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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resposta espectral do nitossolo submetido a diferentes doses de vinhaça / Spectral response of a Hapludox submitted to different doses of fermentation residue (vinace)

Juliano Araújo Martins 16 January 2012 (has links)
Técnicas de sensoriamento remoto estão se difundindo rapidamente por se tratar de uma fonte rápida de informações, não destrutiva e de baixo custo. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar as alterações químicas e físicas causadas pela aplicação do resíduo da cana-de-açúcar (vinhaça) na resposta espectral de um Nitossolo Vermelho Eutrófico. O experimento foi desenvolvido na Fazenda Areão (22º43S, 47º38O e altitude de 511m) na área experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Biossistemas ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba-SP. O arranjo experimental foi em DIC, com 6 tratamentos e 4 repetições, sendo o tratamento 1 sem irrigação e com adubação convencional junto ao plantio, tratamento 2 fertirrigado com químicos, tratamentos 3, 4, 5 e 6, fertirrigados com 0.5, 1, 2 e 3 vezes a dose recomendada pela CETESB, respectivamente. Foram utilizados tensiômetros para determinação da umidade em cada tratamento nas profundidades 0- 20; 20-40; 40-60 e 60-80 cm. As doses de vinhaça foram parceladas em quatro vezes sendo aplicadas a cada dois meses durante o ciclo da cultura, onde foram realizadas as amostragens de solo, nas profundidades estabelecidas anteriormente, obtendo-se leituras espectrais em laboratório com o sensor hiperespectral Fieldspec Spectroradiometer, das amostras em condições de campo (ACC) e posteriormente de terra fina seca em estufa (TFSE) nos comprimentos de onda que foram de 400 a 2440 nm. Foram realizadas análises químicas e físicas do solo com metodologias já consagradas na literatura. Com base nos dados foram realizadas as discussões para verificação de: 1. Efeitos causados pela aplicação de vinhaça nos atributos químicos do solo; 2. Determinação de propriedades químicas e físicas por meio da resposta espectral do solo; 3. Alterações na resposta espectral causadas pela aplicação da vinhaça em doses parceladas. / Remote sensing techniques are becoming a fast source of in formations, not destructive and at low cost. This work aim to evaluate the chemicals and physicals changes promoted by sugar cane residue application (vinace) on the spectral response of a Hapludox soil. The experiment was developed on Areão farm (22º43 S, 47º38 O e altitude of 511m) on experimental area of the Biosystems Engineering Department of ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, São Paulo state, Brazil. The experimental arrangement was in completely randomized design, with 6 treatments and 4 repetitions, being the treatment 1 with no irrigation and conventional fertilizer in planting; treatment 2 fertirrigated with chemicals, treatments 3, 4, 5 e 6, fertirrigated with 0.5, 1, 2 e 3 times the recommended doses by CETESB, respectively. To monitor the soil moisture was used tensiometers in depths of 0-20, 20-40, 40-60 e 60-80 cm. The residue doses were divided into four applications applied every two months during the crop cycle, soil samples were collected in the same period and depths previously established. The spectral curves were obtained in laboratory by the Hiperespectral Fieldspec Spectroradiometer sensor, for samples in field conditions (ACC) and air-dried soils (TFSE), for wavelengths ranging from 400 to 2440 nm. Were realized chemicals and physical soil analysis with conventional methodologies and so these data were discussed for verification of: 1. Vinace application effects on soil chemicals and physicals properties; 2. Determination of chemical and physical properties by soil spectral response; 3. Spectral response alterations due application of vinace in split doses.

Caractérisation thermique à haute température de couches minces pour mémoires à changement de phase depuis l'état solide jusqu'à l'état liquide

