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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da função do gene kerV de Pseudomonas aeruginosa / Function of Pseudomonas aeruginosa kerV gene

Diogo de Abreu Meireles 08 September 2011 (has links)
P. aeruginosa PA14 é uma linhagem isolada de queimadura que apresenta vários fatores de patogenicidade comuns no quadro de infecção de hospedeiros filogeneticamente distintos (plantas, mamíferos ou invertebrados). O gene kerV foi revelado numa busca por mutantes atenuados em virulência em uma biblioteca de mutantes por transposons da linhagem PA14 (Rahme et al., 1997). A caracterização da linhagem D12, mutante em kerV, confirmou sua virulência atenuada (Apidianakis et al., 2005 e An et al., 2009) e resultados do transcriptoma mostraram alteração na expressão de mais de 500 genes, sendo alguns relacionados com o sistema de \"quorum sensing\" (Rahme et al, dados não publicados). O gene kerV está próximo à montante ao gene gloB, envolvido em detoxificação de metilglioxal, e à jusante aos genes rnhA e dnaQ, que codificam proteínas envolvidas na replicação e reparo do DNA. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a função molecular do produto de kerV e a expressão dos genes do lócus kerV-rnhA-dnaQ. Análises de bioinformática indicam que a proteína KerV é uma metiltransferase dependente de S-adenosil-metionina (SAM), apresentando um domínio conservado de ligação a SAM e uma arquitetura de domínio compatível com a organização em fitas-beta e hélices-alfa alternadas descritas para a família das metiltransferases dependentes de SAM. Ela não apresenta outros domínios conservados que indiquem seu substrato de metilação. A expressão heteróloga desta proteína em E. coli, mostrou que ela é expressa de maneira parcialmente solúvel quando co-expressa com as chaperoninas GroEL/GroES em baixas temperaturas ou quando fusionada a MBP ou GST. A purificação desta proteína mostra que ela é co-eluída com a chaperonina GroEL sugerindo que para atingir sua conformação nativa ela necessita dessas proteínas acessórias. MBP-KerV purificado foi usado para ensaios \"in vitro\" de atividade de metiltransferase e ligação a SAM, que não foram conclusivos, pois não há certeza do seu correto estado de enovelamento. Ensaios de duplo-híbrido mostraram que KerV não interage com os produtos de rnhA e dnaQ, sugerindo que KerV não está diretamente relacionado com suas funções. A freqüência de mutação na linhagem D12 está levemente aumentada (aproximadamente quatro vezes), o que sugere que KerV não está diretamente envolvida no reparo de DNA do tipo ´mismatch repair`. Os ensaios usados para detectar metilação do DNA, proteínas e rRNAs não revelaram que KerV estaria envolvido com a metilação destes substratos. Os inícios de transcrição dos genes kerV, rnhA e dnaQ foram determinados. A deleção de kerV causa um efeito polar na transcrição do gene rnhA, que não se reflete nos níveis da proteína. A deleção também afeta a expressão de dnaQ, sugerindo que KerV seja importante para sua regulação. Os ensaios de complementação da virulência em modelos invertebrados e de células epiteliais de pulmão mostram que apenas a presença dos três genes e seus produtos em níveis normais são capazes de reverter a maioria dos fenótipos atenuados. KerV se mostrou essencial para a inibição da translocação de NF-kB para o núcleo das células, comprovando que esta proteína é relevante para a virulência de PA14, contribuindo com o silenciamento da resposta imune do hospedeiro. O conjunto dos resultados indicam uma complexa inter-relação entre a expressão dos genes kerV, rnhA e dnaQ e seu papel na biologia de P. aeruginosa. / P. aeruginosa PA14 is a burn isolate multi-host pathogen strain. The screening for virulence attenuated mutants in a PA14 transposon mutant library revealed the kerV gene (Rahme et al., 1997). The characterization of D12 strain, a kerV mutant, confirmed the attenuated virulence phenotype (Apidianakis et al., 2005 and An et al., 2009) and transcriptome analysis showed the expression of more than 500 genes are affected in D12, some of these genes are related with quorum sensing (Rahme et al, unpublished data). kerV is upstream of the gloB gene, related with methylglioxal detoxification and downstream of the rnhA and dnaQ genes, both related with DNA replication and repair. The purpose of this work was to study the molecular function of KerV product and the expression of kerV-rnhA-dnaQ locus. Bioinformatics analysis indicated that KerV is a SAM dependent methyltransferase that have a conserved SAM binding domain with architecture compatible with classic alternating β-stranded and α-helical regions. KerV does not show any other conserved motif that could indicate its methylation substrate. Heterologous expression in E. coli showed that KerV is partially soluble only when co-expressed with GroeL/GroES chaperones at low temperatures or when KerV is in fusion with MBP or GST tag. During the purification process KerV was copurified with GroEL chaperone suggesting that this association may be required for the correct folding of KerV. Methyltransferase activity and SAM binding assays were done with purified MBPKerV and the results were not conclusive since the proper conformation of MBP-KerV cannot be verified. Yeast two-hybrid assays indicated that RNaseH and DnaQ are not interaction partners of KerV, suggesting that their functions are not directly related. The mutation frequency of D12 strain increased only about four times in relation to PA14, suggesting that KerV is not directly involved with DNA mismatch repair. The assays to detect methylation in DNA, RNAs and proteins do not show that KerV is involved with methylation of these substrates. The transcription start sites of kerV, rnhA and dnaQ genes were mapped through 5\'-RACE- and primer extension experiments. The kerV deletion causes a polar effect on the transcription of rnhA gene, which is not reflected on RNaseH protein levels. The kerV deletion also affects dnaQ expression, suggesting that KerV is important for its regulation.The virulence complementation assays in flies and lung epithelial cells showed that the fully rescue of the wild type phenotype was achieved only when the entire locus is present. KerV was essential to inhibit the NF-kB nucleus translocation, demonstrating that KerV is relevant to PA14 virulence, contributing for the silencing of host immune system. Altogether, these data showed a complex inter-relation among kerV, rnhA and dnaQ genes and its role in P. aeruginosa biology

