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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A presen?a da produ??o cient?fica em psicologia na forma??o de psic?logos do Rio Grande do Norte

Costa, Joyce Pereira da 23 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:39:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoycePC_DISSERT.pdf: 1654452 bytes, checksum: 3d17fc8fd225829ff44c0704cb38ddf8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-23 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The present research aimed to analyze the presence of national scientific production in undergraduate studies in Psychology of Rio Grande do Norte. Therefore, the bibliographical references contained in education plan of subjects linked to the common center of the courses, which were taught in 2011 in three Psychology courses of the state, were focused. The analysis of the material was based on bibliographical and contextual aspects of the production, such as year, nationality, type of material, authorship (including the link of authors to PPGs), structuring axis of the subject in which it was mentioned, among others. The results showed that the national production is predominant in all courses, and they are, mostly, originated from PPGs of Psychology. Among these, the publications resulted from programs in Southwest, with emphasis to PUC-SP, are recent (mostly from 2000s) and they are predominantly composed by books (organizations and full texts). Regarding the distribution of Psychology PPGs production by the structuring axes, it is observed that it surpasses the foreign production only in axis C (procedures of scientific investigation and professional practice) and axis F (professional practices). Accordingly, it is concluded that Psychology production is found in graduation, sharing space with foreign publications and from other areas of knowledge. On the one hand, this is positive, by taking into account the importance of several foreign works and from other fields to build the knowledge in Psychology; on the other hand, it shows that the production from this area is inserted in graduation in a less significant way than its growth, which points out the existence of gaps in the development of some investigative domains from national Psychology / A presente pesquisa objetivou analisar a presen?a da produ??o cient?fica nacional em Psicologia na forma??o graduada de psic?logos no Rio Grande do Norte. Para tanto, focalizou-se as refer?ncias bibliogr?ficas contidas em planos de ensino de disciplinas ligadas ao n?cleo comum dos cursos, ministradas em 2011 em tr?s cursos de Psicologia do estado. A an?lise do material deteve-se em aspectos bibliogr?ficos e contextuais da produ??o, tais como ano, nacionalidade, tipo de material, vincula??o dos autores a Programas de P?s-Gradua??o (PPG), eixo estruturante da disciplina em que foi citado, dentre outros. Os resultados revelaram que a produ??o cient?fica nacional ? predominante em todos os cursos, sendo, em sua maioria, oriunda de PPGs de Psicologia. Dentre estas, prevalecem publica??es provenientes de programas localizados no Sudeste, com destaque para a PUC-SP; s?o recentes (maioria da primeira d?cada de 2000) e compostas, predominantemente, por livros (organiza??es e textos integrais). Quanto ? distribui??o da produ??o dos PPGs de Psicologia pelos eixos estruturantes, verifica-se que a mesma supera as publica??es estrangeiras somente nos eixos C (procedimentos de investiga??o cient?fica e pr?tica profissional) e eixo F (pr?ticas profissionais). Diante disso, conclui-se que a produ??o de Psicologia encontra-se, sim, na gradua??o, dividindo espa?o com publica??es estrangeiras e de outras ?reas do saber. Por um lado, isso se mostra positivo, tendo em vista a import?ncia de diversas obras estrangeiras e de outros campos para a constru??o do conhecimento em Psicologia; por outro, revela que a produ??o da ?rea entra na gradua??o de modo menos expressivo que o seu crescimento, indicando a exist?ncia de lacunas no desenvolvimento de alguns dom?nios investigativos da Psicologia nacional

Revistas da ?rea da ci?ncia da informa??o: an?lise das refer?ncias citadas nos diferentes per?odos da publica??o em vers?es impressa e eletr?nica

