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Protoplast fusion of Lolium perenne and Lotus corniculatus for gene introgressionRaikar, S. V. January 2007 (has links)
Lolium perenne is one of the most important forage crops globally and in New Zealand. Lotus corniculatus is a dicotyledonous forage that contains valuable traits such as high levels of condensed tannins, increased digestibility, and high nitrogen fixing abilities. However, conventional breeding between these two forage crops is impossible due to their markedly different taxonomic origin. Protoplast fusion (somatic hybridisation) provides an opportunity for gene introgression between these two species. This thesis describes the somatic hybridisation, the regeneration and the molecular analysis of the putative somatic hybrid plants obtained between L. perenne and L. corniculatus. Callus and cell suspensions of different cultivars of L. perenne were established from immature embryos and plants were regenerated from the callus. Of the 10 cultivars screened, cultivars Bronsyn and Canon had the highest percentage of callus induction at 36% each on 5 mg/L 2,4-D. Removal of the palea and lemma which form the seed coat was found to increase callus induction ability of the embryos. Plant regeneration from the callus was achieved when the callus was plated on LS medium supplemented with plant growth regulators at different concentrations. Variable responses to shoot regeneration was observed between the different cultivars with the cv Kingston having the lowest frequency of shoot formation (12%). Different factors affecting the protoplast isolation of L. perenne were investigated. The highest protoplast yield of 10×10⁶ g⁻¹FW was obtained when cell suspensions were used as the tissue source, with enzyme combination 'A' (Cellulase Onozuka RS 2%, Macerozyme R-10 1%, Driselase 0.5%, Pectolyase 0.2%), for 6 h incubation period in 0.6 M mannitol. Development of microcolonies was only achieved when protoplasts were plated on nitrocellulose membrane with a L. perenne feeder layer on PEL medium. All the shoots regenerated from the protoplast-derived calli were albino shoots. The highest protoplast yield (7×10⁶ g⁻¹FW) of L. corniculatus was achieved from cotyledons also with enzyme combination 'A' (Cellulase Onozuka RS 2%, Macerozyme R-10 1%, Driselase 0.5%, Pectolyase 0.2%), for 6 h incubation period in 0.6 M mannitol. The highest plating efficiency for L. corniculatus of 1.57 % was achieved when protoplasts were plated on nitrocellulose membrane with a L. perenne feeder layer on PEL medium. The highest frequency of shoot regeneration (46%) was achieved when calli were plated on LS medium with NAA (0.1 mg/L) and BA (0.1 mg/L). Protoplast fusion between L. perenne and L. corniculatus was performed using the asymmetric somatic hybridisation technique using PEG as the fusogen. L. perenne protoplasts were treated with 0.1 mM IOA for 15 min and L. corniculatus protoplasts were treated with UV at 0.15 J/cm² for 10 min. Various parameters affecting the fusion percentage were investigated. Successful fusions were obtained when the fusions were conducted on a plastic surface with 35% PEG (3350 MW) for 25 min duration, followed by 100 mM calcium chloride treatment for 25 min. A total of 14 putative fusion colonies were recovered. Shoots were regenerated from 8 fusion colonies. Unexpectedly, the regenerated putative hybrid plants resembled L. corniculatus plants. The flow cytometric profile of the putative somatic hybrids resembled that of L. corniculatus. Molecular analysis using SD-AFLP, SCARs and Lolium specific chloroplast microsatellite markers suggest that the putative somatic hybrids could be L. corniculatus escapes from the asymmetric protoplast fusion process. This thesis details a novel Whole Genome Amplification technique for plants using Strand Displacement Amplification technique. Read more
