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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O transcritoma da retinopatia induzida por oxigênio e uma assinatura gênica prognóstica baseada em angiogênese para predição de recidiva de cancer de mama / The transcriptome of oxygen-induced retinopathy and an angiogenesis-based prognostic gene signature for prediction of breast cancer relapse

Sousa, Rodrigo Guarischi Mattos Amaral de 02 June 2017 (has links)
Angiogênese é o processo de formação de novos vasos sanguíneos a partir dos vasos existentes. É um processo vital, mas muitas doenças também dependem deste mecanismo para obter nutrientes e progredir. Estas \"doenças dependentes de angiogênese\" incluem cânceres, retinopatias e degeneração macular. Alguns inibidores da angiogênese foram desenvolvidos na última década, com o objetivo de auxiliar no manejo dessas doenças e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. A maioria destes compostos funciona inibindo a ligação de VEGFA/VEGFR2, que também é um elemento importante para a sobrevivência de células endoteliais quiescentes; e isso pode explicar parcialmente eventos adversos observados em alguns ensaios clínicos. Nossa hipótese é que a melhoria das terapias anti-angiogênicas depende de uma compreensão melhor e mais ampla desse processo, especialmente quando relacionada à progressão das doenças. Utilizando RNA-Seq e um modelo animal bem aceito de angiogênese, o modelo murino de Retinopatia Induzida por Oxigênio, exploramos o transcritoma e identificamos 153 genes diferencialmente expressos durante a angiogênese. Uma extensiva validação de vários genes realizada por qRT-PCR e hibridização in-situ confirmou a superexpressão de Esm1 em células endoteliais de tecidos com angiogênese ativa. A análise de enriquecimento desta lista de genes confirmou a ligação da angiogênese com genes frequentemente mutados em tumores, consistente com a conhecida ligação entre câncer e angiogênese, e forneceu sugestões de fármacos já aprovados que podem ser reutilizados para controlar a angiogênese em circunstâncias patológicas. Finalmente, com base neste panorama amplo da angiogênese, fomos capazes de criar um biomarcador molecular com poder prognóstico para a predição da recidiva de câncer de mama, com aplicações clínicas promissoras. Em resumo, este trabalho revelou com sucesso genes relacionados à angiogênese e forneceu novas alternativas terapêuticas, incluindo potenciais fármacos para reposicionamento. Esse conjunto de genes diferencialmente expressos é também um recurso valioso para investigações futuras. / Angiogenesis is the process of formation of new blood vessels based on existing vessels. It is a vital process but many diseases also rely on this mechanism to get nourishment and progress. These so called angiogenesis-dependent diseases include cancers, retinopathies and macular degeneration. Some angiogenesis inhibitors were developed in the past decade, aiming to help the management of such diseases and improve patients quality of life. Most of these compounds work by inhibiting VEGFA/VEGFR2 binding, which is also a key element to the survival of quiescent endothelial cells; this may partly explain unanticipated adverse events observed in some clinical trials. We hypothesize that the improvement of anti-angiogenesis therapies hinges on a better and broader understanding of the process, especially when related to diseases\' progression. Using RNA-seq and a well accepted animal model of angiogenesis, the murine model of Oxygen Induced Retinopathy, we have explored the transcriptome landscape and identified 153 genes differentially expressed in angiogenesis. An extensive validation of several genes carried out by qRT-PCR and in-situ hybridization confirmed Esm1 overexpression in endothelial cells of tissues with active angiogenesis, providing confidence on the results obtained. Enrichment analysis of this gene list endorsed a narrow link of angiogenesis and frequently mutated genes in tumours, consistent with the known connection between cancer and angiogenesis, and provided suggestions of already approved drugs that may be repurposed to control angiogenesis under pathological circumstances. Finally, based on this comprehensive landscape of angiogenesis, we were able to create a prognostic molecular biomarker for prediction of breast cancer relapse, with promising clinical applications. In summary, this work successfully unveiled angiogenesis-related genes, providing novel therapeutic alternatives, including potential drugs for repositioning. The set of differentially expressed genes is also a valuable resource for further investigations.

Avaliação de pacientes com hanseníase na faixa virchowiana diagnosticados entre 1990 e 2000 e tratados com poliquimioterapia 24 doses e seus comunicantes na fase pós-eliminação em municípios de Santa Catarina / Assessment of lepromatous leprosy patients diagnosed among 1990 and 2000 and treated with multidrugtherapy 24 doses and their household contacts in the post-elimination phase in Santa Catarina municipalities

