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Répulsifs d’arthropodes à durée d’action prolongée : étude pharmacotechnique, devenir in situ et efficacité / Arthropod repellent having a long lasting effect : pharmacotechnic investigation, in situ fate and effectivenessLadj-Minost, Audrey 04 October 2012 (has links)
Les répulsifs sont des molécules naturelles ou synthétiques dont le but estd’empêcher l’approche des arthropodes afin de prévenir la transmission demaladies vectorisées. Un exemple type est celui de la transmission de Leishmaniainfantum responsable de la Leishmaniose canine, qui est contractée après la piqûre d’un chienpar un phlébotome. Divers répulsifs d’arthropodes sont commercialisés pour une applicationtopique, ils ont tous une durée d’action courte, imposant des applications répétées deformulations basiques de type solution.La formulation de molécules actives à propriétés répulsives incorporées dans des systèmesnanoparticulaires et présentant une action prolongée dans le temps a été retenue. Lesnanoparticules sont des vecteurs colloïdaux intéressants dans le domaine de la technologiepharmaceutique vu leur capacité à former des complexes avec des molécules hydrophobes,telles que la plupart des molécules répulsives (DEET, Picaridin®, IR3535®…). Le ciblage, laprotection contre la dégradation et le contrôle de la libération sont les avantages principauxapportés par les nanoparticules contenant une matière active.Les caractéristiques physico-chimiques des nanoparticules (taille et potentiel zêta) permettantleur stockage dans les couches supérieures de la peau et une accroche le long des fibrespileuses ont été déterminées. Ainsi des nanoparticules cationiques de 200 nm de diamètre ontété formulées. Cette formulation originale inspirée du procédé de nanoprécipitation a permisl’obtention en une seule étape de suspensions concentrées en matière active (concentrationsupérieure à 10%) et sans ajout d’agents stabilisants. Une corrélation entre les profils delibération et l’efficacité sur insecte modèle (la drosophile) a été vérifiée. De ce fait, lepourcentage en polymère régule la libération de la molécule active encapsulée. Une efficacitérépulsive de formulations nanoparticulaires supérieure à 15 jours a été validéeexpérimentalement. La transposition d’échelle du procédé de nanoprécipitation permetd’envisager un développement industriel pour la formulation d’un répulsif d’arthropodeinnovant à longue durée d’action. / The repellents are natural or synthetic molecules whose aim is to prevent theapproach of arthropods to avoid transmission of vector-borne diseases. A typicalexample is the transmission of Leishmania infantum responsible for canineLeishmaniasis, which is contracted after a sandfly bite on a dog. The arthropod repellentsmarketed for topical application have all a short action duration, requiring repeatedapplications of basic formulations (solution).The formulation of active molecules having repellent properties, incorporated intonanoparticle systems and having a prolonged action in time was selected. Nanoparticles arecolloidal carriers interesting in the pharmaceutical technology field due to their ability to formcomplexes with hydrophobic molecules, such as repellent molecules (DEET, Picaridin®,IR3535®...). Targeting, protection against degradation and control of the release are the mainadvantages provided by the nanoparticles containing an active ingredient.The nanoparticle physicochemical characteristics (size and zeta potential) permitting theirstorage in the upper dog skin layers and a along the hairs were determined. For that reasoncationic nanoparticles of 200 nm in diameter were formulated. This original formulationinspired from the nanoprecipitation process has allowed us to obtain one single stepconcentrated suspensions (above 10% of active molecules in the final product) and withoutstabilizer addition. A correlation between the release profiles and the effectiveness of modelinsect (Drosophila) has been verified. Therefore the percentage of polymer regulates therelease of encapsulated active molecules. Repellent efficacy of nanoparticulate formulationgreater than 15 days has been validated experimentally. The scale transposition of thenanoprecipitation process makes conceivable an industrial development for the formulation ofan innovative arthropod repellent having a long lasting effect.
