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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise in vitro da proliferação, diferenciação e migração de células-tronco de polpa dentária humana em resposta a materiais com potencial para serem empregados como capeadores pulpares diretos (óleo-resina de copaíba isolado ou associado a hidróxido de cálcio ou a agregado de trióxido mineral) / In vitro analysis of proliferation, differentiation and migration of human dental pulp stem cells in response to potential materials for direct pulp capping (oil-resin copaiba alone or associated to calcium hydroxyde or mineral trioxide aggregate)

Couto, Roberta Souza D'Almeida 01 November 2013 (has links)
O hidróxido de cálcio (HCa), o agregado de trióxido mineral (MTA) e o óleo-resina de copaíba (COP) isoladamente apresentam características biológicas do material de capeamento pulpar direto mais apropriado. Com o pressuposto que associados poderiam originar materiais mais apropriados para serem aplicados em capeamento pulpar direto, este estudo objetivou analisar in vitro proliferação, diferenciação e migração de células-tronco de polpa de dente decíduo humano esfoliado (SHEDs) em resposta a substâncias liberadas pelo COP isolado ou associado ao HCa ou ao MTA. Proliferação, diferenciação e migração de SHEDs (Linhagem PDH3) foram analisadas através do ensaio de redução do MTT; da atividade de fosfatase alcalina (ALP), formação de nódulos mineralizados pelo ensaio de Vermelho de Alizarina e expressão dos genes (BGLAP, DSPP, DMP1 e HSP-27) pelo qRT-PCR; e, do ensaio do Scratch, respectivamente. As células foram submetidas à ação de meios condicionados pelos biomateriais, de acordo com os seguintes grupos experimentais: COP isolado (COP); HCa isolado (HCa); HCa associado ao COP (HCa+COP); MTA isolado (MTA) e MTA associado ao COP (MTA+COP). Células crescidas em meio de cultura fresco serviram de controle. Os dados foram comparados utilizando ANOVA complementado pelo teste de Tukey (p 0,05). O grupo HCa apresentou número de células viáveis significativamente menor que o dos demais grupos, inclusive o do grupo HCa+COP (p<0,01) em todos os tempos experimentais. A atividade de ALP em 14 dias foi similar em todos os grupos experimentais. Em 21 dias, o grupo COP apresentou quantidade maior de mineralização que os demais grupos (p<0,01) e o grupo HCa+COP maior que o grupo HCa (p<0,01). O gene DMP1 não foi expresso pelas células em nenhum grupo experimental. O grupo COP apresentou as menores expressões dos genes BGLAP, DSPP e HSP-27. As SHEDs do grupo MTA+COP apresentaram superexpressão dos genes BGLAP, DSPP e HSP-27, e as do grupo HCa+COP superexpressão dos genes BGLAP e HSP-27. O grupo HCa foi o único que não apresentou células em migração em todos os tempos experimentais. Os demais grupos apresentaram migração similar à do grupo Controle, exceto o grupo MTA em 12 e 24 horas. As SHEDs dos grupos HCa+COP e MTA+COP migraram significativamente mais que as dos grupos HCa e MTA, respectivamente. O COP, isolado ou em associação aos demais biomateriais, não interfere na proliferação de SHEDs e quando associado ao HCa é capaz de anular a citotoxicidade deste biomaterial isolado. O COP, isoladamente ou em associação, não interfere na atividade de fosfatase alcalina. Isoladamente, o COP induz a maior diferenciação funcional e quando associado ao HCa melhora substancialmente a diferenciação induzida por este biomaterial isolado. Os biomateriais isolados ou associados não são capazes de induzir expressão de DMP1. O COP associado aos biomateriais induz superexpressão de genes relacionados à formação de matriz extracelular e de diferenciação odontoblástica. O COP isoladamente não interfere na migração celular e, quando