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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Coloniality of Food Governance in Sweden : An explorative feminist decolonial discourse analysis of the Swedish Food Agency

Engström, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
The Swedish Food Agency is responsible for giving guidelines and recommendations for businesses producing, importing, selling, and serving agricultural products in Sweden. The general discourse of these guidelines and recommendations are based on the notion of safeguarding the consumer from potential risks and harms. The discourse is further based on the European Union legislation of good governance which dictates the terms and conditions for businesses operating withing the EU market. In this explorative feminist decolonial discourse analysis I am analyzing the guidelines and recommendations for businesses dealing with agricultural products in Sweden communicated on the Swedish Food Agency’s website. The analysis is investigating the colonial epistemic and ontological assumptions underpinning the discourse. The analysis concludes that the discourse is based on modern/colonial assumptions about whom is to be kept safe and from what, and which products, countries, and territories are not safe to consume from. The discourse assumes humans as a homogenous group separate from animals and plants, and assumes that modern-scientific knowledge production will safekeep all humans and animals, and that food, supplements, and medicines should be understood as separate categories of foods. It is within and through these assumptions that the coloniality is being produced and reproduced in the discourse of the Swedish Food Agency. The discourse allows little to no room for other ontological and epistemic ways of relation to production, distribution and consumption of agricultural products. The discourse is limiting Swedish businesses in their ability to explore decolonial and unconventional business practices through border thinking, being, and doing at the colonial difference by engaging with other ways of relating to the world and the production, distribution, and consumption of food of the land.

The Impact of Short Selling on Stock Returns - An Event Study in Sweden

Kouzoubasis, Thomas, Al Sakka, Homam January 2021 (has links)
Short selling, and its informational role in the formation of stock prices have been the epicenter of prior literature. Is there a relationship between short selling and abnormal returns? While numerous studies found a negative relationship, researchers do not unanimously agree on the existence, nor the strength, of this relationship. Using net short positions extracted from the registry of the FI for stocks listed in the OMX Stockholm 30 Exchange from January 2017 to December 2020, we examine this relationship exclusively in Sweden. The results have been scrutinized via regression analysis to verify if there is any significant relationship between the announcements of total net short positions and the non-adjusted, as well as the risk-adjusted abnormal returns. We did not find enough evidence to validate previous studies that supported the notion that heavily shorted stocks generate negative abnormal returns for the long buyers. There was a perceptible increase in both risk-adjusted and non-adjusted abnormal returns within a three-day window after the announcement of a short position. Yet, the value was merely zero, inferring that a higher level of short interest does not lead to negative stock returns.


Diego A Martin (15331864) 24 April 2023 (has links)
<p>    </p> <p>I worked on two chapters studying the labor markets in Colombia and Iraq. My third chapter analyzed health outcomes in the US. </p> <p><br></p> <p>My first chapter examines whether the three-year gap between the announcement (in 2014) and the start (in 2017) of the Illicit Crop Substitution Program (ICSP) increased child labor in Colombia. My results from a difference-in-differences model using differences in historical coca production show that due to the ICSP announcement, children became four percentage points more likely to work in municipalities with historical coca production than in non–coca-growing areas. </p> <p><br></p> <p>My second chapter ran a randomized control trial and a double-incentivized resume rating to elicit the preferences of employers and job seekers for candidates and vacancies in Iraq. After revealing the ob offer rate for female job seekers, women applied for jobs by three more percentage points than the men in the control group. This paper highlights the value of revealing employers’ preferences to improve the match between female candidates and employers when women underestimate the chances of finding a job. </p> <p><br></p> <p>In my third paper, I study how removing the black box warning on Chantix, a prescription drug used to reduce nicotine consumption, affects veterans’ visits to smoking cessation therapy. Using a difference-in-differences model, I found that veterans schedule almost two more medical consultations in counties with high-quality hospitals than in places with low-quality medical care centers. </p>

Problematik vid användning av väderskydd / Problems related to weather protected building production

