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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da função biológica e molecular de YJL077C - ORF de função desconhecida - envolvimento na resposta antioxidante e na sensibilidade ao cobre em Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Study of the biological and molecular function of orf-YJL077C- involvement in the antioxidant response and in the sensitivity to copper in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Alesso, Claudia Aznar 09 April 2014 (has links)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae teve seu seqüenciamento genômico finalizado em 1996, sendo composto de cerca de 6600 ORF\'s ( \"open reading frames\", quadros abertos de leitura) das quais aproximadamente 20% estão anotadas como não caracterizadas e de função molecular desconhecida. Com o objetivo de caracterizar algumas dessas ORF\'s relacionadas aos processos antioxidantes, escolhemos a proteína Yjl077cp. Através de nossos experimentos foi possível relacionar a proteína Yjl077cp com a resposta antioxidante, pois a linhagem mutante para o gene YJL077C apresentou letalidade quando exposta por 24 horas a uma concentração de 3mM de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) . Testes de tolerância ao cobre, demonstraram que esse metal na concentração de 10mM, adicionado diretamente ao meio de cultura YPD, após um período de 4 horas de incubação afeta a cinética de crescimento, e após 24 horas de incubação, essa concentração é letal para a linhagem mutante. Observamos que a adição de CuSO4, causa modificação de pH do meio de cultura YPD, foram realizados experimentos para que verificássemos o efeito da acidificação do meio de cultura na viabilidade de Δics3, através de experimentos de tolerância em meio YPD ácido (pH 4.0) e com pH corrigido com adição de CuSO4. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, o efeito da letalidade de 10 mM de CuSO4 observado sem correção de pH, não ocorre quando em meio de cultura com o pH corrigido (pH6.0), demonstrando que, a letalidade da linhagem Δics3 é causada pelo acréscimo do metal e a mudança de pH (ácido, pH4.0). Testes de ICP-AES detectaram uma maior absorção intracelular de cobre na linhagem mutante Δics3, em condições de pH 4.0, quando comparada a absorção desse mesmo metal em condições de pH 6.0, demonstrando que grandes quantidades de cobre, estão sendo incorporadas para o meio intracelular, devido a acidificação do meio, sugerindo o envolvimento de Δics3, às ações das VATP-ases. Em conjunto esses resultados demonstram que o gene ICS3 é importante para a manutenção da viabilidade celular de S. cerevisiae crescida em meio de cultura com pH ácido e em condições de altas concentrações de CuSO4. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi entender a relação de ICS3 na resposta antioxidante e sensibilidade ao cobre através de experimentos de tolerância e em meio YPD ácido (pH 4.5) e com pH corrigido após adição de CuSO4. / Saccharomyces cerevisiae had its genome sequencing completed in 1996, consisting of about 6600 ORF\'s (\"open reading frames\" open reading frames) of which approximately 20% are annotated as uncharacterized and unknown molecular function. In order to characterize some of these ORF\'s related to antioxidants processes, we chose Yjl077cp protein . Through our experiments it was possible to relate the Yjl077cp protein with the antioxidant response, because the mutant strain to YJL077C gene showed lethality when exposed for 24 hours at a concentration of 3 mM hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Copper tolerance tests demonstrated that this metal at concentration 10mM added directly to the medium YPD culture after a 4-hour period of incubation affects the growth kinetics, and after 24 hours of incubation, these concentration is lethal to mutant strain. We found that the addition of CuSO4, causes pH modification in the YPD culture medium, experiments were conducted to we check the effect of acidification of the culture medium on the viability of Δics3 through experiments of acid tolerance in YPD medium (pH 4.0) and pH adjusted with addition of CuSO4. According to the results, the effect of mortality of 10 mM CuSO4 observed without pH correction, does not occur when the culture medium with the Ph adjusted (pH6.0), demonstrating that the lethality of the strain Δics3 is caused by adding the metal and the change of pH (acid, pH4.0). ICP-OES tests detected greater intracellular uptake of copper in the mutant strain l1ics3 under conditions of pH 4.0 when compared to absorption of the same metal under conditions of pH 6.0, demonstrating that large amounts of copper, are being incorporated into the intracellular medium due to acidification of the medium, suggesting the involvement of Δics3 to the actions of the VATP-ases. Together, these results demonstrate that ICS3 gene is important for maintaining cell viability of S. cerevisiae grown in culture medium at acidic pH, and under conditions of high concentrations of CuSO4. The objective of this study was to understand the relationship ICS3 in antioxidant response and sensitivity to copper through experiments tolerance and YPD medium acid (pH 4.5) and fixed pH after addition of CuSO4.

