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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Déterminants génétiques constitutionnels et acquis de la sévérité de l’anémie falciforme : études de l’impact des variants germinaux sur les traits sanguins et de l’hématopoïèse clonale

Pincez, Thomas 04 1900 (has links)
L’anémie falciforme (AF) est une maladie monogénique dans laquelle la polymérisation d’une hémoglobine anormale (hémoglobine S, Hb S) entraine la déformation et la destruction du globule rouge. L’AF est associée à de nombreuses complications cliniques avec une très grande hétérogénéité dans son expression. En dehors de l’impact important de l’hémoglobine fœtale (Hb F), cette variabilité est mal comprise et peu d’outils sont disponibles afin d’identifier les patients à risque de complications. Nous avons utilisé différentes approches afin d’étudier les déterminants génétiques constitutionnels et somatiques de l’expression de l’AF ainsi que leur utilité dans la prise en charge des patients. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré que les scores polygéniques pour les traits sanguins étaient moins performants chez les individus avec AF que sans. Nous avons montré que cette différence était en partie liée au poids d’autres déterminants génétiques et identifié un effet épistatique entre l’AF et le variant nul Duffy qui avait un effet très réduit en présence d’AF. Nous avons ensuite montré qu’un score polygénique simple pour l’Hb F expliquait une grande partie de sa variance et permettait d’améliorer la modélisation des crises de douleurs. Pour finir, à partir d’une réanalyse de la plus grande cohorte de patients avec AF ainsi que par randomisation mendélienne, nous avons montré l’effet causal protecteur de l’Hb F sur les accidents vasculaires cérébraux. Dans un second temps, nous avons analysé un crible génétique ciblé sur la densité du globule rouge, paramètre influençant la polymérisation de l’Hb S. Nous avons identifié de nombreux variants ayant un effet causal sur la densité à des fins de validation fonctionnelle. Pour finir, nous avons montré que l’AF influençait l’apparition d’une hématopoïèse clonale. Cette dernière était en effet détectée chez des patients plus jeunes et avait une prévalence plus élevée chez les individus avec AF que sans. En résumé, ce travail apporte un éclairage nouveau sur les conséquences de l’AF en montrant son influence sur l’expression de déterminants génétiques constitutionnels et somatiques. Ces déterminants représentent des outils pouvant permettre d’améliorer la prise en charge des patients avec AF. / Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a monogenic disorder leading to the polymerization of an abnormal hemoglobin (hemoglobin S, Hb S), that deforms the red cell, eventually leading to its destruction. SCD is associated with numerous complications with a great heterogeneity in its expression. Beside the important impact of fetal hemoglobin (Hb F), this variability is poorly understood, and few tools are available in the clinic to identify patients at high risk of complications. We used several approaches to study constitutional and somatic genetic determinants of SCD expression and their utility in patients’ management. First, we showed that polygenic scores for hematological traits were less performant in individuals with SCD than without. We showed that this difference was partly due to other genetic determinants and identified an epistatic effect between SCD and the Duffy antigen/chemokine receptor (DARC) null variant, which had a markedly reduced effect in SCD. We then showed that a simple polygenic score for Hb F explained a large part of the variance and improved modeling of pain crises. Based on the largest SCD cohort reanalysis and using Mendelian randomization, we showed that Hb F had a causal protective effect against stroke. Second, we analyzed a CRISPR-Cas9 targeted screening for red cell density, which influences Hb S polymerization. We identified many variants that influenced density as candidate to functional validations. Finally, we showed that SCD influenced the occurrence of clonal hematopoiesis. Clonal hematopoiesis was detected in younger patients and had an increased prevalence in individuals with SCD than without. In sum, this work shed light on a new category of consequences of SCD by showing its influence on the expression of constitutional and somatic determinants. These determinants are tools that can be used to improve the management of patients with SCD.