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Synthèse et caractérisation de bis(oxazolidines) dérivées du tris(hydroxyméthyl)aminométhane pour la conception de prodrogues de répulsifs naturels / Synthesis and characterization of bis(oxazolidines) derived from tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane as prodrugs of natural repellentsÉlise, Sabrina 26 September 2011 (has links)
La réévaluation des impacts toxicologique et environnemental des répulsifs synthétiques conduit à reconsidérer les répulsifs d'origine naturelle pour la prévention des maladies transmises par les insectes (dengue, chikungunya, paludisme,…). Cette étude se rapporte aux structures de type bis(oxazolidine) envisagées comme prodrogues de répulsifs naturels par leur conversion avec le tris(hydroxyméthyl)aminométhane (TRIS). Différents protocoles et voies de synthèse ont été étudiés sur une série représentative d'aldéhydes pour définir l'étendue et les limites de l'approche permettant de concentrer deux unités d'un même principe actif au sein de bis(oxazolidines) symétriques et de reproduire un effet synergique avec deux unités différentes formant des bis(oxazolidines) dissymétriques. La fonctionnalisation des bis(oxazolidines) a été également envisagée pour moduler leur balance hydrophile-lipophile. L'étude de la réaction de cyclocondensation met en évidence l'influence des paramètres structuraux sur le procédé de synthèse des bis(oxazolidines), la stabilité des intermédiaires (monooxazolidines) et la stéréosélectivité de la réaction. L'interprétation des résultats est proposée sur la base des effets (stéréo)-électroniques. Cette étude démontre l'intérêt de cette approche chimique pour la production de prodrogues de répulsifs naturels qui peuvent constituer des atouts pour le développement durable. / The more sensitive human and environmental risk assessments of non natural repellents have encouraged the rehabilitation of botanical-based repellents for the prevention of insect-transmitted diseases (dengue, chikungunya, malaria…). This study is related to bis(oxazolidine) structures envisaged as prodrug derivatives of natural repellents by their conversion with tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (TRIS). The scope and limitations of various procedures and pathways have been assessed with structurally diverse aldehydes to concentrate two identical units in the symmetrical structures and to reproduce a synergistic effect with two different units in the unsymmetrical ones. Subsequent functionalization of the heterocyclic derivatives has been achieved to modulate their hydrophilic-lipophilic balance. The study of the cyclocondensation reaction shows evidence for the influence of structural effects not only on the chemical process but also on the relative stability of the monocyclic intermediates and the stereochemical outcomes of the reaction. The results are discussed on the basis of (stereo)-electronic effects. Finally, this study confirms the feasibility of this chemical approach to produce prodrugs of natural repellents which could appear as a contributive effort to sustainable development.
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Engineering of poly (2-oxazoline)s for potential use in biomedical applications / Ingénierie des poly(2-oxazoline)s pour un usage dans le domaine du biomédicalLegros, Camille 31 October 2014 (has links)
Ce travail décrit d'abord l’élaboration de nanogels hydrophiles stimulables, sensibles à un changement de pH et à un environnement où les propriétés d’oxydo-réduction peuvent varier. Ils ont été synthétisés en milieu dilué, d’une part, et en émulsion inverse, d’autre part; dans les deux cas à partir d’un copolymère statistique composé d’unités 2-éthyl-2-oxazoline et éthylène imine. Ces nanogels n’ont pas montré d’interactions spécifiques avec des protéines telles que la BSA et se sont avérés non-toxiques in vitro. Une plateforme à base d’un copolymère POx statistique porteur de fonctions aldéhydes a par ailleurs permis d’accéder à une librairie de POx, incluant des structures greffées et réticulées. Enfin, l’autoassemblage en solution d’un copolymère à blocs de type poly(2-methyl-oxazoline)-bpoly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) (PMeOx-b-PiPrOx), a été étudié en détail. Des micelles ont été observées à des temps courts au-dessus du point trouble du PiPrOx. Pour des temps plus longs, la formation de fibres et de micelles réticulées physiquement ont été mise en évidence, comportement expliqué par la cristallisation des chainesde PiPrOx stabilisées par les blocs PMeOx hydrophiles. / This PhD work is based on the design of poly(2-oxazoline) (POx)hydrogels and nanogels, by chemical or physical cross-linking, aimed to be used for biomedical applications. Nanogels were first prepared in dilute media and in inverse emulsion based on a statistical copolymer made of 2-ethyl-2-oxazoline and ethyleneimine units. These stimuli-responsive nanogels were swelling in acidic media and were cleaved in reductive environment. They proved to be non-cytotoxic and act as protein repellent. Second, a reactive platform based on a statistical POx polymerbearing aldehyde functionalities was engineered, enabling the synthesis of graft and cross-linked POx. Last, a block copolymer made of 2-methyl- and 2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline units, proved to self-assemble into micelles when heated above its LCST,for a short period of time (< 1h30). When annealed for a longer time (> 1h30),crystallization-driven self-assembly led to the formation of different morphologies(fiber rods and cross-linked micelles).
