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Greece as a bridge to the most vibrant region of the next decadesAiginger, Karl 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In the years following the financial crisis, Greece experienced a severe loss in real per capita income and accumulated a public debt much higher than GDP and that of any other EU country. The article briefly analyses the causes of this development, including the policy failures
of Greece and the EU. It develops a game-changing strategy, which could return the country to a growth path. This starts with the vision that Greece can make use of its unique location between Europe, Asia and Africa to build a bridge connecting these regions with fascinating and productive complementarities. Given this new strategy, including regional leadership in decarbonisation, youth reform boards, and the Greek diaspora as a manager of reforming and financing new activities, Europe should cut a substantial part of the debt. This would be in the interest of Greece, the EU and Europe's neighbours. / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series
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Instituições fiscais independentes: avaliação, novas tendências e considerações sobre o caso brasileiro / Independent fiscal institutions: evaluation, new trends and considerations on the brazilian caseFernando Covelli Benelli 17 December 2018 (has links)
As Instituições Fiscais Independentes (ou Conselhos Fiscais - CFs) e as Regras Fiscais (RFs) são modelos de instituições que ganharam relevância teórica e política após a constatação de que os governos raramente conseguem comportar-se como planejadores centrais. Ou seja, são incapazes de conduzir a política fiscal de modo a atender o socialmente ótimo no longo prazo. Em geral, a existência de incentivos políticos distorcidos em conjunto com racionalidade limitada dos eleitores e governantes gera déficits excessivos - o chamado viés deficitário da política fiscal - os quais reduzem gradativamente o bem-estar social. A crise fiscal europeia de 2008-2009, em especial, expôs com dramaticidade inédita a profundidade desse viés deficitário na região. Diante da insuficiência dos mecanismos usuais de mercado em corrigir problema, os organismos internacionais e formuladores de política passaram a recomendar veementemente a adoção de CFs, no intuito de reforçar a aplicabilidade das RFs e realinhar os incentivos na direção da disciplina fiscal. Alguns anos após a implementação dessas instituições, estudos quantitativos buscaram avaliar o impacto de sua atuação na trajetória do resultado primário estrutural, principal medida de ativismo fiscal do governo. Os resultados mostraram-se ambíguos e sujeitos a importantes críticas quanto ao controle da endogeneidade. A presente tese busca colaborar com a literatura de reformas institucionais ao abarcar de forma ampla o problema da endogeneidade nessa questão, tanto na investigação de suas origens como no emprego de desenvolvimentos recentes da teoria econométrica para atenuar suas distorções nas estimativas. No primeiro capítulo, definimos o conceito de CF e apresentamos um panorama geral dessas instituições no mundo. Ademais, também expomos as diversas teorias, mormente no campo da economia política, que buscam justificar a presença do viés deficitário da política fiscal, bem como algumas propostas de melhorias do quadro de incentivos através de reformas institucionais, de forma e minimizar esse viés. O segundo capítulo busca investigar avaliar as condições fiscais que antecederam a grande leva de reformas que na última década deram origem aos CFs. Encontramos evidência de que a implementação do CF é precedida por um recuo de aproximadamente 2,59 p.p. do resultado primário efetivo no segundo ano anterior ao tratamento, relativamente aos países não adotantes ou ainda sem adoção no período. No ano da adoção e no anterior, essa diferença deixa de ser significante. Tais achados apontam para uma segunda fonte de endogeneidade nas mensurações da efetividade dos CFs, na qual os países fiscalmente instáveis reagiriam com mais vigor ao advento de crises nas contas públicas, inclusive com a promoção de reformas institucionais. Na literatura institucional, o tipo de endogeneidade mais comumente assinalado é o de causalidade reversa, em que, contrariamente ao tipo anterior, são os países mais austeros que tendem a exibir maior probabilidade de realização de reformas. No terceiro capítulo, a efetividade dos CFs em alterar a trajetória do resultado estrutural é avaliada por meio da metodologia do controle sintético, numa tentativa de controle mais rigoroso da endogeneidade, de nosso conhecimento inédita até então na literatura. Os resultados encontrados indicam a inexistência de um efeito significativo dos CFs sobre aquela variável, em contraste com os obtidos em avaliações anteriores. O último capítulo da tese traça considerações a respeito da Instituição Fiscal Independente (IFI) brasileira, criada em 2016, à luz de recentes avaliações empíricas sobre o novo papel dessas instituições no contexto internacional. / The Independent Fiscal Institutions (or Fiscal Councils - FCs) and Fiscal Rules (FRs) have gained theoretical and political relevance after realizing that governments rarely manage to behave as central planners. That is, they are unable to conduct fiscal policy in order to meet the socially optimal in the long run. In general, the existence of distorted political incentives coupled with the limited rationality of voters and rulers generates excessive deficits - the so-called deficit bias of fiscal policy - which gradually reduce social welfare. The European fiscal crisis of 2008-2009, in particular, dramatically exposed the depth of this deficit bias in the region. Given