Barreto, Jaison Antonio 12 August 2011 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A poliquimioterapia (PQT-OMS) para tratamento da hanseníase resultou em drástica redução da sua prevalência, mas em limitado impacto na detecção de casos novos (CN), que se manteve estável em Santa Catarina, estado na fase de pós-eliminação. Casos com altos índices baciloscópicos apresentam risco de recidiva tardia e podem consistir em focos persistentes de transmissão da doença. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a recidiva da doença em amostra de pacientes virchowianos regularmente tratados com PQT-OMS 24 doses; ensaios de resistência terapêutica em camundongos para os casos suspeitos; resposta imune específica (celular e humoral) e detecção do DNA do M. leprae nos casos-índices (CI) e seus contatos indradomiciliares (CID); e os achados frente aos indicadores epidemiológicos e operacionais de Santa Catarina. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: A partir da busca no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN), foram selecionados 46 CI, tratados entre 1990-2000, e 187 CID, dos municípios de Itajaí e Joinville. A avaliação constituiu de: exames dermatoneurológico e anatomopatológico da pele; baciloscopia do esfregaço cutâneo; reação de Mitsuda; sorologia para glicolipídeo fenólico-I (IgM-anti-PGL-I); ensaios de resistência terapêutica em camundongos e de detecção do DNA bacilar no muco nasal por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) para as seqüências repetitivas específicas RLEP-130 e RLEP-372. RESULTADOS: Entre os CI após alta por cura (m=11,2 ± 3 anos), a idade média (57,3±14,5 anos) foi superior (p<0,05) comparada aos CID, com predomínio de homens (p=0,001) e Mitsuda-negativos (78,6%). Em quatro casos (8,7%) considerados recidivados, o valor sérico médio (0,365) e as freqüências da positividade do anti-PGL-I e a da RLEP-130 (75%; p=0,03) foram consistentemente elevados, e os testes em camundongos, negativos. Dentre os 187 CID, 22 (11,8%) adoeceram (CIDd), a maioria (10 casos; 45,4%) foi diagnosticada entre 2 a 19 anos; 6 casos (27,3%), no mesmo período do seu respectivo CI; e 6 CN (3 dimorfo-tuberculóides e 3 tuberculóides) foram detectados durante a intervenção. Os CN evidenciaram elevada freqüência da positividade da RLEP-130 (50%) contrastante com a do anti-PGL-I (20%) e seu valor sérico médio (0,075) inferior. Entre os CI após a alta PQT-MB (>10 anos), houve inferioridade da freqüência da positividade (14,3%) e do valor sérico médio do anti-PGL-I (0,072), estabelecendo uma correlação negativa (p=0,038,r=-0,32) com o tempo decorrido. Valores similares da freqüência de positividade para RLEP-130 foram encontrados em: CI com alta por cura (26,7%), em períodos superiores (25%) a 10 anos de conclusão do tratamento e CID saudáveis (20,5%). A positividade para a RLEP-130 foi mais freqüente (p<0,001) comparada à da RLEP-372. CONCLUSÕES: A taxa de recidiva após PQT-MB 24 doses é baixa e prevalece alta percentagem de cura (91,3%). É racional considerar que o anti-PGL-I e a detecção do DNA bacilar por RLEP-130 devam ser analisados em conjunto com os demais achados clínicos e laboratoriais, ainda que nossos resultados possam ter diferenciado os grupos nas distintas condições: recidiva e alta por cura, e identificado doentes, contatos e famílias em risco. O seguimento e o monitoramento clínico e laboratorial por períodos prolongados incrementariam a detecção precoce de novos casos entre os comunicantes, desde que o intervalo para o diagnóstico foi longo para a maioria daqueles que adoeceram. Estas estratégias seriam potencialmente facilitadas em áreas com reduzida prevalência, e particularmente valiosas para a manutenção do controle na fase de pós-eliminação / Introduction: Multidrugtherapy (MDT-WHO) resulted in marked reduction of leprosy prevalence in Brazil, without impact on detection of new cases in Santa Catarina (SC) state in the post-elimination phase. Lepromatous cases with high bacilloscopic index have late relapse risk and can consist in the disease transmission focus. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the disease recurrence and microbiological resistance in lepromatous leprosy patients regularly treated with MDT-WHO/24 doses; specific immune response (cellular and humoral) and M. leprae DNA detection in index cases (IC) and their household contacts (HHC); and the findings face to the epidemiological and operational indicators of Santa Catarina state. Casuistic and methods: After consulting the Brazilian Information System of Notification (SINAN) database, 46 IC successfully diagnosed and treated between 1990 and 2000, and their 187 HHC from Joinville and Itajaí (SC) municipalities were selected. A dermatoneurological examination was performed, as well as the skin biopsies for histopathology and therapy resistance assay in mouse pads, skin smears for bacilloscopy, anti-PGL-I IgM serology, Mitsuda reaction, polymerase chain reaction for M. leprae DNA detection in nasal secretion based on 130bp and 372bp specific repetitive sequences (RLEP). Results: Cured IC (m=11.2±3 years) had mean age higher ((57.3±14.5 years old; p<0.05) than HHC, most of them were males (p=0.001) and Mitsuda negative (78.6%). In 4 relapsed cases (8.7%) the average anti-PGL-I serum levels (0.365), as well as frequency of positive antibody and RLEP-130 (75%; p=0.03) were consistently high and the mouse footpads assays resulted negative. Among 187 HHC, 22 (11.8%) became sick (sHHC), 10 cases (45.4%) were diagnosed between 2 and 19 years, being 6 cases (27.3%) in the same year of their IC; 6 new cases (3 borderline-tuberculoid and 3 tuberculoid) were detected during the study, with high RLEP-130 positive frequency (50%), as opposed to anti-PGL-I (20%) and low average serum levels (0.075). Among IC with more than 10 years of discharge, frequency of positive anti-PGL-I (14.3%) and average serum levels (0.072) were lower and had negative correlation (p=0.038, r= -0.32) with time after cure. Similar values of frequency of positivity for RLEP-130 were found: IC with discharge by cure (26.7%), when time interval was higher than 10 years (25%) and in healthy HHC (20.5%). RLEP-130 positivity was more frequent (p<0.001) than RLEP-372. Conclusions: Relapse rate after MDT-WHO 24 doses was low, with high cure rate (91.3%). Serology anti-PGL-I and M. leprae DNA detection by RLEP-130 must be analyzed together with other clinical and laboratory findings, though our results had differentiated groups in the following conditions: relapse and discharge by cure, patient identification, HHC and families at risk. Long term follow-up with laboratorial and clinical monitoring could lead to early detection of new cases among HHC, since the period between diagnoses was long for most sHHC. This strategy may be useful in areas with decreased prevalence, and of particular value for maintenance of disease control in the post-elimination phase

