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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanocatalytic pretreatment of lignocellulosic barley straw to reducing sugars

Schneider, L. (Laura) 29 September 2017 (has links)
Abstract Biomass conversion methods represent bioeconomic solutions for the sustainable production of value added commodities (chemicals and materials) as well as for energy purposes, either in solid (pellets), liquid (transport fuels) or gaseous (combustion gases e.g. biomethane) form. Lignocellulosic biomass as a renewable source available in immense quantity, is considered to be one of the most promising natural sources, with high potential in the replacement of conventional transportation fuels and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This thesis provides new insights into mechanocatalysis, which as yet is a novel technique in catalytic biomass conversion. The mechanocatalytic approach combines chemical catalysis and mechanical assisted processing driven by ball milling. Lignocellulosic barley straw was impregnated or merely mixed with the catalyst (formic acid, acetic acid, sulfuric acid, oxalic acid dihydrate and potassium pyrosulfate) and ball milled under various conditions yielding the selective depolymerization of lignocellulose into water-soluble xylo-oligosaccharides. Subsequent hydrolysis at moderate temperatures resulted in the formation of valuable reducing sugars, mainly xylose, galactose, arabinose and glucose, which constitute the basic materials for transportation fuel and chemical production. Reducing sugar release of 53.4 wt% with low by-product formation was observed within short milling durations using sulfuric acid as a catalyst in mechanocatalysis. Likewise, oxalic acid dihydrate and potassium pyrosulfate as a novel catalyst, successfully converted barley straw to reducing sugars (42.4 wt% and 39.7 wt%, respectively), however longer milling durations were required. In comparison, lower saccharification (<10 wt%) was obtained by employing formic acid and acetic acid in mechanocatalysis. Harsh milling conditions initiated a temperature increase within the reaction vessel resulting in enhanced sugar release. Likewise, greater sugar release was observed with increased catalyst amount and acidity. The results revealed that the balance of these factors is crucial for efficient catalytic conversion of barley straw. / Tiivistelmä Biomassan konvertointimenetelmät mahdollistavat biotalouden hengen mukaisesti uusia ratkaisuja kemikaalien ja materiaalien kestävään tuotantoon sekä biomassan energiakäyttöön eri muodoissa (kuten pelletit, biopolttoaineet ja biokaasu). Lignoselluloosapohjaista, uusiutuvaa biomassaa, kuten tässä työssä tutkittua ohran olkea, on runsaasti saatavilla. Lignoselluloosa onkin yksi lupaavimmista raaka-aineista korvaamaan fossiilisia polttoaineita ja vähentämään kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä. Väitöskirjatutkimus antaa uutta tietoa ohran oljen mekaanis–katalyyttisestä käsittelystä, mikä on suhteellisen uusi menetelmä biomassan katalyyttisessä muokkauksessa. Menetelmässä yhdistetään kemiallinen katalyysi ja mekaaninen muokkaus (jauhatus) kuulamyllyllä. Lignoselluloosa (ohran olki) impregnoitiin tai sekoitettiin tutkitun katalyytin (muurahaishappo, etikkahappo, rikkihappo, oksaalihappodihydraatti, kaliumpyrosulfaatti) kanssa ja käsiteltiin erilaisissa mekaanis–katalyyttisissä olosuhteissa. Lignoselluloosan selektiivinen depolymerointi muodosti vesiliukoisia oligosakkarideja ja edelleen hydrolyysin kautta pelkistyneitä sokereita (pääasiassa ksyloosia, galaktoosia, arabinoosia ja glukoosia), joita voidaan käyttää biopolttoaineiden ja -kemikaalien valmistuksessa. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella rikkihappokatalyytillä saatiin 53,4 massa-% ohran oljen sisältämistä pelkistyneistä sokereista vapautettua lyhyillä käsittelyajoilla. Lisäksi sivutuotteiden muodostuminen oli vähäistä. Vastaavasti oksaalihappodihydraatti (sokerisaanto 42,4 massa-%) ja kaliumpyrosulfaatti (sokerisaanto 39,7 massa-%) toimivat uusina katalyytteinä hyvin, mutta vaativat rikkihappokatalyyttiä pidemmät jauhatusajat. Sen sijaan muurahaishapolla ja etikkahapolla sokerisaanto oli erittäin alhainen (alle 10 massa-%) mekaanis–katalyyttisessä käsittelyssä. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että voimakas jauhatus vaikutti selkeästi reaktiolämpötilan nousuun käsittelyn aikana, mikä edisti korkeampaa sokerisaantoa. Vastaavasti sokerisaantoa voitiin parantaa katalyyttimäärällä ja happamuudella. Tulokset osoittavat, että näiden muuttujien tasapaino on ratkaisevaa ohran oljen tehokkaan katalyyttisen muuntamisen kannalta.