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Hydrophobic Impregnation of Concrete Structures : Effects on Concrete PropertiesSelander, Anders January 2010 (has links)
Hydrophobic impregnations often referred to as water repellent agents, today mainly consisting of alkylalkoxysilanes, are often used on concrete to prolong the service life of the structure. This is accomplished by protecting the reinforcement bars from chlorides or by changing the moisture content inside. When the concrete is treated with a water repellent agent the properties of the surface layer becomes hydrophobic and thereby water droplets are stopped from entering, still allowing water vapour to pass through. This change can reduce chloride ingress and stop heavy rain from penetrating through the surface layer. This thesis presents results concerning how the properties of concrete are affected by a hydrophobic impregnation. Moisture transport and fixation in the surface layer of the concrete are studied as well as the secondary effects of more practical use such as the effect on chloride ingress, water absorption and humidity level. It also presents results on how the penetration depth and concentration of the water repellent agent (i) depend on a number of parameters, and (ii) affect the outcome of the treatment. Water repellent treatments on a number of different concrete structures in Stockholm, ranging from tunnel to high-rice building, are evaluated as well. The three most important factors for the penetration of any water repellent agent into concrete are time, porosity and degree of saturation. A semi-empirical equation is derived that gives an idea on how much these factors affect the efficient penetration depth of the water repellent agent. The depth and concentration have a major effect on the performance of the treatment. The moisture diffusion coefficient for a water repellent treated concrete is close to constant and not nearly as dependent on the relative humidity (RH) as for untreated concrete. Unlike untreated concrete, where capillary suction plays an important role for the moisture transport at high RH, the vapour transport is the dominant transport mechanism even at high RH for water repellent treated concrete. The moisture fixation is affected by a water repellent treatment and the effect is clearest at high moisture levels. The main reason for this is that the capillary porosity is affected by the treatment to a relatively high degree while the gel porosity to a large extent remains unaffected. A hypothesis is presented which suggests that the RH inside the concrete at the time of the treatment affects not only the depth and concentration but also in which range of pore radii the water repellent agent is present and active. The durability of hydrophobic impregnations can be divided into surface effects and in depth effects. The first is sensitive to the environmental and mechanical loadings and normally disappears within a year while the later can be long lasting if a sufficient depth is reached. Hydrophobic impregnations are not the answer to all problems in concrete related to moisture, but if correctly used it can prolong the service life of the structure which will lead to savings of natural resources and thus both economical and environmental savings for the community. / Vattenavvisande impregneringsmedel, som i dagsläget till största del består av alkylalkoxysilaner, används ofta på betong för att förlänga livslängden på konstruktionen. Detta syfte uppnås genom att armeringen skyddas mot klorider eller att fukthalten inuti betongen sänks. När betongen impregneras ändras ytskiktets fuktmekaniska egenskaper från hydrofila till hydrofoba vilket gör att vattendroppar kan stoppas medan vattenånga tillåts passera. Dessa förändrade egenskaper kan medföra att kloridinträngningen minskar och att kraftiga regn inte tränger genom det impregnerade skiktet. Denna avhandling presenterar resultat om hur betongen påverkas av en vattenavvisande impregnering. Fukttransport och fuktfixering i betongens ytskikt har undersökts men även sekundära effekter som kloridinträngning, vattenabsorption och förändring i fuktinnehåll vilka alla är av större praktisk nytta. Avhandlingen presenterar också resultat om vilka faktorer som påverkar impregneringens inträngningsdjup och koncentration samt vilken betydelse dessa har för funktionen. För att utvärdera impregneringars effekt i olika miljöer har ett stort antal objekt i Stockholm undersökts, innefattande olika konstruktioner från en tunnel till höghus. Impregneringens inträngningsdjup och koncentration har en avgörande betydelse för dess funktion. De tre viktigaste faktorerna för alla impregneringsmedels inträngning i betong är tid, porositet och fuktnivå. En semiempirisk ekvation har tagits fram där det framgår hur dessa tre faktorer påverkar det slutliga inträngningsdjupet för impregneringen. Till skillnad från obehandlad betong är transportkoefficienten för en impregnerad betong nästan oberoende