the inadequacy of the usual market mechanisms to correct the problem, international organizations and policy makers began to strongly recommend the adoption of FCs in order to strengthen the applicability of FRs and realign incentives in the direction of fiscal discipline. Some years after the implementation of these institutions, quantitative studies sought to evaluate the impact of their performance on the trajectory of the primary structural result, the main measure of government fiscal activism. The results were ambiguous and subject to important criticisms regarding the control of endogeneity. The present thesis seeks to collaborate with the literature on institutional reforms by comprehensively covering the problem of endogeneity in this question, both in the investigation of its origins and in the use of recent developments in econometric theory to attenuate its distortions in the estimates. In the first chapter, we define the concept of CF and present an overview of these institutions in the world. In addition, we also present the various theories, especially in the field of political economy, which seek to justify the presence of the deficit bias of fiscal policy, as well as some proposals for improvements in the incentives framework through institutional reforms, in order to minimize this bias. The second chapter seeks to investigate the fiscal conditions that preceded the great series of reforms that in the last decade gave rise to the FCs. We found evidence that the implementation of FCs is preceded by a decrease of approximately 2.59 p.p. in the primary balance in the second year prior to treatment, in relation to non adoption or non-adopters in the period. In the year of adoption and in the previous year, this difference is no longer significant. These findings point to a second source of endogeneity in the measurement of CF effectiveness, in which fiscally unstable countries would react more vigorously to the advent of public account crises, including the promotion of institutional reforms. In the institutional literature, the type of endogeneity most commonly reported is that of reverse causality, in which, contrary to the previous type, the more austere countries tend to be more likely to carry out reforms. In the third chapter, the effectiveness of CFs in altering the trajectory of the structural balance is evaluated through the methodology of the synthetic control, in an attempt to control more strictly the endogeneity problem, of our knowledge a novelty in the literature. The results indicate that there is no significant effect of FCs on that variable, in contrast to those obtained in previous evaluations. The last chapter of the thesis outlines considerations regarding the Brazilian Independent Fiscal Institution (IFI), created in 2016, in the light of recent empirical assessments of the new role of these institutions in the international context.
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Characteristics, Competencies and Challenges: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study of the Senior Health Executive Workforce in New South Wales, 1990-1999Liang, Zhanming, N/A January 2007 (has links)
Healthcare reforms and restructuring have been a global phenomenon since the early 1980s. The major structural reforms in the healthcare system in New South Wales (NSW) including the introduction and implementation of the area health management model (1986), the senior executive service (1989) and performance agreements (1990), heralded a new era in management responsibility and accountability. It is believed that the reforms, the process of the reforms, and the instability brought about by the reforms may have not only resulted in the change of senior healthcare management practices, but also in the change of competencies required for senior healthcare managers in meeting the challenges in the new era. However, limited studies have been conducted which examined how health reforms affected its senior health executive workforce and the above changes. Moreover, no study on senior healthcare managers has focused specifically on NSW after the major reforms were implemented. The purpose of this research was to examine how reforms in the NSW Health public sector affected its senior health executive workforce between 1990 and 1999 in terms of their roles and responsibilities, the competencies required, and the challenges they faced. This study, from a broad perspective, aimed to provide an overview of the NSW reforms, the forces behind the reforms and the effects the reforms may have had on senior health managers as predicted by the national and international literature. This study also explored the changes to the senior health executive workforce in the public sector during the period of rapid change in the 1990s and has provided indications of the managerial educational needs for future senior healthcare managers. Both quantitative and qualitative data have been collected by this study using triangulated methods including scientific document review and analyses, a postal questionnaire survey, and in-depth telephone interviews. The findings from the two quantitative methods informed and guided the development of the open-ended questions and overall focus of the telephone interviews. This study found differences in the characteristics and employment-related aspects between this study and previous studies in the 1980s and 1990s, and identified four major tasks, twelve key roles and seven core competencies required by senior health executives in the NSW Health public sector between 1990 and 1999. The study concludes that the demographic characteristics and the roles and responsibilities of the NSW Health senior executive workforce since the reforms of the 1980s have changed. This