Multiphotonic study of a new NADPH-derivative compound targeting NO-synthase / Étude d'un nouveau composé à propriété d'absorption multiphotonique dérivé du NADPH ciblant la NO-synthase

Wang, Huan 28 November 2013 (has links)
Dans cette étude, nous avons développé un composé dérivé du NADPH, nommé Nanoshutter (NS). NS a été conçu pour inhiber l'activité catalytique de la NOS, c'est à dire la synthèse de NO, en occupant la place du NADPH dans le domaine réductase du NOS. La voie de synthèse de NO chez les mammifère correspond à l'oxydation de la L-arginine catalysée par la NOS, qui se produit dans son domaine oxygénase. Basée sur des données de modélisation moléculaire, la structure de NS est composée deux sous-unités: (i) le motif nucléotidique de reconnaissance du NADPH a été retenu, permettant au composé NS un ciblage approprié du site de liaison au NADPH de la NOS, (ii) le motif nicotinamide de NADPH a été remplacé par un groupe stilbène lié à un groupement terminal accepteur d'électrons. De plus, ce fragment est caractérisé par une très bonne section efficace d'absorption à deux photons (130 GM à 840 nm). NS1, le composé prototype de la famille NS, contient un groupe terminal NO2 en tant que groupe accepteur d'électrons. La valeur de Kd (~ 4,2 µM) a été estimée dans des expériences de titrage sous excitation un- ou deux-photons, et suggère une bonne affinité de liaison de NS1 à la NOS. De façon inattendue, NS1 présente une bonne sélectivité, en terme de rendement quantique de fluorescence, pour les isoformes de NOS par rapport à d'autres protéines qui contiennent ou non un site de liaison NADPH. En outre, il a été montré que NS1 inhibait de façon compétitive NOS par rapport au NADPH. Dans les expériences d'imagerie de fluorescence réalisées sur des cellules endothéliales (HUVEC), NS1 a démontré une internalisation rapide et efficace, avec un signal de fluorescence mis en évidence principalement dans la région périnucléaire, accompagné d’un signal plus sporadique à la membrane plasmique. Cette observation est en parfait accord avec la colocalisation de NS1 et eNOS mesurée par immunomarquage, démontrant ainsi que NS1 cible eNOS dans les cellules endothéliales. La vasoconstriction NO-dépendante attendue dans les anneaux aortiques isolés de souris a été montrée, mais uniquement en présence de catalase qui convertit H2O2 en H2O et O2. En revanche, en l'absence de catalase, la vasorelaxation a plutôt été observée. Ce résultat indique que la NOS n’est très certainement pas l’unique cible de NS1 dans le système endothélial, et que d’autres cibles en rapport avec la modulation de ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) sont impliquées. En accord avec ce résultat, NS1 provoque une réponse biphasique de la production de ROS dans les cellules HUVEC : Une phase d'augmentation est observée aux faibles concentrations de NS1 (en dessous de 2 µM), suivie d'une diminution (inhibition de ROS) pour des concentrations de NS1 plus élevées. En outre, NS1 inhibe la production de O2- dans les macrophages de souris et les productions de H2O2 et de O2- survenant dans des conditions de découplage de nNOS in vitro. Des explications possibles pour interpréter ces données sont: NS1 probablement inhibe la production de ROS, soit produites au niveau de la NADPH oxydase ou (et) au cours du découplage de la NOS. L'origine de la phase d’augmentation reste plus difficile à interpréter, mais pourrait correspondre au ciblage de la glucose-6-phosphate deshydrogénase. Enfin, NS1 exerce un effet anti -angiogénique sur les cellules endothéliales et empêche la prolifération de cellules du mélanome. En conclusion, NS1 rempli l'objectif principal de cibler et inhiber la NOS en ciblant plus particulièrement le domaine réductase - il est aussi caractérisé par des propriétés d’absorption et de fluorescence à deux photons intéressantes permettant des applications in vitro et in vivo. L’ensemble de ces caractéristiques présentent un profil intéressant pour de futures applications d’imagerie en temps réel et non-invasive, avec également un fort potentiel pour des applications cliniques liées aux maladies NO-dépendantes. / In this study, we introduced a NADPH derivative named as Nanoshutter (NS). NS was designed to inhibit the catalytic activity of NOS, i.e. synthesis of NO, by occupying the NADPH site in the reductase domain of NOS. In mammals, NO participates in extensive physiological/pathological processes in the cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. The pathway of mammal NO synthesis is the oxidation of L-arginine catalyzed by NOS, which occurs in its oxygenase domain. The catalysis requires three co-substrates (L-arginine, NADPH, and O2) and five cofactors groups (FAD, FMN, calmodulin, BH4 and heme). Guided by molecular modeling, the structure of NS contains two conjugated subunits: (i) the nucleotide recognition motif of NADPH was retained in NS, allowing a proper targeting to the NADPH binding site of NOS- (ii) the nicotinamide moiety of NADPH is replaced by a stilbene moiety linked with a terminal electron acceptor group, preventing electron flow from the reductase to the oxygenase domain of NOS. Furthermore, this moiety is characterized by a large two-photon absorption cross-section (130 at 840 nm). NS1, the first compound of the NS family, contains a NO2 terminal group as an electron acceptor group. NS1 displayed distinct fluorescence properties in its free and NOS-bound states. The Kd value (around 4.2 µM) was estimated in titration experiments performed under one- or two-photon excitation conditions, suggesting an effective binding of NS1 to NOS with a good affinity. Surprisingly, in terms of fluorescence quantum yield, NS1 displayed a good selectivity to the NOS isoforms over other proteins which contain or not a NADPH binding site. Furthermore, NS1 was shown to competitively inhibit nNOS in a dose-dependent manner. In fluorescence imaging experiments with endothelial cells (HUVEC), NS1 displayed a rapid and efficient internalization, with highlighted fluorescence signal at the perinucleus region and sporadic signal at the plasma membrane. This observation was in accordance with the colocalization imaging between NS1 and eNOS as shown by immunostaining, showing that NS1 actually targets eNOS in endothelial cells. The expected NO-dependent vasoconstriction in isolated mouse aortic rings was only evidenced in the presence of catalase, which converts H2O2 into H2O and O2. By contrast, in the absence of catalase, a contradictory vasorelaxation was observed. This result indicates that NS1 may target more than NOS in endothelium system, which is (are) likely related to Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) production. Accordingly, NS1 led to a biphasic response of ROS production in HUVEC cells: An increasing phase occurred at low NS1 concentration (below 2 µM) and followed by a decreasing phase (ROS inhibition) at higher NS1 concentrations. Furthermore, NS1 was shown to inhibit O2- production in mouse macrophages and H2O2 and O2- production in uncoupled nNOS in vitro. Altogether, the possible but not exclusive explanations for current data are: in addition to its inhibition effect on NO production, NS1 probably also inhibits the ROS production either produced by NADPH Oxidase or by electron leakage from uncoupled NOS, or a combination of both. The origin of the increasing phase remains more elusive but could correspond to the targeting of glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase (G6PD). Additionally, NS1 displayed anti-angiogenesis effect on endothelial cells and prevented proliferation of melanoma. In conclusion, NS1 fulfilled the goal as a new NOS inhibitor targeting the reductase domain and displayed a unique two-photon property in vitro and in vivo, these features may provide a promising future for non-invasive real-time imaging, and to potential clinical applications in the NO-dependent diseases.

