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Potential mismatches in structural and functional organization in the gracile nucleusNiranjan, Shalini S. 18 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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The comparative effects of simple and complex instructional language on the acquisition and generalization of receptive language tasks by children with autismMurphy, Corinne M. 12 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Construction client collaboration for inter-organizational innovation : do too many cooks really spoil the broth?Hedborg Bengtsson, Susanna January 2018 (has links)
Our built environment has the power to influence where we live and work, how we transport ourselves, how and what we consume and many other behaviors in our everyday lives, in other words, it has a significant impact on our global environment and economy. Given the notable need for more sustainable development of both the global environment and economy, sustainability has become a critical factor also in the area of urban development. With this as a backdrop, the construction industry and its many actors, such as clients, contractors and suppliers, that collectively drive urban development, play a significant role in creating sustainable development. Innovation is a cornerstone to achieve development, so also in the construction industry. However, with its many interrelated organizations, projects and actors, innovation inevitably becomes inter-organizational. From an urban development perspective, inter-organizational innovation will happen in a multi-project context where several construction projects, led and executed by different actors from different organizations, become interdependent and are therefore required to collaborate. In any construction project, the client holds a key position and has been identified as a critical supporter for successful innovation and collaboration. On the back of these dynamics, the purpose of this licentiate thesis is to explore clients’ role in a multi-project context where inter-organizational innovation is initiated to drive sustainable urban development. From a contingency perspective, the purpose of this study has been explored through a multiple-case study where coordinated construction logistics, during the study, has been identified as inter-organizational innovation. The study has shown that coordinated construction logistics, developed for a multi-project context, must be developed and implemented differently than in a single project or organization. In other words, coordinated construction logistics can take the form of different types of construction innovation. The construction clients, in this thesis the building developers, are identified as being important to support innovation and collaboration within and between parallel and sequential projects. The study has also shown that different clients behave differently when inter-organizational innovation is present; whilst some are proactive to achieve development, others are hesitant and less supportive for change. The findings suggest that long-term committed clients take a more proactive stand for innovation, for example, by including innovation in their procurement strategies and reflecting on how to best implement it in their projects. Additionally, in a multi-project context, the collaboration between clients is found to be important in order to successfully implement innovation, for example to align procurement strategies with the next-door neighbors and to create opportunities to communicate with each other. A theoretical contribution from this thesis is that coordinated construction logistics, which is often seen from a supply-chain management perspective, could be considered as inter-organizational innovation. This conclusion expands the understanding of the empirical phenomenon and its context. Furthermore, adding to the on-going discussion on clients as innovation supporters, their role as a potential innovation supporter is established in a multi-project perspective, but where differences between different types of clients must be taken into account. The multi-project context also implies an increased need for client collaboration, which is often informal, why the clients themselves need to handle all the aspects of collaboration. Tentative findings indicate that in this context time, spatiality, innovation and requirements will affect this collaboration. From a practical side, the findings show that initiating and implementing inter-organizational innovation requires understanding of the context, such as project objectives and the system. For clients and governments active in urban development, the thesis can guide the understanding of the importance of collaboration and choosing procurement strategy for inter-organizational innovation. / <p>QC 20180508</p>
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The Emergence of Receptive and Expressive Language through Stimulus-Specific ConsequencesSpurgin, Destiny 05 1900 (has links)
An important question in teaching language is, what accounts for the emergence of either receptive or expressive labels when teaching only one of them? The teaching procedures in the present study were intended to reproduce the natural development of bidirectional naming in which caregivers comment on the items a child is interacting with and children echo those vocalizations they hear. Thus, the only vocalizations presented by the researcher during teaching occurred after the learner pointed to a specific stimulus, and were specific to the stimulus being targeted. These vocalizations are referred to in this study as stimulus-specific consequences. The purpose of this research was to investigate if the stimulus-specific consequences could become discriminative stimuli for receptive labels, and lead to the emergence of expressive labels. Three studies were conducted, each with four adults. Results demonstrated that using a stimulus-specific consequence during teaching led to receptive labels for all participants, but led to the emergence of expressive labels for only four participants. In other words, bidirectional naming did not occur for the majority of participants. Factors that may improve interrelations between receptive and expressive labels were analyzed, but further evaluations are needed to account for the inconsistent demonstrations of naming.