av den relativa fuktigheten (RF) i omgivningen. Vid höga RF, där största delen av fukttransporten i obehandlad betong sker på grund av kapillärkrafter, är ångtransporten fortfarande den dominerande transportmekanismen i impregnerad betong. Fuktfixeringen i betong påverkas av en impregnering och effekten är störst vid höga RF. Det är dock tydligt att en viss mängd fukt finns inuti den impregnerade betongen. Detta kan förklaras med att största delen av kapillärporerna påverkas av impregneringen medan gelporerna förblir obehandlade. Resultaten indikerar också att fuktnivån vid impregneringstillfället avgör vilken del av porsystemet som kan behandlas och inte bara koncentrationen och inträngningsdjupet. Långtidsegenskaperna hos impregneringen kan delas upp i yt- och djupeffekt. Effekten på ytan avtar normalt sett inom ett år på grund av damm och partiklar, UV-ljus, slitage mm. Djupeffekten påverkas däremot inte av dessa faktorer och kan finnas kvar i decennier. Vattenavvisande impregneringar är inte lösningen på alla fuktrelaterade problem i betong, men om de används på rätt sätt så kan det förlänga livslängden på många konstruktioner. Detta leder till ett bättre hushållande med naturresurser och därmed både ekonomiska och miljömässiga besparingar för samhället. / QC20100715
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Kan vi odla våra egna kläder? : En undersökning av bakteriell cellulosa och dessförbättringsmöjligheterHedlöf, Kristoffer, Karlsson, Hanna January 2015 (has links)
Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker framtagningen av ett bakteriellt cellulosamaterial (BC-material), samt undersöker om materialets vattenavvisande egenskaper kan förbättras för att kunna möjliggöra användning som textilt material. Arbetet grundar sig i det faktum att BC- materialet är av en hydrofil karaktär, något som den brittiska designern Suzanne Lee utryckt vara ett problem för dess användningsmöjligheter. Arbetet behandlar en litteraturstudie av BC, vilken ligger till grund för en experimentel del där odling, vattenavvisande beredningar och vattenavvisande tester utförts. Gällande BC-produktion och materialframtagning har faktorer som pH-värde, temperaturförhållanden, och recept visat sig påverka cellulosaproduktionen. Ett varmare temperaturförhållande på 30°C jämfört med rumstemperatur (20- 22°C) har uppvisat bättre cellulosatillväxt. Detsamma gäller även för användandet av äppelcidervinäger i odlingmediumet, vilket uppvisat positiva resultat. Testerna av det framtagna BC-membranet har för det första kunnat bekräfta dess påstådda hydrofilitet. Vidare har även de vattenavvisande behandlingarna visat positiva resultat, även om användarmöjligheterna för materialet fortfarande anses vara begränsade inom det textila området. En ökning av kontaktvinkeln från 40,76° till 96,98° uppvisades efter att en behandling med en syntetisk vaxpolymer applicerats. Denna ökning på drygt 100 % skapade en kontaktvinkel över 90°, vilket teoretiskt betyder att materialets karaktär gått från hydrofilt till hydrofobt. Ett likvärdigt resultat uppvisades även efter en behandling med en vaxdendrimer. Materialet uppvisade dock tydliga resultat på att absorbera vatten vid längre tid av blötläggning, oavsett om det behandlats eller ej. / This bachelor thesis is investigating the development of a material based on bacterial cellulose (BC), as well as examine and test the material's hydrophobic properties. This is made in order to improve its user possibilities as a textile material. The motive is based on the fact that BC- materials have a hydrophilic nature, something that the British designer Suzanne Lee expressed as a problem for its user possibilities. The thesis process a literature study of BC, which is used for an experimental study where cultivation, water repellent treatments and water repellent tests are performed. Regarding BC-production and material creation, factors as pH-levels, temperature conditions and the recipes has shown to affect the cellulose production. The cellulose levels occurred to increase during a warmer condition at 30 °C compared to room temperature (20-22°C), both conditions where used for the cultivation. The same positive results also occurred when apple cider vinegar was used in the cultivation bath. The tests on the developed BC-membrane, initially confirmed its alleged hydrophilic nature. Furthermore, positive results occurred for the water repellant-treated materials, even if the user possibilities still is considered to be limited in the textile field. The contact angle increased from 40.76 ° to 96.98 ° on the material treated with a synthetic wax polymer, which results in a 100% increase. The angle of 90°, theoretically means that the character of the material changed from hydrophilic to hydrophobic. Similar results also occurred after treatment with a wax dendrimer. The material, however, showed significant results in absorbing water when subjected for a longer time of soaking, whether it was treated or not.