Rôle de la méthylation de l’ADN dans la régulation de l’expression des gènes 15-LOX-1 et 15-LOX-2 dans le cartilage

Gadid, Guedi Guireh 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Příprava a využití systému pro studium regulace genové exprese kvasinkových lineárních cytoplasmatických plasmidů / Preparation and validation of a system for the study of regulation of gene expression of yeast linear cytoplasmic plasmids

Horáčková, Kamila January 2021 (has links)
There is currently very few information about the transaltion of linear cytoplasmatic plasmids occured in yeast cells Kluyveromyces lactis. However, there is a relatively well developer information about their transcription apparatus. A study of transkript linear plasmids revealed an atypical organization at the 5ʼ end. Those ends contain nontemplate polyadenylation and they are missing the N7 methylguanosine hat. Because of the presence of this structure, which is localized at 5ʼend of plasmids specific mRNA, raised a question regarding the iniciation of the translation. The present thesis is focused on the preparation of reporter systém suitable for studying the influence of a number of the nontemplate adenosins, which were added at the 5ʼ ends of mRNA linear plasmids. The frist step was making a construction of dual yeast cell plasmids carring two reporters genes, which are under the controle of two different promoters. After a successfull construction, the aktivity of promoters TEF1 and PGK1 was measured, whereby the promoter TEF1 proved twice stronger. The transcription start site of both promotor was determined. The second step was the construction of a reporter system directly in yeast cell plasmid pGKL. Reporter genes were under the controle of two promoters originating from the pGKL...

Les protéines Staufen et leurs rôles dans la régulation posttranscriptionnelle de l’expression des gènes, la réponse aux dommages à l’ADN et le cycle cellulaire

