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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Portée et limites du principe de non refoulement de l'article 33 de la Convention relative au statut des réfugiés dans le contexte du traitement extraterritorial des demandes de statut de réfugié

Chaix, Alice 04 1900 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, les États adoptent des politiques qui cherchent à séparer l’admission des réfugiés sur le territoire d’un État et l’attribution du statut de réfugié. En Europe, ce genre de politique est désigné par le terme externalisation. Cependant, par souci d’objectivité, nous avons choisi d’employer le terme extraterritorial. En effet, l’expression externalisation comporte en elle-même la critique de son objet. En Europe, aucune politique qui dissocie l’attribution du statut de réfugié et l’entrée sur le territoire d’un État n’a été mise en place, toutefois, cette idée fait partie des réflexions institutionnelles et elle reste un objectif de l’agenda européen. Ce mémoire cherche donc à analyser la proposition de traitement extraterritorial des demandes de statut de réfugié, faite en Europe, au regard de l’obligation la plus contraignante au sein du droit international des réfugiés : le principe de non refoulement. En ce sens, il sera nécessaire d'analyser l'étendue ainsi que les limites du principe de non refoulement, au regard de l’interprétation et de la mise en œuvre qui en sont faites. Ce mémoire démontrera que derrière une vive polémique sur la question, la proposition de traitement extraterritorial des demandes de statut de réfugié est compatible avec l’article 33 alinéa 1 de la Convention relative au statut des réfugiés. / For the past few years, States have been adopting policies aimed at separating the admission of refugees on a territory from the determination of their refugee status. In Europe, this kind of political choice is usually designated by the term externalization. However, we have used the term extraterritorial to qualify this process, as we felt that externalization lacked objectivity. Indeed, externalization contains an implicit criticism of our research object. In Europe, these extraterritorial policies have not yet attained a legal status. Indeed, no legal rules are being currently applied which provide for the dissociation between admission and determination. Nevertheless, this idea is part of ongoing reflections and it remains an objective of the European agenda. This thesis analyzes the legality of the European proposal related to an extraterritorial treatment of the status of refugee, in light of the theoretical principle of non-refoulement which is at the heart of the protection granted to refugees by international refugee law. To this end, it is necessary to analyze the scope and the legal limits of the non-refoulement principle in regards to its interpretation and implementation. Although there exists a lively debate on this issue, extraterritorial treatment of refugee claims does not, at least prima facie, violate the principle of non-refoulement enshrined in s. 33, para. 1 of the Convention relating to refugee status.

Environmentally displaced people / Dėl gamtinių nelaimių migruojantys asmenys

Dumbrytė, Monika 03 June 2014 (has links)
The Thesis begins with an analysis of the effects of environmental disasters and various approaches of states to mitigate them. The results of this analysis evidence that while some effects of environmental disasters are more visible and easier to evaluate, as in the case of sudden onset disasters, others are less visible and grow more deadly over time, as in the case of slow onset disasters. Moreover, the effects of environmental disasters on people depend heavily on the state’s capacity to mitigate such effects. Then Author of the Thesis turns to the existing definitions for environmentally displaced people and as all existing definitions do not take into account the level of state protection available, a new definition is proposed. The new definition limits the scope to people seeking international protection due to environmental events, for which their country of origin does not offer any protection. It is analyzed in the second part of this Thesis the application of 1951 Geneva Convention to environmentally displaced people. Based on the assessment of state practice and the works of the most prominent scholars it is showed that environmentally displaced people may in fact be refugees, however, in a very small number of scenarios. The problem is that all of those scenarios are traditional refugee situations and environmental factors are not decisive circumstances when migration authorities determine if person is entitled to refugee status. Socio-economic rights within... [to full text] / Magistro baigiamasis darbas pradedamas gamtinių nelaimių sukeliamų padarinių ir valstybių veiksmų siekiant sumažinti jų padarinius analize. Analizė rodo, kad kai kurios gamtinės nelaimės gali būti lengviau pastebimos, tokios kaip staigios gamtinės nelaimės, o kitos sunkiau pastebimos ir įvertinimo, tokios kaip iš lėto besivystančios gamtinės nelaimės. Be to, gamtinių nelaimių padarinių sunkumas priklauso nuo to ar valstybė yra pajėgi sumažinti padarinius. Tuomet Magistro baigiamajame darbe yra analizuojami esami dėl gamtos nelaimių migruojančių asmenų apibrėžimai ir atsižvelgiant į tai, kad visi esami apibrėžimai nevertina kilmės valstybės teikiamos apsaugos, yra siūlomas naujas apibrėžimas. Šis apibrėžimas yra apribotas žmonėmis, siekiančiais tarptautinės apsaugos dėl gamtinių nelaimių, kurie negali pasinaudoti kilmės valstybės apsauga. Antrojoje šio Magistro baigiamojo darbo dalyje analizuojamas 1951 m. Ženevos Konvencijos „Dėl pabėgėlių statuso“ taikymas dėl gamtinių nelaimių migruojantiems asmenims. Atliktas valstybių praktikos ir doktrinos tyrimas atskleidė, kad dėl gamtinių nelaimių migruojantys asmenys gali būti pabėgėliais, tačiau tik išskirtinais atvejais. Be to, visais šiais atvejais paskatos palikti savo šalį dėl gamtinės nelaimės, nėra lemiantys faktoriai suteikti pabėgėlio statusą. Trečiojoje dalyje yra analizuojamas ryšys tarp socialinių, ekonomių teisių, non-refoulement principo ir gamtinių nelaimių. Analizė atskleidė, kad rimti socialinių, ekonominių teisių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Princip non-refoulment a koncept bezpečných zemí / The Principleof Non-refoulement and the Concept of SafeCountries