Approche génomique des syndromes myéloprolifératifs et des lymphomes B-diffus à grandes cellules en rechute / Genomic approach of myeloproliferative neoplasms and relapsed large B-cell lymphoma

Broséus, Julien 12 September 2016 (has links)
L’outil génomique a considérablement modifié notre connaissance des hémopathies malignes, que ce soit sur le plan physiopathologique, diagnostique, pronostique ou thérapeutique. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons travaillé sur une grande cohorte d’anémies réfractaires sidéroblastiques avec thrombocytose (ARS-T). Nous avons démontré qu’il s’agissait d’une entité indépendante, avec une présentation moléculaire particulière associant (i) des mutations de SF3B1 dans plus de 85% des cas, expliquant son versant myélodysplasique et (ii) des anomalies de JAK2 dans plus de 50% des cas, expliquant son versant prolifératif. La perspective de cette première partie est d’identifier la ou les mutation(s) responsables du caractère myéloprolifératif dans les ARS-T JAK2WT. Les lymphomes B-diffus à grandes cellules (LBDGC) représentent les lymphomes malins non-Hodgkiniens les plus fréquents chez l’adulte. Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail, nous avons réalisé l’analyse par SNP-array d’une série homogène d’échantillons issus de la cohorte CORAL, une étude prospective internationale portant sur les LBDGC en rechute. Notre objectif était d’identifier les anomalies de nombre de copies (ANC) associées à chacun des deux types de rechutes, précoces ou tardives. Les rechutes précoces sont associées à une forte proportion d’anomalies affectant les régulateurs du cycle cellulaire, de l’apoptose et de la transcription. Les rechutes tardives sont associées à des anomalies affectant les régulateurs de l’immunité et de la prolifération cellulaire. Cette étude permet de mieux comprendre les déterminants de la rechute dans les LBDGC et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives thérapeutiques / Genomics provided new insights in our knowledge of pathophysiology, diagnostic approach, prognosis and therapeutic perspectives in hematological malignancies. In the first part of this work, we studied a large cohort of Refractory Anemia with Ring sideroblasts and marked Thrombocytosis (RARS-T). We demonstrated that RARS-T can be considered as an independent entity, with a specific molecular pattern, associating : (i) SF3B1 mutations in more than 85% of cases, accounting for its myelodysplastic aspect and (ii) JAK2 mutations, accounting for its myeloproliferative aspect in more than 50% of cases. Future prospects of the first part of this work is to identify (the) mutation(s) responsible for the myeloproliferative part of JAK2WT RARS-T. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common subtype of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in adults. In the second part of this work, we performed SNP-array analysis of a homogeneous series of samples from the CORAL cohort, an international prognostic study on relapsed DLBCLs. Our purpose was to identify Copy Number Variations (CNV) associated ER or LR. ER DLBCLs are associated with high rates of CNVs affecting regulators of cell cycle, apoptosis and transcription. In LR DLBCLs, CNVs are related to immune response and cell proliferation. This study provides new insights into the genetic aberrations in relapsed DLBCLs and open up new therapeutic perspectives

Associa??o da Radioterapia externa (RTe) com braquiterapia de alta taxa de dose (BTATD), no tratamento do c?ncer de pr?stata (CaP). / Association of External Radiotherapy (RTe) with high dose rate brachytherapy (BTATD) in the treatment of prostate cancer (CaP).

