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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Controle de posi??o com restri??o ? orienta??o de um Ve?culo A?reo N?o-Tripulado tipo Quadrirrotor

Silva, Andre Tavares da 24 January 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:56:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AndreTS_DISSERT.pdf: 5024853 bytes, checksum: c24b983c0dd71456069c554e6c343968 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-01-24 / Quadrotors aircraft are composed by four propellers mounted on four engines on a cross or x disposition, and, in this structure, the engines on the same arm spin in the same direction and the other arm in the opposite direction. By rotating each helix generates vertical upward thrust. The control is done by varying the rotational speed of each motor. Among the advantages of this type of vehicle can cite the mechanical simplicity of construction, the high degree of maneuverability and the ability to have vertical takeoffs and landings. The modeling and control of quadrirrotores have been a challenge due to problems such as nonlinearity and coupling between variables. Several strategies have been developed to control this type of vehicle, from the classical control to modern. There are air surveillance applications where a camera is fixed on the vehicle to point forward, where it is desired that the quadrotor moves at a fixed altitude toward the target also pointing forward, which imposes an artificial constraint motion, because it is not desired that it moves laterally, but only forwards or backwards and around its axes . This restriction is similar to the naturally existing on robots powered by wheels with differential drive, which also can not move laterally, due to the friction of the wheels. Therefore, a position control strategy similar to that used in this type of robot could be adapted for aerial robots like quadrotor. This dissertation presents and discusses some strategies for the control of position and orientation of quadrotors found in the literature and proposes a strategy based on dynamic control of mobile robots with differential drive, called the variable reference control. The validity of the proposed strategy is demonstrated through computer simulations / Quadrirrotores s?o ve?culos a?reos compostos por quatro h?lices montadas sobre quatro motores em uma disposi??o em cruz ou x, sendo que, nessa estrutura, os motores sobre o mesmo bra?o giram no mesmo sentido e os do outro bra?o em sentido oposto. Ao girar, cada h?lice gera empuxo vertical para cima. O controle ? feito variando-se a velocidade de rota??o de cada motor. Dentre as vantagens desse tipo de ve?culo pode-se citar a simplicidade mec?nica de constru??o, o alto grau de manobrabilidade que possui e a capacidade de pousos e decolagens verticais. A modelagem e o controle de quadrirrotores tem sido um desafio devido a problemas como n?o-linearidades e acoplamento entre vari?veis. V?rias estrat?gias j? foram desenvolvidas para o controle desse tipo de ve?culo, desde as de controle cl?ssico at? as mais modernas. H? aplica??es de supervis?o a?rea em que uma c?mera ? fixada no ve?culo de forma a apontar para a frente, onde ? desejado que o quadrirrotor procure se movimentar a uma altitude fixa em dire??o ao alvo tamb?m apontando para a frente, o que imp?e uma restri??o artificial de movimento, pois n?o ? desejado que se movimente lateralmente, mas para frente ou para tr?s e que gire ao redor dos seus eixos. Tal restri??o ? semelhante ?quela existente de maneira natural em rob?s movidos a rodas com acionamento diferencial, que tamb?m n?o podem se movimentar lateralmente, mas devido ao atrito das rodas. Portanto, uma estrat?gia de controle de posi??o semelhante ? usada nesse tipo de rob?s poderia ser adaptada para rob?s a?reos do tipo quadrirrotor. Este trabalho apresenta e discute algumas estrat?gias de controle de posi??o e orienta??o de quadrirrotores encontradas na literatura e prop?e uma estrat?gia baseada no controle din?mico de rob?s m?veis com acionamento diferencial, o chamado controle por refer?ncia vari?vel. A validade da estrat?gia proposta ? comprovada atrav?s de simula??es computacionais

Linguagem, cogni??o e mundo: o livro do desassossego e a constru??o discursiva da realidade / Linguagem, cogni??o e mundo: o livro do desassossego e a constru??o discursiva da realidade

