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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Algal Succession and Nutrient Dynamics in Elephant Butte Reservoir

Nielsen, Eric J. 16 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
A water quality model was created for Elephant Butte Reservoir, New Mexico to understand nutrient dynamics and algal response during a three year period. The model chosen for this study was CE-QUAL-W2 because of its proven ability to represent hydrodynamics and the ability to represent multiple algal groups. Elephant Butte has been subject to large algal blooms. This study examined the phosphorus loading into the reservoir to see if it could sustain the observed algal growth. Data showed that the amount of bioavailable phosphorus was more than enough to support large blooms. This study also was an initial attempt to model multiple groups of algae that will later be used in other water quality models built and maintained by the US Bureau of Reclamation. Four algal species were modeled; diatoms, dinoflagellates, cyanobacteria and greens. Research into literary values of kinetic parameters for multiple algal species was conducted and the results were compiled in this paper to assist future modeling efforts. Because Elephant Butte was often nitrogen-limited the calibration of algal growth was difficult. Algal growth was very sensitive to the adjustment of kinetic parameters for nitrogen half-saturation, light requirements, growth rates and temperature rate multipliers.

Developing Methods to Assess the Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on Deer Creek Reservoir Using Water Quality Modeling

Chilton, Reed Earl 16 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
To evaluate the potential impacts of future climate change on a temperate reservoir, I used a calibrated water quality and hydrodynamic model validated using three years of data (2007-2009) from Deer Creek Reservoir (Utah). I evaluated the changes due to altered air temperatures, inflow rates, and nutrient loads that might occur under Global Climate Change (GCC). I developed methods to study GCC on reservoirs. I produced Average Water Temperature Plots, Stratification Plots, and Total Concentration Plots. Average Water Temperature Plots show the sensitivity of the water temperature to various parameters. Stratification Plots quantify stratification length and strength as well as ice-cover periods. Total Concentration Plots analyze the reservoir as a whole concerning water quality parameters. Increasing air temperature increased the water temperature, lengthened stratification time, increased stratification strength, decreased the ice-cover period, decreased the total algae concentration, decreased the flows, and caused peak nutrient concentrations to occur earlier. Decreasing flows caused increased water temperature, shorter stratification periods, weaker stratification, and increased nutrient concentrations. Increasing phosphate concentrations caused increases in total algae, dissolved oxygen, and phosphate concentrations. Variations in Nitrate-Nitrite concentrations did not influence the tested parameters. I found that the reservoir is only sensitive to these changes during the spring and summer. The tools which I developed were used to run the model scenarios, organize the data, and plot the results. They can be used on other reservoirs and for other water quality parameters.

Watershed Based Analysis for Water Quality Management within the Escatawpa River System

Kilpatrick, Gerrod Wayne 12 May 2001 (has links)
Assessment of water quality within the Escatawpa River system was accomplished utilizing the Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS 2.0) to develop the watershed model, and the CE-QUAL-W2 software to develop the estuary model. The watershed model was utilized to quantify both hydrodynamic and water quality (fecal coliforms) characteristics of the watershed for a simulation period spanning from 1990 through 1999. Herein, calibration and application results are presented for watershed and estuary simulations made in an uncoupled manner. The models were developed such that loose coupling of watershed and estuary models can be accomplished as a subsequent phase of this ongoing project. CE-QUAL-W2 model calibration was performed utilizing a set of site specific data acquired on the Escatawpa Estuary System during an intensive survey period of September 10-15, 1997. Dissolved oxygen levels in the system were closely examined, with regards to the impacts from point source discharges.