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Toxicidade, efeito residual e repelência de acaricidas sintéticos e produtos naturais sobre Tetranychus urticae koch e Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks), em algodoeiro / Toxicity, residual effect and repellency of synthetic acaricides and natural products on Tetranychus urticae Koch e Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks) in cottonESTEVES FILHO, Alberto Belo 21 February 2012 (has links)
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Alberto Belo Esteves Filho.pdf: 564769 bytes, checksum: 5fa5b6739b0d8ac06a2e177101cc0daf (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-02-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This work studied the lethal and sublethal effects, repellency, toxicity and residual effects of natural and synthetic acaricides on the two spotted mite, Tetranychus urticae Kock (Acari: Tetranychidae), and its predator, Phytoseiulus macropilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae). The synthetic acaricides fenpropathrin, chlorfenapyr, diafenthiuron, abamectin and spiromesifen and the botanicals oils of neem, Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Meliaceae), Azadirachtin 1% and Azadirachtin A/B, Jatropha curcas L. (Euphobiacea) and Ricinus communis L. (Euphorbiacea) were tested. Based on LC50s e LC90s, spiromesifen was the most toxic to female mites and J. curcas to T. urticae eggs. To P. macropilis, the acaricides that caused more adverse effects were spiromesifen, J. curcas and Azadirachtin 1%. Oil of J. curcas used at sublethal concentrations was the only able to extinguish the population of T. urticae. Spiromesifen, R. communis and Azadirachtin A/B affected negatively the growth population of the two spotted spider mite. Population of P. macropilis exposed to spiromesifen, oil of J. curcas, and Azadirachtin 1% trended to extinction. However, when exposed to oil of R. communis and Azadiracthin A/B continued to grow. All acaricides tested, except oil of R. communis, were repellent to T. urticae females and affected oviposition of T. urticae. The treatment with oil of R. communis, J. curcas, and Azadiracthin 1% were repellent to the predatory female mites and affected its oviposition. The residual effect of fenpropathrin, chlorfenapyr, diafenthiuron, and abamectin caused mortality to T. urticae female over 90% up to the fourth evaluation. Fenpropathrin, diafenthiuron, abamectin, and spiromesifen caused reduction on female fecundity. The natural products tested were efficacious to two spotted spider mite adults only during the first evaluation. All tested acaricides exhibited efficacious control of T. urticae, but among the tested products the Azadiracthin A/B produced promising results to mite control in cotton ecosystem and was less harmful to the predatory mite. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos letais e subletais, repelência, toxicidade e efeito residual de acaricidas sintéticos e produtos naturais sobre Tetranychus urticae Kock (Acari: Tetranychidae) e Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks) (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Os acaricidas fenpropatrina, clorfenapir, diafentiurom, abamectina e espiromesifeno e os óleos emulsionáveis de nim, Azadirachta indica A. Juss. (Meliaceae) (Azadiractina 1% e Azadiractina A/B), Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae) e Ricinus communis L. (Euphorbiaceae) foram estudados. De acordo com as CLs50 e CLs90, espiromesifeno foi o mais tóxico para fêmeas, e J. curcas para ovos de T. urticae. Os acaricidas que causaram maior efeito adverso para P. macropilis, foram espiromesifeno, J. curcas e Azadiractina 1%. Espiromesifeno foi o único acaricida nocivo para P. macropilis. Quando testados em concentrações subletais, J. curcas foi o único capaz de extinguir a população de T. urticae. Espiromesifeno, R. communis e Azadiractina A/B afetaram, negativamente, o crescimento populacional da praga. A população de P. macropilis, quando exposta a espiromesifeno, J. curcas e Azadiractina 1%, tendeu à extinção. Porém, quando exposta a R. communis e Azadiractina A/B continuou crescendo. Todos os acaricidas, com exceção de R. communis, repeliram fêmeas e postura de T. urticae. Para o predador, R. communis, J. curcas e Azadiractina 1% também repeliram fêmeas e postura. Espiromesifeno e Azadiractina A/B repeliram apenas postura. Em relação à eficiência residual, fenpropatrina, clorfenapir, diafetiurom e abamectina, causaram mortalidade de fêmeas adultas de T. urticae superior a 98% até a quarta avaliação. Fepropatrina, diafentiurom, abamectina e espiromesifeno foram os que mais reduziram a fecundidade. Os produtos naturais foram eficientes para adultos, apenas na primeira avaliação, enquanto a redução de postura variou. Todos os acaricidas testados foram eficientes no controle de T. urticae, entretanto, Azadiractina A/B foi o mais promissor para o seu manejo no agroecossistema algodoeiro, pois, foi o menos nocivo para o predador.
