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Mod??lisation d'un syst??me de lib??ration d'un peptide d??riv?? de la BMP-9 et ??tude m??canistique comparative entre la BMP-9 et la BMP-2Lauzon, Marc-Antoine January 2014 (has links)
Le vieillissement croissant de la population canadienne aura une incidence, dans les ann??es ?? venir, sur les risques de fractures ost??oporotiques et autres pathologies de l'os. Parmi ces risques, les fractures avec pertes osseuses pr??sentent des d??fis consid??rables et causent un lourd fardeau ??conomique. La soci??t?? Ost??oporose Canada estime que plus de 30 milliards de dollars seront d??pens??s pour le traitement de l???ost??oporose et de leurs fractures associ??es d???ici 2018. La m??thode de comblement des pertes osseuses standard actuelle, soit l'autogreffe, est limit??e et pr??sente des risques pour le patient. ?? titre d'alternative, deux strat??gies ont ??t?? jusqu'?? maintenant ??tudi??es: les syst??mes de lib??ration de facteurs de croissance (?? growth factor delivery systems ??, GFDS) et le d??veloppement de mat??riaux biomim??tiques. Ces deux strat??gies ont comme point commun l'utilisation de facteurs de croissance ost??og??niques comme les prot??ines morphog??n??tiques osseuses (BMPs), telles la BMP-2 (r??f??rence commerciale) et la BMP-9. Malgr?? leur effet important, les BMPs restent couteuses ?? produire. Le laboratoire de N. Faucheux a d??velopp?? un peptide (pBMP-9) d??riv?? de la BMP-9 qui poss??de un effet ost??og??nique d??montr??, mais dont les m??canismes d???action et le comportement en syst??me de lib??ration restent ?? ??tre ??tudi??s. Les objectifs de ce projet de recherche ont donc port?? sur l?????tude du comportement de cellules osseuses pr??ost??oblastes murins (MC3T3-E1) face ?? ces facteurs de croissance ainsi que sur le suivi et la mod??lisation des cin??tiques de lib??ration du pBMP-9 ?? partir d???une matrice de collag??ne, utilis??e actuellement en clinique. Le m??moire poss??de ainsi trois volets.
Le premier volet de ces travaux a consist?? ?? faire une revue de la litt??rature sur le processus de r??g??n??ration osseuse endochondrale afin de bien comprendre le r??le jou?? par les facteurs de croissance et cerner les d??fis de conception d???un GFDS utilis?? en r??g??n??ration osseuse. Les nouvelles approches de GFDS ont ??t?? revues en d??tail ainsi que les principaux mod??les math??matiques d??velopp??s et appliqu??s aux mol??cules th??rapeutiques. Cette revue de la litt??rature a ??t?? publi??e dans Journal of Controlled Release.
Le second volet de ces travaux s???est pench?? sur l?????tude et la mod??lisation math??matique des cin??tiques de lib??ration du pBMP-9 ?? partir d???hydrogels de collag??ne. Les r??sultats exp??rimentaux ont men?? ?? la r??daction d???un article qui vient d?????tre accept?? dans la revue Journal of Controlled Release. Cette ??tude consistait ?? ??valuer les m??canismes de transfert de masse impliqu??s dans la lib??ration pour diff??rentes concentrations de pBMP-9 ?? partir d'hydrogels de collag??ne. Les cin??tiques de lib??ration ont ??t?? mod??lis??es et ont montr?? la pr??sence d'interactions importantes entre le pBMP-9 et les fibres de collag??ne.
Le troisi??me volet a consist?? ?? d??terminer l'effet dose de la BMP-9 et de la BMP-2 sur la capacit?? des MC3T3-E1 ?? se diff??rencier en pr??sence ou en absence de s??rum de veau foetal (?? foetal bovine serum ??, FBS). Ces travaux ont conduit ?? la r??daction d???un article qui vient d?????tre accept?? dans la revue Tissue Engineering Part A. La BMP-9 ??tant jusqu'alors mal comprise, l'??tude s'est pench??e sur cette prot??ine tout en ayant comme objectif de transposer les connaissances au pBMP-9. Les r??sultats ont d??montr?? que les m??canismes d'action de la BMP-9 ??taient tr??s diff??rents de ceux de la BMP-2 en pr??sence de FBS. Les r??sultats ont ??galement permis d'??tablir que, ?? l'instar de la BMP-2, la pr??sence de FBS potentialise fortement l'effet ost??og??nique de la BMP-9. Cet effet a d???ailleurs pu ??tre r??cr???? par l???IGF-2. Les conclusions de ce travail favoriseront le d??veloppement de syst??mes de lib??ration ost??og??niques plus efficaces.
