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Records managment in support of service delivery in the public health sector of the Limpopo Province in South AfricaMarutha, Ngoako Solomon 12 1900 (has links)
This study focuses on records management in support of service delivery in the public health
sector of Limpopo Province, South Africa. The study sought to investigate whether the
current records-keeping practices support or undermine service delivery and the e-health
readiness level. Mixed methods were used for the survey. Questionnaires, observation and
interviews were used to collect data. Purposive sampling method was used to identify
interview participants and stratified random sampling for questionnaire participants. The total
population of the study was 324 from which 210 participants were sampled. The response
rate was 77% (162).
The study discovered that records management negatively affected timely and effective
health care services. This resulted in long patient waiting times and patients being treated
without their medical history records. The study recommended the introduction of an
electronic records management system capable of capturing and providing access to a full
patient record and tracking paper record movement. / Information Science
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Is South Africa ready for a national Electronic Health Record(EHR)?Kleynhans, Adele-Mari 20 August 2012 (has links)
eHealth Strategies in countries have shown a trend that countries are moving to Electronic Health Records(EHR). EHR implementation is expected to produce benefits for patients, professionals, organisations, and the population as a whole. The use of some format of an Electronic Health Record is used by many countries and others are in the implementation or planning phases. South Africa has kicked of the project to implement a national EHR as part of the national eHealth Strategy. This study aims to analyse the key success factors from other EHR implementation projects and evaluate if South Africa is ready to implement an EHR.
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Integritet och långsiktig användbarhet hos textdokument : En avvägningsproblematik vid digitalt bevarande / Integrity and long-term Usability in Text Documents : Trade-offs in the Context of Digital PreservationPettersson, Karl January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is about a potential trade-off between integrity and long-term usability in the choice of file formats for preservation of text documents. Five common formats are discussed: plain text, PDF/A, Office Open XML Document, Open Document Text, and Markdown. The formats are compared with respect to four criteria related to integrity and usability and to the records continuum model: support by widely used software, stability, rendering of contents and reusability. It is concluded that no single format is optimal with respect to all four criteria, when it comes to preserving typical documents in a modern environment, with more or less complex formatting and document structure. Therefore, the feasiblity of using two or more formats for preservation of a single document (e.g. PDF/A combined with Markdown and/or Office Open XML) is discussed. It is necessary to weigh the importance of integrity and long-term usability against the costs of preserving documents in multiple formats. This is a two years master's thesis in Archival Science, Library and Museum studies.
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Is South Africa ready for a national Electronic Health Record(EHR)?Kleynhans, Adele-Mari 20 August 2012 (has links)
eHealth Strategies in countries have shown a trend that countries are moving to Electronic Health Records(EHR). EHR implementation is expected to produce benefits for patients, professionals, organisations, and the population as a whole. The use of some format of an Electronic Health Record is used by many countries and others are in the implementation or planning phases. South Africa has kicked of the project to implement a national EHR as part of the national eHealth Strategy. This study aims to analyse the key success factors from other EHR implementation projects and evaluate if South Africa is ready to implement an EHR.
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Hantering av allmänna handlingar i ett statligt affärsverkJansson Palm, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om hur organisationer som omfattas av offentlighethetslagstiftningen men samtidigt bedriver affärsverksamhet på en konkurrensutsatt marknad uppfyller både offentlighetslagstiftningens krav kring hantering av allmänna handlingar och de krav som uppkommer från verksamheten. Syftet med uppsatsen är att ge kunskap om vilka faktorer som påverkar uppfyllnad av offentlighetslagstiftningens krav kring allmänna handlingar i offentligt affärsverksamhet som agerar på en konkurrensutsatt marknad. Uppsatsen är baserad på en fallstudie av affärsverket Luftfartsverket (LFV) och omfattar intervjuer, litteratur och dokumentstudier av både interna och externa dokument samt granskning av ett antal kammarrättsdomar rörande utlämnade av allmänna handlingar från LFV där beslutet har nekats med hänvisning till affärssekretess och sedan överklagats till kammarrätten. Uppsatsen huvudsakliga slutsatser är: Lagstiftningen ger möjligheter att skydda affärskritisk information. Det finns dock en oro både inom verket och hos samarbetspartners att de som är satta att tillämpa regelverket vid begäran om utlämnade inte har tillräcklig kunskap att bedöma vad som är affärskritiskt för olika organisationer Det finns viss administration kopplat till hantering av allmänna handlingar i ett affärsverk som en konkurrent som inte omfattas av offentlighetsprincipsregelverket inte har. Det finns både positiva och negativa effekter för ett affärsverk av denna administration och det har inte i denna studie kunnat påvisas vilket som överväger. Vid förändringar i omvärlden är det av stor vikt att man gör en konsekvensanalys över hur regelverken ska tolkas och hanteras internt i organisationen om detta inte görs så kan det innebära att olika individer och grupper av medarbetare hanterar regelverken olika. Medarbetarnas kunskap, insikt och tillämpning är avgörande för framgång.