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Análise de região codificadora de rRNA de Lactobacillus delbrueckii UFV H2b20: Filogenia e presença de seqüência de inserção putativa / Analysis of Lactobacillus delbrueckii UFV H2b20: Phylogeny and Presence of a Putative Insertion SequenceFloresta, Fernanda Arruda 31 March 2003 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2003-03-31 / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / Phylogenetic analysis of Lactobacillus UFV H2b20 based on the 16S rDNA sequence positions this isolate among the Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies. It confirms the classification by DNA/DNA hybridization. Comparisons of the substituted bases along the 16S rDNA sequence show that most are probably caused by 5-methylcytosine deamination that results in GC/AT transition. Presence of polymorphic copies of the 16S rRNA gene in Lactobacillus delbrueckii UFV H2b20 were confirmed by PCR-DGGE. Five distinct bands of rDNA amplified sequences confirm at least five different copies of the gene. The intensity of one of the bands allows the inference of two identical copies. The DGGE profile of this isolate was different from those of other L. delbrueckii strains, providing a mean to distinguish it in mixed cultures. Analysis of the nucleotide sequences along the rDNA region revealed the presence of putative insertion sequences. One of them, 915 bp long, was characterized and denominated ISLdH2b20. It presents a single ORF that encodes a putative transposase with some homology to the one of ISL5 of L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus. All the characteristic elements of an IS were located as well as the putative regulatory sequences of the transposase. / O estudo de filogenia baseado em seqüências de rDNA de Lactobacillus UFV H2b20 mostrou que esse microrganismo foi agrupado entre as subespécies de Lactobacillus delbrueckii. Este resultado confirma a nova classificação do isolado, baseada na hibridização DNA-DNA. A análise das substituições de bases mostra que a maioria é causada pela desaminação da 5-metilcitosina, o que causa uma transição GC/AT. A técnica PCR-DGGE de L. delbrueckii UFV H2b20 demonstrou resultados satisfatórios na análise de polimorfismos do operon rrn em microrganismos isolados. Foram encontradas cinco bandas diferentes para o L. delbrueckii UFV H2b20, confirmando a presença de cinco cópias distintas do rDNA 16S nesse microrganismo e possivelmente seis no total. O isolado L. delbrueckii UFV H2b20 apresentou um perfil de bandas diferente das outras linhagens de Lactobacillus, o que poderá ser utilizado para diferenciá-lo dos demais, uma vez que outros métodos baseados em PCR, como RAPD, mostram-se pouco discriminatórios. A análise das seqüências da região do rDNA 16S revelou uma seqüência de inserção putativa, de 915 pb, que foi caracterizada e denominada ISLdH2b20. Ela apresenta uma única ORF e codifica uma transposase putativa que apresenta homologia com a transposase de ISL5. Todos os elementos característicos de uma IS foram identificados bem como as seqüências regulatórias putativas da transposase. Read more
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Drug Resistance Mutations in Naive HIV-1 South African Patients, and Construction of Molecular Clones to Phenotype Putative Resistance MutationsMavhandu, Lufuno Grace 03 1900 (has links)
MSc (Microbiology) / Department of Microbiology / See the attached abstract below
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Transport kurzkettiger Fettsäuren über die basolaterale Membran des ovinen Pansenepithels: Mechanismen und Regulation auf Genebene: Transport kurzkettiger Fettsäuren über diebasolaterale Membran des ovinen Pansenepithels:Mechanismen und Regulation auf GenebeneDengler, Franziska 09 December 2014 (has links)
Einleitung: Kurzkettige Fettsäuren (SCFA) stellen das hauptsächliche Energiesubstrat für Wiederkäuer dar. In Anbetracht des - bedingt durch höhere Milch-, Mast und Reproduktionsleistung - steigenden Energiebedarfs von Hauswiederkäuern wie Milchkuh und Mastbulle ist es von zentraler Bedeutung, die Mechanismen zur Resorption dieser Energielieferanten bzw. Ansatzpunkte für die Beeinflussung dieser Transportprozesse genau zu kennen. Dieses Wissen kann möglicherweise dabei helfen, zukünftig die Energieaufnahme der Tiere zu unterstützen bzw. sogar effizienter zu gestalten.
Ziele der Untersuchungen: Deshalb war es Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit, die Mechanismen zur Resorption von SCFA zu charakterisieren, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den Transport aus den Pansenepithelzellen ins Blut gelegt wurde, da hierzu im Gegensatz zu ihrer Aufnahme aus dem Pansenlumen in die Epithelzellen noch sehr wenig bekannt war. In einem zweiten Schritt sollte untersucht werden, inwiefern die nachgewiesenen Mechanismen einer Regulation unterliegen und über welche Signalwege diese vermittelt werden könnte.
