Spelling suggestions: "subject:"purchase anda"" "subject:"purchase ando""
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What Would You Buy? The Effect of Color and Font Size on Purchase Intention in Digital AdvertisementsCastañeda, Julian E 01 January 2019 (has links)
Business professionals have always been intrigued on how to increase purchases through advertisements. Digital advertisements are a new medium in which businesses can utilize to connect with consumers. In this study, participants (n = 126) were presented advertisements on a Qualtrics survey that manipulated color (warm and cool) and font size (large and small) across three product types (electronics, food, and automobiles) to examine the effects of Purchase Intention. There were no significant main effects or interactions of color and font size on Purchase Intention throughout each product type. However, color and font size impacted other factors (Perception, Memory, and Appeal) in the study and showcased significant findings in Electronic and Automobile advertisement product types. These results have implications for the effectiveness of advertising in digital mediums, the power of personally tailoring advertisements to individual consumers, and ultimately converting prospective window shoppers to paying customers.
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Factores determinantes que influyen en la importación de tejidos desde China, del 2016 al 2018, para la subpartida nacional 6004100000 / Factors that influence the import of fabrics from China, from 2016 to 2018, according to national subheading 6004100000Robles De Los Ríos, Natalie Giovanna, Icaza Ponce de León, Verónica 20 July 2019 (has links)
Poco se ha estudiado sobre la adquisición de tejidos para la fabricación de prendas en Perú, pese a ser una actividad fundamental dentro del sector. En este sentido, no se ha abordado antes el análisis de los factores decisorios para su compra; por lo que consideramos relevante la realización del presente estudio. Para contextualizar nuestro tema, en el primer capítulo, se analiza el desarrollo y evolución del sector textil a nivel mundial; las importaciones de tejidos desde China a Perú, particularmente la subpartida nacional 6004100000; y la situación actual del Tratado de Libre Comercio con China y sus implicancias para la subpartida en cuestión. En el segundo capítulo, se propone una investigación de método inductivo bajo un enfoque cualitativo, en donde se exponen los objetivos, problemas e hipótesis de esta; así como también, los grupos de actores considerados: importadores, proveedores y/o fabricantes; sector público; expertos y gremios. Como parte del levantamiento de información, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas. En el tercer capítulo, se detallan y analizan los resultados de las entrevistas. En el cuarto capítulo, presenta el procesamiento de la información levantada y se exponen los hallazgos. También, se especifican las limitaciones y brechas de información en la investigación, y las futuras líneas de estudio que nacen a partir de ella. Finalmente, en el quinto capítulo, se concluye que los principales determinantes en la decisión de compra son la mayor variedad de tejidos y precios más competitivos de China; además, se presentan las recomendaciones de la investigación. / Little has been studied on fabric acquisition for garment manufacturing in Peru, despite being a fundamental activity within the sector. In this sense, the analysis of the decision factors for its purchase has not been addressed before; reason why we consider the realization of this study relevant. To contextualize our topic, in the first chapter, we analyze the development and evolution of the textile sector worldwide; fabric import from China to Peru, particularly the national subheading 6004100000; and the current situation of the Free Trade Agreement with China and its implications for the subheading in question. In the second chapter, an inductive research method is proposed under a qualitative approach, and its objectives, problems and hypotheses are exposed; as well as, the groups of relevant actors: importers, suppliers and/or manufacturers; public sector, experts and guilds. As part of the information gathering, semi-structured interviews were conducted. In the third chapter, the interviews’ results are detailed and analyzed. In the fourth chapter, we present the information processing. Limitations and information gaps on this study are specified; as well as, future research opportunities based on it. Finally, in the fifth chapter, it is concluded that the main determinants in the purchase decision are the larger variety of fabric and the more competitive prices from China; besides, the recommendations of the investigation are presented. / Tesis
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Las estrategias de visual merchandising con relación a la decisión de compra en tiendas de cosméticosValencia Martínez, Laura Andrea Graciela 05 July 2019 (has links)
