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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den vita fläcken på märknadsförarnas karta : En studie om hur marknadsförarna hos de stora svenska livsmedelsbutikerna kan förbättra sina förutsättningar hos invandrarkonsumenterna

Tomassino, Louise, Rahimzadeh, Mona January 2010 (has links)
<p>Denna studie avser att ur en positivistisk ansats analysera hur marknadsförare bättre kan nå ut till invandrarbefolkningen, inte minst i anslutning till de större utländska högtiderna. Syftet är att försöka få handlarna att förbättra marknadsföringen mot denna målgrupp och nå ut med ett budskap som de kan identifiera sig med. Undersökningen belyser ur ett nytt, innovativt och explorativt perspektiv de faktorer som kan tänkas inverka på marknadsföringen och ägnar särskilt uppmärksamhet åt Parsons teori, Homophily teorin och nischmarknadsföring. Undersökningen är uppdelad i en förstudie där kontakt tagits med reklambyråer för livsmedelskedjor och belyser forskningsproblemet ur deras synvinkel. Huvudstudien genomfördes via en enkätundersökning och syftar till att belysa problemet ur målgruppens synvinkel. Resultatet påvisar att huvuddelen av marknadsförarna saknade tillräckliga kunskaper om invandrargruppen, samtidigt som invandrargruppen visat sig vara mottaglig för olika influenser. Därför föreslår vi att marknadsförarna till större del beaktar invandrarna som målgrupp i sina framtida kampanjer och i större grad försöker tillgodose de behov som de har i egenskap av outnyttjad köpkraft.</p>

Den vita fläcken på märknadsförarnas karta : En studie om hur marknadsförarna hos de stora svenska livsmedelsbutikerna kan förbättra sina förutsättningar hos invandrarkonsumenterna

Tomassino, Louise, Rahimzadeh, Mona January 2010 (has links)
Denna studie avser att ur en positivistisk ansats analysera hur marknadsförare bättre kan nå ut till invandrarbefolkningen, inte minst i anslutning till de större utländska högtiderna. Syftet är att försöka få handlarna att förbättra marknadsföringen mot denna målgrupp och nå ut med ett budskap som de kan identifiera sig med. Undersökningen belyser ur ett nytt, innovativt och explorativt perspektiv de faktorer som kan tänkas inverka på marknadsföringen och ägnar särskilt uppmärksamhet åt Parsons teori, Homophily teorin och nischmarknadsföring. Undersökningen är uppdelad i en förstudie där kontakt tagits med reklambyråer för livsmedelskedjor och belyser forskningsproblemet ur deras synvinkel. Huvudstudien genomfördes via en enkätundersökning och syftar till att belysa problemet ur målgruppens synvinkel. Resultatet påvisar att huvuddelen av marknadsförarna saknade tillräckliga kunskaper om invandrargruppen, samtidigt som invandrargruppen visat sig vara mottaglig för olika influenser. Därför föreslår vi att marknadsförarna till större del beaktar invandrarna som målgrupp i sina framtida kampanjer och i större grad försöker tillgodose de behov som de har i egenskap av outnyttjad köpkraft.

An investigation of arsenic in biological samples from unexposed volunteers in the UK

Brima, Eid Ibrahim January 2007 (has links)
This thesis describes studies on the analysis of arsenic (As) in human biological samples, mainly urine but also hair and fingernails using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS). The relationship between ethnicity and arsenic metabolism was investigated for the first time for a population in the United Kingdom. This investigation has been carried out through comparative analysis of arsenic in human urine, hair and fingernails in volunteers from three different ethnic groups (Whites, Asians and Somali Black-Africans) who are only exposed to background levels of arsenic. Results obtained with 63 volunteers showed ethnic differences in urinary arsenic excretion as well as differences in arsenic levels in fingernail samples. The averages of total arsenic levels for the Somali Black-Africans (urine 7.2 µg/g creatinine; fingernails 723 µg/kg) are significantly (P< 0.05) different from both the Asians (urine 20.6 µg/g creatinine; fingernails 153.9 µg/kg) and Whites (urine 24.5 µg/g creatinine; fingernails 177.0 µg/kg). The Somali group also shows a higher percentage (50%) of dimethylarsinate (DMA) and a lower percentage (48%) of arsenobetaine (AB), compared to Asians (16% DMA and 83% AB) and Whites (22% DMA and 77% AB). The effect of fasting on urinary arsenic species distribution was also investigated by monitoring urine samples from 29 Ramadan fasting volunteers, with each volunteer providing a sample at the beginning (RF1) and at the end (RF2) of an approximately 12 hours fast. The results obtained showed the frequency of MA detection for RF2 was 12 and 2-fold higher than for the non-fasting and RF1 groups, respectively. This suggests fasting may alter the pattern of arsenic metabolism and excretion. However, there was no significant difference (P> 0.05) in the average of total level of arsenic for RF1 (18.3 µg/g creatinine) and RF2 (17.7 µg/g creatinine). A relationship between excretion of arsenic and selenium in individuals exposed to background levels of arsenic and selenium was investigated through analysis of urine samples from 93 volunteers from Leicester, UK. A positive correlation between arsenic and selenium was found and the As:Se ratio was 0.7 ± 0.4. The intra-individual variation of As:Se ratio does not alter significantly over time, as determined by monitoring urine samples from a volunteer over a period of one year. Furthermore, within a single day, with urine samples collected at the beginning and after a 12-hour fast, the As:Se ratio was found to be similar (0.7 ± 0.5). These findings suggest a close relationship between these two metalloids, the biological significance of which needs to be explored in the future.