Ferreira, T?nia Brisanti 13 April 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:06:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TaniaBF_DISSERT.pdf: 420484 bytes, checksum: f076d683fa4cd7eff8caff99491b742e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-04-13 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / This study analyzes the processes of meaning construction in the Livro do Desassossego, by semi-heteronym Bernardo Soares - Fernando Pessoa. We use theoretical grounds from an interface between Cognitive Linguistics and Textual Linguistics to observe how certain linguistic mechanisms build a reality that tells us of a time, a being and his conceptions of language and writing. We focus on description and explanation of procedures of categorization and referentiation accomplished, for example, through metaphor and metonymy. For the construction of the intended theoretical interface, we use analytical categories proposed and developed by the Socio-cognitive Approach of Language, Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Mental Space Theory. Armed with this theoretical background, we observed the dynamics of language in relation to its social, cultural and historical features, as well as the cognitive aspects that underlie it. We seek, therefore, encourage discussions about the functioning of language considering primarily the creative processes that allow us to organize and shape our experiences. We also try to provide an approximation of Linguistics, Literature and Philosophy, with a view to relations between language structure, cognitive activity and socio-cultural organization. From the results obtained, we found that a literary text attests, with a particular property, the mutual relations between language, cognition and culture, as indicates cognitive approach to language studies / Analisamos neste estudo os processos de constru??o de sentido no Livro do Desassossego do semi-heter?nimo Bernardo Soares Fernando Pessoa. Partimos dos embasamentos te?ricos advindos de uma interface entre a Lingu?stica Cognitiva e a Lingu?stica Textual para observarmos como determinados mecanismos lingu?sticos conferem a constru??o de uma realidade que nos fala de um tempo, de um ser e de sua concep??o de linguagem e escrita. Centramo-nos na descri??o e an?lise dos processos de categoriza??o e referencia??o licenciados, por exemplo, por met?foras e meton?mias. Para a constru??o da interface te?rica pretendida, utilizamos categorias anal?ticas propostas e desenvolvidas no ?mbito da Teoria Sociocognitiva da Linguagem, Teoria da Met?fora Conceptual e Teoria dos Espa?os Mentais. Munidos com tal arcabou?o te?rico, evidenciamos a din?mica da l?ngua no que diz respeito aos seus aspectos sociais, culturais e hist?ricos em acoplamento aos aspectos cognitivos que lhe subjazem. Buscamos, assim, fomentar as discuss?es em torno do funcionamento da linguagem considerando, prioritariamente, os processos criativos que nos permitem organizar e dar forma ?s nossas experi?ncias, bem como propiciar uma aproxima??o entre Lingu?stica, Literatura e Filosofia com vistas ?s rela??es entre a estrutura da l?ngua, a atividade cognitiva e a organiza??o sociocultural. A partir dos resultados obtidos, foi poss?vel evidenciar que um texto liter?rio atesta, com particular propriedade, as m?tuas rela??es entre linguagem, cogni??o e cultura, conforme preceitua a abordagem cognitivista dos estudos da linguagem

Processos cognitivos que operam na constru??o da refer?ncia: uma an?lise das produ??es textuais elaboradas na EaD - UFRN

Diniz, Emanuelle Pereira de Lima 16 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:06:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EmanuellePLD_DISSERT.pdf: 3484229 bytes, checksum: 75e89ccc4ee9d22171dc5c5bba2d5910 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-16 / Beneath the theoretical assumptions of Cognitive Linguistics contemporary, we analyze the cognitive processes underlying the construction of the reference in the text. To do so, we choose as corpus the written textual productions of undergraduates at the Department of Distance Education/UFRN provided in sections of responses of presential evaluation activities and activities in the Moodle virtual ambience. These activities and texts were produced in the discipline of Reading, Interpretation and Textual Production taught in the courses of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Geography we monitor during the period of 2008.1 to 2010.1. Through the analysis of discursive productions, it was evident that the construction of the reference is made by means of the activation and manipulation of information acquired through our perceptual and social experiences. Thus, we confirm the cognitive assumption that the linguistic clues available in the texts of the activities serve as guides towards cognitive domains that activate the process of building reference / Sob os pressupostos te?ricos da Lingu?stica Cognitiva contempor?nea, analisamos os processos cognitivos subjacentes ? constru??o da refer?ncia no texto. Para tanto, escolhemos como corpus as produ??es textuais escritas de graduandos da Secretaria de Educa??o a Dist?ncia/UFRN dispostas nas se??es de respostas das atividades avaliativas presenciais e em atividades desenvolvidas no ambiente virtual moodle. Essas atividades e textos foram produzidos na disciplina de Leitura, Interpreta??o e Produ??o Textual, ministrada nos cursos de Qu?mica, F?sica, Matem?tica, Biologia e Geografia, que monitoramos durante o per?odo de 2008.1 a 2010.1. Atrav?s da an?lise das produ??es discursivas, ficou evidente que a constru??o da refer?ncia se d? por meio da ativa??o e manipula??o de informa??es adquiridas atrav?s de nossas viv?ncias perceptuais e sociais. Desse modo, ratificamos o pressuposto cognitivista de que as pistas lingu?sticas dispon?veis nos textos das atividades funcionam como guias de sentido que ativam dom?nios cognitivos no processo da constru??o da refer?ncia

Refer?ncias culturais e heterogeneidade discursiva :Uma proposta para o ensino-aprendizagem de l?ngua inglesa

