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Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt in the treatment of symptomatic portal hypertensionRosenqvist, Kerstin January 2017 (has links)
Portal hypertension (PHT) is a condition with serious complications, such as variceal bleeding, refractory ascites and bowel ischemia. The cause of PHT may be pre-, intra- or post-hepatic. Initial treatment is pressure-reducing drugs and the treatment of acute symptoms. Ten patients presented with severe abdominal pain and acute portomesenteric venous thrombosis. Their response to systemic anticoagulation was insufficient. Treatment with primary continuous thrombolysis by a transhepatic or transjugular approach in four patients resulted in major complications, incomplete recanalization and a 75% survival rate. Treatment with repeated transjugular thrombectomy (TT) combined with the creation of a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) achieved near complete recanalization, prompt symptom relief and 100% survival in five patients treated with this method as the primary intervention. In one patient, treated with TT and TIPS secondary to surgical thrombectomy and bowel resection, the outcome was fatal. Nineteen patients with portal vein thrombosis presented with acute or threatening variceal bleeding or refractory ascites. TIPS was feasible in 16 of the 18 patients in whom it was attempted and symptom relief was achieved in the majority of them. In 14 patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome, 13 patients were treated with TIPS, four of them after previous liver vein angioplasty. The 5-year transplantation-free survival rate was 100% in patients treated with primary TIPS. In 131 patients with variceal bleeding treated with TIPS, the survival at 12 months in patients with and without cirrhosis was 70% and 100% respectively and in accordance with previous studies. A high Child-Pugh score prior to TIPS and severe HE within 12 months after TIPS was related to an increased mortality. The occurrence of HE after TIPS did not correlate with the PSG after TIPS. Re-bleeding within 12 months after TIPS occurred in 10 patients and was associated with TIPS dysfunction. In conclusion, endovascular intervention, mainly TIPS, seems to be safe and effective for treating patients with complications of PHT, regardless of the underlying cause of disease and site of venous blood flow obstruction. HE may occur more frequently after TIPS than medical and endoscopic treatment, but is often mild and easily treated. In selected patients with PHT, TIPS may improve survival.
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Brister i akuta konventionella röntgenremisser i norra Sverige : en enkätstudie / Deficiencies in conventional emergency x-ray referrals in the north of Sweden : a survey studyKarlsson, Jonatan, Mårtensson, Nathalie January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion Röntgenremissen ligger till grund för röntgensjuksköterskan och radiologens planering och utförande av undersökning. Det är av stor vikt att remitterande läkare skriver en informativ och relevant remiss för att röntgensjuksköterskor ska ha möjlighet att utföra ett patient- och personalsäkert arbete som samtidigt är effektivt. Tidigare forskning visar att bristfälliga remisser förekommer runt om i världen. Syfte Att undersöka och sammanställa röntgensjuksköterskans upplevda brister i akuta konventionella röntgenremisser. Metod Kvantitativ enkätstudie med fem deltagande röntgensjuksköterskor från ett sjukhus i norra Sverige. Kartläggning av vilka brister som kan finnas i röntgenremissen utan någon djupare statistisk analys. Resultat Av de besvarade 71 remisserna, 33 från hälsocentral och 38 från annan remittent upplevdes 32 remisser tillfredsställande. Brister förekom i 39 remisser varav 17 remisser från hälsocentral och 22 remisser från annan remittent. Vissa remisser ansågs tillfredsställande trots brister. Slutsats Studien visar att allvarliga brister i remisser till akut konventionell röntgen förekommer i olika utsträckning. Brister i remisser leder till mer arbete för röntgensjuksköterskan när möjligheterna att planera och prioritera försämras. / Introduction The x-ray referral is the basis for the radiographer and radiologist’s planning and execution of a radiographic study. It is of critical importance that the referring physician writes an informative and thorough referral for the radiographer to conduct at safe and efficient study from a staff and patient perspective. The literature on the subject shows that suboptimal referrals occur throughout the world. Purpose To study and compile the radiographers experienced deficiencies of acute conventional x-ray referrals. Method A quantitative survey study with 5 participating radiographers at a hospital located in the north of Sweden. Results Among the 71 referrals included in the study, 33 from primary care and 38 from a different referring medical professional 32 were noted as satisfactory. Deficiencies occurred in 39 referrals, 17 from primary care physicians and 22 from other medical professionals. Some referrals were considered satisfactory even though they contained some deficiency. Conclusion The study shows that severe errors are occurring in a significant number of referrals to the emergency conventional x-ray unit. Deficiencies in referrals leads to more work for the radiographer when the opportunities to plan and prioritize deteriorate.
