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Násilí a sociální problémy Kolumbie jako téma a pozadí v dětské literatuře / Violencia and social issues in Colombian children's literatureGonzález Espinosa, Lillyam Rosalba January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on a critical approach to Latin-American children's literature, its evolution and its particular issues. It is based on the analysis of Colombian realistic fiction for children and young adults. The aim of this work is to show how Colombian children's literature has established some particular features that make it distinguished in Latin-American children's literature. The methodology is based on literary studies along with specifications of children's literature theory in perspective with the Colombian political and social situation during the twentieth century. The dissertation adresses elements from literary analysis: The narratology (V. Propp, and G. Gennette) the literary criticism (M. Bakhtin, and the concept of ideology) plus cultural studies in Latin America (Á. Rama). The research takes theoretical concepts from children's literature, related to pedagogy (T. Colomer), aesthetics (M. Nikolajeva), ideology (P. Hollindale) and historiography of children's literature in Latin America: A. Rodriguez, 1993, 2010; M. Muñoz, 2009; B. Robledo 1997, 2012 & L. Borrero, 2001. The first part of this dissertation is an analytical approach to the concepts and characteristics of Latin-American children's literature, it focuses also on Colombian children's literature evolution...
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Grafisk stil i Battle Royale-spel: Realistisk och stiliserad stil / Graphic style in Battle Royale games: Realistic and stylized styleStamenkovic, Andrija January 2021 (has links)
Denna undersökning utfördes för att ta reda på hur spelare upplever de grafiska stilarna i relation till Battle Royale-genren inom spel. De grafiska stilarna ifråga är realistisk och stiliserad stil. Två likadana 3D-modeller skapades med skillnaden att ena är realistisk medan den andra är stiliserad. Dessa användes i en intervju-undersökning 3D-modeller för att besvara frågan. Undersökningen visar att respondenterna upplever de grafiska stilarna annorlunda från varandra men att de ser på stiliserad stil som den mest genreanpassade stilen för Battle Royale-genren. Undersökningen visar även på en svag tendens bland yngre deltagare att se stiliserad stil som genreanpassad samt att manliga deltagare prioriterade att den grafiska stil ska hjälpa dem prestera bättre i spelet. Denna undersökning utfördes på en liten testgrupp och den kvalitativa metoden kan ses som subjektiv. Vidare forskning kan generalisera området med en kvantitativ undersökning.
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Návrh strategie na zlepšení systému nástupní praxe firmy / Strategy for Improvement of Training System of CompanyGazurová, Anna January 2007 (has links)
This thesis focuses on problems related with new graduates at the „Department of New Employees Training“ of TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY joint stock Company. The work evaluates to what extent the participants are satisfied with the training period, work of each mentor assigned to them and how they are involved in solving concreate tasks. Later suggestions are made on what measures should be taken to improve the program, for future participants to be satisfied.
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Benchmark pro zařízení s podporou OpenGL ES 3.0 / Benchmark for OpenGL ES 3.0 DevicesKimer, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of benchmark application for the OpenGL ES 3.0 devices using the realistic real-time rendering of 3D scenes. The first part covers the history and new features of the OpenGL ES 3.0 graphics library. Next part briefly describes selected algorithms for the realistic real-time rendering of 3D scenes which can be implemented using the new features of the discussed library. The design of benchmark application is covered next, including the design of online result database containing detailed device specifications. The last part covers implementation on Android and Windows platforms and the testing on mobile devices after publishing the application on Google Play. Finally, the results and possibilites of further development are discussed.
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Hierarchické techniky pro výpočet osvětlení / Hierarchical Techniques in Lighting ComputationLigmajer, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis deals with description of hierarchical techniques in global lighting computation. Here is explaining the importance of hierarchical techniques in lighting computation and shows method, how to use these hierarchical techniques in realtime radiosity and its extension to dynamic area lighting. These two techniques are described in detail in the first part of this project. In the other part is desing and implementation of application for dynamic area lighting computation.
