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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Självkänslan är låg, uppgivenheten stor och maktlösheten total" : Vikten av frivilligorganisationer för hemlösa / "The self-esteem is low, the despair is great and the powerlessness is total" : The importance of voluntary organizations for the homeless

Christensen, Sanne, Nilsson, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
The responsibility of the homeless has for a long time been a gray area. Voluntary organizations were founded because no one else was helping the homeless. Today the responsibility to take care of the homeless lies with the public sector and the respective municipalities. So why is it that new voluntary organizations keep appearing? The purpose of the study is to find out what role voluntary organizations play in the work against homelessness and whether they have an impact on the social work of today. Analysis of the results was done with theories of street-level bureaucrats and social citizenship.  The results of this study show how much responsibility voluntary organizations take in the work against homelessness. A responsibility that many of the interviewees know should lie with the public sector instead. The voluntary organizations fulfills the participants' basic needs and provides them a sense of security. The results draw attention to the fact that the work that the voluntary organizations do is often taken for granted.

Rekrytering i privat och offentlig sektor : - En kvalitativ studie som jämför rekryteringsprocesser mellan den privata och offentliga sektorn i Västerås kommun

Grankvist, Philip, Hammer, Viktor, Pizzoni Elfving, Benjamin January 2023 (has links)
Datum:  2023-05-30 Nivå:   Kandidatuppsats i Företagsekonomi, 15 hp  Institution:  Akademin för Ekonomi, Samhälle och Teknik, Mälardalens Universitet  Författare:                   Grankvist, Philip Hammer, Viktor  Pizzoni Elfving, Benjamin                     (99/07/30)        (01/03/14)             (01/12/20)                                                                                   Titel:   Rekrytering i privat och offentlig sektor -En kvalitativ studie som jämför     rekryteringsprocesser mellan den privata och offentliga sektorn i Västerås kommun  Handledare:  Konstantin Lampou                                                     Nyckelord:  Rekrytering, Rekryteringsprocess, Offentlig sektor, Privat sektor   Frågeställningar: Vilka likheter och skillnader finns det i rekryteringsprocessen mellan offentlig    och privat sektor, hur överensstämmer dessa med teoretiska modeller för    rekrytering? Vad kan den offentliga och privata sektorn lära sig av varandra i respektive    rekryteringsprocess? Syfte:    Syftet med undersökningen är att få en djupare insyn i olika organisationers    rekryteringsprocesser i den offentliga och privata sektorn. För att sedan se    vilka skillnader och likheter som existerar mellan sektorerna samt vad de    kan lära sig av varandra.   Metod:   Studien har en kvalitativ metod med en abduktiv ansats. Studien grundar sig i  semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som har erfarenhet av rekrytering. Analysen har tolkats genom en tematisk syn.      Slutsats:   Undersökningen har givit forskningen en mer djupgående insyn i vilka skillnader och likheter som finns mellan de olika sektorernas  rekryteringsprocesser. Undersökningen har förklarat mer om offentlighetsprincipen och hur det påverkar sökande kandidater i den  offentliga sektorn. Även hur offentlighetsprincipen används till att utveckla  rekryteringsprocesser till mer effektiva och passande för sektorerna. Användandet av en kvalitativ metod gav undersökningen en mer djupgående  bild av rekryteringsprocesserna vilket i sin tur gav möjligheter att förklara skillnader i mer än bara siffror. Både för och nackdelar uppstår med  sektorernas förutsättningar för rekrytering, vilket indikerar stora möjligheter för vardera sektor att ta lärdom av varandra och utveckla sina rekryteringsprocesser ytterligare. / Date:   2023-05-30 Level:   Bachelor thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr  Institution:  School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University  Authors:           Grankvist, Philip Hammer, Viktor  Pizzoni Elfving, Benjamin                         (99/07/30)                  (01/03/14)             (01/12/20)                                                                                   Title:   Recruitment in private and public sector -A qualitative study comparing    recruitment processes between the private and public in Vasteras municipality Supervisor:  Konstantin Lampou                                                     Keywords:  Recruitment, Recruitment process, Public sector, Private Sector Research questions:  What are the similarities and differences in the recruitment process between the public and private sectors, how do these align with theoretical models of recruitment?      What can the the public and private sector learn from each other in their    respective recruitment process? Purpose:  The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper insight into to the recruitment    processes of various organizations in the public and private sector.     To then see what differences and similarities that exist between the sectors    and what they can learn from each other.     Method:  The study utilizes a method that is qualitative along with an abductive    approach. Semi-structured interviews with individuals having recruitment    experience served as the study’s foundation. A thematic approach has been    used to interpret the data.  Conclusion:  The study has provided research with a deeper awareness of the differences      and similarities between the various sectors recruitment processes. The survey has provided further information about the principle of publicity and how it relates to job applicants in the public sector. Additionally, how  recruitment processes are developed to be more effective and appropriate for the sectors using the principle of publicity. The survey’s use of a qualitative method provided deeper knowledge of the recruitment processes which in turn provided opportunity to explain the variations using factors other than just numbers. The conditions for recruiting in the different sectors both have advantages and disadvantages, which suggests immense chances for learning from one another and improving the recruitment process in each sector.