Cappella, Andrea 14 March 2012 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse portent sur la caractérisation thermique à l’échelle micrométrique d’un alliage à base de tellure lorsque ce matériau se trouve à l’état fondu, à haute température. À cette fin, une cellule innovante d’emprisonnement du matériau fondu a été conçue, et mise en place. Des structures de tellure au volume du microlitre ont été déposées sur un substrat de silicium et recouverts par la suite d’une couche de protection capable de les emprisonner dans une matrice : silice amorphe et alumine amorphe. La technique de la Radiométrie Photothermique Modulée a été utilisée pour étudier les propriétés thermiques de ce type de cellules et de ces constituants. La résistance thermique de dépôt a été ainsi estimée en utilisant un modèle d’étude des transferts de la chaleur utilisant le formalisme des impédances thermiques. Ceci nous a permit dans le cas de l’alumine amorphe de déterminer sa conductivité thermique et la résistance thermique de contact avec le substrat jusqu’à 600°C. Un long processus de conception, de mesure et d’analyse a été nécessaire afin d’obtenir une cellule capable de résister aux contraintes des hautes températures. À l’heure actuelle seule la caractérisation thermique jusqu’à 300°C a été possible à cause de l’instabilité mécanique de ce dépôt hétérogène. Ceci a été confirmé par des caractérisations physico-chimiques par techniques XRR, XRD et SEM. / This thesis is devoted to the thermal characterization of molten materials, namely chalcogenide glass-type tellurium alloys, at the micrometer scale. An experimental setup of Photothermal Radiometry (PTR), formerly developed for solid state measurements, has been adapted for this purpose. Using MOCVD technique, a random lattice of sub-micrometric tellurium alloy structures is grown on a thermally oxidized silicon substrate. These structures are then embedded in a protective layer (silica or alumina) to prevent evaporation during melting. Measurements are then performed from room temperature up to 650°C. SEM and XRD measurements performed after annealing show that these samples withstand thermal stress only up to 300°C. The coating’s thermal boundary resistance is estimated by a heat transfer model based on the thermal impedance formalism. Moreover, the thermal conductivity and thermal boundary resistance of thin amorphous alumina by low temperature ALD are measured from the room temperature to 600°C.

Investigation and evaluation of optical distance sensors

Wigzell, Olof January 2022 (has links)
Optical sensors are among the sensors that are often used for distance measurements. An optical distance sensor is basically made of a light emitter (Tx) such as a light emitting diode (LED), a light receiver (Rx) such as a photosensitive transistor, and a circuit supporting the operation of the Tx and Rx. The distance measurement is made using the reflection technique in which the Tx emits a light to a target and the Rx receives the reflected light from the target. When designing such a sensor, the factors that affect the performance of measurements need to be taken into account. Among them are light intensity and wavelength. The purpose of this thesis project is to investigate and evaluate the optical sensors, in application towards distance measurement. To this purpose, three pairs of LEDs and phototransistors are selected which three distance sensors are made of. The lights from three LEDs have the wavelengths of 830, 880, and 940 nm, respectively, which are all in the infrared (IR) spectrum.  A circuit was made for each sensor in order to read the measurements and then calculate the distances, and then tested in a testbench. The testbench has a metal plate used as a measurement target which can be moved up and down by a motor. Each of the circuits was placed on the testbench’s base, and a microcontroller (Arduino Uno R3) was used to read the measurement of voltage (proportional to the light intensity) from the Rx as the distance to the target changes up to one meter. The measurement data is then presented on a graphical interface to analyse the relationship of light intensity with distance. Curve fitting and optimization techniques are applied to the data to construct a smooth function that approximately fits the data. An operating range where the distance can be reliably determined is determined for each unit. The circuit design and technique was proven to work for operating ranges up to one meter. A limited moving range of the testbench does not allow for experiments at distances higher than one meter and the microcontroller is ill fit for measuring low voltages, but these can be addressed by improving the measuring environment without changing the underlying technique. The test results of the distance measurement reveal that the three sensors give similar distance estimations between different configurations over an operating range of up to 0.9 meters. Future work should consider improving the circuit design to reduce power ripple and increasing operating range.

Concept de corrélation dans l'espace fréquentiel de Fourier pour la télédection passive de la terre : application à la mission SMOS-Next / Fouier correlation imaging concept for passive earth observation : a proposal to the SMOS-Next mission