Cartezani, Grasiela 26 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:36:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Grasiela Cartezani.pdf: 1420082 bytes, checksum: 0a0da846f7714a222cf1cf15e12da445 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-26 / An exploratory study about the open access to scientific information in three journals from Information Science. The literature review includes the discussion about the importance of scientific communication to increase the bibliographic production in the field. The main goal was to identify the influence of open access to the scientific information on the use of published papers ; as specific goals, (a) the creation of an exploratory study using the references from Ci?ncia da Informa??o, Perspectivas em Ci?ncia da Informa??o e TransInforma??o; (b) collecting the needed information from the selected journals looking for relevant changes during the analyzed period of 8; and (c) a quantitative analysis from the data collected. According to the quantitative reference method analysis used in this study, 59 issues and 9145 references were analyzed, considering their CAPES Qualis A level as selection criteria, and also, having the minimum of 8 years of regular publication in order to use of this analysis. The period of analysis was different from each journal because it was intended to study 4 years of only printed version, and other 4 years with the electronic version also available. The main conclusions drawn from this work were that the open access to scientific information, when applied in Information Science field, in the mentioned period of time, does not have any significant influence on increasing the number of references; there possibly is an influence from the authors related to the references the they intend to publish depending on the respective journal; and also that most of the citations are in English language. / Estudo explorat?rio sobre o acesso aberto ?s informa??es cient?ficas em tr?s revistas da ?rea da Ci?ncia da Informa??o. A revis?o de literatura incluiu a discuss?o sobre a import?ncia da comunica??o cient?fica para fins de elabora??o de novos estudos. O objetivo geral foi identificar a influ?ncia do acesso aberto ?s informa??es cient?ficas sobre o uso dos artigos cient?ficos das referidas revistas; como objetivos espec?ficos, (a) a elabora??o de estudo explorat?rio utilizando as refer?ncias das revistas Ci?ncia da Informa??o, Perspectivas em Ci?ncia da Informa??o e TransInforma??o; (b) a coleta de informa??es das revistas selecionadas para fins de identificar mudan?as relevantes no per?odo de an?lise e (c) a an?lise quantitativa dos dados colhidos nos per?odos pr?-estabelecidos das revistas selecionadas. De acordo com o m?todo quantitativo de an?lise de refer?ncias empregado neste estudo, foram analisados 59 fasc?culos e 9.145 refer?ncias, considerando como crit?rio de sele??o das revistas o fato de serem consideradas Qualis A nacional pela CAPES e apresentarem tempo de publica??o suficiente para a aplica??o desta an?lise. O per?odo de an?lise deste estudo variou entre as revistas, pois tevese como inten??o analisar quatro anos em que as mesmas eram publicadas somente em formato impresso e quatro anos ap?s seu in?cio de publica??o tamb?m em acesso aberto. As principais conclus?es deste estudo foram que o acesso aberto ?s informa??es cient?ficas, quando estudado nestas tr?s revistas da Ci?ncia da Informa??o e neste per?odo, n?o causa influ?ncia referente ao aumento de refer?ncias de seus artigos; que possivelmente h? direcionamento dos autores quanto ?s suas refer?ncias para as revistas que desejam publicar; e que grande parte das fontes utilizadas pelos autores ? de l?ngua inglesa.

Mapeamento digital de solos da Forma??o Solim?es sob Floresta Tropical Amaz?nica / Digital mapping of soil form the Solim?es Formation in the Amazon rainforest