Estudo da função biológica e molecular de YJL077C - ORF de função desconhecida - envolvimento na resposta antioxidante e na sensibilidade ao cobre em Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Study of the biological and molecular function of orf-YJL077C- involvement in the antioxidant response and in the sensitivity to copper in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Claudia Aznar Alesso 09 April 2014 (has links)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae teve seu seqüenciamento genômico finalizado em 1996, sendo composto de cerca de 6600 ORF\'s ( \"open reading frames\", quadros abertos de leitura) das quais aproximadamente 20% estão anotadas como não caracterizadas e de função molecular desconhecida. Com o objetivo de caracterizar algumas dessas ORF\'s relacionadas aos processos antioxidantes, escolhemos a proteína Yjl077cp. Através de nossos experimentos foi possível relacionar a proteína Yjl077cp com a resposta antioxidante, pois a linhagem mutante para o gene YJL077C apresentou letalidade quando exposta por 24 horas a uma concentração de 3mM de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) . Testes de tolerância ao cobre, demonstraram que esse metal na concentração de 10mM, adicionado diretamente ao meio de cultura YPD, após um período de 4 horas de incubação afeta a cinética de crescimento, e após 24 horas de incubação, essa concentração é letal para a linhagem mutante. Observamos que a adição de CuSO4, causa modificação de pH do meio de cultura YPD, foram realizados experimentos para que verificássemos o efeito da acidificação do meio de cultura na viabilidade de Δics3, através de experimentos de tolerância em meio YPD ácido (pH 4.0) e com pH corrigido com adição de CuSO4. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, o efeito da letalidade de 10 mM de CuSO4 observado sem correção de pH, não ocorre quando em meio de cultura com o pH corrigido (pH6.0), demonstrando que, a letalidade da linhagem Δics3 é causada pelo acréscimo do metal e a mudança de pH (ácido, pH4.0). Testes de ICP-AES detectaram uma maior absorção intracelular de cobre na linhagem mutante Δics3, em condições de pH 4.0, quando comparada a absorção desse mesmo metal em condições de pH 6.0, demonstrando que grandes quantidades de cobre, estão sendo incorporadas para o meio intracelular, devido a acidificação do meio, sugerindo o envolvimento de Δics3, às ações das VATP-ases. Em conjunto esses resultados demonstram que o gene ICS3 é importante para a manutenção da viabilidade celular de S. cerevisiae crescida em meio de cultura com pH ácido e em condições de altas concentrações de CuSO4. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi entender a relação de ICS3 na resposta antioxidante e sensibilidade ao cobre através de experimentos de tolerância e em meio YPD ácido (pH 4.5) e com pH corrigido após adição de CuSO4. / Saccharomyces cerevisiae had its genome sequencing completed in 1996, consisting of about 6600 ORF\'s (\"open reading frames\" open reading frames) of which approximately 20% are annotated as uncharacterized and unknown molecular function. In order to characterize some of these ORF\'s related to antioxidants processes, we chose Yjl077cp protein . Through our experiments it was possible to relate the Yjl077cp protein with the antioxidant response, because the mutant strain to YJL077C gene showed lethality when exposed for 24 hours at a concentration of 3 mM hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Copper tolerance tests demonstrated that this metal at concentration 10mM added directly to the medium YPD culture after a 4-hour period of incubation affects the growth kinetics, and after 24 hours of incubation, these concentration is lethal to mutant strain. We found that the addition of CuSO4, causes pH modification in the YPD culture medium, experiments were conducted to we check the effect of acidification of the culture medium on the viability of Δics3 through experiments of acid tolerance in YPD medium (pH 4.0) and pH adjusted with addition of CuSO4. According to the results, the effect of mortality of 10 mM CuSO4 observed without pH correction, does not occur when the culture medium with the Ph adjusted (pH6.0), demonstrating that the lethality of the strain Δics3 is caused by adding the metal and the change of pH (acid, pH4.0). ICP-OES tests detected greater intracellular uptake of copper in the mutant strain l1ics3 under conditions of pH 4.0 when compared to absorption of the same metal under conditions of pH 6.0, demonstrating that large amounts of copper, are being incorporated into the intracellular medium due to acidification of the medium, suggesting the involvement of Δics3 to the actions of the VATP-ases. Together, these results demonstrate that ICS3 gene is important for maintaining cell viability of S. cerevisiae grown in culture medium at acidic pH, and under conditions of high concentrations of CuSO4. The objective of this study was to understand the relationship ICS3 in antioxidant response and sensitivity to copper through experiments tolerance and YPD medium acid (pH 4.5) and fixed pH after addition of CuSO4.

