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Performance evaluation of a micro gas turbine centrifugal compressor diffuserKrige, David Schabort 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Micro gas turbines used in the aerospace industry require high performance with
a compact frontal area. These micro gas turbines are often considered
unattractive and at times impractical due to their poor fuel consumption and low
cycle efficiency. This led to a joint effort to investigate and analyze the
components of a particular micro gas turbine to determine potential geometry and
performance improvements. The focus of this investigation is the radial vaned
diffuser which forms part of a centrifugal compressor. The size of the diffuser is
highly constrained by the compact gas turbine diameter. The micro gas turbine
under consideration is the BMT 120 KS. The radial vaned diffuser is analyzed by
means of 1-D and 3-D (CFD) analyses using CompAero and FINETM/Turbo
respectively. The aim is to design a diffuser that maximizes the total-to-static
pressure recovery and mass flow rate through the compressor with minimal flow
losses. An experimental test facility was constructed and the numerical
computations were validated against the experimental data. Three new diffusers
were designed, each with a different vane geometry. The static-to-static pressure
ratio over the radial diffuser was improved from 1.39 to 1.44 at a rotational speed
of 120 krpm. The static pressure recovery coefficient was improved from 0.48 to
0.73 with a reduction in absolute Mach number from 0.47 to 0.22 at the radial
diffuser discharge. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mikro-gasturbines wat in die lugvaart industrie gebruik word, vereis ‘n hoë
werkverrigting met ‘n kompakte frontale area. Hierdie gasturbines word
menigmaal onaantreklik geag weens swak brandstofverbruik en n lae siklus
effektiewiteit. Dit het gelei tot ‘n gesamentlike projek om elke komponent van ‘n
spesifieke mikro-gasturbine te analiseer en te verbeter. Die fokus van dié
ondersoek is die radiale lem diffusor wat deel vorm van ‘n
sentrifugaalkompressor. Die deursnee van die diffusor word deur die kompakte
gasturbine diameter beperk. Die mikro gasturbine wat ondersoek word is die
BMT 120 KS. Die radiale lem diffusor word geanaliseer deur middel van 1-D en
3-D (BVD) berekeninge met behulp van CompAero en FINETM/Turbo
onderskeidelik. Die doelwit is om ‘n diffusor te ontwerp met ‘n verhoogde
massavloei en drukverhouding oor die kompressor. ‘n Eksperimentele
toetsfasiliteit is ingerig om toetse uit te voer en word gebruik om numeriese
berekeninge te bevestig. Die staties-tot-stasiese drukstyging oor die radiale
diffusor is verbeter van 1.39 tot 1.44 by ‘n omwentelingspoed van 120 kopm. Die
statiese drukherwinningskoeffisiënt is verbeter van 0.48 tot 0.73 met ‘n
vermindering in die absolute Machgetal vanaf 0.47 tot 0.22 by die radiale diffusor
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Reverse Engineering the TreeDavies, Nicholas Tuatahi January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to investigate the typical radial pattern of density and microfibril angle within Pinus radiata with respect to structural stability. In order to investigate changes in mechanical stability with different radial patterns, first experimental work was carried out in order to obtain elastic constants, Poisson ratios and limits of proportionality for green corewood and outerwood, these values, a discussion on their accuracy and the implications of the values are included along with a comparison to previous literature. These constants were used to parametrise a finite element model of a tree stem with different radial patterns, including patterns not observed in nature, wind loadings were applied to the stem and failure evaluated. It was found that patterns consisting of high density stiff wood and/or low density high flexibility wood could withstand the greatest wind speeds for a given stem and canopy, while high density flexible and low density stiff profiles generally performed poorly. The analysis was considered at ages 5, 10 and 15 years, each providing similar results. Why these profiles perform best, what errors need to be considered, and other evolutionary pressures which could narrow this list of profiles were discussed. The need for further research, and the directions for this research are suggested.