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Metabolický profil dojnic holštýnského plemene v průběhu laktace / The metabolic profile of the milch cow of holstein breed in the period of lactationHORČIČKOVÁ, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
Diploma work was concentrated on the evaluation of two metabolic profiles on the milch cows of Holstein breed on the basic of compilated nutritive rations for individual phases of lactation. The metabolic tests were evaluated in the milch cows in the period of making cow milk, the top of lactation and the second phase of lactation. The balance of nutriments was counted out in the nutritive rations. The haemotological and biochemical parameters, macromineral and urinary profiles were evaluated in the metabolic profiles. The work in the both metabolic profiles evidenced the reduced number of erythrocytes which can be connected with the occurence of anaemia. In the period of the top of lactation it is possible to speculate about an energetical deficit with regard to the low content of triacylglycerols. In the profile tests the presence of ketone bodies substances in urine was found out in the period of making cow milk. This finding connects with the negative energetic balance that occurrs in the course of the first two months after calving. Within of mineral profile an attention should be paid to especially the content of calcium, which was reduced in the both profiles. In comparison with the profiles perfomed in 2011 we find out that reached modifications of the nutrive ration and the increase in the content of main nutriments, which shoved in the milch cows by improvement of metabolic effects. Neverthless in breeding of the milch cows the increased emphasis should be put on the period of making cow milk and the recommendation for prevention from anaemia or other disorders is carrying out of the selective metabolic test.
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Posouzení krmných dávek a jejich vliv na užitkové parametry ve výkrmu býků / Evaluation of feed rations and the impact on performance in bull fatteningKOLÁŘ, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the nutrition fattening cattle. The evaluation of the feed rations was based on the needs of nutrients for the recommended values in relation to utility parameters on the given farm. The work also evaluated feeding and stabling technique, the quality of feed composition and feed rations and evaluation of the basic economic indicators of fattening bulls.
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Analýza provozních ukazatelů produkce mléka / Analysis of the operating indicators of milk productionŠANDERA, Filip January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the operating characteristics of milk production. The work was developed in agricultural cooperatives of Zemědělské družstvo Podkleťan Křemže. The agricultural holding had been in assessment of dairy cattle nutrition, feeding techniques, quality of roughages, composition of the diet and comparison of economic indicators in dairy production. The quality of roughages was performed by using the fermentation process, and the fodder was subsequently classified into different classes. The composition of the diet was assessed with recommended values depending on the energy need and nutrient requirements. The reproductive performance was compared with data on total population. The economic factors were assessed in connection with yield and cost of farming.
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Desempenho de frangos de corte influenciado pela idade da matriz, tempo de incubação e manejo pós-eclosão / Broiler performance influenced by broiler breeder age, incubation period and post-hatching handlingAlmeida, Jair Godoy de January 2006 (has links)
Foram realizados 4 experimentos com o objetivo de avaliar distribuições de nascimentos em função da idade da matriz, e as conseqüências de períodos prolongados de permanência das aves no nascedouro sobre seu futuro desempenho, procurando estabelecer novos manejos que busquem melhorias na qualidade do pintinho. Observou-se que a idade da matriz interferiu nas distribuições de nascimentos, sendo que embriões oriundos de matrizes velhas apresentam distribuição de nascimentos mais tardias, em relação a embriões oriundos de matrizes jovem e de idade intermediária. Constatou-se que a grande maioria das eclosões ocorreram até 485 horas de incubação, ou seja, 30 horas antes do prazo final de retirada. Partindo deste pressuposto, se poderia remover os pintos, pelo menos uma vez, antes de 510 horas de incubação, que é o período normalmente utilizado. Dessa forma, o período em que as aves ficariam sem alimento e água seria reduzido para a maioria dos pintos eclodidos. No entanto, os resultados deste estudo não mostram vantagem na adoção deste manejo, visto que pintos retirados precocemente do nascedouro não apresentaram vantagens de desempenho em relação a pintos submetidos a períodos de estresse de 12 e 24 horas dentro do nascedouro, para posterior alojamento. Matrizes velhas apresentam maior número de ovos inférteis e mortalidade embrionária total, resultando em menor percentual de eclodibilidade. A