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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factores que influyeron en el estancamiento de las exportaciones de paquetes turísticos de las agencias de viaje de Lima Metropolitana durante el 2018

Calderón Paredes, Katherine Melissa, Ulco Villoslado, Maricé del Rocío 16 November 2019 (has links)
El objetivo principal fue identificar los factores que influyeron en el estancamiento de las exportaciones de paquetes turísticos de las agencias de viaje de Lima Metropolitana durante el 2018. En este sentido, se requiere determinar si los factores de gestión empresarial, político – legales y el entorno competitivo influyeron en el estancamiento de las exportaciones de paquetes turísticos. Por este motivo, se realizó una investigación cualitativa – exploratoria con un diseño de teoría fundamentada a fin de obtener información sobre las percepciones de las agencias de viaje de Lima Metropolitana, entrevistándose a 13 agencias de viaje. A fin de triangular la información obtenida, se entrevistó también al gremio rector Canatur, expertos en el tema y al Mincetur. El presente trabajo concluyó que los factores de gestión empresarial (bajo aprovechamiento de las herramientas digitales en la oferta exportable), factores político – legales (ausencia de fiscalización a las agencias informales y desconocimiento del alcance de la Ley N° 30641) y el entorno competitivo (alta competitividad por parte de las OTAs y cambio en el rol de las aerolíneas) influyeron en el estancamiento de las exportaciones de paquetes turísticos de las agencias de viaje de Lima Metropolitana durante el 2018. Asimismo, existen indicios de nuevos hallazgos como la inseguridad del país, Perú “Macchupizado” y la alianza como estrategia de desarrollo. Por otro lado, es importante recalcar que no se encontró a la fecha registros de tesis nacionales que aborden la problemática del sector en Lima Metropolitana enfocada desde el punto de vista de los negocios internacionales. / The main objective was to identify the factors that influenced the stagnation of tourism package exports of travel agencies in Metropolitan Lima during 2018. In this context, it is necessary to determine whether the factors of business management, political - Legal and competitive environment influenced the stagnation of exports of tourist packages For this reason, a qualitative-exploratory research was conducted with a grounded theory design in order to obtain information on the perceptions of travel agencies in Metropolitan Lima, so 13 travel agencies were interviewed. In order to triangulate the information obtained, the Canatur group, experts on the subject and the Mincetur were also interviewed. The research work concluded that business management factors (low use of digital tools in the exportable offer), political-legal factors (lack of informal agencies control and lack of knowledge of the Law No. 30641 scope) and the competitive environment (OTAs high competitiveness and change in the role of the airlines) influenced the stagnation of the exports of tourist packages of the travel agencies of Metropolitan Lima during 2018. There is also evidence of new findings such as country insecurity, “Perú Macchupizado” and alliance as a development strategy. On the other hand, it is important to emphasize that there were not records of national thesis that address the problem of the sector in Lima Metropolitan from the point of view of international business. / Tesis

Turistas estrangeiros backpackers em viagem pelo Brasil: perfil dos viajantes e características da viagem / -

Oliveira, Rui José de 03 April 2003 (has links)
Objetiva-se traçar um panorama do turismo estrangeiro independente e econômico, denominado backpacker, a nível mundial e nacionalmente, apresentando sua representatividade e taxa de crescimento no período de 1996 a 2000. Comparam-se as origens e os destinos tanto no turismo convencional quanto no turismo backpacker, compreendendo que há diferenças significativas entre os mesmos. Abordam-se os aspectos que possibilitam determinar o perfil desse segmento de turistas estrangeiros, como faixa etária, sexo, renda, nível educacional e origem, assim como as características das viagens que os backpackers estrangeiros empreendem pelo Brasil como duração, roteiro, meios de locomoção e principais atividades desenvolvidas. Provoca-se discussão sobre o tratamento dispensado pelos órgãos governamentais que estabelecem as diretrizes do turismo nacional a esse segmento de turistas estrangeiros, haja vista que o Brasil oferece condições apropriadas para atrair os backpackers e sua visita propiciaria aspectos econômicos, sociais e ambientais de nosso interesse: incentivaria a abertura de pequenos empreendimentos de capital nacional, as receitas geradas por esse público seriam de valor considerável, o intercâmbio sociocultural entre turista-comunidade seria ampliado, dar-se-ia maior valor aos artefatos produzidos localmente e a maior conscientização dos turistas às questões ambientais seria benéfica / The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of independent and budget-minded tourists from abroad, denominated backpackers, travelling around the world and in Brazil, presenting its level of representation and growth in the period from 1996 to 2000. A comparison about the origin and destination of the conventional and backpacking tourist is demonstrated, highlighting the significant differences between both. Profile of this foreign tourist market segment, comprising age, gender, income, education level and nationality, is demonstrated, as well as the characteristics of backpackers\' travelling around Brazil, referent their stay, itinerary, transportation and major activities. A discussion concerning government institutions directives for determining national targets in the tourism area as for this foreign tourist segment is demonstrated, whereby Brazil offers appropriate conditions to attract backpackers. Their visits is shown to favour economic, social and environmental issues, encouraging the opening of small businesses, income generation stimulated by these tourists, enhancing a large social and cultural interchange between the tourist and the community, adding value to products made in Brazil and raising the consciousness of tourists about environmental matters which are beneficial to everyone