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Alternativ för kreosotimpregnerade stolpar för Skellefteå Kraft AB : Med energiteknisk kalkyl för utsläpp vid impregnering och transport av kreosotstolparElHarthy, Kamal January 2017 (has links)
Kreosot är ett träskyddsmedel som förstärker träet mot röta och levande organismer vid impregnering. Problemet är att ämnet kreosot klassas som hälsofarligt och påverkar miljön i flera aspekter. Kemikalieinspektionen har beslutat om en förlängd användning av ämnet fram till år 2018. Därefter riskerar bekämpningsmedlet en gradvis utfasning i hela landet. En stor del av elkraftstolparna som Skellefteå Kraft AB använder i deras elnät är kreosotimpregnerade stolpar. Vid utfasning av ämnet kommer företaget att behöva ha en ny strategi angående elkraftstolpar. Med hjälp av undersökningar och analyser ska denna rapport beskriva en lämplig strategi för Skellefteå Kraft AB att använda sig av när kreosot förbjuds. På grund av de goda egenskaperna hos materialet trä och dess låga belastning på miljön avgränsas rapporten för just undersökning av metoder och medel som endast involverar materialet trä, bland annat furu på grund av dess goda förmåga vid inträngning av träskyddsmedlet. Rapporten undersöker först miljöpåverkan för kreosotstolpar genom studier av så kallade livscykelanalyser (LCA). En sådan undersökning inkluderar alla utsläpp som uppstår under en kreosotstolpes livslängd och dess påverkan på naturen och människan. Här utfördes en energiteknisk beräkning av det totala utsläppet för två olika exempel, en kortare (150 mil) och en längre (500 mil). Resultatet av denna analys visar att energiåtgången var bara ca 1/3 högre för den längre transporten. Det största utsläppet var växthusgasen koldioxid vilket skedde i betydligt större omfattning för den längre transportsträckan. Rapporten fortsätter att undersöka vilka impregneringsmetoder som används i Sverige och vilka medel som används. Detta görs för att analysera vilken av dessa metoder som kan vara en lämplig ersättning för kreosotimpregnering. En samlad bedömning av resultat och data från denna undersökning visade att Skellefteå Kraft AB kan fortsatt använda sig utav kopparsaltimpregnerade stolpar (Wolmanit CX-8 eller Wolmanit CX-8N) ifall kreosot fasas ut. Dessutom föreslås tryckimpregneringsmetoderna (fullcell eller Lowry metoden) behållas. Skellefteå Kraft AB har redan ett inköpsavtal med Rundvirke Poles AB angående beställning av nya stolpar. Rundvirke Poles AB tillverkar kopparsaltstolpar i alla dimensioner och storlekar och för Skellefteå Krafts del kan det tills vidare vara lämpligt att inköpsavtalet fortsätter gälla. Företag som Skellefteå Kraft bör dock vara öppna för nya och bättre medel och träskyddsmetoder som kan ge bättre prestanda och en mer fördelaktig livscykel. Ett sådant kan vara RVP Repellent som Poles AB utvecklar men här bör fördjupade tester, livscykelanalyser och kontroller utföras på träskyddsmedlet och produkten.