Living Islam in Jerusalem : faith, conflict, and the disruption of religious practice

Schmitt, Kenneth Howard January 2017 (has links)
Jerusalem - the third holiest city in Islam - is home to some 300,000 Muslims. But due to Israel’s occupation, they live difficult and disrupted lives. What might it mean for Muslims to practice their faith - on the ground, day by day - in such a conflicted place? One way religion becomes a meaningful category in people’s lives is through ritual. Scholars of Muslim religious practice have been attuned to this insight and observed it in various contexts. But their analyses have often been predicated on an implicit and unquestioned assumption - that people who desire to perform rituals have the means to act on their intention in regular and routine ways. Scholars have also shown that when societies are in rapid transition - be they weakened or threatened - their rituals often evolve with them. In this project, therefore, I ask: what happens in Jerusalem when Muslims live under the existential threat of occupation and their ability to routinely perform religious rituals cannot be assumed? I argue that when rituals are disrupted, Muslims are forced to improvise. Religious rituals - like the performances of skilled jazz musicians - are spontaneous and dynamic but also practiced and deliberate. Rituals are spontaneous in that they respond to the occupation’s disruptions, making physical and discursive adjustments. They are practiced in that Muslims draw from an established repertoire of themes that includes Islam and sacred space, nationalism and resistance, local culture and geography. I term the coalescence of these dynamics the “improvisation thesis” and explore three case studies where specific improvisations have different levels of resonance. The Naqshbandi improvise rituals to make peace, but they are discordant with other established themes; Ramadan rituals have resonance that define specific moments; and the improvisations of the Murabitat are deeply resonant, influencing Muslim rituals throughout the city.

The effects of intermittent fasting on female athletes: A systematic review

Scarbrough, Courtnie 08 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The intermittent fasting diet has a historical past, but recently, it has regained popularity as a weight loss strategy for the general public. Athletes have also picked up this specialized diet in search of a competitive edge. There are ample studies testing athletes of all levels, but most do not include females or report sex-specific results. This systematic review aimed to identify current research on the effects of intermittent fasting in the understudied population of female athletes. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, a comprehensive search was conducted in three databases, including PubMed, Cochrane, and SPORTDiscus, and a total of six studies with experimental or observational designs testing the various effects of intermittent fasting on physical, physiological, and psychological parameters were included. This systematic review shows that studies found significant changes in calorie and fluid intake, body composition, nutrient utilization, well-being, and athletic performances with no changes in muscle strength, ratings of perceived exertion, blood lactate levels, and cognitive function. Multiple studies in this review found mixed results on changes in heart rate and athletic performance (vertical jump height), and no studies found negative effects on athletic performance except in the survey of athletes’ perceptions. Due to conflicting results of current research, more studies are needed to determine the effects of intermittent fasting combined with continuous exercise on athletic women.

Auswirkungen religiösen Fastens auf anthropometrische Parameter, Blutfettwerte und Hämodynamik normalgewichtiger gesunder Probanden