Hypolimnetic Oxygenation: Coupling Bubble-Plume and Reservoir Models

Singleton, Vickie L. 29 April 2008 (has links)
When properly designed, hypolimnetic aeration and oxygenation systems can replenish dissolved oxygen in water bodies while preserving stratification. A comprehensive literature review of design methods for the three primary devices was completed. Using fundamental principles, a discrete-bubble model was first developed to predict plume dynamics and gas transfer for a circular bubble-plume diffuser. This approach has subsequently been validated in a large vertical tank and applied successfully at full-scale to an airlift aerator as well as to both circular and linear bubble-plume diffusers. The unified suite of models, all based on simple discrete-bubble dynamics, represents the current state-of-the-art for designing systems to add oxygen to stratified lakes and reservoirs. An existing linear bubble plume model was improved, and data collected from a full-scale diffuser installed in Spring Hollow Reservoir, Virginia (U.S.A.) were used to validate the model. The depth of maximum plume rise was simulated well for two of the three diffuser tests. Temperature predictions deviated from measured profiles near the maximum plume rise height, but predicted dissolved oxygen profiles compared very well to observations. Oxygen transfer within the hypolimnion was independent of all parameters except initial bubble radius. The results of this work suggest that plume dynamics and oxygen transfer can successfully be predicted for linear bubble plumes using the discrete-bubble approach. To model the complex interaction between a bubble plume used for hypolimnetic oxygenation and the ambient water body, a model for a linear bubble plume was coupled to two reservoir models, CE-QUAL-W2 (W2) and Si3D. In simulations with a rectangular basin, predicted oxygen addition was directly proportional to the update frequency of the plume model. W2 calculated less oxygen input to the basin than Si3D and significantly less mixing within the hypolimnion. The coupled models were then applied to a simplified test of a full-scale linear diffuser. Both the W2 and Si3D coupled models predicted bulk hypolimnetic DO concentrations well. Warming within the hypolimnion was overestimated by both models, but more so by W2. The lower vertical resolution of the reservoir grid in W2 caused the plume rise height to be over-predicted, enhancing erosion of the thermocline. / Ph. D.

Effective Modeling of Nutrient Losses and Nutrient Management Practices in an Agricultural and Urbanizing Watershed

Liu, Yingmei 11 January 2012 (has links)
The Lake Manassas Watershed is a 189 km2 basin located in the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC. Lake Manassas is a major waterbody in the watershed and serves as a drinking water source for the City of Manassas. Lake Manassas is experiencing eutrophication due to nutrient loads associated with agricultural activities and urban development in its drainage areas. Two watershed model applications using HSPF, and one receiving water quality model application using CE-QUAL-W2, were linked to simulate Lake Manassas as well as its drainage areas: the Upper Broad Run (126.21 km2) and Middle Broad Run (62.79 km2) subbasins. The calibration of the linked model was for the years 2002-05, with a validation period of 2006-07. The aspects of effective modeling of nutrient losses and nutrient management practices in the Lake Manassas watershed were investigated. The study was mainly conducted in the Upper Broad Run subbasin, which was simulated with an HSPF model. For nutrient simulation, HSPF provides two algorithms: PQUAL (simple, empirically based) and AGCHEM (detailed, process-based). This study evaluated and compared the modeling capabilities and performance of PQUAL and AGCHEM, and investigated significant inputs and parameters for their application. Integral to the study was to develop, calibrate and validate HSPF/PQUAL and HSPF/AGCHEM models in the Upper Broad Run subbasin. "One-variable-at-a-time" sensitivity analysis was conducted on the calibrated Upper Broad Run HSPF/PQUAL and HSPF/AGCHEM models to identify significant inputs and parameters for nutrient load generation. The sensitivity analysis results confirmed the importance of accurate meteorological inputs and flow simulation for effective nutrient modeling. OP (orthophosphate phosphorus) and NH4-N (ammonium nitrogen) loads were sensitive to PQUAL parameters describing pollutant buildup and washoff at land surface. The significant PQUAL parameter for Ox-N (oxidized nitrogen) load was groundwater nitrate concentration. For the HSPF/AGCHEM model, fertilizer application rate and time were very important for nutrient load generation. NH4-N and OP loads were sensitive to the AGCHEM parameters describing pollutant adsorption and desorption in the soil. On the other hand, plant uptake of nitrogen played an important role for Ox-N load generation. A side by side comparison was conducted on the Upper Broad Run HSPF/PQUAL and HSPF/AGCHEM models. Both PQUAL and AGCHEM provided good-to-reasonable nutrient simulation. The comparison results showed that AGCHEM performed better than PQUAL for OP simulation, but PQUAL captured temporal variations in the NH4-N and Ox-N loads better than AGCHEM. Compared to PQUAL, AGCHEM is less user-friendly, requires a lot more model input parameters and takes much more time in model development and calibration. On the other hand, use of AGCHEM affords more model capabilities, such as tracking nutrient balances and evaluating alternative nutrient management practices. This study also demonstrated the application of HSPF/AGCHEM within a linked watershed-reservoir model system in the Lake Manassas watershed. By using the outputs generated by the HSPF/AGCHEM models in the Upper Broad Run and Middle Broad Run subbasins, the Lake Manassas CE-QUAL-W2 model adequately captured water budget, temporal and spatial distribution of water quality constituents associated with summer stratification in the lake. The linked model was used to evaluate water quality benefits of implementing nutrient management plan in the watershed. The results confirmed that without the nutrient management plan OP loads would be much higher, which would lead to OP enrichment and enhanced algae growth in Lake Manassas. / Ph. D.