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Efficacité de trois stratégies de prévention du surpoids et de l'obésité à l'adolescence. Un essai avec randomisation en grappes / Effectiveness of three overweight and obesity prevention strategies in adolescence. A cluster randomised trial

Bonsergent, Émilie 22 August 2012 (has links)
Contexte : Etant donné la forte progression de la prévalence du surpoids et de l'obésité à l'adolescence ces dernières décennies, la prévention est devenue une priorité de santé publique internationale. Objectif : L'essai PRALIMAP (PRomotion de l'ALIMentation et de l'Activité Physique) évalue l'impact de trois stratégies de prévention du surpoids et de l'obésité - « Education », « Environnement », « Dépistage » - chez les adolescents en milieu scolaire, sur la corpulence, les connaissances, attitudes et comportements des adolescents vis-à-vis de la nutrition (alimentation et activité physique). Méthode : Les trois stratégies ont été affectées à 24 lycées de la région Lorraine (Nord-est de la France) sur 2 années (en classe de seconde et de première) par randomisation en grappe (=lycée), selon un plan factoriel 2x2x2. La stratégie Éducation consistait en des cours et des travaux de groupe sur la nutrition et une fête nutritionnelle annuelle. La stratégie Environnement consistait à améliorer l'offre nutritionnelle des lycées et organiser une fête nutritionnelle annuelle. La stratégie Dépistage consistait en un repérage des adolescents en surpoids ou obèses suivi d'une prise en charge adaptée collective. Les données ont été recueillies à 3 reprises : à l'entrée en classe de seconde (T0), de première (T1) et de terminale (T2). L'indice de masse corporelle (IMC), son z-score et la proportion d'adolescents en surpoids ou obèses étaient les critères de jugement principaux. Les critères de jugement secondaires étaient les connaissances et comportements nutritionnels. Les différences d'évolution T0-T2 des critères de jugement entre les 12 lycées ayant bénéficié d'une stratégie et les 12 lycées témoins de cette stratégie a été analysée à l'aide de modèles mixtes. Une évaluation du processus a permis d'estimer la dose réelle d'intervention de chaque stratégie dans chacun des lycées. Résultats : La stratégie Dépistage a entrainé une amélioration de la corpulence : augmentation moins importante de l'IMC avec la stratégie Dépistage (+0,6 vs +0,7, p=0,0303), diminution plus importante du z-score de l'IMC (-0,9 vs -0,5, p=0,0173) et de la prévalence du surpoids et de l'obésité (-2,3% vs -0,6%, p=0,0386). La stratégie Education a entrainé une amélioration de certains comportements nutritionnels : augmentation plus importante de la proportion d'adolescent suivant la recommandation nutritionnelle sur les féculents (3,6% vs -0,7%, p=0,0357) et du nombre d'activités physiques pratiquées (+0,02 vs -0,10, p=0,0047). La stratégie Environnement a amélioré les comportements et les connaissances nutritionnels : diminution moins importante de la proportion d'adolescents suivant la recommandation nutritionnelle sur le nombre de repas hebdomadaire (-4,5% vs -8,5%, p=0,0101) et amélioration plus importante du score de connaissances nutritionnelles (+1,9 point vs +1,0 point, p=0,0094). Des différences dans la réalisation des activités et la participation ont été mises en évidence suite à l'estimation de la dose d'intervention et peuvent expliquer certains résultats observés. Conclusion : Une stratégie de dépistage structurée en milieu scolaire apparaît bénéfique sur la réduction du surpoids et de l'obésité. L'addition d'activités d'éducation nutritionnelles dans le cursus n'induit pas d'effets sur la corpulence à court terme. La modification de l'environnement nutritionnel scolaire semble avoir un effet sur les indicateurs intermédiaires de connaissances et comportements nutritionnels / Background: Given the increasing prevalence of youth overweight and obesity in the last decade, prevention as become an international public health priority.Objective: The aim of The PRALIMAP (PRomotion de l'ALIMentation et de l'Activité Physique) trial was to evaluate the 2-year effectiveness of three strategies - « Education », « Screening » et « Environment »- aimed at preventing overweight and obesity among adolescents in high school setting on body size and nutritional knowledge and behaviours. Method: PRALIMAP was a school-based randomized controlled trial beginning in 24 state-run high schools (clusters) in Lorraine (north-eastern France). Each study high school was assigned to receive or not, over a 2-year period (grades 10 and 11), each of the three prevention strategies according to a 2x2x2 factorial school randomization. The prevention strategies were: ?education? (development of nutritional knowledge and skills), "environment" (creation of favourable