associado ao HCa, anula por completo a inibição de migração causada por esse biomaterial isolado. Quando associado ao MTA, o COP aumenta a velocidade de migração das células em relação ao MTA isolado. Óleo-resina de copaíba (COP) promove proliferação, diferenciação e migração de células-tronco de polpa dental sendo uma proposta de um biomaterial para capeamento pulpar. / The calcium hydroxide (CaH), the mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and the oil-resin copaiba (COP) by themselves have biological characteristics of the ideal direct pulp capping material. With the assumption that when associated they could originate materials more appropriated for direct pulp capping, this study aimed to analyze the in vitro proliferation, differentiation and migration of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHEDs) in response to substances leached from COP alone or associated with CaH or MTA. Proliferation, differentiation and migration of SHEDs (PDH3 lineage) were analyzed through the MTT reduction assay; alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, mineralized nodules formation using the Alizarin Red assay and gene expression (BGLAP, DSPP, DMP1 e HSP-27) using qRT-PCR; and the Scratch assay, respectively. The cells were submitted to the culture medium conditioned by the biomaterials according to the following experimental groups: COP alone (COP); CaH alone (CaH); CaH associated to COP (CaH+COP); MTA alone (MTA) and MTA associated to COP (MTA+COP). Cells grown in fresh culture medium served as control. Data were compared by ANOVA complemented by the Tukey´s test (p 0.05). The CaH group presented number of viable cells significantly smaller (p<0.01) than those of all other experimental groups, including the CaH+COP, during whole experimental time. The ALP activity in 14 days was similar in all experimental groups. In 21 days, the COP group presented the amount of mineralization higher (p<0.01) than those of all other groups. The gene DMP1 was not expressed by the cells in all experimental groups. The COP group presented the smallest expression (p<0.01) of BGLAP, DSPP and HSP-27 genes. The SHEDs of the MTA+COP group presented superexpression of the BGLAP, DSPP and HSP-27 genes, and in the CaH+COP group the cells superexpressed the BGLAP and HSP-27 genes. The CaH group was the only one where there was no cell migration during whole experiment. Migration of all other groups was similar to that of the control group, except by the MTA group in 12 and 24 hours. The CaH+COP and MTA+COP migrated significantly more than the CaH and MTA groups, respectively. COP, alone or in association to the other biomaterials, does not interfere with the proliferation of the SHEDs, and when associated to CaH is able to annul the cytotoxicity of the CaH alone. The COP, alone or in association to the other biomaterials, does not interfere with the ALP activity. The COP alone induces the highest functional differentiation of the SHEDs and when associated to the CaH substantively improves this differentiation. The biomaterials, alone or in association, are not able to induce the expression of the DMP1 gene. The COP associated to the biomaterials induces superexpression of the genes related to the extracellular matrix formation and odontoblastic differentiation. The COP alone does not interfere with the cell migration and, when associate to CaH, completely annuls the inhibition of migration caused by this material alone. When associated to MTA the COP increases the cell migration speed compared to the effect of the MTA alone. Oil-resin copaiba (COP) promotes proliferation, differentiation and migration of stem cells from dental pulp with a proposal for a biomaterial for pulp capping.