A Complex, Linked Watershed-Reservoir Hydrology and Water Quality Model Application for the Occoquan Watershed, Virginia

Xu, Zhongyan 08 February 2006 (has links)
The Occoquan Watershed is a 1515 square kilometer basin located in northern Virginia and contains two principal waterbodies: the Occoquan Reservoir and Lake Manassas. Both waterbodies are principal drinking water supplies for local residents and experience eutrophication and summer algae growth. They are continuously threatened by new development from the rapid expansion of the greater Washington D.C. region. The Occoquan model, consisting of six HSPF and two CE-QUAL-W2 submodels linked in a complex way, has been developed and applied to simulate hydrology and water quality activities in the two major reservoirs and the associated drainage areas. The studied water quality constituents include temperature, dissolved oxygen, ammonium nitrogen, oxidized nitrogen, orthophosphate phosphorus, and algae. The calibration of the linked model is for the years 1993-95, with a validation period of 1996-97. The results show that a successful calibration can be achieved using the linked approach, with moderate additional effort. The spatial and temporal distribution of hydrology processes, nutrient detachment and transport, stream temperature and dissolved oxygen were well reproduced by HSPF submodels. By using the outputs generated by HSPF submodels, the CE-QUAL-W2 submodels adequately captured the water budgets, hydrodynamics, temperature, temporal and spatial distribution of dissolved oxygen, ammonium nitrogen, oxidized nitrogen, orthophosphate phosphorus, and algae in Lake Manassas and Occoquan Reservoir. This demonstrates the validity of linking two types of state of the art water quality models: the watershed model HSPF and the reservoir model CE-QUAL-W2. One of the advantages of the linked model approach is to develop a direct cause and effect relationship between upstream activities and downstream water quality. Therefore, scenarios of various land use proposals, BMP implementation, and point source management can be incorporated into HSPF applications, so that the CE-QUAL-W2 submodels can use the boundary conditions corresponding with these scenarios to predict the water quality variations in the receiving waterbodies. In this research, two land use scenarios were developed. One represented the background condition assuming all the land covered by forest and the other represented the environmental stress posed by future commercial and residential expansion. The results confirm the increases of external nutrient loads due to urbanization and other human activities, which eventually lead to nutrient enrichment and enhanced algae growth in the receiving waterbodies. The increases of external nutrient loads depend on land use patterns and are not evenly spread across the watershed. The future development in the non urban areas will greatly increase the external nutrient production and BMPs should be implemented to reduce the potential environmental degradation. For the existing urban areas, the model results suggest a potential threshold of nutrient production despite future land development. The model results also demonstrate the catchment function of Lake Manassas in reducing nutrient transport downstream. / Ph. D.

Avaliação da qualidade da água e autodepuração do Rio Jordão, Araguari (MG) / Water quality evaluation and self-depuration of Jordão River, Araguari (MG)