antecipação ou o retardamento da troca de dieta inicial por crescimento em função do peso do pinto ao alojamento, não se mostrou benéfica em termos de desempenho dos animais. No entanto, pode-se constatar que o peso ao alojamento foi determinante para o desempenho dos animais, resultando em diferença média de 174g, aos 42 dias, favoráveis às aves alojadas com um maior peso corporal. / Four experiences were made with the purpose of evaluating birth distribution related to the broiler breeder age and the consequences of the chick permanence in the hatchery for a long period on their future performance. Attempting to establish new handling to improve chick quality we observed that the broiler breeder age interfered in hatching distribution and the embryo from old broiler breeders present a later distribution in relation to the embryo from young broiler breeders and intermediate broiler breeders. We observed that most hatching occurred till 485 hours of incubation, that is, 30 hours before the final removing term. From this postulation, it would be interesting that the chick would be removed, at least once, before 510 hours of incubation, which is the used normal period. In this way, the period in which the chick will be without food and water will be reduced to the majority of the hatching chicks. Nevertheless, the results of this study do not show advantages in the adoption of this handling, since the chicks taken away early from the birthplace do not present performance advantages related to the chicks submitted to stress periods of 12 an 24 hours in the hatchery for posterior housing. Old broiler breeder present a great number of infertile eggs and total embryonic mortality resulting in a minor percentage of hatching. The anticipation or the retarding of the exchange of the initial diet in view of the growth due to the chick weight in housing was not advantageous in relation to the animal performance. Nevertheless, we evidence that the weight in housing was determinant for the animal performance resulting in a medium difference of weight of 174g at the day 42th, favorable to the chicks housed with a greater corporal weight.
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Modelagem da evapotranspiração em plantios de eucalipto em fase inicial de desenvolvimento com cobertura parcial do solo / Modeling of evapotranspiration in eucalyptus plants in initial stage of development with partial coverage of the soil.Souza, Wesley Gonçalves de 21 September 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-09-21 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Species of the gender Eucalyptus, whose characteristics as fast growth and capacity of resisting to the water stress, they are used in wide climbs in the establishment of industrial forests in several countries, among which ones, highlights Brazil with more than 3 million planted hectares. The tropical and subtropical climate in most of the Brazilian territory allows an uninterrupted growth and, consequently, a fast biomass accumulation. It is known that the growth and the development of the vegetables is consequence of several physiologic processes, which are controlled by the environmental conditions and characteristic genetics of each vegetable species. Therefore, for best to understand the growth, the development and the impact hydrology of an eucalyptus plantation, it is done necessary to know the factors that control the use of the water. Several environmental factors influence the opening and the closing stomatic, determining larger or smaller transfer of water vapour for the atmosphere. Among these, they highlight the levels of humidity of the soil, the tenor of humidity of the air, solar radiation, temperature of the air and vapour pressure deficit. Specifically, plants with initial age of development present discontinuity in the covering of the soil, being these subject isolated plants the largest interaction with the atmosphere, tending to present larger exhibition of the canopy to the wind and the solar radiation, for that, the given aerodynamic treatment the those plants should be different in relation to plants in adult age, with total covering of the soil. Usually, the growth models consider in the estimate of the conductance of surface of the water vapour the canopy as a leaf big, only and continuous (theory of "Big Leaf"). This approach is not adapted in the initial stage of development of forests. This age in relation to the another have a great importance, once in that period the plants present larger growth rate, once the biomass earnings is directly related to the evapotranspiration processes (loss of water vapour) and photosynthesis (earnings of CO2). In this context, the objective of this study was to model the evapotranspiration for eucalyptus plants in initial phase of development. The experimental site is located in an area belonging to Aracruz Celulose in city of Aracruz, state of Espírito Santo. The meteorological data, solar radiation, temperature of the air, relative humidity, speed of the wind and precipitation were collected in a tower of 38 m of located height among four trees. The methodology used in the modelling of the evapotranspiration was based in the work of Angelocci (1996), when the same in his study made estimates for the evapotranspiration of apple trees in orchards. For the comparison of the results, he esteemed the evapotranspiration by the method of the Bowen Ration for being this a method that describes the relationship soil-plant-