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Jämförelse mellan föräldrars, förskolepersonals och logopedstudenters bedömningar av små barns tal och språk / Comparison of Assessment of Children´s Speech and Language Abilities made by Parents, Teachers and Speech Language Pathology StudentsGlad, Bergrós, Kumlin, Karoline January 2007 (has links)
Den kunskap som ett barns föräldrar och förskolepersonal besitter om dess språk är värdefull att tillvarata, särskilt då formaliserade språkbedömningar kan vara svåradministrerade med små barn. Detta kan exempelvis göras via föräldraenkäter. Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka likheter och skillnader som förelåg mellan bedömningar av språklig förmåga hos barn, gjorda dels av föräldrar och förskolepersonal via en enkät, dels av logopedstudenter via en logopedisk bedömning. Studiedeltagarna utgjordes av 20 barn i åldrarna 2 ½ - 3 år, 20 föräldrar och 14 förskolepersonal. Föräldrar och förskolepersonal besvarade 18 frågor ur föräldraenkäten Receptive Expressive Emergent Language Test - 2 (REEL-2) och barnen testades av logopedstudenterna på uppgifter motsvarande dessa frågor. Resultatet visade bland annat att de genomsnittliga procentuella överensstämmelserna mellan bedömargrupperna var goda. Ingen kombination av bedömargrupper var signifikant mer överens än någon annan. Vissa tendenser till skillnader framkom när materialet analyserades med avseende på språkliga domäner och enskilda frågor. Slutsatsen var att bedömargrupperna föreföll kunna ge likvärdig, men inte identisk, information om barnens språkliga förmåga. Av den anledningen anses inhämtande av information från olika källor vara betydelsefull. Föräldraenkäter kan vara ett värdefullt verktyg i kontakten mellan logopeder, föräldrar och förskolepersonal och ökad användning av föräldraenkäter tros kunna förbättra samarbetet mellan dessa parter. / Parents’ knowledge about their children’s language is valuable to consider, particularly when formal tests can be difficult to administer with young children. The aim of this study was to examine similarities and differences between parents and preschool teacher’s reports on a questionnaire concerning children’s linguistic development and direct assessment by speech language pathology students. In the study 20 children aged 2 ½ - 3 years, 20 parents and 14 preschool teachers participated. The parents and preschool teachers answered 18 questions from the questionnaire Receptive Expressive Emergent Language Test - 2 (REEL-2) and the children were tested on items based on these questions. The results showed that the interjudge agreement between the groups was high. Some tendencies emerged when the material was analyzed with reference to language domains and individual questions. In conclusion, parents and preschool teachers seemed to be able to give similar information about the children’s linguistic abilities as provided by the direct assessment. The results also indicate that it is important to obtain information about a child’s language from different sources and that parental reports might be beneficial in the collaboration between speech language pathologists, parents and preschool teachers. Increased use of parental reports can facilitate the cooperation between these groups.
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Jämförelse mellan föräldrars, förskolepersonals och logopedstudenters bedömningar av små barns tal och språk / Comparison of Assessment of Children´s Speech and Language Abilities made by Parents, Teachers and Speech Language Pathology StudentsGlad, Bergrós, Kumlin, Karoline January 2007 (has links)
<p>Den kunskap som ett barns föräldrar och förskolepersonal besitter om dess språk är värdefull att tillvarata, särskilt då formaliserade språkbedömningar kan vara svåradministrerade med små barn. Detta kan exempelvis göras via föräldraenkäter. Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka likheter och skillnader som förelåg mellan bedömningar av språklig förmåga hos barn, gjorda dels av föräldrar och förskolepersonal via en enkät, dels av logopedstudenter via en logopedisk bedömning. Studiedeltagarna utgjordes av 20 barn i åldrarna 2 ½ - 3 år, 20 föräldrar och 14 förskolepersonal. Föräldrar och förskolepersonal besvarade 18 frågor ur föräldraenkäten Receptive Expressive Emergent Language Test - 2 (REEL-2) och barnen testades av logopedstudenterna på uppgifter motsvarande dessa frågor.</p><p>Resultatet visade bland annat att de genomsnittliga procentuella överensstämmelserna mellan bedömargrupperna var goda. Ingen kombination av bedömargrupper var signifikant mer överens än någon annan. Vissa tendenser till skillnader framkom när materialet analyserades med avseende på språkliga domäner och enskilda frågor. Slutsatsen var att bedömargrupperna föreföll kunna ge likvärdig, men inte identisk, information om barnens språkliga förmåga. Av den anledningen anses inhämtande av information från olika källor vara betydelsefull. Föräldraenkäter kan vara ett värdefullt verktyg i kontakten mellan logopeder, föräldrar och förskolepersonal och ökad användning av föräldraenkäter tros kunna förbättra samarbetet mellan dessa parter.