Paula, Liliane Magnavaca de 26 August 2011 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / This study evaluated the capacity of self-depuration of the Jordão River considering the true contributions of the Brejo Alegre stream in time of drought and during the rainy period, having in sight the launching of effluents of part of Araguari town, Minas Gerais, in the stream using QUAL-UFMG model. There was the simulation of two situations, considering estimated pollutant loads of Sewage Treatment Plants and the low capacity of dilution of the river for the critical flow, using anaerobic lake treatment system followed by facultative lake (1st Situation) and by conventional activated sludge (2nd Situation), launched directly at the confluence of Brejo Alegre stream and Jordão River. Parallel to the study of self-depuration it was determined the key-curve in a specific point of the Jordão River, beyond the Water Quality Index in the Brejo Alegre stream right at the confluence with the Jordão River, and along the Jordão River, for the periods of drought and rain. In the tracing of the key-curve, the data measured adjusted well to the estimated ones of flow, reaching the equation Q = 9.804.(h+0.7)3.672, attributing the Coefficient of Determination to equal to 0.815 until the absence of rotation counter of the reel s helices in the beginning of the experimental activities. The study of Water Quality Index for the period of drought detected a good level for the Jordão River at all points, coinciding with the level encountered in the 2nd trimester of 2010, in according to the Instituto Mineiro de Gestão de Águas monitoring, resulting Water Quality Index equal to 66.92, 87.90, 86.73, 87.79 and 87.97, respectively, for the Brejo Alegre stream, points A, B, C and D of the Jordão River, from upstream to downstream. Yet in the rainy period it achieved medium level of Water Quality Index for the Brejo Alegre stream and point A of the Jordão River upstream from the confluence of the stream and a good level for the Jordão River downstream from the confluence, being equal to 57.77, 52.59, 86.29 and 77.73, respectively, for the Brejo Alegre stream, points A, B and D of the Jordão River, from upstream to downstream. The simulations for the drought period and rainy period presented satisfactory adjusts to the data measured to the estimated, showing the prevalence of the deoxygenating by carbonaceous demand over the nitrification and the importance of the natural repair in the self-depurating process. The dissolved oxygen, nitrogen and fractions, phosphorus and fecal coliform (Escherichia-coli in this study) parameters respected the limits recommended by the Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente, Resolution 357:2005, in all its extension, for the Class 2 rivers, classification in which the Jordão River fits. In regard to biochemical oxygen demand, the whole section is out of the regulation due to the reception of pollutant loads from the Brejo Alegre stream. As for the simulating of extreme situations, a pollution estimated for 7422 habitants for the 1st Situation and 14840 habitants for the 2nd Situation would guarantee the capacity of self-depuration of the Jordão River, respecting the recommendations of the Resolution 357:2005, considering the imprecision of the methodology of analysis of the biochemical oxygen demand and that in the simulations it was used a critical flow of the Jordão River 2.6 times inferior to the smallest flow measured in the period of drought. / Este trabalho avaliou a capacidade de autodepuração do rio Jordão considerando-se as contribuições reais do córrego Brejo Alegre em período de estiagem e chuvoso, tendo em vista o lançamento de efluentes brutos de parte da cidade de Araguari, Minas Gerais, no córrego, utilizando o modelo QUAL-UFMG. Também simulou-se dois cenários, considerando cargas poluidoras estimadas de Estações de Tratamento de Esgoto e a baixa capacidade de diluição do rio para a vazão crítica, utilizando sistema de tratamento por lagoa anaeróbia seguida por lagoa facultativa (1º Cenário) e por lodo ativado convencional (2º Cenário), lançadas diretamente na confluência do córrego Brejo Alegre com o rio Jordão. Paralelo ao estudo de autodepuração foi determinada a curva-chave em um ponto específico do rio Jordão, além do Índice de Qualidade das Águas no córrego Brejo Alegre logo na confluência com o rio Jordão, e ao longo do rio Jordão, para os períodos de estiagem e chuvoso. No traçado da curva-chave, os dados medidos ajustaram-se bem aos estimados de vazão, alcançando a equação Q = 9,804.(h+0,7)3,672, atribuindo o Coeficiente de Determinação igual a 0,815 à ausência de contador de rotações da hélice do molinete no início das atividades experimentais. O estudo do Índice de Qualidade das Águas para o período de estiagem detectou nível bom para o rio Jordão em todos os pontos, coincidindo com o nível encontrado no 2º trimestre de 2010, de acordo com o monitoramento do Instituto Mineiro de Gestão das Águas, resultando Índice de Qualidade das Águas igual a 66,92, 87,90, 86,73, 87,79 e 87,97, respectivamente, para o córrego Brejo Alegre, pontos A, B, C e D do rio Jordão, de montante a jusante. Já no período chuvoso alcançou-se nível médio do Índice de Qualidade das Águas para o córrego Brejo Alegre e ponto A no rio Jordão a montante da confluência com o córrego e nível bom para o rio Jordão a jusante da confluência, sendo igual a 57,77, 52,59, 86,29 e 77,73, respectivamente, para o córrego Brejo Alegre, pontos A, B e D do rio Jordão, de montante a jusante. As simulações para o período de estiagem e chuvoso apresentaram satisfatórios ajustes dos dados medidos aos estimados, evidenciando a prevalência da desoxigenação por demanda carbonácea sobre a nitrificação e a importância da reaeração natural no processo de autodepuração. Os parâmetros oxigênio dissolvido, nitrogênio e frações, fósforo e coliformes termotolerantes (Escherichia-coli neste trabalho) respeitaram os limites preconizados pelo Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente, Resolução 357:2005, em toda a sua extensão, para rios de Classe 2, classificação em que o rio Jordão enquadra-se. Com relação a demanda bioquímica de oxigênio, todo o trecho encontrou-se fora da regulamentação devido ao recebimento de cargas poluidoras do córrego Brejo Alegre. Quanto à simulação dos cenários extremos, uma população estimada de 7422 habitantes para o 1o Cenário e 14840 habitantes para o 2º Cenário garantiriam a capacidade de autodepuração do rio Jordão, respeitando as preconizações da Resolução 357:2005, considerando-se as imprecisões da metodologia de análise da demanda bioquímica de oxigênio e que nas simulações adotou-se uma vazão crítica no rio Jordão 2,6 vezes inferior à menor vazão medida no período de estiagem. / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

