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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Mongan, Philip 01 January 2013 (has links)
When school shootings occur in primary or secondary schools they draw a massive amount of media attention. Frequently, after the shooting stops, the media begins to prognosticate about the factors that led to the occurrence of the tragedy. However, there is a dearth of research examining those factors that are perpetuated by the media, as well as the factors that are most discussed in scholarly publications. Therefore, the aim of this research project was to explore the perpetration factors that have been perpetuated by the media, and compare those to the perpetration factors that are most frequently discussed by researchers. The study posed three research questions, which explored the factors that were most discussed, the differences between print news sources and journal articles in regard to the factors they discussed, and the possible changes of factors through time. The exploration of these research questions was based in social constructionist thought, as the theory provided a framework for exploring how the findings may impact subsequent prevention of the phenomenon. The study found that there were numerous factors discussed by the media and researchers, which broke down into school factors, cultural factors, individual factors, biological facts, and family factors. Through triangulation of available data the study also found that there were differences between the perpetration factors as they are discussed by the print news and scholars, as well as differences in discussion of factors through time. These differences indicate that prevention efforts may be hindered due to a faulty understanding of rampage school shootings, which is being perpetuated by the media. The findings also indicate several areas for future research to focus on, such as: exploration of other media formats, examining the constructs proposed by the research project, and exploring the methods that individuals involved with prevention determine the threat level of individuals who are viewed as posing a risk.

Der kluge Spieler und die Ethik des Computerspielens / The prudent player and the ethics of computer gaming