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Faktorer till varför patienter uteblir från bokade besök inom radiologi : En litteraturöversikt / Factors to why patients do not attend scheduled appointments in radiology : A literary reviewAhlsén Larsson, Pia, Sjögren, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Uteblivna patientbesök är ett problem som påverkar sjukhusen ekonomi men även patienternas hälsa. No shows är ett uttryck som används för de patienter som utan att meddela ej kommer till bokade besök och denna patientgrupp riskerar i högre grad att insjukna akut samt förvärra sitt sjukdomstillstånd genom att utebli. No shows ger även en stor ekonomisk belastning på sjukvården. Patienter som avbokar eller väljer att ej närvara vid besök, där bland screeningpatienter, löper en högre risk att insjukna akut än de som deltar vid screening. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka faktorer till att patienter uteblir från besök vid röntgenavdelningen. Metod: Denna studie genomfördes som en allmän litteraturöversikt. Artikelsökningen gjordes i databaserna PubMed samt Cinhal och resulterade i 15 artiklar som svarade mot syftet. Resultat: Orsaker till uteblivna besök sammanställdes i sex huvudgrenar; rädsla, praktiska faktorer, ålder, administration, familj och socioekonomisk status. Slutsats: Liknande resultat återfinns i studier vid andra avdelningar och resultatet kunde således generaliseras. Mer forskning behövs om varför dessa huvudgrenar påverkar att patienterna ej kommer på sina besök. Det är av vikt för röntgensjuksköterskan att veta om orsaker till uteblivna besök för att kunna jobba mot en förändring som kan förbättra både sjukhusens ekonomi men även patienthälsan. / Background: Missed appointments is a problem that effects the hospital economics and the patients’ health, No- show patients is a term for patients thats without informing don't come to their booked appointment.This patient’s group has a higher risk of falling ill urgently or aggravate the already existing disease. A patient cost too the health care system is bigger when they miss booked appointments. Patient’s who decline or select not to participate in screening also increases their risk of falling ill. the Screening patients that’s participate decreases risk of sickness or finding it early. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine factors to no show patient’s in radiology. Method: A literature review was conducted. Articles searches using databases PubMed and Cinhal resulted in 15 articles that’s matched the purpose of the study. Result: Six different factors/reasons was found, fear, practical factors, aged, administrations, family and social status. Conclusions: Similar results was found in study’s in other departments of the hospital and there for a generalization was possible. More research needs to be done in to how the seven main branches actually effects missed appointments and no show patient’s. It is of importance to the radiology nurse to know the reasons so they can work towards a positive change in both hospital economics and patient’s health.
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Efficacy of a Multi-Channel Array Coil for Pediatric Cardiac Magnetic Resonance ImagingRavi, Anandh January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Scattered Radiation Levels and Personnel Dosimetry In Veterinary Diagnostic Radiology / Scattered Radiation in Veterinary Diagnostic RadiologyByford, Geoffrey 12 1900 (has links)
Scattered x-radiation levels associated with various diagnostic procedures were measured with ionization chamber instruments in the small and large animal radiology facilities at the Ontario Veterinary College of the University of Guelph. The occupational radiation exposures incurred by veterinary radiography personnel were monitored using McMaster University's Panasonic UD-702E TLD system. The stray radiation levels and the dosimetric information are compared and discussed. An optimum protocol for radiological health protection surveillance is described. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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The association of demographics and occupational factors with latent tuberculosis infection in radiology staff at public sector hospitals in the eThekwini health districtAckah, Shiroma 03 1900 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master’s of Technology: Radiography, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2015. / Introduction
Tuberculosis remains a leading cause of death, second to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The risk of latent tuberculosis infection and active tuberculosis disease is a known occupational hazard. In South Africa, a high tuberculosis burden country, the potential of Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission to health care workers is high. This includes diagnostic radiographers and other radiology staff working in radiology departments.