Deleskog, Adam, Svantorp, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Efterfrågan av väderskyddande ställningar inom byggproduktion har ökat under de senaste åren. En konsekvens vid användning av väderskydd är att ställningen tar upp större laster vid vind och nederbörd, vilket ökar risken för att konstruktionen kollapsar. Under vintern 2016/2017 rasade två väderskydd på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolans område efter ett kraftigt snöfall vilket gav författarna idén till denna examensrapport. Syftet med rapporten är att utreda varför väderskyddade ställningar rasar genom att undersöka processen för uppförande och användande av väderskydd i produktion samt gällande lagar och regler. Rapporten gjordes i samarbete med Skanska och således studerades enbart företagets egna tillvägagångssätt. Litteraturstudier och en genomförd kvalitativ undersökning på tre projekt ligger till grund för rapportens diskussion och slutsatser. Genom studie av Arbetsmiljöverkets föreskrifter (AFS) drogs slutsatsen att dessa är tillräckliga för att förebygga att olyckor sker. Studierna visade även att Skanskas säkerhetsarbete är välutvecklat med detaljerade arbetsmetoder för ett säkert arbete med ställningar och väderskydd. Skanska har även gjort egna tillägg som kompletterar AFS:en för ett säkrare arbete. Rapporten påvisar även ett behov av utredningar från Arbetsmiljöverket när väderskydd kollapsar för att förebygga allvarliga olyckor i framtiden. / The demand for weather protected scaffolding in building production has increased during recent years. A consequence when using weather protection is that the scaffolding will have to endure bigger loads from wind and snow, which increases the risk of a collapse. During the winter of 2016/2017 two weather protected scaffoldings collapsed by heavy snowfall at the site of KTH (the Royal Institution of Technology) in Stockholm, Sweden. This gave the authors the idea of this report. The purpose of the report is to investigate why weather protected scaffoldings collapses by examining the procedure of building and using weather protection in production and also a study of the current regulations regarding the subject. The report was made in cooperation with Skanska and therefore only the company’s intern procedure was studied. During the studies of the Swedish Work Environment Authority’s statute book a conclusion was made that the statute book was sufficient enough to prevent accidents to occur. The studies also showed that Skanska’s safety work is well developed with it’s detailed working methods for a safe work environment regarding scaffolding and weather protection. Skanska has made own additions to the statute book in order to improve safety even more. The report also shows a need of an investigation made of the Swedish Work Environment Authority when a weather protected scaffolding has collapsed to prevent serious accidents in the future.

Triple‐net och hyreslagen : Problem och omfattning i praktiken / Triple-net and the rental regulations : Problems and its extent on the market

Kjellström, Victoria January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka förekomsten av triple-net avtal i praktiken samt hur väl hyreslagen  är tillämplig på triple-net avtal. Metoden för denna studie är av både en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ karaktär. Den kvantitativa undersökningen syftar till att kartlägga var triple-net avtal används i praktiken medan den kvalitativa intervjustudien, genom semistrukturerade intervjuer, syftar till att ge en djupare förståelse om triple-net i verksamheter.  En slutsatsen av studien är att då triple-net endast är benämningen,  är avtalsformen svårlokaliserad. Genom detta är det svårt att veta exakt hur vanligt förkommande formen är. Studien visar att triple-net är vanligast i logistik och lager segmentet samt vid sale and leaseback-affärer. Hyreslagen har tydligt visat sig inte vara skriven för triple-net avtal och är i den meningen ej tillämplig på avtalsformen. Aktörer på marknaden ser inga problem i den utsträckning parterna litar på varandra och hyresgästen inte åberopar tvingande lag. / This essay aims to investigate the existence of triple-net agreements on the market and how well the Swedish rental regulations is applicable to triple-net agreements. The method of this study is both of quantitative and qualitative nature. A quantitative survey aims to locate triple-net agreements while the qualitative case study, through interviews, aims to provide a deeper understanding of how triple-net works in the businesses. One conclusion of the study is that since triple-net is not defined by law, the contractual form has been showed difficult to locate. Because of this, it is difficult to know exactly how commonly triple-net is used on the market. However, the study has shown that triple-net agreements are most common in the logistics and storage industry segment as well as at sale and leaseback-agreements. The rental regulations have clearly been found not to be written for triple-net agreements and in that sense it is not applicable on this contractual form. Companies on the market do not see any problems to the extent that the parties trust each other and the tenant does not rely on compelling law.

The Pursuit of Power : Political Power vs Individual Freedom: China’s Control and Surveillance

Jonsson, Andrea January 2023 (has links)
China has implemented social control mechanisms that operates through various technologies, such as surveillance, a social credit system and online censorship.  The aim is to gain insight in how these mechanisms might infringe on the human rights of their citizens, and especially the minority group Uyghur. The thesis uses a content analysis method that draws on theories and concepts of biopower, panopticism and governance. The analysis shows that various mechanisms and regulations implemented by the State is to promote  compliance and a harmonious society and that trust breaking can lead to implications .The conclusion holds that all citizens are being affected by the CCP’s mechanisms and ideology, but the group that is mainly deprived of their rights are the Uyghurs living in Xinjiang.

