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Tussen epistemologie en hermeneutiek Edmund Husserl se bydrae tot die filosofiese hermeneutiek (Afrikaans)Ingram, Riaan 12 October 2010 (has links)
Meister Eckhart understands that human beings are thrown into meaning, that we live out our lives in meaning and that the source of this meaning is beyond our understanding. We always have an understanding of the world in which we live but we do not determine this understanding and we do not have the ability to understand the source of this understanding. This is the basic principal of philosophical hermeneutics which we also find in the work of Heidegger and Gadamer. However, there did come a time when human beings became arrogant enough to view the world as ‘n collection of objects which can be fully and finally known by manking. During the age of enlightenment man understood himself as the source of meaning and asserted his power over understanding. This arrogance would not last long. During the nineteenth century scalars like Dilthey recognized the fundamental historicity of human being. Dilthey understood that man is bound to the meaning of his age. However, he could not reject the arrogance of the scientific worldview which staked a claim on the possibility of absolute knowledge. Thus he chose to carry this prejudice into the sphere of the human sciences and constructed a new foundation for man’s power over meaning. We who study hermeneutics enjoy praising Heidegger for his insight and contribution towards hermeneutics. It is said that Heidegger discovered the absolute finitude and historicity of human being. This may well be true, but it is a shame that scholars mostly ignore the contribution of Edmund Husserl. In this document I claim that it was Husserl who laid the foundation for the new movement in hermeneutics in Germany of which Heidegger and Gadamer has been the major exponents. In the words of Gadamer, this movement may be called “Philosophical Hermeneutics” since it does not only include a method for understanding but also encompasses a way of thinking about human being in general. In my view the current discourse on the origin and development of philosophical hermeneutics represents a great injustice since the philosophy of Husserl is neglected in this discourse. In this writing I shall try to rectify this injustice by illuminating the contribution that Husserl has made to philosophical hermeneutics. Firstly I will show that Husserl’s philosophy is fundamentally about meaning. In his early distributive psychology he struggles with the question of the origin of concepts. With his concept of intentionally he rejects the traditional ontology of the object in order to make place for the ontological integrity of meaning. Unlike his predecessors he claim that objects are determined by meaning instead of the other way around. In his transcendental phenomenology he goes a step further by proclaiming that the Ego is nothing but pure existence and that consciousness in nothing but he existence of meaning. These insights are easy to overlook due to Husserl’s obsession with epistemology. His philosophy is all but consistent. But it is especially by means of this inconsistency that Husserl makes his contribution to philosophical hermeneutics. We may compare Husserl with Moses. Like Moses he reaches the top of the mountain Sinai where he can look upon the Promised Land. But, unlike Moses, he turns his back on this new land and stares back at the desert of epistemology. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Philosophy / unrestricted
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Utbyte av RAP : Ett nordiskt försvarssamarbete från ax till limpaHallander, Jim January 2012 (has links)
Denna fallstudie bygger på och är ett fall av en gränsöverskridande operativ funktion mellan Sverige och Norge. Utbyte av och idéer kring en gemensam Recognized Air Picture (RAP) har under ett decennium pågått mellan de nordiska länderna Sverige, Norge och Finland. Arbetet har varit en osammanhängande följetong. Trots detta är utbyte av RAP ett av mycket få nordiska militära samarbetsprojekt som genomförts från idé till operativ drift sedan initiativet till Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO). Det är därför intressant att lära mer om de drivande faktorerna bakom detta lyckade samarbetsprojekt. Härvid ligger utmaningen i att få en tydlig bild över den mångfald av faktorer och motiv som är av särskild relevans för utbytet av RAP. Studien visar att en stats militärstrategiska syn har ett stort inflytande på utbytet av RAP. Detta kan förklaras utifrån en global/regional nivå med säkerhetsbegreppets vidgade betydelse och tar utgångspunkt i graden av osäkerhet. En annan förklaring hittas på nationell nivå i de inomnationella mekanismerna där rationella handlingsalternativ pekar på en ökad effektiv övervakning av Nordens geopolitiskt viktiga områden. En avslutande förklaring identifieras i småstatssamarbeten där en gemensam samarbetsaxel kan ge upphov till en militär tröskeleffekt och därmed bidra till stabilitet och säkerhet i Nordens närområde.