VILLELA, Andr? Luis Oliveira 29 August 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-08-22T18:59:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Andr? Luis Oliveira Villela.pdf: 14328753 bytes, checksum: ce4f856fddd576111ae58d83bad8de61 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-22T18:59:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Andr? Luis Oliveira Villela.pdf: 14328753 bytes, checksum: ce4f856fddd576111ae58d83bad8de61 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-29 / CAPES / PETROBRAS / The Brazilian territory region covered by the Amazon rainforest, due to its continental dimensions and difficulty of access and various interests in extractive activities, has great demand for information to provide support for the occupation, exploitation, and systematic recuperation thus keeping environmental safeguards. The regional soil information available is scarce and in scales inconsistent with the current demands, and the investments in new areas of research in the region is still insufficient. With technological developments, especially in the area of informatics that enables the storage and analysis of large banks of pedological data, the soil mapping techniques improved considerably. Pedometric techniques have been used to store and to explore large databases, thus enabling the improvement of existing soil databases and allowing manufacture of new products in larger scale and mapped areas, with low investment required. The hypothesis of this study is that the technique of reference area may allow the systematic digital mapping of soils from the Solim?es Formation, in the Amazon State. The general objective was to develop and compare methods for mapping soils in the Oil Province Uruc? (AM), using relief covariates. A conventional pedological survey of an area of 8.000 hectares, at the detail level, was executed to be used as a reference area (RA), in the augmentation of the map using digital soil mapping (MDS) techniques for an area of 73.000 hectares after downscaling and grouping of the legend. The numerical modeling of the terrain (MDT) was used (11 covariates derived from MDT) for further application of this soil formation factor as a predictor of the map units, in discriminant functions (DF), and in an expert system based on a tree model classification (AC). Four MDS models were developed, where two were trained using the studied region conceptual model of the pedologist, and the other two were trained with models based on a statistical analysis of the reference area information. The techniques were effective for predicting the mapping units (MU) in the study region, with overall accuracy (EG) ranging from 74.62 % to 88.81 %, and the kappa index was between 0.68 and 0.85. The MDS based in the expert system and AC showed significantly better results in terms of the kappa index, general EG, and the EG for 3 of the 4 mapping units in the area. Although the FD had not the highest accuracy levels, they showed a great potential for use in MDS, especially for preliminary mapping for the pedological survey of new regions, using knowledge of AR neighboring areas. The limitations were observed in the use of FD for mapping unities with small territorial expression, and it is recommended to increase the number of training observations in a way inversely proportional to the frequency of observation of these MUs. The major contribution of this work to scientific community was the establishment of bases and techniques of MDS, using AR and the soil relief relationship, for systematic mapping of new soils form Solim?es Formation. / A regi?o do territ?rio brasileiro coberta por floresta tropical amaz?nica, por suas dimens?es continentais e dificuldade de acesso e interesses diversos em atividades extrativistas, apresenta forte demanda por informa??es gerais que possam servir como subs?dio para a ocupa??o, explora??o e recupera??o ordenada e ambientalmente equilibrada. As informa??es pedol?gicas dispon?veis sobre a ?rea s?o escassas e em escalas incompat?veis com as demandas atuais, e os investimentos em novas frentes de pesquisa na regi?o ainda s?o insuficientes. Com a evolu??o tecnol?gica, sobretudo na ?rea da inform?tica que possibilita o armazenamento e an?lises de extensos bancos de dados pedol?gicos, as t?cnicas de mapeamento pedol?gico v?m se aperfei?oando consideravelmente. T?cnicas de pedometria t?m sido utilizadas para armazenar e explorar grandes bancos de dados e t?m possibilitado o aperfei?oamento das bases pedol?gicas existentes e permitido a confec??o de novos produtos em escala e ?reas mapeadas maiores, com menores investimentos exigidos. A hip?tese deste trabalho ? de que a t?cnica de ?rea de refer?ncia permite o mapeamento digital sistem?tico dos solos da regi?o da forma??o Solim?es, e o objetivo geral foi desenvolver e comparar m?todos de mapeamento de solos da Forma??o Solim?es, na Prov?ncia Petrol?fera de Urucu, AM, utilizando covari?veis do relevo. Foi executado um levantamento pedol?gico convencional de uma regi?o com 8.000 ha, em n?vel de detalhe para ser utilizado como ?rea de refer?ncia (AR) para a amplia??o do mapa, com t?cnicas de mapeamento digital de solos (MDS) para uma ?rea de 73.000 ha com redu??o de escala e agrupamento de legenda. Foi ent?o elaborada modelagem num?rica do terreno (MDT) (11 covari?veis derivadas do MDT) para posterior utiliza??o deste fator de forma??o do solo, como preditor das unidades de mapeamento, em fun??es discriminantes (FD) e um sistema especialista baseado em modelo de ?rvores de classifica??o (AC). Foram desenvolvidas 4 cartas MDS, sendo duas treinadas por modelos baseados no modelo conceitual do ped?logo sobre a regi?o em estudo, e duas treinadas por modelos baseados em an?lise estat?stica de informa??es sobre a ?rea de referencia. As t?cnicas mostraram-se eficientes para predi??o de unidades de mapeamento (UM) na regi?o de estudo, com exatid?o global (EG) variando entre 74,62% a 88,81% e ?ndice kappa entre 0,68 e 0,85. O MDS baseado em sistema especialista e AC apresentou resultados sensivelmente melhores em termos de ?ndice kappa, EG geral e EG para 3 das 4 UM da ?rea. Embora as FD n?o tenham apresentado os maiores ?ndices de acur?cia, estas tem grande potencial de uso em MDS, sobretudo para a confec??o de mapas preliminares para o levantamento pedol?gico de novas regi?es, utilizando-se do conhecimento de AR de ?reas vizinhas. Foram observadas limita??es no emprego de FD para o mapeamento de UM?s com pequena express?o territorial, sendo recomend?vel o aumento do n?mero de observa??es de treinamento inversamente proporcional ? frequ?ncia de observa??o destas UM?s. A maior contribui??o deste trabalho para a comunidade cient?fica foi o estabelecimento de bases e t?cnicas de MDS, utilizando AR e rela??o solo-relevo para o mapeamento sistem?tico de novas ?reas da forma??o Solim?es.

Preliminaraus nutarimo procedūra kaip "teisinų priemonių sistemos dalis": ar pareiga kreiptis preliminaraus nutarimo užtikrina veiksmingą teisminę gynybą? / Preliminary ruling procedure as a part of "complete system of remedies": does the obligation to seek preliminary ruling ensure effective judicial protection?