Monjid, Younès 12 October 2016 (has links)
La synthèse d'ouverture est une technique interférométrique similaire à la synthèse par rotation de la terre utilisée en radioastronomie où les signaux reçus par une paire de petites antennes sont traités de telle manière à synthétiser une seule grande antenne. Le concept de synthèse d'ouverture a été réadapté pour l'observation de la terre dans le cas de la télédétection de sources étendues de température. L'utilisation de cette technique pour l'observation de la terre a permis de contourner les limitations sur la taille d'antenne en télédétection passive. La fonction de corrélation, ou de visibilité, obtenue en inter-corrélant les signaux reçus par les an- tennes d'un système interférométrique employant une synthèse d'ouverture est définie comme étant la transformée de Fourier de la carte des températures de bril lance de la scène observée. Cette relation est connue sous le nom du théorème de Van Cittert-Zernike pour des observateurs en repos par rapport aux sources de température. La forme classique de ce théorème a été dérivée en inter-corrélant les échantillons temporels instantanés du champ électrique mesurés par différentes antennes. Un nouveau concept basé une interférométrie spatio-temporelle passive a été proposé comme étant la nouvelle génération qui succédera à la mission SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) opérant dans l'espace depuis Novembre 2009. Celui-ci a pour objectif principal l'amélioration de la résolution spatiale à des ordres pouvant répondre aux applications hydrologiques à l'échelle locale où des résolutions kilométriques sont exigées. Ce concept interférométrique se base sur l'idée d'intégrer le déplacement de l'observateur (l'antenne) et ainsi la variable temps dans le calcul de la fonction de corrélation. Ceci engendre la création de nouvelles lignes de base virtuelles entre les positions des antennes à des instants différents, en plus des lignes de base physiques formées entres les positions des antennes instantanées. L'étude de ce concept de corrélation a malheureusement démontré la suppression exacte de l'information additionnelle due aux lignes de base virtuelles par le décalage Doppler induit par le déplacement. Une seconde étude du concept d'interférométrie spatio-temporelle combinée à une nouvelle procé- dure d'imagerie par corrélation dans l'espace fréquentiel, accomplie en inter-corrélant les spectres fréquentiels des champs électriques mesurés par une paire d'antennes séparées d'une distance Δr à bord d'un satellite à une hauteur h, a démontré l'obtention d'une information en 2D en températures de brillance de la scène observée. En plus, le développement théorique de la fonction de corrélation a mis en évidence une relation liant les visibilités aux températures de brillance par l'intermédiaire d'un noyau hautement oscillatoire. L'élément nouveau apporté par la corrélation dans l'espace fréquentiel consiste à exploiter l'informati- on de corrélation acquise par les antennes du satellite pour des fréquences présentant de petites dif- férences et pas seulement l'auto-corrélation. Cette propriété permet une reconstruction en 2D des températures de brillance avec seulement deux antennes / Aperture synthesis is an interferometric technique similar to Earth rotation synthesis employed in radio astronomy in which the signals received by a pair of small antennas are processed in a way to synthesize a single large antenna. The aperture synthetic concept used in radioastronomy was readapted to Earth remote sensing for large thermal sources. Thanks to this technique, limitations on antenna size in passive microwave remote sensing have been overcome. The correlation, or visibility, function obtained by cross-correlating the signals received by the antennas of an interferometric system using aperture synthesis is linked to the brightness temperature map of the observed scene by means of a Fourier-transform law. This is know as the standard form of the Van Cittert-Zernike theorem for fixed observers with respect to sources of temperature. This stan- dard formulation is derived by cross-correlating the instantaneous temporal components of the measured electric fields by different antennas. A new concept based on a passive spatio-temporal interferometry was proposed as the new generation to follow the well-known SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) mission successfully operating since November 2, 2009. The aim of the proposed concept is a jump in the current achieved geometric resolution to orders capable of meeting the stringent users' needs for the study of hydrological applications in the local scale where sub-kilometric resolutions are required. This interferometric concept is based on the idea of integrating the displacement of the observer (satellite's antenna), and hence the time variable, in the calculation of the correlation function, which yields the creation of virtual baselines between the positions of antennas at different instants, in addition to the physical ones formed between the instantaneous antennas' spatial positions. Sadly, the additional information due to the virtual baseline was shown to be exactly canceled by the induced Doppler shift due to the observer's motion. We show furthermore that when using the aforementioned spatio-temporal interferometric system combined with a revolutionary Fourier Correlation Imaging (FouCoIm) procedure, consisting in cross-correlating, at slightly different frequencies, the Fourier components of the fluctuations of the re- ceived electric fields by a pair of antennas separated by a distance Δr on board of a satellite flying at height h, the 2D position-dependent brightness temperature can be reconstructed. Besides, the analytical derivation of the correlation function gives rise to a relationship linking the measured cor- relations to the position-dependent brightness temperatures by means of a Highly Oscillatory Integral (HOI) kernel. Interestingly, the analytical study of the HOI kernel showed the remarkable property that a corre- lation between both antenna-signals remains within a small frequency interval (different frequencies) outside the simple auto-correlation (same frequency). As a matter of fact, while existing systems had, until now, only considered the simple 1D information contained in the auto-correlation, it appears that the resulting correlation function from this concept bears a 2D information for the measurement of the position-dependent brightness temperature. Based on this, one is capable of reconstructing 2D bright- ness temperatures starting from a simple 1D geometry (two antennas arranged perpendicularly to the flight direction)

Caractérisation d’une mémoire à changement de phase : mesure de propriétés thermiques de couches minces à haute température

