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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvalitetssäkring på högskolan : professionens syn på införandet av ett nytt kvalitetssäkringssystem på högskolan

Rinne, Gabriella, Andersson, Isabelle January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka kvalitetssäkring samt professionens uppfattningar om detsamma, i ljuset av införandet av ett nytt kvalitetssäkringssystem. Metod: Den teoretiska referensramen har byggts upp genom att sammanställa tidigare forskning i teman som är relevanta för studien. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom en kvalitativ metod i form av en textanalys av Promemoria U2015/1626/UH samt genomförande och analys av fyra semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Den teoretiska referensramen har sedan använts som utgångspunkt vid analys av det empiriska materialet. Resultat & slutsats: Studien visar på att det finns en ambivalent inställning hos professionen gällande kvalitetssäkring. Idén om intern kvalitetssäkring inom högskolan framstår som institutionaliserad samtidigt som inställningen gentemot extern kvalitetssäkring upplevs som något som gör anspråk på professionens autonomi och signalerar om en misstro gentemot professionen. Studien har även visat att professionen upplever införandet av det nya kvalitetssäkringssystemet som en del i en maktförskjutningsprocess där lärosätesledningen får ökat inflytande i förhållande till professionen. Förslag till vidare forskning: Utifrån denna studie ser vi det intressant att studera det kommande kvalitetssäkringssystemet i ett senare stadie då man kan titta på hela processen. Hur går implementeringen av reformen till? Vilken typ av förändringar skapar det inom högskolesektorn? Vi vill även uppmuntra till vidare studier som tittar närmare på och kartlägger kvalitetsbegreppets framfart genom högskolan för att undersöka vilka röster som väger tyngst i frågan om vad som avses med kvalitet i utbildning. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för samspelet mellan politiska reformers implementering och den berörda professionens uppfattningar i högskolesektorn.

Quality management of short courses at higher education institutions in South Africa

Brits, Maria Magretha 03 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences), Vaal University of Technology / This study is an attempt to conceptualise and enhance the quality management of the short course offerings at the Vaal University of Technology (VUT). The Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC) conducted its first cycle of institutional audit exercises from 2004 – 2009 at private and public universities in South Africa. This study follows on the HEQC audit panel’s report, with reference to VUTs offering of short courses (SCs). The HEQC informed the institution that the quality assurance system of SCs is not on par with the requirements of the HEQC. Therefore, it does not meet the minimum standards for an effective quality management system for SCs. It is imperative for the institution to conceptualise the quality management of SCs and to develop a system that ensures ongoing improvement. This study addresses this gap by conceptualising the quality management of SCs on national level in higher education. The study draws on good practices on national level that can inform the refinement of the existing quality assurance system for SCs at VUT. The empirical study was conducted with public institutions of higher learning in South Africa. Quantitative data were collected from dedicated SCs and/or quality assurance or quality management offices at all 23 public institutions of higher learning. Five universities were identified as institutions with good practice, based on quantitative information that was gathered, analysed and interpreted during this study. The study revealed that it is imperative for higher education institutions to develop quality assurance systems that are based on cyclical processes of ongoing improvement, such as the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act), PIRI (Plan-Implement- Review-Improve) and ADRI (Approach-Deployment-Results-Improvement) models. A key assumption of the research is that quality assurance for SCs at VUT should be aligned with the institution’s quality assurance system. The study highlights the value of the principles of Total Quality Management, the notion of continuous improvement, self-evaluation and external monitoring. Recommendations in this study suggest that VUT should conduct further institutional benchmarking exercises with the five institutions that received commendations and full delegations, in order to develop a conceptual model for understanding and enhancing its SC offerings.

Análise dos eventos de aceleração dos motores e dissipação de energia na fase de descida das aeronaves Boeing 737NG da VRG Linhas Aéreas

Scorza, Pedro Rodrigo January 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe um método de análise dos eventos de aceleração dos motores e dissipação de energia através do uso dos freios aerodinâmicos na fase de descida das aeronaves Boeing 737 NG da VRG Linhas Aéreas, baseando-se nos conceitos de energia, de aproximações em descidas contínuas e desenho dos procedimentos de chegadas, revisando as bases das práticas de conservação de combustível e dos sistemas de garantia da qualidade das operações de vôo. Foram analisadas mais de 130.000 descidas em um período de nove meses, durante a operação normal da empresa, através de leitura de dados dos gravadores de vôo que resultaram, após aplicação de algoritmos matemáticos simples e filtros, em mais de 314.000 eventos isolados. Estes eventos foram tratados com uma visão estatística, permitindo a quantificação financeira dos eventos através da proporcionalidade da variação de combustível consumido e energia agregada ou dissipada da aeronave. Os resultados obtidos através do método apresentado permitiram apontar as famílias, séries e prefixos de aeronaves com diferentes desempenhos nas descidas, as cidades de destino e rotas com desempenho baixo quanto a conservação de combustível e energia, assim apontando os possíveis caminhos para a empresa focar esforços na redução do custo de combustível. / This paper proposes a method of analysis of fuel consumption and energy dissipation events, as a consequence of engines acceleration and the use of speed brakes during the Boeing 737 NG descent segment of VRG Linhas Aéreas, based on the concepts of energy, continuous descent approaches and design of arrivals procedures, reviewing the basics of fuel conservation practices and flight operations quality assurance systems.There were analyzed more than 130,000 descents in a period of nine months, during the company normal operation, by reading data from flight recorders that resulted in, after the application of simple mathematical algorithms and filters, more than 314,000 individual events. These events were treated with a statistical view, to quantify the financial impact of this events through the proportionality of the variation in fuel consumption and energy added or dissipated by the aircraft.The results obtained using this method allowed to understand families, series and tail numbers of aircrafts with different performances on the descent phase, the destination cities and routes with poor performance in energy and fuel conservation, thus indicating a possible focus to enhance efforts to reduce total fuel costs.