Brychtová, Karolína January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the safe country concept; within which we can further distingiush two concepts - the one of a safe country of origin and that of a safe third country. When applying the safe country concept, states are limited by their obligations which stem from international law, in particular by the principle of non-refoulement. Furthermore, the concept of safe countries cannot be analyzed nor applied without taking the non-refoulement principle into consideration. The non-refoulement principle is therfore one of the main topics of this thesis. It is viewed primarily trough the lens of the definition given by the Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees of 1951 and the New York Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees of 1967. The goal of this thesis is to determine, whether the concept of safe countries is indeed in accordance with the non-refoulement principle. We will subsequently try to answer the question of how influential the principle is (and should be) in terms of states that follow the concept of safe countries. The main concern of this thesis is the application of the safe country concept in Europe, or more precisely in the European Union. The european safe country legislation belongs to the so-called Common European Asyulm System. The centrepiece of this legal...

Out of sight, out of mind : hinder för att ersätta rätten att söka asyl med enbart ett EU-gemensamt kvotflyktingsystem / Out of sight, out of mind : limitations to replacing the right to seek asylum with only a common EU resettlement system

Hovemyr, Tove January 2018 (has links)
I kölvattnet av den så kallade flyktingkrisen 2015 har allt fler röster höjts i Europa om att förändra asylrätten för skapa ett mer förutsebart och hållbart asylmottagande. Diskursen synliggör asylrättens centrala rättighetskonflikt där det allmännas intresse av reglerad invandring vägs mot den enskildes rätt till asyl. Denna uppsats utreder möjligheterna att ersätta EU:s nuvarande asylsystem med ett EU-gemensamt kvotflyktingsystem. Utgångspunkten för uppsatsen är ett förslag som Moderaterna under oktober 2017 antog i sitt partiprogram vars innebörd är att EU ska övergå till ett gemensamt asylsystem med enbart kvotflyktingmottagande. Frågeställningen är vilka hinder som föreligger för en sådan förändring med hänsyn till gällande rätt och ändamålen bakom asylrätten. Moderaterna föreslår alltså en ordning som skulle inskränka rätten att söka asyl. Rättighetsinskränkningar ska vara proportionerliga. Uppsatsen besvarar därför huvudfrågeställningen utifrån fyra delfrågor som påminner om en proportionalitetsbedömning för att avgöra om förslaget är möjligt eller lämpligt. Först diskuteras om dagens asylsystem behöver förändras med hänsyn till den så kallade flyktingkrisen 2015, sedan utreds andra brister i dagens system. Slutsatsen nås att det finns brister med dagens system som motiverar en förändring som exempelvis de höga dödstalen för migranter som reser över Medelhavet för att söka asyl i EU. Därefter undersöks vilka möjligheter en förändring till enbart ett EU-gemensamt kvotflyktingsystem skulle kunna medföra och det konstateras att förslagets största fördel är att vidarebosättning utgör en laglig och säker väg för asylsökande till EU. Kärnan i uppsatsen är utredningen av de praktiska och juridiska hinder som finns för en förändring till enbart ett EU-gemensamt kvotflyktingsystem. Där finner jag att det största hindret är svårigheten att organisera systemet på ett sätt som är förenligt med principen om non-refoulement enligt såväl folkrätten som Europakonventionen. Jag identifierar även andra allvarliga praktiska och juridiska hinder för en sådan ordning. Slutligen undersöks om det finns alternativa lösningar att tillgå som är mindre ingripande än förslaget om enbart ett EU-gemensamt kvotflyktingsystem. Jag finner att så är fallet. Till exempel kan medlemsstaterna öka sitt kvotflyktingmottagande, införa humanitära visum eller inrätta en EU-centraliserad asylprövning. Min slutsats är att rätten att söka asyl på plats i EU måste kvarstå och att de mindre ingripande lösningarna som tas upp i uppsatsen är att föredra framför ett asylsystem i EU med enbart kvotflyktingmottagande.