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Spectroscopic mode identification in a sample of non-radially pulsating starsWright, Duncan John January 2008 (has links)
This thesis has analysed spectroscopic data for three stars in detail, the β Cephei star V2052 Ophiuchus, the γ Doradus star QW Puppis and the γ Doradus candidate star HD139095. Twelve other candidate γ Doradus stars have had their Vrotsin i, binary status and, where possible, the presence of line profile variation determined. A new technique utilising scaled delta functions has been developed to allow the extraction of a single, high S/N line profile from a high resolution and large wavelength range spectrum. This procedure has performed well in the γ Doradus stars examined. The application of the new mode identification technique, the Fourier Parameter Fit method, to the three stars examined in detail has been very successful. For each of the three stars constraints have been placed on the degree (l) and the azimuthal order (m) of the non-radial pulsation modes detected.
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Novel Methods for T2 Estimation Using Highly Undersampled Radial MRI DataHuang, Chuan January 2011 (has links)
The work presented in this dissertation involves the development of parametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques that can be used in a clinical set up. In the first chapter an introduction of basic magnetic resonance physics is given. The introduction covers the source to tissue magnetization, the origin of the detectable signal, the relaxation mechanisms, and the imaging principles. In the second chapter T₂ estimation - the main parametric MRI technique addressed in this work - is introduced and the problem associated with T₂ estimation from highly undersampled fast spin-echo (FSE) data is presented. In Chapter 3, a novel model-based algorithm with linearization by principal component analysis (REPCOM) is described. Based on simulations, physical phantom and in vivo data, the proposed algorithm is shown to produce accurate and stable T₂ estimates. In Chapter 4, the concept of indirect echoes associated with the acquisition of FSE data is introduced. Indirect echo correction using the extended phase graph approach is then studied for standard sampled data. A novel reconstruction algorithm (SERENADE) is presented for the reconstruction of decay curves with indirect echoes from highly undersampled data. The technique is evaluated using simulations, physical phantom and in vivo data; decay curves with indirect echoes are shown to be accurately recovered by this technique. Chapter 5 is dedicated to correcting the partial volume effect (PVE) in T₂ estimation. For the case of small lesions within a background tissue, PVE affects T₂ estimation which in turn affects lesion classification. A novel joint fitting algorithm is proposed and compared to conventional fitting algorithms using fully sampled spin-echo (SE) images. It is shown that the proposed algorithm is more accurate, robust, and insensitive to region of interest drawing than the conventional fitting algorithms. Because the acquisition of fully sampled SE images is long, the technique is combined with a thick refocusing slice approach in order to be able to use undersampled FSE data and reduce the acquisition time to a breath hold (~ 20 s). The final chapter summarizes the results presented in the dissertations and discusses areas for future work.
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Growth Reactions of Sub-Alpine Norway Spruce (Picea Abies (L.) Karst) Following One-Sided Light Exposure (Case Study at Davos "Lusiwald")Bräker, Otto U., Baumann, Ernst January 2006 (has links)
In 1982, several rectangular openings were cut in a 100 year old sub-alpine Norway spruce forest stand to initiate regeneration at the Lusiwald site at Davos, Switzerland. The openings on the steep, north-facing slope created rapid changes to the environment of the border trees. Growth reactions of these border trees were compared and analysed with reference trees from the adjacent closed canopy stand in 1997. The radial growth pattern of the two data sets differed within the 14-year period since the openings were cut; the border trees showed growth releases. The growth reaction at the stem base was larger than at breast height. Changes in wind exposure may have influenced border trees to adapt their root systems. Sub-alpine Norway spruce stands aged around 100 years, which are usually considered slow-growing on a north aspect, still seem capable of reacting to greater resource availability such as sudden light changes.