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Traitement hydrofuge dans la masse par l'incorporation de silicone (polymère à base de silicium) / Water repellent cement based materials by incorporation Si-based additivesSpaeth, Valérie 10 March 2011 (has links)
Les façades des nouveaux bâtiments et des bâtiments existants sont altérées par la pénétration de l'eau. Afin de protéger les bâtiments et surfaces exposées aux intempéries, des traitements contenant des agents hydrophobes doivent être appliqués.<p>Les traitements utilisés à l’heure actuelle sont des traitements de surface qui se dégradent au cours du temps. L'agent hydrophobe, présent en surface, est soumis à des conditions très rudes telles que des rayonnements ultraviolets, de grandes variations de température, de l'abrasion .qui réduisent l’efficacité et la durabilité des traitements. La plupart des traitements aujourd'hui disponibles, fournisse une barrière efficace au passage de l’eau à court terme, mais doivent donc être réappliqués régulièrement. <p>Le projet de recherche, présenté ici, traite de la mise en place d'un traitement de masse de matériaux cimentaires utilisés dans la protection de structures (joints, crépi .). Ce traitement devrait offrir une protection à long terme, mais ne devrait pas modifier de manière significative les propriétés mécaniques des matériaux. <p>Les avantages d'un traitement de masse sont évidents. Seule une petite partie de l'agent hydrophobe est exposée et dégradée par les conditions climatiques et l'abrasion de surface ne porte pas atteinte à l'intégrité du traitement.<p>Une étude fondamentale a été menée afin d'étudier l'influence de l'incorporation d´agents à base de silicium sur les processus d'hydratation des ciments Portland et de comprendre leur mode d'action. Deux agents (alpha,omega dihydroxypolydimethylsiloxane et n-octyltriethoxysilane) et deux ciments Portland (ordinaire et blanc CEM I 42,5N) ont été choisis et étudiés. Trois modes d´introduction (liquides purs, émulsions et granules) ont été mis en œuvre et comparés. <p>Le but est de déterminer les meilleures conditions pour obtenir un traitement efficace et durable tout en préservant les propriétés mécaniques. Les résultats d'absorption d'eau par capillarité et de perméabilité à la vapeur d’eau sont prometteurs et les essais mécaniques sur mortiers n’ont pas montré de diminutions significatives des résistances mécaniques. <p><p>La microstructure et la progression de l'hydratation des matrices cimentaires adjuvantées et de référence, ont été caractérisées par calorimétrie à conduction, par calorimétrie différentielle à balayage couplée à la thermogravimétrie, par spectroscopie infra-rouge, par diffraction des rayons X, par porosimétrie au mercure, et par microscopie électronique à balayage.<p><p>La durabilité des matériaux adjuvantés a été étudiée afin de montrer la pertinence des traitements ainsi que l'évaluation de la progression de l'hydratation. Les performances hydrofuges ainsi que l’évolution de la microstructure, à l’issue des différents vieillissements artificiels et naturels, ont été déterminées.<p>Les mortiers mis en œuvre ont été soumis à des vieillissements artificiels simulant des conditions proches de celles rencontrées en pratique (tels que des cycles rayonnements UV, pluie, sel, gel/dégel…). Une amélioration de la durabilité des mortiers adjuvantés a été observée. Les résultats sont très encourageants et confirment l'intérêt d’un tel traitement dans la masse.<p><p>/Protection of cement-based materials means above all, moisture protection because water is primarily responsible for inducing damaging physical and chemical processes in building materials. In most cases, water repellents are applied either directly during the construction or insulation process; or as a post-treatment of the exposed surfaces in order to protect the buildings from further decay. A new way is to develop a bulk treatment for cement-based materials which should provide a long term protection without modifying the mechanical properties of the cementitious materials. <p>The advantages of a bulk treatment are obvious i.e. only a small part of the hydrophobic agent is exposed and degraded by the UV. In addition, surface abrasion does not affect the integrity of the treatment. <p><p>A fundamental study was initiated to investigate the influence of the incorporation of two active silicon-based agents (already used as post-building treatments) on the hydration processes of Portland cements and to understand the involved mechanisms of interaction. <p>Two agents (alpha,omega dihydroxypolydimethylsiloxane and n-octyltriethoxysilane) and two Portland cements (Ordinary and White Portland Cement CEM I 42,5N) were chosen and studied. Three incorporation modes (pure liquids, water emulsions and granules) were investigated. The effects of the three modes were compared.