Reputationsmanagement im Agribusiness / Reputation-Management in German Agribusiness

Albersmeier, Friederike 26 January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Kvalitet i bemanningsbranschen : En kvalitativ fallstudie om ISO-kvalitetsstandarder i bemanningsföretag

Roumeliotis, Maria, Persson, Patrik January 2018 (has links)
Background: Due to increased demands that staffing companies should be quality certified according to ISO, the concept of quality has gotten a whole new meaning. This has resulted in customer satisfaction being the primary focus in the staffing industry. The discussion lies in how staffing companies guarantee satisfied customers when quality requirements are also higher for the manning industry's customers than in any other industry. Aims: This study aims to achieve a deeper understanding why and how a staffing & recruitment agency implements ISO-quality standards and how their coworkers perceive said standards.  Theory: The study is based on institutional theory, new institutional theory and Rövik's description of administrative reforms as well as the tool perspective and the symbol perspective. The chapter ends with the theory of total quality management.  Methods: A qualitative approach in which interviews with three quality managers and three operational staff at a staffing company were conducted to collect data for the study. Conclusion: The study shows that staffing & recruitment agencies implements quality assurance systems, more specifically ISO, to survive the competition. This is due to that the agencies have to adapt to current norms and values in their social context to be seen as legitimate. Among today's norms are the environmental- and quality-certificates ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. / Bakgrund: På grund av ökade krav på att bemanningsföretag ska vara kvalitetscertifierade enligt ISO har begreppet kvalitet fått en helt ny innebörd. Detta har resulterat i att kundnöjdhet är det primära fokuset i bemanningsbranschen. Diskussionen ligger i hur bemanningsföretag garanterar nöjda kunder när kvalitetskraven dessutom är högre hos bemanningsbranschens kunder än i någon annan bransch. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att djupare förstå varför och hur ett bemanningsföretag inför ISO-kvalitetsstandarder, samt hur medarbetares uppfattning är av dessa standarder. Teori: Studien grundar sig i Institutionell teori, Nyinstitutionell teori och Röviks beskrivning av administrativa reformer samt verktygsperspektivet och symbolperspektivet. Teorikapitlet avslutas med teorin om total kvalitetsstyrning. Metod: En kvalitativ ansats där intervjuer med tre kvalitetschefer och tre operativt anställda på ett bemanningsföretag har utförts för att samla in data till studien. Slutsatser: Studien har visat att Bemanningsföretag implementerar kvalitetssäkringssystem, specifikt ISO, för att ha en chans att överleva på marknaden. Detta som ett resultat av att bemanningsföretag måste bland annat anpassa sig till normer och värderingar i samhället för att vara legitima. Bland dagens normer ingår miljö-och kvalitetscertifikaten ISO 9001 & ISO 14001.

Análise dos eventos de aceleração dos motores e dissipação de energia na fase de descida das aeronaves Boeing 737NG da VRG Linhas Aéreas

Scorza, Pedro Rodrigo January 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe um método de análise dos eventos de aceleração dos motores e dissipação de energia através do uso dos freios aerodinâmicos na fase de descida das aeronaves Boeing 737 NG da VRG Linhas Aéreas, baseando-se nos conceitos de energia, de aproximações em descidas contínuas e desenho dos procedimentos de chegadas, revisando as bases das práticas de conservação de combustível e dos sistemas de garantia da qualidade das operações de vôo. Foram analisadas mais de 130.000 descidas em um período de nove meses, durante a operação normal da empresa, através de leitura de dados dos gravadores de vôo que resultaram, após aplicação de algoritmos matemáticos simples e filtros, em mais de 314.000 eventos isolados. Estes eventos foram tratados com uma visão estatística, permitindo a quantificação financeira dos eventos através da proporcionalidade da variação de combustível consumido e energia agregada ou dissipada da aeronave. Os resultados obtidos através do método apresentado permitiram apontar as famílias, séries e prefixos de aeronaves com diferentes desempenhos nas descidas, as cidades de destino e rotas com desempenho baixo quanto a conservação de combustível e energia, assim apontando os possíveis caminhos para a empresa focar esforços na redução do custo de combustível. / This paper proposes a method of analysis of fuel consumption and energy dissipation events, as a consequence of engines acceleration and the use of speed brakes during the Boeing 737 NG descent segment of VRG Linhas Aéreas, based on the concepts of energy, continuous descent approaches and design of arrivals procedures, reviewing the basics of fuel conservation practices and flight operations quality assurance systems.There were analyzed more than 130,000 descents in a period of nine months, during the company normal operation, by reading data from flight recorders that resulted in, after the application of simple mathematical algorithms and filters, more than 314,000 individual events. These events were treated with a statistical view, to quantify the financial impact of this events through the proportionality of the variation in fuel consumption and energy added or dissipated by the aircraft.The results obtained using this method allowed to understand families, series and tail numbers of aircrafts with different performances on the descent phase, the destination cities and routes with poor performance in energy and fuel conservation, thus indicating a possible focus to enhance efforts to reduce total fuel costs.