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Transfert d'ARNm par des lipopolyplexes et vaccination antimélanome : ciblage des cellules dendritiques à l'aide de lipopolyplexes mannosylés / MRNA transfer with lipopolyplexes and anti-melanoma vaccination : dendritic cells targeting with mannosylated lipopolyplexesPerche, Federico 30 November 2010 (has links)
Précédemment, il a été démontré au laboratoire qu’une vaccination des souris avec des lipopolyplexes (LPR) contenant l’ARNm de l’antigène de mélanome MART1 permet d’induire la formation de lymphocytes T cytotoxiques spécifiques et de retarder le développement de mélanomes B16F10 et de métastases pulmonaires. Les LPR sont des complexes ternaires constitués d’ARNm, d’un polymère cationique histidylé et de liposomes cationiques histidylés. L’objectif de ma thèse était d’améliorer cette vaccination antitumorale en développant de nouveaux liposomes capables de cibler les cellules dendritiques (DC). Le ciblage a été réalisé en incorporant un glycolipide mannosylé aux liposomes afin de favoriser leur reconnaissance par le récepteur mannose. A partir de ces liposomes, des formulations de complexes ternaires à base d’ADN (LPD mannosylés ou Man11-LPD100) ou à base d’ARN (LPR mannosylés ou Man11- LPR100) ont été mis au point. Les résultats montrent que : in vitro les formulations Man11-LPD100 sont mieux internalisés et transfectent plus efficacement les DC que les LPD100 non mannosylés. Les formulations Man11-LPR100 transfectent avec une plus grande efficacité les DC par rapport aux Man11- LPD100. Par ailleurs, une forte réduction de la toxicité des formulations a été obtenue en dialysant les liposomes. Il est également possible de conserver les formulations sous forme déshydratée. Une imagerie par scintigraphie effectuée chez la souris a permis de constater que 9% des LPD sont captés dans la rate après une injection IV. Nous avons mis en évidence après un isolement de DC spléniques que les formulations Man11-LPR100 transfectent 4 fois plus de DC que les LPR non manosylés. Enfin, l’immunisation des souris avec Man11-LPR100 contenant l’ARNm MART1 permet une vaccination plus efficace contre la tumeur B16F10 et une meilleure survie. En conclusion, les LPR Man11-LPD100 sont de bons vecteurs pour cibler et transfecter les DC spléniques avec l’ARNm d’un antigène tumoral et pour induire la réponse immune contre les cellules tumorales. / Previously, it has been demonstrated that mice vaccination with lipopolyplexes (LPR) containing melanoma antigen MART1 mRNA can induce the generation of specific cytotoxic T cells and delay B16F10 melanoma growth and lung metastases. LPR are ternary complexes consisting of mRNA, a histidylated cationic polymer and histidylated cationic liposomes. The objective of my thesis was to enhance this antitumor vaccination through the development of new liposomes that can target specifically dendritic cells (DC). The targeting of DC was achieved by incorporating a mannosylated glycolipid within liposomes to enhance their recognition by the mannose receptor. From these liposomes, formulations based ternary complexes of DNA (mannosylated-LPD or Man11-LPD100) or formulations based on mRNA (mannosylated LPR or Man11 LPR100) were developed. The results show that formulations made with Man11-LPD100 are better internalized and transfect efficiently DC than LPD100. Man11 LPR100 transfect with greater efficiency DC compared to DNA based formulation (Man11-LPD100). Furthermore, a strong reduction of the toxicity of LPD was obtained by liposomes dialysis. It is also possible to preserve their activity by freeze-drying. Mice scintigraphy revealed that 9% of LPD are captured in the spleen following IV injection. We demonstrated after isolation of splenic DC that Man11-LPR100 transfect DC 4 times more than LPR100. Finally, immunization of mice with Man11-LPR100 containing mRNA MART1 allows a more effective vaccination against B16F10 tumor and a better mice survival than non-mannosylated ones. In conclusion, Man11-LPR100 are promising vectors to target and transfect splenic DC with a tumor antigen mRNA aiming to an induction of an immune response against tumor cells.