Canan, Ana Gra?a 30 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:07:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaGC.pdf: 540481 bytes, checksum: 193518383be508c442825d2a26edcfd9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-30 / The purpose of this research is to approach the English literary text from the point of view of the culture and the heterogeneity of discourse in its role as a source of elements that facilitate the teaching/learning process of English as a foreign language. Several instances of discourse heterogeneity are analyzed through cultural references in the original texts of the following English novels: Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bront? (1816-1855), published in 1847; The Mill on the Floss, by George Eliot (1819-1890), published in 1860 and Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens (1812-1870), published between 1860 and 1861. Theoretical support was sought in Kramsch, Bakhtin, Maingueneau, Authier-Revuz, Widdowson and Larsen-Freeman. Activities in English are proposed in the end whereby it can be seen that the questions at issue can be used extensively in the classroom. / Esta pesquisa busca abordar o texto liter?rio em l?ngua inglesa na perspectiva da cultura e da heterogeneidade discursiva, enquanto fonte de elementos facilitadores do processo ensinoaprendizagem de ingl?s l?ngua estrangeira. A an?lise se dedica ?s diversas ocorr?ncias da heterogeneidade discursiva, atrav?s das refer?ncias culturais, no original em ingl?s dos seguintes romances: Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Bront? (1816-1855), publicado em 1847; The mill on the Floss, de George Eliot (1819-1890), publicado em 1860 e Great expectations, de Charles Dickens (1812-1870), publicado entre 1860 e 1861. O referencial te?rico ap?ia-se em Kramsch, Bakhtin, Maingueneau, Authier-Revuz, Widdowson e Larsen-Freeman. Ao final, propomos atividades em l?ngua inglesa, mostrando que as quest?es apontadas podem ser largamente exploradas em sala de aula.

Equa??es preditivas para as press?es respirat?rias m?ximas de crian?as brasileiras

Borja, Raissa de Oliveira 20 January 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:16:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RaissaOB_DISSERT_Parcial.pdf: 2294285 bytes, checksum: 2ed17173d1763db85e07a4cefe97886f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-01-20 / I ntroduction: The assessment of respiratory muscle strength is important in the diagnosis and monitoring of the respiratory muscles weakness of respiratory and neuromuscular diseases. However, there are still no studies that provide predictive equations and reference values for maximal respiratory pressures for children in our population. Aim: The purpose of this study was to propose predictive equations for maximal respiratory pressures in healthy school children. Method: This is an observational cross-sectional study. 144 healthy children were assessed. They were students from public and private schools in the city of Natal /RN (63 boys and 81 girls), subdivided in age groups of 7-8 and 9-11 years. The students presented the BMI, for age and sex, between 5 and 85 percentile. Maximal respiratory pressures were measured with the digital manometer MVD300 (Globalmed ?). The maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximal expiratory pressures (MEP) were measured from residual volume and total lung capacity, respectively. The data were analyzed using the SPSS Statistics 15.0 software (Statistical Package for Social Science) by assigning the significance level of 5%. Descriptive analysis was expressed as mean and standard deviation. T'Student test was used for unpaired comparison of averages of the variables. The comparison of measurements obtained with the predicted values in previous studies was performed using the paired t'Student test. The Pearson correlation test was used to verify the correlation of MRP's with the independent variables (age, sex, weight and height). For the equations analysis the stepwise linear regression was used. Results: By analyzing the data, we observed that in the age range studied MIP was significantly higher in boys. The MEP did not differ between boys and girls aged 7 to 8 years, the