Wunderlich, Ralf January 2012 (has links)
„Der kluge Spieler und die Ethik des Computerspielens“ ist eine moralphilosophische Analyse der sogenannten „Killerspiel-Diskussion“. Als Aufhänger dient der Amoklauf von Winnenden, in dessen Nachgang Diskussionen über Computerspiele, speziell solche mit gewalthaltigem Inhalt, aufkamen. In der öffentlichen Meinung wird häufig davon ausgegangen, dass das Spielen solcher Computerspiele auch in der Realität zu gewalttätigem Verhalten führt. Einige Politiker stellen diese Spiele sogar mit Kinderpornographie gleich. Mithilfe dreier bekannter normativer ethischer Theorien – dem Konsequentialismus (Mill), der Deontologie (Kant) und der Tugendethik (Aristoteles) – werden die wissenschaftlichen Argumente contra Computerspiele analysiert und bewertet. Die Computerspielgegner konzentrieren sich auf den Inhalt und die grafische Darstellung der Spiele (narratologischer Ansatz). Am Ende einer ausführlichen Darstellung ihrer Argumente stellt sich heraus, dass keines davon haltbar ist, wenn man die ethischen Theorien auf sie anwendet. Einzig der tugendethische Ansatz scheint Ansätze zu bieten, auf denen man aufbauen kann, allerdings nicht gegen, sondern für Spiele. Diesem wird im zweiten Teil des Buches nachgegangen. Miguel Sicarts Werk „The Ethics of Computer Games“ versucht, eine konkrete Ethik des Computerspiels zu entwickeln. In „Der kluge Spieler und die Ethik des Computerspielens“ wird Sicarts Werk zum ersten Mal im Deutschen vorgestellt, in seine einzelnen Bestandteile zerlegt und re-strukturiert. In Sicarts Ethik-Konzept für Computerspiele werden die Inhalte und die Grafik der Computerspiele komplett außen vor gelassen. Sein Ansatz ist ein ludologischer (spielwissenschaftlicher), der das Regelwerk und System der Spiele in den Vordergrund schiebt. Die drei Kernelemente seiner Theorie werden dargestellt: 1. das Computerspiel als moralisches Objekt, 2. der Computerspieler als moralisches Subjekt und 3. das Computerspielen als moralische Handlung. Diese drei Aspekte wirken zusammen und miteinander. Es entsteht eine Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Spiel und dem Spieler, in den auch das Nicht-Spieler-Subjekt einbezogen wird. Ein Mensch spielt ein Computerspiel und wird dadurch zum Spieler dieses Spiels. Er nimmt das Regelwerk auf und ruft seine vorhandene Erfahrung aus früheren Spielen ab, um somit ein möglichst gelungenes Spielen zu bewerkstelligen. Damit ist gemeint, dass er nicht schummelt, dass er keine Tricks anwendet, dass er in Mehrspielerspielen Fairplay walten lässt etc. Zusätzlich ist dieser Spieler aber nicht nur ein Spieler, sondern er befindet sich in sozialen Kontexten, hat Werte und Ansichten und diese fließen in sein Spieler-Repertoire ein. In solch einer Wechselwirkung verhält sich der Spieler moralisch korrekt, wenn er dem Spiel zu dem verhilft, was es ist: eine Erfahrung. Das Spiel ist nämlich zweierlei: 1. Das Objekt, also eine CD in einer Hülle mit einer Spielanleitung etc. 2. Das Spiel, das am Bildschirm tatsächlich erfahren wird, indem es gespielt wird. Sieht das Spiel eine gewalthaltige Lösung vor, ist es in Sicarts Ethik des Computerspiels moralisch richtig, diese zu vollziehen. Was Sicart mit seiner Theorie letztendlich zeichnet, ist das Bild eines „klugen Spielers“. Der dritte Teil des Buches analysiert Sicarts Ethik des Computerspiels und zeigt mithilfe eines praktischen Beispiels seine Schwachstelle auf. Während die Computerspielgegner sich ausschließlich auf den Inhalt und die Grafik konzentrieren, ignoriert Sicart sie gänzlich. Somit stellen beide Ansätze Extrempositionen dar. Sicarts Ansatz wird in eine „Ethik des Computerspielens“ uminterpretiert und anschließend auf die Diskussionen rund um den Amoklauf von Winnenden angewendet. Dadurch können die Ausgangsargumente gegen Killerspiele endgültig wissenschaftlich widerlegt werden. Im letzten Teil des Buches wird die Brücke zum tugendethischen Ansatz des Aristoteles geschlagen: der gemäßigte Mittelweg führt zu einem guten Leben. Eine komplette Computerspielethik muss beide Aspekte beinhalten: den grafisch-inhaltlichen („narratologischen“) und den spieltechnischen („ludologischen“) Ansatz. Nur im Zusammenspiel beider kann eine umfassende Computerspielethik gesucht und gefunden werden. Hierzu wird ein Grundgerüst vorgeschlagen sowie zwei Ideen, welche für weitere Forschung auf dem Gebiet verwendet werden können. / “The Prudent Player and the Ethics of Computer Gaming” is a moral philosophical analysis of the so called “killergame-controversy”. After the gun rampage of Winnenden, heavy discussions arose in Germany about video games, especially those with violent content. The public opinion is that violent video games cause violent behaviour in real life. Some German politicians even claimed that such games would be on one level with child pornography. With the help of three known normative ethical theories – consequentialism (Mill), deontology (Kant) and virtue ethics (Aristoteles) – the scientific arguments against video games are analysed and evaluated. The opponents of video games focus on the content and graphics of the games (narratological approach). After an extensive presentation of their arguments, it turns out that none remains valid after applying the ethical theories to them. Solely the virtue ethics approach seems to be of help, however not against but in aid of video games. This is dealt with in the second part of the book. Miguel Sicart’s work “The Ethics of Computer Games” tries to develop a tangible ethics for computer games. “The Clever Player and the Ethics of Computer Gaming” presents Sicart’s theory for the first time in German and re-structures it’s content by focussing on the main ingredients of his theory. Sicart’s concept does not include any content or graphical aspects. It is a strictly ludological (game studies) approach which focuses on the rules and the system of the games. The three main elements of his theory are: 1. the video game as a moral object, 2. the player as a moral subject and 3. playing video games as a moral act. These three aspects work together. The result is an interaction between the game and the player which also includes the non-playing-subject of the player. A person starts playing a video game and hence becomes the player of this game. He acts according to the rules and uses his previous experience with other games in order to play as properly as possible. This means that he does not cheat, does not use tricks, acts with fair play in multiplayer games etc. Since the player is more than just a player, he also uses his virtues and perspectives from the real world as a player-tool. The player acts morally correct in such an interaction, if he helps the game become an experience rather than a mere object (CD/DVD). Only when a game is experienced on the screen by a player, it becomes a real game as intended by it’s designers. And if this game needs a violent on-screen solution for solving a problem, then the player ought to do so. The player which Sicart describes is a “clever player” and not some sort of zombie without thoughts and evaluation of what is happening. The third part of the book analyses Sicart’s framework and shows his weakness with the help of a practical example. While the opponents of video games focus on the content and graphics only, Sicart’s approach does not include them at all. Therefore, both positions are extreme and Sicart’s point of view is re-interpreted into an “Ethics of Computer Gaming”, pointing out the active part of his theory. Now it is scientifically possible to prove all arguments against video games following the Winnenden-controversy wrong at one go. The last part of the book goes back to Aristoteles’ view on ethics: living a good life means finding the middle ground between extremes. Hence, a complete ethics of computer games needs both approaches: the narratological (graphics and content) and the ludological (rules and game systems). Only when both are combined, a real ethics of computer games is possible. A framework for such a theory is proposed as well as two ideas which can be helpful for further research in this field.