environment by improving availability of dietary items with a good nutritional quality and physical activity), and "screening" (detection of overweight and obesity and, if necessary, adapted care management). The follow-up consisted of three visits: at the entry of grade 10(T0), grade 11(T1) and grade 12(T2). Body mass index (BMI), BMI z-score and prevalence of overweight and obesity were the main outcomes measures. Secondary outcomes measures were nutritional knowledge and behaviours. Comparisons of changes (T2-T0) of outcomes measures between each strategy schools and their control were carried out using a three-level hierarchical mixed model. A process evaluation allowed estimating an intervention dose really received by adolescents. Results: The 2-year change of anthropometric outcomes was more favourable in the 12 screening high schools as compared with the no-screening ones: a lower increase in BMI (+0,6 vs +0,7, p=0,0303), a greater decrease in BMI z-score (-0,9 vs -0,5, p=0,0173) and a greater decrease in overweight / obesity prevalence (-2,3% vs -0,6%, p=0,0386). The education strategy resulted in improved nutritional behaviours: a greater increase in achievement of starchy food guidelines (3,6% vs -0.7%, p=0.0357) and physical activity practice (+0,02 vs -0,10, p=0,0047). The environment strategy resulted in improved nutritional attitudes: a lower decrease in achievement of number of weekly meals guidelines (-4.5% vs -8.5%, p=0.0101) and greater increase in nutritional knowledge (+1,9 point vs +1,0 point, p=0.0094). Some differences in activity implementation and participation were highlighted and can explain some of the results observed. Conclusions: The screening strategy is an effective way to prevent, at two years, overweight and obesity among adolescents in a high school setting. Nutritional education added to the curriculum is not effective in the short term on body size. The school nutritional environment modification is slightly associated with improved nutritional knowledge and behaviours
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Genomics of lipid metabolism : identification of genetic determinants of lipid metabolites and the effect of perturbations of lipid levels on coronary heart disease risk factors

Harshfield, Eric Leigh January 2018 (has links)
Background: Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, and global mortality rates are expected to continue to rise over the coming decades. In Pakistan in particular, chronic diseases are responsible for 50% of the total disease burden. Circulating lipids are strongly and linearly associated with risk of CHD; however, despite considerable efforts to demonstrate causality, available evidence is conflicting and insufficient. Study of the underlying metabolic pathways implicated in the association between lipids and CHD would help to disentangle and elucidate these complex relationships. Objectives: The primary objectives of this dissertation were to (1) identify the genetic determinants of lipid metabolites and (2) advance understanding of the effect of perturbations in lipid metabolite levels on CHD and its risk factors. Methods: Direct infusion high-resolution mass spectrometry was performed on 5662 participants from the Pakistan Risk of Myocardial Infarction Study to obtain signals for 444 known lipid metabolites. Correlations and associations of the lipids with smoking, physical activity, circulating biomarkers, and other CHD risk factors were assessed. Genome-wide analyses were conducted to analyse the association of each lipid with over 6.7 million imputed single nucleotide polymorphisms. Functional annotation and Gaussian Graphical Modelling were used to link the variants associated with each lipid to the most likely mediating gene, discern the underlying metabolic pathways, and provide a visual representation of the genetic determinants of human metabolism. Mendelian randomisation was also implemented to examine the causal effect of lipids on risk of CHD. Results: The lipids were highly correlated with each other and with levels of major circulating lipids, and they exhibited significant associations with several CHD risk factors. There were 254 lipids that had significant associations with one or more genetic variants and 355 associations between lipids and variants, with a total of 89 sentinel variants from 23 independent loci. The analyses described in this dissertation resulted in the discovery of four novel loci, identified novel relationships between genetic variants and lipids, and revealed new biological insights into lipid metabolism. Conclusion: Analyses of lipid metabolites in large epidemiological studies can contribute to enhanced understanding of mechanisms for CHD development and identification of novel causal pathways and new therapeutic targets.
