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Plasma Levels of Adrenocorticotropic Hormone and Cortisol in People Living in an Environment Below Sea Level (Jordan Valley) During Fasting in the Month of RamadanEl-Migdadi, Fayig, El-Akawi, Zeyad, Abudheese, Rola, Bashir, Nabil 01 January 2002 (has links)
Objectives: To investigate the effects of Ramdan fasting on plasma levels of ACTH and cortisol in athletic students living in the Jordan Valley (JV) and compare them to those living at above sea level in Ramtha City (RC). Methods: Sample collection and measurements were done in November 1998 from non-fasting and in December 1998 from fasting people. Results: ACTH levels in non-fasting subjects in the JV were 36 ± 4 IU/ml compared to 43 ± 3 IU/ml for those in RC. Cortisol levels were 483 ± 76 (JV) and 539 ± 89 nmol/l (RC). Fasting led to an increase in ACTH (49 ± 6 (JV) and 58 ± 5 IU/ml (RC)) and cortisol levels (637 ± 101 (JV) and 805 ± 72 nmol/l (RC)). Conclusion: Fasting increases ACTH and cortisol levels in an altitude-independent fashion.
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Experiences of Fasting during Ramadan in British Muslims: Psychological, Social and Health BehaviourLatif, A., Iqbal, Syka, Lesk, Valerie E., Bryant, Eleanor J., Stewart-Knox, Barbara 16 December 2024 (has links)
Yes / Ramadan is a month-long religious festival observed by Muslims worldwide, characterised by intermittent fasting. This qualitative study addressed the need to understand how fasting is experienced by Muslims residing in Western cultures, aiming to inform policies that create a more supportive environment. Practicing Muslims, both men and women, were recruited in the North of England in the United Kingdom (UK). Data were collected by individual interviews (N=7) and focus group discussion and then analysed using Social Ecological Theory as a framework. Fasting was managed at the individual level through instrumental food choice and eating practices, and by adapting sleep routines. Disrupted sleep routines posed a challenge for those who had to adhere to Western working schedules, leading to perceived detriments to cognitive function and mood. The sense of belonging associated with Ramadan was seen as a motivating factor for fasting. Breaking the fast (Iftar) was marked by social activity and the availability of traditional fried foods. Participants identified the wider Western culture and environment as challenging for those who are fasting. These findings imply a need for policies that enable flexible working practices for Muslims during Ramadan.
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Ramadans påverkan på lärare och muslimska elever i skolanKarlsson, Petronella January 2010 (has links)
<p>Att skolan är mångkulturell i dagens Sverige, är nog de flesta medvetna om. Islam är den näst största religionen i världen och i Sverige. Syftet med undersökningen är hur ramadan påverkar situationen i skolan bland lärare och elever. Undersökningen är gjord på en högstadieskola i Skåne där en stor andel av eleverna har föräldrar med utländsk härkomst. Jag har valt att göra kvalitativa intervjuer för att respondenterna skulle få möjlighet till att utveckla mer djupgående tankar kring ämnet. Resultatet visade att samtliga lärare i studien upplevde att ramadan orsakade problem i olika situationer i skolan. Resultatet visade även brister i skolledningens sätt att hantera situationer kring ramadan. Skolledningen har det övergripande ansvaret när det gäller att agera för att ge förutsättningar och riktlinjer för lärare i olika ämnen i undervisningen. Ramadan är av stor betydelse för eleverna i undersökningen. Av resultatet framgick även att flertalet av lärarna inte hade någon kontakt med föräldrarna vad det gällde situationerna kring ramadan. Resultatet visade att svensklärarna ansåg att eleverna inte borde genomföra fastan under grundskolan.</p>
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Ramadans påverkan på lärare och muslimska elever i skolanKarlsson, Petronella January 2010 (has links)
Att skolan är mångkulturell i dagens Sverige, är nog de flesta medvetna om. Islam är den näst största religionen i världen och i Sverige. Syftet med undersökningen är hur ramadan påverkar situationen i skolan bland lärare och elever. Undersökningen är gjord på en högstadieskola i Skåne där en stor andel av eleverna har föräldrar med utländsk härkomst. Jag har valt att göra kvalitativa intervjuer för att respondenterna skulle få möjlighet till att utveckla mer djupgående tankar kring ämnet. Resultatet visade att samtliga lärare i studien upplevde att ramadan orsakade problem i olika situationer i skolan. Resultatet visade även brister i skolledningens sätt att hantera situationer kring ramadan. Skolledningen har det övergripande ansvaret när det gäller att agera för att ge förutsättningar och riktlinjer för lärare i olika ämnen i undervisningen. Ramadan är av stor betydelse för eleverna i undersökningen. Av resultatet framgick även att flertalet av lärarna inte hade någon kontakt med föräldrarna vad det gällde situationerna kring ramadan. Resultatet visade att svensklärarna ansåg att eleverna inte borde genomföra fastan under grundskolan.