Schick, Vincent 21 June 2011 (has links)
Les mémoires à changement de phase (PRAM) développées par l’industrie de la microélectronique utilisent la capacité d’un materiau chalcogénure à passer rapidement et de façon réversible d’une phase amorphe à une phase cristalline. Le passage de la phase amorphe à la phase cristalline s’accompagne d’un changement de la résistance électrique du matériau. La transition amorphe vers cristallin est obtenue par un chauffage qui porte la cellule mémoires au delà de la température de transition du verre. Le verre ternaire de chalcogène Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST-225) est probablement le matériau amené à être le plus utilisé dans la prochaine génération de dispositifs de stockage de masse. La thermoréflectométrie résolue en temps (TDTR) et la radiométrie photothermique modulée (MPTR) sont utilisées ici pour étudier les propriétés thermiques des constituants des PRAM déposés sous forme de couche mince sur des substrats de silicium. Les diffusivités thermiques et les résistances thermiques de contact des films PRAM sont estimées. Ces paramètres sont identifiés en utilisant un modèle d’étude des transferts de chaleur basé sur la loi de Fourier et utilisant le formalisme des impédances thermiques. Ces mesures ont été effectuées pour des températures allant de 25 à 400°C. Les modifications de structure et de compositions chimiques causées par les hautes températures au cours des expériences sont aussi étudiées via des analyses par les techniques de DRX, MEB, TOF-SIMS et ellipsométrie.Les propriétés thermiques des GST - 225, isolants, électrodes de chauffage et électrodes métalliques mise en œuvre dans ce type de dispositif de stockage sont ainsi mesuré a l’échelle submicrométrique. / The Phase change Random Access Memories (PRAM), developed by semiconductor industry are based on rapid and reversible change from amorphous to crystalline stable phase of chalcogenide materials. The switching between the amorphous and the crystalline phase leads to change of the electrical resistance of material. The amorphous-to-crystalline transition is performed by heating the memory cell above the glass transition temperature (~130°C). The chalcogenide ternary compound glass Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST-225) is probably the candidate to become the most exploited material in the next generation of mass storage architectures. The Time Domain ThermoReflectance (TDTR) and the Modulated PhotoThermal Radiometry (MPTR) have been implemented to study the thermal properties of constituting element of PRAM deposited as thin layer (~100 nm) on silicon substrate. The thermal diffusivity and the Thermal Boundary Resistance of the PRAM film are retrieved. These parameters are identified using a model of heat transfer based on Fourier’s Law and the thermal impedance formalism. The measurements were performed in function of temperature from 25°C to 400°C. Structural and chemical changes due to the high temperature during the experimentation have been also investigated by using XRD, SEM, TOF-SIMS and ellipsometry techniques. The thermal properties of GST-225, insulator, heating and metallic electrode involved in these kind of storage devices were thus measured at a sub micrometric scale.

"Emissão Eletrociclotrônica no Tokamak TCABR: Um Estudo Experimental" / Electron Cyclotron Emission in the TCABR Tokamak: An Experimental Study.