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Dissertation - Pritesh Jain.pdf

Pritesh Jain (15196489) 10 April 2023 (has links)
<p>Complex traits are influenced by genetic and environmental factors and their interactions. Most common human disorders such as cardiovascular, metabolic, autoimmune, and neurological diseases are complex. Understanding their genetic architecture and etiology is an important step to prevent, diagnose and treat these conditions. Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) have emerged as a powerful and widely used tool that can be used to explore and identify the genetic variants associated with complex traits. In this dissertation, we present some of the downstream applications of GWAS studies to analyze and understand the genetic risk and etiology of complex traits and provide important insights into the genetic architecture and background of several complex phenotypes. First, we examined whether prevalence of complex disorders around the world correlates to Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS). To do so, we determined the average PRS of 14 such complex disorders across 24 world populations using results of GWAS studies. We found variation in risk across populations and significant correlation was obtained between average disease risk and prevalence for seven of the studied disorders. Further exploring the power of PRS- based calculations, we performed a PRS - based phenome wide association study (PheWAS) for Tourette Syndrome (TS) and identified 57 phenotypic outcomes significantly associated with TS PRS. The strongest associations were found between TS PRS and mental health factors. Cross- disorder comparisons of phenotypic associations with genetic risk for other childhood-onset disorders (e.g.: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD], autism spectrum disorder [ASD], and obsessive-compulsive disorder [OCD]) indicated an overlap in associations between TS and these disorders. Furthermore, we performed a sex specific PheWAS that highlighted differences in associations of complex disorders with TS PRS in males and females. Finally, we used large- scale GWAS results to identify causal associations between different biological markers (proteins, metabolites, and microbes) and subcortical brain structure volumes using Mendelian Randomization (MR) analysis. We identified eleven proteins and six metabolites to be significantly associated with subcortical brain volume structures. Enrichment analysis indicated that the associated proteins were enriched for proteolytic functions and regulation of apoptotic pathways. Overall, our work demonstrates the power of GWAS studies to help disentangle the genetic basis of complex diseases and also provides important insights into the etiology of the studied complex traits. </p>
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Centralisation on Decentralised Online Social Networks / Centralisering på decentraliserade sociala nätverk online

Ryberg Laude, Martin, Brewitz, Markus January 2023 (has links)
The rapid growth of centralised social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook has raised concerns about privacy and the concentration of power held by the companies behind these services. In response, decentralised social media platforms have emerged as alternatives, forming federations of various instances without a single owner. However, these decentralised platforms have faced challenges with centralisation, as users tend to gather on larger instances. This paper examines Mastodon, one of the most popular decentralised platforms, to explore whether its onboarding flow and website design can be modified to encourage less centralisation. The study maps Mastodon's onboarding flow and identifies potential modifications to mitigate centralisation. Additionally, a new design for the official website is proposed. User tests involving five participants were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of these changes. The results indicate that modifying the design can influence users to choose smaller servers. One effective modification is randomising the order in which servers are presented, eliminating the advantage of larger servers. Another proposed change is to improve user awareness about how feeds and interactions on Mastodon spans servers, enabling users to interact beyond their own server and removing a motivation for choosing a larger one. But the impact of this information on user behaviour remains inconclusive in the user tests. Overall, this research suggests that through design modifications, Mastodon can encourage users to select smaller servers and foster a more decentralised social media environment. / Den snabba tillväxten av centraliserade sociala medieplattformar som Twitter och Facebook har väckt oro över personlig integritet och koncentrationen av makt hos företagen bakom dessa tjänster. Som svar har decentraliserade sociala medieplattformar dykt upp, där plattformen består av en federation av olika instanser utan en enda ägare. Dessa decentraliserade plattformar har dock stött på utmaningar med centralisering eftersom användare tenderar att samlas på större instanser. Den här rapporten undersöker Mastodon, en av de mest populära decentraliserade plattformarna, för att undersöka om dess onboardingflöde och designen av deras webbplats kan modifieras för att uppmuntra mindre centralisering. Studien kartlägger Mastodons nuvarande onboardingflöde och identifierar potentiella ändringar som kan mildra centraliseringen. Dessutom föreslås en ny design för den officiella webbplatsen. Användartester med fem deltagare genomfördes för att utvärdera effektiviteten av dessa förändringar. Resultaten indikerar att den modifierade designen kan påverka användare och få dem att välja mindre servrar. En effektiv förändring är att randomisera ordningen i vilken servrar presenteras, vilket eliminerar fördelen större servrar har i hur synliga de är. En annan föreslagen förändring är att förbättra användarnas medvetenhet om att flöden och interaktioner på Mastodon sträcker sig över servrar, vilket gör det möjligt för användare att interagera utanför sin egen server och tar bort ett av motiven användare har för att välja en större server. Vilken effekt det här har på användarnas beteende när det gäller deras val av server var dock oklart i användartesterna som utfördes. Sammantaget tyder denna undersökning på att Mastodon genom designändringar potentiellt kan uppmuntra användare att välja mindre servrar och främja en mer decentraliserad miljö för sociala media.