</p> / <p>Parents’ knowledge about their children’s language is valuable to consider, particularly when formal tests can be difficult to administer with young children. The aim of this study was to examine similarities and differences between parents and preschool teacher’s reports on a questionnaire concerning children’s linguistic development and direct assessment by speech language pathology students. In the study 20 children aged 2 ½ - 3 years, 20 parents and 14 preschool teachers participated. The parents and preschool teachers answered 18 questions from the questionnaire Receptive Expressive Emergent Language Test - 2 (REEL-2) and the children were tested on items based on these questions. </p><p>The results showed that the interjudge agreement between the groups was high. Some tendencies emerged when the material was analyzed with reference to language domains and individual questions. In conclusion, parents and preschool teachers seemed to be able to give similar information about the children’s linguistic abilities as provided by the direct assessment. The results also indicate that it is important to obtain information about a child’s language from different sources and that parental reports might be beneficial in the collaboration between speech language pathologists, parents and preschool teachers. Increased use of parental reports can facilitate the cooperation between these groups.</p>
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Mechanisms of rapid receptive field reorganization in rat spinal cordVu, Hung 08 1900 (has links)
Rapid receptive field (RF) reorganization of somatosensory neurons in the rat dorsal horn was examined using extracellular single unit recording. Subcutaneous injection of lidocaine into RFs of dorsal horn neurons results in expansion of their RFs within minutes. The expanded RFs appear adjacent to or/and proximal to original RFs. Out of 63 neurons tested, 36 (58%) show RF reorganization. The data suggest that dorsal horn of spinal cord is one of the initial sites for RF reorganization. The neural mechanisms of this effect are not well understood. We propose that changes in biophysical properties (membrane conductance, length constant) of the neurons resulting from lidocaine injection contribute to RF reorganization. Iontophoretic application of glutamate onto dorsal horn neurons that show lidocaine induced RF's expansion were used to test the model. Application of glutamate produced reduction of reorganized RFs in 9 of 20 (45%) tested cells. Application of NBQX produced no effect on either original or expanded RFs indicate that RF shrinkage effects of glutamate involve NMDA receptors. The results are consistent with the prediction of the proposed model. Subcutaneous injection of capsaicin into tactile RFs of low threshold mechanoreceptive dorsal horn neurons produced no effect on the RF sizes that are consistent with other studies. Following the injection, the original RFs were completely silenced (46%) or remained responsive (54%).
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Distúrbio específico de linguagem: relações entre memória de trabalho e vocabulário receptivo / Specific language impairment: relations between working memory and receptive vocabularyGrivol, Marcia Aparecida 20 June 2011 (has links)
O Distúrbio Específico de Linguagem (DEL) é uma alteração que acomete o desenvolvimento da linguagem que não pode ser atribuído à defasagem sensorial, motora, intelectual, transtorno globais do desenvolvimento, privação social ou lesão cerebral evidente. Estudos comprovam que o desempenho de crianças com DEL é inferior ao de seus pares normais em provas de Memória de Trabalho (MT) e relacionam essa defasagem às dificuldades linguísticas destes sujeitos. É consenso que a memória de trabalho fonológica (MTF) é fundamental para o desenvolvimento da linguagem, porém, há divergências sobre o papel da memória de trabalho visual (MTV). Assim este estudo teve como objetivo comparar o desempenho de crianças com DEL e com Desenvolvimento Típico de Linguagem (DTL) em provas de MT e vocabulário receptivo; comparar o desempenho na Prova de Memória de Trabalho Fonológica (PMTF) e Teste Pictórico de Memória (TEPIC-M) verificando se há diferença em função do material ser apresentado por via auditiva ou visual e ainda, correlacionar o desempenho das crianças com DEL nas provas de MT e de vocabulário receptivo. Participaram do estudo 42 crianças sendo 14 delas com diagnóstico de DEL e 28 com DTL, pareadas pela idade cronológica, foram aplicados dois testes que avaliam a memória de trabalho (PMTF e TEPIC-M) e um teste que avalia vocabulário receptivo (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test- PPVT-III). Para a análise estatística foram utilizados os testes t de Student para comparação entre os grupos e Correlação de Pearson para correlacionar os resultados entre as provas. Os resultados mostraram que as crianças com DEL apresentam desempenho inferior em relação aos seus pares normais em ambas as provas de MT, sendo que, em maior proporção na prova de PMTF, havendo correlação entre todos os testes aplicados. Assim conclui-se que crianças com DEL apresentam defasagem na MTF e na MTV, nesta última em menor proporção. Quanto maior a defasagem nas habilidades de memória, maior foi a defasagem no vocabulário destas crianças. Tanto crianças com DEL, como as com DTL apresentaram pior desempenho quando o estímulo foi apresentado por via auditiva comparado àquele apresentado por via visual. / The Specific Language Impairment (SLI) is a disorder that affects the language development and cant be attributed to lag sensory, motor, intellectual and pervasive developmental disorder, social deprivation or evident brain lesion. Studies show that the performance of SLI children is lower than their normal peers in Working Memory (WM) tests and relate this discrepancy to the linguistic difficulties of these subjects. There is consensus that phonological working memory (PWM) is critical to language development, but there are disagreements about