Hantera och reducera stress med meditation/mindfulness : En litteraturstudie / Manage and reducing stress with meditation/mindfulness : A literature study

Thorn, Sara, Wistrand, Nicole January 2017 (has links)
Inledning: Samhället utvecklas och ställer allt högre krav på den enskilde individen som kan leda till ökad stressnivå. Långvarig stress kan leda till allvarliga folkhälsosjukdomar såsom utmattningssyndrom och depression. För att kunna påverka stressens negativa betydelse för hälsan är det viktigt att belysa behandlingsalternativ såsom meditation/mindfulness som kan inkluderas i vardagen. Syfte: Syftet med den här litteraturstudien är att undersöka vilka vetenskapliga belägg som finns om hur meditation/mindfulness kan hjälpa individer att hantera och reducera stress och på så sätt öka välbefinnandet och hälsan. Metod: Metoden är en litteraturstudie vilket innebär att artiklarna som ingår i studien har kritiskt granskats i en litteraturgenomgång. Tio artiklar ingår i studien som delats in i fyra teman som redovisas i resultatet. Resultat: Meditation/mindfulness kan vara effektiva metoder att hantera och reducera stress med, men alla studier var inte lika övertygande. Resultatet är indelat i fyra olika teman, positivt med meditation/mindfulness, tvivel om meditation/mindfulness effektivitet, mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) och onlineprogram. Gällande meditation/mindfulness antydde några studier att det kan öka välbefinnandet och minska stress. Medan andra var mer osäkra på dess fördelar. Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) visade på tydligare resultat gällande stressreduceringsprogram och likaså onlineprogram. MBSR kan användas av både sjuka och friska människor. Onlineprogram är effektiva både kostnadsmässigt och att individen kan nå programmen var som helst. Diskussion: Det fanns inte lika tydliga belägg för meditation/mindfulness effektivitet vid stresshantering som förväntat. Alla studier var inte överens om att det hade någon effekt men trots tvivel vill de forska mer innan de utesluter det som en bra metod. Hur effektivt det är för en individ kan variera för att programmen kräver träning, förståelse och förtroende. Meditation/mindfulness hjälper inte alla individer att hantera sin stress, men för vissa gör den det och för andra kan vara en bra metod i väntan på att få professionell hjälp. / Introduction: The society develops and sets high standards on individuals and that make the stress increase. Long-term stress can lead to public health diseases such exhaustion syndrome and depression. To provide stress’s negative effect on health there is a need of reducing programs and interventions such meditation/mindfulness that can be included in the everyday life. Aim: The aim of this literature study is to investigate what scientific evidence exists about how meditation / mindfulness can help individuals manage and reduce stress, and then increase well-being and health. Methods: The method is a literature study, which means that the articles that are included in the study have been critically reviewed in a literature review. Ten articles are included in this study and they are divided into four themes that are reported in the result. Results: Meditation / mindfulness can be effective methods of managing and reducing stress, but all studies were not assured. The result is divided into four different themes, positive with meditation / mindfulness, doubts about meditation / mindfulness efficiency, mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and online programs. Some studies suggested that it could increase well-being and reduce stress. While others were uncertain of its benefits. Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) showed clearer results about stress reduction programs and online programs. MBSR can be used by both sick and healthy people. Online programs are effective both cost-effectively and that the individual can reach the programs from home. Discussion: There was not as clear evidence of meditation/mindfulness effectiveness in stress management as expected. All studies did not agree that it had any effect but in spite of doubt, more research is needed before ruling out as a good method. How effective it is for an individual may vary because the programs require training, understanding and trust. Meditation/mindfulness doesn’t help every individuals to manage their stress, but for some it does and for some it may be a good method while waiting for professional help.