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Investigating the relationship between markers of ageing and cardiometabolic disease

Wright, Daniel John January 2018 (has links)
Human ageing is accompanied by characteristic metabolic and endocrine changes, including altered hormone profiles, insulin resistance and deterioration of skeletal muscle. Obesity and diabetes may themselves drive an accelerated ageing phenotype. Untangling the causal web between ageing, obesity and diabetes is a priority in order to understand their aetiology and improve prevention and management. The role of biological ageing in determining the risk of obesity and associated conditions has often been examined using mean leukocyte telomere length (LTL), a marker of replicative fatigue and senescence. However, considering phenotypes which represent different domains of biological and functional ageing as exposures for obesity and related traits could allow the elucidation of new understudied phenotypes relevant to cardio-metabolic risk in the wider population. This PhD considers the causal role of (1) hand grip strength (HGS), a marker of overall strength and physical functioning, and (2) resting energy expenditure, an indicator of overall energy metabolism and the major component of daily energy expenditure, in cardio-metabolic risk. I also characterise a new and readily-quantifiable marker of age-related genomic instability, mosaic loss of the Y chromosome (mLOY). Observational evidence implicates each of these phenotypes in cardio-metabolic conditions and intermediate phenotypes. However, it is not possible to infer causality from these observational associations due to confounding and reverse-causality. Mendelian randomisation offers a solution to these limitations and can allow the causal nature of these relationships to be investigated. Using population-based data including UK Biobank, this thesis presents the first large-scale genetic discovery effort for each trait and provides new biological insight into their shared and separate aetiology. I used identified variants to investigate the bidirectional causal associations of each trait with cardio-metabolic outcomes, intermediate phenotypes and other related traits such as frailty and mortality. In total I identified 16 loci for hand grip strength, 19 for mLOY, and one signal for REE. I have shown that HGS is likely to be causally linked to fracture risk, and I have identified the important shared genetic architecture between mLOY, glycaemic traits and cancer. I have also demonstrated that at least one known genetic variant contributing to obesity risk acts partially via reduced REE. Overall the findings of my PhD contribute to our wider understanding of the aetiological role of ageing processes in metabolic dysfunction, and have implications for both basic science and translational applications.