Jos? Junior, Vanderlei 15 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-02-15T12:50:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VANDERLEI JOSE JUNIOR.pdf: 1351825 bytes, checksum: 599d050ec951a6a8e7497a0cea5d2e17 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-15T12:50:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VANDERLEI JOSE JUNIOR.pdf: 1351825 bytes, checksum: 599d050ec951a6a8e7497a0cea5d2e17 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-15 / Introduction: Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases in the male population, occupying the second position among malignant neoplasms. There are several therapeutic options for the treatment of localized prostate cancer, ranging from conservative behaviors to interventional treatments such as radical prostatectomy or external radiotherapy, associated or not with brachytherapy. Objective: To identify the factors that can predict biochemical recurrence and to evaluate treatment toxicity. METHOD: This is a retrospective and longitudinal study of 162 patients diagnosed with prostate cancer treated with conformational external radiotherapy associated with high dose rate brachytherapy (BTATD) between 2005 and 2014. The database was used of the Radium ? Campinas Oncology Institute, collected prospectively. Results: The mean follow-up time was 57 months. No grade 3 late toxicity was observed in the gastrointestinal tract, with only 1 patient (0.6%) genitourinary tract. The only categorical variable that presented statistical significance for biochemical relapse was the Nadir PSA <1 ng / ml (p = 0.018). The biochemical recurrence rate found was 96.3%, based on the Phoenix criteria (PSA nadir + 2 ng / ml). Conclusions: This study demonstrated that in the treatment of localized prostate cancer, the association of external radiotherapy with BATD is a safe therapeutic option, with a low degree 3 late toxicity and a biochemical recurrence of only 3.7% (with HF = 95 %). / Introdu??o: O c?ncer de pr?stata ? uma das doen?as mais prevalentes na popula??o masculina, ocupando a segunda posi??o entre as neoplasias malignas. H? v?rias op??es terap?uticas para o tratamento do c?ncer de pr?stata localizado, podendo variar de condutas conservadoras ? tratamentos intervencionistas como a prostatectomia radical ou a radioterapia externa, associada ou n?o ? braquiterapia. Objetivo: Identificar os fatores que possam predizer recidiva bioqu?mica e avaliar a toxicidade do tratamento. M?todo: Tratase de um estudo retrospectivo e longitudinal, com 162 pacientes diagnosticados com c?ncer de pr?stata, tratados com radioterapia externa conformacional associada ? braquiterapia de alta taxa de dose (BATD), entre 2005 e 2014. Utilizou-se o banco de dados do Radium - Instituto de Oncologia de Campinas, coletados prospectivamente. Resultados: O tempo m?dio de seguimento foi de 57 meses. N?o foi observada toxicidade tardia grau 3 no trato gastrointestinal, sendo apenas 1 paciente (0,6%) trato genitourin?rio. A ?nica vari?vel categ?rica que apresentou signific?ncia estat?stica para recidiva bioqu?mica foi o PSA Nadir <1 ng/ ml (p = 0,018). A taxa de recidiva bioqu?mica encontrada foi de 96,3%, baseando-se nos crit?rios de Phoenix (PSA nadir + 2 ng/ml). Conclus?es: Esse estudo demonstrou que, no tratamento de c?ncer de pr?stata localizado, a associa??o de radioterapia externa com BATD ? uma op??o terap?utica segura, com baixa taxa de toxicidade tardia grau 3 e recidiva bioqu?mica de apenas 3,7% (com I.C = 95%).

Modelagem de dados de longa duração baseada em processos de nascimento e morte latentes / Birth and death long-term survival model

Ritter, Victor Silva 13 August 2014 (has links)
Esse trabalho contribui com o desenvolvimento de um novo modelo para dados de sobrevivência com sobreviventes de longo termo visando uma formulação e interpretação mais realista do que a apresentada pelos modelos com fração de curados usuais. Motivados pelo estudo do tempo de sobrevivência residual para pacientes oncológicos, o modelo usa o processo de nascimento e morte para permitir a variação do número de fatores de risco latentes durante um período precedente ao acompanhamento médico, considerando, então, um cenário de riscos competitivos para obtenção da função da sobrevivência (imprópria) dos pacientes. Simulações a aplicações à dados do Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo mostraram vantagens sobre o modelo de tempos de promoção. / This work contributes with a new cure rate survival model developed aiming more realistic formulation and interpretations than the usual long-term survival models. Motivated by studying residual survival times in oncological patients, the model uses birth and death process to allow free variation on the number of latent risk factors during a pre-follow up period, then considers competing risks scenario for accessing the patients survival. Simulations and application to Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo data showed improvement over the promotion time model.