Self-Service Technology (SST) och dess relation till kundtillfredsställelse : En studie av onlinebaserad kundsupport hos Monitor ERP System AB

Annerstedt, Christoffer, Lindholm, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
I dagens samhälle gömmer det sig en teknologi som inte alla tänker på, nämligen Self-Service Technology(SST). Self-Service Technology befinner sig ofta i ens närhet. Företag använder sig av denna teknik för att tillfredsställa deras kunder snabbare och smidigare. Denna studie har utförts på Monitors ERP System AB:s Online-hjälp genom en kvantitativ metod. Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera betydelsen av de olika dimensionerna i Self-Service Technology (SST) för kundtillfredsställelse. För att sedan generera ny kunskap och förslag för förbättringar av SST och webbaserade kundsupportsystem. För att genomföra denna studie användes en explorativ faktoranalys på de 7 dimensioner inom Self-Service Technology samt dimensionen kundtillfredsställelse. Resultatet visade att de två dimensionerna funktionalitet och bekvämlighet hade starkast koppling till dimensionen kundtillfredsställelse. Därför bör verksamheter liknande Monitors ERP System AB fokusera på att förbättra funktionalitet och bekvämlighet dimensionerna för att uppnå bättre kundtillfredsställelse. / In today's society, there is a technology that not everyone thinks about, namely Self-Service Technology (SST). Self-Service Technology is often in one's vicinity. Companies use this technology to satisfy their customers faster and more smoothly. This study was performed on Monitor's ERP System AB's Online help using a quantitative method. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the importance of the different dimensions of Self-Service Technology (SST) for customer satisfaction. To then generate new knowledge and suggestions for improvements to SST and web-based customer support systems. To conduct this study, an exploratory factor analysis was used on the 7 dimensions within Self-Service Technology and the dimension customer satisfaction. The results showed that the two dimensions functionality and convenience had the strongest connection to the dimension customer satisfaction. Therefore, businesses similar to Monitor's ERP System AB should focus on improving the functionality and convenience dimensions to achieve better customer satisfaction.

Análiseda viabilidade técnica para a implementação de centros de compostagem no município de Imbé, RS