Oxidative Stress In The Brain: Effects Of Hydroperoxides And Nitric Oxide On Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase And Phosphoinositide Cycle Enzymes

Vaidyanathan, V V 04 1900 (has links)
In the aerobic cell, oxygen can be converted into a series of reactive metabolites, together called as "reactive oxygen species" (ROS). This large group include both radical and non-radical species such as superoxide anion (02"), hydroxyl radical ("0H), H202, nitric oxide (N0') and lipid hydroperoxides (LOOH). ROS are generated in very small amounts at all stages of aerobic life, and probably have a role in cellular regulation. However, their formation in excess leads to toxicity and damage to tissues. This situation, called 'oxidative stress', is responsible, atleast in part, to the pathophysioiogy of a number of disease states such as inflammation, arthritis, cancer, ageing, ischemia-reperfusion and several neurodegenerative disorders. Compared to other organs in the animal body, brain tissue is more vulnerable to oxidative stress. This is due to three major reasons; (1) brain has a high oxygen consumption (2) high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and iron, that can promote lipid peroxidation, and (3) low levels of antioxidant enzymes such as catalase and glutathione peroxidase. The inability of neurons to regenerate also contributes to exacerbate an oxidant damage in the brain. The main objective of this investigation was to identify biochemical systems in the brain that are susceptible to ROS, on the following two issues: 1. What are the targets for the action of H2O2 and NO in the glycolytic cycle, the major route for the oxidation of glucose in brain? 2. What are the targets for the action of polyunsaturated fatty acids and their oxidative metabolites among the enzymes of phosphoinositide cycle (PI cycle), the ubiquitous signal transduction event in the brain? Using sheep brain cytosol , it was found that among the various glycolytic enzymes, only glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPD) was inhibited by H2O2. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity from sheep brain and its inactivation with H202 was studied in detail. Commercial preparations of rabbit skeletal muscle GAPD was also used in this study. An unusual requirement of glutathione for the complete inactivtion of the enzyme by H2O2 was observed. The H2O2-inactivated GAPD was partially reactivated by prolonged treatment with thiol compounds. Using CD-spectral analysis, a significant change was found in the secondary structure in H2O2-treated GAPD. GAPD was inactivated by NO only in presence of high concentrations of DTT and after prolonged incubation. The N0-inactivated GAPD was partially reactivated by treatment with thiol compounds. A new activity, namely ADP-ribosylation (ADPR) emerged in the NO-treated mammalian, but not in yeast. GAPD, ADPR activity could be generated in GAPD through NO-independent treatments such as incubation with NADPH and aerobic dialysis. During NADPH treatment no loss of dehydrogenase activity occurred. Thus, it was concluded that loss of dehydrogenase activity and emergence of ADPR in NO-treated GAPD were not correlated but coincidental, and that NO treatment yielded small amounts of modified-GAPD that had ADPR activity. In the brain, onset of ischemia is characterized by a significant elevation in free fatty acid (FFA) levels, predominantly, arachidonic acid (AA). It is suggested that AA can be oxidised to its metabolites like prostaglandins and 15-hydroperoxy arachidonic acid (15-HPETE) and some of these might exert toxic effects during reperfusion. Using whole membranes or tissue slices prepared from rat brain, effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids and their oxidative metabolites on five enzymes of PI cycle namely PI synthase, PI and PIP kinases, agonist-stimulated PLC and DG kinase was studied. Hydroperoxides of linoleic- and arachidonic acids inactivated PI synthase selectively among the PI cycle enzymes. Interestingly, AA selectively stimulated DG kinase in neural membranes. Docasahexaenoic acid (DHA) a highly unsaturated fatty acid found in the brain, also stimulated DG kinase activity while saturated, mono-and di-unsaturated fatty acids were ineffective. It was concluded that AA and DHA have a role in modulating neural DG kinase. The data presented in the thesis indicate that ROS have selective targets in cells and the consequent protein modifications can be used to modulate cellular functions under normal and oxidative stress conditions.