Materialien und Methoden: Zur Charakterisierung der beteiligten Resorptionsmechanismen wurden Epithelstücke aus dem ventralen Pansensack von Schafen in Ussing-Kammern eingespannt und mit Hilfe radioaktiv markierten Azetats, Butyrats und L-Laktats der Transport dieser Substrate unter verschiedenen Bedingungen sowie verschiedenen Hemmstoffeinflüssen untersucht. Zur Charakterisierung regulativer Einflüsse wurden die Epithelstücke über sechs bzw. 24 Stunden mit Butyrat inkubiert und anschließend RNA bzw. Totalprotein extrahiert. Hiermit konnten Veränderungen in mRNA- und Proteinexpression mittels quantitativer Echtzeit-PCR bzw. Western Blot nachgewiesen werden.
Ergebnisse: Die Untersuchungen der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten zeigen, dass der Transport von SCFA über die basolaterale Membran des Pansenepithels hauptsächlich proteinvermittelt erfolgt. Eine signifikante Beteiligung lipophiler Diffusion, d.h. ein passiver Transport, kann weitgehend ausgeschlossen werden. Der aktive Transport wies eine bikarbonatabhängige und eine bikarbonatunabhängige Komponente auf. Der Einsatz von Hemmstoffen verschiedener Transportproteine ergab deutliche Hinweise darauf, dass der Monocarboxylattransporter (MCT) 1 eine Rolle beim bikarbonatgekoppelten Transport von Azetat bzw. allgemein unmetabolisierten SCFA spielt. Diese Hinweise wurden untersetzt durch die Beobachtung, dass MCT 1, aber auch der apikal bzw. intrazellulär lokalisierte MCT 4 durch langfristige Inkubation des Epithels mit Butyrat sowohl auf mRNA- als auch auf Proteinebene signifikant erhöht exprimiert wurden, was als Anpassungsreaktion an eine Substratakkumulation interpretiert werden kann. Außerdem wurde auch die mRNA-Expression des Putativen Anionentransporters (PAT) 1 durch Inkubation mit Butyrat erhöht, was für eine Beteiligung auch dieses Transportproteins am SCFA-Transport über das Pansenepithel spricht. Allerdings ist im Gegensatz zu MCT 1 die Lokalisation des PAT 1 in der basolateralen Membran noch fraglich. Die Expressionssteigerung von Zielgenen des Nukleären Faktors ĸB und des Peroxisomenproliferator-aktivierten Rezeptors α sowie des Hypoxie-induzierbaren Faktors selbst deuten weiterhin darauf hin, dass die Steigerung der Transportkapazitäten von MCT 1 und 4 und auch PAT 1 über diese Signalwege vermittelt wird.
Schlussfolgerungen: Zusammenfassend konnte in dieser Arbeit erstmals der Transport von SCFA über die basolaterale Membran des Pansenepithels näher charakterisiert werden, sodass es nun möglich ist, zusammen mit den bereits vorliegenden Befunden für die apikale Membran ein komplettes Modell dafür zu erstellen. Auch wurden Erkenntnisse zu regulativen Einflüssen auf diesen Transport gewonnen, die es zukünftig ermöglichen könnten, die Resorption der SCFA aus dem Pansen nutritiv oder eventuell pharmakologisch zu beeinflussen.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
1 Einleitung 1
2 Literaturübersicht 3
2.1 Bedeutung kurzkettiger Fettsäuren für Wiederkäuer 3
2.2 Metabolismus von SCFA im Pansenepithel 4
2.2.1 Aufrechterhaltung des Konzentrationsgradienten vom Pansenlumen ins Epithel 4
2.2.2 Produktion von HCO3- aus CO2 durch die Carboanhydrase 5
2.2.3 Bereitstellung von Energie für die Epithelzellen 5
2.2.4 Bereitstellung von wasserlöslichen, glukosesparenden Energiesubstraten für die periphere Zirkulation 5
2.2.5 Verhinderung möglicher Schädigungen durch Butyrat 6
2.3 Transportmechanismen für kurzkettige Fettsäuren 7
2.3.1 Para- versus transzelluläre Resorption 7
2.3.2 Transzelluläre Resorption mittels lipophiler Diffusion 7
2.3.3 Proteinvermittelte SCFA-Permeation 9
2.3.4 Permeation von SCFA aus dem Epithel ins Blut 11
2.4 Beeinflussung der SCFA-Resorption auf Genexpressionsebene 17
2.4.1 Beeinflussung der Genexpression durch Butyrat 17
2.4.2 Beeinflussung der Genexpression durch Hypoxie 20
2.4.3 Mechanismen für die Regulation der Genexpression durch Butyrat
(-Metaboliten) und Hypoxie 21
2.5 Fragestellungen dieser Arbeit 26
3 Ergebnisse 28
3.1 Publikation 1 28
3.2 Publikation 2 41
4 Diskussion 54
4.1 Transport von SCFA über die basolaterale Membran des Pansenepithels 54