Cerciná, Marília January 2018 (has links)
No contexto atual global, as ações humanas que visam à sustentabilidade são práticas necessárias. A sociedade urbanizada e industrializada necessita encontrar maneiras de mitigar os impactos ambientais negativos de seu (des)envolvimento, em especial, quanto à questão urgente dos resíduos sólidos. Apesar de uma gama de legislações estarem vigentes no Brasil, a prática delas ainda é escassa. A Zona Costeira é sensivelmente mais afetada pelo problema da falta de destinos aos resíduos sólidos produzidos. Além disso, a característica geográfica, geológica e geomorfológica dessa área a torna mais vulnerável à ocupação massiva e a conflitos de uso versus sensibilidade ambiental. No estado do Rio Grande do Sul, o setor Norte do litoral já pode ser considerado uma conurbação. Além disso, o aumento da taxa de geração de resíduos sólidos é maior do que o aumento do crescimento da população nesses locais. Tendo em vista tais aspectos, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a viabilidade técnica e ambiental para a implementação de Centros de Compostagem no município de Imbé, localizado na Microrregião do Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul, com base em dados ambientais, legais e de percepção ambiental da comunidade local, para selecionar/sugerir áreas passíveis de instalação dos pátios de compostagem. Para que os Centros de Compostagem sejam funcionais, é necessária a inserção do Consumo Reverso no Plano Municipal de Gestão Integrada dos Resíduos Sólidos, PMGIRS. As justificativas para selecionar locais aptos à instalação de Centros de Compostagem são, além de criar espaços para a educação ambiental, viabilizar uma alternativa para a gestão e o gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos orgânicos, priorizando a redução do desperdício, pela valorização dos resíduos orgânicos, transformando-os em produto(s) para plantio. A metodologia utilizou dados pré-existentes para a matriz de dados, posteriormente integrando dados de campo na elaboração dos mapas, sintetizados na etapa de laboratório. Os parâmetros foram: uso e ocupação, características socioeconômicas, relevo/topografia, solo/drenagem, Áreas de Proteção Permanente, vegetação, risco de alagamento/inundação e vazios urbanos. A etapa de campo tratou da aplicação de entrevistas expositivas com questionário estruturado, contendo questões abertas, fechadas e de múltipla escolha à comunidade do Imbé, com registros fotográficos das áreas passíveis de proposição. O processamento de laboratório contou com o uso do Sistema de Informação Geográfica - SIG, para a elaboração de mapas temáticos com limite da área urbanizada, de vegetação, das Áreas de Proteção Permanente, de recursos hídricos e o mapa síntese, contemplando também os vazios urbanos para construção do Zoneamento Ambiental (ZA). O banco de dados gerado pelas entrevistas sofreu análise estatística através do QUI², balizando a percepção da população pelos Centros de Compostagem e o hábito em relação aos resíduos sólidos urbanos. Os resultados obtidos pelo mapa síntese, pela matriz de dados e pela análise estatística geraram um modelo de classificação a cada parâmetro, para aferição de áreas potenciais ao recebimento do Centro de Compostagem. Foram sugeridos os seguintes critérios: Ideal; Bom (com restrições); Ruim (com muitas restrições) e Inadequado. A pesquisa a partir de questionário mostrou que se confirma a hipótese de que os veranistas, moradores, comunidade do Ceclimar são favoráveis ao uso dos Centros de Compostagem. Os resultados criam um espaço para além da reciclagem, incluindo o envolvimento da comunidade local em ações com base na qualidade ambiental, Permacultura, Economia Solidária, na geração de renda e multiplicação para as residências domésticas. A pesquisa se embasou nas normas técnicas sobre a Política dos Resíduos Sólidos pela responsabilidade de consumo que possibilitará locais favoráveis à compostagem pública. pública. / The current global context for human actions aimed at sustainability are necessary practices. Urban and industrialized society needs to find ways to mitigate the form of their (un) involvement to reduce the environmental impacts of their actions. An urgent question is that of solid waste. Although a range of good laws are in force in Brazil, their practice is still scarce. The Coastal Zone is significantly more affected by this, its geographic, geological and geomorphological characteristic making it vulnerable to massive occupation and conflicts of use versus environmental sensitivity. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul the northern sector of the coast is already a conurbation. However, the increase in the rate of solid waste generation is greater than the increase in population growth. The objective of this work is to evaluate the technical viability for the implementation of composting centers in the municipality of Imbé, located in the Microregion of the Northern Coast of Rio Grande do Sul, based on environmental, legal and environmental perceptions of the local community, to select / suggest areas amenable to installation of composting yards. In order for the composting centers to be functional, it is necessary to insert the Reverse Consumption in the Municipal Plan for the Integrated Management of Solid Waste, PMGIRS. The justifications for selecting sites suitable for the installation of Composting Centers are to favor a viable alternative for the management and management of organic solid waste, with priority being given to waste reduction, by the valorization of organic waste, transforming them into agricultural product. And, also, create spaces for environmental education. The methodology, in the laboratory, used pre-existing data in the characterization of use and occupation, socioeconomic characteristics, relief / topography, soil / drainage, permanent protection areas, vegetation and flood / flood risk, based on preexisting mapping and analysis of the legal framework. The field stage dealt with the application of expository interviews with a structured questionnaire containing open, closed and multiple choice questions to the Imbé community, with photographic records of the areas that could be proposed. The field stage dealt with the application of expository interviews with a structured questionnaire containing open, closed and multiple choice questions to the Imbé community, with photographic records of the areas that could be proposed. The laboratory processing was based on the use of the Geographic Information System (GIS) for the elaboration of thematic maps with limits of the urbanized area, vegetation, APPs and water resources, and the synthesis map also contemplating the urban voids for the construction of the Environmental Zoning (ZA). The database generated by the interviews was analyzed statistically through the QUI², indicating the perception of the population by the composting centers and the habit in relation to solid urban waste.The results obtained by the synthesis map, by the data matrix and by the statistical analysis generated a classification model for each parameter for measuring potential areas to receive the composting center and suggested the following criteria: Ideal; Good (with restrictions); Bad (with many restrictions) and inadequate. The research from questionnaires showed that it is confirmed the hypothesis that the vacationers, residents, community of Ceclimar are favorable to the use of composting centers. The results have created a space beyond recycling, including the involvement of the local community in actions based on environmental quality, Permaculture, Solidarity Economy, income generation and multiplication for domestic residences. Based on the technical standards on the Solid Waste Policy for the responsibility of consumption that will enable sites favorable to public composting.

