Spelling suggestions: "subject:"religous"" "subject:"religa""
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Religösa dilemman i idrottsundervisningenLarsson, Elin January 2013 (has links)
Sammanfattning: Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka hur lärare upplever, arbetar och ser på religiösa dilemman som kan uppstå i samband med idrottsundervisningen. För att uppnå syftet med studien har en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning med sex lärare gjorts. Resultatet visar på en spridning av uppfattningar och attityder bland de intervjuade lärarna. Enligt denna studie blir elever i olika stor utsträckning begränsade att delta i idrottsundervisningen, enligt en del lärare sker det aldrig eller sällan medan en del menar att det förekommer ofta. Det har även visat sig vara svårt att veta om det är på grund av religion eller brist på motivation som eleverna ej deltar. En god dialog med eleverna är en förutsättning för att komma fram till lösningar så att alla oavsett religiös tillhörighet kan uppnå målen i idrott och hälsa. Det största problemet vid hanteringen av religiösa dilemman tycks enligt de intervjuade lärarna vara brist på tid.
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The sacramental vision of Gerard Manley Hopkins and David JonesKnowles, Robert January 1990 (has links)
This thesis examines the nature of what I have termed "the sacramental vision" of Gerard Manley Hopkins and David Jones: it is an exploration of the mutually sustaining relationship between poetry and religion; or, as Jones puts it, between art and sacrament. The key to the relationship is to be found in language: the inherited language of theologian and poet is saturated with metaphor, sign and symbol, linguistic forms of a particularly resistant and irreducible kind. In literature, as in religion, such forms represent ultimate points of vision, to which in trust we assent, and from which we infer belief, that is, we are required to convert what begins as "an impression upon the Imagination" into a belief which may be tested by reason. The poet's renewal of such sacramental signs is a necessary exercise of the religious imagination if each generation is to remake the beliefs it has inherited. The opening chapter is an examination of the origins of Hopkins's and Jones's use of the sacramental sign and the subsequent chapters scrutinise the value of sign-making to the development of the poetic method of both poets. I suggest that this method is best elucidated through three controlling principles: the Coleridgean view of the sacramental potential of language helps to define the verbal content of the poem; the Thornist sacramental schema instresses the form of the poem; and the Newmanesque process of notional and real assent determines the grammar or inscape of the total oeuvre as a chronicle of the development of the poet's spiritual growth. Hopkins and Jones deepen our understanding of a grammar common to faith and belief, shared by poet and theologian, by claiming that poetry should be the tranforming crucible of the encounter between the experience of the poet, the reader and the divine.
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Läroböcker i religionskunskap för grundskolans senare år – ur ett genusperspektiv - En undersökning av hur kvinnor framställs i judendom, kristendom och islamSalih, Hesho January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur framställningen av kvinnor är konstruerad i två nyproducerade stadie-läroböcker i religionskunskap för årskurs 7-9. Syftet är även att undersöka vilka värderingar och normer som kommer till uttryck genom de texter och bilder som finns i läroböckerna samt hur dessa värderingar och normer ser ut i förhållande till Lgr 11. Den teoretiska delen utgörs av Jeanette Sky och Ingvild Saelid Gilhus & Lisbeth Mikaelsson. Tidigare forskning har visat att det manliga perspektivet dominerar och att det saknas fokus på kvinnans roll i religionen. Uppsatsen använder genustrappan som analysredskap och texterna i läromedlen har kategoriserats in i olika nivåer utifrån en modifierad genustrappa. Undersökningen visar att den ena läroboken är mer genusmedveten än den andra, dock varierar genusmedvetenheten såväl mellan läroböckerna som mellan beskrivningarna av religionerna. Den rådande framställningen av kvinnan är att hon oftast marginaliseras och osynliggörs i läroböckerna, däremot är det uppseendeväckande att de mest genus- och jämställhetsmedvetna texterna var de som behandlade islam. Dessutom visar undersökningen på att det råder ett tydligt glapp mellan läroböckerna och skolans uppdrag i form av Lgr11.