Rinkevičiūtė, Aistrida 17 January 2007 (has links)
Teisė kreiptis į teismą yra esminė individo subjektinių teisių apsaugos sąlyga. Tas pats pasakytina ir apie asmenims suteikiamas teises Bendrijos teisės sistemoje. Europos Teisingumo Teismas (ETT) turi išimtinę teisę atlikti Europos Bendrijos institucijų priimtų aktų teisėtumo priežiūrą. Be to, ETT pavesta aiškinti EB teisės nuostatas. Šiuo metu tiesioginio kreipimosi į ETT ribos, vadovaujantis EB Sutarties 230(4) straipsniu, yra griežtai apribotos. Todėl netiesioginis kreipimasis į ETT, pasinaudojant preliminaraus nutarimo procedūra, valstybių narių nacionaliniuose teismuose tapo bene labiausiai paplitusiu ir dažniausiai naudojamu teisinės gynybos keliu asmenims, siekiantiems apginti savo teises ir teisėtus interesus, kuriuos laiduoja EB teisė. Teisingumo Teismas savo praktikoje yra ne kartą pažymėjęs, kad preliminaraus nutarimo procedūra laikytina alternatyva tiesioginio ieškinio padavimo procedūrai pagal EB Sutarties 230 straipsnio 4 dalį ir tuo būdu akcentavęs EB Sutartimi įtvirtintos teisinių priemonių sistemos universalumą. Vis dėlto ETT vėlesnėje praktikoje netiesiogiai pripažino, kad ši Bendrijos teisėje įtvirtinta teisinių gynybos priemonių sistema nėra tokia ideali, kokios norėtųsi, ir kartu nurodė valstybėms narėms pareigą panaikinti joje egzistuojančius trūkumus ir spragas. Pagrindinė preliminaraus nutarimo procedūros problema yra ta, kad ji nėra tiesiogiai prieinama individams, o skirta valstybių narių nacionaliniams teismams. Pastariesiems suteikta teisė... [to full text] / Access to court is essential for the protection of all rights of individuals. The same holds true for the rights individuals derive from Community law. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) is the only court competent to review the legality of acts of the Community institutions. In addition, the ECJ has the last word on the interpretation of Community law. The direct access for individuals to the ECJ, pursuant to Article 230(4) EC, is strictly limited. Thus, the indirect access to the Court through national courts by means of the preliminary ruling procedure has become the most common procedural route for individuals. The Court has repeatedly indicated this procedure as an alternative to Article 230(4) EC and has emphasised the completeness of the system of remedies of the EC Treaty. Although in the last jurisprudence the ECJ has indirectly admitted that the system of remedies is not as complete as it should be and has appealed to the responsibility of the Member States to amend the system. The main problem with the preliminary ruling procedure is that it is not a matter of right for individuals. It is up to the national court to decide whether or not to seek a preliminary ruling and how to phrase the questions submitted to the ECJ. National courts “against whose decisions there is no judicial remedy” are obligated to refer questions of Community law to the ECJ, but the Court has ruled that this duty is not absolute. Apparently it happens that these limitations, and the... [to full text]

Viol?ncia contra a mulher:uma an?lise do trabalho do Centro de Refer?ncia da Assist?ncia Social-CREAS/Parnamirim-RN.