Liebscher, Daniela 26 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ärzte sind in einer multikulturellen Gesellschaft gefordert, gesundheitsrelevante kulturelle Besonderheiten wie das religiös motivierte Fasten zu berücksichtigen, welches in unterschiedlicher Ausprägung in vielen Religionen eine zentrale Rolle einnimmt. Im Judentum gibt es vierundzwanzigstündige Fastenzeiten mit strikter Nahrungs- und Flüssigkeitskarenz. Im Christentum gibt es Fasten, welche eine veränderte Zusammensetzung der Nahrung während der Fastentage vorsehen, wie das Fasten der griechisch-orthodoxen Kirche oder das Daniel Fasten, während bei römisch-katholischen oder protestantischen Fastenexerzitien oft Heilfasten mit Nahrungskarenz praktiziert werden. Im muslimischen Mondmonat Ramadan wird tagsüber sowohl auf Nahrung als auch auf Trinken verzichtet. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit war, die bisher erforschten Auswirkungen der verschiedenen Fastenarten auf anthropometrische Parameter, Blutfettwerte und Hämodynamik bei normalgewichtigen, gesunden Fastenden zu untersuchen. Die Literaturrecherche wurde vorwiegend in pubmed und für das Heilfasten zusätzlich in zwei Spezialbibliotheken durchgeführt. Bei der Auswertung erfolgte zur Verbesserung der Vergleichbarkeit der Ergebnisse eine Einteilung der Studien in Gruppen nach definierten Qualitätskriterien. Zur Beurteilung der Ergebnisse wurde einzeln auf die untersuchten Themenkomplexe eingegangen. Anthropometrische Parameter: Während beim Jom Kippur nur eine leichte Abnahme des Körpergewichts aufgrund von Verschiebungen im Flüssigkeitshaushalt vorkamen, konnten bei einwöchigem Heilfasten und beim Daniel Fasten keine signifikanten Ergebnisse dokumentiert werden. Beim griechisch-orthodoxen und Ramadan-Fasten zeigte sich eine Abnahmetendenz für Gewicht und Body-mass-Index (BMI), welche sich mit der Länge des Fastens zu verstärken scheint. Für keine der Fastenarten konnte bisher ein Rebound- Effekt nachgewiesen werden. Blutfette: Im Fettstoffwechsel beobachtete Veränderungen während des Jom Kippur sind aufgrund der Kürze des Fastens lediglich als passager zu bewerten. Die zum griechisch-orthodoxen und Daniel Fasten vorliegenden Studien konnten bisher die Reduktion des Gesamt- und LDL-Cholesterols belegen, während beim Heilfasten die kurzfristigen Effekte widersprüchlich erscheinen und wenig Langzeitergebnisse vorhanden sind. Beim Ramadan-Fasten war die Variabilität der Ergebnisse groß, wobei sich jedoch fast durchgehend eine Erhöhung der Werte für HDL und HDL-Cholesterol zeigte. Hämodynamik: Zusammenfassend kann man bei der dürftigen Studienlage für alle Fastenarten entweder keine Veränderung oder eine Tendenz zur Verbesserung der Blutdruckwerte sehen. Der Vergleich des menschlichen Fastens mit Grundlagenstudien zur Kalorienrestriktion oder zum intermittierenden Fasten bei Tieren, welche deutlich gesundheitsfördernde Ergebnisse zeigen, scheint nicht uneingeschränkt zulässig. Aufgrund der Studienlage kann derzeit nicht beantwortet werden, ob diese positiven Effekte auch durch regelmäßiges religiöses Fasten im menschlichen Körper erzielt werden können. Die meisten Studien zum religiösen Fasten sind Beobachtungsstudien, deren verschiedene Umgebungsbedingungen den Vergleich der Ergebnisse, insbesondere beim Ramadan-Fasten, erschweren. Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen kommen die Studien aus Ländern, in denen das jeweilige Fasten traditionell praktiziert wird. Die Arbeit zeigt den Facettenreichtum der vorhandenen religiösen Fastenpraktiken und ihre Relevanz für die heutige medizinische Praxis. Lücken in der Studienlage und qualitative Mängel der bestehenden Daten konnten aufgezeigt werden. Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass die Anzahl der qualitativ hochwertigen Studien zu allen verbreiteten Arten des Fastens weiterhin wächst und dass derzeit noch nicht medizinisch untersuchte Fasten zukünftig ebenso in die Forschung einbezogen werden. / In a multicultural society doctors are required to consider health-related cultural features such as religious fasting, which, to varying degrees, play a central role in many religions. In Judaism fasting is a strict twenty-four hour abstention from food and fluids. In Christianity there are fasts that involve a change in the variety of foods eaten, as is the case in the Greek Orthodox Church or in the Daniel Fast, while in Roman-Catholic or Protestant fasting retreats a juice fast is often observed. In the Islamic lunar month of Ramadan food and fluid intake is restricted to the night hours only. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the findings of existing research into the impact of different kinds of religious fasting on anthropometric parameters, blood lipids and haemodynamics of healthy people. The literature research has been carried out mainly through pubmed and for the juice fast two additional, specialised libraries were consulted. For the evaluation and a better comparability of the results the studies were classified into groups, defined by specific qualitative criteria. For the purpose of evaluating the results, they were analysed in groups according to the main criteria of the study. Anthropometric parameters: while during Jom Kippur only a slight reduction of body weight due to shifts in the body\\\'s fluid balance could be observed, in a one-week juice fast and in a Daniel Fast there were no significant changes. In the Greek Orthodox and Ramadan fasts a tendency to reduction of body weight and body mass index (BMI) were observed, which seemed to intensify according to the length of the fast. In none of these fasts a rebound effect was found. Blood lipids: the changes observed in lipid metabolism during Jom Kippur should be regarded as transient due to the shortness of the fast. The studies of Greek Orthodox and Daniel fasting have shown a reduction of total and LDL cholesterol, while those examining juice fasting reveal the short term effects as contradictory, with there being only few long term results available. The results pertaining to Ramadan fasting showed a high variability, though a rise in HDL and HDL cholesterol has been quite consistently reported. Haemodynamics: in summary it can be stated, considering the very sparse number of studies in this area, that in all of the above mentioned forms of religious fasting there was either no change or a slight tendency towards a reduction of blood pressure. The comparison of human fasting to experimental studies in caloric restriction or intermittent fasting in animals, which have clearly shown health enhancing effects, does not seem unconditionally valid. Based on the current state of science no definitive answer can be given on whether regular religious fasting can generate these positive results in humans. Most studies in the field of religious fasting are observational studies with differing environmental conditions, a fact that hampers the comparison of the results, especially for the Ramadan fast. Except for few exemptions the studies all originate in countries where the respective fast is traditionally held. This study revealed the great variety within the existing religious fasting practices and their relevance for today’s medical practice. Gaps in the current state of evidence and research as well as qualitative shortcomings in the existing data where revealed. It is to be hoped that the rise in high-quality studies of all common religious fasts will continue and that fasts, not medically studied to date, will in future also become the subject of research.