Análiseda viabilidade técnica para a implementação de centros de compostagem no município de Imbé, RS

Cerciná, Marília January 2018 (has links)
No contexto atual global, as ações humanas que visam à sustentabilidade são práticas necessárias. A sociedade urbanizada e industrializada necessita encontrar maneiras de mitigar os impactos ambientais negativos de seu (des)envolvimento, em especial, quanto à questão urgente dos resíduos sólidos. Apesar de uma gama de legislações estarem vigentes no Brasil, a prática delas ainda é escassa. A Zona Costeira é sensivelmente mais afetada pelo problema da falta de destinos aos resíduos sólidos produzidos. Além disso, a característica geográfica, geológica e geomorfológica dessa área a torna mais vulnerável à ocupação massiva e a conflitos de uso versus sensibilidade ambiental. No estado do Rio Grande do Sul, o setor Norte do litoral já pode ser considerado uma conurbação. Além disso, o aumento da taxa de geração de resíduos sólidos é maior do que o aumento do crescimento da população nesses locais. Tendo em vista tais aspectos, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a viabilidade técnica e ambiental para a implementação de Centros de Compostagem no município de Imbé, localizado na Microrregião do Litoral Norte do Rio Grande do Sul, com base em dados ambientais, legais e de percepção ambiental da comunidade local, para selecionar/sugerir áreas passíveis de instalação dos pátios de compostagem. Para que os Centros de Compostagem sejam funcionais, é necessária a inserção do Consumo Reverso no Plano Municipal de Gestão Integrada dos Resíduos Sólidos, PMGIRS. As justificativas para selecionar locais aptos à instalação de Centros de Compostagem são, além de criar espaços para a educação ambiental, viabilizar uma alternativa para a gestão e o gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos orgânicos, priorizando a redução do desperdício, pela valorização dos resíduos orgânicos, transformando-os em produto(s) para plantio. A metodologia utilizou dados pré-existentes para a matriz de dados, posteriormente integrando dados de campo na elaboração dos mapas, sintetizados na etapa de laboratório. Os parâmetros foram: uso e ocupação, características socioeconômicas, relevo/topografia, solo/drenagem, Áreas de Proteção Permanente, vegetação, risco de alagamento/inundação e vazios urbanos. A etapa de campo tratou da aplicação de entrevistas expositivas com questionário estruturado, contendo questões abertas, fechadas e de múltipla escolha à comunidade do Imbé, com registros fotográficos das áreas passíveis de proposição. O processamento de laboratório contou com o uso do Sistema de Informação Geográfica - SIG, para a elaboração de mapas temáticos com limite da área urbanizada, de vegetação, das Áreas de Proteção Permanente, de recursos hídricos e o mapa síntese, contemplando também os vazios urbanos para construção do Zoneamento Ambiental (ZA). O banco de dados gerado pelas entrevistas sofreu análise estatística através do QUI², balizando a percepção da população pelos Centros de Compostagem e o hábito em relação aos resíduos sólidos urbanos. Os resultados obtidos pelo mapa síntese, pela matriz de dados e pela análise estatística geraram um modelo de classificação a cada parâmetro, para aferição de áreas potenciais ao recebimento do Centro de Compostagem. Foram sugeridos os seguintes critérios: Ideal; Bom (com restrições); Ruim (com muitas restrições) e Inadequado. A pesquisa a partir de questionário mostrou que se confirma a hipótese de que os veranistas, moradores, comunidade do Ceclimar são favoráveis ao uso dos Centros de Compostagem. Os resultados criam um espaço para além da reciclagem, incluindo o envolvimento da comunidade local em ações com base na qualidade ambiental, Permacultura, Economia Solidária, na geração de renda e multiplicação para as residências domésticas. A pesquisa se embasou nas normas técnicas sobre a Política dos Resíduos Sólidos pela responsabilidade de consumo que possibilitará locais