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Le régime juridique des Cultes non reconnus dans la France concordataire (1801-1905) / The legal regime of the not recognized cults in France of Concordat ( 1801-1905 )Zarlenga, Franck 19 March 2018 (has links)
« Masse de granit » de la nouvelle France, la grande loi organique du 18 germinal an X relative à l’organisation des cultes (2 avril 1802) — qui comporte le Concordat du 26 messidor an IX (15 juillet 1801) et les Articles Organiques des Cultes catholique et protestants (calviniste et luthérien) — allait constituer, avec les textes fondateurs de la réglementation du Culte juif de mars 1808, le point de départ d’une nouvelle organisation des rapports entre les Églises et l’État, dont le terminus ad quem sera la loi de Séparation du 9 décembre 1905. L’organisation qui allait naître de cette loi de l’an X, comme de l’ensemble des lois non proprement cultuelles de la période napoléonienne, sera concomitamment structurée autour de la distinction entre Cultes reconnus et Cultes non reconnus, nouvelle summa divisio du droit des Cultes au XIXe siècle. Héritier du modèle forgé par les hommes du Consulat et de l’Empire dans la loi organique du 18 germinal an X et la législation subséquente, l’État concordataire du XIXe siècle allait maintenir la tradition française de l’intervention perpétuelle en matière religieuse. Aussi, de 1801 à 1905, nous ne serons quasiment jamais en présence d’une dualité de système d’encadrement juridique des relations entre les religions et l’État, avec, d’un côté, des Cultes privilégiés, subventionnés, rattachés à un statut de service public, mais étroitement surveillés et notamment largement entamés dans leur liberté d’organisation interne et, de l’autre côté, des Cultes libres, qui, tout en échappant au contrôle de l’État, ne seraient pas des Cultes proscrits puisque, d’une part, ils bénéficieraient du principe de la liberté religieuse commandant le régime de droit commun des Cultes, et que d’autre part, la reconnaissance ne déterminerait pas l’existence légale, mais seulement l’érection au rang de service public. Le régime des Cultes sera au contraire moniste, c’est-à-dire exclusif de tout autre ; l’État ne souffrant pas d’Églises en dehors d’un système organisé de surveillance protectrice et la jouissance de tous les droits accordés aux religions, notamment la liberté du culte, n’étant envisageable que par aspiration dans le cadre concordataire. Ainsi, les Cultes non reconnus feront, au XIXe siècle, l’objet d’une simple tolérance oscillant entre bienveillance et persécutions. / Abstract"Mass of granite" of the new France, the great Organic Law of 18 Germinal year X related to the organization of cults (April 2, 1802) - which includes the Concordat of 26 Messidor year IX (July 15, 1801) and the Organic Articles of Catholic and Protestant Cults (Calvinist and Lutheran) - was to constitute, with the regulating founding texts of the Jewish Cult of March 1808, the starting point of a new organization of relations between the Churches and the State, which terminus ad quem will be the Separation Act of December 9, 1905. The organization which was to be born from this Act of the year X, as all of the not properly religious laws of the Napoleonic period, will be concomitantly structured around the distinction between recognized Cults and unrecognized Cults, new summa divisio of the law of Cults in the XIXth century. Heir to the model forged by the men of the Consulate and the Empire in the Organic Law of 18 Germinal year X and the subsequent legislation, the nineteenth century Concordat State would maintain the French tradition of perpetual intervention in religious matters. Also, from 1801 to 1905, we will almost never be in the presence of a duality of system of legal framing of the relations between the religions and the State, with, on the one hand, privileged, subsidized Cults, attached to a status of public service, but closely controlled and in particular largely undermined in their freedom of internal organization and, on the other hand, free Cults, which, while escaping from the control of the State, would not be proscribed Cults since, on the one hand, they would benefit from the principle of religious freedom commanding the common law regime of Cults, and that on the other hand, the recognition would not determine the legal existence, but only the erection to the rank of public service. The regime of Cults will be on the contrary monistic, that is to say, exclusive of all others; the State permitting no Churches outside an organized system of protective supervision and the enjoyment of all the rights granted to religions, notably the freedom of worship, only conceivable by aspiration within the framework of concordat. Thus, unrecognized Cults will, in the XIXth century, be the object of a simple tolerance oscillating between benevolence and persecutions.
