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Setting young children up for success:approaching motivation through children’s perceptions of their abilityMäättä, E. (Elina) 31 August 2015 (has links)
This study focuses on motivational aspects of young children’s self-regulated learning (SRL) in primary school. The purpose is to investigate children’s personal experiences with success and their ability-related perceptions in order to understand whether children’s beliefs of themselves as learners influence their academic functioning in school.
The dissertation consists of four empirical studies, which are reported in four articles. In Study I, the focus is on researchers’ and children’s self- and social perceptions of success. The aim is to identify how success can be recognized and promoted in the classroom context. Study II aims to identify young children’s confidence and success in different efficacious interaction contexts. In Study III, the focus is on clarifying what kind of personal and contextual factors support children’s perceived self-efficacy in social and independent learning situations. Finally, Study IV aims to identify the characteristics and triggers for efficacious interaction in terms of task involvement in collaborative small-group learning situations. The data collection methods include video observations, video clips, photos, video-stimulated recall and photo elicitation interviews, in addition to social competence tests administered to children and their teachers.
The results indicate that children’s personal standards for success create the basis for their confidence and engagement in school. For them, success is finding the task or activity meaningful and doable, which in turn, creates positive emotions. These positive emotions are the basis for higher and more stable perceptions of ability in independent and social learning situations. In these different learning situations, children rely on their emotions, skills and previous experiences, as well as support and help from their teacher and peers. Children who seem to need the most support are either reluctant to seek or receive it from the teacher. Instead, their confidence is boosted through peer support. Therefore, the learning context, teachers and their pedagogical practices have important roles in supporting children’s motivation and SRL. / Tiivistelmä
Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tutkitaan alakouluikäisten lasten itsesäätöistä oppimista motivationaalisista lähtökohdista käsin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää lasten omakohtaisia onnistumiskokemuksia ja heidän pystyvyyskäsityksiään. Tarkoituksena on pyrkiä ymmärtämään kuinka lasten käsitykset itsestä oppijana vaikuttavat heidän toimimiseensa koulussa.
Tutkimus koostuu neljästä empiirisestä osatutkimuksesta, joiden tulokset on raportoitu neljässä artikkelissa. Osatutkimuksessa I tarkastelun kohteena ovat tutkijoiden ja lasten käsitykset onnistumisesta. Osatutkimuksen II tavoitteena on selvittää lasten pystyvyyttä ja onnistumista erilaisissa tehokkaissa vuorovaikutustilanteissa. Osatutkimus III syventyy tarkemmin tarkastelemaan yksilö- ja ympäristötekijöitä, jotka tukevat lasten onnistumista ja pystyvyyttä sosiaalisissa ja itsenäisissä oppimistilanteissa. Osatutkimuksessa IV tavoitteena on tunnistaa mitä tehokas vuorovaikutus on ja mikä sitä saa aikaan etukäteen pedagogisesti suunnitelluissa yhteisöllisissä pienryhmätilanteissa. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu video-observaatioista, lyhyemmistä tietyn oppimistilanteen esittävistä videotallenteista ja valokuvista joita käytettiin tukemaan ja syventämään lasten kanssa tehtyjä haastatteluita. Lisäksi lapsia ja opettajia pyydettiin arvioimaan lapsen sosiaalista kompetenssia.
Tutkimustulosten mukaan onnistuminen konkretisoituu lapsille mielekkäänä toimintana ja heidän tiedoillaan ja taidoillaan tehtävissä olevana tehtävänä. Onnistuminen johtaa positiivisiin tunteisiin ja käsityksiin omasta itsestä oppijana, jotka ovat perusta vakaammille pystyvyyskäsityksille ja toimintaan sitoutumiselle niin erilaisissa oppimistilanteissa. Lapset rakentavat pystyvyyskäsityksiään tunteiden, hallittujen taitojen ja aikaisempien kokemuksien sekä opettajilta ja toisilta lapsilta saatavan tuen avulla. Yksi keskeisimmistä tutkimustuloksista on, että lapset jotka tarvitsevat tukea ovat joko haluttomia etsimään tai vastaanottamaan sitä opettajalta. Tällöin koetulla vertaistuella on erityisen suuri merkitys heidän onnistumisen kokemuksissaan ja pystyvyyskäsityksien rakentumisessa. Tutkimustulokset lisäävät ymmärrystä oppimisympäristön, opettajien ja heidän pedagogisten käytänteiden merkityksestä lasten motivaation ja itsesäätöisen oppimisen kehittymisessä ja tukemisessa.