Purpose of the Study
This study aimed to investigate the association of demographic and occupational factors with latent tuberculosis infection in radiology staff in public sector hospitals of the eThekwini Health District.
This cross-sectional study was conducted from 26 February 2013 to 07 June 2013. Quantitative methods were used to test for associations of demographic and occupational factors with latent tuberculosis infection in participants. A sample size of 181 participants for an estimated population of 340 radiology staff was recommended at the proposal stage. The study consisted of two phases; the questionnaire survey (phase one) and the administration of a two-step tuberculin skin test (phase two).
Data was obtained with regard to demographics, occupational history, social behaviours, medical history; and family and home histories. Demographic and occupational associations with latent tuberculosis infection were made in relation to the size of the first tuberculin skin test induration. Frequency distributions were developed to describe data categories. Pearson’s and Spearman rho’ correlation coefficients were used to test for correlations between the independent variables. The chi-square test was used to determine associations between the categorical independent variables and the dependent variable. Bivariate analyses were performed using these tests. The multivariate analysis was performed using logistic and linear regression on the dependent variable.
A total of 182 questionnaires were returned from approximately 280 radiology staff. At the outset, all doctors working in the radiology department had to be excluded due to numerous failed attempts to enlist their participation. Fifty-three (29.12 percent) participants were excluded from phase one of the study and a further thirteen participants were excluded from phase two. The total sample was 116 participants. Of the 116 participants, 86.2 percent tested positive for latent tuberculosis infection at the first step of the two-step testing method used. One (0.86 percent) participant went on to convert at the second step, testing positive at this level.
Demographic associations with latent tuberculosis infection included age (older) as an associated factor. A significant demographic association with latent tuberculosis infection was the use of alcohol (p-value 0.033 on the multivariate analysis). Occupational associations with latent tuberculosis infection included longer durations of employment. The annual income (higher income earners) displayed significant associations with latent tuberculosis infection (p-value 0.048 on the multivariate analysis). It is necessary in this study to note that participants include support personnel (lower income earners) making up 37.8 percent of the study, diagnostic radiographers making up 48.3 percent; and radiography managers/assistant managers (highest income earners) making up 13.8 percent of the study.
Conclusion and recommendations
The risk of transmission of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis to health care workers is a known occupational hazard. This study has described the prevalence of latent tuberculosis infection in radiology staff, at district and regional hospitals within the eThekwini Health District. With 23.62 percent of all participants already having active TB disease and 86.2 percent of the tested group displaying positive results for latent tuberculosis infection, using the tuberculin skin tests, the need for tuberculosis screening is essential. The findings of this study will be used as a health improvement mechanism for stakeholders, having identified potential gaps in medical screening in healthcare in Kwa-Zulu Natal. This study makes recommendations for the early detection of active tuberculosis infection and the monitoring of health care workers that are latently infected, thus assisting in reducing the rate of conversion of latent tuberculosis infection to active tuberculosis disease in radiology staff. This reduces long-term exorbitant costs related to health care associated infections, such as tuberculosis. It also reduces rates of transmission and cross infection to both co-workers and already immunocompromised patients, helping to curb the overall epidemic in South Africa.