Con esta investigación se pretende conocer si existe una relación entre el visual merchandising y la decisión de compra en tiendas de cosméticos para mujeres de 18 a 25 años pertenecientes a los niveles socioeconómicos A y B de Lima Metropolitana. Para lo cual, los principales objetivos analizar la relación entre el visual merchandising y la decisión de compra en la categoría mencionada, conocer el actual contexto de la categoría, identificar la influencia de acompañantes y asesores durante la compra, y por ultimo determinar si se da una mayor compra en tiendas o módulos. Para cumplir con lo previamente descrito, se realizó una investigación correlacional empleando el diseño no experimental. Además, la investigación fue en parte cualitativa (mediante entrevistas y focus groups) y cuantitativa (mediante encuestas aplicadas a 390 personas), cuyos resultados son expuestos en los capítulos 3 y 4, así como son también relacionados con el marco teórico del capítulo 1. Finalmente, sí se aprobaron ambas hipótesis planteadas, lo cual se pudo analizar mediante la prueba de chi cuadrado. Asimismo, se propusieron algunas estrategias y tácticas para que empresas de la categoría puedan aplicar con éxito, así como también sugerencias a futuros investigadores. / This research aims to know if there is a relationship between visual merchandising and the purchase decision in cosmetics stores for women aged 18 to 25 belonging to socioeconomic levels A and B of Metropolitan Lima. For this purpose, the main objectives are to analyze the relationship between visual merchandising and the purchasing decision in the aforementioned category, to know the current context of the category, to identify the influence of companions and advisors during the purchase, and finally to determine if there is a greater purchase in stores or modules. In order to comply with what was previously described, a correlational investigation was carried out using the non-experimental design. In addition, the research was partly qualitative (through interviews and focus groups) and quantitative (through surveys applied to 390 people), whose results are presented in chapters 3 and 4, as well as they are also related to the theoretical framework of chapter 1. Finally, both hypotheses were approved, which could be analyzed using the chi-square test. Likewise, some strategies and tactics were proposed so that companies of the category can apply successfully, as well as suggestions to future researchers. / Trabajo de investigación
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Motivación del consumidor en su preferencia por las tiendas de conveniencia en el distrito de Miraflores / Consumer motivation in your preference for convenience stores in the district of MirafloresCuba Barriga, Luisa Alejandra, De La Cruz Velásquez, Lady Diana 02 July 2019 (has links) (PDF)
La siguiente investigación pretende analizar las motivaciones del consumidor en su preferencia por las tiendas de conveniencia en el distrito de Miraflores. Para la ejecución del estudio, se han examinado los factores del mix del marketing, tales como producto, plaza, promoción, precio y calidad del servicio; los cuales determinarán en qué grado intervienen en la decisión de compra del cliente.
Las tiendas de conveniencia han presentado una expansión en Lima, desde el 2015. Este formato de tiendas es una propuesta que se puede considerar como un punto medio entre el canal moderno y el tradicional, ocasionando el surgimiento de un nuevo grupo estratégico. Se espera que la investigación pueda contribuir a optimizar las estrategias de este grupo empresarial y en la propuesta de valor ofrecida a los consumidores, integrantes de este nuevo formato de negocio; es por ello, que se proporciona información que evidencia la experiencia real de los consumidores.
La investigación involucra a 381 personas que hayan realizado compras en las tiendas de conveniencia del distrito de Miraflores. La data recolectada, mediante el cuestionario, se analizó con el software IBM SPSS Statistics, utilizando métodos tales como estadística Descriptiva, Chi Cuadrado y Análisis de Correlación de Spearman, para ver en qué grado afectan las variables del marketing mix en la decisión de compra del cliente.
Finalmente, los resultados revelan que el consumidor valora más la localización de la tienda y el amplio horario de atención; así como también, los productos y promociones que son ofrecidos en estas tiendas de conveniencia. / This research proposes to analyze the motivations of consumers in their preferences for convenience stores in Miraflores district. In order to carry out the study, the factors of the marketing mix has been studied, such as product, place, promotion, price and quality service; which will determine if these factors influence the customer’s purchase decision.