NK Cell Tolerance of Self-Specific Apecific Activating Receptor KIR2DS1 in Individuals with Cognate HLA-C2 Ligand / Acquisition de la tolérance au soi des cellules tueuses naturelles (NK) KIR2DS1 chez des sujets exprimant des antigènes HLA-C2

Pittari, Gianfranco 12 July 2013 (has links)
Les cellules tueuses naturelles (NK) sont régulées par des récepteurs activateurs et inhibiteurs. La plupart des récepteurs inhibiteurs reconnaisse des molécules du complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité (CMH) de classe I, et protège les cellules saines des phénomènes d'auto-immunité médiés par les cellules NK. Cependant, certains récepteurs activateurs, incluant le récepteur killer cell Ig-like receptor (KIR) 2DS1, reconnaissent aussi des ligands CMH de classe I. Cela pose la question de savoir comment les cellules NK qui expriment des récepteurs activateurs deviennent tolérantes au soi. Nous avons cherché à déterminer si la présence de HLA-C2, le ligand du récepteurs 2DS1, peut induire les cellules NK qui expriment le 2DS1 à développer un état de tolérance au soi. Indépendamment de la présence ou de l'absence du ligand HLA-C2 dans le donneur, une activité anti-HLA-C2 a été identifiée in vitro dans certains clones NK 2DS1-positifs. La fréquence des clones NK avec réactivité anti-HLA-C2 était élevée parmi les donneurs homozygotes pour HLA-C1. De façon étonnante, nous n'avons pas constaté de différence statistiquement significative dans la fréquence de cytotoxicité anti-HLA-C2 entre les donneurs HLA-C2 hétérozygotes et les donneurs sans ligand HLA-C2. Par contre, les donneurs HLA-C2 homozygotes montrent une fréquence réduite de clones NK avec réactivité anti-HLA-C2 par rapport aux autres donneurs. Clones 2DS1-positifs qui co-expriment des KIR inhibiteurs spécifiques des molécules HLA de classe I du soi n’étaient pas communément cytotoxiques, et la cytotoxicité anti-HLA-C2 était limité presque exclusivement à des clones positifs seulement pour 2DS1 (« single positive » 2DS1 clones). Nous avons aussi identifié des clones 2DS1 « single positive » avec réactivité anti-HLA-C2 dans des patients recevant une greffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques à partir de donneurs 2DS1. Ces résultats montrent que plusieurs cellules NK avec réactivité anti-HLA-C2 sont présentes dans des donneurs 2DS1 soit hétérozygotes soit homozygotes pour HLA-C1. En revanche, les clones 2DS1-positifs obtenus par des donneurs homozygotes pour HLA-C2 sont fréquemment tolérants aux antigènes HLA-C2. / NK cells are regulated by inhibiting and activating cell surface receptors. Most inhibitory receptors recognize MHC-class I antigens, and protect healthy cells from NK cell-mediated auto-aggression. However, certain activating receptors, including the human killer cell Ig-like receptor (KIR) 2DS1, also recognize MHC-class I. This raises the question of how NK cells expressing such activating receptors are tolerized to host tissues. We investigated whether the presence of HLA-C2, the cognate ligand for 2DS1, induces tolerance in 2DS1-expressing NK cells. Anti-HLA-C2 activity could be detected in vitro in some 2DS1 positive NK clones irrespective of presence or absence of HLA-C2 ligand in the donor. The frequency of anti-HLA-C2 reactivity was high in donors homozygous for HLA-C1. Surprisingly, there was no significant difference in frequency of anti-HLA-C2 cytotoxicity in donors heterozygous for HLA-C2 and donors without HLA-C2 ligand. However, donors homozygous for HLA-C2 had significantly reduced frequency of anti-HLA-C2 reactive clones as compared to all other donors. 2DS1 positive clones that express inhibitory KIR for self-HLA class I were commonly non-cytotoxic, and anti-HLA-C2 cytotoxicity was nearly exclusively restricted to 2DS1 single positive clones lacking inhibitory KIR. 2DS1 single positive NK clones with anti-HLA-C2 reactivity were also present post-transplantation in HLA-C2 positive recipients of hematopoietic stem cell transplants from 2DS1 positive donors. These results demonstrate that many NK cells with anti-HLA-C2 reactivity are present in HLA-C1 homozygous and heterozygous donors with 2DS1. In contrast, 2DS1 positive clones from HLA-C2 homozygous donors are frequently tolerant to HLA-C2.