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Betydelsen av bitewingundersökning i kombination med klinisk undersökning bland 15 åriga barn i Da Nang, VietnamFisic, Amela January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Att enbart jämföra klinisk undersökning med klinisk undersökning i kombination med bitewingundersökning avseende initial och manifest approximalkaries på premolarer och molarer hos 15-åriga barn i Da Nang, Vietnam. Metod och material: En tvärsnittsstudie. Röntgenbilder har använts som material i denna studie. Studien bygger delvis på kliniskt insamlat material från en randomiserad epidemiologisk studie. Studien bestod av sammanlagt 200 slumpmässigt utvalda 15-åriga deltagare. Undersökningen bestod av fyra röntgenbilder med bitewingteknik. Studien fokuserar på mesiala och distala ytor på premolarer och molarer. Resultat: Vid jämförelse av klinisk undersökning med bitewingundersökning hittades ytterligare 152 approximala initiala kariesangrepp respektive 71 approximala manifesta kariesangrepp vid bitewingundersökningen. Total kariesprevalens på molarer och premolarers alla ytor visar ett medelvärde för initialkaries på 2,1 ytor per barn och vid manifest karies ett medelvärde på 4,6 ytor per barn vid klinisk undersökning i kombination med bitewing. Karies förekom oftast på bettets första molarer vid klinisk undersökning och bitewingundersökning. En statistisk signifikant skillnad, p-värde <0,001 fanns mellan klinisk undersökning och klinisk undersökning i kombination med bitewingundersökning av approximal initial och manifest karies. Slutsatser: En kombinerad undersökningsstrategi (klinisk undersökning och bitewingundersökning) är säkrare som metod vid undersökning av initial och manifest approximal karies. / Title: The importance of radiographic examination (bitewing) combined with clinical examination of 15-year old children in Da Nang, Vietnam. Aim: Comparing only clinical examination with clinical examination combined with radiographic examination (bitewing) in initial and manifest proximal caries on premolars and molars of 15-year-old children in Da Nang, Vietnam. Methods: A cross-sectional study. X-ray images were used as material in this study. This study includes partly data from a randomized epidemiological study. The subjects were 200 children, 15 years old. A set of standard posterior bitewing radiographs was taken. Two surfaces (mesial and distal approximal surfaces) of premolars and molars were noted and recorded. Results: On comparing clinical examination findings with radiographic examination, radiographic examination found an additional 154 approximal initial surfaces and 71 approximal manifest surfaces that were not evident clinically. Caries prevalence of molars and premolars on all surfaces with clinical examination combined with radiographic examination showed a mean value of 6,8 decayed surfaces per child. The proximal surfaces most often affected by caries at the radiographic and clinical examination were the first molars. A statistically significant difference, p-value < 0,001 was when comparing the clinical examination alone and clinical examination combined with radiographic examination of proximal initial and manifest caries lesions. Conclusions: The use of bitewing radiographs combined with careful clinical examination is of great advantage in detection of proximal initial and manifest caries of premolars and molars in children.
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Omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn 0-18 år i samband med en röntgenundersökning : En litteraturstudie / Nursing care to reduce fear, distress and anxiety in children 0-18 years old undergoing a radiographic examination : A literature reviewMohsen, Nadja, Imsirovic, Amela January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att besöka en röntgenavdelning kan vara något nytt och skrämmande för många barn. Den nya miljön kan orsaka rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn. Därför är det viktigt att röntgensjuksköterskan har kunskap om barnets behov för att upplevelsen på röntgenavdelningen ska vara så bra som möjligt. Syfte: Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn 0-18 år i samband med röntgenundersökning. Metod: Detta arbete är en litteraturstudie där 13 kvalitativa- och kvantitativa artiklar har sammanställts och analyserats för att besvara syftet. Resultat: Det framkom två huvudkategorier i resultatet: distraktion och samspel mellan personal och barnet. Med hjälpmedel, färgade uniformer, föräldrar, barnanpassade röntgenrum kunde barnets rädsla, oro och ångest minska. Att förbereda barnet med tydlig och anpassad information och kommunikation var viktigt för att barnet skulle känna sig tryggt. Slutsats: Röntgensjuksköterskan kan ta hjälp av olika hjälpmedel och metoder för att minska rädsla, oro och ångest hos barn vid en röntgenundersökning. Det är röntgensjuksköterskans ansvar att skapa ett band med barnet och få barnet att känna sig tryggt. / Background: To visit a radiology department can be new and frightening for many children. The new environment can cause fear, distress and anxiety among children. Therefore it’s important as a radiographer to have knowledge about children’s needs so they can have as good experience as possible at the radiology department. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe nursing care to reduce fear, distress and anxiety in children 0-18 years old undergoing a radiographic examination. Method: This study is a literature review where 13 qualitative- and quantitative articles has been compiled and analysed to answer the purpose. Results: It appeared two categories in the result: distraction and interaction between the staff and the child. With help of distraction, coloured uniforms, parents and child customized radiology room, could children’s fear, distress and anxiety be reduced. To prepare the child with direct and customized information and communication was important to make the child feel safe. Conclusion: The radiographer can use different instruments and methods to reduce fear, distress and anxiety among children undergoing a radiographic examination. It is the radiographer’s responsibility to create interaction with the child and make the child feel safe.
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No description available.
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Computer assisted tutoring in radiologyJeffery, Nathan January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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