The convenience stores have presented an expansion in Lima, since 2015. This kind of retail is a proposal that can be considered as a mid-point between the modern and traditional channels, causing the emergence of a new strategic group. It is expected that the research can contribute to improve the strategies of this business group and the value proposal offered to the users among the members of this new business format. That is why, it provides information that demonstrates the real experience of consumers.
The research involves 381 persons approached while purchasing at convenience stores in Miraflores district. The data collected, based on the questionnaire, has been analyzed with IBM SPSS Statistics software, and it was evaluated through statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, Chi-square test and Spearman correlation analysis in order to see at what extend, the variables of marketing mix affect the customer's purchase decision.
Finally, the results reveal that the consumer values the location, products and promotions offered by convenience stores. / Tesis
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A reinvenção de uma empresa de cobrança educacional: empresa Camargo Rodrigues / The reinvention of an educational collection company: Camargo Rodrigues CompanyRodrigues, Luis Fernando Oliveira 02 August 2019 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tomou como base a vivência do autor em sua empresa de cobrança educacional, a CAMARGO RODRIGUES. A empresa foi constituída em 1996 com o objetivo de cobrar mensalidades atrasadas de Instituições de Ensino Superior Privadas. Ocorre que, a partir de 2009, a empresa começou a perder receita em razão de diversos fatores, sendo os quatro principais: a concorrência, a concentração do setor educacional, cobrança interna pelo cliente e o fundo de financiamento estudantil - FIES. Naquele momento, a alternativa encontrada para compensar as perdas de receita foi constituir a RAF Advogados, para realizar a cobrança judicial dos débitos que permaneciam em aberto após a cobrança amigável, agregando valor ao serviço de cobrança educacional extrajudicial. Entretanto, a partir de 2016 a empresa voltou a ter problemas de receita em razão do aumento do desemprego decorrente da crise no governo Dilma. Com isso o problema a ser resolvido era: Como retomar o crescimento da Camargo Rodrigues. Após realizar pesquisa pelo método de pesquisa-ação, como solução, os estudos revelaram que a empresa precisava se reinventar criando um novo serviço. Dessa forma, criou-se um novo serviço: a compra de recebíveis vencidos há mais de 90 dias. Este novo serviço foi desenvolvido em cima de uma carteira de 2014 que já havia cumprido todo o ciclo de cobrança amigável e judicial. O modelo de precificação foi calculado por um matemático que considerou diversas variáveis, como o tempo de cobrança amigável e de cobrança judicial, taxas de recuperação, taxas de inadimplência, custos de cobrança amigável e judicial e uma taxa de retorno adequada sobre o capital, o que possibilitou chegar a um percentual para a compra dessas carteiras de mensalidades vencidas. Após validação com os dois principais clientes, concluímos que o estudo foi fundamental por que orientou a negociação com os clientes, pois, quando o novo serviço foi apresentado a dois clientes que o aceitaram de imediato, houve um cliente que queria receber um valor muito alto que comprometeria o retorno e o negócio não se concretizou. Notou-se, então, que a negociação deste novo serviço não será fácil, ainda mais porque o valor final terá de ser menor que o percentual apurado para que haja ganho financeiro além do ponto de equilíbrio. Ademais, o estudo demonstrou que o risco neste tipo de operação é alto, pois o devedor está mais resistente à cobrança. E ainda existem os riscos decorrentes da situação econômica. / This research was based on the author\'s experience in his educational collection company, CAMARGO RODRIGUES. The company was incorporated in 1996 with the purpose of charging late tuition from Private Higher Education Institutions. As of 2009, the company started to lose revenue due to several factors, being the four main ones: competition, concentration of the education sector, internal collection by the client and the student financing fund - FIES. At that time, the alternative found to compensate for the loss of revenue was to set up RAF Advogados, to make the judicial collection of debts that remained open after the friendly collection, adding value to the extrajudicial educational collection service. However, from 2016 the company had again revenue problems due to the increase in unemployment due to the crisis in the Dilma government. With this the problem to be solved was: How to resume the growth of Camargo Rodrigues. After researching the action research method as a solution, studies revealed that the company needed to reinvent itself by creating a new service. Thus, a new service was created: the