É o cheiro, é o ralo, é o campo: uma análise do caso Lourenço Mutarelli em sua entrada no campo literário brasileiro / Its the smell, its the drain, its the field: an analysis of the case Lourenço Mutarelli in his admission in the Brazilian literary field

Coelho, Paulo Vítor 26 October 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho trata de analisar a transição do autor Lourenço Mutarelli entre campos, dos quadrinhos para o campo literário, em que O cheiro do ralo (2007) materializa esse processo. Seu primeiro romance possui dificuldades analíticas de forma e temas que trazem ainda resquícios do autor de quadrinhos. Essas dificuldades recaem em frequentes equívocos de avaliação e classificação de Mutarelli, quando não recaem em reações intempestivas sobre sua produção e origem artística. Tomando essa entrada como problemática, é evidente a impossibilidade ainda em compreender a obra e o gesto que ela representa, por conta de métodos que não levam em conta a dinâmica do campo literário brasileiro contemporâneo e seus produtores. Assim, esse trabalho se debruça sobre o problema levando em conta as particuliridades das dinâmicas do meio dos quadrinhos e do meio literário, aliadas à leitura analítica do texto literário. Investigaremos as relações estabelecidas pelo autor com os produtores nessa movimentação, e como seu primeiro romance expressa essa complexidade. Auxiliados pelas descrições e teorizações sobre a dinâmica do campo literário (Bourdieu), veremos como a geração de valor é transferida ao autor e sua obra. E como O cheiro do ralo inaugura novos problemas acerca da forma literária e a produção contemporânea de literatura, inclusive de espaços no campo literário ainda não privilegiados à descrição ou análise acadêmica. / This work analyzes the transition of the author Lourenço Mutarelli between fields, from the comics field to the literary field, in which O cheiro do ralo (2007) realize this process. The first novel has analytical difficulties of form and themes that possibly still bring remnants of comics author. These difficulties produce frequent misunderstandings in value judgement of evaluation and classification of Mutarelli\'s work, when they do not fall into sudden reactions to their experimental production or artistic origin. We recognize that this entry is problematic and it is evident, due to analysis methods that do not take into account the dynamics of the contemporary Brazilian literary field and its producers, that makes it tough to comprehend his first novel, formaly and thematically, and the act that it represents. Thus, this work focuses on the problem taking into account the particularity of the dynamics of the medium of comics and the literary field, combined with the analytical reading of the literary text. We will inves-tigate the relations established by the author with the producers in this movement, and in which level his first novel expresses this complexity. Moreover, we will see how the generation of value is laid down to the author and his work, supported by the descriptions and theorizations about the dynamics of the literary field (Bourdieu). And finally, how O cheiro do ralo set up new problems about the literary form and the contemporary production of litera-ture, including in that spaces in the literary field not yet privileged to the academic description or analysis.

Coiffage pulpaire direct : le choix du biomateriau au carrefour des phénomènes d'inflammation et de régénération de la pulpe dentaire / Direct pulp capping : biomaterial choice is at the crossroad of dental pulp inflammation and regeneration

Giraud, Thomas 27 March 2018 (has links)
A la suite d’une lésion carieuse ou traumatique du complexe pulpo-dentinaire, une inflammation locale est initiée. Cette inflammation peut être délétère car la pulpe dentaire est localisée au sein de parois dentinaires rigides, elle doit donc être résolue pour initier la régénération.Lors de lésions juxta-pulpaires, le praticien réalise un coiffage pulpaire direct afin de conserver la vitalité de la dent. Un biomatériau est placé au contact des tissus pulpaires afin de maintenir l’intégrité de la pulpe, en promouvant les processus de guérison tout en la protégeant du milieu buccal hostile.Les silicates de calcium sont aujourd’hui les matériaux de choix pour ces actes thérapeutiques. Des modifications de leur formulation visant à réduire leur temps de prise ont conduit au développement de silicates tricalciques photo-polymérisables. Cependant, la présence importante de résines dont la toxicité pulpaire est connue, soulève des questions. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’évaluer l’effet de différents biomatériaux de coiffage pulpaire sur l’inflammation et la régénération, au niveau cellulaire et tissulaire et d'étudier les conséquences de l'ajout de résines. Nos résultats démontrent que les matériaux de coiffage pulpaire affectent les étapes précoces de l'inflammation et de la régénération pulpaire. Alors que les silicates tricalciques modifient l'équilibre vers le processus de régénération, les biomatériaux contenant de la résine déplacent cet équilibre vers une réaction inflammatoire. Ce travail met en évidence l'importance capitale du choix du biomatériau de coiffage et restreint l'utilisation de biomatériaux contenant de la résine pour le coiffage pulpaire indirect. / Deep carious or physical lesions may lead to dental pulp injuries. Subsequently, both infiltrating bacteria and injured tissues initiate an inflammatory reaction. This may be detrimental to the healing process within the pulp inextensible environment.Clinically, during juxta-pulpal lesions, the practitioner performs a direct pulp capping in order to preserve the tooth vitality. A biomaterial is placed directly in contact with the pulp tissues to maintain pulp integrity, promoting the healing processes and protecting it from the hostile oral environment. Tricalcium silicates are now considered as the biomaterials of choice for vital pulp therapy. Modifications of this type of biomaterials aiming at reducing their setting time led to the development of light-cured tricalcium silicates. However, the presence of a high percentage of resins in this material raises questions about its possible effects on the pulp inflammatory reaction due to its reported toxicity. This aim of this thesis was to determine the influence of tricalcium silicate-based capping biomaterials on the initial steps of pulp inflammation and healing and to investigate the consequences of adding resins.Our results demonstrate that pulp capping biomaterials affect the early steps of pulp inflammation and healing. While tricalcium silicates shift the balance towards the healing process, resin-containing biomaterials drive this balance towards an inflammatory reaction. Overall, this work highlights the fact that the choice of pulp capping biomaterial is of prime importance in direct pulp capping procedures and does not support using resin containing biomaterials for direct pulp capping.