4.1.1 Transport mittels lipophiler Diffusion 57
4.1.2 SCFA werden bevorzugt über die basolaterale Membran transportiert 58
4.1.3 SCFA(-Metaboliten) werden bikarbonatabhängig über die basolaterale Membran transportiert 59
4.1.4 SCFA(-Metaboliten) werden durch einen Anionenaustauschmechanismus ins Blut ausgeschleust 61
4.1.5 Azetat wird durch einen pHMB- und CHC-sensitiven Mechanismus
transportiert 63
4.2 Der Transport von SCFA über das Pansenepithel unterliegt regulativen
Einflüssen 68
4.2.1 Einfluss von Butyrat(-Metaboliten) auf die Expression von potentiellen SCFA Transportern 68
4.2.2 Mechanismen für die Regulation der Expression durch Butyrat(-Metaboliten) 72
4.3 Theoretisches Modell des SCFA-Transports und dessen Regulation auf Genexpressionsebene auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit 74
5 Zusammenfassung 76
6 Summary 78
7 Literaturverzeichnis 80
Danksagung 98 / Introduction: The main energy source for ruminants are short chain fatty acids (SCFA). Considering the ever increasing energy requirements of cattle due to increasing milk yield and meat production, it is crucial to identify the mechanisms for the resorption of these energy sources as well as possibilities to influence these transport mechanisms. This knowledge could help support the animals’ energy uptake or even making it more efficient.
Aim: Thus, the aim of the present study was to characterise mechanisms for the resorption of SCFA focusing on their transport from the epithelial cells into the blood. In particular, since – compared to the research findings on the uptake of SCFA from ruminal lumen into the cells – so far only very little was known regarding this side of the epithelium. In a second step, the study aimed to elucidate whether the mechanisms observed are subject to regulatory processes and which signalling pathways are involved.
Materials and methods: To characterise the transport mechanisms involved, epithelial pieces from the ventral sac of ovine rumen were mounted in Ussing chambers. Using radioactively labelled acetate, butyrate and L-lactate, the transport of these substrates was investigated under different conditions and by applying different inhibitors for potential SCFA transport proteins. To characterise regulatory influences, epithelial pieces were incubated with butyrate for six and 24 hours, respectively. Subsequently, total RNA and protein were extracted to detect changes in mRNA and protein expression using quantitative real time PCR and western blot, respectively.
Results: The present study could show that transport of SCFA across the basolateral membrane of rumen epithelium is mainly realised by protein-mediated mechanisms. A significant participation of lipophilic diffusion, i.e. a passive transport, can almost entirely be excluded. The active transport could be divided into a bicarbonate-dependent and a bicarbonate-independent part. The experiments with inhibitors of different transport proteins showed clear evidence of an involvement of monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) 1 in the bicarbonate-dependent transport of acetate and non-metabolised SCFA in general. This evidence was supported by the finding that the expression of MCT 1 but also of the apically and intracellularly localised MCT 4 was increased significantly on both mRNA- and protein-level after long-term incubation of the epithelium with butyrate. This can be interpreted as an adaptation to a substrate accumulation. Additionally, butyrate incubation led to an increased mRNA expression of putative anion transporter (PAT) 1, which makes an involvement of this transport protein in SCFA transport across ruminal epithelium likely as well. However, in contrast to MCT 1 the localisation of PAT 1 in the basolateral membrane is still questionable. The increased expression of target genes of nuclear factor ĸB and peroxisome-proliferator activated receptor α as well as of hypoxia inducible factor strongly point to an involvement of these pathways in the increased expression of MCT 1 and 4 as well as PAT 1.