Preparation, stability and in vitro evaluation of liposomes containing chloroquine / Stephnie Nieuwoudt

Nieuwoudt, Stephnie January 2010 (has links)
Malaria is currently a huge treat worldwide, as far as infections are concerned, and is responsible for thousands of deaths per annum. The dilemma associated with the development of anti–malarial drug resistance over the past few decades should be addressed as a matter of urgency. Novel drug delivery systems should be developed in order to employ new and existing anti–malarial drugs in the treatment and management of malaria. The aim of these delivery systems should include an improvement in the efficacy, specificity, acceptability and therapeutic index of anti–malarial drugs. Previous studies have suggested that liposomes have the ability to encapsulate, protect and to promote the sustained release of anti–malarial drugs. Two liposome formulations, namely liposomes and chloroquine entrapped in liposomes, were formulated during this thesis and evaluated by conducting a stability study and an in vitro study with the main focus on cell viability. The stability study consisted of a series of stability tests regarding the stability of nine liposome and nine chloroquine entrapped in liposome formulations over a period of twelve weeks. The in vitro study included three assays such as a reactive oxygen species assay, a lipid peroxidation assay and a hemolysis assay. The aims of these studies included the manufacturing of liposomes, the incorporation of chloroquine into liposomes, the determination of the stability of the formulations as well as the evaluation of the possible in vitro toxicity of liposomes. Results obtained from these studies revealed that liposomes remained more stable over the stability study period in comparison to chloroquine entrapped in liposomes. The entrapment of chloroquine within liposomes was possible, although the initial entrapment efficiency (%) of 14.55 % was much too low. The production of reactive oxygen species occurred to a small extent in the red blood cells and the infected red blood cells. Equal amounts of reactive oxygen species (%) was observed within both the red blood cells and the infected red blood cells with a maximum value of 23.27 % in the presence of the chloroquine entrapped in liposomes at varying concentrations. Red blood cells experienced the highest degree of lipid peroxidation (%) in the presence of chloroquine, at varying concentrations, entrapped in liposomes. The maximum amount of lipid peroxidation (%) was 79.61 %. No significant degree of hemolysis (%) was observed in the red blood cells neither in the presence of the liposomes nor in the presence of the chloroquine entrapped in liposomes at varying concentrations. It can be concluded that liposomes are a more stable formulation and have less toxic effects on red blood cells and infected red blood cells in comparison to the chloroquine entrapped in liposome formulations. Future studies should investigate the possibility of a more stable and less toxic chloroquine entrapped in liposome formulation. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Pharmaceutics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Preparation, stability and in vitro evaluation of liposomes containing chloroquine / Stephnie Nieuwoudt

Nieuwoudt, Stephnie January 2010 (has links)
Malaria is currently a huge treat worldwide, as far as infections are concerned, and is responsible for thousands of deaths per annum. The dilemma associated with the development of anti–malarial drug resistance over the past few decades should be addressed as a matter of urgency. Novel drug delivery systems should be developed in order to employ new and existing anti–malarial drugs in the treatment and management of malaria. The aim of these delivery systems should include an improvement in the efficacy, specificity, acceptability and therapeutic index of anti–malarial drugs. Previous studies have suggested that liposomes have the ability to encapsulate, protect and to promote the sustained release of anti–malarial drugs. Two liposome formulations, namely liposomes and chloroquine entrapped in liposomes, were formulated during this thesis and evaluated by conducting a stability study and an in vitro study with the main focus on cell viability. The stability study consisted of a series of stability tests regarding the stability of nine liposome and nine chloroquine entrapped in liposome formulations over a period of twelve weeks. The in vitro study included three assays such as a reactive oxygen species assay, a lipid peroxidation assay and a hemolysis assay. The aims of these studies included the manufacturing of liposomes, the incorporation of chloroquine into liposomes, the determination of the stability of the formulations as well as the evaluation of the possible in vitro toxicity of liposomes. Results obtained from these studies revealed that liposomes remained more stable over the stability study period in comparison to chloroquine entrapped in liposomes. The entrapment of chloroquine within liposomes was possible, although the initial entrapment efficiency (%) of 14.55 % was much too low. The production of reactive oxygen species occurred to a small extent in the red blood cells and the infected red blood cells. Equal amounts of reactive oxygen species (%) was observed within both the red blood cells and the infected red blood cells with a maximum value of 23.27 % in the presence of the chloroquine entrapped in liposomes at varying concentrations. Red blood cells experienced the highest degree of lipid peroxidation (%) in the presence of chloroquine, at varying concentrations, entrapped in liposomes. The maximum amount of lipid peroxidation (%) was 79.61 %. No significant degree of hemolysis (%) was observed in the red blood cells neither in the presence of the liposomes nor in the presence of the chloroquine entrapped in liposomes at varying concentrations. It can be concluded that liposomes are a more stable formulation and have less toxic effects on red blood cells and infected red blood cells in comparison to the chloroquine entrapped in liposome formulations. Future studies should investigate the possibility of a more stable and less toxic chloroquine entrapped in liposome formulation. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Pharmaceutics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Caractérisation des NADPH oxydases et effet de leur inhibition dans les leucémies aigues myéloïdes / Characterization of NADPH oxidases and effect of their inhibition in acute myeloid leukaemia