reverse occurred in the age between 9 and 11 years. The boys had a significant increase in respiratory muscle strength with advancing age. Regardless sex and age, MEP was always higher than the MIP. The reference values found in this study are similar to a sample of Spanish and Canadian children. The two models proposed in previous studies with children from other countries were not able to consistently predict the values observed in this studied population. The variables sex, age and weight correlated with MIP, whereas the MEP was also correlated with height. However, in the regression models proposed in this study, only gender and age were kept exerting influence on the variability of maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures. Conclusion: This study provides reference values, lower limits of normality and proposes two models that allow predicting, through the independent variables, sex and age, the value of maximal static respiratory pressures in healthy children aged between 7 and 11 years old / I ntrodu??o: A avalia??o da for?a muscular respirat?ria ? importante no diagn?stico e acompanhamento de fraqueza muscular em doen?as respirat?rias e neuromusculares. No entanto, ainda inexistem estudos que disponibilizem equa??es preditivas e valores de refer?ncia para as press?es respirat?rias m?ximas para crian?as na popula??o brasileira. Objetivo: O prop?sito desse estudo foi propor equa??es preditivas para as press?es respirat?rias m?ximas de crian?as brasileiras. M?todo: Trata-se de um estudo observacional do tipo transversal. Foram avaliadas 144 crian?as saud?veis, estudantes da rede p?blica e privada do munic?pio do Natal/RN (63 meninos e 81 meninas), subdividas nas faixas et?rias de 7 a 8 e 9 a 11 anos. Os escolares apresentavam o IMC, para a idade e o sexo, entre o percentil 5 e 85. As press?es respirat?rias m?ximas foram mensuradas com o manovacu?metro digital MVD300 (Globalmed?). As press?es inspirat?rias m?ximas (PIm?x) e as press?es expirat?rias m?ximas (PEm?x) foram medidas a partir do volume residual e da capacidade pulmonar total, respectivamente. Os dados foram analisados atrav?s do software Statistics SPSS 15.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Science) atribuindo-se o n?vel de signific?ncia de 5%. A an?lise descritiva foi expressa atrav?s de m?dia e desvio padr?o. Foi utilizado o teste t Student n?o pareado para a compara??o de m?dias das vari?veis. A compara??o das m?dias obtidas com os valores preditos em estudos pr?vios foi feita atrav?s do teste t Student pareado. O teste de correla??o de Pearson foi utilizado para verificar a exist?ncia de correla??o das PRM com as vari?veis independentes (idade, sexo, peso e altura). Para obter as equa??es preditivas foi utilizada a an?lise de regress?o linear m?ltipla stepwise. Resultados: Ao analisar os dados, observou-se que nas faixas et?rias avaliadas a PIm?x foi significativamente superior nos meninos. A PEm?x n?o diferiu entre meninos e meninas de 7 a 8 anos, o inverso ocorreu na faixa compreendida entre 9 e 11 anos. Os meninos apresentaram incremento significativo da for?a muscular respirat?ria com o avan?ar da idade. Independentemente do sexo e da faixa et?ria a PEm?x foi sempre superior ? PIm?x. Os valores de refer?ncia encontrados neste estudo s?o similares aos de uma amostra de crian?as espanholas e canadenses, no entanto subestimaram os valores das medidas encontradas em outra amostra de crian?as canadenses. As equa??es propostas em dois estudos realizados anteriormente, com crian?as de outros pa?ses, n?o foram capazes de predizer consistentemente os valores observados neste estudo. As vari?veis sexo, idade e peso apresentaram correla??o com a PIm?x, enquanto que a PEm?x tamb?m apresentou correla??o com a altura. No entanto, nos modelos de regress?o propostos neste estudo, apenas o sexo e a idade permaneceram exercendo influ?ncia sobre a variabilidade das press?es inspirat?ria e expirat?ria m?ximas. Conclus?o: O presente estudo disponibiliza valores de refer?ncia, limites inferiores de normalidade e prop?e dois modelos de equa??o que permitem predizer, atrav?s das vari?veis independentes sexo e idade, o valor das press?es respirat?rias est?ticas m?ximas de crian?as brasileiras com idade entre 7 e 11 anos