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Patienters erferenheter av andlighet i palliativ vård. / Patients experiences of spirituality in palliative care.Bolin, Elvira, Sjölund, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Patienters erfarenheter av andlighet i palliativ vård. Bakgrund: Andlighet kan vara väldigt olika saker från person till person vilket gör andlighetens betydelse diffus. Länge har andlighet varit direkt kopplat till religion, vilket egentligen bara är en del av andlighet. Behovet av andlighet träder fram som en viktig del när patienter stod inför livets slut. Det noteras även att sjuksköterskor anser att andlighet är viktigt i vården, men andlighet adresseras sparsamt på grund av olika faktorer. För att främja andligt välbefinnande i vården betonades sjuksköterskors bemötande och egenskaper. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienters erfarenhet av andlighet i palliativ vård. Metod: Litteraturstudien baserades på tio kvalitativa studier. Databassökningen genomfördes i Pubmed, Cinahl och APA PsycInfo. Analysen genomfördes utifrån Fribers femstegsmodell. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre kategorier och fem underkategorier. De tre underkategorierna var: Betydelse av andliga behov, relations till sig själv och andra och tron ger hopp. Konklusion: Patienternas andlighet hjälpte till vid svåra situationer som uppkommit på grund av sjukdomen. Andligheten kunde också vara relaterad till något negativt för patienten. En ökad förståelse av andlighet bland sjuksköterskor ger patienter bättre omvårdnad. / Title: Patients experiences of spirituality in palliative care. Background: Spirituality can vary greatly from person to person, making the meaning of spirituality diffuse. For a long time, spirituality has been directly linked to religion, which is actually just one part of spirituality. The need for spirituality emerges as a crucial aspect when patients face the end of life. It is also noted that nurses consider spirituality important in healthcare, but spirituality is addressed sparingly due to various factors. To promote spiritual well-being in healthcare, the importance of nurses' approach and qualities was emphasized. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe patients experiences of spirituality in palliative care. Methods: The literature review was based on ten qualitative studies. The database search was conducted in Pubmed, Cinahl, and APA PsycInfo. The analysis was performed using Friberg's five-step model. Results: The analysis resulted in three categories and five subcategories. The three subcategories were: meaning of spiritual needs, relationship to oneself and others, and faith provides hope. Conclusion: The patients spirituality assisted in navigating challenging situations arising from the illness. However, spirituality could also be linked to negative experiences for the patient. Enhanced understanding of spirituality among nurses contributes to improved patient care.
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A new 'promised land'? : denominations, local congregations, camp meetings, and the creation of community in early Kentucky, c.1780-1830De Vries, Jonathan Peter January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the importance Kentucky's religious denominations played in the development and transformation of early Kentucky (1770's to 1830). This thesis will show that though federal and regional governments may have created the laws that established newly opened territories, it was often the denominations that played an important role in the creation of that community and stability of the wider societies. Beginning with camp meetings this thesis will argue that denominations began the process of creating community by actively placing these meetings outside the bounds of early congregations and into the backcountry. In doing so denominations brought outsiders, in many cases for the first time, into direct contact with the denominations. This thesis will also argue that denominations developed a new form of worship that was more inclusive and more communal, allowing for wider participation by settlers, especially by women, children, or slaves at these meetings. This thesis will then turn its attention towards the ideas and concepts of the local congregation. This thesis will argue that the local congregation was ideally situated to reinforce the beginnings of community which were established with camp meetings. Through activities such as the calling of ministers as well as the election of elders, deacons, and other lay positions in their local congregation, settlers became active members of the local congregation and entered into a deeper connection with the community. The local congregation offered settlers access to an institution that was both local and communal. Finally this thesis will turn towards a study of physical church buildings arguing that such buildings expressed and reinforced concepts of community and stability. This thesis will argue that over time those congregations that had access to a church often found stability and security. This thesis will also focus on the layout of churches arguing that denominations strengthened already established and shared ideas of community within their congregations through these layouts. By understanding how denominations created community within Kentucky this thesis will argue that the denominations played an important role within newly established territories and that only through a study of these denominations can one begin to understand how the process of western expansion was able to succeed.
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Den persiska vägen till kristendomen : En kvalitativ studie om individers rollbytesprocessen från islam till kristendom / The Persian Road to Christianity : A qualitative study on individuals role exit process from Islam to ChristianitySirmanshahi, Aida January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to understand and describe the role exit for Persian individuals that has left Islam for Christianity. The process of what individuals go through when leaving a religion for another inspired the approach of the study, leading to the subject of leaving Islam for Christi- anity. Due to the thematic breadth of the collected empirical material, two different theoreti- cal concepts and theories will be used. The theoretical approach of this study is Emile Durk- heim’s theory of religious sociology and Helen Rose Fuchs Ebaugh’s (1988) study about the process of exit a role. Emile Durkheim’s (1912) theory regards that religion provides social cohesion and social control to maintain society in social solidarity. While Helen Rose Fuchs Ebaugh (1988) aims to describe the process of roll exiting. Since this study is about understanding and describing the phenomenon in hand, a qualitative method will be used. The study is based on 10 semi-structured interviews that have conduc- ted with individuals with a muslim background that have now became christian, and every individual has an ethnic Persian background. The results presented that the informants did go through a process of a role change, meaning the role change from Islam to Christianity. These individuals left the muslim setting and entered their new social role. However, many of these individuals went through a prerequisite step that could be considered as a complement to Ebaughs study, namely, the possibility of integration.
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