The comparative toxicities of filtrates from conventional and alternative bleaching agents

Ard, Teri A. 14 October 1996 (has links)
No description available.

Danties pulpos atsako į ortodontnio gydymo metu veikiančias jėgas tyrimai / Analysis of the selected parameters of dental pulp response to application of orthodontic load

Vėberienė, Rita 09 March 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas yra nustatyti galimus metabolinius pokyčius žmogaus danties pulpoje ortodontinio gydymo metu veikiant gramzdinimo jėgoms ir įvertinti šių jėgų įtaką pulpos gyvybingumui. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti fermento aspartato aminotransferazės (toliau – AST) akty¬vumą sveikų dantų pulpos audinyje. 2. Nustatyti, kaip kinta danties pulpos AST aktyvumas veikiant dantis 7 ir 14 dienų nepertraukiama gramzdinimo jėga ir 7 dienų nepertrau¬kiama jėga su vėlesniu 7 dienų poilsiu bei palyginti šiuos aktyvumus su sveikų dantų pulpos AST fermento aktyvumu. 3. Įvertinti danties pulpos atsaką į dirginimą elektros srove, taikant elektroodontometrinio gyvybingumo testą (toliau – EPT) sveikiems ir dantims paveiktiems 7 ir 14 dienų nepertraukiama gramzdinimo jėga bei 7 dienų nepertraukiama jėga su vėlesniu 7 dienų poilsiu. 4. Atlikti jėgos, veikiančios ortodontinio krūvio metu, matematinę ana¬lizę. 5. Įvertinti galimą pulpos AST fermento aktyvumo bei pulpos EPT at¬sako ryšį su gramzdinimo jėgos dydžiu, dantų šaknų skaičiumi, žan¬dikaulio tipu, bei amžiumi. 6. Atlikti pacientų, kuriems radiografinis tyrimas taikytas odontolo¬ginio gydymo planavimui, skaitmeninių panoraminių radiogramų analizę, siekiant įvertinti pulpos akmenų pulpos kameroje ir šak¬ninėje pul¬poje paplitimą tarp jauno amžiaus pacientų. 7. Atlikti ortodontinių pacientų pirminių bei galutinių skaitmeninių pa¬no¬raminių radiogramų lyginamąją analizę, siekiant įvertinti pulpos akmenų paplitimą pulpos kameroje ir šakninėje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to evaluate metabolic alterations of the human dental pulp in response to application of intrusive forces, and to investigate impact of such forces on the pulp vitality.Objectives of the study: 1) to determine activity of aspartate aminotransferase (hereinafter – AST) in the dental pulp of teeth unaffected by orthodontic loading; 2) to evaluate changes in the dental pulp AST activity after appli¬cation of continuous intrusive force for 7 and for 14 days, or, continuous force for 7 days with the following 7 days of rest, and to compare the obtained values with the pulp AST activity in teeth unaffected by orthodontic loading; 3) to compare dental pulp response to electrical stimulation by means of electric odontometric pulp test (hereinafter – EPT) in teeth unaffected by orthodontic loading, and in teeth subjected to continuous intrusive force for 7 and for 14 days, also for 7 days of continuous loading with the following 7 days of rest; 4) to perform mathematical analysis of the forces acting during the orthodontic loading; 5) to analyse relation of the pulp AST activity and the EPT measu¬rements with the intrusive force magnitude, tooth type (i.e. number of tooth roots; maxilar or, mandibular), and patient‘s age; 6) to analyse digital panoramic X-ray images of the patients, sub¬jected to radiography during routine dental treatment planning, in order to observe occurence of pulp stones in the dental pulp chamber; 7) to compare baseline and final... [to full text]

Einfluss verschiedener Bleichfolgen auf die Hemicellulosenzusammensetzung und -verteilung über den Querschnitt der Faserwand

