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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cardioprotection by Drug-Induced Changes in Glucose and Glycogen Metabolism

Omar, Mohamed Abdalla Unknown Date
No description available.

Optimisation du contrôle glycémique en chirurgie cardiaque : variabilité glycémique, compliance aux protocoles de soins, et place des incrétino-mimétiques / Improving blood glucose control in cardiac surgery patients : glycemic variability, nurse-compliance to insulin therapy protocols and use of incretin mimetics

Besch, Guillaume 15 December 2017 (has links)
L’hyperglycémie de stress et la variabilité glycémique, consécutives à la réaction inflammatoire péri opératoire, sont associées à une morbidité et une mortalité accrues en chirurgie cardiaque. L’insulinothérapie intraveineuse administrée à l’aide de protocoles complexes, dits « dynamiques », constitue à l’heure actuelle le traitement de référence de l’hyperglycémie de stress. L’intérêt du contrôle glycémique péri-opératoire est admis par tous, sans qu’il existe de consensus véritable quant aux objectifs à atteindre, et reste très exigeant en termes de charge de soins. Dans la 1ère partie de ce travail, nous avons voulu vérifier si, 7 ans après sa mise en place, l’observance du protocole d’insulinothérapie utilisé dans notre Unité de Soins Intensifs de Chirurgie Cardiaque était conforme à celle mesurée lors de son implantation. Nous avons constaté des dérives majeures dans l’application du protocole qui ont pu être corrigées par la mise en place de mesures correctrices simples. Dans une 2ème partie du travail, nous avons cherché à évaluer si, à l’instar de la chirurgie cardiaque classique, une variabilité glycémique accrue était associée à une altération du pronostic des patients bénéficiant d’une procédure moins invasive (remplacement valvulaire aortique percutané ou TAVI). Nous avons ainsi analysé les données des patients ayant bénéficié d’un TAVI dans notre centre, et inclus dans les registres multicentriques français France et France-2. Nos résultats suggèrent une association entre une augmentation de la variabilité glycémique et un risque accru de complications cardiovasculaires majeures dans les 30 premiers jours, indépendamment de la qualité du contrôle glycémique obtenu. Enfin, dans une 3ème partie nous avons voulu savoir si exenatide, analogue de synthèse de GLP-1, permettait d’améliorer le contrôle glycémique péri opératoire en chirurgie cardiaque. Nous avons conduit un essai randomisé contrôlé de phase II/III montrant que l’administration intraveineuse (IV) d’exenatide, ne permettait pas d’améliorer la qualité du contrôle glycémique ou de réduire la variabilité glycémique par rapport à l’insuline IV, mais permettait de retarder l’administration d’insuline et de diminuer la quantité d’insuline administrée. Notre étude suggère également une diminution de la charge en soins. Du fait des données rapportées chez l’animal et dans l’infarctus du myocarde, nous avons également conduit une étude ancillaire suggérant l’absence d’effets cardioprotecteurs majeurs d’exenatide sur les lésions d’ischémie-reperfusion myocardiques, ne permettant pas d’améliorer la fonction cardiaque gauche à court et à moyen terme. L’optimisation du contrôle glycémique en chirurgie cardiaque nécessite ainsi la recherche de stratégies visant à améliorer l’observance des protocoles de soins et à réduire la variabilité glycémique. La place des analogues du GLP-1 reste à définir dans cette indication. / Stress hyperglycemia and glycemic variability are associated with increased morbidity and mortality in cardiac surgery patients. Intravenous (IV) insulin therapy using complex dynamic protocols is the gold standard treatment for stress hyperglycemia. If the optimal blood glucose target range remains a matter of debate, blood glucose control using IV insulin therapy protocols has become part of the good clinical practices during the postoperative period, but implies a significant increase in nurse workload. In the 1st part of the thesis, we aimed at checking the nurse-compliance to the insulin therapy protocol used in our Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Unit 7 years after its implementation. Major deviations have been observed and simple corrective measures have restored a high level of nurse compliance. In the 2nd part of this thesis, we aimed at assessing whether blood glucose variability could be related to poor outcome in transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) patients, as reported in more invasive cardiac surgery procedures. The analysis of data from patients who undergone TAVI in our institution and included in the multicenter France and France-2 registries suggested that increased glycemic variability is associated with a higher rate of major adverse events occurring between the 3rd and the 30th day after TAVI, regardless of hyperglycemia. In the 3rd part if this thesis, we conducted a randomized controlled phase II/III trial to investigate the clinical effectiveness of IV exenatide in perioperative blood glucose control after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Intravenous exenatide failed to improve blood glucose control and to decrease glycemic variability, but allowed to delay the start in insulin infusion and to lower the insulin dose required. Moreover, IV exenatide could allow a significant decrease in nurse workload. The ancillary analysis of this trial suggested that IV exenatide did neither provide cardio protective effect against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injuries nor improve the left ventricular function by using IV exenatide. Strategies aiming at improving nurse compliance to insulin therapy protocols and at reducing blood glucose variability could be suitable to improve blood glucose control in cardiac surgery patients. The use of the analogues of GLP-1 in cardiac surgery patients needs to be investigated otherwise.