favoráveis à compostagem pública. pública. / The current global context for human actions aimed at sustainability are necessary practices. Urban and industrialized society needs to find ways to mitigate the form of their (un) involvement to reduce the environmental impacts of their actions. An urgent question is that of solid waste. Although a range of good laws are in force in Brazil, their practice is still scarce. The Coastal Zone is significantly more affected by this, its geographic, geological and geomorphological characteristic making it vulnerable to massive occupation and conflicts of use versus environmental sensitivity. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul the northern sector of the coast is already a conurbation. However, the increase in the rate of solid waste generation is greater than the increase in population growth. The objective of this work is to evaluate the technical viability for the implementation of composting centers in the municipality of Imbé, located in the Microregion of the Northern Coast of Rio Grande do Sul, based on environmental, legal and environmental perceptions of the local community, to select / suggest areas amenable to installation of composting yards. In order for the composting centers to be functional, it is necessary to insert the Reverse Consumption in the Municipal Plan for the Integrated Management of Solid Waste, PMGIRS. The justifications for selecting sites suitable for the installation of Composting Centers are to favor a viable alternative for the management and management of organic solid waste, with priority being given to waste reduction, by the valorization of organic waste, transforming them into agricultural product. And, also, create spaces for environmental education. The methodology, in the laboratory, used pre-existing data in the characterization of use and occupation, socioeconomic characteristics, relief / topography, soil / drainage, permanent protection areas, vegetation and flood / flood risk, based on preexisting mapping and analysis of the legal framework. The field stage dealt with the application of expository interviews with a structured questionnaire containing open, closed and multiple choice questions to the Imbé community, with photographic records of the areas that could be proposed. The field stage dealt with the application of expository interviews with a structured questionnaire containing open, closed and multiple choice questions to the Imbé community, with photographic records of the areas that could be proposed. The laboratory processing was based on the use of the Geographic Information System (GIS) for the elaboration of thematic maps with limits of the urbanized area, vegetation, APPs and water resources, and the synthesis map also contemplating the urban voids for the construction of the Environmental Zoning (ZA). The database generated by the interviews was analyzed statistically through the QUI², indicating the perception of the population by the composting centers and the habit in relation to solid urban waste.The results obtained by the synthesis map, by the data matrix and by the statistical analysis generated a classification model for each parameter for measuring potential areas to receive the composting center and suggested the following criteria: Ideal; Good (with restrictions); Bad (with many restrictions) and inadequate. The research from questionnaires showed that it is confirmed the hypothesis that the vacationers, residents, community of Ceclimar are favorable to the use of composting centers. The results have created a space beyond recycling, including the involvement of the local community in actions based on environmental quality, Permaculture, Solidarity Economy, income generation and multiplication for domestic residences. Based on the technical standards on the Solid Waste Policy for the responsibility of consumption that will enable sites favorable to public composting.

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