Modelagem de dados de longa duração baseada em processos de nascimento e morte latentes / Birth and death long-term survival model

Victor Silva Ritter 13 August 2014 (has links)
Esse trabalho contribui com o desenvolvimento de um novo modelo para dados de sobrevivência com sobreviventes de longo termo visando uma formulação e interpretação mais realista do que a apresentada pelos modelos com fração de curados usuais. Motivados pelo estudo do tempo de sobrevivência residual para pacientes oncológicos, o modelo usa o processo de nascimento e morte para permitir a variação do número de fatores de risco latentes durante um período precedente ao acompanhamento médico, considerando, então, um cenário de riscos competitivos para obtenção da função da sobrevivência (imprópria) dos pacientes. Simulações a aplicações à dados do Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo mostraram vantagens sobre o modelo de tempos de promoção. / This work contributes with a new cure rate survival model developed aiming more realistic formulation and interpretations than the usual long-term survival models. Motivated by studying residual survival times in oncological patients, the model uses birth and death process to allow free variation on the number of latent risk factors during a pre-follow up period, then considers competing risks scenario for accessing the patients survival. Simulations and application to Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo data showed improvement over the promotion time model.

O transcritoma da retinopatia induzida por oxigênio e uma assinatura gênica prognóstica baseada em angiogênese para predição de recidiva de cancer de mama / The transcriptome of oxygen-induced retinopathy and an angiogenesis-based prognostic gene signature for prediction of breast cancer relapse

Rodrigo Guarischi Mattos Amaral de Sousa 02 June 2017 (has links)
Angiogênese é o processo de formação de novos vasos sanguíneos a partir dos vasos existentes. É um processo vital, mas muitas doenças também dependem deste mecanismo para obter nutrientes e progredir. Estas \"doenças dependentes de angiogênese\" incluem cânceres, retinopatias e degeneração macular. Alguns inibidores da angiogênese foram desenvolvidos na última década, com o objetivo de auxiliar no manejo dessas doenças e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. A maioria destes compostos funciona inibindo a ligação de VEGFA/VEGFR2, que também é um elemento importante para a sobrevivência de células endoteliais quiescentes; e isso pode explicar parcialmente eventos adversos observados em alguns ensaios clínicos. Nossa hipótese é que a melhoria das terapias anti-angiogênicas depende de uma compreensão melhor e mais ampla desse processo, especialmente quando relacionada à progressão das doenças. Utilizando RNA-Seq e um modelo animal bem aceito de angiogênese, o modelo murino de Retinopatia Induzida por Oxigênio, exploramos o transcritoma e identificamos 153 genes diferencialmente expressos durante a angiogênese. Uma extensiva validação de vários genes realizada por qRT-PCR e hibridização in-situ confirmou a superexpressão de Esm1 em células endoteliais de tecidos com angiogênese ativa. A análise de enriquecimento desta lista de genes confirmou a ligação da angiogênese com genes frequentemente mutados em tumores, consistente com a conhecida ligação entre câncer e angiogênese, e forneceu sugestões de fármacos já aprovados que podem ser reutilizados para controlar a angiogênese em circunstâncias patológicas. Finalmente, com base neste panorama amplo da angiogênese, fomos capazes de criar um biomarcador molecular com poder prognóstico para a predição da recidiva de câncer de mama, com aplicações clínicas promissoras. Em resumo, este trabalho revelou com sucesso genes relacionados à angiogênese e forneceu novas alternativas terapêuticas, incluindo potenciais fármacos para reposicionamento. Esse conjunto de genes diferencialmente expressos é também um recurso valioso para investigações futuras. / Angiogenesis is the process of formation of new blood vessels based on existing vessels. It is a vital process but many diseases also rely on this mechanism to get nourishment and progress. These so called angiogenesis-dependent diseases include cancers, retinopathies and macular degeneration. Some angiogenesis inhibitors were developed in the past decade, aiming to help the management of such diseases and improve patients quality of life. Most of these compounds work by inhibiting VEGFA/VEGFR2 binding, which is also a key element to the survival of quiescent endothelial cells; this may partly explain unanticipated adverse events observed in some clinical trials. We hypothesize that the improvement of anti-angiogenesis therapies hinges on a better and broader understanding of the process, especially when related to diseases\' progression. Using RNA-seq and a well accepted animal model of angiogenesis, the murine model of Oxygen Induced Retinopathy, we have explored the transcriptome landscape and identified 153 genes differentially expressed in angiogenesis. An extensive validation of several genes carried out by qRT-PCR and in-situ hybridization confirmed Esm1 overexpression in endothelial cells of tissues with active angiogenesis, providing confidence on the results obtained. Enrichment analysis of this gene list endorsed a narrow link of angiogenesis and frequently mutated genes in tumours, consistent with the known connection between cancer and angiogenesis, and provided suggestions of already approved drugs that may be repurposed to control angiogenesis under pathological circumstances. Finally, based on this comprehensive landscape of angiogenesis, we were able to create a prognostic molecular biomarker for prediction of breast cancer relapse, with promising clinical applications. In summary, this work successfully unveiled angiogenesis-related genes, providing novel therapeutic alternatives, including potential drugs for repositioning. The set of differentially expressed genes is also a valuable resource for further investigations.