Trépanier, Véronique 03 1900 (has links)
Les différents mécanismes de régulation posttranscriptionnelle de l’expression des gènes sont de plus en plus reconnus comme des processus essentiels dans divers phénomènes physiologiques importants, comme la prolifération cellulaire et la réponse aux dommages à l’ADN. Deux des protéines impliquées dans ce type de régulation sont Staufen1 (Stau1) et Staufen2 (Stau2). Elles sont des protéines de liaison à l’ARN double brin qui contribuent au transport de l’ARN messager (ARNm), au contrôle de la traduction, à l’épissage alternatif et sont responsables de la dégradation de certains ARNm spécifiques. Les protéines Staufen peuvent en effet s’associer à des ARNm bien précis, d’autant plus que, majoritairement, Stau1 et Stau2 ne se retrouvent pas en complexe avec les mêmes cibles. De nombreuses évidences récentes montrent l’implication de divers mécanismes de régulation posttranscriptionnelle dans la réponse aux dommages à l’ADN, plusieurs protéines de liaison à l’ARN y participant d’ailleurs. De façon importante, cette réponse dicte un ou plusieurs destin(s) à la cellule qui doit réagir à la suite de dommages à l’intégrité de son ADN: réparation de l’ADN, arrêt de la prolifération cellulaire, apoptose. Nous avons donc fait l’hypothèse que l’expression de Stau1 et/ou de Stau2 pourrait être affectée en réponse à un stress génotoxique, ce qui pourrait avoir comme conséquence de moduler l’expression et/ou la stabilité de leurs ARNm cibles. De même, notre laboratoire a récemment observé que l’expression de Stau1 varie pendant le cycle cellulaire, celle-ci étant plus élevée jusqu’au début de la mitose (prométaphase), puis elle diminue alors que les cellules complètent leur division. Par conséquent, nous avons fait l’hypothèse que Stau1 pourrait lier des ARNm de façon différentielle dans des cellules bloquées en prométaphase et dans des cellules asynchrones. D’un côté, en employant la camptothécine (CPT), une drogue causant des dommages à l’ADN, pour traiter des cellules de la lignée de cancer colorectal HCT116, nous avons observé que seule l’expression de Stau2 est réduite de façon considérable, tant au niveau de la protéine que de l’ARNm. L’utilisation d’autres agents cytotoxiques a permis de confirmer cette observation initiale. De plus, nous avons constaté que l’expression de Stau2 est touchée même dans des conditions n’engendrant pas une réponse apoptotique, ce qui suggère que cette déplétion de Stau2 est possiblement importante pour la mise en place d’une réponse appropriée aux dommages à l’ADN. D’ailleurs, la surexpression de Stau2 conjointement avec le traitement à la CPT entraîne un retard dans l’induction de l’apoptose dans les cellules HCT116. Nous avons aussi montré que la diminution de l’expression de Stau2 est due à une régulation de sa transcription en réponse au stress génotoxique, ce pourquoi une région minimale du promoteur putatif de Stau2 est nécessaire. Également, nous avons identifié que le facteur de transcription E2F1, couramment impliqué dans la réponse aux dommages à l’ADN, peut contrôler l’expression de Stau2. Ainsi, E2F1 permet une augmentation de l’expression de Stau2 dans des cellules non traitées, mais cette hausse est abolie dans des cellules traitées à la CPT, ce qui suggère que la CPT pourrait agir en inhibant l’activation transcriptionnelle de Stau2 par E2F1. Enfin, nous avons observé que certains ARNm associés à Stau2, et codant pour des protéines impliquées dans la réponse aux dommages à l’ADN et l’apoptose, sont exprimés différemment dans des cellules traitées à la CPT et des cellules non traitées. D’un autre côté, nous avons identifié les ARNm associés à Stau1 lors de la prométaphase, alors que l’expression de Stau1 est à son niveau le plus élevé pendant le cycle cellulaire, grâce à une étude à grande échelle de micropuces d’ADN dans des cellules HEK293T. Nous avons par la suite confirmé l’association entre Stau1 et certains ARNm d’intérêts, donc codant pour des protéines impliquées dans la régulation de la prolifération cellulaire et/ou le déroulement de la mitose. Une comparaison de la liaison de ces ARNm à Stau1 dans des cellules bloquées en prométaphase par rapport à des cellules asynchrones nous a permis de constater une association préférentielle dans les cellules en prométaphase. Ceci suggère une augmentation potentielle de la régulation de ces ARNm par Stau1 à ce moment du cycle cellulaire. Les données présentées dans cette thèse indiquent vraisemblablement que la régulation posttranscriptionnelle de l’expression génique contrôlée par les protéines Staufen se fait en partie grâce à la modulation de l’expression de Stau1 et de Stau2 en fonction des conditions cellulaires. Nous envisageons alors que cette variation de l’expression des protéines Staufen ait des conséquences sur des sous-ensembles d’ARNm auxquels elles sont liées et que de cette façon, elles jouent un rôle pour réguler des processus physiologiques essentiels comme la réponse aux dommages à l’ADN et la progression dans le cycle cellulaire. / The various mecanisms of post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression are more and more recognized as essential processes in diverse important physiological phenomenons, like cell proliferation and the DNA damage response (DDR). Two of the proteins implicated in this type of regulation are Staufen1 (Stau1) and Staufen2 (Stau2). They are double-stranded RNA binding proteins contributing to messenger RNA (mRNA) transport, translation control, alternative splicing and are responsible for the degradation of some specific mRNAs. The Staufen proteins are indeed able to associate with particular mRNAs. Interestingly, Stau1 and Stau2 predominantly form complexes with different targets. Recent evidences show the implication of various post-transcriptional regulation mecanisms in the DDR, moreover several RNA binding proteins are involved. Importantly, this response dictates one or several cell fates following damage to the integrity of the cell’s DNA: DNA repair, cell proliferation arrest, apoptosis. We hypothesized that Stau1 and/or Stau2 expression could be affected in response to genotoxic stress, which could consequently modulate the expression and/or the stability of their mRNA targets. Also, our laboratory has recently observed that Stau1 expression varies during the cell cycle. It is elevated up to the beginning of mitosis (prometaphase) and it decreases as cells complete their division. We therefore hypothesized that Stau1 could differentially bind mRNAs in cells blocked in prometaphasis and in asynchronous cells. On the one hand, by using camptothecin (CPT), a DNA damaging agent, to treat cells from the colorectal cancer cell line HCT116, we observed that only the expression of Stau2 is considerably reduced, both at the level of the protein and that of the mRNA. The use of other cytotoxic agents allowed us to confirm this initial observation. We also noted that Stau2 expression is down-regulated even in conditions that do not induce apoptosis, suggesting that the decrease in Stau2 expression may be required for a proper DDR. Indeed, Stau2 overexpression together with the CPT treatment causes a delay in apoptosis induction in HCT116 cells. We also showed that Stau2 down-regulation is due to the regulation of its transcription in response to the genotoxic stress, which necessitates a minimal region in Stau2’s putative promoter. Besides, we identified the E2F1 transcription factor, commonly implicated in the DDR, as a regulator of Stau2 expression. E2F1 thus stimulates an increase in Stau2 expression in non-treated cells, but this up-regulation is abolished in CPT-treated cells, which suggests that CPT could act by inhibiting Stau2 transcriptional activation by E2F1. Finally, we observed that some Stau2-associated mRNAs, which code for proteins implicated in the DDR and apoptosis, are differentially expressed in CPT-treated cells compared to non-treated cells. On the other hand, we identified Stau1-associated mRNAs during prometaphase, when Stau1 expression is at its highest level in the cell cycle, by performing a large-scale study using DNA microarrays in HEK293T cells. We subsequently confirmed the association between Stau1 and some mRNAs of interest, mainly coding for proteins involved in the regulation of cell proliferation and/or mitosis progression. A comparison of the association between Stau1 and these mRNAs in prometaphase-blocked cells with that in asynchronous cells allowed us to notice a preferential association in prometaphase-blocked cells. This suggests a potential increase of the regulation of these mRNAs by Stau1 at that point of the cell cycle. The data presented in this thesis indicate that in all likelihood the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression controlled by the Staufen proteins happens in part thanks to the modulation of Stau1 and Stau2 expression according to the cellular conditions. We then contemplate that this fluctuation in Staufen proteins expression has consequences on mRNA subsets with which they associate, and that this may mean they have an important role to play in regulating essential physiological processes like DDR and cell cycle progression.