Fonseca, António Manuel Marques 15 August 2005 (has links)
Descreve-se neste trabalho um estudo experimental da Emissão Eletrociclotrônica (EEC) no tokamak TCABR. Um radiômetro de EEC foi instalado, calibrado e utilizado para o estudo do plasma em descargas térmicas. O radiômetro é do tipo heteródino de varredura operando na faixa de 50-85 GHz, no modo extraordinário e na segunda harmônica. Determinou-se a temperatura de ruído do radiômetro e também sua estabilidade em amplitude e freqüência. Foi medida a largura de banda em freqüência do radiômetro (resolução espacial horizontal). A antena utilizada é do tipo gaussiana sendo que o raio da cintura do feixe gaussiano e a posição do foco foram experimentalmente determinados (W0 ~ 1 cm e d ~ 37 cm, respectivamente). A posição da cintura da antena foi posicionada próxima do centro geométrico do vaso. Foi feita a calibração absoluta do equipamento considerando-se os efeitos das janelas de diagnóstico (reflexão e absorção). O sistema pode operar em modo varredura, para a obtenção de perfis radiais de Te ou modo freqüência única onde se tem alta resolução temporal. As medidas da radiação EC foram feitas, na sua maioria, em descargas com densidade eletrônica média entre 1.10+19 m-3 e 1,5.1019 m-3 de forma a se ter acessibilidade da radiação EC e também minimizar-se a presença de elétrons fugitivos. Para ne > 1,5.1019 m-3 (com B0 = 1,14 T) verifica-se o corte parcial da radiação EC. Nesta condição, o corte na EEC foi utilizado na determinação do perfil radial da densidade eletrônica e aplicado em três diferentes situações: descargas com injeção adicional de gás, com a aplicação do eletrodo de polarização e em descargas com injeção de ondas de radiofreqüência na região das ondas de Alfvén para o TCABR. Usando um perfil parabólico típico para a densidade eletrônica, observou-se que, para descargas com injeção adicional de gás ou em descargas com a aplicação de ondas de radiofreqüência tem-se 0,85 < alfa < 1, e para descargas com aplicação do eletrodo de polarização obteve-se alfa ~ 0,6. Foram feitas observações simultâneas da temperatura eletrônica, a partir do sinal da EEC, e das oscilações de Mirnov (freqüência ~ 11,7 kHz) em descargas térmicas com q(r=0) > 1. Os resultados indicam a presença de um modo de ruptura dominante em rs ~ 9,5 cm com a largura da ilha magnética de W ~ 2,0-2,5 cm. Estes resultados experimentais obtidos estão em acordo com os resultados indicados por teorias de transporte na região das ilhas magnéticas. Observou-se também que a localização da ilha magnética coincide com uma região onde o perfil radial da temperatura de plasma é aproximadamente plano. Num outro cenário, com q(r=0) < 1, observaram-se oscilações dente de serra com período de ~ 0,44 ms, tempo de queda de ~ 0,12 ms, e raio de inversão em r ~ 4 cm. Neste tipo de descargas observou-se que, no perfil radial da amplitude das oscilações da Te, |DeltaTe|, devido à propagação dos pulsos dente de serra, apresentavam posições de mínimos e que estes coincidiam com as posições onde ocorrem patamares no perfil radial da temperatura eletrônica. Partindo destes resultados, juntamente com o perfil de q(r), dão-nos os modos racionais (m/n), posições (r) e larguras(W) para as ilhas magnéticas, presentes nestas descargas, a saber: m/n = 4/3 (r ~ 9 cm, W4/3 ~ 0,9 cm), m/n = 3/2 (r ~ 11,8 cm, W3/2 ~ 0,9 cm) e m/n = 2/1 (r ~ 13,7 cm, W2/1 ~ 1,4 cm). Este novo método, aqui proposto, permite a determinação direta da posição e da largura das ilhas magnéticas, em descargas onde a instabilidade dente de serra encontra-se presente.¶ / In this work, an experimental study of the Electron Cyclotron Emission (ECE) in the TCABR Tokamak, is described. An ECE sweeping heterodyne radiometer, operating in the 50-85 GHz frequency range, was installed, calibrated and used to detect ECE radiation in the second harmonic extraordinary mode from thermal plasma discharges. The noise temperature, amplitude and frequency stability of the radiometer were determined. The frequency bandwidth (horizontal space resolution) was measured. A Gaussian Antenna is used and the gaussian beam waist radius (W0 ~ 1 cm) and the focus position (d ~ 37 cm) were experimentally determined. The focus of the antenna was positioned close to the center of the vacuum vessel. The absolute calibration of the equipment was done and the effect of the diagnostic window was considered (reflections and absorptions). The system can operate in sweeping mode, in order to obtain the radial electron temperature profiles, and also in the single frequency mode to obtain temporal electron temperature profiles with high time resolution. Due to the TCABR accessibility conditions and also to avoid runaway electrons, most of the ECE measurements were obtained in discharges with line electron density between 1.0x10+19 m-3 and 1.5x1019 m-3. For ne > 1.5x1019 m-3 (with B0 = 1.14 T) the cutoff in the ECE radiation was observed. The ECE cutoff was used to determine the radial profile of the electron density and applied to three different situations: discharges with additional gas puffing, with the application of a biasing electrode and in discharges with radio-frequency wave injection. Using a parabolic profile it was observed that, 0.85 < alfa < 1.0 for discharges with additional gas injection or with RF injection, and alfa ~ 0.6 for the electrode biasing experiments. The electron temperature profiles and Mirnov oscillations (f ~ 11.7 kHz) were simultaneously measured in discharges with q (r=0) > 1. The position and the width of the magnetic island were therefore calculated. The results indicate the presence of a dominant tearing mode in rs ~ 9.5 cm and the magnetic island width W ~ 2.0-2.5 cm. These experimental results are in agreement with the theoretical results foreseen by models of heat transport in the presence of magnetic islands. It was also observed that, the position of the magnetic island coincided with the region where the temperature radial profile is approximately flat. In another plasma scenario, with q(r=0) < 1, sawteeth oscillations with a period ~ 0.44 ms, crash time ~ 0.12 ms, inversion radius r ~ 4 cm, were measured. Peculiarities in the Te radial profile associated with the amplitude of Te oscillations, |DeltaTe|, due to the sawtooth instability, were observed. It was verified that the minimum values of the |DeltaTe| profile coincided with the region where the temperature radial profile was approximately flat. These results together with the q(r) profile yielded the following mode numbers (m/n), positions (r) and widths (W) of the magnetic islands: m/n = 4/3 (r ~ 9 cm, W4/3 ~ 0.9 cm), m/n = 3/2 (r ~ 11.8 cm, W3/2 ~ 0.9 cm) and m/n = 2/1 (r ~ 13.7 cm, W2/1; ~ 1.4 cm). A novel method to determine the position and width of the magnetic islands, in discharges with the presence of sawtooth instability, is presented here.