Freese, Maren 28 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Festigkeitseigenschaften des Papiers hängen vom Gehalt und der Verteilung der Hemicellulosen über den Querschnitt der Faserwand ab. Hemicellulosen werden durch verschiedene Bleichverfahren unterschiedlich stark angegriffen und herausgelöst. Durch Untersuchungen an einem Fichtensulfitzellstoff ist es gelungen, die Auswirkungen einzelner Bleichstufen [Peroxidverstärkte Sauerstoffstufe (EOP), Ozonstufe (Z) und Peressigsäurestufe (PAA)] und Bleichsequenzen (EOP-Z-P, EOP-PAA-P) auf Faseroberfläche, Hemicellulosenzusammensetzung und -verteilung sowie auf die optischen und mechanischen Eigenschaften des daraus gebildeten Papiers aufzuzeigen. Um die Verteilung der Hemicellulosen über den Querschnitt der Faser zu beschreiben, wird das Verfahren des chemischen Abschälens verwendet und schrittweise die Faserwand entfernt. Der gebleichte bzw. abgeschälte Zellstoff wird rasterelektronenmikroskopisch untersucht, hydrolysiert und anschließend die Hemicellulosenzusammensetzung quantitativ mittels Hochdruckflüssigkeitschromatographie (HPLC) unter Nutzung eines Flüssigkeitsmassenspektrometers (LCMS) als Detektor bestimmt. Zusätzlich erfolgt die Bestimmung der Papiereigenschaften. Diese Untersuchungen bestätigen, dass die verschiedenen Hemicellulosengehalte nach den Bleichstufen Unterschiede bei den Festigkeitseigenschaften bewirken. Die Untersuchungen zeigen den positiven Effekt der Peressigsäurestufe für die Papierherstellung im direkten Vergleich zur Ozonstufe. Zusätzlich wurde auch der Einfluss des Aufschlusses geprüft. Hierzu wurden die endgebleichten Sulfitzellstoffe mit einem endgebleichten Sulfatzellstoff verglichen. / The mechanical strength of paper pulp depends strongly on the hemicellulose content and the hemicellulose distribution across the cell wall layers. Hemicelluloses get differently attacked and dissolved by different bleaching methods. The investigations with a paper grade sulphite pulp show the influence of the separate bleaching steps [hydrogen peroxide reinforced oxygen stage (EOP), ozone (Z) und peracetic acid (PAA)] and bleaching sequences (EOP-Z-P, EOP-PAA-P) of the fibre surface, hemicellulose content and distribution as well as the optical and mechanical characteristics of paper. To describe the hemicellulose distribution across the cell wall layers a procedure of a precise chemical peeling was used in order to remove stepwise the cell wall. The bleached and peeled pulp was investigated by scanning electronic microscope (SEM) to get more information about the penetration of the bleaching chemicals into the fibre surface. The hemicelluloses were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a liquid chromatography mass spectrometer (LCMS) after hydrolysing polysaccharides to monosaccharides. In addition to this paper properties were analysed. This research confirms the effect of different hemicellulose compositions of the mechanical strength. The analyses represent the positive effect for paper production of the peracetic acid step in contrast to the ozone step. Additional the influence of the pulping process was determined by a sulphate pulp comparing with the sulphite pulp.

The effect of prophylactic use of oral ketorolac and ibuprofen in the control of endodontic post treatment pain a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ... for the degree of Master of Science in Endodontics ... /

Olazabal-Bello, Angelita C. January 1993 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Michigan, 1993.

An in vitro comparison of working length accuracy between a digital system and conventional film when vertical angulation of the object is variable

Christensen, Shane R. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.D.)--Indiana University School of Dentistry, 2009. / Title from PDF t. p. (viewed Aug. 21, 2009) Advisor(s): Mychel Vail, Acting Chair of the Research Committee, Joseph Legan, Kenneth Spolnik, Susan L. Zunt, Edwin Parks. Curriculum vitae. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 109-120).