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Random question sequencing in computer-based testing (CBT) assessments and its effect on individual student performance

Marks, Anthony Michael 04 June 2008 (has links)
This research is important because it has identified a gap in the existing knowledge base. A term is therefore coined to label a computer-based test mode effect, the so-called Item Randomisation Effect, discussed in detail in this thesis. Item Randomisation Effect is a test mode effect occurring in computer-based testing contexts, especially noticeable in test-takers that may be susceptible to test anxiety. The practise of randomising multiple choice items in computer-based test venues is commonplace, mainly as a deterrent for cheating. Previous research attempted to determine the degree of equivalence across testing modalities of any test. The need was to ensure test-takers in paper-based tests would not have an advantage/disadvantage over test-takers given the same test in a computer-based mode. Such studies have a nomothetic perspective. This research contrasts with those earlier studies in that it has an ideographic perspective because it is concerned with the performance of individuals taking any test in the computer-based modality. This subtle difference in perspective may account for the apparent gap in the existing educational research literature. Evidence of Item Randomisation Effect was found in this study but further research into this test mode effect is necessary. / Dissertation (MEd (Computer-Integrated Education))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted
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A randomised controlled trial of an audiovisual patient information intervention in cancer clinical trials

Hutchison, Catherine B. January 2008 (has links)
Introduction and background Recruitment to cancer clinical trials needs to be improved, as does patient understanding about clinical trials, to enable patients to make an informed choice about whether or not to take part. The main reason that clinically eligible patients do not take part in clinical trials is because they refuse; poor understanding of the research has been associated with patient refusal. Audiovisual patient information (AVPI) has been shown to improve knowledge/understanding in various areas of practice but there is limited information about its effect in the cancer clinical trial setting, particularly in relation to recruitment rates. Understanding the research is necessary for informed consent, and it was hypothesised that if patient understanding about clinical trials was increased with AVPI, then this could result in a reduction in the number of patients refusing clinical trials, and therefore provide an ethical approach to improving recruitment. This study aimed to test the impact of an audiovisual patient information intervention on recruitment to randomised cancer clinical trials (refusal rates), patient understanding of the information given, and levels of anxiety. Reasons for patients’ decisions about trial participation were also assessed. Method An AVPI intervention was developed that aimed to address the common misconceptions associated with randomisation and clinical equipoise, as well as improve patient understanding generally of randomised cancer trials, and of other core clinical trial informational requirements, such as voluntariness. Patients were randomised to receive either AVPI in addition to the standard trial-specific written information, or the written information alone. A new questionnaire was developed to assess patient understanding (also referred to as knowledge) in the randomised trial setting and, following testing with patients and research nurses, this was shown to be reliable and valid. Patients completed self-report questionnaires to assess their understanding (new knowledge questionnaire) and anxiety (Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory), at baseline and after they had made their decision about clinical trial entry, when their perceptions of the intervention, as well as factors contributing to their decision were also determined (this tool incorporated Jenkins and Fallowfield’s (2005) questionnaire which assessed reasons for accepting and declining randomised cancer trials). Results A total of 173 patients with breast cancer (65%), colorectal cancer (32%) and lung cancer (3%) were entered into the main study. The median age was 60 (range 37-92 years). There was no difference in clinical trial recruitment rates between the two groups: 72.1% in the AVPI group and 75.9% in the standard information group. The estimated odds ratio for refusal (intervention/no intervention) was 1.19 (95% ci 0.55-2.58, p=0.661). Knowledge scores increased more in the intervention group compared to the standard group (U= 2029, p=0.0072). The change in anxiety score between the arms was also statistically significant (p=0.011) with anxiety improving in the intervention arm more than in the no-intervention arm. The estimated difference in the median anxiety change score between the groups is –4.6 (95% ci –7.0 to –2.0). Clinical trial entry was not influenced by tumour type, stage of cancer, age, educational qualifications or previous research experience, however, there was a modest association with deprivation status (p=0.046) where more affluent patients were the least likely to consent to a trial. Educational qualifications and stage of cancer were independently associated with knowledge: patients who were better educated had higher levels of knowledge about randomised trials, and patients who had limited stage of cancer had higher baseline knowledge than patients with advanced cancer. Acceptability of the intervention was high with 93% of those who watched it finding it useful, and 42% stating that it made them want to take part in the clinical trial. Personal benefit and altruism were key motivating factors for clinical trial participation, with reasons for refusal being less clear. Discussion and conclusions Although the potential for AVPI to increase clinical trial recruitment rates was highlighted in the literature, in this study, AVPI was not shown to have any effect on refusal rates to randomised cancer trials. However, by improving patient understanding prior to decision making, AVPI was shown to be a useful addition to the consent process for randomised cancer trials. AVPI addresses the fundamental ethical challenges of informed consent by improving patient understanding, and supports the ethical framework integral to Faden and Beauchamp’s (1986) theory of informed consent. The new knowledge questionnaire was shown to be a sensitive and effective instrument for measuring understanding of randomised clinical trials in the cancer setting, although it would benefit from further testing. The AVPI appears to reduce anxiety at the decision making time point and has been shown to be an acceptable medium for patients. This study confirms existing findings from studies assessing factors affecting decision making, with personal benefit and altruism being key motivating factors, and reasons for refusal being less clear. The need for further qualitative work in this area is highlighted to gain a deeper understanding of what is important to patients, in terms of why they refuse clinical trial participation. Implications for practice and further research Several implications for practice have been identified, including using AVPI as part of the standard information package for patients considering randomised cancer trials, and focussing on patient and staff education in this area. The knowledge questionnaire could be introduced to routine practice as a tool to determine patient understanding prior to decision making, allowing clinicians the opportunity to correct any misconceptions prior to consent. Further research focussing on AVPI specific to individual trials would be helpful, to determine if a more customised approach would be of benefit in terms of clinical trial recruitment. The importance of studying other aspects of the consent process such as the interaction between the clinician and the patient, in addition to more detailed exploration of the factors affecting patients’ decisions were highlighted.