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秦漢簿籍構成與簡牘二次書寫. / Qin Han bu ji gou cheng yu jian du er ci shu xie.January 2015 (has links)
觀察中國早期帝國管治形態的視角眾多,其中最具資料根據的是地方簿籍制度的運行。自簡牘面世而來,學界對簿籍的歸類和分析未曾間斷,成為重要的研究基礎。現已知其運行地區之廣泛、針對範圍之精細,對於理解秦漢地區管治模式均有助益。然而,簡牘不僅是文字資料的承載物,本身的形制與書寫形態同樣是寶貴的考古資料遺存,在討論秦漢簿籍制度的過程中不能將三者割裂。 / 本文的目的在於將秦漢簿籍系統置於地方行政的視野之下,帶出秦漢簿籍的歷史意義。分析的層次主要有二:第一,簿籍檔案的形制發展。里耶秦簡的面世提供了秦制資料,從秦到漢經歷了簿籍概念的成熟化和專門化過程;第二,在簿籍系統成熟的背景下出現眾多二次書寫形式。二次書寫的定義為在同一簡牘載體上出現兩次或三次的書寫次序,說明簿籍有自身的構成次序。涵蓋範圍包括糧食、金錢、人員流動以及物品記錄,簿籍構成的過程與帝國物資與人員流動的實況同步。二次書寫以及相應的簿籍構成過程與秦漢地方日常行政手續息息相關,對之作出辨認等同還原當時行政場境,同時也是體現秦漢地方管治實況的重要視角。 / Documentation of local records is one of the most prominent indexes to evaluate the level of ancient state development by revealing the effectiveness of regional administration and the supervision of centralized government. The documentation system in Qin and Han Dynasties is the earliest accessible point allowing us to take a glimpse of the centralization process, which is marked by its extensive establishment in terms of both geography and range of recorded items. Excavated Qin and Han bamboo slips convey how the system developed and contributed to local administration. / In pursuit of outlining the administrative role of documentation, this paper attempts to observe the formatting process of Qin and Han local documents by interpreting their outstanding, yet often overlooked, writing sequence. It is characterized by several indications, such as different hand-writings and deviating writing position, implying that local documents underwent at least two writing processes. It also illuminates the transition progress of local documents, their utility in different stages, and most importantly, the interrelation of recording and governing. Recognizing writing sequence on bamboo slips sheds light on the steps of documentation, details of daily administration, as well as how Qin and Han local authorities communicated. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 梁煒傑. / Thesis (M.Phil.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 232-249). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Liang Weijie.
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Cognitive & academic function after Traumatic Brain Injury in school aged children: Documen-tation within medical and school records on problems and recommended support : A Systematic ReviewRuhukwa, Kudzai January 2018 (has links)
Background: Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) has been identified as a crucial public concern, causing interrup-tion in children’s cognitive development, sometimes resulting in permanent impairment or even death. Hence documen-tation in health and school records regarding their functioning or environmental restrictions post injury, seems vital for the facilitation of communication between a child’s systematic and ongoing environment. Especially since children’s health has been described as a holistic construct comprised of psycho, social and physical well-being. Requiring continual inter-disciplinary and collaborative efforts over their course of development. Aim: To explore literature related to cognitive functioning and recommended support for children who have experienced a TBI, and how professional’s document their associated problems within medical and school records regarding activities in or outside the classroom. Method: A sys-tematic review, strictly comprised of empirical studies. Selected due to its sequential structural design for attainment of literature relevant to the research topic of choice and quality assessment procedures which enable reduction of threats to bias findings. Results: A total of 9 articles were yielded after quality assessment and depicted that. Reduced processing speeds in cognitive ability domains can be regarded as the default or baseline outcomes after a childhood TBI. Predictors within these different domains impacted their adequate academic, social function and varied depending on age at injury (2-4yrs or 4-8yrs), Injury severity (mild, moderate/severe), family function and time points. Early and severe TBI showed significant residual impairments across all time points, whilst the mild to moderate groups showed low to average func-tioning, as with the typical sample groups after two-year time points. Executive, attention skills impairment and post injury support within home and school settings. Showed to have the highest impact on both behaviours in, outside the classroom and academic performance. Documentation: Mainly biological and admission details were documented in the medical records. Within school records, all except one most recent study used either parental, teacher reports or direct measures to assess functioning of TBI affected children within school. Hereby a need for documentation of environmental factors within medical records, high quality transition of their TBI information within their school settings and continual docu-mentation of their progress or supports in school is required.