Contribution to optical wireless multi-stable micro-actuation / Contribution au micro-actionnement multi-stable piloté par radiations optiques

Liu, Xingxing 07 October 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse traite le sujet du micro-actionnement multistable employant des radiations optiques pour atteindre les différentes positions offertes par le micro-actionneur. Dans le cadre des travaux réalisés, un mécanisme bistable reposant sur un principe de doubles poutres préformées situées en position antagoniste est proposé, et, sur cette brique élémentaire, un micro-actionneur quadristable a été conçu. Afin de valider le principe de fonctionnement de micro-actionneur, des procédés de fabrication Laser (sur le matériau « médium - MDF») puis DRIE (sur un wafer SOI de silicium) ont été utilisés. Sur le prototype en silicium, permettant une réduction des courses du rang interne et du rang externe du micro-actionneur, celles-ci ont été fixées à 300 µm et 200 µm respectivement. L’actionnement à distance de ce micro-actionneur a été prouvé en utilisant le chauffage laser d’un élément actif en Nitinol structuré par un dépôt de SiO2, ceci générant un effet « deux sens » de l’élément actif permettant d’annuler la charge sur les poutres du micro-actionneur une fois celui-ci déclenché puis en position stable. L’utilisation d’un banc expérimental incluant une membrane MEMS de balayage laser a permis de démontrer la quadristabilité du micro-actionneur sur 90 000 cycles. Afin de réduire davantage la course de ce micro-actionneur, des concepts de dispositifs de réduction de course ont été développés pour démontrer, à partir de prototypes fabriqué en MDF par usinage laser, la capacité à atteindre une course de 1 µm. Enfin, à la suite de ces travaux de réduction de course, un concept de nano-actionneur multistable a été proposé. Ce nano-actionneur est composé de quatre modules bistables liés et disposés en parallèle pour offrir 16 positions discrètes sur une course rectiligne. Les simulations de cet actionneur montrent la possibilité d’atteindre les 15 positions espacées de 10 nm sur une course de 150 nm. / In this work, a bistable mechanism based on antagonistic pre-shaped double beams was proposed. Employing the proposed bistable mechanism, a quadristable micro-actuator was designed. ln order to validate the quadristability of the device, a meso-scaled prototype was fabricated from MDF by laser cutting. After the quadristability was experimentally confirmed, a quadristable micro-actuator was realized on SOl wafer using DRIE technique. Strokes for inner row and outer row were reduced to 300 µm and 200 µm respectively. For the actuation of the quadristable micro-actuator,laser heated SMA elements with deposited Si02 layer were used to realize the optical wireless actuation. With the help of a laser beam steering micro-mirror, both inner row and outer row were successfully actuated. ln order to further reduce the stroke, a bistable actuator with stroke reducing structure was designed and a prototype eut from MDF was tested. Bistability was validated and a stroke of 1µm was experimentally achieved. Based on this bistable module, a multistable nano-actuator, which contains four parallel coupled bistable modules,was designed and simulated. The simulated result have indicated that it was capable of outputs 16 discrete stable positions available from 0 nm to 150 nm with a step of 10 nm between two stable positions.