atmosphere well. After the analysis of the results for the whole studied period, it verified that to the initial stage of development of the eucalyptus, the developed model showed efficient in the estimate of the evapotranspiration. / Espécies do gênero Eucalyptus, cujas características como crescimento rápido e capacidade de resistir ao estresse hídrico, são utilizadas em larga escala no estabelecimento de florestas industriais em vários países, entre os quais, destaca-se o Brasil com mais de 3 milhões de hectares plantados. O clima tropical e subtropical na maioria do território brasileiro permite um crescimento ininterrupto e, consequentemente, um rápido acúmulo de biomassa. Sabe-se que o crescimento e o desenvolvimento dos vegetais é conseqüência de vários processos fisiológicos, os quais são controlados pelas condições ambientais e características genéticas de cada espécie vegetal. Portanto, para melhor compreender o crescimento, o desenvolvimento e o impacto hidrológico de uma plantação de eucalipto, faz-se necessário conhecer os fatores que controlam o uso da água. Vários fatores ambientais influenciam a abertura e o fechamento estomático, determinando maior ou menor transferência de vapor de água para a atmosfera. Dentre estes, destacam-se os níveis de umidade do solo, o teor de umidade do ar, radiação solar, temperatura do ar e déficit de pressão de vapor. Especificamente, plantios com idade inicial de desenvolvimento apresentam descontinuidade na cobertura do solo, ficando estas plantas isoladas sujeitas a maior interação com a atmosfera, tendendo a apresentar maior exposição do dossel ao vento e a radiação solar, por isso, o tratamento aerodinâmico dado a esses plantios deve ser diferente em relação a plantios em idade adulta, com cobertura total do solo. Normalmente, os modelos de crescimento consideram na estimativa da condutância de superfície do vapor de água o dossel como uma folha grande, única e contínua (teoria da Big Leaf ). Esta aproximação não é adequada na etapa inicial de desenvolvimento de florestas. Esta idade em relação às outras tem uma grande importância, uma vez que nesse período as plantas apresentam maior taxa de crescimento, uma vez que o ganho de biomassa está diretamente relacionado aos processos de evapotranspiração (perda de vapor d água) e fotossíntese (ganho de CO2). Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi modelar a evapotranspiração para plantios de eucalipto em fase inicial de desenvolvimento. O sítio experimental está localizado numa área pertencente à Aracruz Celulose no município de Aracruz ES. Os dados meteorológicos, radiação solar, temperatura do ar, umidade relativa, velocidade do vento e precipitação foram coletados em uma torre de 38 m de altura localizada entre quatro árvores. A metodologia utilizada na modelagem da evapotranspiração baseou-se no trabalho de Angelocci (1996), quando o mesmo em seu estudo fez estimativas para a evapotranspiração de macieiras em pomares. Para a comparação dos resultados, estimou-se a evapotranspiração pelo método da Razão de Bowen por ser este um método que descreve bem a relação solo-planta-atmosfera. Após a análise dos resultados para todo o período estudado, verificou-se que para os estádios iniciais de desenvolvimento do eucalipto, o modelo desenvolvido se mostrou eficiente na estimativa da evapotranspiração.
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Úprava krmné dávky pro nosnice za účelem zlepšení pevnosti a tvrdosti skořápek vajec. / The adjustment of the feed ration for laying hens in order to improve the strength and the hardness of eggshellsHEINDL, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
This major thesis expands the issue of the bachelor thesis "The issue of raising laying hens considering on introduction of enriched cages" and adds new knowledge relating to the topic feed rations and their influence on the final production. The theoretical part of the thesis analyses the basic theoretical concepts cohering with this topic, focused on creating a comprehensive overview of the structure and quality of the eggs, the basic ingredients in the feed rations, qualitative parameters of grapes as the modified additive provided by us and last but not least there is processed the recent overview of the current state of large-scale farmers in the Czech republic. The practical part of the thesis aims to test the effect of the proposed feed with an additive in the form of the crushed grape seeds, on the strength of the eggshell, by homogeneous samples of the breeds through from us proposed measuring instrument. Subsequently, a statistical evaluation of measured results is realized. In conclusion, the consideration is extended to the economic evaluation of costs and profits in case of the implementation of the suggested feed ration into practice in order to quantify the difference compared to the commonly used feed ration.