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A Euro-American 'Ulama? Mu'tazilism, (Post)Modernity, and Minority IslamByrd, Anthony Robert 27 November 2007 (has links)
Muslim heresiographers present the medieval rationalist school of theology known as the Mu‛tazila as heretics, while modern Western and modernist Muslim scholarship almost invariably present the Mu‛tazila as the original free-thinkers of Islam. The result is a polarized view of the Mu‛tazili tradition; Islamists view the Mu‛tazila as a heresy best forgotten while modernists, Muslim and Western, as historical proof of Islam’s essentially rational character. The present study is an attempt to problematize both perspectives by reexamining the concepts of reason (or rationalism) and tradition (or traditionalism) in light of Mu‛tazilite theology and ethics. This analysis shows that the modern heirs of Mu‛tazili thought are not be sought in Muslim scholastic theology or Enlightenment liberalism, but in the postmodern critiques of Western Muslim scholars such as Tariq Ramadan and Khaled Abou El Fadl.
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Ramadaneffekten? : En systematisk prisavvikelse på muslimska marknader / The Ramadan Effect? : A systematic price deviation on Muslim marketsLindström, Mattias, Mattsson, Jessica, Strandberg, Johanna January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den heliga fastemånaden Ramadan innebär stora omställningar i cirka en och en halv miljard muslimers liv. Detta har, med bakgrund i den effektiva marknadshypotesen, föranlett flera olika undersökningar av eventuellt återkommande prisavvikelser i samband med Ramadan, en så kallad Ramadaneffekt. Tidigare studier visar dock på något motstridiga resultat vilket gör att vidare forskning inom området är motiverad. De till viss del förändrade livsvillkor som Ramadan innebär har i tidigare studier använts som förklaringsvariabler, något som dock kan ifrågasättas och undersökas vidare med utgångspunkt i Behavioral finance. Syfte: Denna studie ämnar undersöka om det existerar någon Ramadaneffekt på 17 olika muslimska aktiemarknader samt att kritiskt granska tidigare studier inom området och förklaringsvärdet i fastans fysiska och psykiska påverkan vid en eventuell Ramadaneffekt. Genomförande: Studien är av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ karaktär med huvudsaklig tyngdpunkt i statistiska analyser av studiens datamaterial. Regressionsanalys med dummyvariabler utgör den statistiska metoden och resultatet analyseras genom att applicera Behavioral finance till dokumentstudien för att försöka förklara de statistiska resultaten. Slutsats: Studien finner att endast den pakistanska aktiemarknaden uppvisar en signifikant prisavvikelse under Ramadan. Detta ligger inte i linje med tidigare forskning. Tidigare använda förklaringsvariabler tycks inte heller de ha något stort förklaringsvärde då fastans fysiska och psykiska påverkan torde yttra sig likadant i samtliga länder men effekterna på aktiemarknaderna skiljer sig åt. / Background: Ramadan, the holy month of fasting, means many changes in the lives of approximately one and a half billion Muslims. This, with background in the efficient market hypothesis, has resulted in several studies on potentially reoccurring price deviations in connection with Ramadan, a so-called Ramadan effect. Previous studies show somewhat conflicting results, which motivates further research within the subject. The changed routines of daily life during Ramadan have previously been used as the explanatory variable for the Ramadan effect. The authors question the validity of this relationship and therefore further examine it with an argumentative base in Behavioral finance. Aim: This study aims to investigate whether a Ramadan effect exists on any of 17 Muslim stock markets. Furthermore, it aims to critically analyze previous research within the area and examine whether the physical and psychological effects of fasting have any explanatory value in an eventual existence of a Ramadan effect. Completion: The study uses both a qualitative and quantitative approach with a focus on statistical analysis of the study’s numerical data. Regression analysis with dummy variables represents the statistical method and the results are analyzed by applying Behavioral finance to the literature study in order to explain the results. Conclusion: The only market that shows a systematic price deviation during Ramadan is Pakistan. This is not coherent with previous research. Furthermore, the previously used explanatory variables do not seem to have any great explanatory value since the variables are coherent across the markets whereas the effects on the stock markets are not.
