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Förutsättningar för ett bra hälsosamtal utifrån ungdomars perspektiv / Prerequisites for a good health dialogue from adolescents' perspectiveVinterljung, Sandra, Eek, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
Hälsosamtal med elever i skolan är ett arbetssätt för att främja barns hälsa. Studiens syfte är att beskriva förutsättningar för ett bra hälsosamtal utifrån ungdomars perspektiv. 16 individuella intervjuer med ungdomar på högstadiet och gymnasiet genomförda inom ramen för ett större forskningsprojekt har analyserats med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar hur ett elevcentrerat, tryggt och strukturerat hälsosamtal skapar förutsättningar för lärande, reflektion, motivation, relation och delaktighet. Ungdomarna uttrycker önskemål om ett elevcentrerat hälsosamtal, anpassat efter deras individuella behov och önskemål. Hälsosamtalet stärkte ungdomen och relationen till skolsköterskan som genom sin personlighet och sina strategier bidrog till känslan av trygghet. Ungdomarna upplevde att de fick ökad kunskap genom struktur, delaktighet och respekt. De beskrev vikten av delaktighet i samtalet för att kunna förmedla sina tankar och åsikter till skolsköterskan. Hälsoverktyget upplevdes skapa struktur i samtalet, förberedelse, en större förståelse, ett helhetsperspektiv över hälsan samt motivation till ändrade levnadsvanor. Resultatet talar för vikten av ett elevcentrerat hälsosamtal där ungdomen görs delaktig för att skapa möjligheter att främja hälsan. Resultatet har i enlighet med tidigare forskning pekat på fördelen med användandet av ett strukturerat hälsoverktyg och hälsosamtalets betydelse för ungdomars tankar om sin hälsa. / Health dialogue with pupils, a way to promote children’s health. The Purpose of the study is to describe prerequisites for a good health dialogue from adolescents´ perspective. 16 individual interviews with adolescents in upper level lower secondary school and high school completed within a major research project were analysed with qualitative content analysis. The result show that Pupil centred, secure and structured health dialogues creates conditions for learning, reflection, motivation, relation and participation. Adolescents express wishes of pupil centred health dialogues, adjusted to individual needs and requests. Helath dialouge strengthened adolescent and relation to school nurse, whom through strategies and personality contributes to the sense of security. Importance of freedom of choice and voluntariness was emphasized by adolescents. Adolescents experienced increased knowledge through structure, participation and respect. The health and lifestyle tool perceived to create structure, preparedness, a greater understanding, holistic perspectives over one’s health and motivation for lifestyle changes. Results indicates importance of pupil centred health dialogues where adolescents is made participant to create possibilities to promote health. In concurrence with previous research results points to advantage of using structured health and lifestyle tools and health dialogue’s importance for adolescents thoughts about health.
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A pupillometric study of deceptionErtas, Metin January 1973 (has links)
The sensitivity of pupillary responses (PR) to emotional states brought on by psychological state of deception was explored. Utilizing a combination of guilty person and guilty knowledge techniques, 16 male and 14 female Ss were presented with neutral and relevant names, with relevant names involving deception. Half of the Ss were presented with one relevant name and the other half were presented with two. The lists of five names were presented on three trials during which PR and GSR were monitored. Pupiliary responses and GSRs to relevant names were significantly different than PRs and GSRs to neutral names. There were no significant effects with respect to the number of relevant names and trials. In terms of detection rates, GSR yielded higher rates than PR. The correlational tests indicated no significant relationship between PR and GSR under the experimental conditions employed.
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Vyresniųjų klasių mokinių teigiamo požiūrio į grožį ugdymo prielaidos / Preconditions of positive attitudes towards beauty development in senior pupilsSmilinskienė, Nijolė 23 June 2014 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Vyresniųjų klasių mokinių požiūrio į grožį ypatumai ir veiksniai Grožis yra nesuinteresuotas gėrėjimasis objektais, kuris kyla iš harmonijos ir tobulumo išgyvenimo. Kaip estetinė vertybė, jis įsikūnija meno, gamtos, žmogaus gyvenimo šaltiniuose. Požiūris — tai sąlygiškai pastovi nuomonių, interesų, pažiūrų išraiška, atspindinti asmens individualią patirtį; pažintinis – emocinis asmenybės santykis su tikrovės objektais ir pačiu savimi, kurį sąlygoja individuali pažintinė – emocinė patirtis. Tyrimo objektas —vyresniųjų klasių mokinių požiūris į grožį ir jį sąlygojantys veiksniai. Tikslas: atskleisti vyresniųjų klasių mokinių teigiamo požiūrio į grožį ypatumus ir jam įtakos turinčius sociopedagoginius veiksnius. Tyrimo hipotezė — teigiamam požiūriui į grožį vyresniame mokykliniame amžiuje turi įtakos: • mokinių įsitraukimas į aktyvią estetinę veiklą; • teigiamų emocijų išgyvenimas estetinėje veikloje; • mokinių saviraiškos poreikio patenkinimas estetinėje veikloje; • humaniški mokinių santykiai su pedagogais ir veiklos dalyviais. Tyrime dalyvavo 206 Vilniaus miesto 10-12 klasių mokiniai. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad vyresniųjų klasių mokiniai suvokia grožio svarbą žmogaus gyvenime ir pripažįsta, kad būtina pažinti grožį, nes jis suteikia emocinį pasitenkinimą, tačiau jie susiduria su sunkumais suvokdami ir vertindami grožį, pažymėdami, kad grožio pažinimas reikalauja didelių pastangų. Tyrimas patvirtino hipotezę, kad požiūriui į grožį turi įtakos humaniški mokinių santykiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY FACTORS AND SPECIFICS OF THE POSITIVE ATTITUDE TOWARDS BEAUTY IN SENIOR PUPILS Beauty is one of human values, that why positive attitude toward beauty is very important aesthetic education task. Beauty is a quality or the combination of qualities that give pleasure to the senses or to the mind. Beautiful is all that perfectly reflects the nature and the essence of the things, events and relationships. View is a personal opinion or attitude; it is one’s way of understanding and interpreting a subject, events or even oneself. It is formed during individual and social experiences. The objects of the research — the attitude toward beauty among the senior pupils and promotion. The purpose of the research — to reveal the specifics of the attitude toward beauty among the senior pupils, factors, which have influence for it and some guidelines that stimulate positive attitude toward beauty. The tasks of the research: 1. to determinate concept of beauty; 2. define main sources of beauty; 3. to reveal the specifics of the attitude toward beauty among the senior pupils; 4. to show up pupils’ positive aesthetic emotions; 5. to compare attitude towards beauty in regard to gender and type of school; 6. to exclude factors of developing the attitude toward on beauty The hypothesis of the research — the attitude toward beauty in the senior pupils is determined by: • how actively pupils are participating in the aesthetic activities • how many positive emotions they experience during the... [to full text]
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A study of underachievement in a middle school : identification, measurement, perspectives and changeAlino-Wilcockson, David Paul January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Pesquisa de indicadores de relação entre actividade física e rendimento escolar-em crianças do 1 ciclo do ensino básico de zonas rurais do concelho de Ponte de LimaPalma, Maria Filomena Carvalho January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Padrão de actividade física-estudo em crianças de ambos os sexos do 4 ano de escolaridadeMagalhães, Maria Luísa Rodrigues de January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Školní prostředí jako důležitý faktor pro posílení resilience dítěte. / The school environment as an important factor in reinforcing a child's resilience.ŠICNEROVÁ, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the resilience of students in school environment. The thesis is theoretically and empirically based. The theoretical part describes the concept of resilience with emphasis being placed on the most significant theories of resilience and on the resilience of children and adolescent. The specifics of adolescent student´s developement are also described. Furthermore, the work focuses on the concept of stress with detailed attention paid to school stressors. The research part is related to the theoretical part. Via the methods of interviewing and questionnaires, the way student´s resilience affects their school results is observed. In addition, the thesis focused on the teacher´s perception of the issue of resilience. Finally, the most significant school stressors of students were inspected.
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Prostředky komunikace učitele tělesné výchovy se žáky a jejich využívání ve vyučovacích jednotkách tělesné výchovy na Znojemsku\\ / The means of communications of physical education teacher with pupils and their exploitation in instructed units of physical training on district of ZnojmoPLÍŠKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
This diploma work deals with snapping of the communication of the physical education teacher with pupils and their exploitation in instructed units physical training on the district of Znojmo. The objective of work is found out how physical education teacher communicate with pupils on district Znojmo. Purposes work is find out how communicate physical education teacher with pupil on district Znojmo. The method of short-term espial was utilized for determination of results. The research of work proceeded at three primary schools with six teachers on district of Znojmo. The thirty-six of lessons was got off of the physical training. The results were elaborated into the well-arranged of the graphs and tablets.
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Výuka nadaných žáků v inkluzivní třídě na 1. stupni základní školy / Teaching Gifted Children in Inclusive Classroom at Primary SchoolSemivanová, Martina January 2017 (has links)
BIBLIOGRAPHICAL IDENTIFICATION Author: Bc. Martina Semivanová Title: Teaching Gifted Children in Inclusive Classroom at Primary School Type of thesis: Master thesis Department: Primary Education Department of the Faculty of Education of the Charles University Supervisor: PhDr. Tereza Krčmářová, Ph.D. The year of presentation: 2017 ABSTRACT This diploma thesis deals with educating gifted students in inclusive classroom. There was a qualitative research created and realized at primary school in inclusive classroom in the Czech Republic. Theoretical part gives a view of actual theoretical knowledge of educating gifted students. Practical part gives a report of actual guality of educating gifted students in one particular primary school in the Czech Republic. The qualitative research is based on observation method, interviews, questionnaires and analyses of school documents such as Annual Report and School Education Programme. Teachers were asked for their attitudes toward giftedness and educating gifted children. There was done the observation of teaching methods used in the classroom where a gifted pupil is placed. The data were evaluated. The conclusions of the study confirm that the school supports the integration of gifted students. The management and teachers' are convinced that talent is important and...
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Vzory a ideály žáků základních škol / Models and ideals of the pupils of elementary schoolsMachalická, Ivana January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to find out models and ideals of the pupils of elementary schools. The study is divided into two major parts. The theoretical part describes specifics of pupils from a view of developmental psychology, areas where pupils can find their models and the issue of youth subcultures. Furthermore the attention is aimed at a development of research of pupils' models and ideals. Two extensive studies concerning this topic are described here. The empirical part presents results of the questionnaire survey conducted at an Elementary School in Prague. The topic of this survey was pupils' models, ideals and life wishes.
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