purchase of receivables overdue for more than 90 days. This new service was developed on top of a 2014 portfolio that had already completed the entire friendly and judicial collection cycle. The pricing model was calculated by a mathematician who considered several variables, such as amicable and judicial collection time, recovery rates, default rates, amicable and judicial collection costs, and an adequate rate of return on capital. which made it possible to reach a percentage for the purchase of these overdue monthly loan portfolios. After validation with the two main clients, we concluded that the study was fundamental because it guided the negotiation with the clients, because when the new service was presented to two clients who immediately accepted it, there was one client who wanted to receive a very high value. that would compromise the return and the deal did not materialize. It was noted, then, that the negotiation of this new service will not be easy, especially since the final value will have to be less than the percentage calculated for financial gain beyond the break-even point. In addition, the study showed that the risk in this type of operation is high because the debtor is more resistant to recovery. And there are still risks arising from the economic situation.
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Factors influencing diet and health concerns among Canadian consumersChamanifard, Maryam 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis focuses on Canadian consumers concerns and attitudes towards healthy eating. The analysis is based on two years (2007 and 2008) of the Nielsen Health and Wellness survey data (Nielsen, 2008) and Nielsen Homescan household food purchase data. These datasets are used to investigate, first participating Canadian consumers stated food and health behaviour, and second the actual revealed meat purchase patterns of the same households.
The results from logistical regression models show how differences in social-demographic factors and food behaviours affect consumers’ health and dietary concerns. Significant variables are gender, age, family lifestyle, changing eating habits towards a healthier lifestyle, and information from products’ Nutrition Facts Tables. These variables are key factors that increase the probability of Canadians being more concerned about their future health, healthy eating, as well as obesity in their household.
In the second analysis, meat purchase patterns across survey participants with varying stated levels of health and dietary concerns are investigated using descriptive data analysis. Although the first part of analysis suggested that consumers are getting more knowledgeable about making healthier food choices and diet-health related problems resulting from an unbalanced diet, no differences in meat purchase patterns related to households’ stated diet and health concerns were found.
The discrepancies between stated and revealed food, diet, and health preferences among Canadians suggest that more emphasis needs to be placed on consumer information and education to improve healthy food choices in meat and other products. Also, the relationship between consumer socioeconomic and demographic characteristics and their impact on consumer health behavior requires further attention. Improved knowledge and information regarding Canadian consumers’ diet and health behavior can support more efficient marketing programs for healthier products and assist policy makers in designing more effective policies aimed at changing Canadians’ diets to promote healthier lifestyles. / Agricultural and Resources Economics
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The Study of Consumer’s Post-Purchase Evaluation toward Brand Equity of Five Stars Hotels in ThailandDejsiriphun, Chonnikarn, Suviratvithayakit, Kritsana January 2011 (has links)
Date: May 30, 2011 Program: MIMA- International Marketing Course Name: Master Thesis (EFO705) Title: The Study of Consumer’s Post-Purchase Evaluation toward Brand Equity of Five Stars Hotels in Thailand Research Problem: What are the characteristics of brand equity of five star luxury hotels in Thailand and which components of brand equity are the majority concerns from customers’ evaluation? Purpose: The study aims to investigate and analyze the interrelationship of brand equity of five stars hotels in Bangkok, Thailand and post-purchase evaluation in order to provide valuable information on how five stars luxury hotels in Thailand can successfully and appropriately exploit the hotel brand equity so as to create the branding strategy and to create a competitive advantage in the long run. Method: Qualitative approach was used to observe the data in the form of content analysis. While, the quantitative approach is employed in order to summarize the finding result. The data collection, the secondary source is the heart of this research such as hotel reviews, brand equity books and related articles. Conclusion: The empirical findings from hotel guest’s post-purchase evaluation reveal the most significant components of brand equity for five stars Thai hotel industry which are perceived quality and brand loyalty. Whereas, brand awareness and brand association are considered the least significant of all brand equity components from customer’s perception. Keywords: Brand equity, Brand loyalty, Brand awareness, Perceived quality, Brand association, Five Stars Hotel in Thailand, Thai Hotels Industry