Characterization and search for virulence-related factors in “Classical” and “New” Brucella species / Caractérisation et recherche de facteurs liés à la virulence dans les espèces "classiques" et "nouvelles" de Brucella

Saadeh, Bashir 12 September 2013 (has links)
L'étude qu'on a entreprise a pour but d'analyser les facteurs de virulence des espèces "Classiques" et "nouvelles" de Brucella. Dans cette perspective, on a analysé les génomes des espèces récemment découvertes : Brucella inopinata BO1 et Brucella inopinata-like BO2, isolés pour la première fois de patients humains sans réservoir animal connu. On a découvert que ces deux espèces possèdent des profils de restriction uniques. De plus, BO2 possède deux chromosomes de taille identique, un profil jamais décrit pour une autre espèce de Brucella. L'analyse de la réplication intracellulaire de ces deux espèces révèle que BO2 ne se réplique pas dans les macrophages humains et murins alors que BO1 se réplique d'une façon similaire à Brucella suis 1330, ce qui confirme la potentielle implication de BO1 dans la pathogenèse chez l'homme. Sur un autre niveau d'analyse, on a été à la recherche de facteurs de virulence potentiels dans d'autres espèces de Brucella notamment Brucella microti et Brucella suis sur les niveaux génomique et post-transcriptionnel. Sur le niveau génomique, on a découvert que le système GAD (glutamate decarboxylase) confère une résistance à l'acidité à Brucella microti lors de son passage dans l'estomac. Sur le niveau post-transcriptionnel, on a isolé, séquencé et identifié les petits ARNs noncodant associés à la protéine chaperone Hfq, qui joue un rôle important dans la virulence de Brucella. / We have undertaken in this study a multidimensional analysis of the virulence factors of "Classical" and new "Brucella species". In this objective, we have analysed the genomes of newly described species Brucella inopinata BO1 and Brucella inopinata-like BO2 isolated for the first time from human patients with no known animal reservoir. We found that these two species have unique restriction profiles. In addition, BO2 has a unique chromosomal distribution with two chromosomes of the same size, never seen before in Brucella. Analysis of the intracellular replication of these strains reveals that BO2 is unable to replicate in neither human nor mouse macrophages while BO1 successfully entered and replicated as efficiently as Brucella suis 1330 confirming the potential virulence of this species for humans. On an other level of analysis, we looked for potential virulence factors in other Brucella species including Brucella microti and Brucella suis at the genomic and post-transcriptional level. At the genomic level we discovered that the glutamate decarboxylase system confers resistance to acidity to Brucella miroti during its transit in the stomach. On the post-transcriptional level, we isolated, sequenced and identified small noncoding RNAs associated to the chaperone protein Hfq, known to play a role in the virulence of Brucella.

Papel do LIN28, uma proteína ligadora de RNAs, na tumorigênese adrenocortical / Role of LIN28, an RNA-binding protein, in adrenocortical tumorigenesis