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Conceptualizing Learning Agility and Investigating its Nomological NetworkAllen, Josh 25 May 2016 (has links)
This dissertation consists of two studies examining the utility and distinctiveness of learning agility in the workplace. The first study examines the nomological networks of two proprietary measures of learning agility in sample of 832 individuals. The learning agility simulation is designed to be an objective measure of learning agility ability. The learning agility indicator is a self-report measure designed to measure the preference towards learning agile behaviors. The results of study one indicate two different nomological networks for the learning agility simulation and the learning agility indicator. Specifically, the learning agility simulation was related to cognitive personality variables (i.e., tolerance for ambiguity and cognitive flexibility) and cognitive ability, and the learning agility indicator was more strongly related to personality variables.
The second study explores the work-related outcomes associated with the learning agility simulation, and the incremental validity of the learning agility simulation over traditional predictors of performance (i.e., Big Five personality variables, cognitive ability). The second study was performed with a sample of early career employees with supervisor rated performance/potential measures in a sample of 89 paired responses. The results of study two indicated that the learning agility simulation was significantly related to two areas of employee potential (learning from experience and speed-to-competence) and provided incremental validity over traditional predictors of performance/potential for these areas of performance.
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Plánování a reporting společnosti v regulovaném prostředí / Planning and reporting of a company in controlled environmentPěničková, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The work focuses on planning and reporting of a company in controlled environment. First of all it describes planning, its rules, kinds, purposes and methods. The next chapter deals with the structure and contents of reporting, it introduces its rules, methods and kinds and it also mentions sources of information. In the next part regulation, and price regulation especially, is defined as well as ways state influences economics. The work further sets a list of some crucial, especially reporting, duties of firms that are common for controlled and non-controlled branches. Further on it contains a list of mainly reporting duties of firms in controlled branches. The efficiency of those duties is consequently assessed from the view of costs of firms connected with information duties. The findings from the theoretical part are used in the practical part that sums up methods for making plans and reports in firms of controlled branches, it assesses the used system, its efficiency and quality and it suggests possibilities for improving present state.
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Analysis and Design of a High-Frequency RC Oscillator Suitable for Mass Production / Analys och konstruktion av en högfrekvent RC-svängningskrets lämplig för massproduktionDai, Jianxing January 2017 (has links)
Oscillators are components providing clock signals. They are widely required by low-cost on-chip applications, such as biometric sensors and SoCs. As part of a sensor, a relaxation oscillator is implemented to provide a clock reference. Limited by the sensor application, a clock reference outside the sensor is not desired. An RC implementation of the oscillator has a balanced accuracy performance with low-cost advantage. Hence an RC relaxation oscillator is chosen to provide the clock inside the sensor. This thesis proposes a current mode relaxation oscillator to achieve low frequency standard deviation across different supplies, temperatures and process corners. A comparison between a given relaxation oscillator and the proposed design is made as well. All oscillators in this thesis use 0.18 μm technology and 1.8 V nominal supply. The proposed oscillator manages to achieve a frequency standard deviation across all PVT variations less than ±6.5% at 78.4 MHz output frequency with a power dissipation of 461.2 μW. The layout of the oscillator's core area takes up 0.003 mm2.
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Porovnání výkonnosti firem fungujících v regulovaném prostředí - případové studie / Comparing the performance of companies operating in a regulated sector - Case studiesPrůková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to compare performances of companies operating in regulated industries.The selected industries are natural gas and electricity distribution, water and sewerage systems operation and railway maintenance. Two methodological approaches are used throughout the thesis, each in its own part. The first one focuses on the financial analysis, while the other one uses the total factor productivity analysis. The latter is based on physical units typical for their respective sectors. As the conclusion of this thesis both approaches and the results of individual companies are compared.