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Détection de marqueurs affectifs et attentionnels de personnes âgées en interaction avec un robot / Audio-visual detection of emotional (laugh and smile) and attentional markers for elderly people in social interaction with a robotYang, Fan 23 October 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse portent sur la détection audio-visuelle de marqueurs affectifs (rire et sourire) et attentionnels de personnes âgées en interaction sociale avec un robot. Pour comprendre efficacement et modéliser le comportement des personnes très âgées en présence d'un robot, des données pertinentes sont nécessaires. J'ai participé à la collection d'un corpus de personnes âgées notamment pour l'enregistrement des données visuelles. Le système utilisé pour contrôler le robot est un magicien d'Oz, plusieurs scénarios de conversation au quotidien ont été utilisés pour encourager les gens à coopérer avec le robot. Ces scénarios ont été élaborés dans le cadre du projet ROMEO2 avec l'association Approche.Nous avons décrit tout d'abord le corpus recueilli qui contient 27 sujets de 85 ans en moyenne pour une durée totale de 9 heures, les annotations et nous avons discuté des résultats obtenus à partir de l'analyse des annotations et de deux questionnaires. Ma recherche se focalise ensuite sur la détection de l'attention et la détection de rire et de sourire. Les motivations pour la détection de l'attention consistent à détecter quand le sujet ne s'adresse pas au robot et à adapter le comportement du robot à la situation. Après avoir considéré les difficultés liées aux personnes âgées et les résultats d'analyse obtenus par l'étude des annotations du corpus, nous nous intéressons à la rotation de la tête au niveau de l'indice visuel et à l'énergie et la qualité de voix pour la détection du destinataire de la parole. La détection de rire et sourire peut être utilisée pour l'étude sur le profil du locuteur et de ses émotions. Mes intérêts se concentrent sur la détection de rire et sourire dans la modalité visuelle et la fusion des informations audio-visuelles afin d'améliorer la performance du système automatique. Les expressions sont différentes des expressions actées ou posés à la fois en apparence et en temps de réaction. La conception d'un système qui marche sur les données réalistes des personnes âgées est encore plus difficile à cause de plusieurs difficultés à envisager telles que le manque de données pour l'entrainement du modèle statistique, l'influence de la texture faciale et de la façon de sourire pour la détection visuelle, l'influence de la qualité vocale pour la détection auditive, la variété du temps de réaction, le niveau de compréhension auditive, la perte de la vue des personnes âgées, etc. Les systèmes de détection de la rotation de la tête, de la détection de l'attention et de la détection de rire et sourire sont évalués sur le corpus ROMEO2 et partiellement évalués (détections visuelles) sur les corpus standard Pointing04 et GENKI-4K pour comparer avec les scores des méthodes de l'état de l'art. Nous avons également trouvé une corrélation négative entre la performance de détection de rire et sourire et le nombre d'évènement de rire et sourire pour le système visuel et le système audio-visuel. Ce phénomène peut être expliqué par le fait que les personnes âgées qui sont plus intéressées par l'expérimentation rient plus souvent et sont plus à l'aise donc avec des poses variées. La variété des poses et le manque de données correspondantes amènent des difficultés pour la reconnaissance de rire et de sourire pour les systèmes statistiques.Les expérimentations montrent que la rotation de la tête peut être efficacement utilisée pour détecter la perte de l'attention du sujet dans l'interaction avec le robot. Au niveau de la détection de l'attention, le potentiel d'une méthode en cascade qui utilise les modalités d'une manière complémentaire est montré. Cette méthode donne de meilleurs résultats que le système auditif seul. Pour la détection de rire et sourire, en suivant le même protocole « Leave-one-out », la fusion des deux systèmes monomodaux améliore aussi significativement la performance par rapport à un système monomodal au niveau de l'évaluation segmentale. / This thesis work focuses on audio-visual detection of emotional (laugh and smile) and attentional markers for elderly people in social interaction with a robot. To effectively understand and model the pattern of behavior of very old people in the presence of a robot, relevant data are needed. I participated in the collection of a corpus of elderly people in particular for recording visual data. The system used to control the robot is a Wizard of Oz, several daily conversation scenarios were used to encourage people to interact with the robot. These scenarios were developed as part of the ROMEO2 project with the Approche association. We described at first the corpus collected which contains 27 subjects of 85 years' old on average for a total of 9 hours, annotations and we discussed the results obtained from the analysis of annotations and two questionnaires.My research then focuses on the attention detection and the laughter and smile detection. The motivations for the attention detection are to detect when the subject is not addressing to the robot and adjust the robot's behavior to the situation. After considering the difficulties related to the elderly people and the analytical results obtained by the study of the corpus annotations, we focus on the rotation of the head at the visual index and energy and quality vote for the detection of the speech recipient. The laughter and smile detection can be used to study on the profile of the speaker and her emotions. My interests focus on laughter and smile detection in the visual modality and the fusion of audio-visual information to improve the performance of the automatic system. Spontaneous expressions are different from posed or acted expression in both appearance and timing. Designing a system that works on realistic data of the elderly is even more difficult because of several difficulties to consider such as the lack data for training the statistical model, the influence of the facial texture and the smiling pattern for visual detection, the influence of voice quality for auditory detection, the variety of reaction time, the level of listening comprehension, loss of sight for elderly people, etc. The systems of head-turning detection, attention detection and laughter and smile detection are evaluated on ROMEO2 corpus and partially evaluated (visual detections) on standard corpus Pointing04 and GENKI-4K to compare with the scores of the methods on the state of the art. We also found a negative correlation between laughter and smile detection performance and the number of laughter and smile events for the visual detection system and the audio-visual system. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that elderly people who are more interested in experimentation laugh more often and therefore perform more various poses. The variety of poses and the lack of corresponding data bring difficulties for the laughter and smile recognition for our statistical systems. The experiments show that the head-turning can be effectively used to detect the loss of the subject's attention in the interaction with the robot. For the attention detection, the potential of a cascade method using both methods in a complementary manner is shown. This method gives better results than the audio system. For the laughter and smile detection, under the same leave-one-out protocol, the fusion of the two monomodal systems significantly improves the performance of the system at the segmental evaluation.