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Preciznost nakládky komponent směsné krmné dávky u samojízdného míchacího krmného vozuHORÁČEK, Adam January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the accuracy of loading individual components of mixed feed dose into a self-propelled mixing feed wagon using a milling cutter. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the mixed feed used for cattle breeding, then the selected world leading producers of self-propelled mixing feed wagons are listed and finally the current technological trends and innovations in this field. The practical part is firstly focused on selecting a particular company equipped with a self-propelled mixing wagon with a programmable weight calculator and a computer program. Secondly, the characteristics of feed rations and the average dairy production of dairy groups in the selected holding is mentioned. The main aim is to compare the ratio of the actually loaded weights with the required weights in the individual feed ration components for the groups of production dairy cows.
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Přesnost nakládky do závěsného vertikálního míchacího krmného vozuKADLEC, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
The theoretical part features an overview of the historical development of dairy cows feeding and introduces currently used trends in feeding. This part also outlines basic technologies in the production of roughage and describes modern feed distribution machinery. The practical part evaluates the accuracy of loading of individual components and the total weight of a feed ration loaded into a vertical suspension mixer feeder wagon by a front-end loader tractor. The observation was carried out at Mr. Kadlec's family farm in Velký Bor near Netolice and lasted four months. During this period, the actual weight of loaded components (grass-clover haylage, maize silage, grains meal) was being monitored daily. The evaluation came to a conclusion that grass-clover haylage stored in bales is loaded with a greater accuracy than maize silage stored in a clamp silo.
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Relação planta-animal em pastagem de azevém (lolium multiflorum lam.) e milheto (pennisetum americanum (l.) leeke) com ovinos sob níveis de suplemento / Plant-animal relation on italian ryegrass (lolium multiflorum lam.) and pearl millet (pennisetum americanum (l.) leeke) pasture with sheep under supplement levelsBremm, Carolina 28 February 2007 (has links)
This experiment was conducted aiming to elucidate aspects of the plant:animal interface through the ingestive behavior of sheep receiving different supplement levels (0; 0,5; 1,0 and 1,5% of live weight), kept on an Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) pasture during the winter period and Pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) pasture on
summer, under continuous variable stocking. The supplement utilized was a commercial ration. It was evaluated lactating ewes and ewe lambs when with their mothers and after
weaning on Italian ryegrass pasture. On Pearl millet, the same ewe lambs were evaluated by experimental unit. The experimental design was completely randomized with repeated
measures in time with four supplement levels and two area replicates. Supplement levels, with the structural characteristics of cold season pasture, influenced the ingestive behavior of ewes and ewe lambs (P<0.05). Supplement levels have not influenced (P>0.05) the bite size, being influenced by structure of cold season pasture and crude protein content of forage apparently consumed. On summer period, supplement levels and utilization periods of pasture altered the diurnal grazing, rumination and idling times (P<0.05). / O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de procurar elucidar aspectos pertinentes à interface planta:animal através do comportamento ingestivo de ovinos recebendo
diferentes níveis de suplemento (0; 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5% do peso vivo), mantidos em pastagem de azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) no período de inverno e milheto (Pennisetum americanum
(L.) Leeke) no verão, sob pastejo contínuo. O suplemento utilizado foi uma ração comercial. Foram avaliadas ovelhas em lactação e cordeiras quando ao pé da mãe e após a desmama na pastagem de azevém. No milheto, foram avaliadas as mesmas cordeiras por unidade experimental. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com medidas
repetidas no tempo, com quatro tratamentos e duas repetições de área. Níveis de suplemento, juntamente com as características estruturais da pastagem de inverno, influenciaram o comportamento ingestivo das ovelhas e cordeiras (P<0,05). Níveis de suplemento não influenciaram (P>0,05) a massa de bocado, sendo influenciado pela estrutura da pastagem de inverno e percentagem de proteína bruta da forragem aparentemente consumida. No período
de verão, níveis de suplemento e períodos de utilização da pastagem alteraram os tempos diurnos de pastejo, ruminação e ócio (P<0,05).
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