Faria, André Murad 08 December 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O carcinoma adrenocortical é uma neoplasia rara que carreia um prognóstico reservado. Recentemente, uma série de estudos demonstrou o potencial do perfil de miRNAs na diferenciação entre adenomas e carcinomas adrenocorticais, estratificação de risco e prognóstico. Entretanto, pouco se sabe ainda sobre a regulação pós-transcricional de miRNAs. Nesse contexto, o LIN28 é uma proteína ligadora de RNAs altamente conservada que surgiu como um modulador do let-7, uma importante família de miRNAs amplamente conhecida por seus efeitos supressivos tumorais. Além do let-7, o LIN28 também mostrou regular e ser regulado pelo mir-9, mir-30 e mir-125. OBJETIVOS: Analisar a expressão gênica e proteica do LIN28 em uma grande coorte de tumores adrenocorticais (TACs) de adultos e pediátricos, além de investigar a variação no número de cópias dos genes LIN28A e LIN28B e a expressão dos miRNAs regulatórios do LIN28 (família let-7, mir-9, mir-30 e mir-125) em um subgrupo desta coorte. MÉTODOS: A expressão proteica do LIN28 foi avaliada em um total de 266 TACs de adultos (78 adenomas e 188 carcinomas) e 44 pediátricos (35 clinicamente benignos e 9 clinicamente malignos). A expressão dos genes LIN28A e LIN28B foi avaliada em um subgrupo de 86 TACs adultos e pediátricos e a análise da variação no número de cópias destes genes em 58 TACs. O estudo de expressão das famílias dos miRNAs let-7, mir-9, mir-30 e mir-125 foi realizado em 28 carcinomas adrenocorticais de adultos. RESULTADOS: Em adultos, o gene LIN28A mostrou-se hiperexpresso em carcinomas agressivos quando comparado a adenomas [7,0 (0 a 174,3) vs. 3,6 (0 a 18,3); p = 0,006, respectivamente] e observou-se uma tendência a maior expressão quando comparados a carcinomas não agressivos [7,0 (0 a 174,3) vs. 7,1 (0 a 17,1); p = 0,092]. A expressão do LIN28B foi negativa na grande maioria (92%) dos TACs de adultos. Curiosamente, uma imunorreatividade fraca para o LIN28 foi significativamente associada com diminuição da sobrevida livre de doença nessa população (p = 0,01), mas para sobrevida global apenas uma tendência foi observada (p = 0,117). Na análise multivariada, somente o índice Ki67 >= 10% (RR 5,7, 95% IC 3,0-10,8; p= 0,0001) e imunorreatividade fraca para o LIN28 (RR 2,3, 95% IC 1,2-4,4; p = 0,008) foram preditores independentes de recorrência em adultos. De forma interessante, a expressão do mir-9, um regulador negativo do LIN28A/B, foi significativamente maior em carcinomas agressivos quando comparados a não agressivos [2076 (36 a 9307) vs. 133,4 (2,4 a 5193); p = 0,011] e fortemente associada com a redução da sobrevida global (p = 0,01) e livre de doença (p = 0,01). Na população pediátrica, não se observou diferença significativa entre expressão da proteína LIN28, assim como dos genes LIN28A e mir-9, entre tumores clinicamente benignos e malignos. Nas crianças, a hiperexpressão do LIN28B foi significativamente associada com redução da sobrevida livre de doença (p = 0,026), mas não da sobrevida global (p = 0,406). A análise da variação do número de cópias mostrou que somente uma criança com tumor virilizante benigno apresentou amplificação do LIN28B e uma mulher com carcinoma adrenocortical metastático apresentou deleção do LIN28B. Não houve variação no número de cópias para o gene LIN28A. Um índice de Ki67 >= 20% nas crianças foi capaz de discriminar pacientes com pior prognóstico: houve uma associação significativa tanto com diminuição da sobrevida global (p = 0,015) como da sobrevida livre de doença (p = 0,001) em 36 TACs pediátricos com Weiss >- 3. CONCLUSÕES: A imunorreatividade fraca para o LIN28 foi associada à diminuição da sobrevida livre de doença em uma grande coorte de carcinomas adrenocorticais de adultos. O gene LIN28A teve expressão aumentada em carcinomas agressivos de adultos, sugerindo uma regulação pós-transcricional negativa da expressão proteica do LIN28. A hiperexpressão do mir-9, um regulador negativo do LIN28, mostrou-se um importante preditor de desfecho desfavorável nos adultos. Adicionalmente, a hiperexpressão do gene LIN28B mostrou-se um potencial marcador de mau prognóstico na população pediátrica. Um índice de Ki67 >= 10% em adultos e >= 20% em crianças foram associados a mau prognóstico / INTRODUCTION: Adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare neoplasm with overall poor prognosis. Recently, several studies demonstrated the potential of miRNA profiling in differentiating between adrenocortical adenomas and carcinomas, risk stratification and prognosis. Nevertheless, little is known about posttranscriptional regulation of miRNAs. LIN28 is a highly conserved RNA-binding protein that has emerged as a modulator of the processing of let-7, an important family of miRNAs widely known for its tumor-suppressive effects. Besides from let-7, LIN28 has also shown to regulate and be regulated by mir-9, mir-30 and mir-125. OBJECTIVES: To analyze LIN28 gene and protein expression in a large cohort of adult and pediatric adrenocotical tumors (ACTs), and investigate the copy number variation analysis for LIN28A and LIN28B genes and the expression of LIN28 regulatory microRNAs (let-7 family, mir-9, mir-30 e mir-125) in a subgroup of this cohort. METHODS: LIN28 protein expression was assessed in a total of 266 adult (78 adenomas and 188 carcinomas) and 44 pediatric ACTs (35 clinically benign and 9 clinically malignant). LIN28A and LIN28B gene expression was evaluated in a subgroup of 86 adult and pediatric ACTs and copy number variation analysis of these genes in 58 ACTs. The expression of let-7 family, mir-9, mir-30 and mir-125 was performed in 28 adult carcinomas. RESULTS: In adults, LIN28A gene was overexpressed in aggressive carcinomas when compared with adenomas [7.0 fold change (from 0 to 174.3) vs. 3.6 (from 0 to 18.3); p = 0.006, respectively] and a trend towards greaten expression when compared with non-aggressive carcinomas [7.0 (from 0 to 174.3) vs. 7.1 (from 0 to 17.1); p = 0.092]. LIN28B expression was undetectable in the great majority (92%) of adult ACTs. Surprisingly, weak LIN28 staining was significantly associated with reduced disease-free survival in this population (p = 0.01), but for overall survival only a trend was detectable (p= 0.117). In the multivariate analysis, only Ki67 index >- 10% (HR 5.7, 95% CI 3.0-10.8; p = 0,0001) and weak LIN28 staining (HR 2.3, 95% CI 1.2-4.4; p = 0,008) were independent predictors of recurrence in adult patients. Interestingly, mir-9 expression, a negative LIN28A/B regulator, was significantly higher in aggressive than in non-aggressive ACCs [2076 (from 36 to 9307) vs. 133.4 (from 2.4 to 5193); p = 0.011] and was highly associated with reduced overall survival ( p= 0.01) and disease-free survival (p = 0.01). In the pediatric population, no significant difference was observed in the expression of LIN28 protein and LIN28A and mir-9 gene expression between clinically benign and clinically malignant tumors. Additionally. overexpression of LIN28B was significantly associated with reduced disease-free survival (p = 0.026), but not with overall survival (p = 0.406). Copy number variation analysis showed that only a child with a virilizing benign tumor had LIN28B amplification and a woman with a metastatic adrenocortical carcinoma had LIN28B deletion. No LIN28A copy number variation was detected. A Ki67 >= 20% in children was able to discriminate patient with worse prognosis: there was a significant associtation with reduced overall (p = 0,015) and disease-free survival (p = 0,001) in 36 pediatric ACTs with Weiss >- 3. CONCLUSIONS: Weak LIN28 staining was associated with reduced disease-free survival in a large cohort of adult adrenocortical carcinoma. LIN28A had higher expression in aggressive carcinomas in adults, suggesting there might be negative posttranscriptional regulation of LIN28 protein expression. Interestingly, overexpression of mir-9, a negative LIN28A regulator, predicted poor outcome in adult patients. In addition, LIN28B overexpression was an potential marker of poor prognosis in the pediatric population. A Ki67 index >- 10% in adults and >- 20% in children were associated with poor prognosis

Caracterização molecular e análise da expressão de membros da família gênica PR-1 em tomateiro / Molecular characterization and expression analysis of PR-1 gene family members from tomato