Equa??es preditivas para as press?es respirat?rias est?ticas m?ximas de adolescentes brasileiros

Mendes, Raquel Emanuele de Fran?a 04 January 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:16:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RaquelEFM_DISSERT.pdf: 2223451 bytes, checksum: 24fa0f88cb8e430d8c647958d5964582 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-01-04 / Introduction: The reference values and prediction equations for maximal respiratory pressures (MRP) differ significantly between the available studies. This large discrepancy can be attributed to the different methodologies proposed. Although the importance of MRP is widely recognized, there are no Brazilian studies that provide predictive equations and reference values for PRM adolescents. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to provide normal values and propose predictive equations for maximal static respiratory pressures of Brazilian adolescents. Methods: An observational cross-sectional study, which evaluated 182 adolescents of both sexes aged between 12 and 18 years, enrolled in schools of the state and private in the city of Natal / RN. The selection of schools and participants of the study was randomly through a lottery system. The spirometric evaluation was performed through the digital spirometer One Flow FVC prior to the assessment of respiratory muscle strength. The MICs were measured with MVD digital manometer 300. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 17.0 software STATISTICS, assigning the significance level of 5%. The normality of data distribution was verified using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS). The descriptive analysis was expressed as mean and standard deviation. We used one-way ANOVA test to verify the difference of the averages of MRPs between age and gender and comparing the averages of MRPs between levels of physical activity. The test t'Student unpaired compared the averages of MRPs being ages and sexes. The comparison of mean values obtained in this study PRM with the values predicted using the equations mentioned above was relizada by testing paired t'Student. To verify the correlation between the PRM and the independent variables (age, weight, height) was used Pearson correlation test. Levene's test evaluated the homogeneity of variance. To obtain predictive equations analysis was used stepwise multiple linear regression. Results: There was no significant difference in mean age between the PRM. The male adolescents, regardless of age, showed superiority in MRP values when compared to the opposite sex. Weight, height and sex correlated with the PRM. Regression analysis suggested in this study, pointed out that the weight and sex had an influence in MIP and MEP only in relation to sex influenced. The mean for each PRM adolescents classified as very active were superior to those observed in adolescents classified as irregularly active. Conclusion: This study provides reference values and two models of predictive equations for maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures, and to establish the lower limits of normality that will serve as an indispensable condition for careful evaluation of respiratory muscle strength in Brazilian adolescents / Introdu??o: Os valores de refer?ncia e as equa??es preditivas para as press?es respirat?rias m?ximas (PRM) diferem significativamente entre os estudos dispon?veis. Esta grande discrep?ncia pode ser atribu?da ?s distintas metodologias propostas. Embora a import?ncia das PRM seja amplamente reconhecida, inexistem estudos brasileiros que disponibilizem equa??es preditivas e valores de refer?ncia para as PRM de adolescentes. Objetivos: O prop?sito deste estudo foi disponibilizar valores de normalidade e propor equa??es preditivas para as press?es respirat?rias est?ticas m?ximas de adolescentes brasileiros. M?todos: Estudo observacional do tipo transversal, que avaliou 182 adolescentes, de ambos os sexos com faixa et?ria entre 12 e 18 anos, matriculados em escolas da rede estadual e privada do munic?pio do Natal/RN. A sele??o das escolas e dos participantes do estudo foi realizada de maneira aleat?ria atrav?s de sorteios. A avalia??o espirom?trica foi realizada, atrav?s do espir?metro digital One Flow FVC, previamente ? avalia??o da for?a dos m?sculos respirat?rios. As PRM foram medidas com o manovacu?metro digital MVD300 da Globalmed ?. A an?lise estat?stica foi feita atrav?s do software estat?stic SPSS 17.0, atribuindo-se o n?vel de signific?ncia de 5%. A normalidade de distribui??o dos dados foi verificada por meio do teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS). A an?lise descritiva foi expressa em m?dias e desvio padr?o. Foi utilizado o teste ANOVA one way para verificar a diferen?a das m?dias das PRM entre a idade e o sexo e comparar as m?dias das PRM entre os n?veis de atividade f?sica. O teste t Student n?o pareado comparou as m?dias das PRM ente as idades e os sexos. A compara??o das m?dias dos valores de PRM obtidas no atual estudo com os valores preditos por meio das equa??es propostas anteriormente foi relizada atrav?s do teste t Student pareado. Para verificar a correla??o entre as PRM e as vari?veis independentes (idade, peso, altura), foi utilizado o teste de correla??o de Pearson. O teste de Levene avaliou a homogeneidade de vari?ncia. Para a obten??o das equa??es preditivas foi utilizada a an?lise de regress?o linear m?ltipla stepwise. Resultados: Foi observada inexist?ncia de diferen?a significativa nas m?dias das PRM entre as idades. Os adolescentes do g?nero masculino, independentemente da idade, apresentaram superioridade nos valores das PRM quando comparados ao sexo oposto. As vari?veis peso, altura e sexo apresentaram correla??o com as PRM. A an?lise de regress?o proposta neste estudo, apontou que o peso e o sexo exerceram influ?ncia na PIm?x e em rela??o a PEm?x apenas o sexo a influenciou. As m?dias obtidas para as PRM dos adolescentes classificados como Muito Ativo apresentaram superioridade ?s observadas nos adolescentes classificados como Irregularmente Ativo. Conclus?o: O presente estudo disponibiliza valores de refer?ncia e dois modelos de equa??es preditivas para as press?es inspirat?ria e expirat?ria m?ximas, al?m de estabelecer os limites inferiores de normalidade que servir?o como par?metros indispens?veis ? avalia??o criteriosa da for?a muscular respirat?ria de adolescentes brasileiros

Controlador em Modo Dual Adaptativo Robusto Indireto (IDMARC)