Dakik, Hassan 20 December 2017 (has links)
Dans le monde, 350 000 leucémies sont diagnostiquées chaque année. La rechute reste un problème majeur des leucémies aiguës myéloïdes (LAM) et le métabolisme oxydatif pourrait jouer un rôle essentiel dans la réponse au traitement. Un faible niveau des espèces réactives de l’oxygène (ROS) est associé à des propriétés des cellules souches leucémiques et la quiescence alors qu’un niveau plus élevé caractérise les leucoblastes proliférants. L’homéostasie des ROS repose sur un équilibre entre les systèmes oxydants et antioxydants. Les antioxydants sont bien documentés dans les LAM alors que les connaissances sur l’activité oxydante sont encore limitées. Dans ce travail nous avons choisi d’étudier les sept complexes NADPH oxydases (NOX) dans 25 lignées issues de LAM humaines et des LAM primaires. L’analyse des ARNm et des protéines montre des profils d’expression variables entre les lignées avec une expression plus forte des sous-unités du complexe NOX2 dans les lignées correspondant à des stades de différenciation myéloïde plus avancés. L’activité enzymatique des NOX est cependant équivalente entre les lignées. Deux inhibiteurs, DPI et VAS3947, ont été utilisés pour connaître la contribution des NOX à la production des ROS cellulaires. Alors qu’ils ont inhibé l’activité, ils ont aussi généré un stress oxydatif majeur conduisant à une diminution de la prolifération cellulaire et une forte apoptose, le DPI en augmentant les ROS mitochondriaux et VAS3047 les ROS cytoplasmiques. Afin de connaitre les sous-unités impliquées et de mieux comprendre les mécanismes, les sous-unités NOX2 et p22phox ont été inhibée par ARN interférence. Celle-ci n’ont pas affecté la prolifération mais ont montré des effets compensatoires. Nos data montrent qu’inhiber les NOX pourrait s’avérer une stratégie thérapeutique en augmentant le stress oxydatif dans les cellules leucémiques. / 350,000 leukaemia are diagnosed each year worldwide. In acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), relapse remains a major problem and the oxidative metabolism might play a crucial role in the therapeutic response. Low level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is associated with properties of leukemic stem cells and quiescence whereas higher level promotes leukoblasts proliferation. ROS homeostasis relies on a tightly regulated balance between the oxidant and antioxidant systems. Although the antioxidant system is extensively studied in AML, the oxidant system remains poorly documented. In this work we aimed to study the seven NADPH oxidases (NOX) complexes in 25 AML human cell lines and primary samples. NOX transcriptional and protein profiles are variable with a higher expression of NOX2 in cell lines belonging to mature differentiation stages. An equivalent level of enzymatic activity was observed across all the cell lines. To reveal the contribution of NOX to global ROS production in the cells, two NOX inhibitors, DPI and VAS3947, were then used. Although both inhibitors efficiently blocked NOX activity they unexpectedly triggered strong oxidative stress leading to reduced cell proliferation and strong apoptosis, DPI by increasing mitochondrial ROS while VAS3947 by increasing cytoplasmic ROS production. To highlight which of the subunits were involved and to understand the mechanisms, NOX2 and p22phox subunits were inhibited using shRNA strategy. These did not affect cell proliferation but revealed a compensation effect. Our data suggest that NOX inhibition might be potential therapeutic strategy by increasing oxidative stress in leukemic cells.