Análise in vitro da proliferação, diferenciação e migração de células-tronco de polpa dentária humana em resposta a materiais com potencial para serem empregados como capeadores pulpares diretos (óleo-resina de copaíba isolado ou associado a hidróxido de cálcio ou a agregado de trióxido mineral) / In vitro analysis of proliferation, differentiation and migration of human dental pulp stem cells in response to potential materials for direct pulp capping (oil-resin copaiba alone or associated to calcium hydroxyde or mineral trioxide aggregate)

Roberta Souza D'Almeida Couto 01 November 2013 (has links)
O hidróxido de cálcio (HCa), o agregado de trióxido mineral (MTA) e o óleo-resina de copaíba (COP) isoladamente apresentam características biológicas do material de capeamento pulpar direto mais apropriado. Com o pressuposto que associados poderiam originar materiais mais apropriados para serem aplicados em capeamento pulpar direto, este estudo objetivou analisar in vitro proliferação, diferenciação e migração de células-tronco de polpa de dente decíduo humano esfoliado (SHEDs) em resposta a substâncias liberadas pelo COP isolado ou associado ao HCa ou ao MTA. Proliferação, diferenciação e migração de SHEDs (Linhagem PDH3) foram analisadas através do ensaio de redução do MTT; da atividade de fosfatase alcalina (ALP), formação de nódulos mineralizados pelo ensaio de Vermelho de Alizarina e expressão dos genes (BGLAP, DSPP, DMP1 e HSP-27) pelo qRT-PCR; e, do ensaio do Scratch, respectivamente. As células foram submetidas à ação de meios condicionados pelos biomateriais, de acordo com os seguintes grupos experimentais: COP isolado (COP); HCa isolado (HCa); HCa associado ao COP (HCa+COP); MTA isolado (MTA) e MTA associado ao COP (MTA+COP). Células crescidas em meio de cultura fresco serviram de controle. Os dados foram comparados utilizando ANOVA complementado pelo teste de Tukey (p 0,05). O grupo HCa apresentou número de células viáveis significativamente menor que o dos demais grupos, inclusive o do grupo HCa+COP (p<0,01) em todos os tempos experimentais. A atividade de ALP em 14 dias foi similar em todos os grupos experimentais. Em 21 dias, o grupo COP apresentou quantidade maior de mineralização que os demais grupos (p<0,01) e o grupo HCa+COP maior que o grupo HCa (p<0,01). O gene DMP1 não foi expresso pelas células em nenhum grupo experimental. O grupo COP apresentou as menores expressões dos genes BGLAP, DSPP e HSP-27. As SHEDs do grupo MTA+COP apresentaram superexpressão dos genes BGLAP, DSPP e HSP-27, e as do grupo HCa+COP superexpressão dos genes BGLAP e HSP-27. O grupo HCa foi o único que não apresentou células em migração em todos os tempos experimentais. Os demais grupos apresentaram migração similar à do grupo Controle, exceto o grupo MTA em 12 e 24 horas. As SHEDs dos grupos HCa+COP e MTA+COP migraram significativamente mais que as dos grupos HCa e MTA, respectivamente. O COP, isolado ou em associação aos demais biomateriais, não interfere na proliferação de SHEDs e quando associado ao HCa é capaz de anular a citotoxicidade deste biomaterial isolado. O COP, isoladamente ou em associação, não interfere na atividade de fosfatase alcalina. Isoladamente, o COP induz a maior diferenciação funcional e quando associado ao HCa melhora substancialmente a diferenciação induzida por este biomaterial isolado. Os biomateriais isolados ou associados não são capazes de induzir expressão de DMP1. O COP associado aos biomateriais induz superexpressão de genes relacionados à formação de matriz extracelular e de diferenciação odontoblástica. O COP isoladamente não interfere na migração celular e, quando associado ao HCa, anula por completo a inibição de migração causada por esse biomaterial isolado. Quando associado ao MTA, o COP aumenta a velocidade de migração das células em relação ao MTA isolado. Óleo-resina de copaíba (COP) promove proliferação, diferenciação e migração de células-tronco de polpa dental sendo uma proposta de um biomaterial para capeamento pulpar. / The calcium hydroxide (CaH), the mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and the oil-resin copaiba (COP) by themselves have biological characteristics of the ideal direct pulp capping material. With the assumption that when associated they could originate materials more appropriated for direct pulp capping, this study aimed to analyze the in vitro proliferation, differentiation and migration of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHEDs) in response to substances leached from COP alone or associated with CaH or MTA. Proliferation, differentiation and migration of SHEDs (PDH3 lineage) were analyzed through the MTT reduction assay; alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, mineralized nodules formation using the Alizarin Red assay and gene expression (BGLAP, DSPP, DMP1 e HSP-27) using qRT-PCR; and the Scratch assay, respectively. The cells were submitted to the culture medium conditioned by the biomaterials according to the following experimental groups: COP alone (COP); CaH alone (CaH); CaH associated to COP (CaH+COP); MTA alone (MTA) and MTA associated to COP (MTA+COP). Cells grown in fresh culture medium served as control. Data were compared by ANOVA complemented by the Tukey´s test (p 0.05). The CaH group presented number of viable cells significantly smaller (p<0.01) than those of all other experimental groups, including the CaH+COP, during whole experimental time. The ALP activity in 14 days was similar in all experimental groups. In 21 days, the COP group presented the amount of mineralization higher (p<0.01) than those of all other groups. The gene DMP1 was not expressed by the cells in all experimental groups. The COP group presented the smallest expression (p<0.01) of BGLAP, DSPP and HSP-27 genes. The SHEDs of the MTA+COP group presented superexpression of the BGLAP, DSPP and HSP-27 genes, and in the CaH+COP group the cells superexpressed the BGLAP and HSP-27 genes. The CaH group was the only one where there was no cell migration during whole experiment. Migration of all other groups was similar to that of the control group, except by the MTA group in 12 and 24 hours. The CaH+COP and MTA+COP migrated significantly more than the CaH and MTA groups, respectively. COP, alone or in association to the other biomaterials, does not interfere with the proliferation of the SHEDs, and when associated to CaH is able to annul the cytotoxicity of the CaH alone. The COP, alone or in association to the other biomaterials, does not interfere with the ALP activity. The COP alone induces the highest functional differentiation of the SHEDs and when associated to the CaH substantively improves this differentiation. The biomaterials, alone or in association, are not able to induce the expression of the DMP1 gene. The COP associated to the biomaterials induces superexpression of the genes related to the extracellular matrix formation and odontoblastic differentiation. The COP alone does not interfere with the cell migration and, when associate to CaH, completely annuls the inhibition of migration caused by this material alone. When associated to MTA the COP increases the cell migration speed compared to the effect of the MTA alone. Oil-resin copaiba (COP) promotes proliferation, differentiation and migration of stem cells from dental pulp with a proposal for a biomaterial for pulp capping.