Conclusions: In summary, this study could characterise the transport of SCFA across the basolateral membrane of ruminal epithelium in detail for the first time. This enables us to draw a complete model of ruminal SCFA transport. Also, evidence for regulatory influence on this transport processes was found, perhaps making it possible to influence resorption of SCFA from rumen by nutritive or pharmacological means in the future.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
1 Einleitung 1
2 Literaturübersicht 3
2.1 Bedeutung kurzkettiger Fettsäuren für Wiederkäuer 3
2.2 Metabolismus von SCFA im Pansenepithel 4
2.2.1 Aufrechterhaltung des Konzentrationsgradienten vom Pansenlumen ins Epithel 4
2.2.2 Produktion von HCO3- aus CO2 durch die Carboanhydrase 5
2.2.3 Bereitstellung von Energie für die Epithelzellen 5
2.2.4 Bereitstellung von wasserlöslichen, glukosesparenden Energiesubstraten für die periphere Zirkulation 5
2.2.5 Verhinderung möglicher Schädigungen durch Butyrat 6
2.3 Transportmechanismen für kurzkettige Fettsäuren 7
2.3.1 Para- versus transzelluläre Resorption 7
2.3.2 Transzelluläre Resorption mittels lipophiler Diffusion 7
2.3.3 Proteinvermittelte SCFA-Permeation 9
2.3.4 Permeation von SCFA aus dem Epithel ins Blut 11
2.4 Beeinflussung der SCFA-Resorption auf Genexpressionsebene 17
2.4.1 Beeinflussung der Genexpression durch Butyrat 17
2.4.2 Beeinflussung der Genexpression durch Hypoxie 20
2.4.3 Mechanismen für die Regulation der Genexpression durch Butyrat
(-Metaboliten) und Hypoxie 21
2.5 Fragestellungen dieser Arbeit 26
3 Ergebnisse 28
3.1 Publikation 1 28
3.2 Publikation 2 41
4 Diskussion 54
4.1 Transport von SCFA über die basolaterale Membran des Pansenepithels 54
4.1.1 Transport mittels lipophiler Diffusion 57
4.1.2 SCFA werden bevorzugt über die basolaterale Membran transportiert 58
4.1.3 SCFA(-Metaboliten) werden bikarbonatabhängig über die basolaterale Membran transportiert 59
4.1.4 SCFA(-Metaboliten) werden durch einen Anionenaustauschmechanismus ins Blut ausgeschleust 61
4.1.5 Azetat wird durch einen pHMB- und CHC-sensitiven Mechanismus
transportiert 63
4.2 Der Transport von SCFA über das Pansenepithel unterliegt regulativen
Einflüssen 68
4.2.1 Einfluss von Butyrat(-Metaboliten) auf die Expression von potentiellen SCFA Transportern 68
4.2.2 Mechanismen für die Regulation der Expression durch Butyrat(-Metaboliten) 72
4.3 Theoretisches Modell des SCFA-Transports und dessen Regulation auf Genexpressionsebene auf Grundlage der Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit 74
5 Zusammenfassung 76
6 Summary 78
7 Literaturverzeichnis 80
Danksagung 98 Read more
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The Characterisation of Putative Nuclear Pore-Anchoring Proteins in Arabidopsis thalianaCollins, Patrick January 2013 (has links)
The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is perhaps the largest protein complex in the eukaryotic cell, and controls the movement of molecules across the nuclear envelope. The NPC is composed of up to 30 proteins termed nucleoporins (Nups), each grouped in different sub-complexes. The transmembrane ring sub-complex is composed of Nups responsible for anchoring the NPC to the nuclear envelope. Bioinformatic analysis has traced all major sub-complexes of the NPC back to the last eukaryotic common ancestor, meaning that the nuclear pore structure and function is conserved amongst all eukaryotes. In this study Arabidopsis T-DNA knockout lines for these genes were investigated to characterise gene function. Differences in plant growth and development were observed for the ndc1 knockout line compared to wild-type but gp210 plants showed no phenotypic differences. The double knockout line gp210 ndc1 was generated through crosses to observe plant response to the knockout of two anchoring-Nup genes. No synergistic affect from this double knockout was observed, suggesting that more, as yet unidentified Nups function the transmembrane ring in plants. The sensitivity to nuclear export inhibitor leptomycin B (LMB) was tested also for knockout lines, although growth sensitivity to the drug was not observed. Nucleocytoplasmic transport of knockout lines was measured in cells transformed by particle bombardment. To express fluorescent protein constructs actively transported through the NPC, localisation of protein determined the nucleocytoplasmic transport of the cell. The ndc1single knockout and the double knockout gp210 ndc1 exhibited decreased nuclear export. Further experiments in determining NDC1 localisation and identification of other Nups in the transmembrane ring sub-complex would bring a more comprehensive understanding to the plant NPC. Read more
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