Crime Scene Behaviors of Rampage School Shooters: Developing Strategies for Planning, Response, and Investigation of Multiple-Victim Shooting Incidents on School Campuses

Knox, Michael 01 January 2018 (has links)
Despite their almost aberrational rarity, rampage school shootings have gained national attention to an extent that would make it seem that such events are a common occurrence. Many schools—along with hospitals, businesses, and other institutions—have adopted policies, implemented training, and conducted drills for responding to such incidents. In some cases, concern over school rampage shootings has led to bad policy implementations, particularly adoption of “zero tolerance” policies that punish the slightest infractions in hopes of thwarting potential attackers, but, rather than achieving their intended goal, result in massive false positive rates with few, if any, successes and a potential for fostering violence rather than abating it. For their part, law enforcement trainers and administrators have been caught in the rampage school shooter turmoil to such an extent that, starting with the aftermath of the 1999 Columbine High School massacre, significant paradigm shifts in policing methodology have taken effect. In order to promote more informed policy-making and training decisions by law enforcement managers, this dissertation seeks to determine through empirical study of the crime scene behaviors of rampage school shooters the extent to which law enforcement planning and training can be informed by the study of prior incidents. Policy, training protocols, and institutional response plans have been shaped, in many cases, by a world of perception rather than reason and sound empirical evidence. This research seeks to bring clarity to the decision-making processes and provide sound empirical evidence on which to base those decisions and develop strategies for on-site protocols to help mitigate casualties, establish police response protocols, and develop post-incident investigative models.

The Influence of Gun Control Legislation on Rampage Shootings

Manor, Andrew D. 01 December 2015 (has links)
The United States has experienced several mass shootings in the past few years. It has been averaging one shooting every week in 2015, and something must be done about it. This problem appears to be limited to the United States since several other nations have been able to minimize, and almost eliminate the number of mass shootings. By taking an analysis of the gun laws of the United States with those of Australia and Canada it can be concluded that some aspects of strict gun control can reduce the number of mass shootings. Further, the United States should look at what other common law nations have done to reduce the number of mass shootings. The United States is also the only nation that recognizes a fundamental right to keep and bear arms, and any legislation must address that right. Some ways to address strict gun control in the United States is to strengthen the background check system, add a liability insurance requirement, and strictly enforce culpable negligent statutes. Adding some elements of strict gun control will help minimize the amount, and impact of the shootings. Canada, and Australia both have active hunting communities that require the need for some legal firearms. A night at the movies, a day at school, or attending a church event should not bring about worry that an individual may get shot and killed by a deranged individual. Other similar nations have shown that rampage shootings do not have to be a side effect of living in a free society.

Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Metallic Glass Formation and Structure

Riegner, David C. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Factors related to the prevalence of violence in rural secondary schools in the Ximhungwe Circuit in Bohlabela District, Mpumalanga Province

Chabangu, Lucas 02 1900 (has links)
After teaching in High school for six years, I was frustrated to see the institutional action on the issue of school violence. The creation of a climate conducive to teaching and learning has become a serious challenge to many educators. Through research, it became clear that enough has not yet been done. Therefore, an empirical investigation into this problem was necessary to determine the nature of violence in order to enhance better understanding of the phenomenon under study. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the factors related to the prevalence of violence in rural secondary schools in the Bushbuckridge (Bohlabela) district in Mpumalanga province. This research employed a qualitative research approach to answer the research question. The study aimed to provide an accurate, objective, representative and empirically sound body of data on the extent of violence within schools in the Ximhungwe circuit in Bohlabela district, Mpumalanga. The research design comprised a case study that included focus group interviews with six participants in each group. In addition, I employed participant observation and document analysis. The study focused on four rural secondary schools that were purposefully selected in the Ximhungwe circuit in Bohlabela district, Mpumalanga. Ethical issues were taken into consideration while conducting the sampling and the selection of learners was based on their accounts of frequent violence against learners or teachers, and because they were considered knowledgeable and informative about the phenomenon under study. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Factors related to the prevalence of violence in rural secondary schools in the Ximhungwe Circuit in Bohlabela District, Mpumalanga Province

Chabangu, Lucas 02 1900 (has links)
After teaching in High school for six years, I was frustrated to see the institutional action on the issue of school violence. The creation of a climate conducive to teaching and learning has become a serious challenge to many educators. Through research, it became clear that enough has not yet been done. Therefore, an empirical investigation into this problem was necessary to determine the nature of violence in order to enhance better understanding of the phenomenon under study. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the factors related to the prevalence of violence in rural secondary schools in the Bushbuckridge (Bohlabela) district in Mpumalanga province. This research employed a qualitative research approach to answer the research question. The study aimed to provide an accurate, objective, representative and empirically sound body of data on the extent of violence within schools in the Ximhungwe circuit in Bohlabela district, Mpumalanga. The research design comprised a case study that included focus group interviews with six participants in each group. In addition, I employed participant observation and document analysis. The study focused on four rural secondary schools that were purposefully selected in the Ximhungwe circuit in Bohlabela district, Mpumalanga. Ethical issues were taken into consideration while conducting the sampling and the selection of learners was based on their accounts of frequent violence against learners or teachers, and because they were considered knowledgeable and informative about the phenomenon under study. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

Narratives of Violence, Myths of Youth: American Youth Identity in Fictional Narratives of School Shootings

Linder, Kathryn E. 17 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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