En medveten gränspolitik eller panik? : En undersökning av EU-medlemsstaternas folkrättsliga åtaganden gentemot skyddsbehövande vid extraterritoriella gränskontroller, med utblickar mot tredjelandssamarbeten / A conscious border-policy or a situation of panic? : An examination of the public international law obligations of the EU Member States toward people in need of protection at extraterritorial borders, with outlooks on the cooperation with third countries

Muhieddine, Darin January 2020 (has links)
Genom åren har flyktingar och andra skyddsbehövande gjort försök att ta sig till Europa. Avsaknaden av reguljära vägar har dock resulterat i att hundratusentals människor har mist sina liv på de alternativa vägarna längs Medelhavet. År 2015 var migrationsströmmarna till Europa mest frekventa, vilket uppenbarade en ineffektivitet i EU:s migrationspolitik. Situationen med de ökade migrationsströmmarna har kommit att kallas för en flyktingkris, som har gett upphov till omedelbara kontrollåtgärder. Bland åtgärderna finns visumkrav, transportörsansvar och förstärkande av extraterritoriella gränskontroller genom fördjupade samarbeten med tredjeländer.  Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka EU:s extraterritoriella gränskontroller i förhållande till folkrättsliga normer, med fokus på skyddsbehövandes tillgång till skydd vid tredjelandssamarbeten.  Resultaten av undersökningen visar att EU:s extraterritoriella gränskontroller begränsar människors tillgång till skydd – genom att stoppa människor i ursprungs- och transitländerna eller genom att avlägsna dem från Europa till tredjeländer som exempelvis Turkiet och Libyen. Även om dessa länder anses utgöra så kallade säkra länder framgår av sammanställningen att överträdelser av mänskliga rättigheter är återkommande inslag. Härav följer att EU:s intresse av att reglera migrationen har fått stå i framkant, medan intresset av att ge skyddsbehövande tillgång till det skydd de är berättigade till har följaktligen fått stå tillbaka. / Over the years, refugees and those in need of protection have made several attempts to reach Europe. However, the lack of regular routes has resulted in hundreds of thousands of people losing their lives on irregular routes along the Mediterranean. In 2015, the migration flows across the Mediterranean reached high levels, which revealed inefficiency in the EU's migration policy. The situation with the increased migration flows across the Mediterranean has been labelled as a refugee crisis, and has given rise to immediate measures. The measures include border checks such as visa requirements, carrier responsibility, and extraterritorial border controls through deepened cooperation with third countries.  The purpose of this study is to investigate the EU's extraterritorial border controls in relation to public international law norms. The focus is on the possibility of access international protection in situations of collaborations with third countries.  The results of the study show that the extraterritorial border controls restrict people's access to protection - by stopping people in the countries of origin and transit, or by removing them from the European territory to third countries such as Turkey and Libya. Both are considered to be safe countries. However, evidence shows that neither Turkey nor Libya are such safe countries and that human rights are frequently violated. Accordingly, the EU's interest in regulating migration has remained at the forefront, while the interest in protecting those in need has been held back – even for those who are entitled to protection under public international law.