Theologies Speak of Justice : A Study of Islamic and Christian Social Ethics

Callewaert, Teresa January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how religious ethics, while retaining its identity, can contribute to political debate and to the understanding of justice. The inquiry addresses these issues by focusing on theological perspectives which challenge the solutions offered to these questions by the liberal paradigm. Three kinds of challenges are studied, each of which is represented by one thinker from the Islamic tradition and one from the Christian tradition, in order to enable a comparative perspective on the contributions of religious traditions. The thinkers studied are: 1) modified liberalism, represented by Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na’im and Duncan B. Forrester; 2) liberationism, represented by Ali Shariati and Gustavo Gutierrez; and 3) radical traditionalism, as developed by Tariq Ramadan and John Milbank. The study is organized around three main questions. First, how can innovative interpretations of religious tradition be plausibly justified? Second, what role should religious arguments and reasons play in the political sphere? Third, what can religious ethics and theological thought contribute to the understanding of social justice? The questions are engaged by means of a critical and reconstructive engagement with the six thinkers. The suggested solutions are assessed in terms of the criteria of authenticity, communicability, and potential for transformation. It is argued that a religious ethic can rely on a tradition without accepting conservative understandings of that tradition. Furthermore, it is argued that the coherence of religious ethics can be made available for public discourse but that the hospitability of the public forum to such contributions needs to be realized through a deepened democratic culture and a critique of power structures which condition perceptions of rationality. While religious ethics do not articulate complete alternative understandings of justice, they articulate contributions by relating justice to human sociality and to transcendence.

European Muslims and Liberal Citizenship: Reconciliation through Public Reason: The Case of Tariq Ramadan's Citizenship Theory