the role of visual working memory (VWM). So this study aimed to compare the performance of children with SLI and typical language development (TLD) in WM tests and receptive vocabulary, to compare the performance in Phonological Working Memory Test (PWMT) and Pictorial Memory Test (PMT) checking whether there are differences depending on the material being presented through auditory or visual, still, to correlate the performance of children with SLI on receptive vocabulary tests and WM tests. The study included 42 children, 14 of them with SLI and 28 with TLD, paired with chronological age, were applied two tests that assessed working memory (PWMT and PMT) and a receptive vocabulary test (Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - PPVT-III). For statistical analysis were used t of Student test for comparison between groups and Pearson Correlation to correlate the results between tests. The results showed that children with SLI perform below their peers in relation to normal in both WM tests, mainly on the PWMT, there was correlation between all tests. Thus it is concluded that children with SLI present deficits in PWM and VWM, the latter in a smaller proportion. The higher is the gap in their memory skills, the higher is the gap in the vocabulary of these children. Both children with SLI, as with TLD showed a worse performance when the stimulus was presented auditory compared to that presented by visual means.
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What Vocabulary do Swedish Nursery Children Master Orally in English as a Second Language? : A Study on Swedish nursery children’s oral vocabulary knowledge in EnglishEngström, Linnéa January 2019 (has links)
This essay examines Swedish nursery children’s oral vocabulary knowledge in English. The aim is to investigate what they know and find the source to their knowledge. This essay will focus on the receptive and productive knowledge the children know based on the categories tested, how much children learn in their Zone of Proximal Development, how much they learn from context and how much does media and electronic devices influence their learning. The data of this essay were collected from interviews of 25 children and from questionnaires answered by their parents. The results of the study indicate that the children have more receptive knowledge of the English words tested. It also suggests that the productive knowledge they have is connected with the words that sound similar in Swedish and that children learn English from their surroundings such as siblings and parents, and from games on iPads and video clips from YouTube.
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Turistas estrangeiros backpackers em viagem pelo Brasil: perfil dos viajantes e características da viagem / -Oliveira, Rui José de 03 April 2003 (has links)
Objetiva-se traçar um panorama do turismo estrangeiro independente e econômico, denominado backpacker, a nível mundial e nacionalmente, apresentando sua representatividade e taxa de crescimento no período de 1996 a 2000. Comparam-se as origens e os destinos tanto no turismo convencional quanto no turismo backpacker, compreendendo que há diferenças significativas entre os mesmos. Abordam-se os aspectos que possibilitam determinar o perfil desse segmento de turistas estrangeiros, como faixa etária, sexo, renda, nível educacional e origem, assim como as características das viagens que os backpackers estrangeiros empreendem pelo Brasil como duração, roteiro, meios de locomoção e principais atividades desenvolvidas. Provoca-se discussão sobre o tratamento dispensado pelos órgãos governamentais que estabelecem as diretrizes do turismo nacional a esse segmento de turistas estrangeiros, haja vista que o Brasil oferece condições apropriadas para atrair os backpackers e sua visita propiciaria aspectos econômicos, sociais e ambientais de nosso interesse: incentivaria a abertura de pequenos empreendimentos de capital nacional, as receitas geradas por esse público seriam de valor considerável, o intercâmbio sociocultural entre turista-comunidade seria ampliado, dar-se-ia maior valor aos artefatos produzidos localmente e a maior conscientização dos turistas às questões ambientais seria benéfica / The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of independent and budget-minded tourists from abroad, denominated backpackers, travelling around the world and in Brazil, presenting its level of representation and growth in the period from 1996 to 2000. A comparison about the origin and destination of the conventional and backpacking tourist is demonstrated, highlighting the significant differences between both. Profile of this foreign tourist market segment, comprising age, gender, income, education level and nationality, is demonstrated, as well as the characteristics of backpackers\' travelling around Brazil, referent their stay, itinerary, transportation and major activities. A discussion concerning government institutions directives for determining national targets in the tourism area as for this foreign tourist segment is demonstrated, whereby Brazil offers appropriate conditions to attract backpackers. Their visits is shown to favour economic, social and environmental issues, encouraging the opening of small businesses, income generation stimulated by these tourists, enhancing a large social and cultural interchange between the tourist and the community, adding value to products made in Brazil and raising the consciousness of tourists about environmental matters which are beneficial to everyone
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