Preconditioning of the tumor microenvironment by means of low dose chemotherapies for an effective immunotherapy of breast cancer

AQBI, HUSSEIN F 01 January 2019 (has links)
Breast cancer mortality is mainly due to distant recurrence of the disease arising from dormant tumor cells established by cancer therapies. Patients who initially respond to cancer therapies often succumb to distant recurrence of the disease. It is not clear why people with the same type of breast cancer respond to treatments differently; some escape from dormancy and relapse earlier than others. In addition, some tumor clones respond to immunotherapy while others do not. We investigated how autophagy plays a role in accelerating or delaying recurrence of neu overexpressing mouse mammary carcinoma (MMC) following adriamycin (ADR) treatment, and in affecting response to immunotherapy. We explored two strategies: 1) transient blockade of autophagy with chloroquine (CQ), which blocks fusion of autophagosomes and lysosomes during ADR treatment, and 2) permanent inhibition of autophagy by a stable knockdown of ATG5 (ATG5KD), which inhibits the formation of autophagosomes in MMC during and after ADR treatment. We found that while CQ prolonged tumor dormancy, but that stable knockdown of autophagy resulted in early escape from dormancy and recurrence. Interestingly, ATG5KD MMC contained an increased frequency of ADR-induced polyploid-like cells and rendered MMC resistant to immunotherapy. On the other hand, a transient blockade of autophagy did not affect the sensitivity of MMC to immunotherapy. Our observations suggest that while chemotherapy-induced autophagy may facilitate tumor relapse, cell-intrinsic autophagy delays tumor relapse, in part, by inhibiting the formation of polyploid-like tumor dormancy. Although immunotherapy of breast cancer by means of anti-HER2 antibodies prolongs survival of breast cancer patients, disease recurrence remains a major challenge. On the other hand administration of human vaccines against infectious disease in a preventive setting or during latency/dormancy has been successful in offering a cure. Here, we sought to use adoptive immunotherapy (AIT) at the time of tumor dormancy in order to prevent progression of breast cancer. We used a low dose immunogenic chemotherapy by means of 5-FU, Adriamycin, and Cyclophosphamide (FAC) in order to stabilize tumor progression prior to AIT using autologous tumor-reactive lymphocytes. Low dose FAC established local tumor dormancy, inhibited distant tumor dormancy occurring long before distant metastasis, and induced predominate a Ki67- quiescent type of tumor dormancy, which is less susceptible to tumor immunoediting. Dormant tumor cells expressed the cell survival pathways, including the endothelin receptor/ligand (ETRA, ETRB and ET-1) and PD-L1, thereby protecting them from elimination by AIT. In addition, tumor-reactive CD8+ T cells also produced ET-1 as a survival ligand for ETRA positive tumor cells. A combination of AIT with the blockade of tumor cell survival pathways resulted in a significant improvement of AIT against tumor dormancy. We also showed that the inhibition Bcl-xL downstream of the tumor cell survival pathways is specifically effective against dormant tumor cells, suggesting a combination of AIT with small molecules inhibitors of Bcl-xL. Altogether, we showed that distant tumor dormancy is established long before distant recurrence of breast cancer, and that the expression of several tumor cell survival pathways in dormant cells protects them from immunotherapy. Our results suggest that immunotherapeutic targeting of tumor dormancy combined with the blockade of a common downstream cell survival pathway could prevent tumor progression and recurrence of the disease.

Les cancers du sein agressifs : conséquences de la ménopause chimio-induite chez les femmes jeunes atteintes d'un cancer du sein non métastatique et facteurs pronostiques de la rechute du cancer du sein triple négatif / Aggressive breast cancer : consequences of chemotherapy-induced menopause in young women with non metastatic breast cancer and prognostic factors of relapse in triple negative breast cancer