Vezzani, Giovanni 21 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigates the subject of Muslims’ citizenship in contemporary Western European societies from the viewpoint of John Rawls’s political liberalism, in particular in light of the ‘idea of public reason’ [see John Rawls, Political Liberalism, expanded edition (New York: Columbia University Press, 2005) and the 1997 essay “The Idea of Public Reason Revisited,” originally published in University of Chicago Law Review 64 (1997), 765-807 and now included in Political Liberalism, expanded edition, 440-490]. By its very nature, political liberalism does not prescribe a single model for being Muslim in contemporary Europe. Thus, one may wonder if it is too vague as a point of departure for the analysis. On the other hand, however, here I argue that political liberalism specifies a peculiar evaluative framework that allows citizens to answer questions such as “What is politically at stake when citizens of Muslim faith are publicly presented as permanent aliens in contemporary European societies?”, “On what grounds is such exclusion based?”, and “What requirements can European citizens be reasonably expected to meet?” in a distinctively political way and, ideally, to solve the political and social problems from which those questions spring. In this research, I claim that public reason provides a common discursive platform that establishes the ground for a public political identity and for shared standards for social and political criticism. Together, these two elements solve the two dimensions of the problem of ‘stability for the right reasons’ (in Rawls’s terms) in contemporary European societies, because they secure both the political inclusion of Muslims on an equal footing as citizens and civic assurance that they will remain committed to fair terms of social cooperation. A joint solution of these two apparently conflicting demands of stability for the right reasons (i.e. inclusion and mutual assurance) requires an effort in political reconciliation. After having compared public reason citizenship with two prominent normative alternatives, I will conclude that the former is an adequate ideal conception of citizenship for European societies. Finally, I will apply the justificatory evaluative methodological framework (whose requirements I will specify starting from the idea of public reason itself) to a conception of citizenship elaborated by one of the most renowned Muslim public intellectuals in Europe: Tariq Ramadan. (I justify the choice of this author in sections 2.3 and 6.1). Such an evaluation sheds light on one of the main insights of this research, that is, the idea that public reason makes a decompression of the public space possible: it frees the public space from those forces that would prevent citizens from the possibility of exercising effectively their two moral powers (once more in Rawls’s words, the ‘capacity for a sense of justice and for a conception of the good’) as free equals. In this sense, public reason tries to reconcile ideal political consensus and the fact of reasonable pluralism on a public political ground. I believe that this is the deepest meaning of what Rawls calls ‘reconciliation through public reason’: its aspiration is to reabsorb reasonable pluralism politically without annihilating it.This research is structured in three parts: the first is methodological, the second is reconstructive, and the third is evaluative. Each part is composed of two chapters.In chapter one (“General Framework”), I begin from some empirical observations about the role of perceptions and identities in relation to the issue of Muslims’ citizenship in contemporary Europe. I claim that from this point of view Islam seems to “make problem” in a very specific sense. This does not mean that Islam is a problem, but that Islam is frequently publicly presented and perceived as a problem. This is the background problem from which my work starts. Thus, I explore some dimensions of such a problem (see 1.1). Subsequently, I provide a more specific formulation of the research problem and questions and of the aims of this study. Then, the main research question (Q) is stated in these terms: Which ideal conception of citizenship should provide the common normative perspective in contemporary Western European societies, which are characterised by both demands of inclusion of Muslims and the need for solving a ‘problem of mutual assurance’ [on which, see in particular Paul Weithman, Why Political Liberalism? On John Rawls’s Political Turn (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010)] concerning citizens’ commitment to shared terms of social cooperation, so that those societies can be stable for the right reasons? In order to answer this question, I also specify three sub-questions that I call respectively Q1, Q2, and Q3 (see 1.2).In chapter two (“Toward a Justificatory Evaluative Political Theory”), I firstly try to frame the problem of public justification within Rawls’s political liberalism (see 2.1). I then consider a specific approach to the question of Muslim citizenship in liberal democracies which can be adopted from a Rawlsian perspective: namely, reasoning from conjecture (see 2.2). Finally, I explain my own approach (which I call justificatory evaluative political theory) by means of comparison with the method of reasoning from conjecture (see 2.3). In presenting the evaluative framework specified from a political liberal standpoint, I point out three political liberal evaluative requirements: the reciprocity requirement (RR), the consistency requirement (CR), and the civility requirement (CiR).Chapter three (“What is Public Reason?”) deals with the history of the notion of public reason from Kant to Rawls and its enunciation within Rawls’s work (see 3.1 and 3.2 respectively). In doing so, I also identify three specifications for the three political liberal evaluative requirements considered in the second chapter. Furthermore, in chapter three I also unpack CR in three different dimensions (PR1, PR2, and PR3).Chapter four (“Public Reason and Religion. Reinterpreting the Duty of Civility”) completes the reconstructive stage by analysing Rawls’s ‘wide view’ of public reason and two major lines of objection to it (see 4.1). After having discussed such criticisms, I then introduce my own interpretation of the ‘proviso,’ which is structured around a two-level (or bifurcate) model of the ‘duty of civility’ (see 4.2).Chapter five (“Reconciliation through Public Reason: Justificatory Evaluative Political Theory between Modelling and Application”) bridges the second and the third part, that is, the reconstructive and the evaluative stage respectively. In the first section of the chapter, I summarise the political liberal evaluative requirements developed in the second part. In doing this, my purpose is to present my justificatory evaluative model of public reason citizenship (see 5.1). In the second section, I firstly argue that a conception of citizenship grounded in public reason is not only possible in existing European societies, but also preferable if compared with alternative conceptions (I consider liberal multiculturalism and Cécile Laborde’s critical republicanism [Cécile Laborde, Critical Republicanism: The Hijab Controversy and Political Philosophy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008)]) with reference to the problem under scrutiny in this research. In conclusion, I show that public reason citizenship is able to solve the theoretical problem and the main research question mentioned above: Which ideal conception of citizenship should provide the common normative perspective in contemporary Western European societies, which are characterised by both demands of inclusion of Muslims and the need for solving a problem of mutual assurance concerning citizens’ commitment to shared terms of social cooperation, so that those societies can be stable for the right reasons? In the final part of chapter five, I try to demonstrate that public reason citizenship can both include Muslim citizens and solve the assurance problem because it provides both shared standards for political criticism and a common political identity on the basis of which citizens politically recognise one another as free equals. If my argument succeeds, then public reason citizenship not only could but also should be adopted as the ideal conception of citizenship in European societies (see 5.2).In the sixth chapter (“Tariq Ramadan’s European Muslims and Public Reason”) I apply the evaluative framework based on public reason to the conception of citizenship for Muslims in Europe developed by Tariq Ramadan. (According to a principle introduced in chapter two which I call the “plausibility principle” PP, I argue that Ramadan’s theory of citizenship can be plausibly presented as a “European Muslim” approach to the issue of citizenship, see 6.1). The purpose of such an evaluative work is twofold. Firstly, it aims at examining whether and how the idea of public reason accounts for a version of European citizenship for Muslims coming from Muslims themselves. Secondly, it aims at disclosing whether what such a Muslim conception of citizenship in Europe says about the two dimensions of ‘stability for the right reasons’ of the system of social cooperation (namely, inclusion and ‘mutual assurance’) is consistent with the provisions of public reason citizenship (see 6.2-6.5). / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / N.B. 1) Le lieu de défense de la thèse en cotutelle est ROME (Luiss Guido Carli)2) L'affiliation du co-promoteur de la thèse en cotutelle (Sebastiano Maffettone) est: LUISS Guido Carli / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Auswirkungen religiösen Fastens auf anthropometrische Parameter, Blutfettwerte und Hämodynamik normalgewichtiger gesunder Probanden