Management of hydrogen sulphide generation at a Kraft paper mill

Rava, Eleonora Maria Elizabeth 15 September 2008 (has links)
A local integrated pulp and paper Kraft mill had come under pressure from the local communities and mill personnel to reduce the odours that were perceived to be generated at the Farm Dams and irrigation farm situated adjacent to the mill. The typical odours associated with Kraft mills are due to the generation of four reduced sulphur compounds such as hydrogen sulphide (H2S), methyl-mercaptan (CH3SH), dimethyl-sulphide (CH3)2S and dimethyl-disulphide (CH3)2S2. These compounds are collectively referred to as Total Reduced Sulphur (TRS) components which are generated as a direct result of the Kraft pulping and chemical recovery process. These components can either be in the gaseous or aqueous phase depending on the characteristics of the effluent. Gaseous and aqueous TRS profiling of the mill indicated that hydrogen sulphide (H2S) was the main odour component generated and emitted from the Clarifiers and the Treated Effluent Transfer Sump (TETS) at the effluent treatment plant. The hydrogen sulphide (H2S) emission levels were affected by process upsets, sludge removal frequencies, chemical composition of the effluent, Sulphate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) activity, pH and temperature fluctuations. Treatment options such as pH control using slaked lime, dosing of biocides, addition of biomodifiers and/or a sulphate reduction inhibitor were investigated. The use of slaked lime, Ca(OH) 2, for pH control was not practical due to continuous pH fluctuations, increasing the pH would increase the scaling tendencies of the effluent and would also affect the soil cation-anion exchange properties of the irrigated farm land. The use of non-oxidising biocides was effective in reducing SRB activity between 99.2% and 99.8% at dosages between 4 mg/l and 25 mg/l. However, the use of biocides was not considered as a long term treatment option due to the various disadvantages such as the stability of the biocides at fluctuating pH and temperatures, half-life, environmental accumulation, toxicity and costs. The aqueous H2S level was reduced by 79% using different combinations of biomodifiers (nitrates, nitrites, molybdenum). Increasing the dosages of the biomodifiers (> 500mg/l) would be required to increase the reduction of H2S levels by more than 79%. The increased dosages would significantly increase the cost of the treatment programme. The accumulation of nitrates, nitrites and molybdenum could affect the soil texture, cation-anion exchange capacity, permeability, Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) and nutrient availability. A more environmentally friendly and cost effective treatment was found using sodium nitrate (biomodifier) together with AQ (sulphate reduction inhibitor). The continuous dosing of 50 mg/l sodium nitrate together with 4 mg/l AQ would be effective in reducing the average aqueous H2S levels (40 mg/l) by at least 92%. This treatment would also be compatible with aeration or oxidation procedures to further increase the removal of H2S to achieve an aqueous H2S level of <1 mg/l. Aeration or oxidation would also increase the dissolved oxygen and COD levels, increase the inhibition of SRB activity and oxidise any reduced sulphur. The dosing of sodium nitrate and AQ to control the generation of H2S is not patented in South Africa. It can, therefore, be used to treat the Kraft mill effluent without violating any intellectual property rights in South Africa. / Dissertation (MSc(Applied Science))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Chemical Engineering / unrestricted

Do Forest Commons Contribute to International Environmental Initiatives? A Socio-Ecological Analysis of Nepalese Forest Commons in view of REDD+

Luintel, Harisharan 26 July 2016 (has links)
Forests in developing countries have the potential to contribute to global efforts to mitigate climate change, promote biodiversity and support the livelihoods of rural, local people. Approximately one-fourth of such forests are under the control of local communities, which primarily manage forests for subsistence and to meet their livelihood needs. The trend of bottom-up community control is increasing through the adoption of decentralization reforms over the last 40 years. In contrast, the United Nations has introduced the top-down program, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) for the conservation and enhancement of forest carbon and the sustainable management of forest in developing countries. REDD+ incentivizes forest-managing communities to sequester carbon and reduce emissions. REDD+ has created hope for managing forests to mitigate climate change and has created fear that the new initiative may not be effective and may not ensure continuing forest-managing community benefits. However, little research has been conducted to answer these concerns. By taking nationally representative data from Nepalese community-managed forests (“forest commons"), I bring insights into whether and how these forests can contribute to REDD+ initiatives, particularly as they relate to carbon sequestration, biodiversity, equity in benefit sharing and collective action. My results indicated the highly variable carbon and biodiversity in the forest plots across the country, depicting the availability of space for additional growth in carbon storage and biodiversity conservation. My results also reflect the complex and varied relationships of carbon with different indices of biodiversity at the national level, across geographic and topographic regions, and in forests with varying canopy covers. Weak positive relationships between carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation indicate the possibility of synergies between carbon-forestry and biodiversity conservation. I also found that the formal community forestry program (CFP) has clearly positive impacts on biodiversity conservation and household-level equity in benefit sharing and a negative impact on carbon sequestration at the national level. However, disaggregated results of impacts of CFP on biodiversity, carbon and equity across geography, topography, forest quality and social groups display mixed results i.e., either positive or negative or neutral. I also identified that different drivers of collective action have different (i.e., positive, neutral, and negative) associations with carbon sequestration, which either supports or challenges established knowledge. In aggregate, my research indicates the potential of contribution by forest commons, and specially the CFP, to global environmental initiatives such as REDD+. It suggests that targeted, dedicated policies and programs to increase carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation and foster equity and collective actions are critical. In addition, my results also contribute to the growing literature on socio-ecological implications of forest commons that demonstrated the need of interdisciplinary research to understand human-nature relationships in the changing context.