Estimativa da concentração de clorofila-a através de dados de cor do oceano e caracterização oceanográfica da plataforma continental adjacente à Baixada Santista / Estimative of chlorophyll-a concentration by ocean color data and oceanographic characterization of the continental shelf adjacent to Baixada Santista

Carvalho, Melissa 16 March 2009 (has links)
Um algoritmo empírico regional para estimativa de clorofila-a na plataforma continental adjacente à Baixada Santista foi desenvolvido a partir de dados radiométricos e de concentração de clorofila-a, obtidos em 49 estações oceanográficas durante dois cruzeiros, em outubro de 2005 e março de 2006. Foram selecionadas aleatoriamente 32 estações para o desenvolvimento do algoritmo e 17 para avaliação do desempenho de modo a representar todos os intervalos de concentração de Cl-a nos dois subconjuntos de dados. O desempenho do algoritmo obtido foi superior (r2 = 0,8424 e EMQ= 0,0418) ao dos algoritmos globais dos sensores SeaWIFS, OC2v4 (r2=0,77; EMQ=0,07), OC4v4 (r2=0,78;EMQ=0,07) e MODIS, OC3 (r2=0,79;EMQ=0,09) para os dados radiométricos, e também superior (r2=0,68; EMQ = 0,028) ao algoritmo global OC3 (r2= 0,62; EMQ= 0,036) para os dados de refletância do sensor MODIS, e apresentou melhor desempenho quanto à influência dos demais componentes bio-ópticos da água nos desvios das estimativas. Com base em dados de dois outros cruzeiros (setembro de 2005 e março de 2006), foi feita uma caracterização oceanográfica da plataforma adjacente à Baixada Santista, que mostrou que a região apresenta acentuada variabilidade sazonal e pode ser caracterizada como oligotrófica em termos de disponibilidade de nutrientes e biomassa fitoplanctônica. / A regional empirical algorithm for chlorophyll-a estimative in the continental shelf adjacent to Baixada Santista was developed based on in situ data on spectral radiometric and chlorophyll-a concentration obtained in 49 oceanographic stations during two oceanographic cruisers, in October 2005 and March 2006. Data from 32 stations were randomly selected for algorithm development and the other 17 for algorithm evaluation, representing all intervals of chlorophyll-a concentration in the two data subset. The performance of the regional algorithm was superior (r2 = 0,8424; RMS = 0,0418) to the global algorithms of the SeaWiFS, OC2v4 (r2=0,77; RMS=0,07), OC4v4 (r2=0,78;RMS=0,07) and MODIS, OC3 (r2=0,79; RMS=0,09) for the radiometric data, and also superior (r2=0,68; RMS = 0,028) to the global algorithm OC3 (r2= 0,62; RMS= 0,036) for reflectance data acquired by MODIS sensor. Also, the regional algorithm presented better performance, while estimative errors, related to the influence of other biooptical components of seawater. Based on the data of two other cruisers (September 2005 and March 2006), the oceanographic characterization of the continental shelf adjacent to Baixada Santista was made, revealing the region presents accentuate seasonal variability and can be characterized as oligotrophic in terms of nutrient availability and phytoplankton biomass.

Beschleunigerphysik und radiometrische Eigenschaften supraleitender Wellenlängenschieber