Análise dos eventos de aceleração dos motores e dissipação de energia na fase de descida das aeronaves Boeing 737NG da VRG Linhas Aéreas

Scorza, Pedro Rodrigo January 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe um método de análise dos eventos de aceleração dos motores e dissipação de energia através do uso dos freios aerodinâmicos na fase de descida das aeronaves Boeing 737 NG da VRG Linhas Aéreas, baseando-se nos conceitos de energia, de aproximações em descidas contínuas e desenho dos procedimentos de chegadas, revisando as bases das práticas de conservação de combustível e dos sistemas de garantia da qualidade das operações de vôo. Foram analisadas mais de 130.000 descidas em um período de nove meses, durante a operação normal da empresa, através de leitura de dados dos gravadores de vôo que resultaram, após aplicação de algoritmos matemáticos simples e filtros, em mais de 314.000 eventos isolados. Estes eventos foram tratados com uma visão estatística, permitindo a quantificação financeira dos eventos através da proporcionalidade da variação de combustível consumido e energia agregada ou dissipada da aeronave. Os resultados obtidos através do método apresentado permitiram apontar as famílias, séries e prefixos de aeronaves com diferentes desempenhos nas descidas, as cidades de destino e rotas com desempenho baixo quanto a conservação de combustível e energia, assim apontando os possíveis caminhos para a empresa focar esforços na redução do custo de combustível. / This paper proposes a method of analysis of fuel consumption and energy dissipation events, as a consequence of engines acceleration and the use of speed brakes during the Boeing 737 NG descent segment of VRG Linhas Aéreas, based on the concepts of energy, continuous descent approaches and design of arrivals procedures, reviewing the basics of fuel conservation practices and flight operations quality assurance systems.There were analyzed more than 130,000 descents in a period of nine months, during the company normal operation, by reading data from flight recorders that resulted in, after the application of simple mathematical algorithms and filters, more than 314,000 individual events. These events were treated with a statistical view, to quantify the financial impact of this events through the proportionality of the variation in fuel consumption and energy added or dissipated by the aircraft.The results obtained using this method allowed to understand families, series and tail numbers of aircrafts with different performances on the descent phase, the destination cities and routes with poor performance in energy and fuel conservation, thus indicating a possible focus to enhance efforts to reduce total fuel costs.

Quality Assurance Systems in the Agri-Food Chain / Qualitätssicherungssysteme in der Agri-Food Chain

Schulze, Holger 22 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Qualitätssicherungssysteme im türkischen Agribusiness / Food safety and quality assurance system in Turkish agribusiness

Pekkirbizli, Tuba 14 November 2014 (has links)
Die Lebensmittelsicherheit hat in der türkischen Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft in den letzten Jahren erheblich an Bedeutung gewonnen. Dies ist vor allem der Tatsache geschuldet, nach dem die Türkei im Jahr 2005 als Beitrittskandidat der Europäischen Union (EU) akkreditiert wurde, denn die EU ist mit Abstand der wichtigste Handelspartner der Türkei für Agrarprodukte. Die Türkei hat im Jahre 2012 einen Handelsüberschuss im Agrarsektor von 3,6 Mrd. allein Euro mit den EU-27 Ländern erwirtschaftet (Eurostat, 2013). Das Dissertationsprojekt befasst sich im Rahmen einer empirischen Untersuchung mit den Zertifizierungssystemen im türkischen Agribusiness und es wurde insbesondere untersucht, welche Einflussgrößen auf die Zertifizierungsentscheidungen in der türkischen Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft existieren. Dazu wurden anhand einer Online-Befragung Daten von weiterverarbeitenden Betrieben gesammelt und für weite Teile der Türkei systematisiert. Überdies wurden sieben persönliche Interviews in ebensolchen Unternehmen durchgeführt sowie Experten aus dem türkischen Ministerium für Landwirtschaft sowie dem EU-Ministerium zum Thema Zertifizierungssysteme befragt. Da die Türkei Nettoexporteur von Agrarprodukten ist, wird dieser eine entschiedene Einfluss auf die künftige internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ihrer Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft allgemeinen zugerechnet.

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