study also identified seven major obstacles and difficulties experienced by senior health executives and suggested that during the introduction and implementation of major healthcare reforms in NSW since 1986, barriers created by the system prevented the achievement of its full potential benefits. Although this study did not focus on detailed strategies on how to minimise the negative impact of the health reforms on the senior health executives or maximise the chance of success in introducing new changes to the system, some suggestions are proposed. Most significantly, the study has developed a clear analytical framework for understanding the pyramidal relationships between tasks, roles and competencies and has developed and piloted a new competency assessment approach for assessing the core competencies required by senior health managers. These significant findings indicate the need for a replication of the study on an Australia-wide scale in order to extend the generalisability of the results and test the reliability and validity of the new competency assessment approach at various management levels in a range of healthcare sectors. This is the first study acknowledging the impact of the introduction of the area health management model, the senior executive service and performance agreements in the NSW public health system through an original insight into the personal experiences of the senior health executives of the reforms and examination of the major tasks that senior health executives performed and relevant essential competencies required to perform these tasks. The possible solutions identified in this study can guide the development of strategies in providing better support to senior healthcare managers when large-scale organisational changes are proposed in the future.
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A study of the impacts of land fragmentation on agricultural productivity in Northern VietnamSundqvist, Patrik, Andersson, Lisa January 2007 (has links)
<p>This study examines the relationship between land fragmentation and agricultural productivity in Vietnam, as well as the outcomes of land consolidation programs on productivity. Data from the Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey 2004 and data on the land consolidation process was used for the regression analysis. The results show weak correlations between fragmentation and productivity. Land fragmentation seems to be positively correlated to productivity due to more use of fertilizers and labour input. The communes that have consolidated their land are more productive, but this seems to be explained by initial differences in productivity. Our results suggest that there are no immidiate gains in land consolidation.</p>
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Intergenerational solidarity and the provision of support and care to older persons.Malherbe, Ethel Denise. January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis deals with a very important issue in South African society, i.e. the provision of financial and non-cash support to older persons. Older persons in South Africa can be described as a sizeable but vulnerable group requiring specific protection. Section 27 of the South African Constitution of 1996 obliges the state to take reasonable legislative and other measures within available resources to progressively realise the right of access to social security. Hence, the steps taken by the state to promote older persons&rsquo / right of access to social security and to protect their right to dignity need to be evaluated. The legislative framework for the provision of financial and non-cash support to older persons currently is fragmented into various statutes dealing with retirement income, state grants to older persons and care and support services for older persons. Therefore, the current legislation lacks an integrated approach to the provision of support and care to older persons, as well as a central principle on which to base future legislation concerning older persons. One such principle that could potentially be adopted is intergenerational solidarity, which can be described as the solidarity between the active working-age population, as one generation, from which benefits flow to older persons as the other. This thesis evaluates whether intergenerational solidarity should form the basis of South African legislation on the provision of retirement income and the provision of care and support to older persons, and if so, whether it in fact does. If the answer to the latter is in the negative, the thesis further examines whether the current process to reform the retirement income system and related legislation in South Africa would be a suitable platform to introduce the concept of intergenerational solidarity to legislation concerning older persons.</p>
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A study of the impacts of land fragmentation on agricultural productivity in Northern VietnamSundqvist, Patrik, Andersson, Lisa January 2007 (has links)
This study examines the relationship between land fragmentation and agricultural productivity in Vietnam, as well as the outcomes of land consolidation programs on productivity. Data from the Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey 2004 and data on the land consolidation process was used for the regression analysis. The results show weak correlations between fragmentation and productivity. Land fragmentation seems to be positively correlated to productivity due to more use of fertilizers and labour input. The communes that have consolidated their land are more productive, but this seems to be explained by initial differences in productivity. Our results suggest that there are no immidiate gains in land consolidation.