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Épistasie en médecine évolutive

Gamache, Isabel 07 1900 (has links)
La variabilité de la réponse aux médicaments entre les individus est en grande partie attribuable aux différences génétiques causées par des mutations génétiques. Ces mutations ont émergé au cours de l'évolution humaine et peuvent être neutres, bénéfiques ou délétères en termes de survie ou de succès reproductif. Bien que de nombreuses études identifient des variants génétiques associés à des phénotypes, comme la réponse aux médicaments, peu d'attention est accordée à l'origine de ces mutations ou à leur présence au sein des populations. La médecine évolutive entre alors en jeu en étudiant les origines évolutives des mutations associées à des phénotypes. Ce domaine se situe à l'intersection de la médecine et de la biologie évolutive, et il cherche à comprendre comment le corps humain est devenu ce qu'il est aujourd'hui. Cette thèse se concentrera sur l'évolution des gènes impliqués dans la réponse aux médicaments. La première partie de cette thèse se penchera sur la relation entre les gènes ADCY9 et CETP, qui sont liés à la réponse au médicament dalcetrapib visant à réduire les événements cardiovasculaires en ciblant la protéine CETP. Une mutation dans le gène ADCY9 a été précédemment identifiée comme modulant la réponse à ce médicament. Nous avons identifié plusieurs pressions de sélection dans le gène ADCY9, mais nous avons concentré nos analyses sur son interaction épistasique, c'est-à-dire non linéaire, co-évolutive avec le gène CETP. Des effets de cette interaction sur plusieurs phénotypes ont été observés, et des mécanismes potentiels sous-tendant cette pression co-évolutive et son association avec le médicament ont été identifiés. La deuxième partie de cette thèse sera la suite d'un projet portant sur l'étude des pressions de sélection sur la superfamille des cytochromes P450. Les gènes de cette superfamille sont généralement impliqués dans la détoxification de l'organisme, y compris par la métabolisation d'environ 75% des médicaments couramment prescrits. Des analyses préliminaires ont révélé des enrichissements de pression de sélection dans deux sous-familles, à savoir les CYP3A et les CYP4F. Des phénotypes potentiellement sous pressions de sélection ont été identifiés dans la sous-famille des CYP3A au sein de la population africaine. En conclusion, l'intégration de la génétique des populations avec la transcriptomique et les études d'association phénotypiques enrichit notre compréhension des liens entre les pharmacogènes au sein de diverses populations. Cette approche représente un pas de plus vers l'amélioration de la médecine de précision. / Variability in drug response between individuals is largely due to genetic differences caused by genetic mutations. These mutations have emerged in the course of human evolution and can be neutral, beneficial or deleterious in terms of survival or reproductive success. Although many studies identify genetic variants associated with phenotypes such as drug response, little attention is paid to the origin of these mutations or their presence in the population. This is where evolutionary medicine comes in, studying the evolutionary origins of mutations associated with phenotypes. This field lies at the intersection of medicine and evolutionary biology, and seeks to understand how the human body became what it is today. This thesis will focus on the evolution of genes involved in drug response. The first part of this thesis will look at the relationship between the genes ADCY9 and CETP, linked to the response to the drug dalcetrapib aimed at reducing cardiovascular events by targeting the CETP protein. A mutation in the ADCY9 gene has been previously identified as modulating the response to this drug. We identified several selection pressures in the ADCY9 gene, but focused our analyses on the co-evolutionary epistatic interactions, meaning non-linear. Effects of this interaction on several phenotypes were observed, and potential mechanisms underlying this co-evolutionary pressure and its association with the drug were identified. The second part of this thesis will follow on from a project investigating selection pressures on the cytochrome P450 superfamily. Genes in this superfamily are generally involved in the detoxification of the body, including the metabolization of around 75% of commonly prescribed drugs. Preliminary analyses have revealed selective pressure enrichments in two subfamilies, CYP3A and CYP4F. Potential phenotypes under selective pressure were identified in the CYP3A subfamily in the African population. In conclusion, the integration of population genetics with transcriptomics and phenotypic association studies enhances our understanding of the connections among pharmacogenes across diverse populations. This approach signifies another stride towards advancing precision medicine.