Методический подход к финансовому планированию и бюджетированию на промышленном предприятии : магистерская диссертация / Methodical approach to financial planning and budgeting at an industrial enterprise

Тастемиров, Р. А., Tastemirov, R. A. January 2022 (has links)
Целью работы является развитие методических основ финансового планирования и бюджетирования. В магистерской диссертации был предложен методический подход к финансовому планированию и бюджетированию, основанный на структурно-организационном и итерационном методах, включающий в себя унифицированный регламент и методику выбора контрагентов, позволяющий обеспечить согласованность процессов и сократить сроки формирования бюджетов, а также повысить точность установления плановых показателей, что в целом обусловит рост качества планирования. / The aim of the work is to develop the methodological foundations of financial planning and budgeting. In the master's thesis, a methodical approach to financial planning and budgeting was proposed, based on structural, organizational and iterative methods, including a unified regulation and a methodology for selecting counterparties, which allows to ensure the consistency of processes and reduce the time for budgeting, as well as improve the accuracy of setting targets, which in general will lead to an increase in the quality of planning.

Regelverk för vätgassäkerhet i Sverige och Finland

Åkerström, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
Vätgas har de senaste åren blivit mer och mer populärt att använda. Vätgas har många användningsområden och fördelen med att använda vätgas är att så gott som inga luftföroreningar orsakas vid förbränning. Vätgas är även en viktig del i omställningen för att Sverige ska nå koldioxidneutralitet senast år 2050. Det diskuteras om högtrycksledningar med vätgas som ska gå längs kusten från Vasa i Finland till Örnsköldsvik i Sverige med en avstickare till Kiruna. Anledningen till högtrycksledningarna är framför allt för en fossilfri ståltillverkning men också att det kan komma till användning för mycket annat. Då vätgas har andra risker än andra brännbara gaser krävs utbildning inom området och relevanta regelverk för att kontrollera användningen av vätgas. Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap har tagit fram en förremiss som lägger till vätgas i MSBFS 2020:1, myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskaps föreskrifter om hantering av brandfarlig gas och brandfarliga aerosoler. Förremissen har skickats ut till berörda företag och branscher som hanterat/hanterar vätgas för att få in synpunkter kring vätgashanteringen samt att fånga upp aspekter, konsekvenser och tillämpningar som MSB kan ha missat i deras eget arbete. Syftet med detta arbete har varit att få en förståelse för vad det finns för regelverk som kontrollerar användningen av vätgas i Sverige men även i Finland och om det skiljer sig åt mellan länderna.   Genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer har relevant fakta kunnat samlas in gällande ämnet som gjorde grunden för teoridelen.   Regelverk specifikt för vätgas finns inte i dagens läge varken i Sverige eller i Finland. Det är dock på ingång i båda länderna då Finland ska släppa en anvisning i början av 2024 för vätgas och Sverige ska släppa en uppdatering av MSBFS 2020:1 där vätgas ingår under 2024.

Compliance Regulatory and Security Challenges in Cloud &amp; IP Telephony -A comparison study between India and Sweden / Compliance Regulatory and Security Challenges in Cloud &amp; IP Telephony -A comparison study between India and Sweden

Manayathil Chackochan, Thomas, Gonsalvez, Ronit January 2023 (has links)
Cloud computing has evolved from cutting-edge technology to a best practice for businesses across industries. However, compliance with regulatory mandates and addressing security challenges in the cloud environment remain significant concerns. This thesis aims to explore the compliance, regulatory, and security challenges associated with cloud computing, with a particular focus on the differences in regulatory frameworks between an Asian country (India) and a European country (Sweden). Additionally, the study delves into the forensic investigation challenges in terms of evidence collection in the cloud environment. The research methodology involves studying the available literature on regulatory rules and cloud forensics, conducting surveys with cloud customers, experts, and cloud service provider (CSP) professionals, and proposing possible solutions and recommendations to overcome the identified challenges. By addressing these issues, this research contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the impacts of compliance regulations on cloud and IP Telephony services and the security and forensic investigation challenges in cloud platforms.

Do ‘soft law’ gender quotas for corporate boards work? Evidence from Sweden

Dikkeschei, Leonie January 2019 (has links)
This study shows the effects of the ‘soft’ board gender quota in Sweden enacted in 2006. Using a sample of 2,181 firm-year observations, Swedish listed firms do increase the percentage of females after the enactment of the quota, but this effect is not coming due to the quota. Neither more firms comply to the quota of 40 per cent caused by the quota enactment. Firms with state involvement are more likely to comply to the quota and increase the percentage of females. Internationalized firms have elusive results on the percentage of female directors and quota compliance. On average, more female directors in board positions have a positive effect on firm performance as measured in Tobin’s Q and ROA. The increase in the percentage of females and the positive effect on firm performance is more pronounced in the later time period (2012-2017) than the period short after the quota (2006-2011).

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