Scheer, Michael 13 February 2009 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die radiometrische Nutzung von Wellenlängenschiebern an Elektronenspeicherringen. Die grundsätzlichen Aspekte der Radiometrie, der technischen Voraussetzungen und des Einflusses von Wellenlängenschiebern auf den Speicherring werden am Beispiel eines bei BESSY installierten Gerätes aufgezeigt. Ein Großteil der Rechnungen wurden mit dem Programm WAVE durchgeführt, das im Rahmen der Arbeit entwickelt wurde. WAVE erlaubt die Berechnung der Synchrotronstrahlung von Wellenlängenschiebern mit einer relativen Unsicherheit von 1/100000. Maschinenphysikalische Eigenschaften eines Wellenlängenschiebers und eine Erzeugenden-Funktion für symplektische Tracking-Rechnungen können ebenfalls mit WAVE berechnet werden. Letztere wurden in den Tracking-Code BETA implementiert. Damit lassen sich die Einflüsse von Insertion Devices auf die dynamische Apertur und die Emittanz des Speicherringes untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studien führten zum Konzept alternierender High- und Low-Beta-Sektionen, die den Betrieb supraleitender Insertion Devices bei BESSY-II ohne signifikante Störung der Speicherringoptik ermöglichen. Um auch die experimentelle Seite der Radiometrie an Wellenlängenschiebern zu untersuchen, wurde ein Programm auf der Basis des Monte-Carlo-Codes GEANT4 entwickelt. Es erlaubt die Simulation der radiometrischen Messung und der Absorptionseigenschaften des Detektors. Mit den entwickelten Programmen wurden erste radiometrische Messungen der PTB analysiert. Ein Vergleich zwischen Messungen und Rechnung zeigt eine zufriedenstellende Übereinstimmung mit Abweichungen von ca. fünf Prozent für Messungen im Energiebereich zwischen 40 keV und 120 keV hinter einem 1-mm-Kupferfilter. Eine bessere Übereinstimmung wurde im Bereich von 20 - 80 keV ohne Kupferfilter erzielt. In diesem Fall stimmen die gemessenen Daten im Rahmen der systematischen Unsicherheiten von zwei Prozent mit den Rechnungen überein. / Subject of this thesis are the operation of wave-length shifters at electron storage rings and their use in radiometry. The basic aspects of the radiometry, the technical requirements, the influence of wave-length shifters on the storage ring, and results of first measurements are presented for a device installed at BESSY. Most of the calculations are carried out by the program WAVE, which has been developed within this thesis. WAVE allows to calculate the synchrotron radiation spectra of wave-length shifters within an relative uncertainty of 1/100000. The properties of wave-length shifters in terms of accelerator physics as well as a generating function for symplectic tracking calculations can also be calculated by WAVE. The later was implemented in the tracking code BETA to investigate the influence of insertion devices on the dynamic aperture and emittance of the storage ring. These studies led to the concept of alternating low- and high-beta-sections at BESSY-II, which allow to operate superconducting insertion devices without a significant distortion of the magnetic optics. To investigate the experimentel aspects of the radiometry at wave-length shifters, a program based on the Monte-Carlo-code GEANT4 has been developed. It allows to simulate the radiometrical measurements and the absorption properties of detektors. With the developed codes first radiometrical measurements by the PTB have been analysed. A comparision of measurements and calculations show a reasonable agreement with deviations of about five percent in the spectral range of 40 - 60 keV behind a 1-mm-Cu filter. A better agreement was found between 20 keV and 80 keV without Cu filter. In this case the measured data agreed within a systematic uncertainty of two percent with the results of the calculations.

Design-Studie für einen kompakten Niederenergie-Elektronenspeicherring für die Radiometrie im Uv/VUV Spektralbereich

Abo-Bakr, Michael 09 October 2000 (has links)
Inhalt dieser Arbeit ist die Design-Studie für einen kompakten Niederenergie-Elektronenspeicherring für die Radiometrie. Im Ring sollen Elektronen mit Energien im Bereich von 200 MeV bis 600 MeV gespeichert werden können, wobei die Emittanz möglichst klein und die Strahllebensdauer über den gesamten Energiebereich bei einem Strom von 100 mA mindestens eine Stunde sein sollten.Diese Vorgaben wurden in Abstimmung mit einem der potentiellen Hauptnutzer, der Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), festgelegt und sollen den Speicherring zu einer optimalen Synchrotronstrahlungsquelle für die Radiometrie im ultravioletten und vakuumultravioletten Spektralbereich mit Photonenenergien zwischen etwa 5 eV und 200 eV machen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden die aus physikalischer Sicht wichtigsten Teilsysteme eines Speicherringes konzeptioniert: Magnetoptik, Hochfrequenz-, Vakuum-, Diagnose- und Injektionssystem sowie die Magnetauslegung. Außerdem werden die zu erwartenden Synchrotronstrahlungsspektren berechnet. Der entworfene Speicherring hat einen Umfang von 34.2 m und besteht aus zwei "Triple Bend Achromat"-Bögen, die durch gerade Strecken miteinander verbunden sind. In eine dieser geraden Strecken kann ein maximal 5.6 m langes "Insertion Device" eingebaut werden, die andere ist durch die Injektionselemente und das Hochfrequenz-Cavity belegt. Insgesamt können mit dem Design des hier vorgestellten Speicherringes alle gestellten Anforderungen erfüllt werden: die natürliche Emittanz ist vergleichsweise niedrig und liegt bei günstigen linearen und nichtlinearen Eigenschaften der Magnetoptik nah an ihrem minimal möglichen Wert. Mit der gewählten Auslegung von Magnetoptik, Hochfrequenz- und Vakuumsystem beträgt die Strahllebensdauer mit einem Speicherringstrom von 100 mA bei niedrigen Elektronenenergien zwischen (200...300)MeV etwas über eine Stunde und steigt auf mehr als sechs Stunden bei der Maximalenergie von 600 MeV. Die Strahllebensdauer übertrifft damit im gesamten Energiebereich die Vorgabe. / The subject of this work is the preparation of a design study for a compact low energy electron storage ring for radiometry in the ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet spectral range. Electrons with energies between 200 MeV and 600 MeV are to be stored. A small natural emittance is desired and the lifetime of a stored electron beam of 100 mA should not be less than one hour in the considered energy range. These major guidelines have been fixed in cooperation with one of the potential main users, the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), to optimize the storage ring for radiometric applications in the ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet spectral range with photon energies from approximately 5 eV to 200 eV. In this work the physical layout for the most important subsystems is given: magnet optics, rf-, vacuum-, diagnostic and injection system as well as the main magnet design. Additionally the expected synchrotron radiation spectra are calculated. The storage ring has a circumference of 34.2 m and consists of two Triple Bend Achromat cells, connected by two long straight sections. In one of these straight sections a 5.6 m long insertion device can be build in. The other one is occupied by the injection elements and the rf-cavity. All aspired guidelines are feasible with the presented storage ring design: the natural emittance is comparably small and with good linear and nonlinear optical properties close to its minimum value. With the presented solution (magnet optics, rf- and vacuum-system) the electron beam lifetime with 100 mA ring current is slightly above one hour at energies between (200...300) MeV and increases to more than 6 hours at the maximum energy of 600 MeV. Thus beam lifetime exceeds the guidelines at all energies.