Teixeira, Leonardo Rodrigues de Lima 27 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-17T19:09:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoRodriguesDeLimaTeixeira_TESE.pdf: 6182637 bytes, checksum: c0f128df6a82ac1c65297b549b093019 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-17T22:07:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoRodriguesDeLimaTeixeira_TESE.pdf: 6182637 bytes, checksum: c0f128df6a82ac1c65297b549b093019 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-17T22:07:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoRodriguesDeLimaTeixeira_TESE.pdf: 6182637 bytes, checksum: c0f128df6a82ac1c65297b549b093019 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-27 / Neste trabalho, ? proposto o Controlador em Modo Dual Adaptativo Robusto Indireto (IDMARC), o qual une as boas caracter?sticas transit?rias e de robustez t?picas dos Sistemas a Estrutura Vari?vel, mais especificamente do Controlador Adaptativo por Modelo de Refer?ncia e Estrutura Vari?vel Indireto (IVS-MRAC), com um sinal de controle suave em regime permanente, t?pico dos Controladores Adaptativos convencionais, como o Controlador Adaptativo por Modelo de Refer?ncia Indireto (IMRAC). Por fazer uso da abordagem indireta, ele proporciona uma maneira mais intuitiva de realizar o projeto do controlador, baseado nos par?metros f?sicos da planta, tais como: resist?ncias, momentos de in?rcia, capacit?ncias, dentre outros. An?lises de estabilidade, baseadas na Teoria de Lyapunov, s?o apresentadas tanto para o caso ideal quanto considerando perturba??o limitada na entrada da planta, al?m de resultados de simula??o. Adicionalmente, neste trabalho tamb?m ? proposto o Controlador Adaptativo Bin?rio por Modelo de Refer?ncia Indireto (IB-MRAC), o qual foi precursor da ideia de um controlador que pode atuar tanto como IMRAC quanto como IVS-MRAC, a partir de ganhos adaptativos fixos definidos na fase de projeto. / In this work the Indirect Dual Mode Adaptive Robust Controller (IDMARC) is proposed, which combines the good typical transient and robustness properties of Variable Structure Systems, more specifically of Indirect Variable Structure Model Reference Adaptive Controller (IVS-MRAC), with a smooth control signal in steady-state, typical of conventional Adaptive Controllers, as Indirect Model Reference Adaptive Controller (IMRAC). Due to use the indirect approach it provides a more intuitive controller design, based on physical plant parameters, as resistances, inertia moments, capacitances, etc. Lyapunov-based stability analysis and simulation results are presented for the ideal case and considering bounded input disturbance. Furthermore, in this work it is also proposed the Indirect Binary Model Reference Adaptive Controller (IB-MRAC), which introduced the idea of such mixed controller, whose behavior as IMRAC or IVS-MRAC can be selected depending on fixed adaptive gains defined in the design.

Filosoficko - etické aspekty ve výchově a vzdělávání / Philosophical Ethical Aspects of Upbringing and Education

VOJTĚCH, Milan January 2009 (has links)
Substantiality and sense of the work is charting of the historical evolution of the affinity between and children and the indisputable qualitative movement towards child´s (or if zou like pupil´s) needs and possibilities. Within this evolution the work presents the board range of opinions and ways not only from the sections of pedagogy but psychology, philosophy and theology too. It showa obvious and less obvious mistakes and isufficiencies by many exemples, which perprtrate - in former times and nowadays - those who participate in the upbringing and education of children. They strive to afford (propose) some clues on how you can beware of those insufficiencies or how reduce them. There are many citations of importhant ideas of the front experts from out prenominant branches in this work, subserve for quiding for the author of the work.

Criatividade na educa??o ind?gena: an?lise de material curricular em S?o Paulo / Creativity in indigenous education: analysis of the curricular material in Sao Paulo