Turistas estrangeiros backpackers em viagem pelo Brasil: perfil dos viajantes e características da viagem / -

Rui José de Oliveira 03 April 2003 (has links)
Objetiva-se traçar um panorama do turismo estrangeiro independente e econômico, denominado backpacker, a nível mundial e nacionalmente, apresentando sua representatividade e taxa de crescimento no período de 1996 a 2000. Comparam-se as origens e os destinos tanto no turismo convencional quanto no turismo backpacker, compreendendo que há diferenças significativas entre os mesmos. Abordam-se os aspectos que possibilitam determinar o perfil desse segmento de turistas estrangeiros, como faixa etária, sexo, renda, nível educacional e origem, assim como as características das viagens que os backpackers estrangeiros empreendem pelo Brasil como duração, roteiro, meios de locomoção e principais atividades desenvolvidas. Provoca-se discussão sobre o tratamento dispensado pelos órgãos governamentais que estabelecem as diretrizes do turismo nacional a esse segmento de turistas estrangeiros, haja vista que o Brasil oferece condições apropriadas para atrair os backpackers e sua visita propiciaria aspectos econômicos, sociais e ambientais de nosso interesse: incentivaria a abertura de pequenos empreendimentos de capital nacional, as receitas geradas por esse público seriam de valor considerável, o intercâmbio sociocultural entre turista-comunidade seria ampliado, dar-se-ia maior valor aos artefatos produzidos localmente e a maior conscientização dos turistas às questões ambientais seria benéfica / The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of independent and budget-minded tourists from abroad, denominated backpackers, travelling around the world and in Brazil, presenting its level of representation and growth in the period from 1996 to 2000. A comparison about the origin and destination of the conventional and backpacking tourist is demonstrated, highlighting the significant differences between both. Profile of this foreign tourist market segment, comprising age, gender, income, education level and nationality, is demonstrated, as well as the characteristics of backpackers\' travelling around Brazil, referent their stay, itinerary, transportation and major activities. A discussion concerning government institutions directives for determining national targets in the tourism area as for this foreign tourist segment is demonstrated, whereby Brazil offers appropriate conditions to attract backpackers. Their visits is shown to favour economic, social and environmental issues, encouraging the opening of small businesses, income generation stimulated by these tourists, enhancing a large social and cultural interchange between the tourist and the community, adding value to products made in Brazil and raising the consciousness of tourists about environmental matters which are beneficial to everyone

Plan de difusión de marca a través del uso de herramientas digitales para una micro-empresa agencia de turismo en el Perú enfocado al mercado receptivo

Ramos Velásquez, Omar Diego 03 September 2018 (has links)
El siguiente documento es la demostración de la elaboración de una estrategia de marketing digital a una micro empresa PYME agencia de viajes enfocada al turismo receptivo con el objetivo desarrollar presencia de marca y aumento de requerimiento de venta para un periodo de un año. El desarrollo de la estrategia digital está enfocado para aun público objetivo específico; y es una estrategia digital porque, en la época actual que se vive, es parte de las herramientas vitales para una empresa con una visión profesional y sostenible. Se hace un estudio de la industria del turismo del Perú con muestras financieras, numéricas, y la concepción de un entendimiento en base a fuerzas y condiciones de la industria; basado en información estadísticas nacional e internacional, noticias y congresos. Luego se estudia el estado actual de la empresa en ejes como capacidades, competencias, debilidades, estrategia, servicio, marketing, y resultados de las ventas. Siguiente, se desarrolla una estrategia digital que empieza por establecer una concepción estratégica de la empresa; continua con la propuesta de valor y servicio basado en la experiencia operativa de la empresa y en los perfiles de mercado de mayor potencial; y sigue la propia estrategia digital y las acciones sobre las herramientas digitales propuestas. Finalmente, se hace una evaluación financiera donde se considera un presupuesto propuesto y las proyecciones de las ventas; donde se concluye que la estrategia elaborada es viable para la empresa para el escenario objetivo de doce meses. / The following document is the demonstration of the development of a digital marketing strategy for a micro company travel agency focused on receptive tourism market with the aim of developing brand presence and increase of sales requirement for a one year period. The development of the digital strategy is focused for a specific target audience; and it is a digital strategy because, in the current age, it is part of the vital tools for a company with a professional and sustainable vision. A study of the tourism industry of Peru is made with financial, numerical samples, and the conception of an understanding based on forces and conditions of the industry; based on national and international statistics information, news and congresses. Then the current state of the company is studied in axes such as skills, competencies, weaknesses, strategy, service, marketing, and sales results. Next, a digital strategy is developed that begins by establishing a strategic conception of the company; continues with the proposal of value and service based on the operational experience of the company and on the market profiles with the greatest potential; and follows the digital strategy itself and the actions on the proposed digital tools. Finally, a financial evaluation is made where a proposed budget and sales projections are considered; where it is concluded that the strategy developed is viable for the company for the twelve month target scenario. / Trabajo de Investigación

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