Caractérisation thermophysique multiéchelles par radiométrie photothermique basses et hautes fréquences / Multiscale thermophysical characterization using broad frequency range photothermal radiometry

Hamaoui, Georges 18 October 2018 (has links)
Les problèmes liés au réchauffement climatique, conséquences de la production d'énergie et de la pollution, rendent ce thème de recherche un des plus importants du moment. La course pour trouver de nouveaux matériaux pour mettre au point des applications innovantes est à son apogée, et de grands progrès voient le jour dans chaque domaine de recherche. Par exemple, les chercheurs en physique se concentrent sur la fabrication de matériaux ou de couples de matériaux avec des propriétés électriques/thermiques supérieures pour améliorer les systèmes électroniques aux échelles nano- et micro- métriques. Certains de ces éléments sont formés de couches simples, de multicouches ou de membranes. Ainsi, des techniques expérimentales appropriées sont essentielles pour mesurer les propriétés thermophysiques de ces nouveaux composants. Dans cette thèse, la caractérisation thermique de diverses sortes de matériaux est réalisée en utilisant une technique de radiométrie photothermique (PTR). PTR est une méthode sans contact dans laquelle la réponse thermique de matériaux induite par rayonnement est mesurée. Deux types de configurations ont été utilisées, la première avec une modulation dans le domaine fréquentiel jusqu'à 10 MHz et l’autre avec une modulation hybride fréquence/spatial jusqu'à 2 MHz avec ~ 30 µm de résolution. Avec ces méthodes, il est possible d'extraire indépendamment des paramètres thermophysiques comme la diffusivité thermique, l’effusivité thermique ou la résistance de Kapitza. Ces deux configurations sont utilisées pour caractériser thermiquement des combinaisons particulières de matériaux comme des nanocomposites, des couches minces organiques, des matériaux irradiés, des matériaux à changement de phase ou les résistances thermiques à l’interfaces métal/semiconducteur. Les résultats obtenus donnent de nouvelles pistes de recherche sur le transport thermique et la gestion de la chaleur à l’échelle nanométrique. / The recognition of problems connected to the global warming linked to energy production and pollution, makes it the most important research topic of the moment. The race of finding new materials for improved applications is at its peak, while big advancements in technologies within each field of research have seen the light. For example, researchers in physics are focusing on making superior materials or couple of materials with enhanced thermo-/electric- physical properties for nano- and micro- electronic devices. The constituents in question, embody simple or complicated multiscale layers or membranes. Thus, proper experimental techniques are essential to measure the thermophysical properties of these new components. In this thesis, thermal characterization of diverse kinds of materials is made using a photothermal radiometry (PTR) technique. PTR is a contactless method which measures the thermal response of materials induced by optical heating. Two types of PTR setups were utilized, one using frequency domain modulation up to 10 MHz and one based upon hybrid frequency/spatial domain modulation up to 2 MHz with ~30 µm resolution. With these methods, it is possible to extract independent thermophysical parameters like the thermal diffusivity, thermal effusivity or Kapitza resistance. These two setups are used jointly to thermally characterize peculiar combinations of materials like: nanocomposite, organic, irradiated, phase changing and silicide materials. The results grasp new insights on the thermal transport and heat management across these set of materials and encourages novel ways to apply them in diverse applications throughout many research fields.

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