Kan svensk offentlig sektor vara innovativ? : En studie om barriärer för digitalisering i svenska kommuner

Pegelow, Andreas, Jenset Petrén, Greta January 2023 (has links)
Svensk offentlig sektor står inför en utmaning att klara välfärdsuppdraget i framtiden, och digitalisering har lyfts som en potentiell lösning för att hantera den tilltagande efterfrågan av välfärd. Kommuner har tillskrivits en viktig roll i arbetet med digital utveckling till följd av att de tillhandahåller en stor del av välfärdsleveransen. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka barriärer för digitalisering för svenska kommuner och om det föreligger skillnader mellan kommuner av olika storlek och geografisk placering. En studie genomförs av tre kommuner av olika storlek och geografisk placering som alla bedriver ett aktivt digitaliseringsarbete. Resultatet visar att de mest framträdande barriärerna för digitaliseringsarbete är av organisatorisk karaktär. Resultatet visar även att de större kommunerna uppvisar likheter i hur barriärer upplevs men ingen indikation ges att geografisk placering är en faktor. Slutligen uppmuntrar uppsatsförfattarna till vidare forskning.

A step toward understanding software development in the public sector: a study of a Department of Defense research and development organization

Church, Joshua Q. 12 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This paper focuses on the importance of effective software development processes and a foundational understanding of success factors in the public sector. Although there has been significant investment in information technology, not all public sector software projects result in a successful return on investment. This study explores the crucial factors, referred to as Critical Success Factors (CSFs), that enable the success of public sector software development projects. Additionally, this study aims to discover if the CSFs, the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), or its methodologies are more impactful for the success of software projects. This study aims to also identify the challenges public sector developers face during their efforts. By analyzing empirical data collected from a US Department of Defense Research and Development organization, this research aims to provide essential information for improving the likelihood of successful software project outcomes. Ultimately, this research can enable decision-makers to create better training opportunities, standard operating procedures, and hiring processes for public sector software projects.

A Strategic Approach to Local Competency Gap Reduction: The Case of the Oil and Gas Industry in Ghana

Amenshiah, Ambrose K., Analoui, Farhad 04 1900 (has links)
Yes / This empirical research explores local skill capacity gap in the petroleum industry in Ghana using a mixed method approach to study four public organisations. Matched samples of employees (226) were surveyed, while HR directors (9) were purposively sampled and interviewed. The findings suggest a wide local skill gap. Originality, this is one of the very few studies to explore the shortcomings of local skill capacity in public sector organisation. Research implications, more matched-sample studies are necessary to understand IOC’s local skill capacity further. Practically, the study is of significance to the policymakers. The main contribution of the research amongst others is to conceptualise the concept of HRM in Ghana’s context.

Sustainability Transitions Antenarratives: Public Sector Organization Perspectives in Implementing Sustainability Oriented Projects in a Developing Country

Kamwasir, Kamwasir January 2022 (has links)
Sustainability has been considered a novel research field emerging from the desire to protect the environment, and equally emerging in transition discourses. This research explores the construction of sustainability transition processes and pathways in a public sector organization implementing a sustainability oriented program. The study takes on an explorative, qualitative longitudinal approach. Through antenarrative inquiry, analysis is made on the stories and discussions as a reflexive way in expressing experiences and by giving meaning to these experiences. Assessed within sustainability transition theories, processes and pathways emerge from socio-technical transitions and its micro-foundations. Results indicate that pathways of transition exist in socio-technical systems, socio-political systems, socio-institutional systems and in socio-ecological systems as achored in public sector processes. The narrative character and sustainability formations potray inclusivity of actors, continuity and gradual transition processes. It is therefore opined that  sustainability oriented programs and projects implemented in developing nations by the public sector have the ability to enable niche level changes by creating necessary momentum at the micro-foundations required to distabilize dominant regimes. Methodoligally, antenarratives provide an avenue for prospective sensemaking necessary in prospected and wholistic sustainability transitions.

NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC ELDERLYCARE - Section heads' and caregiving staffs' perceptions of the existence and influence in public retirement homes

Sabo, Isabella, Olsson, Hanna January 2014 (has links)
This examine illustrates the section heads' and caregiving staffs' perceptions of the influence of New Public Management (NPM) in public retirement homes in Malmö. A central theme is to investigate if the main features of New Public Management are noticeable and if that's the case, are the consequences an advantage or disadvantage? The main features of New Public Management in this examine are: decentralization, competition, internal market, cost- conscious, management by objectives with a focus on results and costumer focus.To reach answers to the questions above, a quantitative and a qualitative approach has been chosen. The study is based on 41 questionnaires with enrolled nurses/nurse's assistants and four semi-structured interviews with section heads of retirement homes. Four different retirement homes have been participated in this study. To understand the material, two different theories have been chosen; the new- institutional theory and the organization- political theory. These theories are clearly influenced by each other in that term that they are illustrating different perspectives of the phenomena Management bureaucracy. Further, this phenomenon can also be related to New Public Management.The material shows the section heads' of the retirement homes and the caregiving staffs' experience if the main features of New Public Management are implemented in the organization and secondly, which advantages and disadvantages those have occurred. The professionals have different opinions regarding if NPM are noticeable and if the consequences are an advantage or disadvantage. The reached conclusion in this examine is however that New Public Management is visible in the retirement homes of the public sector in Malmö and this is mainly seen as an advantage.

Motivations For Enterprise Resource Planning (erp) System Implementation In Public Versus Private Sector Organizations

Harrison, Joycelyn Lorraine 01 January 2004 (has links)
The goal of this research was to increase the knowledge base regarding Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software implementation, particularly in the public sector. To this end, factors regarding benefits sought through ERP system implementation and critical factors surrounding successful ERP implementation were identified. In addition, the perception of project team members’ satisfaction with modules implemented and their concerns about implementing ERP software were identified in this study. The results of this study provided recommendations for public- and private-sector organizations in order to increase their opportunity for successful ERP system implementation. The literature review and results of this study suggested that the benefits sought during ERP system implementation were consistent among public- and private-sector organizations. Benefits such as increased standardization, better reporting, and reduced operational costs were recognized as goals of ERP software implementation. Factors that attributed to successful ERP system implementations were top management support, and knowledgeable project managers and team members. The t-test analyses found differences among the two groups, public and private sector organizations, regarding some benefits sought and the level of satisfaction with some modules. The study included recommendations for organizations to fully research ERP functionality prior to implementation, implement strong change management, use other means of measuring return on investment, ensure employee buy-in and top management involvement, and avoid scope creep.

A Study Of Public Employee Labor Law In The United States

Bula, Oleh 01 January 2005 (has links)
This study examined the legal issues of public employee labor relations in the United States. Included in this study is a review of relevant case law as it pertains to collective bargaining in the public sector. In addition to reviewing the case law, this study researched the statutory language of each state for public sector collective bargaining. The study includes a review, analysis, and summary of the state and federal laws for public sector collective bargaining. The collective bargaining process in the United States is designed to resolve disputes between two parties, the employer and the employee. The resolution of these disputes often depends on the relative bargaining power of each party. The private sector has a collective bargaining process that has been well established since the passage of the National Labor Relations Act in 1935 and the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947. The federal laws that have been implemented in the last fifty years, to include the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, the American with Disabilities Act of 1990, among others, cover the scope of almost all of the private sector collective bargaining (Oberer, 1994). The public sector contains 50 different state laws and several federal laws defining the scope of collective bargaining for public employees. The bargaining process in the public sector takes place in the context of the political arena. This political influence, which is unique in each state and at each level of government, provides additional steps to the bargaining process that further differentiate public sector bargaining from private (Valletta, 1985). This study provides conclusions on certain aspects of public sector collective bargaining that lead to dispute resolution and contract negotiation to include fact-finding procedures, mediation, arbitration, and strike policies, in the current state of the law. Recommendations are made to public officials, policy makers, and other stakeholders for the future of public employee labor relations in the United States.

New Ways of Expanding University Collaborations at Mälardalen University

Malmkvist, Isabelle January 2023 (has links)
The topic of collaboration is delicate, several different factors are involved in making collaborations successful. The word successful is a charged word where it then implies success for everyone involved in this collaborative work. This thesis aims to investigate the notion of success by both academia and public sector in collaborations where academia plays a crucial part. The thesis descent from a critical realist standpoint where the purpose is to find the underlying mechanisms and structures of the events, in this case, within collaborative work. With a cross-sectional design the empirical data was collected through workshops with representatives from the public sector and publicly funded organisations and interviews were held with researchers, staff and students from Mälardalen University.  The data was analysed through a thematic analysis with deductively generated themes. The theory the thematic analysis was based on consider subjects such as university third mission, quadruple helix, Involving businesses in education, Innovation intermediation, the multifaceted roles of innomediaries, the process and success of innomediaries, collaboration structures, spaces for collaboration, system approach, cross-boundary teams and the researcher’s role. Lastly, the results is a set of capabilities built upon the found underlying structures and mechanisms, these capabilities are seen as valuable for academia.

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