Réactivité géomicrobiologique des matériaux et minéraux ferrifères : impact sur la sureté d'un stockage de déchets radioactifs en milieux argileux / Geomicrobiological reactivity of iron materials : impact on geological disposal of radioactive wastes

Esnault, Loïc 09 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse s'est attachée à décrire le concept dynamique d'une activité microbiologique viable et durable en conditions de stockage géologique profond et à évaluer son impact sur les propriétés de confinement et les composants du stockage. Ainsi, dans cette étude, un modèle bactérien basé sur la ferriréduction a été choisi pour ses critères de viabilité dans le système et sa capacité à altérer les matériaux dans les conditions du stockage. Les principaux résultats de ce travail de thèse ont permis de démontrer la capacité du milieu à supporter l'activité bactérienne ferriréductrice et les conditions de son développement dans les environnements argileux profonds. Il a été clairement montré la biodisponibilité du Fe(III) structural des matériaux argileux et des oxydes de fer produits lors des processus de corrosion métallique. Dans ce système, la corrosion paraît être un facteur positif pour les activités bactériennes notamment en produisant une source énergétique, l'hydrogène. Les activités bactériennes ferriréductrices peuvent entraîner une reprise de la corrosion métallique via la consommation des oxydes de fer de la couche passivante. La conséquence directe pourrait être une diminution de la durée de vie des enveloppes métalliques de colisage. Dans le cas des matériaux argileux ferrifères, les conséquences d'une telle activité sont telles qu'elles peuvent avoir un impact sur l'ensemble de l'édifice poreux que ce soit en termes de réactivité chimique des matériaux ou de comportement physique de la barrière argileuse. Un des résultats les plus marquants est la cristallisation de nouvelles phases argileuses à des températures très basses, inférieures à 40°C, témoignant de l'influence considérable de l'activité microbienne anaérobie dans les transformations minéralogiques des minéraux argileux. De plus, il faut noter que ces expériences ont permis de visualiser pour la première fois un mécanisme de respiration bactérienne à distance via une extension de la disponibilité d'éléments essentiels, ici le Fe3+. En conclusion, ces résultats ont clairement démontré l'impact du facteur microbiologique sur la réactivité des matériaux argileux et métalliques tout en s'appuyant sur des paramètres de contrôle de l'activité bactérienne. La pertinence de la prise en compte de ces activités microbiologiques dans le cas des évaluations de sûreté d'un stockage est ainsi établie. / This thesis sought to describe the dynamic concept of a viable and sustainable microbiological activity under deep geological disposal conditions and to assess its impact on containment properties and storage components. Thus, in this study, a model based on the bacterial ferric reduction was chosen for its sustainability criteria in the system and its ability to alter the materials in storage conditions. The main results of this work demonstrated the capability of the environment to stand the iron-reducing bacterial activity and the conditions of its development in the deep clay environments. The bio-availability of structural Fe (III) in clay minerals and iron oxides produced during the process of metal corrosion was clearly demonstrated. In this system, the corrosion appears to be a positive factor on bacterial activities by producing an energy source, hydrogen. The iron-reducing bacterial activities can lead to a resumption of metallic corrosion through the consumption of iron oxides in the passive film. The direct consequence would be a reduction of the lifetime of metal containers. In the case of ferric clay minerals, the consequences of such an activity are such that they can have an impact on the overall porous structure both in terms of chemical reactivity of the materials or physical behavior of the clayey barrier. One of the most significant results is the crystallization of new clay phases at very low temperatures, below 40°C, highlighting the influence of the anaerobic microbial activity in the mineralogical transformations of clay minerals. Furthermore, these experiments also allowed to visualize, for the first time, a mechanism of bacterial respiration at distance, this increases the field of the availability of essential elements as Fe3+ for bacterial growth in extreme environment. In conclusion, these results clearly showed the impact of the microbiological factor on the reactivity of clay and metal minerals, while relying on control parameters on bacterial activity. The relevance of taking into account these microbiological activities in the case of safety assessments of a repository is then established.