Oliveira, Val?ria Regina Carvalho de 29 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:46:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ValeriaRCO_DISSERT.pdf: 1256287 bytes, checksum: 332c4191ad68117fd9f3926a5bec4137 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-29 / This work demonstrates the results obtained from research on violence against women: an analysis of the work from reference center of the Social Assistance-CREAS, held in the city of Parnamirim/RN from September 2008 extending through the february of 2009. Having as goal to investigate and examine in a longitudinal cut, which specifically covers the period from 2006 to 2007, find out extent the actions taken by the Reference Center Specialized Social Assistance- CREAS, contributed to the change of women who were there, by checking if there was any change in their positions ahead of the violence and if they began to realize how social subjects, able to control their living conditions and interfere in the orientation of social dynamics Have a particular emphasis on the presence of work and schooling or lack of them is also a factor to be allied to the barriers and rules imposed on women in contemporary society. In this study it was found through a qualitative research guided by dialectical and implemented through the use of documentary research, observation, semi-structured interview and an extensive theoretical background on the subject in question that the woman victim of violence is in a complex and contradictory context where there is both the construction and deconstruction of rights, a view that there are strong influences of patriarchal culture and the consequences of social issues that specifically searched for the public, focuses on social, economic , political, social and cultural. In this sense, the National Policy to Combat Violence against Women, operated by CREASE Parnamirim, is also reflected in its early stages in the life of these women are to nurture a real chance for these victims of violence, to perceive themselves as social subjects can control their lives and interfere in their own destinies. We want this study to add more knowledge to help and most appropriate intervention in this reality, but without the intention of reaching exhaustion, but to subsidize future studies on the topic of women victims of violence / O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados obtidos atrav?s da pesquisa: viol?ncia contra a mulher: uma an?lise do trabalho do centro de refer?ncia da assist?ncia social-CREAS, realizada no munic?pio de Parnamirim/RN no per?odo de setembro de 2008 a fevereiro de 2009. Tendo como objetivo investigar e analisar, em um recorte longitudinal, que compreende especificamente o per?odo de 2006 a 2007, at? que ponto as a??es desenvolvidas pelo Centro de Refer?ncia Especializado de Assist?ncia Social-CREAS, contribuiram para a modifica??o das mulheres que foram atendidas, verificando se houve alguma mudan?a em suas posturas frente ? situa??o de viol?ncia e se estas passaram a se perceber enquanto sujeitos sociais, capazes de interferir em suas situa??es de vida e na orienta??o da din?mica social, objetivou tamb?m verificar se a presen?a do trabalho e da escolariza??o (ou a falta destes) ? tamb?m um elemento a ser aliado aos entraves impostas ?s mulheres na sociedade contempor?nea. No referido estudo constatou-se, atrav?s de uma pesquisa qualitativa norteada pela concep??o dial?tica e aplicada atrav?s do emprego de pesquisa documental, observa??o, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e fundamenta??o te?rica sobre a tem?tica em quest?o, que a mulher v?tima de viol?ncia encontra-se em um complexo e contradit?rio contexto, no qual existe ao mesmo tempo a constru??o e a desconstru??o de direitos, tendo em vista a exist?ncia de fortes influ?ncias da cultura patriarcal e de manifesta??es da quest?o social na vida do p?blico pesquisado, incidindo nos aspectos sociais, econ?micos, pol?ticos, sociais e culturais. Neste sentido, a Pol?tica Nacional de Enfrentamento ? Viol?ncia contra a Mulher, operacionalizada pelo CREAS-Parnamirim, se traduz ainda de forma incipiente na vida destas mulheres n?o oportunizando possibilidades reais para estas v?timas de viol?ncia, se perceberem enquanto sujeitos sociais capazes de controlar suas vidas e interferirem em seus pr?prios destinos

Implementa??o da pol?tica de assist?ncia social em Mossor?/RN : uma avalia??o a partir dos centros de refer?ncia da assist?ncia social