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Efectos del cumplimiento del Ramadán durante el embarazo sobre el peso al nacer con datos de ÁfricaCantet, María Natalia January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
El peso al nacer es una de las medidas más utilizada como proxy de la salud y bienestar infantil en la literatura económica. Aquellos niños con bajo peso al nacer (LBW), convencionalmente definido como menos de 2500 gramos, suelen experimentar efectos severos sobre la salud, la mortalidad, la morbilidad y la discapacidad. Por otro lado, el bajo peso al nacer también se traduce en costos sustanciales en el sector de la salud e impone una carga significativa sobre la sociedad en su conjunto. El desarrollo corporal de las madres al igual que su estilo de vida determinarán el peso del bebé al momento de nacer.
Este estudio se centra en el desarrollo de la vida fetal y explora cómo la desnutrición en el útero afecta al peso al nacer y durante los primeros años de vida mediante el uso de las fechas exactas de nacimiento de los niños menores de 5 años y la explotación de la naturaleza calendárica de la incidencia de las déficits nutricionales derivadas de la exposición con el mes de ayuno musulmán que ocurre durante el Ramadán. La estrategia de identificación econométrica utiliza a las variaciones en el tiempo de exposición al Ramadán durante la gestación y la religión para identificar el efecto el peso.
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Religious cycles of policy responsiveness: How religious seasons regulate public opinion and government responsiveness in the Muslim worldMohamed, Ahmed Ezzeldin Abdalla January 2022 (has links)
This dissertation documents a pattern of policy-making in Muslim majority (predominantly authoritarian) countries, whereby incumbents demonstrate higher responsiveness to citizens' economic concerns and expand their distributive policies during the Islamic season of Ramadan. Why do autocratic governments (weakly constrained by formal political institutions) address economic inequalities and expand their distributive policies in religious seasons? I argue that the religious environment imposes normative constraints on governments in Muslim societies, acting as an additional accountability mechanism to formal political institutions. The case of Ramadan exemplifies this claim. Ramadan's religious norms increase the salience of distributive issues and raise the political costs of governments' non-responsiveness to their constituents' economic insecurities. Specifically, governments underperforming on distributive issues could suffer reputational costs and face mobilization threats in Ramadan. Hence, incumbents expand their distributive policies in Ramadan to contain these short-term political threats (i.e., reputational and mobilization threats) arising during the season by delivering to threatening constituencies to co-opt them and buy their political acquiescence.
The project integrates multiple methodological approaches to test this argument both cross-nationally and sub-nationally. I first document a systematic increase in the religious salience of distributive matters in Ramadan, by applying text analysis tools to an original cross-national dataset of 32,000 Islamic sermons. I then show that Ramadan imposes two main costs on incumbents that underperform on economic and distributive issues in Muslim societies. First, leveraging quasi-random variation in the timing of existing cross-national surveys using a difference-in-differences design, I find that Ramadan exacerbates Muslims' evaluations of the incumbent's economic performance and their perceived morality/religiosity, proportionally to the incumbent’s performance on distributive policy areas. Second, using machine learning to classify the types of protest activities reported in the ACLED dataset, I report that Ramadan facilitates economic and religious mobilization in economically insecure Muslim societies. A qualitative analysis of five cases reveals that incumbents respond to these pressures by distributing in Ramadan, particularly when facing rising political threats.
I then complement these results with a sub-national analysis of Ramadan's distributive policies. Focusing on Egypt (2014-2020), I employ web-scraping to construct a municipality-level dataset of daily reports of the regime's distributive efforts. I find that the regime reports more distributive interventions in Ramadan, particularly in places where political threats to its rule are higher. As a follow-up, I also show that government expenditure on welfare increases in Ramadan after periods of political contention, creating fiscal policy cycles similar to electoral budgetary cycles.
This dissertation underlines the role of informal institutions in explaining regularities in policy-making in more traditional and less democratic societies, hence approaching the question of how political accountability and government responsiveness can be attained without democracy. It also specifies conditions under which religion becomes a source of public pressure for government distribution, challenging the Marxist notion of religion as opium.
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Essays on Development EconomicsWeiner, Scott January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays, each covering very distinct topics under the broad umbrella of Development Economics, each set in a different region of the developing world (Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and South Asia). The one element that loosely ties them together is that they each seek to add, in a small way, to our understanding of factors that contribute to, and in some cases may entrap people in, poverty: factors such as (lack of) geographic mobility, hunger, and disease.