Correlations between fibre properties and paper properties / Inverkan av fiberegenskaper på pappersegenskaper

Johansson, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The understanding of what properties the fibre should have in order to give the right end-product paper properties, along with the type of processing, is a subject for a lot of research and development. Today the ability to measure fibre properties on-line is widely used for pulps. It is often necessary to measure many properties and variables in a process. The data collected is therefore almost always multivariate. It is very hard to analyse process data due to a lot of noises. Correlations between fibre and paper properties are hard to find, but this does not mean that correlations do not exist. Fibre properties, measured by the pulp analyser PulpEye, were investigated and correlations to paper properties were studied. The work was divided into three different studies. Study 1 was an investigation of historical process data, in study 2 pulp samples from the production was analysed and study 3 was a refiner setting trial, were different refiner segments, flows through refiners and intensities were studied. Both the group-plots and MVDA’s based on the historical process data in study 1, showed that the Scott Bond was increased with increased amount of kinks and curl for the unbleached pine pulp (softwood pulp). Coarseness measurements, made in the study of historical data, indicated that the coarseness was varying in such a large extent that it was believable that it had effects in the papermaking process. Another interesting fibre property, investigated in the refiner setting trial, was crill. The amount of crill is said to have strong correlation to paper strength. The analysis showed that the incoming pulp had different amount of crill and that the amount of crill after the refiners also was varying for the different samples. The development of crill at different kappa numbers and for pulps refined with different segments and refiner strategies should be further investigated. In this work it has been difficult to find correlations between fibre properties and paper properties in the refiner setting trial. This could have been due to small variations of the different parameters. This work showed that the normal production can be handled very well and variations are rather small. It can be seen though, that problems do appear when parameters are deviating from the normal case. An efficient way to work is to do measurements when the incoming pulp parameters are deviating. It should also be more investigated how the most common deviating pulp parameters should be handled in the refining process and at the board machine. The communication between the pulp production and the board machines is recommended to be further developed, especially when the pulp production have disturbances that can be affecting the refining and further the board production.

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