Castro, M?rcia da Silva Pereira 31 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:19:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarciaSPC.pdf: 1364639 bytes, checksum: ca382eed6b78eefc17ae3123ea87aeea (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-31 / The current National Policy for Social Assistance (PNAS) is the instrument that regulates the organization and procedures of social-welfare actions. Developed and approved in 2004 since the Unified Social Assistance System (ITS) was crated in 2003, it reaffirms the democratic principles of the Social Assistance Organic Law (LOAS) focusing on the universalization of social rights and equality of rights when accessing the social-welfare system. In the SUAS point of view, the PNAS highlights the information, monitoring and evaluation fields for being the best way to assure the regulation, organization and control by the Federal Government paying attention to the principles of decentralization and participation. This political-institutional rearrangement occurs through the pact among all the three federal entities. The pact deals with the implementation of the task. It says that it has to be shared between the federal autonomous entities, established by dividing responsibilities. To the cities, considered as the smallest territorial unit of the federation and closer to the population, was given the primary responsibility, which is to feed and maintain the database of SUAS NETWORK and identify families living in situations of social vulnerability. In addition to these responsibilities, the cities that have full autonomy in the management of their actions, have the responsibility to organize the basic social protection and the special social protection, that using the Center of Social Assistance Reference (CRAS) and the Center of Specialized Social Assistance Reference (CREAS), are responsible for the provision of programs, projects and services that strengthen the family and community; that promote people who are able to enjoy the benefits of the Continuing benefit of Provisions (BPC) and transfer of incomes; that hold the infringed rights on its territory; that maximize the protective role of families and strengthen its users organization. In Mossor?/RN, city classified as autonomous in the social assistance management, has five units of CRAS that, for being public utilities, are considered the main units of basic social protection, since they are responsible for the connection between the other institutions that compose the network of local social protection. Also known as Family House, the CRAS, among other programs and services, offers the Integral Attention to Families Program (PAIF), Juvenile ProJovem Program, socio-educational coexistence services programs, as well as sending people to other public policies and social-welfare services network, provides information, among others. In this large field, social workers are highlighted as keys to implement the policy of social assistance within the city, followed by psychologists and educators. They should be effective public employees, as a solution to ensure that the provision of the services are to be continued, provided to the population living around the units. However, what we can find here is inattention to the standard rules of social assistance, which not only undermines the quality of programs and services, but also the consolidation of policy on welfare as public policy of social rights / A atual Pol?tica Nacional de Assist?ncia Social (PNAS) ? o instrumento que regulamenta a organiza??o e a presta??o de medidas socioassistenciais. Sistematizada e aprovada em 2004 a partir da Cria??o do Sistema ?nico da Assist?ncia Social (SUAS) em 2003, ela reafirma os princ?pios democr?ticos da Lei Org?nica da Assist?ncia Social (LOAS), com destaque para a universaliza??o e a igualdade dos direitos sociais no acesso aos atendimentos assistenciais. Na perspectiva do SUAS, a PNAS ressalta o campo da informa??o, monitoramento e avalia??o como forma de maior regula??o, organiza??o e controle por parte do Governo Federal atentando para os princ?pios da descentraliza??o e participa??o. Esse reordenamento pol?tico-institucional se d? atrav?s do pacto entre os tr?s entes federativos, em que a implementa??o da pol?tica torna-se tarefa compartilhada dos entes federados aut?nomos, estabelecido atrav?s da divis?o de responsabilidades. Ao munic?pio, considerado como menor unidade territorial da federa??o e mais pr?xima da popula??o usu?ria, cabe a responsabilidade b?sica de municiar e manter a base de dados da REDE SUAS atualizada e detectar fam?lias que vivem em situa??o de vulnerabilidade social. Para al?m dessas responsabilidades, os munic?pios que possuem total autonomia na gest?o de suas a??es, devem: organizar a prote??o social b?sica e a prote??o social especial que, atrav?s dos Centros de Refer?ncia da Assist?ncia Social (CRAS) e dos Centros de Refer?ncia Especializada da Assist?ncia Social (CREAS), s?o respons?veis pela oferta de programas, projetos e servi?os que fortale?am os v?nculos familiares e comunit?rios; promover os benefici?rios do Benef?cio de Presta??o Continuada (BPC) e transfer?ncia de renda; vigiar os direitos violados no seu territ?rio; potencializar a fun??o protetora das fam?lias e a organiza??o de seus usu?rios. Mossor?/RN, munic?pio qualificado como aut?nomo na gest?o da assist?ncia social, possui cinco CRAS que, como equipamentos p?blicos, s?o considerados as principais unidades de prote??o social b?sica, visto que s?o respons?veis pela articula??o com as demais institui??es que comp?em a rede de prote??o social local. Tamb?m conhecido como Casa da Fam?lia, o CRAS, dentre outros programas e servi?os, oferta o Programa de Aten??o Integral ?s Fam?lias (PAIF), o ProJovem Adolescente, servi?os de conviv?ncia socioeducativa, encaminhamentos para outras pol?ticas p?blicas ou rede de servi?os socioassistenciais, presta??o de informa??es, dentre outros. Neste vasto campo de atua??o, os assistentes sociais se destacam como principais agentes implementadores da pol?tica de assist?ncia social no ?mbito do munic?pio, seguidos por psic?logos e pedagogos que devem ser concursados, ou seja, servidores efetivos, como uma das formas de garantir uma presta??o de servi?o continuada ? popula??o que vive no entorno das unidades. Todavia, o que se verifica ? uma neglig?ncia para com o aparato normativo da assist?ncia social, que compromete n?o s? a qualidade dos programas e servi?os, mas tamb?m a consolida??o da pol?tica de assist?ncia social como pol?tica p?blica de direito social.

Factors that Influence Physician Referral to Diabetes Self-Management Education in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Panak, Rebekah L. 14 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Uma an?lise comparativa entre as abordagens lingu?stica e estat?stica para extra??o autom?tica de termos relevantes de corpora

