizmas, skatinantis užsienio turistus atvykti į Lietuvą. Tačiau siekiant tai įgyvendinti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master thesis on public administration is very relevant since Lithuania joined European Union and tourism is taking a more sizeable role not only in Europe but also in other foreign countries. The expansion of tourism industry depends on information service system development, which promotes local and international tourism. The development of tourism information and marketing services determines the size of received support from EU’s structural funds. Implementation of such projects is the way to develop the public tourism infrastructure of Lithuania and its regions. While tourism business is expanding together with information’s about tourism penetration the remaining problem is the lack of public tourism information infrastructure in Lithuania regions. Investigation object – tourism information service’s system in Lithuania and abroad. Investigation purpose – to analyse information services system of tourism in public sector. Hypothesis: public tourism information infrastructure in Lithuania cities and regions is not properly developed. Methodology of investigation: analysis of scientific literature, analysis of law documents, analysis of statistical data, questionnaire, interview, SWOT analysis. Documents of law regulate the organization of tourism information services system and establishment of public institutions’ which provide information services. Lithuania’s tourism starts from national tourism, where local tourism has to be developed and promoted to tourists from... [to full text]

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