Guimarães, Gustavo Augusto Moreira 20 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:42:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 806747 bytes, checksum: 15d877e808731540d6a5b0cb3ec099c7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-20 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The plants resist to the infection caused by pathogens using constitutive and induced defenses. The induced defense is activated by the plants when they recognize general elicitors and effector proteins. This recognition leads to the rapid activation of the defense responses, including the synthesis of Pathogenesis-related proteins - PR proteins. There are 17 known PR-protein families (PR-1 to PR-17) that are expressed in response to pathogens and/or chemical inductors. The genes that codes for PR-1 proteins share a high sequence identity and are used as markers of the systemic acquired resistance (SAR). However the biochemical function of these proteins is still unknown. Antimicrobial activities were reported only for basic PR-1 proteins. PR-1 genes are members of gene families in many plant species. Based on sequence analysis of sequences deposited in public database the following possible PR-1 gene family members from tomato plant were identified: PR-1aP4 (accession numbers AJ011520 and M69247); P1p14 (Y08804, M69248 and 68738); PR1A1 (X71592); PR1A2 (Y08844); PR1D (AJ001627) in the NCBI database and two unigenes sequences from the Solanaceae Genomics Network database, SGN-U213451 and SGN- U220473. The genes PR-1aP4 and P1p14 and the unigenes SGN-U213451 and SGN-U220473 encode basic PR-1 proteins and the genes PR1A1, PR1A2 and PR1D encode acid proteins. The gene represented by the unigene SGN-U213451 seems encode the P14c protein, that has a reported antimicrobial activity and until this moment is not in the databases. In this work were developed essays to detect the expression of PR-1 family members by real-time PCR. The analyzed genes can be distinguished by their quantitative and qualitative expression pattern. PR-1aP4, P1p14, PR1A1 and the SGN-U213451 had a higher level of expression in younger leaves in response to A. solani; while, the gene PR1A2 was more induced in the older leaves of these plants, where severity of the disease is greater. The gene represented by the SGN-U220473 did not show induction by A. solani. The P1p14 and PR1A2 expression was induced by benzothiadiazole (commercial product Bion) and jasmonic acid, respectively. Lower gene expression levels were obtained with chemical induction showing that more refined kinetic induction essays of PR-1 genes of the tomato plant in response to chemical inductors are needed in order to establish which specific signaling molecule is able to trigger the expression of each family member. / As plantas resistem à infecção por patógenos utilizando defesas constitutivas e induzidas. A defesa induzida é ativada pelo reconhecimento pelas plantas de elicitores gerais e proteínas de avirulência do patógeno. Este reconhecimento leva à rápida ativação de respostas de defesa, que incluem a síntese de proteínas relacionadas à patogênese (proteínas PR). São conhecidas 17 famílias de proteínas PR (PR-1 a PR-17) que são expressas em resposta a patógenos e ou a indutores químicos. Os genes que codificam proteínas PR-1 constituem famílias gênicas em diversas espécies vegetais. Com base na análise de seqüências depositadas em bancos de dados foram identificados sete possíveis membros da família gênica PR-1 do tomateiro, os genes: PR-1a P4 (números de acessos: AJ011520 e M69247); P1p14 (Y08804, M69248 e 68738); PR1A1 (X71592); PR1A2 (Y08844); PR1D (AJ001627) depositados no NCBI e as seqüências de dois unigenes depositadas no SGN, o SGN-U213451 e SGN-U220473. Os genes PR-1a P4 e P1p14 e os representados pelos unigenes SGN- U213451 e SGN-U220473 codificam proteínas PR-1 básicas, enquanto os genes PR1A1, PR1A2 e PR1D codificam proteínas ácidas. O gene representado pelo unigene SGN-U213451 parece codificar a proteína P14c que apresenta atividade antimicrobiana e até o momento não está anotada nos bancos de dados. Neste trabalho, foram desenvolvidos ensaios para a detecção da expressão desses genes por PCR em tempo real em resposta à infecção por Alternaria solani e a aplicação de indutores químicos. Apenas para o gene PR1D não foi possível obter oligonucleotídeos adequados para efetuar análises específicas de expressão por PCR em tempo real. A análise da cinética de expressão demonstrou que os genes analisados podem ser diferenciados pelo seu padrão qualitativo e quantitativo de expressão. Os genes PR-1a P4, P1p14, PR1A1 e o SGN-U213451 tiveram maior indução da expressão no terço superior de plantas inoculadas com A. solani; enquanto o gene PR1A2 foi mais induzido no terço inferior destas plantas, onde a severidade da doença é maior. Já o gene representado pelo SGN- U220473 não apresentou indução após a inoculação com A. solani. A expressão dos genes P1p14 e PR1A2 foi induzida pela aplicação de benzotiadiazole (produto comercial Bion) e ácido jasmônico, respectivamente. Menores níveis de expressão dos genes foram detectados nos ensaios com indutores químicos comparativamente à indução biótica indicando que ensaios mais refinados de cinética de indução de genes PR-1 do tomateiro em resposta a indutores químicos são necessários para estabelecer quais sinais moleculares induzem a expressão de cada membro desta família.

Papel do LIN28, uma proteína ligadora de RNAs, na tumorigênese adrenocortical / Role of LIN28, an RNA-binding protein, in adrenocortical tumorigenesis