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L’impact du taux de fer dans le sang sur les maladies cardiovasculaires et neurodégénératives

Belbellaj, Wiame 03 1900 (has links)
Le fer joue un rôle crucial dans de nombreuses fonctions biologiques et est indispensable ‎au fonctionnement optimal du corps, tant au niveau systémique que cellulaire. Des ‎études ont rapporté des associations entre des taux de fer anormaux et certaines ‎maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) et neurodégénératives (MND). Toutefois, la direction de ‎l’influence de ces associations n’est pas clairement identifiée. Dans ce projet, nous ‎utilisons des données génétiques sommaires et des méthodes statistiques et ‎computationnelles pour élucider le lien entre le taux de fer et certaines MCV et MND. ‎Nous avons effectué une méta-analyse des résultats de plusieurs études de cohortes sur ‎les taux de fer dans le sang, évaluant les corrélations génétiques et l’effet causal du taux ‎de fer sur 11 traits MCV et MND en utilisant la randomisation mendéliennes (RM). Nous ‎avons identifié des corrélations génétiques globales significatives entre le fer sérique et 4 ‎traits : les lipoprotéines à haute densité (HDL), les triglycérides, la maladie coronarienne ‎et l'insuffisance cardiaque, ainsi que 194 régions génomiques présentant des ‎corrélations locales significatives. Les analyses de RM suggèrent un rôle protecteur du fer ‎sérique sur le métabolisme lipidique, en particulier sur le cholestérol total et le ‎cholestérol non HDL. De plus, les analyses stratifiées par sexe indiquent un potentiel rôle ‎protecteur du fer contre la maladie de Parkinson chez les femmes. Les résultats de ce ‎projet permettront de développer nos connaissances sur les bases génétiques qui sous-‎tend le taux de fer et les MCV et MND, ouvrant ainsi la voie à de nouvelles interventions ‎préventives et thérapeutiques pour ces maladies.‎ / Iron plays a crucial role in numerous biological functions, and it is essential for optimal ‎body functioning, both at the systemic and cellular levels. Studies have reported ‎associations between abnormal iron levels and certain cardiovascular (CVD) and ‎neurodegenerative diseases (NDD). However, the direction of influence of these ‎associations is not clearly identified. In this project, we utilize genetic summary statistics ‎data and advanced statistical and computational methods to elucidate the link between ‎iron levels and specific CVD and NDD. We conducted a meta-analysis of results from ‎multiple cohort studies on serum iron levels to then assess genetic correlations and ‎causal effects of iron levels on 11 CVD and NDD using Mendelian randomization (MR). ‎We identified significant global genetic correlations between serum iron and 4 traits: ‎high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triglycerides, coronary artery disease, and ‎heart failure, among which 194 genomic regions showing significant local correlations. ‎MR analyses suggest a protective role of serum iron on lipid metabolism, particularly on ‎total cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol. Furthermore, sex-stratified analyses suggest ‎a potential protective role of iron against Parkinson’s disease in females. The findings of ‎this project will advance our understanding of the genetic basis underlying iron levels and ‎CVD and NDD risk, paving the way for new preventive and therapeutic interventions for ‎these diseases.‎
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