Role of Chemokine Receptor, CXCR4 Mediated Signaling in Cellular Senescence

Nair, Raji R January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Cellular senescence has been proposed to be equivalent to organismal aging and is one of the outcomes of the cell fate decision process in response to DNA damage that occurs in cells. When a cell encounters DNA damage, the cell cycle is immediately halted to evaluate which decision to take in response to genomic insult. The choices are between repairing the damage and continue division, or enter a non-replicative but viable state called senescence or to die if damage is severe (Figure 1). The signaling cascade, which detects this damage and regulates the cell fate decision, is collectively called as DNA damage response (DDR). However, the exact mechanism of how delineation for each decision happens is still not clear. Since DNA damage works as a mediator for cell fate decision, my work aimed to study senescence as a DNA damage response. In addition, the role of free radicals like ROS in cellular senescence is not very clear because though an increase in their concentrations is recorded in aged cells, it is not evident if the increase seen the cause or the effect of aging, primarily because they themselves capable of causing DNA damage. This conundrum have always led to confounding observations wrt role of free radicals in the cellular senescence process and if the senescence is caused through agents which rely on ROS to cause DNA damage, ROS becomes absolutely integral to the aging process. To understand this aspect formed the first line of investigation in my work along with identification of the sensor of DNA damage, which drives various cell fates. During organismal ageing there is an accumulation of senescent cells, which could be the major reason for functional decline of tissues and organs with age. However, to study changes associated with signaling molecules with respect to ageing, a cellular model system for senescence driven through DNA damage was needed, using which interplay between senescent / aged cells and cellular niche can be established. Studying the spatial and temporal alterations in signaling dynamics, within the cell as well as with the neighbouring niche during the senescence process in anticipated to provide us better understanding about the complex process of ageing. For this, the objectives were defined to establish and characterize the DNA damage induced senescence model using various parameters, and especially study the signaling dynamics of GPCR mediated signaling in senescence. The role of chemokine receptor, CXCR4 and its ligand, CXCL12 mediated signaling was chosen for the study. The following sections describe the findings that were obtained from the various objectives studied during the course of this study. Section 1. Development and characterization a model system to study cellular senescence as a DNA damage response. In this part of the study, I characterized genotoxic stress induced cellular senescence model using 5-Bromodeoxyrudine as the DNA damaging agent. BrdU, owing to its property of being a thymidine analogue, is incorporated in dividing cells, and this incorporation is recognized as DNA damage. This triggers ‘persistent’ DNA damage response signaling, including activation of ATM kinase, one of the primary DNA damage sensor. As anticipated, the DDR response detected was directly proportional to the dose of BrdU treatment and so was Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) levels, a known senescence mediator. Using this model system of direct DNA damage mediated DDR activation and induction of cellular senescence, the growth-arrested cells were extensively characterized for presence and quantum of most of the senescence associated markers known in literature. BrdU treated cells, which became senescent showed presence of DNA damage, morphological changes like flat, enlarged, granule rich appearance, expression of senescence associated molecular markers like p21, IL8, showed senescence associated beta galactosidase activity, refractiveness to growth factor for division, increased ROS levels, Golgi dispersion, etc. The secretome of the treated cells also showed increased secretion of inflammatory cytokines which are attributed to a senescence phenotype, called as Senescence Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP), which triggered proliferative and migratory effect on cancer cells. Overall, in this part of the study, it was established that BrdU can cause DNA damage and induce senescence as one of the cell fate in response to the intermediate dose of damage. The senescent cells generated in the model system was established to be akin to senescence observed by replicative exhaustion of normal cells, thereby making our model applicable to the physiological studies as well. Section 2. Insights into the role of ATM-ROS axis during senescence initiation and maintenance using DDR mediated cellular senescence model. While the BrdU model system for generating senescent cells was being developed and characterized, it was observed that there is an increase in ATM activation as well as ROS production concomitant to the a dose of BrdU. At the same time it was also observed that senescent cells showed persistent DDR signaling and high levels of ROS. Using this premise, in the second objective of my study I aimed to identify if ATM and ROS are critical during initiation of senescence, when the cells are insulted with the DNA damaging agent or during the maintenance of senescent state of the cells. By quenching ROS during the initiation state, I recorded that ROS is not critical for inducing senescence and perhaps the increase in ROS levels in senescent cells is due to their higher metabolic activity. By inhibiting ATM activation during DNA damage, it was observed that BrdU induces senescence through direct DNA damage, and active ATM and DDR signaling is absolutely critical for the senescence initiation. It was also established that ATM is not just a DNA damage sensor but also a redox regulator in the senescence model system. Prevention of ATM activation in presence of DNA damage blocked senescence initiation and also triggered increased ROS levels in the cells affecting their long term viability, suggesting ATM regulates ROS levels as well in addition to sensing DNA damage. In order to study the role of ATM-ROS axis in the maintenance of senescence state, already senescent cells were subjected to ROS quenching and/ or ATM inhibition and it was identified that both these signaling molecules are essential for maintaining the viability of senescent cells. The findings from these study thereby show that senescence can be divided into two temporally distinct stages, initiation or early senescence stage and second, maintenance stage of senescence. Overall, I was able to characterize the presence of temporally linked ROS – dependent and ROS – independent events in cellular senescence, which are independently mediated by ATM kinase (Figure 1). Dose of Genotoxic Stress damage DDR Senescence initiation Repair Cell cycle ATM arrest kinase Death Growth arrest Senescence maintenance Senescence Cell ROS viability Elevated metabolism Figure 1. Signaling cascades regulating senescence onset and maintenance mediated through DDR. Cells enter senescence state in response to DNA damage, depending on the dose of insult, through an ATM dependent and ROS independent pathway. Unlike this ATM-ROS axis is critical for the maintenance of senescent state of damaged but viable cells. Section 3. Understanding the role of CXCR4 – CXCL12 mediated signaling in senescence. Age dependent changes in cellular signaling are less explored and I was specifically interested in understanding how presence of senescent cells affects its microenvironment or vice versa i.e. how microenvironment affects senescent cells. In this premise the third objective of this study was defined towards identifying role of a GPCR, CXCR4 mediated signaling in cellular senescence and associated inflammation. CXCR4 is a ubiquitously expressed GPCR and it’s only known ligand is CXCL12/ SDF1 (stromal derived factor ), which is a homeostatic chemokine (i.e. its levels does not change under most physiological conditions). During characterization of DNA damage induced senescence model system, it was observed that this receptor expression is induced during DNA damage ells, which was also found to be so from data available from other gene expression studies as well. During the course of my work, I identified that senescent cells show CXCR4 up regulation in response to DNA damage, mediated through activation of ATM kinase - HIF1 axis and plays a critical role in enhancing the senescence associated inflammatory response in presence of its ligand, CXCL12. This CXCL12 dependent enhanced inflammatory response in damaged cells was determined to be sensitive to the pertussis toxin treatment and hence dependent on G protein activation. Further downstream analysis revealed the pro-inflammatory effect of the CXCR4 receptor activation was due to cAMP level suppression post activation by the Gi subunit. Given that cAMP levels are antagonistic to inflammatory phenotype, using a library of pharmacological compound library, I also discovered that cAMP specific PDE, phophodiesterase 4A, is also involved in regulating inflammatory response during the initiation stage of cellular senescence. The screen also confirmed the involvement of previously identified molecular components such as p38 MAPK and leukotrienes in the senescence associated inflammatory phenotype. The examination of the role of the CXCR4- CXCL12 axis in the deeply senescent cells surprisingly revealed that deeply senescent cells are refractory to CXCL12 stimulation in terms of inflammatory response, which was experimentally determined to be associated with impaired calcium release. Overall, the findings from this part of the study revealed a novel signaling cascade where CXCR4 up regulation is a part of the DDR response in cells, which utilizes the Local Excitation Global Inhibition (LEGI) mechanism to enhance the sensitivity of the damaged cells to its ligand CXCL12. This enhanced sensitivity mediates the CXCL12 dependent inflammatory response, which aids in attracting immune cells for clearance of these damaged cells. Once the cells have entered the senescent state, the axis is physiologically down modulated and the senescent cells showed refractiveness to CXCL12 stimulation, probably to prevent persistent acute inflammation, if the senescent cells are not cleared (Figure 2). Figure 2. CXCL12-CXCR4 axis in cellular senescence. During senescence initiation stage, when cells encounter DNA damage (Step 1), there is induction of CXCR4 receptor (Step 2), which enhances of CXCL12 mediated signaling for increased inflammatory response (Step 3). In the maintenance stage, where the cells are not cleared (Step 4), the axis is suppressed (Step 4), thereby bringing the levels of inflammatory secretome down, and thereby preventing damage to the cells (Step 5).