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Revisorns oberoende och analysmodellen : Utifrån klientens perspektiv / Auditor independence based on the threats recognized by IESBA : From a client’s perspectiveWilhelmsson, Carl, Jonsson, Victor January 2015 (has links)
Inledning Revisorns oberoende är och har varit en omdiskuterad fråga under en lång tid. I Sverige ska en revisor, enligt lag, bekräfta sitt oberoende inför varje nytt uppdrag eller i ett befintligt uppdrag när anledning föreligger, vilket görs med hjälp av analysmodellen. Istället för revisorns uppfattning om sitt oberoende förklarar denna studie hur klienter uppfattar revisorns oberoende med utgångspunkt i analysmodellen. Studien blir unik, dels i och med att klientens uppfattningar är det centrala och dels att studien fokuserar på privata företag. Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån analysmodellen förklara hur klienter uppfattar revisorns oberoende. Metod Eftersom studien utgår ifrån en deduktiv ansats innebär det att hypoteser har formulerats utifrån tidigare forskning och befintlig teori. En tvärsnittsdesign har använts, då datainsamling har gjorts vid en bestämd tidpunkt. Huvudsakligen har kvantitativ data legat till grund för studien i form av telefonenkäter. Studien har dock kompletterats med kvalitativ data i form av intervjuer med revisorer som har fått ge sin syn på de resultat som framkommit från telefonenkäterna. Slutsats Studiens resultat indikerar att klienter inte uppfattar hotet mot revisorns oberoende som ett problem. Dock har klientens storlek och revisorns ämbetstid signifikanta samband med klientens uppfattning om hotet mot revisorns oberoende. De intervjuade revisorerna förstod våra resultat och tyckte att de stämde väl överens med deras uppfattning om hur det ser ut i praktiken. / Prelude Auditor independence is and has been a contentious issue for a long time. InSweden an auditor shall, by law, confirm its independence before any newassignment or in an existing one when needed, which is done by using thethreats recognized by IESBA. Instead of the auditor’s perception of itsindependence this study explains how clients’ perceive auditor independence onthe basis of the threats recognized by IESBA. This study is unique partlybecause of that the client’s perspective is central and partly because of its focuson private firms. Purpose The purpose of this study is that on the basis of the threats recognized by IESBAexplain how clients’ perceive auditor independence. Method Since the study is based on a deductive method this means that hypotheses havebeen formulated on the basis of previous research and existing theory. A crosssectionaldesign was used, because our data collection was made at a given time.Mainly quantitative data, by telephone surveys, has been the basis for the study.However, the study has been supplemented with qualitative data throughinterviews with auditors, who have been given their views on the resultsobtained from the telephone surveys. Conclusion The results of the study indicates that clients’ don’t perceive the threat againstauditor independence as a problem. However, the size of a client and auditortenure have a significant relation with the client’s perception of the threatagainst auditor independence. The interviewed auditors understood our resultsand said they agreed well with their idea of what it looks like in practice.
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Životní styl imigrantů a azylantů. / Lifestyle of immigrants and recognized refugees.FIALOVÁ, Zuzana January 2007 (has links)
Lifestyle of immigrants and recognized refugees Migration can be defined as more or less terminated process moving of people among places which are determinated by state borders. It is the process when person or group of people leave their land to find better place for living. Each person has his or her own lifestyle and it is one of the basic factors that influences the quality of living. The lifestyle is formed during life when is a person in interaction with enviroment. The theory is further split into 6 main chapters that involve all issues of lifestyle of immigrants and recognized refugees. The history of migration to the Czech Republic is analyzed, asylum processing and the most important lifestyle of national minorities is mentioned. In the last chapter of theoretical part integration of immigrants and asylum seekers in the Czech Republic is mentioned. The practical part is devoted to the research and it was dedicated to lifestyle of immigrants and asylum seekers in the Czech Republic and in their domicile of origin. The aim of the thesis was to compare lifestyle of immigrants and asylum seekers in the Czech Republic and in their domicile of origin. The hypothetical assumption suggested that lifestyle of immigrants and asylum seekers is the same in the Czech Republic as in their domicile of origin. The regions of the research were South Bohemian region, Plzeň region and Ústí nad Labem region. To prove or invalidate the hypothesis a method of questionnaire was used. 100 people were accosted and they received questionnaire to fill in it during four months. I received 64 questionnaires back. After evaluation of the questionnaires I came to the result that people who had filled the questionnaire have the same lifestyle in the Czech Republic as in their domicile of origin. The hypothesis was proved. Public, students of social school and their educators will be introduced with the results. I would recommend to focuse individual social work because each person has different needs. Easygoing integration into Czech society coheres with reaction of Czech people as well. My work could be used as text book referring about national minorities living in the Czech Republic. At the end of the thesis there are some supportive documents related to my work. It is neccesary to know that the more we can help foreigners to integrate themselves and we adopt them as our fellow-citizens the faster they will feel at {\crqq}home{\crqq} in the Czech Republic.