Merleau-Ponty et le réaménagement de l'inconscient freudien : l'enjeu central du refoulement / Merleau-Ponty and the refoundation of the Freudian unconscious : the repression as the heart of the problem

Cléret, Alexandre 26 March 2013 (has links)
Merleau-Ponty représente une figure originale de la réception de l'inconscient psychanalytique en France et c'est d'abord autour de la question du complexe, mais surtout de celle du refoulement, qu'il entend engager un dialogue avec Freud. Si la discussion avec ce dernier est d'abord compromise par des prismes de lectures philosophiques et psychologiques qui en déforment le sens original, le philosophe a pu se donner de 1942 à 1945 une connaissance plus directe de l'oeuvre du psychanalyste, chez lequel il trouve l'intuition précieuse du refoulement, qu'il entend reprendre à son compte au sein de la théorie de la perception. La question est alors de savoir en quoi le réaménagement de l'inconscient au travers de l'enjeu central du refoulement permet encore de reconnaître le refoulement freudien dans la figure merleau-pontyenne du refus. En prenant Merleau-Ponty à la lettre, on se demande ainsi dans quelle mesure et dans quelles limites le philosophe peut continuer à parler du refoulement « dont parle la psychanalyse » à partir du moment où il procède au réaménagement existentiel du problème freudien en dehors de tout naturalisme. S'il est possible en effet de procéder à une critique des cadres théoriques inadéquats dans lesquels Freud a d'abord pensé le refoulement, et s'il est possible dans une certaine mesure de « parler un autre langage » que celui, matérialiste et énergétiste de la psychanalyse, peut-être l'ontologie merleau-pontyenne générale, dans ses conceptions relatives au sujet, à son corps, à son temps, à sa perception et à son monde déforme-t-elle alors nécessairement le refoulement freudien et tout ce qu'il permet de penser, théoriquement et pratiquement. / Merleau-Ponty stands an original position in the french reception of the Freudian problem of the unconscious, and this is around the concept of complex, or rather upon the problem of repression that he intends to open a dialogue with Freud. If the meeting with the latter ia at first compromised by the fact that external and previous psychological and philosophical readings of Freud have disformed the very genuine meaning of Freud to Merleau-Ponty's eyes and views, the philosopher was able, from 1942 to 1945, to change those views by getting a direct reading and personal understanding of the psychoanalyst's works, in which he finds the precious intuition of repression that he wants and needs to himself for his own theory of perception. Question is therefore to see how the refoundation of the unconscious by the means of the new understanding of the repression allows to maintain the Freudian repression and to be able to still recognize it, when it actually becomes the merleau-pontyan idea of refusal. Followinf Merleau-Ponty, we'll see if he can still claims he talks about the very repression psychoanalysis founded, as soon as he redefines the repression from an existentialist method and view and intends to extract the repression from its naturalists schemes and grounds. If it is quite possible to criticize the old scientific grounds amongst which Freud gave birth to the repression in the first place, and if it is possible to speak another conceptual language than Freud, a materialistic and energetical one, maybe the merleau-pontyan ontology regarding the subject, his embodiement, his timely structure, his perception and his world tend to deform the freudian repression.

Princip non-refoulement v mezinárodním právu a právu Evropské unie: srovnání / The non-refoulement principle in international law and the law of the European Union: a comparison

Smutná, Anna January 2012 (has links)
1 Abstract This thesis deals with the key principle of international refugee law which is the principle of non-refoulement. In the broadest sense of the term, the principle forbids the forced removal or 'refoulement' of an individual to the territories where he would run a risk of being subjected to the violation of his basic human rights. The non-refoulement principle was enshrined in the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees but it was also developed in international human rights treaties such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or regional European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Its expression can also be found in Common European Asylum System shared by the Member States of the European Union. The first goal of the thesis is to find out the precise content of the non-refoulement principle with regard to its development and current interpretation in international law. The second aim of the study is to analyze the same principle in the context of European Union law and to assess the compliance of this system with international law. For the sake of clarity, the thesis is composed of two main chapters. Chapter One examines the meaning of the principle in the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and takes into consideration...