Santos, Carlos Alberto dos 27 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Ci?ncia da Computa??o (ppgcc@pucrs.br) on 2018-07-26T19:48:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CARLOS ALBERTO DOS SANTOS_DIS.pdf: 1271475 bytes, checksum: 856ae87ad633d3c772b413816caa43d1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sheila Dias (sheila.dias@pucrs.br) on 2018-08-01T13:39:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CARLOS ALBERTO DOS SANTOS_DIS.pdf: 1271475 bytes, checksum: 856ae87ad633d3c772b413816caa43d1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-01T14:31:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CARLOS ALBERTO DOS SANTOS_DIS.pdf: 1271475 bytes, checksum: 856ae87ad633d3c772b413816caa43d1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-27 / It is known that linguistic processing of corpora demands high computational effort because of the complexity of its algorithms, but despite this, the results reached are better than that generated by the statistical processing, where the computational demand is lower. This dissertation describes a comparative analysis between the process linguistic and statistical of term extraction. Experiments were carried out through four corpora in English idiom, built from scientific papers, on which terms extractions were carried out using the approaches. The resulting terms lists were refined with use of relevance metrics and stop list, and then compared with the reference lists of the corpora across the recall technical. These lists, in its turn, were built from the context these corpora, whith help of Internet searches. The results shown that the statistical extraction combined with the stop list and relevance metrics can produce superior results to linguistic process extraction using the same metrics. It?s concluded that statistical approach composed by these metrics can be ideal option to relevance terms extraction, by requiring few computational resources and by to show superior results that found in the linguistic processing. / Sabe-se que o processamento lingu?stico de corpora demanda grande esfor?o computacional devido ? complexidade dos seus algoritmos, mas que, apesar disso, os resultados alcan?ados s?o melhores que aqueles gerados pelo processamento estat?stico, onde a demanda computacional ? menor. Esta disserta??o descreve uma an?lise comparativa entre os processos lingu?stico e estat?stico de extra??o de termos. Foram realizados experimentos atrav?s de quatro corpora em l?ngua inglesa, constru?dos a partir de artigos cient?ficos, sobre os quais foram executadas extra??es de termos utilizando essas abordagens. As listas de termos resultantes foram refinadas com o uso de m?tricas de relev?ncia e stop list, e em seguida comparadas com as listas de refer?ncia dos corpora atrav?s da t?cnica do recall. Essas listas, por sua vez, foram constru?das a partir do contexto desses corpora e com ajuda de pesquisas na Internet. Os resultados mostraram que a extra??o estat?stica combinada com as t?cnicas da stop list e as m?tricas de relev?ncia pode produzir resultados superiores ao processo de extra??o lingu?stico refinado pelas mesmas m?tricas. Concluiu se que a abordagem estat?stica composta por essas t?cnicas pode ser a op??o ideal para extra??o de termos relevantes, por exigir poucos recursos computacionais e por apresentar resultados superiores ?queles encontrados no processamento lingu?stico.

Assist?ncia a mulher com c?ncer de mama em um cenro de refer?ncia no Estado da Para?ba