Estudo comparativo dos métodos de determinação e de estimativa dos teores de fibra e de açúcares redutores em cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) / Comparative study of methods for determination and estimation of fiber and reducing sugars in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.)

José Rubens Almeida Leme Filho 27 January 2006 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar os métodos de determinação e de estimativa dos teores de fibra da cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) e de açúcares redutores no caldo de cana, análises de fundamental importância para o cálculo do teor de açúcar total recuperável (ATR), que é o parâmetro que rege o sistema atual de pagamento de cana do CONSECANA. Quanto ao teor de fibra da cana, foi desenvolvido um novo método, modificado do método original da prensa hidráulica, com o objetivo de corrigir o erro decorrente do uso do brix do caldo extraído como estimativa do teor de sólidos solúveis do caldo não extraído na prensagem (caldo residual no bagaço). Esse novo método diferiu significativamente do original, porém correlacionou-se muito bem com este, devido ao fato do brix do caldo extraído no final da prensagem (valor empregado no método modificado) correlacionar-se, com ajuste excelente, com o brix do caldo extraído em toda a prensagem (valor empregado no método original). Por isso, mesmo quando não é feita a medida do brix do caldo extraído no final da prensagem, é possível obter um valor de fibra mais próximo do real através de uma equação de regressão linear que correlaciona o método modificado com o original. Foram também testadas as correlações do teor de fibra da cana com o peso do bolo úmido (PBU) resultante da prensagem, a 250 kgf/cm2, de 500 g de cana desfibrada e homogeneizada; e as correlações do teor de fibra da cana com brix, pol, pureza e AR do caldo. Os parâmetros que melhor se correlacionaram com o teor de fibra da cana foram o brix e a pol do caldo; e os que apresentaram correlação mais fraca foram AR do caldo e PBU. Foram testados também, por regressão linear, os vários métodos possíveis de serem usados para estimativa do teor de fibra da cana. Entre as equações que correlacionam fibra com PBU (atual e antiga do CONSECANA, e a equação elaborada com os dados deste trabalho), a que melhor estimou o teor de fibra da cana foi a equação atual do CONSECANA. Foram testadas as correlações do teor de AR do caldo com pol, brix, pureza e com a diferença brix – pol do caldo, sendo que o parâmetro que melhor se correlacionou com AR foi a pureza, ratificando a metodologia atual do CONSECANA, que emprega esse parâmetro nas suas equações para estimativa do teor de AR no caldo. Entre as equações do CONSECANA, a antiga forneceu uma estimativa do teor de AR bem mais exata do que a equação atual, a qual subestimou-os. No que tange ao teor de fibra, a possibilidade de estimá-lo com base em brix ou em pol resulta na possibilidade de se tabelar o teor de ATR na cana em função do brix ou da pol, atendendo à grande demanda dos fornecedores de cana pela maior simplicidade no sistema de pagamento. / The objective of the present work was to study the methods of determination and estimation of fiber in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) and reducing sugars (RS) in sugarcane juice. These are the most important analyses to calculate the Recoverable Total Sugar (RTS) which is the parameter that conducts the current system for sugarcane payment of the CONSECANA. Concerning the fiber content of sugarcane, a new method, modified from the original method of the hydraulical press, was developed with the objective of correcting the error resultant of the use of the brix of the extracted juice to estimate the content of soluble solids of the juice not extracted during the pressing (residual juice in the bagasse). This new method differed significantly from the original one. However it presented an accurate correlation with the original method because the brix of the juice extracted at the end of pressing (value took in account in the modified method) presented an excellent adjust of correlation with the brix of the juice extracted during the whole pressing (value took in account in the original method). So, even when the brix of the juice extracted at the end of pressing is not measured, it is possible to get a value of fiber content representative of the real one using an equation of linear regression that correlates the method modified with the original one. Correlations between sugarcane fiber and residual bagasse weight (RBW) resultant of pressing, at 250 kgf/cm2, 500 g of sugarcane sample prepared according to the CONSECANA procedures were tested. Correlations between sugarcane fiber and brix, pol, purity or AR of the sugarcane juice were also tested. The parameters that presented the best correlation with sugarcane fiber were brix and pol of sugarcane juice. The parameters RS and RBW did not present good adjusts of correlation with fiber. Using linear regression analyses some possible methods of estimation of fiber content were tested. Among the equations correlating fiber with RBW (CONSECANA’s current and precedent, and the equation elaborated based on the data of this work), the one that best estimated the sugarcane fiber was the CONSECANA’s current one. Correlations between RS and pol, brix, purity or the difference brix - pol, were also analysed. The parameter that presented the best correlation with RS was purity of sugarcane juice, which is the parameter of CONSECANA’s equation to estimate the RS content in sugarcane juice. CONSECANA’s precedent equation presented a more accurate estimation of RS content than the equation currently in use. CONSECANA’s current equation underestimated the values of RS. As regarding to fiber content, the possibility of estimating it based on brix or pol might result in tables of correlation between RTS and brix or pol. This would simplify the system for sugarcane payment and so satisfy the sugarcane suppliers.