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Physical basis of the power-law spatial scaling structure of peak dischargesAyalew, Tibebu Bekele 01 May 2015 (has links)
Key theoretical and empirical results from the past two decades have established that peak discharges exhibit power-law, or scaling, relation with drainage area across multiple scales of time and space. This relationship takes the form Q(A)= $#945;AΘ where Q is peak discharge, A is the drainage area, Θ is the flood scaling exponent, and α is the intercept. Motivated by seminal empirical studies that show that the flood scaling parameters α and Θ change from one rainfall-runoff event to another, this dissertation explores how certain rainfall and catchment physical properties control the flood scaling exponent and intercept at the rainfall-runoff event scale using a combination of extensive numerical simulation experiments and analysis of observational data from the Iowa River basin, Iowa. Results show that Θ generally decreases with increasing values of rainfall intensity, runoff coefficient, and hillslope overland flow velocity, whereas its value generally increases with increasing rainfall duration. Moreover, while the flood scaling intercept is primarily controlled by the excess rainfall intensity, it increases with increasing runoff coefficient and hillslope overland flow velocity. Results also show that the temporal intermittency structure of rainfall has a significant effect on the scaling structure of peak discharges. These results highlight the fact that the flood scaling parameters are able to be estimated from the aforementioned catchment rainfall and physical variables, which can be measured either directly or indirectly using in situ or remote sensing techniques. The dissertation also proposes and demonstrates a new flood forecasting framework that is based on the scaling theory of floods. The results of the study mark a step forward to provide a physically meaningful framework for regionalization of flood frequencies and hence to solve the long standing hydrologic problem of flood prediction in ungauged basins.
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炭素と窒素の栄養バランス応答における緑藻のタンパク質リン酸化酵素TAR1の機能新川, はるか 23 July 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(生命科学) / 甲第22021号 / 生博第418号 / 新制||生||55(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院生命科学研究科統合生命科学専攻 / (主査)教授 福澤 秀哉, 教授 河内 孝之, 教授 荒木 崇 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Digital advertising on a regulated market : A multiple-case study in the Swedish alcohol industryBorgstam, Wilhelm, Koido, Dimitri January 2021 (has links)
In regulated markets companies must comply with various rules, standards, and approval protocols to avoid expensive lack-of-compliance costs. Such regulations often limit the ability of companies to advertise and thereby reach out to consumers. This paper uses a qualitative multiple case-study approach to explore, from an industry perspective, how three different companies (a whisky producer, a microbrewery, and an alcohol importer) use digital advertising to raise brand awareness on the Swedish alcohol market. The firms are relatively similar in their approaches, unanimously preferring the use of social media advertising and conducting all activities through the lens of the regulations. However, the degree to which the firms are willing to take risks and find innovative solutions to the unique problems inherent to the regulated market in question differs. Although the study is context-specific, previous research has suggested that features and market practices in one regulated market can influence another. This thesis contributes to the literature on the broader topic of advertising on regulated markets, where research is primarily written from a public health perspective.
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Zkoumání teplotních změn olověného akumulátoru v režimu hybridních vozidel / Investigation of temperature changes in the lead-acid battery system for hybrid electric vehiclesKadrnka, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The lead-acid batteries are most commonly used electrochemical power source. The lead-acid battery is the oldest type of secondary battery cells. This lead-acid batteries have a great use in hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), which operate in different modes of vehicle operation. This is related to changes in battery temperature, caused by Joule heat taking place during discharging and chargingg the battery in a vehicle operation. The lead-acid batteries in hybrid electric vehicles work in mode PSoC.
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Vytvoření cenových podkladů pro stanovení tržního nájemného v bytech pro lokalitu Brno - Žabovřesky / Creation of Pricing Details for the Determination of Open-market Rent for Apartments for the Brno - Žabovřesky LocalityTegze, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to prepare documents for price calculation and determination of the common rent in the suburb of Brno - Žabovřesky. In this work, I used information from executed leases Realtors Matras&Matras & Real Estate Ltd. and Dvorak. Analysis of factors affecting price formation I have devoted the factors that I considered at that locality as valid for determining the price and verifying their influence on rental prices. I added my own factor into the monitored critical factors. This factor is noise. As the analysis results showed it was a major factor that significantly affects the final price of the lease. His inclusion among the decisive factors was correct. By setting standards and calculation of coefficients, I obtain results that helped determine the normal cost of rent and contributed to the view of the importance of determining the level of the individual factors to calculate the final rental price. Data collection, analysis and examination of the relationships between the key factors, I see as a guide for calculating the normal price, which will be used by districts and the real estate market.
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