Santos, Joselito 27 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:20:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoselitoS_TESE.pdf: 2216695 bytes, checksum: 31c3393eaa7120982ec5feb0be12aca7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-27 / The assistance to women who have breast cancer is studied in a Reference Center in Paraiba and also the way this assistance is performed in a School Hospital maintained by SUS (Single Health System) is questioned. Breast cancer demands institutional organization, provision of financial, material and human resources, requiring, from the health system, effective assistance with new technologies which make it possible for the population their access to specialized medical services although it not always is able to guarantee those services nor the rights which the legislation granted them, inhibiting a proper relationship between the health professional and the patient. The theme is discussed through a transdisciplinary knowledge view and has as its theoretical referential the contribution of classical and contemporary authors from the human and social sciences and, as an empirical research strategy, the structured interview. The objectives of the research were: identify how the assistance to women with breast cancer is carried on at a Reference Center on Oncology in Campina Grande, Paraiba, identifying their difficulties and their satisfaction with the received assistance; draw up a profile of the women with breast cancer who were assisted in this Reference Center; understand their gynecological and obstetric antecedents, life styles, age group and stage of the disease when the treatment started; check their knowledge about their rights and which benefits they had received. Most women ranged between 40 and 59 years old (63%), which corresponds to the risk range of developing breast cancer. As to their occupations, 38.3% were housewives and 30.1% retired, whose family income was among those who received between less than a minimum salary and one minimum salary (58.2%). This population was mainly constituted of married women (60.2%), whose most frequent schooling was an incomplete elementary school (27.6%) and complete elementary school (24.1%), which added up to 51.6%. It was observed that the majority of the women seemed to be satisfied with the assistance received, noting that a minimum care was enough to define this satisfaction, although it is perceived that the access to the health system does not ensure the ideal attention conditions they need; it was verified that the availability of the services and the assistance itself are seen (in the local culture) as a favor and not as a right. It is also observed that only 30% of the women mentioned that they knew about their rights and the most mentioned ones were the disease assistance (13%), the medicines (13%) and the treatment (12%), which represent the most important triad to face the disease and around which the oncologic assistance most focus on. It is concluded that the condition of the users? minimum existential of a public health unit and the condition of belonging to a lower social stratum were variables that influenced the respondents? satisfaction in relation to the assistance received but the importance of the Reference Center for the women with breast cancer?s assistance for the whole region cannot be denied as well as the need to broaden the way the policy of the oncologic assistance in Brazil in the local realm is seen / Estuda-se a assist?ncia a mulheres com c?ncer de mama, em um Centro de Refer?ncia da Para?ba, indagando-se como se d? a assist?ncia em oncologia, oferecida por um Hospital- Escola, que o mant?m atrav?s do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de (SUS). O c?ncer de mama exige organiza??o institucional, provimento de recursos materiais, humanos e financeiros, demandando ao sistema de sa?de assist?ncia eficiente e com novas tecnologias que possibilitem o acesso da popula??o aos servi?os m?dicos especializados, mas nem sempre consegue garantir esses servi?os, nem os direitos que a legisla??o conferiu ? popula??o, inibindo a adequada rela??o entre sistema de sa?de, profissional e paciente. Discute-se o tema em uma vis?o transdisciplinar do conhecimento, tendo como referencial te?rico aportes de autores cl?ssicos e contempor?neos das ci?ncias humanas e sociais em sa?de e, como estrat?gia de pesquisa emp?rica, a entrevista estruturada. Delimitaram-se como objetivos: identificar como ? realizada a assist?ncia a mulheres com c?ncer de mama em um Centro de Refer?ncia em Cancerologia, no munic?pio de Campina Grande, PB, identificando suas dificuldades e satisfa??o com a assist?ncia recebida; elaborar o perfil das mulheres com c?ncer de mama assistidas nesse Centro; conhecer seus antecedentes ginecol?gicos e obstetr?cios, estilos de vida, faixa et?ria e est?gio da doen?a quando iniciou o tratamento; verificar seus conhecimentos acerca dos seus direitos e quais os benef?cios recebidos. A maioria das mulheres encontrava-se na faixa et?ria entre 40 e 59 anos (63,1 %), correspondente ? faixa de risco para desenvolvimento do c?ncer de mama. Quanto ? ocupa??o, 38,3 % eram do lar e 30,1 % aposentadas, cuja renda familiar se concentrava entre aquelas que ganhavam menos de um sal?rio e um sal?rio m?nimo (58,2 %). Essa popula??o era constitu?da em sua maioria por mulheres casadas (60,2 %), com n?vel de escolaridade mais frequente no ensino fundamental incompleto (27,6 %) e fundamental completo (24,1 %), perfazendo um total de 51,6 %. Constatou-se que a maioria das mulheres mostrou-se satisfeita com a assist?ncia recebida, observando-se que um m?nimo de cuidado lhes foi suficiente para definir essa satisfa??o, embora se perceba que o acesso ao sistema de sa?de n?o garante as condi??es ideais para a aten??o de que necessitam; constatase que a disponibilidade de servi?os e de atendimento ? vista (na cultura local) como favor e n?o como direito. Observa-se ainda que apenas 30 % das mulheres mencionaram conhecer os seus direitos, sendo os mais citados o aux?lio doen?a (13 %), o medicamento (13 %) e o tratamento (12 %), que se apresentam como a tr?ade mais importante para o enfrentamento da doen?a, e em torno dos quais mais se foca a assist?ncia ?s mulheres no ?mbito da assist?ncia oncol?gica. Conclui-se que a condi??o de m?nimo existencial das usu?rias de uma unidade p?blica de sa?de e a condi??o de pertencimento a um baixo estrato social foram vari?veis que influenciaram a satisfa??o das entrevistadas com rela??o ? assist?ncia recebida, mas n?o se pode negar a import?ncia do Centro de Refer?ncia para a assist?ncia ?s mulheres com c?ncer de mama para toda a regi?o, bem como a necessidade de se ampliar o olhar em torno da pol?tica de assist?ncia oncol?gica no ?mbito local

Ochrana práva na spravedlivý proces ve vztahu k řízení o předběžné otázce / Protection of Right to Fair Trial in Relation to Preliminary Ruling Proceedings

Němečková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce - English abstract Protection of Right to Fair Trial in Relation to Preliminary Ruling Proceedings Right to fair trial is one of fundamental human rights, which enables individuals to effectively invoke their rights and freedoms before a lawful, impartial and independent court. In Europe, the protection of this right is guaranteed at a multi-layer level, whose layers interact: first layer is formed by constitutional orders of individual States, second layer by institutions of European Union, in particular the Court of Justice of the European Union, and a third one, that of the European Court for Human Rights. In the European Union, the Treaties have introduced the mechanism of preliminary ruling with the aim of preserving unity within the Union and of ensuring coherent interpretation and application of European law by the courts of the Member States. Preliminary ruling proceedings ensure effective cooperation between national courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union. Art. 267 TFEU provides for an obligation to request a preliminary ruling for national courts of last instance (if none of the CILFIT case law conditions is met). Breach of this obligation may entail violation of right to fair trial at all three layers of human rights protection in Europe. Each European...

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