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Praktické využití nových metod integrace azylantů a imigrantů / The Practical Application of the New Methods in Integration of Recognized Refugees and ImmigrantsKUBIČKOVÁ, Václava January 2007 (has links)
My master thesis focused on the recognized refugees integration factor using the qualitative survey. The aim of this study is to determine the rate of recognized refugees integration i.e., immigrants and recognized refugees (clients) in České Budějovice region with the cooperation of Advisory centre for refugees and migrants on behalf of diocesan charity in České Budějovice
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Investigating employability: a study to ascertain whether attaining stackable credentials increases opportunity for employment for career technical graduatesWhittington, Amy Green 06 May 2017 (has links)
Career technical education plays an important part in the mission of community colleges – providing educational opportunities needed by members of their communities. Career technical programs prepare students for entry into the workforce. Accountability standards for career technical programs, from local, state, and federal bodies, monitor placement of career technical graduates in jobs related to their field of study. To help these students become more competitive in the job market, curricula are being aligned with national certifications to help students graduate from career technical programs with stackable credentials. Stackable credentials refer to the idea of “stacking” degrees, certifications, and credentials along the way to an education in a particular field of study. Some of these credentials can be costly, though, requiring career technical program administrators to question whether implementing this stackable credential structure is truly beneficial for the students. The purpose of this study was to examine survey results of industry representatives who serve on advisory committees for career technical programs at a rural community college to ascertain whether earning stackable credentials in career technical programs at a rural community college does increase opportunities for employment. Data were obtained from an Industry Input Survey conducted at a rural community college. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. Results of this study indicate that while entry-level employment requirements focus more on a high-school diploma or high school equivalency exam and an earned Associate of Applied Science degree, the majority of participants did indicate that holding a national certification would give a potential employee hiring preferences. Results of the analysis are presented in narrative and table form. Conclusions and recommendations for future research follow discussion of analysis.
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Indigenous Self-Government under State Recognition: Comparing Strategies in Two CasesHiraldo, Danielle Vedette January 2015 (has links)
Contemporary events frequently call into question the status of state-recognized Native nations. For example, the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) failed to pass a resolution dissolving state-recognized membership; and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has reported on the reality of federal funding being awarded to non-federally recognized Native nations. Although state-recognized Native nations are handicapped in their strategies and the availability of resources to assert their right to self-determine, some have persevered despite the inability to establish a direct relationship with the national government. Reconsidering federalism as it pertains to Native nations reveals opportunities for non-federally recognized Native nations to access resources and assert self-governing authority in alternative arenas outside the exclusive tribal-national government-to-government relationship. My research analyzes how two state-recognized Native nations, the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina and the Waccamaw Indian People of South Carolina, have operated as political actors; have maintained their communities; have organized politically and socially; and have asserted their right to self-determine by engaging state—and at certain times federal—politics to address needs within their communities. I used a qualitative case study approach to examine the strategies these two state-recognized Native nations have developed to engage state relationships. I argue that state-recognized Native nations are developing significant political relationships with their home states and other entities, such as federal, state, and local agencies, and nonprofits, to address issues in their communities.
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Quorum sensing enables bacteria to communicate with bacteria of the same or different species, and to modulate their behavior in a cell-density dependent manner. Communication occurs by means of small quorum sensing signaling molecules (QSMs) whose concentration is proportional to the population size. When a QSM threshold concentration is reached, certain genes are expressed, thus allowing control of several processes, such as, virulence factor production, antibiotic production, and biofilm formation. Not only many pathogenic bacteria are known to produce QSMs, but also QSMs have been identified in some bacteria-related disorders. Therefore, quantitative detection of QSMs present in clinical samples may be a useful tool in the investigation and monitoring of bacteria-related diseases, thus prompting the use of QSMs as biomarkers of disease. Herein, we have developed and utilized whole-cell biosensing systems and protein based biosensing systems to detect QSMs in clinical samples, such as, saliva, stool, and bowel secretions. Additionally, since bacteria are responsible for food spoilage, we employed the developed biosensing systems to detect QSMs in food samples and demonstrated their applicability for early identification of food contamination. Furthermore, we have utilized these biosensing systems to screen antibacterial compounds employed for food preservation, namely, generally regarded as safe (GRAS) compounds, for their effect on quorum sensing.
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