Liebscher, Daniela 04 September 2012 (has links)
Ärzte sind in einer multikulturellen Gesellschaft gefordert, gesundheitsrelevante kulturelle Besonderheiten wie das religiös motivierte Fasten zu berücksichtigen, welches in unterschiedlicher Ausprägung in vielen Religionen eine zentrale Rolle einnimmt. Im Judentum gibt es vierundzwanzigstündige Fastenzeiten mit strikter Nahrungs- und Flüssigkeitskarenz. Im Christentum gibt es Fasten, welche eine veränderte Zusammensetzung der Nahrung während der Fastentage vorsehen, wie das Fasten der griechisch-orthodoxen Kirche oder das Daniel Fasten, während bei römisch-katholischen oder protestantischen Fastenexerzitien oft Heilfasten mit Nahrungskarenz praktiziert werden. Im muslimischen Mondmonat Ramadan wird tagsüber sowohl auf Nahrung als auch auf Trinken verzichtet. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit war, die bisher erforschten Auswirkungen der verschiedenen Fastenarten auf anthropometrische Parameter, Blutfettwerte und Hämodynamik bei normalgewichtigen, gesunden Fastenden zu untersuchen. Die Literaturrecherche wurde vorwiegend in pubmed und für das Heilfasten zusätzlich in zwei Spezialbibliotheken durchgeführt. Bei der Auswertung erfolgte zur Verbesserung der Vergleichbarkeit der Ergebnisse eine Einteilung der Studien in Gruppen nach definierten Qualitätskriterien. Zur Beurteilung der Ergebnisse wurde einzeln auf die untersuchten Themenkomplexe eingegangen. Anthropometrische Parameter: Während beim Jom Kippur nur eine leichte Abnahme des Körpergewichts aufgrund von Verschiebungen im Flüssigkeitshaushalt vorkamen, konnten bei einwöchigem Heilfasten und beim Daniel Fasten keine signifikanten Ergebnisse dokumentiert werden. Beim griechisch-orthodoxen und Ramadan-Fasten zeigte sich eine Abnahmetendenz für Gewicht und Body-mass-Index (BMI), welche sich mit der Länge des Fastens zu verstärken scheint. Für keine der Fastenarten konnte bisher ein Rebound- Effekt nachgewiesen werden. Blutfette: Im Fettstoffwechsel beobachtete Veränderungen während des Jom Kippur sind aufgrund der Kürze des Fastens lediglich als passager zu bewerten. Die zum griechisch-orthodoxen und Daniel Fasten vorliegenden Studien konnten bisher die Reduktion des Gesamt- und LDL-Cholesterols belegen, während beim Heilfasten die kurzfristigen Effekte widersprüchlich erscheinen und wenig Langzeitergebnisse vorhanden sind. Beim Ramadan-Fasten war die Variabilität der Ergebnisse groß, wobei sich jedoch fast durchgehend eine Erhöhung der Werte für HDL und HDL-Cholesterol zeigte. Hämodynamik: Zusammenfassend kann man bei der dürftigen Studienlage für alle Fastenarten entweder keine Veränderung oder eine Tendenz zur Verbesserung der Blutdruckwerte sehen. Der Vergleich des menschlichen Fastens mit Grundlagenstudien zur Kalorienrestriktion oder zum intermittierenden Fasten bei Tieren, welche deutlich gesundheitsfördernde Ergebnisse zeigen, scheint nicht uneingeschränkt zulässig. Aufgrund der Studienlage kann derzeit nicht beantwortet werden, ob diese positiven Effekte auch durch regelmäßiges religiöses Fasten im menschlichen Körper erzielt werden können. Die meisten Studien zum religiösen Fasten sind Beobachtungsstudien, deren verschiedene Umgebungsbedingungen den Vergleich der Ergebnisse, insbesondere beim Ramadan-Fasten, erschweren. Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen kommen die Studien aus Ländern, in denen das jeweilige Fasten traditionell praktiziert wird. Die Arbeit zeigt den Facettenreichtum der vorhandenen religiösen Fastenpraktiken und ihre Relevanz für die heutige medizinische Praxis. Lücken in der Studienlage und qualitative Mängel der bestehenden Daten konnten aufgezeigt werden. Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass die Anzahl der qualitativ hochwertigen Studien zu allen verbreiteten Arten des Fastens weiterhin wächst und dass derzeit noch nicht medizinisch untersuchte Fasten zukünftig ebenso in die Forschung einbezogen werden.:1.EINFÜHRUNG 4 1.1 Vorwort und Fragestellung 4 1.2 Hintergründe- Einführung in ausgewählte religiöse Fastenarten 4 1.2.1 Definition des Begriffes „religiöses Fasten“ 4 1.2.2 Fasten im Judentum 6 1.2.4 Fasten im Christentum 7 Fasten der östlich-orthodoxen Kirchen 7 Daniel-Fasten 8 Heilfasten 9 1.2.5 Fasten im Islam 11 2. METHODIK UND VORGEHENSWEISE 14 2.1 Literaturrecherche in PubMed 14 2.2 Literaturrecherche in ausgewählten Bibliotheken 19 2.3 Qualitätskriterien für Studien 20 3. ERGEBNISSE 23 3.1 Jom Kippur 24 3.2 Christliches Fasten 26 3.2.1 Fasten der östlich-orthodoxen Kirchen 26 3.2.2 Daniel-Fasten 29 3.2.3 Heilfasten 32 3.3 Ramadan-Fasten 38 3.4 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 68 4. DISKUSSION 70 4.1 Beurteilung bestimmter Aspekte der gesundheitlichen Wirkung des religiösen Fastens 70 4.1.1 Körpergewicht und BMI 70 4.1.2 Blutfettwerte 74 4.1.3 Hämodynamik 80 4.1.4 Vergleich der gesundheitlichen Wirkung mit den Resultaten von Grundlagenstudien 84 4.2 Methoden- und Quellenkritik 88 4.2.1 Vergleichbarkeit Heilfasten- religiöses Fasten 88 4.2.2 Konsequenzen aus der vorhandenen Forschung für andere Fastenarten 91 4.2.3 Qualität und Quantität der untersuchten Studien 95 4.2.4 Methodenkritik und Diskussion der Ausschlusskriterien 97 4.2.5 Vorschläge für weitere Studien 100 5. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG UND AUSBLICK 102 6. ANHÄNGE 106 6.1 Abkürzungen 106 6.2 Weitere verbreitete religiöse Fastenarten 106 7. QUELLENANGABEN 109 / In a multicultural society doctors are required to consider health-related cultural features such as religious fasting, which, to varying degrees, play a central role in many religions. In Judaism fasting is a strict twenty-four hour abstention from food and fluids. In Christianity there are fasts that involve a change in the variety of foods eaten, as is the case in the Greek Orthodox Church or in the Daniel Fast, while in Roman-Catholic or Protestant fasting retreats a juice fast is often observed. In the Islamic lunar month of Ramadan food and fluid intake is restricted to the night hours only. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the findings of existing research into the impact of different kinds of religious fasting on anthropometric parameters, blood lipids and haemodynamics of healthy people. The literature research has been carried out mainly through pubmed and for the juice fast two additional, specialised libraries were consulted. For the evaluation and a better comparability of the results the studies were classified into groups, defined by specific qualitative criteria. For the purpose of evaluating the results, they were analysed in groups according to the main criteria of the study. Anthropometric parameters: while during Jom Kippur only a slight reduction of body weight due to shifts in the body\\\'s fluid balance could be observed, in a one-week juice fast and in a Daniel Fast there were no significant changes. In the Greek Orthodox and Ramadan fasts a tendency to reduction of body weight and body mass index (BMI) were observed, which seemed to intensify according to the length of the fast. In none of these fasts a rebound effect was found. Blood lipids: the changes observed in lipid metabolism during Jom Kippur should be regarded as transient due to the shortness of the fast. The studies of Greek Orthodox and Daniel fasting have shown a reduction of total and LDL cholesterol, while those examining juice fasting reveal the short term effects as contradictory, with there being only few long term results available. The results pertaining to Ramadan fasting showed a high variability, though a rise in HDL and HDL cholesterol has been quite consistently reported. Haemodynamics: in summary it can be stated, considering the very sparse number of studies in this area, that in all of the above mentioned forms of religious fasting there was