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Fabry-Pérot etalons for high precision radial velocity calibrationSchäfer, Sebastian 23 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Bayesian numerical analysis : global optimization and other applicationsFowkes, Jaroslav Mrazek January 2011 (has links)
We present a unifying framework for the global optimization of functions which are expensive to evaluate. The framework is based on a Bayesian interpretation of radial basis function interpolation which incorporates existing methods such as Kriging, Gaussian process regression and neural networks. This viewpoint enables the application of Bayesian decision theory to derive a sequential global optimization algorithm which can be extended to include existing algorithms of this type in the literature. By posing the optimization problem as a sequence of sampling decisions, we optimize a general cost function at each stage of the algorithm. An extension to multi-stage decision processes is also discussed. The key idea of the framework is to replace the underlying expensive function by a cheap surrogate approximation. This enables the use of existing branch and bound techniques to globally optimize the cost function. We present a rigorous analysis of the canonical branch and bound algorithm in this setting as well as newly developed algorithms for other domains including convex sets. In particular, by making use of Lipschitz continuity of the surrogate approximation, we develop an entirely new algorithm based on overlapping balls. An application of the framework to the integration of expensive functions over rectangular domains and spherical surfaces in low dimensions is also considered. To assess performance of the framework, we apply it to canonical examples from the literature as well as an industrial model problem from oil reservoir simulation.
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Biology of heartwood formation in Sitka spruce and Scots pineBeauchamp, Kate January 2011 (has links)
Heartwood is the dead, inner layers of wood in the tree which no longer transport water. It is usually dark in colour and has increased decay-resistance compared to the sapwood. Heartwood forms in the transition zone when the ray cells die and deposit chemical extractives in the surrounding xylem. These chemicals convey natural durability which is of value to the forest and timber industry. Despite its value the formation of heartwood is poorly understood. The objective of this PhD is to improve our understanding of heartwood formation in Sitka spruce and Scots pine, the most widely planted species in Britain. Separating heartwood and sapwood at the sawmill can increase timber value due to differences in wood properties. The amount of heartwood varies both with height within, and between trees. Empirical models were developed to describe heartwood and sapwood distribution by diameter, area and ring number 1) within any wood disc 2) with height in the standing tree using taper functions, and 3) its variation between trees. Models will be incorporated into wood quality models to optimise heartwood utilisation. According to pipe theory a certain area of sapwood sustains a volume of canopy, with redundant sapwood converted to heartwood. Sap flux was examined across the sapwood and transition zone in Sitka spruce to understand water transport in relation to heartwood formation and identify seasonal change in transport in the transition zone. Results suggest that the transition zone ceases water transport around dormancy and the amount of heartwood formed may be driven by new wood formation, maintaining sapwood depth. Heartwood formation is a seasonal process, however this has not been confirmed in Sitka spruce or Scots pine, or under UK climatic conditions. Seasonal variation in carbon dioxide and ethylene production by the transition zone were measured to identify the time of heartwood formation, which was late summer through dormancy, consistent with published literature. The role of ethylene in heartwood formation is confirmed. Heartwood formation is an active developmental process, a form of programmed cell death, and as such must be carefully regulated temporally and spatially. Regulation by phytohormones has been proposed but not confirmed. Screening for a broad range of phytohormones during the proposed season of heartwood formation identified an increase in abscisic acid and a decrease in auxin concentration in the transition zone. Abscisic acid, auxin and ethylene also regulate xylogenesis, therefore the same signals that initiate cambial dormancy may also provide the temporal regulation of heartwood formation. The results of this PhD will optimise the use of heartwood in Sitka spruce and Scots pine in the UK and contribute towards selective tree breeding for increased heartwood volume worldwide.