Refugees, citizenship and state sovereignty

Kim, Seunghwan 24 August 2016 (has links)
This dissertation examines two different perspectives on refugee status and state sovereignty respectively, and their bearings on refugee protection regimes. It reveals how dominant views of refugee status and state sovereignty have contributed to establishing restrictive refugee law and policy associated with various forms of external migration controls in the 21st century, and provides alternative views that may contribute to creating more “just” refugee protection regimes.   When refugees came to be regarded as those who fled from various push factors, such as persecution, distress and wars etc. (the persecution perspective), refugee policies were developed to provide “push factors-free” environments. These have not necessarily included surrogate political membership in the country of asylum (particularly, in developed countries).  Instead, developed countries have endorsed humanitarian assistance schemes that aim to provide aid to refugees in regions of their origin rather than providing settlement in their own territories. Moreover, in refugee law, the fear of “persecution”, as a push factor, has become a critical factor in determining refugee status. As a parallel, governments have developed various forms of deterrence policies based on a traditional concept of state sovereignty that allows states to implement migration polices at their own discretion.  Under these circumstances, refugees find it difficult to reach developed countries, and many of them end up being “contained” in refugee camps or other facilities in regions of their origin for a long time.   This dissertation calls into question these views of refugee status and state sovereignty, by providing alternative views: the protection perspective and an account of sovereignty that requires “responsible” border control. The protection perspective regards the ruptured protection relationship between a state and a citizen (thus, the lack of state protection) as the core element of refugee status. According to this view, refugee status is inextricably associated with systemic failure of the nation-states system (not merely with push factors) that is designed to secure political membership for each individual in the international state system. Therefore, as a matter of justice, the ultimate remedy for refugeehood is to provide surrogate political membership in the country of asylum or to restore original political membership in the home country. This project also proposes a concept of “responsible” border control, according to which, a state should exercise state sovereignty in relation to border control within institutional frameworks in which multiple authorities, including human rights norms, have been institutionalized. In this way, the dissertation aims to provide a more “just” framework in which to propose, adopt and implement refugee law and policy. From this alternative perspective, refugees are perceived as those who have right to political membership in the country of asylum rather than mere humanitarian assistance in refugee camps or somewhere else. / Graduate

Säkra tredjeländer - En undersökning av asylprocedurdirektivets bestämmelse om säkra tredjeländer och dess förhållande till rätten till asyl samt artikel 3 EKMR. / Safe Third Countries - A Study of the Asylum Procedures Directive Provision Regarding Safe Third Countries and it´s Relationship to the Right of the Asylum and article 3 ECHR.

Stattin Sendin, Peter January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Trafficking för sexuella ändamål som grund för asyl : En feministisk analys av det asylrättsliga skyddet för kvinnor som utsatts för eller riskerar utsättas för trafficking / Trafficking in persons for sexual purposes and international protection : A feminist analysis of the international protection for female victims of trafficking or at risk of being trafficked

Grundström, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Trafficking in persons for sexual purposes is a modern form of slavery which causes serious violation of fundamental human rights. Despite that, trafficking victims are often left without international protection. Furthermore, the majority of the victims of trafficking for sexual purposes are women. In this thesis the author examines the international refugee law from a feminist perspective to determine why some actions are capable of international attention and protection while others are not. The international regulation for combating trafficking, so called anti-trafficking measures, are rather comprehensive. However, these measures focus on eliminating trafficking through prevention and prosecution and do not give much, if any, protection to the victims of trafficking. Instead protection can be found in the refugee convention and the complementary protection under non-refoulement. The refugee law has been criticised for its gender bias and male norm which affect women’s possibility to be granted international protection. As a result of this, persecution or other serious harm that mostly affects women, such as trafficking for sexual purposes, are seen as gender-specific and not as a part of the core definition of a refugee. Trafficking victims from the EU who seek protection in another country in the union faces the most obstacles, since citizens from the EU are not recognised to be in need of international protection because of the presumption that countries in the EU are democratic and safe. This presumption is questionable since the majority of the trafficking victims in the Union are from a country in the EU. The feminist analysis on the refugee law aim to examine to what extent women’s need for international protection in relation to trafficking is fulfilled.

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