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Filmklippningens inverkan : För att konstruera overklighet / Film Cutting : To construct fantasyOlofsson, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Den surrealistiska thrillern I´m thinking of ending things av Charlie Kaufman hade premiär på Netflix hösten 2020. Långfilmens narrativ är en utspelad fantasi och innehåller flera inslag som framställs och kan betraktas som verklighetsfrånvända. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur overkligheten framställs genom filmklippning och hur kamerapositionering används för att skapa ett fantasi-perspektiv. Klipp-metoder diskuterade av bland annat Bordwell och Thompson, Karen Pearlman och Walter Murch ligger till grund för en audiovisuell analys. Resultatet visar att några av valda sekvenser bryter mot konventionella klippmetoder för att generera konflikt i betraktarens förväntningar. Temporala förvrängningar används för att skapa illusion och fungerar även väl för att skildra fantasi/dröm. / I´m thinking of ending things by Charlie Kaufman premiered on Netflix in the fall of 2020. The featurefilm is a surrealistic thriller who´s narrative is played out like a fantasy containing several elements deviating from reality. The purpose of the essay was to investigate how unreality is portrayled trough the film editing and how camera work is used to create a fantasy perspective. Editing methods discussed by Bordwell and Thompson, Karen Pearlman and Walter Murch, among others, form the basis for an audiovisual analysis. The result shows that several of the selected sequences violate conventional editing to generate conflict of expectations. The use of temporal distortions works as a tool for illusion and to portray dream/fantasy.
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Systémy protiraketové obrany v oblasti severovýchodní Asie a jejich vliv na strategické chování ČLR v regionu / Missile Defence in Northeast Asia and its Influence on the Chinese Strategic BehaviourMareš, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
Master thesis analyzes strategic behavior of the PRC in the region of the Northeast Asia in direct relationship with regional missile defense. The aim is to analyze motives of China`s regional strategic behavior with respect to the specific technological element (= Theatre Missile Defense) on the basis of predetermined analytical levels: realistic, liberal and constructivist. But there are great differences in technological configuration of individual missile defense systems or in the configuration of the relationship of regional actors with the PRC. Thus the thesis will comprise of case studies analyzing the complex relationship of the PRC and regional actors (that are creating regional missile defense). The creation of regional missile defense can endanger China`s vital strategic interests (in the region of Northeast Asia) under specific conditions. But the regional strategic behaviour of the PRC is moderate. The aim is to explain, why the PRC does not change its regional strategic behavior in direct connection with emerging theater missile defence.
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Realistické zobrazení budovy s proměnným osvětlením / Realistic Rendering of a Building with Varying Lighting ConditionsNavrátil, Jan January 2008 (has links)
This paper is focused on realistic rendering of interior environments with varying lighting conditions. It proposes methods of setting properties of light sources to achieve a specific scene appearence. It mainly works with light comming from a sky and sun to the scene and describes this light in relation to weather conditions, time of day and overcast factor. The goal is creating easily configurable system in which a single parameter change leads to significant change of lighting conditions. All these changes should be presented in a short video.
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Realistická krajina s vegetací / Realistic Landscape with VegetationZelený, Jan January 2009 (has links)
There is enough rendering power to draw more than only simple indoor scenes today and it can produce very realistic images of landscape with vegetation. Moreover, there are new sophisticated methods for generating of such landscape and simulation of plants ecosystem. This text explains few algorithms for generating and methods for interactive rendering of landscape and vegetation.
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