<p>The aim was to determine the best conditions for an efficient and sustainable treatment preserving the mechanical properties of the materials. <p>The results of capillary water penetration and water vapor permeability are promising and are not accompanied by a significant decrease of the mechanical performances<p><p>The microstructure and progression of hydration of admixtured cement pastes were characterized by conduction calorimetry, differential scanning calorimetry, thermo-gravimetry, infra-red spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, mercury intrusion porosimetry, and scanning electron microscopy. <p>In addition, the durability of water-repellent additives and of the admixtured cement was studied in order to show the relevance of the treatments as well as the assessment of the progression of hydration and the type of products that were developed. <p>Mortar specimens were submitted to artificial ageing cycles such as freeze-thaw cycles, ultraviolet cycles and rain-sun cycles. <p>The general trend is an improvement of the durability of admixtured mortars. <p>The results are very encouraging and confirm the interest of the bulk mortar treatment. <p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Eccentric abstraction : investigations into the transformation of objects in clay, a physical process of emotional repression and absenceFalconer, Jayne January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Factors influencing arbovirus transmission: vector competence and the effects of virus infection on repellent response, oxidative stress, and glutathione-S-transferase activityChan, Kevin Ki Fai 31 January 2020 (has links)
Zika (ZIKV), La Crosse (LACV), and Cache Valley (CVV) viruses are mosquito-vectored diseases that cause significant morbidity and mortality in humans and animals. Transmission of these viruses are dependent on numerous factors including vector competence and the effects of mosquito-virus interactions. We conducted vector competence studies of local Aedes and Culex mosquitoes for ZIKV and CVV, and found that all Aedes mosquitoes were competent for CVV and only Aedes albopictus and Aedes japonicus were competent for ZIKV. Vector competence for CVV was dose-dependent, where mosquitoes orally infected with high titers developed higher transmission rates. We also found that vector competence for ZIKV was limited by midgut and salivary gland barriers. Second, we looked at the effects of LACV and ZIKV infection on repellent response in Aedes mosquitoes and found that infected mosquitoes were refractory to low concentrations of DEET, picaridin, and PMD. Increasing concentrations of the repellents to ≥10% was able to increase percent protection (%p) against infected and uninfected mosquitoes. Lastly, we determined the effects of ZIKV and LACV infection on oxidative stress and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity in Aedes albopictus. Virus infection had no effect on oxidative stress, but GST activity was significantly different for mosquitoes 3-days post-exposure. We found that oxidative stress levels and GST activity had an inverse relationship for infected and uninfected mosquitoes, where oxidative stress decreased and GST activity increased over the 10-day test period. This indicates that GSTs may aid in controlling byproducts of oxidative stress. The results from this entire study identified competent vectors for emerging arboviruses and demonstrated the behavioral and physiological effects of virus infection in the mosquito vector. / Doctor of Philosophy / Zika (ZIKV), La Crosse (LACV), and Cache Valley (CVV) viruses are transmitted by mosquitoes and can make humans and animals very sick. There are many biological factors that determine if a mosquito can transmit a virus and these viruses can change the biology of a mosquito. We conducted laboratory studies to see if Aedes and Culex mosquitoes can transmit ZIKV and CVV. We found that all Aedes mosquitoes were able to transmit CVV and only the Asian tiger mosquito and Asian rock pool mosquito were able to transmit ZIKV. Mosquitoes infected with high amounts of CVV developed higher transmission rates. We also found that transmission of ZIKV was limited by barriers in the mosquito midgut and salivary glands. Second, we looked at the effects of LACV and ZIKV infection on how Aedes mosquitoes respond to repellents and found that infected mosquitoes were less sensitive to low concentrations of DEET, picaridin, and PMD. Increasing concentrations of the repellents to 10% or higher was able to provide adequate protection against infected and uninfected mosquitoes. Lastly, we determined the effects of ZIKV and LACV infection on oxidative stress and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity in the Asian tiger mosquito. Virus infection did not change oxidative stress, but GST activity was higher in infected mosquitoes tested after 3 days after infection. We found that oxidative stress decreased and GST activity increased over the 10-day test period. This indicates that GSTs may help control damaging products from oxidative stress. The results from this entire study identified what mosquitoes were able to transmit emerging mosquito-borne viruses and demonstrated the biological effects of virus infection in the mosquitoes.
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