Amarante, Walkyria Mollica do 16 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Walkyria Mollica do Amarante 1-121.pdf: 23488787 bytes, checksum: 90bebc355b4c4b2ef7d9ad345c7e5bbb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-16 / The research aimed to observe and analyze these creative strategies in the context of curriculum materials produced for the Indigenous Education in the State of S?o Paulo. The documents consulted were provided by the Center for Indian Education (NIS), linked to the Coordinator of Education and Pedagogical Standards (CENP) of the Ministry of Education of the State of S?o Paulo. We tried to theoretical studies and reflections of researchers and experts from different fields of knowledge related to this topic, supporting arguments, data collection and registration of new information, the standards of the document retrieval quality. Educational materials were produced by teachers observed students in ethnic-Guarani, Kaingang Krenak, Tupi-Guarani and Terena in training courses and training of indigenous teachers in exercising their functions in the village schools of S?o Paulo, promoted by NIS- in partnership with CENP-EDUSP USP. Job steps were divided into four groups or series, according to the characteristics and origins of selected documents: Preliminary Studies (legal subsidies federal and state governments and their offshoots), Study I - Series 1 (discussions on the National Curriculum Reference) Study II - Series 2 (material relating to Indigenous Teaching Course - Level m?dio/MagIN/2003), Study III - Series No. 3 (Course materials resulting from the Higher Education of Indigenous Teachers - FISPI/2005- 2008 TCCs and student-teacher ). The documents consulted confirm the assumptions that creativity is present in Intercultural and Bilingual Education Differentiated / Multul?ngue Indigenous communities in school in Sao Paulo. What can be noticed from the teaching strategies used in the preparation and implementation of instructional materials, using methods such as transdisciplinarity and playfulness of indigenous transmission of wisdom and knowledge exchanges. The creative features most noticeable in the context of the documents were: flexibility, fluency of ideas, innovation, originality, sensitivity, imagination and inspiration, independence of thought and initiatives, analogies, metaphors, and combinations of concepts, motivation and curiosity, impulsiveness and spontaneity; play and relaxation, enhancement of association of ideas and knowledge. Field work does not end with this research, it offers numerous opportunities for further and search for new answers. The model was produced a brochure-book, "Creative strategies in Indigenous Education" offered to the NIS of the Secretariat of Education of S?o Paulo for evaluation studies of the distribution and socialization opportunities for indigenous communities. / A pesquisa objetivou observar e analisar estrat?gias criativas presentes no contexto do material curricular produzido para a Educa??o Escolar Ind?gena no Estado de S?o Paulo. Os documentos consultados foram disponibilizados pelo N?cleo de Educa??o Ind?gena (NEI), ligado ? Coordenadoria de Ensino e Normas Pedag?gicas (CENP) da Secretaria da Educa??o do Estado de S?o Paulo. Buscou-se embasamento te?rico em reflex?es e estudos de pesquisadores e especialistas de diferentes campos de conhecimentos relacionados com a tem?tica proposta, para suporte de discuss?es, coleta dados e registro de novas informa??es, nos padr?es de uma pesquisa documental qualitativa. Os materiais did?ticos observados foram produzidos por professores-alunos das etnias Guarani, Kaingang, Krenak, Terenas e Tupi-Guarani nos cursos de capacita??o e forma??o de professores ind?genas, no exerc?cio de suas fun??es nas escolas das aldeias de S?o Paulo, promovidos pelo NEI-CENP em parceria com a EDUSP-USP. As etapas de trabalho foram divididas em quatro blocos ou s?ries, de acordo com as caracter?sticas e origens dos documentos selecionados: Estudos Preliminares (subs?dios legais federais e estaduais e seus desdobramentos), Estudo I S?rie n?1 (discuss?es sobre o Referencial Curricular Nacional), Estudo II S?rie n?2 (materiais referentes ao Curso de Magist?rio Ind?gena n?vel m?dio/MagI&/2003), Estudo III S?rie n?3 (materiais resultantes do Curso de Forma??o Superior de Professores Ind?genas FISPI/2005-2008 e TCCs dos professores-alunos). Os documentos consultados confirmam os pressupostos de que a criatividade est? presente na Educa??o Diferenciada Intercultural e Bil?ngue/Multul?ngue Ind?gena, nas comunidades escolares em S?o Paulo. O que pode ser notado a partir das estrat?gias pedag?gicas utilizadas na elabora??o e aplica??o dos materiais did?ticos, usando a transdisciplinariedade e a ludicidade como metodologias de transmiss?o de sabedorias ind?genas e conhecimentos interculturais. As caracter?sticas criativas mais notadas no contexto dos documentos avaliados foram: flexibilidade; flu?ncia de id?ias; inova??o; originalidade; sensibilidade; inspira??o e fantasia; independ?ncia de pensamento e iniciativas; analogias, met?foras e combina??es de conceitos; motiva??o e curiosidade; impulsividade e espontaneidade; brincadeiras e descontra??o; aprimoramento de id?ias e associa??o de saberes. O campo de trabalho n?o se esgota com esta pesquisa, pois oferece in?meras possibilidades de continua??o e busca de novas respostas. Foi produzido o modelo de um folheto-cartilha, Estrat?gias criativas na Educa??o Ind?gena , oferecido ao NEI da Secretaria da Educa??o de S?o Paulo para avalia??o, estudos das possibilidades de divulga??o e socializa??o para as comunidades ind?genas.

O trabalho das (os) psic?logas (os) no SUAS : materializando a assist?ncia social enquanto pol?tica social p?blica