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Young Consumers’ Purchase Intentions of Buying Green Products : A study based on the Theory of Planned BehaviorBarua, Promotosh, Islam, Md. Sajedul January 2011 (has links)
This investigation explored the contextual factors affecting young consumers’ attitudes and their intentions of green purchase behavior in the area of consumer behavior. This study seeks to understand young consumers’ green purchase intentions based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). At the same time, this study also intends to detect variables that influence young consumers’ intentions of buying green products. In this thesis, a quantitative approach was adopted. Using a sample of 282 young people, a survey was developed and conducted in Umeå University, Sweden. Results indicate that parental influence is the top predictor among all the variables we studied. From the correlation analyses; we can see that top three predictors are important for understanding purchase intentions of young consumers. Influence of contextual and background factors –parents, peer, and environmental knowledge – clearly played an important role in influencing young consumers’ purchase intentions of buying green products. To the end, a proposed model is developed to understand green purchase intentions of young consumers. Implications for marketers are also discussed in this study.
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Investigating the effect of in-store print advertising on consumer’s visual attention using eye-tracking technologyRahimi, Ramin January 2012 (has links)
Due to rising number of products on the shelves of stores and the fact that about 70% of buying decisions are made at the point-of-purchase, retailers and marketers are growingly investing on in-store advertising material to grab their customers’ attention. Thus, measuring the effectiveness of the in-store material in catching consumers’ attention would be highly of interest of marketers. In this study we have investigated the priming effect of in-store print advertisement on the visual attention of consumers. An experiment was conducted in a Swedish retail store where using eye-tracking technology, the visual behavior of two groups of participants who had been exposed to in-store product signs was captured. The results of this study shows that participants who had looked at a product sign, noted (fixated at least once) that product on the shelf earlier while the number of fixations on the target products was not directly influenced. An implication for managers is that they can use in-store product signs to manipulate the visual attention of consumers in a way that designated brands are attended earlier.
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Influence of Purchase Intention from Product Involvement and Advertising EffectivenessHuang, Chien-Wei 09 July 2010 (has links)
There are hundreds of channels in Taiwan. Because of computer and internet developing, people in Taiwan communicate easily to everyone in the world. It causes conflicts and challenges such as economy, business, and culture. The main source of profits in channels and web is advertising. According to AC Nielsen in Taiwan, Advertising industry in Taiwan outputs $40 billion in 2007, and its growing can figure out in future. So this study is to discuss the influence of Advertising Effectiveness in Product Involvement and Purchase Intention.
This study set to sampling 18-40 years old. It includes male and female. The methods of this study are such as Descriptive Statistics, Multiple Regression, and ANOVA. The Advertising Effectiveness is the moderator in this study. To discuss the issues of the moderator model explains the effect of strength and direction of Purchase Intention. The hypotheses of this study are presented as follows:
1.Product Involvement has statistically influence on Purchase Intention.
2.Advertising Effectiveness has statistically influence on Purchase Intention.
3.The interaction of Product Involvement and Advertising Effectiveness as statistically influence.
The conclusions are presented as all hypotheses to show:
1.On Purchase Intention, the Product Involvement will influence consumers¡¦ purchase decision.
2.Advertising also influence consumers¡¦ purchase decision.
3.The effect of the interaction explains synergy from Product Involvement and Advertising Effectiveness to consumers.
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