André Murad Faria 08 December 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O carcinoma adrenocortical é uma neoplasia rara que carreia um prognóstico reservado. Recentemente, uma série de estudos demonstrou o potencial do perfil de miRNAs na diferenciação entre adenomas e carcinomas adrenocorticais, estratificação de risco e prognóstico. Entretanto, pouco se sabe ainda sobre a regulação pós-transcricional de miRNAs. Nesse contexto, o LIN28 é uma proteína ligadora de RNAs altamente conservada que surgiu como um modulador do let-7, uma importante família de miRNAs amplamente conhecida por seus efeitos supressivos tumorais. Além do let-7, o LIN28 também mostrou regular e ser regulado pelo mir-9, mir-30 e mir-125. OBJETIVOS: Analisar a expressão gênica e proteica do LIN28 em uma grande coorte de tumores adrenocorticais (TACs) de adultos e pediátricos, além de investigar a variação no número de cópias dos genes LIN28A e LIN28B e a expressão dos miRNAs regulatórios do LIN28 (família let-7, mir-9, mir-30 e mir-125) em um subgrupo desta coorte. MÉTODOS: A expressão proteica do LIN28 foi avaliada em um total de 266 TACs de adultos (78 adenomas e 188 carcinomas) e 44 pediátricos (35 clinicamente benignos e 9 clinicamente malignos). A expressão dos genes LIN28A e LIN28B foi avaliada em um subgrupo de 86 TACs adultos e pediátricos e a análise da variação no número de cópias destes genes em 58 TACs. O estudo de expressão das famílias dos miRNAs let-7, mir-9, mir-30 e mir-125 foi realizado em 28 carcinomas adrenocorticais de adultos. RESULTADOS: Em adultos, o gene LIN28A mostrou-se hiperexpresso em carcinomas agressivos quando comparado a adenomas [7,0 (0 a 174,3) vs. 3,6 (0 a 18,3); p = 0,006, respectivamente] e observou-se uma tendência a maior expressão quando comparados a carcinomas não agressivos [7,0 (0 a 174,3) vs. 7,1 (0 a 17,1); p = 0,092]. A expressão do LIN28B foi negativa na grande maioria (92%) dos TACs de adultos. Curiosamente, uma imunorreatividade fraca para o LIN28 foi significativamente associada com diminuição da sobrevida livre de doença nessa população (p = 0,01), mas para sobrevida global apenas uma tendência foi observada (p = 0,117). Na análise multivariada, somente o índice Ki67 >= 10% (RR 5,7, 95% IC 3,0-10,8; p= 0,0001) e imunorreatividade fraca para o LIN28 (RR 2,3, 95% IC 1,2-4,4; p = 0,008) foram preditores independentes de recorrência em adultos. De forma interessante, a expressão do mir-9, um regulador negativo do LIN28A/B, foi significativamente maior em carcinomas agressivos quando comparados a não agressivos [2076 (36 a 9307) vs. 133,4 (2,4 a 5193); p = 0,011] e fortemente associada com a redução da sobrevida global (p = 0,01) e livre de doença (p = 0,01). Na população pediátrica, não se observou diferença significativa entre expressão da proteína LIN28, assim como dos genes LIN28A e mir-9, entre tumores clinicamente benignos e malignos. Nas crianças, a hiperexpressão do LIN28B foi significativamente associada com redução da sobrevida livre de doença (p = 0,026), mas não da sobrevida global (p = 0,406). A análise da variação do número de cópias mostrou que somente uma criança com tumor virilizante benigno apresentou amplificação do LIN28B e uma mulher com carcinoma adrenocortical metastático apresentou deleção do LIN28B. Não houve variação no número de cópias para o gene LIN28A. Um índice de Ki67 >= 20% nas crianças foi capaz de discriminar pacientes com pior prognóstico: houve uma associação significativa tanto com diminuição da sobrevida global (p = 0,015) como da sobrevida livre de doença (p = 0,001) em 36 TACs pediátricos com Weiss >- 3. CONCLUSÕES: A imunorreatividade fraca para o LIN28 foi associada à diminuição da sobrevida livre de doença em uma grande coorte de carcinomas adrenocorticais de adultos. O gene LIN28A teve expressão aumentada em carcinomas agressivos de adultos, sugerindo uma regulação pós-transcricional negativa da expressão proteica do LIN28. A hiperexpressão do mir-9, um regulador negativo do LIN28, mostrou-se um importante preditor de desfecho desfavorável nos adultos. Adicionalmente, a hiperexpressão do gene LIN28B mostrou-se um potencial marcador de mau prognóstico na população pediátrica. Um índice de Ki67 >= 10% em adultos e >= 20% em crianças foram associados a mau prognóstico / INTRODUCTION: Adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare neoplasm with overall poor prognosis. Recently, several studies demonstrated the potential of miRNA profiling in differentiating between adrenocortical adenomas and carcinomas, risk stratification and prognosis. Nevertheless, little is known about posttranscriptional regulation of miRNAs. LIN28 is a highly conserved RNA-binding protein that has emerged as a modulator of the processing of let-7, an important family of miRNAs widely known for its tumor-suppressive effects. Besides from let-7, LIN28 has also shown to regulate and be regulated by mir-9, mir-30 and mir-125. OBJECTIVES: To analyze LIN28 gene and protein expression in a large cohort of adult and pediatric adrenocotical tumors (ACTs), and investigate the copy number variation analysis for LIN28A and LIN28B genes and the expression of LIN28 regulatory microRNAs (let-7 family, mir-9, mir-30 e mir-125) in a subgroup of this cohort. METHODS: LIN28 protein expression was assessed in a total of 266 adult (78 adenomas and 188 carcinomas) and 44 pediatric ACTs (35 clinically benign and 9 clinically malignant). LIN28A and LIN28B gene expression was evaluated in a subgroup of 86 adult and pediatric ACTs and copy number variation analysis of these genes in 58 ACTs. The expression of let-7 family, mir-9, mir-30 and mir-125 was performed in 28 adult carcinomas. RESULTS: In adults, LIN28A gene was overexpressed in aggressive carcinomas when compared with adenomas [7.0 fold change (from 0 to 174.3) vs. 3.6 (from 0 to 18.3); p = 0.006, respectively] and a trend towards greaten expression when compared with non-aggressive carcinomas [7.0 (from 0 to 174.3) vs. 7.1 (from 0 to 17.1); p = 0.092]. LIN28B expression was undetectable in the great majority (92%) of adult ACTs. Surprisingly, weak LIN28 staining was significantly associated with reduced disease-free survival in this population (p = 0.01), but for overall survival only a trend was detectable (p= 0.117). In the multivariate analysis, only Ki67 index >- 10% (HR 5.7, 95% CI 3.0-10.8; p = 0,0001) and weak LIN28 staining (HR 2.3, 95% CI 1.2-4.4; p = 0,008) were independent predictors of recurrence in adult patients. Interestingly, mir-9 expression, a negative LIN28A/B regulator, was significantly higher in aggressive than in non-aggressive ACCs [2076 (from 36 to 9307) vs. 133.4 (from 2.4 to 5193); p = 0.011] and was highly associated with reduced overall survival ( p= 0.01) and disease-free survival (p = 0.01). In the pediatric population, no significant difference was observed in the expression of LIN28 protein and LIN28A and mir-9 gene expression between clinically benign and clinically malignant tumors. Additionally. overexpression of LIN28B was significantly associated with reduced disease-free survival (p = 0.026), but not with overall survival (p = 0.406). Copy number variation analysis showed that only a child with a virilizing benign tumor had LIN28B amplification and a woman with a metastatic adrenocortical carcinoma had LIN28B deletion. No LIN28A copy number variation was detected. A Ki67 >= 20% in children was able to discriminate patient with worse prognosis: there was a significant associtation with reduced overall (p = 0,015) and disease-free survival (p = 0,001) in 36 pediatric ACTs with Weiss >- 3. CONCLUSIONS: Weak LIN28 staining was associated with reduced disease-free survival in a large cohort of adult adrenocortical carcinoma. LIN28A had higher expression in aggressive carcinomas in adults, suggesting there might be negative posttranscriptional regulation of LIN28 protein expression. Interestingly, overexpression of mir-9, a negative LIN28A regulator, predicted poor outcome in adult patients. In addition, LIN28B overexpression was an potential marker of poor prognosis in the pediatric population. A Ki67 index >- 10% in adults and >- 20% in children were associated with poor prognosis