In the first chapter, I use the natural experiment of military conscription in Argentina, which randomly assigned not only military service, but also the location of service, to study the effect of this temporary displacement on long-run migration rates. I then use a rich source of administrative earnings and employment data to investigate the labor-market implications of conscription and, in particular, displacement. I find that conscription on the whole caused a small increase in the likelihood of appearing in the formal labor force, and a small increase in earnings particularly for those who were assigned to serve in the Navy. Assignment to military service outside of one's province of origin increased the likelihood of living outside the province of origin by 2.5 percent, and while the net effects of this displacement on earnings and employment are imprecisely estimated, the evidence suggests that there are modest long-term benefits of conscription in Argentina that are not fully attributable to displacement.
In the second chapter, I investigate the effects of Ramadan on calorie consumption and labor supply among Muslim households in rural Malawi. Across four rounds of household survey data, I find no evidence of a decrease in calorie consumption during Ramadan on average. I do, however, find evidence that working-age people reduce their weekly work by about three hours, or nearly 20 percent, on average. This finding on calories shows substantial variation across the different rounds of data. The evidence presented calls into question the hypothesis that consumption during Ramadan should fall more dramatically when the holiday overlaps with the harvest (when baseline consumption levels are relatively high compared to the rest of the year), compared to when Ramadan falls near the annual hunger season (when baseline consumption levels tend to be much lower). I discuss potential implications of this variation for our understanding of seasonal consumption patterns.
The third and final chapter, which is authored jointly with Kaivan Munshi and Nancy Luke, discusses a randomized intervention conducted in rural South India aimed at improving rates of treatment completion for tuberculosis. Tuberculosis (TB), despite being a highly treatable disease, kills well over 1 million people every year, with 95 percent of cases and deaths appearing in developing countries. India bears the largest TB burden of any country, with more than 25 percent of the world's total yearly cases. A key factor for successful management of TB is ensuring that patients complete the full six-month (or more) treatment regimen: missing even a few doses of the prescribed medications increases the likelihood of relapse and development of a drug-resistant strain of TB, which is much more difficult and costly to treat effectively. We conduct an intervention allowing patients to select a community member to serve as a Directly Observed Treatment (DOT) provider to help ensure compliance with the full treatment regimen. Although patients assigned a Community DOT provider report significantly more frequent visits and higher rates of satisfaction compared to our control group, we do not find any significant improvement in treatment outcomes among those assigned this intervention. We explore several potential explanations for this finding and suggest potential avenues for future research.
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Att fira Ramadan med diabetes : En systematisk litteraturstudie av muslimska personers upplevelser / Celebrating Ramadan with diabetes : A systematic literature review of the experiences of muslim peoplePappné Bartyik, Ildikó, Iatco, Lidia January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes är en kronisk sjukdom som kan både minska livslängden och försämra livskvaliteten. Islam är den näst största religionen efter kristendomen och fasta under den heliga månaden Ramadan är en viktig tradition för muslimska personer. Diabetes kräver daglig egenvård vilken utgör är en förutsättning för en framgångsrik behandling. Att fasta under Ramadan kan påverka egenvården och läkemedelsbehandlingen. Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskor har kunskap och förståelse om religiösa sedvänjor, vilket kan underlätta och minska risken för medicinska komplikationer för muslimska personer med diabetes som önskar fasta under Ramadan. Syfte: Att sammanställa befintlig vetenskaplig litteratur om muslimska personers upplevelser av att fira Ramadan med diabetes. Metod: En systematisk litteraturöversikt med metasyntes. Föreliggande studie har utgått från de olika stegen i Statens beredning för medicinsk och social utvärdering (SBU). Resultat: Resultatet baserades på nio studier och visade att muslimska personer med diabetes fastar under Ramadan, då tron är viktigare än riskerna för komplikationer i samband med fasta. Resultaten sammanfattades i fem tredje nivåns teman vilka var: Vikten av att fira Ramadan, Livsstilsförändringar under Ramadan, Fastans utmaningar, Förståelse och stöd från vårdpersonal och anhöriga samt Behov av information och utbildning. Slutsats: Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskor är kulturmedvetna och kan ge stöd och en personcentrerad omvårdnad till muslimska personer med diabetes som önskar fasta under Ramadan. Det är viktig att inkludera patienten i egenvården för att främja en säker fasta.
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