either no change or a slight tendency towards a reduction of blood pressure. The comparison of human fasting to experimental studies in caloric restriction or intermittent fasting in animals, which have clearly shown health enhancing effects, does not seem unconditionally valid. Based on the current state of science no definitive answer can be given on whether regular religious fasting can generate these positive results in humans. Most studies in the field of religious fasting are observational studies with differing environmental conditions, a fact that hampers the comparison of the results, especially for the Ramadan fast. Except for few exemptions the studies all originate in countries where the respective fast is traditionally held. This study revealed the great variety within the existing religious fasting practices and their relevance for today’s medical practice. Gaps in the current state of evidence and research as well as qualitative shortcomings in the existing data where revealed. It is to be hoped that the rise in high-quality studies of all common religious fasts will continue and that fasts, not medically studied to date, will in future also become the subject of research.:1.EINFÜHRUNG 4 1.1 Vorwort und Fragestellung 4 1.2 Hintergründe- Einführung in ausgewählte religiöse Fastenarten 4 1.2.1 Definition des Begriffes „religiöses Fasten“ 4 1.2.2 Fasten im Judentum 6 1.2.4 Fasten im Christentum 7 Fasten der östlich-orthodoxen Kirchen 7 Daniel-Fasten 8 Heilfasten 9 1.2.5 Fasten im Islam 11 2. METHODIK UND VORGEHENSWEISE 14 2.1 Literaturrecherche in PubMed 14 2.2 Literaturrecherche in ausgewählten Bibliotheken 19 2.3 Qualitätskriterien für Studien 20 3. ERGEBNISSE 23 3.1 Jom Kippur 24 3.2 Christliches Fasten 26 3.2.1 Fasten der östlich-orthodoxen Kirchen 26 3.2.2 Daniel-Fasten 29 3.2.3 Heilfasten 32 3.3 Ramadan-Fasten 38 3.4 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 68 4. DISKUSSION 70 4.1 Beurteilung bestimmter Aspekte der gesundheitlichen Wirkung des religiösen Fastens 70 4.1.1 Körpergewicht und BMI 70 4.1.2 Blutfettwerte 74 4.1.3 Hämodynamik 80 4.1.4 Vergleich der gesundheitlichen Wirkung mit den Resultaten von Grundlagenstudien 84 4.2 Methoden- und Quellenkritik 88 4.2.1 Vergleichbarkeit Heilfasten- religiöses Fasten 88 4.2.2 Konsequenzen aus der vorhandenen Forschung für andere Fastenarten 91 4.2.3 Qualität und Quantität der untersuchten Studien 95 4.2.4 Methodenkritik und Diskussion der Ausschlusskriterien 97 4.2.5 Vorschläge für weitere Studien 100 5. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG UND AUSBLICK 102 6. ANHÄNGE 106 6.1 Abkürzungen 106 6.2 Weitere verbreitete religiöse Fastenarten 106 7. QUELLENANGABEN 109

De utsattas erfarenheter av mobbning i arbetslivet

Ramadan, Afutu January 2019 (has links)
De utsattas erfarenheter av mobbning i arbetslivetMobbning eller kränkande särbehandling är en företeelse som reflekterar hur den psykosociala arbetsmiljön på arbetsplatser uppfattas av medarbetarna. Den psykosociala arbetsmiljön kan generera trivsel och gemenskap eller konflikter och utanförskap. Syfte med studien var att undersöka mobbning på olika arbetsplatser i Sverige, med fokus på stöd, hjälp och eventuella motverkande insatser, samt uppfattning om hur mobbning påverkar hälsan och välbefinnandet. Nio respondenter med olika yrken och från olika delar av Sverige intervjuades. Studiens resultat visade brister i stöd till de utsatta vilket berodde mest på passivt ledarskap, svag gruppdynamik, hög arbetsbelastning och orättvis arbetsfördelning samt brister i förebyggande insatser. Resultaten visade också att de utsatta upplevde påverkan på deras psykiska och fysiska hälsa samt på deras tillvaro. Studien visar att mobbning och kränkande särbehandling existerar i det svenska arbetslivet oavsett individernas yrkeserfarenhet, social, kulturell eller etnisk bakgrund.

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