Vytipování a sledování exprese genů ovlivňujících syntézu kyseliny hyaluronové ve streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus pomocí technologie dna čipů a real time PCR / Studying of Gene Expression Involved in Hyaluronic Acid Synthesis in Streptococcus Equi Subsp. Zooepidemicus Using DNA Microarrays and Real-Time PCR

Hrudíková, Radka January 2020 (has links)
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is an important substance, which is mostly used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. This substance is commonly found in the human body. HA is one of the factors contributing to virulence of microorganisms. Some bacterial strains produce hyaluronic acid in the form of a mucoid capsule that encapsulates the cell to protect bacteria against the immune system of the host organism. One of the main producers is the bacterial strain Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus. Contipro a.s. uses the strain CO4A to produce hyaluronic acid in large scale. The production strain was obtained by random mutagenesis by UV light. The aim of the work was to study changes in the genome, which led to a significant increase in hyaluronic acid production, using DNA microarray and real-time PCR (qPCR). The genome of the strain CO4A was sequenced and compared to reference ATCC35246 [1]. The size of the genome is 2,167,251 bp and 83 relevant variants (59 SNV and 34 indels) have been identified. Variants in coding regions were annotated and amino acid sequence changes were determined. In SNV mutations there was a change in the amino acid sequence in 45 cases. The change was identified in every case of indel mutations. The expression level of selected groups of genes was monitored in both strains by the method of DNA microarrays. A cascade of increased expression level of amino sugar metabolism genes leading to the synthesis of UDP-N-acetyl glucosamine was observed in strain CO4A (the increase in expression level of these genes compared to ATCC35246 was on average 28 %). Subsequently, the expression of selected genes was verified by qPCR. There was no significant difference in the expression level of the has operon genes of both strains. The effect of supplementation of the culture medium with N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), which is one of the precursors of HA synthesis, was also studied by qPCR. A positive effect of the supplementation of the culture medium with external GlcNAc in the CO4A strain has been recorded. Also, the supplementation has positive effect on the yield of HA from the medium (increase in yield was on average by 17 %). GlcNAc has been shown to have a positive effect on the yield of HA in ATCC35246 strain as well (increase in yield was 9 % on average), but no significant changes in the expression levels were found in selected groups of genes in ATCC35246.

Mechanismus inducibilní genové exprese rezistenčního proteinu Vga(A)LC ze Staphylococcus haemolyticus / Mechanism of inducible gene expression of resistance protein Vga(A)LC from Staphylococcus haemolyticus.

Novotná, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
The staphylococcal protein VgaA belongs to ARE ABCF family, which confers resistance to ribosome binding antibiotics by the target protection mechanism. VgaA confers resistance to lincosamides, streptogramins A and pleuromutilins and thus provides the so-called LSAP resistance phenotype. The expression of resistance genes often reduces fitness in the absence of an antibiotic, therefore the expression of resistance genes is often tightly controlled and triggered only in response to the presence of an antibiotic to which the protein confers resistance. The inducible expression has also been observed for the vgaA gene, nevertheless, its mechanism has not been elucidated. In the diploma thesis, it was shown that the vgaALC gene from Staphylococcus haemolyticus is regulated by ribosome-mediated attenuation. The mechanism is based on the detection of translation inhibitors via a ribosome translating a special regulatory open reading frame (uORF), which is part of an attenuator located in the 5' untranslated region of the mRNA. The vgaALC gene is regulated at the transcriptional level in response to LSAP antibiotics. Antibiotic specificity of induction is affected not only by the nature of the peptide encoded by uORF but also by the antibiotic specificity of the resistance protein. Fluorescence microscopy...

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