Implication des ROS dans la régulation des dynamiques calciques locales de l’endothélium

Berlatie, Marianne 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Cell death mechanisms of Marmycin A and Salinomycin in cancer cells / Les mécanismes de mort cellulaire de la salinomycine et de la marmycine A dans les cellules cancéreuses

Mai, Thi Trang 18 January 2016 (has links)
Le produit naturel salinomycine (SAL) est largement utilisé comme médicament anticoccidien et maintenant de plus en plus reconnu comme un agent destiné à réduire la proportion de population CD44⁺ / CD24⁻ cellules souches du cancer du sein. Ce facteur est important et intervient lors des rechutes des tumeurs du sein. Pour la première fois, nous avons décrit que l'action n’était pas ionophorique mais que le proton dit "éponge" de la salinomycine ciblait particulièrement la population des cellules souches du cancer. De plus, un analogue alcyne-amine synthétisé de la salinomycine a une action similaire à cette dernière sur la population CD44⁺ / CD24⁻ mais à une concentration inférieure : 30 nM pour 500 nM pour la salinomycine. En utilisant la méthode de clic-imagerie, nous avons observé le composé incolore dans les lysosomes et les auto-lysosomes. En augmentant le pH des vésicules acides, la salinomycine et ses analogues inhibent les activités des cathepsines B, L et D empêchant ainsi l'autophagie. Cette autophagie joue un rôle important dans la survie des cellules souches du cancer conduisant à une augmentation du facteur ROS et à une mort cellulaire par apoptose. Notre étude donne un aperçu du mécanisme par lequel la salinomycine élimine les cellules souches cancéreuses et propose des stratégies pour le traitement de cancers résistants. / A natural product Salinomycin (SAL) is widely used as an anticoccidial drug now being increasingly recognized as an agent for reducing the proportion of CD44⁺/CD24⁻ breast cancer stem cell which is perceived as important factor for breast tumor relapse. We first time report that not ionophoric action but the proton “sponge” of SAL is responsible for distinguishingly targeting cancer stem cell population. In addition, one SAL-analog alkyne-amine performed the similar action with SAL on CD44⁺/CD24⁻ population but at much lower concentration than SAL, at 30 nM compare to 500 nM of SAL. Using click-imaging method we visually observed the colorless compound saturated in lysosomes and autolysosomes. By raising pH of acidic vesicles, SAL and its analogs inhibit cathepsin B, L, D activity preventing the autophagy which plays an important role in cancer stem cell maintain and survival thus lead to cell death via increasing ROS and apoptosis. Our study provides the insight mechanism how SAL actually eradicates cancer stem cells and suggests sharpened strategies for treating resistant cancers.

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