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China's New Documentary Movement: Alternate Realities and Changing State-society Relations in Contemporary ChinaPang, Qiying 13 January 2011 (has links)
Independent documentary films in contemporary China articulate a vision of Chinese politics and society that deviates from official state discourse. This thesis explores how China’s New Documentary Movement (NDM) – a spontaneous, independent phenomenon in Chinese cinema – serves as an important arena to study state and society struggles in the aftermath of the post-Mao reforms.
This study first explores the politicalization of Chinese national cinema to demonstrate how the degree of control exerted over filmmaking and the documentary genre functions as a useful indicator of Chinese state-society relations. Focusing on the contentious issue of land disputes and rural rightful resistance in two documentaries – Feng Yan’s "Bing Ai" as well as Zhang Ke and Dong Yu’s "Where is the Way" – it contrasts the lived reality of displaced peasants to the official rhetoric disseminated in the state media. Also discussed is the state’s response to the NDM and its implications for greater societal autonomy in contemporary China.
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China's New Documentary Movement: Alternate Realities and Changing State-society Relations in Contemporary ChinaPang, Qiying 13 January 2011 (has links)
Independent documentary films in contemporary China articulate a vision of Chinese politics and society that deviates from official state discourse. This thesis explores how China’s New Documentary Movement (NDM) – a spontaneous, independent phenomenon in Chinese cinema – serves as an important arena to study state and society struggles in the aftermath of the post-Mao reforms.
This study first explores the politicalization of Chinese national cinema to demonstrate how the degree of control exerted over filmmaking and the documentary genre functions as a useful indicator of Chinese state-society relations. Focusing on the contentious issue of land disputes and rural rightful resistance in two documentaries – Feng Yan’s "Bing Ai" as well as Zhang Ke and Dong Yu’s "Where is the Way" – it contrasts the lived reality of displaced peasants to the official rhetoric disseminated in the state media. Also discussed is the state’s response to the NDM and its implications for greater societal autonomy in contemporary China.
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The Many Faces of Reform: Military Progressivism in the U.S. Army, 1866-1916Clark, Jason Patrick January 2009 (has links)
<p>In the years 1866-1916, the U.S. Army changed from a frontier constabulary to an industrial age force capable of expeditionary operations. This conversion was made possible by organizational reforms including the creation of a system of professional education, a coordinating central staff, and doctrine integrating tactics, equipment, and organization. Yet formal structures acted in parallel with the informal culture of the officer corps, which proved far more resistant to change. This dissertation will follow the formulation of these reforms by Emory Upton following the Civil War, through their implementation by Elihu Root in the early twentieth century. It concludes in 1916, when new conditions produced an entirely different agenda for reform.</p><p>This period has generally been interpreted in one of two ways. Previous scholarship examining the internal workings of the Army has seen it as a transition from obsolete to modern organization. Despite disagreements as to the origins, impetus, and length of reform, the theme of progress has been consistent. In contrast, the historiography of the Army's external relationship with society has interpreted reform as a failed attempt to introduce militarism by mimicking foreign military institutions alien to American traditions. Although some of the foreign organizational forms were adopted, society ultimately rejected the militarist aims. This dissertation modifies both interpretations by arguing that these reforms were not as great a break with previous practices as generally asserted. The internal changes were actually a reordering of existing practices made possible by the sudden elevation of the reforming faction to organizational power. Individuals sought to emphasize only those limited aspects of the old professional culture that they valued. These individual aims often diverged, leading to a series of disjointed reforms that, while successful in altering the army, did so in unanticipated ways. These internal efforts were meant to improve the army's effectiveness; there was little effort to alter the Army's role in society. Yet the next generation of reformers sought such a change under the dubious guise of a return to tradition. In doing so, they falsely portrayed their predecessors as foreign-inspired militarists, a mischaracterization that has been largely accepted by historians.</p> / Dissertation
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This research mainly investigates the risks of the four large nation-owned banks of Mainland China. Starting from the analysis on banking theories, laws of financial organization management and the reform and opening of financial market, the research carries out case studies according to the financial reports of the four large nation-owned banks from 1985 to 2001, and finally concludes by outlining the operation risks of the four great nation-owned banks.
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