Passildas Jahanmohan, Judith 03 July 2019 (has links)
Le cancer du sein est le cancer le plus fréquent chez la femme et malgré une baisse de la mortalité ces dernières années, attribuable à une détection précoce et une meilleure prise en charge, il reste la première cause de mortalité par cancer et demeure donc un problème majeur de santé publique. La mortalité par cancer du sein s’avère être plus élevée dans le cas des cancers dits agressifs ou de mauvais pronostic tels que le cancer du sein de la femme jeune et le cancer du sein triple négatif (CSTN). Mes travaux de thèse portent sur ces deux types de cancer du sein avec comme objectifs l’étude des conséquences de la ménopause chimio-induite (MCI) chez les femmes jeunes atteintes d’un cancer du sein non métastatique d’une part et l’analyse des facteurs pronostiques de la rechute du cancer du sein triple négatif d’autre part. Le premier axe de ma thèse concerne l’étude clinique MENOCOR dont le but est d’évaluer chez les femmes jeunes atteintes d’un cancer du sein non métastatique l’impact de la MCI sur la qualité de vie (QdV). L’incidence de la MCI et l’étude des variations hormonales font également partie des objectifs secondaires. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, l’analyse intermédiaire, prévue dans le protocole, a été réalisée sur 59 patientes avec un recul de 18 mois post-chimiothérapie. Ces premiers résultats ont tendance à montrer une altération de la QdV évaluée par le QLQ-BR23 chez les patientes ménopausées vs les non ménopausées (p=0.17). A ce stade de l’essai, le QLQ-BR23 semble donc être plus adapté que le QLQ-C30 pour évaluer la QdV dans le contexte de cette étude. Nous avons également observé une prédiction possible de la MCI par le dosage de l’AMH initial et l’âge des patientes. Ainsi, ces résultats doivent être comparés à ceux de l’analyse finale et nous supposons qu’avec une puissance plus importante (effectif total prévu de 240 patientes et suivi de 30 mois post-traitement) les résultats concernant la QdV pourraient être significatifs.Le deuxième axe de ma thèse a consisté à la création d’une base de données sur le CSTN. Cette étude rétrospective s’inscrit dans la continuité des travaux réalisés au Centre Jean PERRIN et a pour but d’évaluer la dynamique et les facteurs prédictifs de la rechute du CSTN. Les analyses ont montré que l’atteinte ganglionnaire, la présence d’emboles et la taille tumorale sont les principaux facteurs pronostiques de la rechute. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse confirment également l’hétérogénéité des CSTN avec l’existence d’une disparité des réponses à la CTNA (allant de la réponse complète à la chimiorésistance) et d’une diversité des rechutes (précoces (< 1 an), standards (1 à 5 ans) et tardives (> 5 ans)) soulignant la nécessité de poursuivre la recherche de nouveaux biomarqueurs pouvant prédire la réponse ou encore permettant de prévenir les rechutes afin d’améliorer la prise en charge des patientes. En conclusion, ces résultats permettent d’ouvrir de nombreuses perspectives de recherches. Nous prévoyons de comparer les résultats finaux de l’étude MENOCOR à ceux de l’analyse intermédiaire présentés dans cette thèse. A l’issu de l’essai, nous espérons avoir une meilleure compréhension de la MCI, de son impact sur la QdV et du rôle de l’AMH dans la prédiction de la ménopause. Concernant le CSTN, il est prévu de mener une autre étude rétrospective sur une cohorte plus large, avec cette fois-ci, l’analyse des paramètres hématologiques. En fonction des résultats, une étude prospective pourra être mise en place afin d’étudier le rôle du microenvironnement tumoral ainsi que des paramètres hématologiques et génétiques dans la rechute des CSTN. / Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and despite a decline in mortality in recent years, due to early detection and better treatment management, it remains a major public health issue. Breast cancer mortality has been found to be higher in the case of aggressive or poor prognostic cancers such as breast cancer in young women and the triple negative subtype of breast cancer (TNBC).This PhD focuses on these two types of breast cancer and aims to study the consequences of chemotherapy-induced menopause (CIM) in young women with non metastatic breast cancer and evaluate the prognostic factors of TNBC relapse. One of the aspect of my PhD is based on the clinical study MENOCOR. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of CIM on the quality of life (QoL) of young women with non metastatic breast cancer. The incidence of CIM and the study of hormonal variations are also a part of the secondary objectives. As a part of this PhD work, the interim analysis planned in the study protocol was conducted on 59 patients with a follow-up of 18 months post-chemotherapy. These first results tend to show a QoL decrease, evaluted by the QLQ-BR23, in menopausal women vs non menopausal women (p=0.17). At this stage of the trial, the QLQ-BR23 seems to be more appropriate than the QLQ-C30 to evaluate QoL. We also underline the possible prediction of CIM by the inital AMH level and age. Thus, these results should be compared to the final analysis and we expect that with a greater power (240 patients and a follow-up of 30 months post-chemotherapy) the QoL results will reach significance.The second axis consists of a database on TNBC. This retrospective study follows the work carried out in Jean PERRIN Cancer Center and aims to evaluate dynamics and pronostic factors of TNBC relapse. The analysis showed that the main pronostic factors are the node metastasis, the presence of emboli and the tumor size. The variability of response to chemotherapy (pCR to chemoresistance) and the diversity of relapses (early relapse (<1 year), standard relapse (1 to 5 years) and late relpase (> 5 years)) confirmed the heterogeneity of TNBC highlighting the need to continue the research of new biomarkers. In conclusion, these results open up many research perspectives. We plan to compare the final results of the MENOCOR study with those of the interim analysis presented in this PhD work. At the end of the study, we expect to have a better knowledge of CIM, its impact on QoL and the role of AMH in predicting menopause. Regarding the TNBC, it is planned to conduct another larger retrospective study focused in hematologic parameters evaluating the role of hematologic and genetic parameters. Depending on the results, a prospective study could be promoted in order to evaluate the role of tumoral micro-environment, and hematologic and genetic parameters in TNBC relapse.

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