Motta , Roberta Fin 19 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-11-24T11:21:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 476411 - Texto Parcial.pdf: 722906 bytes, checksum: 986b895e283eb864bc2aa49dbaf05144 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-24T11:21:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 476411 - Texto Parcial.pdf: 722906 bytes, checksum: 986b895e283eb864bc2aa49dbaf05144 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This thesis brings up the insertion of Psychology in the public social assistance politics, particularly in Social Work, and more specifically, in the process of building the processes of the job that affects directly on the daily routine of the psychologists who work at SUAS (Social Assistance Care System), especially those who work at the CRASs (Social Assistance Reference Centers) connected to the FASC (Social Assistance and Citizenship Foundation) of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This thesis is organized in three sections. The first section consists of a study about published academic production about Psychology in the Social Work in Brazil, with emphasis in its relationship with the CRASs. This draws a possibility to analyze the historical evolution of the researcher?s preoccupation regarding this issue, as well as observation of some basic characteristics of the productions. For this, a study took place inspired on a narrative review proposal with consultation of the electronic databases. In the second section, there is an attempt to characterize and discuss the work of the psychologists within the SUAS, more specifically of those working at the CRASs.This study parts from the premise that the psychologists are employed in the Social Assistance System, essential to the engineering and weaving of the politics, as well as being necessary to the users to warrant access to their social rights. The third and last section debates about the work processes and the practices of the psychologists. These last two studies are based on research analysys done with 27 professionals connected to CRASs, where data was collected through interviews and analysed with the help of Fundametal Theory (FT). The results obtained indicate that in the last years there has been an important involvement and investment in the Social Assistance area. Moreover, Social Assistance has been helping in the expansion and interiorization of the profession and in the development of practices different from the traditional. It is identified that the workers are working under adverse conditions that can be made explicit in the areas of formation and work relations, showing itself from the ways of hiring up to the development of routine activities in the SUAS.It is also highlighted, due to the field being new and in expansion, that its materialization as a source of reference of help to the social needs of the population still needs mediations for it to take place. The characterization of the psychologists workers of SUAS in Porto Alegre shows there are countless challenges in order to build a professional make that is commited with social rights. At last, even with the advances, implementation and regulation of SUAS is still not a complete reality in the daily work of professionals at CRASs. It is pointed out, especially, the challenge of the formation that, according to the interviewees, is still poor when it comes to prepare for working in the social sphere, lacking both references and techniques to complement the knowledge already instilled in the profession. / A presente Tese aborda a inser??o da Psicologia nas Pol?ticas Sociais P?blicas, particularmente a Assist?ncia Social, mais especificamente, o processo de constru??o dos processos de trabalho que repercutem diretamente no cotidiano das (os) psic?logas (os) que atuam no Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social (SUAS) e, especialmente, nos Centros de Refer?ncia da Assist?ncia Social (CRASs), vinculados ? Funda??o de Assist?ncia Social e Cidadania (FASC), da cidade de Porto Alegre, estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Esta Tese est? organizada em tr?s se??es. A primeira se??o consiste num estudo sobre a produ??o acad?mica publicada da Psicologia na Assist?ncia Social brasileira, com especial ?nfase na sua rela??o com os CRASs. Tal desenho possibilita a an?lise da evolu??o hist?rica da preocupa??o das (os) pesquisadoras (es) a respeito deste tema, assim como a observa??o de algumas das caracter?sticas fundamentais desta produ??o. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo inspirado em uma proposta de revis?o narrativa com consulta ?s bases de dados eletr?nicas. Na segunda se??o procura-se caracterizar e discutir o trabalho da (o) psic?loga (o) no ?mbito do SUAS, especificamente das (os) trabalhadoras (es) que atuam nos CRASs.Tal estudo parte da premissa de que a (o) profissional da Psicologia ? uma (um) trabalhadora (or) da Assist?ncia Social, fundamental para a engrenagem e a tecelagem da pol?tica, assim como necess?ria (o) para a garantia do acesso das (os) usu?rias (os) ao direito social. A terceira e ?ltima se??o debate os processos de trabalho e as pr?ticas das (os) psic?logas (os). Estes dois ?ltimos estudos est?o alicer?ados em an?lise de pesquisa realizada com 27 profissionais vinculadas (os) aos CRASs, sendo que os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas e analisados com o apoio na Teoria Fundamentada (TF). Os resultados alcan?ados indicaram que nos ?ltimos anos h? um envolvimento e um investimento importantes da ?rea em rela??o ? Assist?ncia Social. Al?m disso, a Assist?ncia Social tem colaborado para a expans?o e interioriza??o da profiss?o e para o desenvolvimento de pr?ticas diferentes das tradicionais.Identifica-se, que as (os) trabalhadoras (es) est?o submetidas a condi??es adversas que podem ser explicitadas no campo da forma??o e das rela??es de trabalho, aparecendo desde o modo de contrata??o at? o desenvolvimento das atividades rotineiras do trabalho no SUAS.Destaca-se ainda que, por ser este um campo novo e em expans?o, sua materializa??o como atendimento ?s necessidades sociais da popula??o ainda carece da constru??o de media??es para a sua realiza??o. A caracteriza??o das (os) trabalhadoras (es) psic?logas (os) do SUAS em Porto Alegre aponta in?meros desafios para a constru??o de um fazer profissional comprometido com os direitos sociais. Por fim, apesar dos avan?os, a regula??o e a implementa??o do SUAS ainda n?o s?o uma completa realidade no cotidiano de trabalho das (os) profissionais nos CRASs. Ressalta-se, especialmente, o desafio da forma??o que, conforme apontam as (os) entrevistadas (os), ainda ? prec?ria no que tange ao preparo para a atua??o no ?mbito social, carecendo tanto de referenciais como de t?cnicas que complementem os fazeres e saberes j? institu?dos na profiss?o.

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