Posouzení ekonomické efektivnosti pasivního domu / Assessment of the economic efficiency of a passive house

Mašková, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
The Master thesis is focused on rating the specifics of passive houses and assessment whether the energy savings in the operation of passive house will cover the increased cost of construction. The theoretical part deals with the history and development of passive houses, application of natural materials, sustainable resources of energy and indicators for the evaluation of economic efficiency. The practical part describes passive and standard house. On the standard house, there is processed financial plan. Reference objects are compared, followed by evaluation of the return on the additional costs of the passive house.

Vliv přísad na vlastnosti metakaolinového geopolymeru / Effect of admixtures on the properties of metakaolin geopolymer

Halasová, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
Geopolymers are amorphous to semi-crystalline aluminosilicate polymers which are formed from inorganic polycondensation reaction of a solid aluminosilicate precursor with an alkaline sodium hydroxide or silicate. The resulting materials exhibit high durability, resistance to aggressive environments, high temperature resistance and many other properties that make them have received much attention in recent years, not only in construction. This thesis describes the influence of additives commonly used in concrete and mortar (water reducing, superplasticizer, air-entraining, foamer and defoamer, anti-shrinkage, stabilization) on the behavior of metakaolin in geopolymer fresh and hardened state. It describes metakaolin geopolymer effect on rheological properties of fresh mixtures, compressive strength and flexural strength after 28 days and a density in the fresh and hardened state.

Vliv iontů na účinnost přísad redukující smrštění v alkalicky aktivovaných systémech / Influence of ionts on the efficiency of shrinkage reducing admixtures in alkali activated systems

Vašíčková, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
Alkali activated materials, especially when activated with waterglass, are subjected to substantial drying shrinkage that hinders their broader industrial application. The effect of shrinkage reducing admixtures (SRA), based on poly(propylene glycol), on drying shrinkage of alkali activated blast furnace slag (BFS) mortars was studied. The aim of this thesis is to determine the efficiency of SRA as well as the influence of different type of alkali activator with varying silicate modulus on drying shrinkage characteristics. It was observed that the high amount of alkalis positively influenced the effect of SRA. The higher the amount of alkalis, the lower the drying shrinkage was. It also caused more water to be incorporated in the alkali activated structure and prevent it from evaporation. Thus, the weight change of such mortars was the lowest. Reduced effect of SRA on mechanical strength properties was observed in mortars with low amount of alkalis which was connected with delayed hydration resulting in insufficient amount of created C-S-H gel. The presented thesis further discussed and underlines the role of different kinds of alkali ions as well as their amount on the properties of alkali activated BFS systems.

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