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On Stability and Surge in Turbocharger CompressorsKerres, Bertrand January 2017 (has links)
Turbochargers are used on many automotive internal combustion engines to increase power density. The broad operating range of the engine also requires a wide range of the turbocharger compressor. At low mass flows, however, turbo compressor operation becomes unstable and eventually enters surge. Surge is characterized by large oscillations in mass flow and pressure. Due to the associated noise, control problems, and possibility of mechanical component damage, this has to be avoided. Different indicators exist to classify compressor operation as stable or unstable on a gas stand. They are based on pressure oscillations, speed oscillations, or inlet temperature increase. In this thesis, a new stability indicator is proposed based on the Hurst exponent of the pressure signal. The Hurst exponent is a number between zero and one that describes what kind of long-term correlations are present in a time series. Data from three cold gas stand experiments are analyzed using this criterion. Results show that the Hurst exponent of the compressor outlet pressure signal has good characteristics. Stable operation is being indicated by values larger than 0.5. As compressor operation moves towards the surge line, the Hurst exponent decreases towards zero. An additional distinction between the long-term correlations of small and large amplitude fluctuations by means of higher order Hurst exponents can be used as an early warning indicator. Further tests using compressor housing accelerometers show that the Hurst exponent is not a good choice for real-time surge detection on the engine. Reasons are the long required sampling time compared to competing methods, and the fact that other periodically repeating oscillations lead to Hurst exponents close to zero independent of compressor operation. / Turboladdare används ofta på förbränningsmotorer för att öka motorns effekttäthet. Motorns breda driftområde ställer krav på ett brett driftområde för turboladdarens kompressor. Vid låga massflöden blir kompressordriften dock mindre stabil, och surge kan uppträda. Surge innebär stora oscillationer i tryck och massflöde genom kompressorn. På grund av oljud, reglerproblem och risken för mekaniska skador vill man undvika surge. Det finns indikatorer för att bedöma kompressorns stabilitet på ett gas stand. Indikatorerna är baserade på tryckoscillationer, varvtalsoscillationer, eller temperaturökning i gasen i kompressorinloppet. I denna avhandling presenteras en ny indikator baserad på Hurst-exponenten, beräknad på trycksignalen. Hurst-exponenten är ett tal mellan noll och ett som beskriver vilka typer av långtidskorrelationer det finns i signalen. Mätningar från tre gas-stand-experiment har analyserats på detta sätt. Analyserna visar att Hurst-exponenten baserad på kompressorutloppstrycket fungerar bra som som surgeindikator. Stabil drift av kompressorn indikeras av att Hurst-exponenten är större än 0.5. När kompressordriftpunkten närmar sig surgelinjen faller Hurst-exponenten mot noll. En distinktion mellan oscillationer med små och stora amplituder kan används för att få en tidig varning. Analyser av vibrationsmätningar på kompressorhuset vid motorapplikation visar att Hurst-exponenten inte är lämplig som realtidsindikator på en motor. Detta kommer sig dels av att data behöver samlas in under en längre tid än med andra tänkbara indikatorer, dels av att andra periodiska oscillationer i signalen kopplade till motorns naturliga beteende leder till Hurst-exponenter nära noll även vid stabil kompressordrift. / <p>QC 20170510</p> / CCGEx - Compressor off-Design
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Etude des déficits de mémoire relationnelle/déclarative au cours du vieillissement chez la souris : approche systémiqueBrayda-Bruno, Laurent 17 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans la thématique de l’identification des bases neurobiologiques du déclin de la mémoire déclarative (MD) lié au vieillissement. Deux difficultés principales sont à noter : 1) la modélisation animale de la MD, mémoire typiquement humaine et 2) le manque d’intégration des différents niveaux d’analyse du fonctionnement cérébral. Nos travaux ont contribué à résoudre ces deux problèmes par le développement d’un modèle murin du déclin de MD lié au vieillissement, associé une approche d’imagerie fonctionnelle de l’expression de la protéine Fos. Une première série de résultats montre que la perturbation du système cholinergique au cours du vieillissement s’accompagne d’une modification de l’activité des systèmes de mémoire. Une deuxième série montre que le déficit de MD observé au cours du vieillissement est attribuable au dysfonctionnement d’un composant de la mémoire à court terme/de travail, le tampon épisodique, sous-tendu par le CA1 hippocampique. / Abstract
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