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Records management for an intelligent university: The case of the University of the Western CapeMomoti, Nikiwe Gloria January 2017 (has links)
Magister Library and Information Studies - MLIS / Universities face complex changes such as mergers; new competitors; socio-economic; political and
technological changes. In order to survive and preserve competitive advantage, the university has to
adapt to such changes. The University of the Western Cape has been through many changes since its
establishment to its current status as a culturally diverse autonomous institution with a mission
statement that reflects its ability to respond and adapt to change.
Universities that can adapt to changes are considered to be intelligent. Intelligent universities adapt to
changing and unpredictable environments by organizing all information resources; transforming
information to knowledge; and using this knowledge to enhance performance. Records are an
information resource. They contain evidence of business activities of an organization, their
management therefore is important. This study was undertaken to add knowledge and insight into
records management in the intelligent university by investigating whether records management
contributes to making the University of the Western Cape intelligent.
Records management is a function within an organization, hence the researcher's choice of the
functionalist theory to frame this exploratory qualitative case study. Secondary sources, semi
structured interviews; and electronic questionnaires were used to collect data from purposively
selected participants. The data was imported and analysed on a qualitative data analysis software
Atlas.ti7, version 7.5.10. The findings of the study showed that records management as a function was
not used optimally by the university due to limited knowledge and awareness of its existence; as well
as other services it offers. Records management therefore does not contribute to making the
University of the Western Cape intelligent. Marketing, training, strategic placement of the records
management function on the university organizational structure, integration with other components,
implementation of electronic records management and a records management model for the intelligent
university were recommended to address short-comings.
This study adds more knowledge on records management in the intelligent university and brings to
light the importance of the records management function; highlights how university records can be
used for competitive advantage as well as decision-making; and aids in developing a records
management model for an intelligent university. A large scale national study in other institutions
of higher learning to provide a clearer picture of whether records management plays a role in
making South African universities intelligent is recommended.
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Evaluating database management systems : a framework and application to the Veteran's Administration Hospital.Dadashzadeh, Mohammad January 1978 (has links)
Thesis. 1978. M.S.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Includes bibliographical references. / M.S.
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Enabling the Reuse of Electronic Health Record Data through Data Quality Assessment and TransparencyWeiskopf, Nicole Gray January 2015 (has links)
With the increasing adoption of health information technology and the growth in the resulting electronic repositories of clinical data, the secondary use of electronic health record data has become one of the most promising approaches to enabling and speeding clinical research. Unfortunately, electronic health record data are known to suffer from significant data quality problems. Awareness of the problem of electronic health record data quality is growing, but methods for measuring data quality remain ad hoc. Clinical researchers must handle this complicated problem without systematic or validated methods. The lack of appropriate or trustworthy electronic health record data quality assessment methodology limits the validity of research performed with electronic health record data.
This dissertation documents the development of a data quality assessment framework and guideline for clinical researchers engaged in the secondary use of electronic health record data for retrospective research. Through a systematic literature review and interviews with key stakeholders, we identified core constructs of data quality, as well as priorities for future approaches to electronic health record data quality assessment. We used a data-driven approach to demonstrate that data quality is task-dependent, indicating that appropriate data quality measures must be selected, applied, and interpreted within the context of a specific study. On the basis of these results, we developed and evaluated a dynamic guideline for data quality measures in order to help researchers choose data quality measures and methods appropriately within the context of reusing electronic health record data for research.
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