Alterações no perfil metabólico em resposta a isquemia/reperfusão renal em modelo suíno de lesão renal aguda / Changes in the metabolic profile in response to ischemia/reperfusion in a swine model of acute kidney injury

Pamella Araujo Malagrino 31 October 2014 (has links)
A lesão renal aguda (LRA) é uma séria complicação dos pacientes hospitalizados, causada principalmente pela isquemia/reperfusão (I/R). Ela é definida como um abrupto declínio da função renal baseada em alterações agudas da creatinina sérica e débito urinário. Porém, alterações na creatinina sérica são tardias e variam com o gênero, idade, massa muscular, metabolismo e hidratação do indivíduo. Novos biomarcadores para um diagnóstico mais preciso e precoce da doença são necessários. No entanto, devido em humanos a LRA ser uma doença, em sua maioria, secundária a outras doenças, o desenvolvimento de modelos animais com resposta similar aos humanos é de extrema importância. Assim, o presente estudo tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento e caracterização de um modelo suíno de I/R renal, seguido da identificação de alterações nos perfis metabólicos séricos durante à I/R renal aguda. Além de colaborar com o melhor entendimento da fisiopatologia da doença, pode prover novos biomarcadores com potencial uso no diagnóstico e prognóstico através do monitoramento dos pacientes hospitalizados. Primeiramente, foi desenvolvido um modelo controlado e percutâneo, com único insulto de I/R renal, sem nefrectomia contralateral usando suínos como modelo. A isquemia foi induzida por um cateter-balão inflado por 120min na artéria renal direita seguida de 24 horas de reperfusão. Amostras seriadas de soro e urina foram coletadas. A caracterização do modelo foi feita por análises histológicas e bioquímicas, e a identificação de novos biomarcadores, através da ressonância magnética nuclear (600MHz) seguida da análise por PLS-DA e biologia de sistemas. A necrose tubular aguda foi identificada em todos os animais, porém apenas dois deles apresentaram níveis de creatinina sérica acima de 150% dos seus valores basais. Como esperado, a I/R elevou os níveis de uréia e creatinina e ainda modulou a excreção de Na+, K+, Cl-, bicarbonato e glicose. A NGAL e as proteínas nitradas séricas apresentaram dois perfis: diminuíram com a isquemia e aumentaram com a reperfusão. Este declínio foi associado com o aumento da excreção de proteínas durante a isquemia e início da reperfusão. A partir deste modelo de I/R renal desenvolvido, selecionamos 8 marcadores metabólicos: L-glutamato, L-serina, N-isovaleroilglicina, L-metionina, L-prolina, 2-aminobutirato, colina e creatinina. Estes metabólitos foram capazes de distinguir indivíduos saudáveis e isquêmicos, restaurando seus valores após 11 horas da reperfusão. Através da análise de biologia de sistemas, estes metabólitos se mostraram altamente representativos da via dos aminoácidos, se relacionaram com alterações no transporte iônico e foram associados às vias do fator nuclear kappa B (NF?B), huntingtina (HTT) e pró-insulina. Assim, foi possível desenvolver um modelo de I/R renal percutâneo em modelo suíno, capaz de permitir o desenvolvimento de estudos para explorar respostas fisiopatológicas e novos biomarcadores isquêmicos renais. A partir dele, com ferramentas metabolômicas, foi possível elaborar um painel metabólico que contribui para o estudo da fisiopatologia da isquemia e pode tornar-se uma ferramenta promissora para a identificação precoce de pacientes com LRA geradas pela I/R renal / Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a serious complication in hospitalized patients mainly caused by ischemia/reperfusion. AKI is defined as the abrupt decrease in kidney function based on acute alterations in serum creatinine or urine output. Nevertheless, changes in serum creatinine are late and vary with muscular mass, age, gender, metabolism and hydration of individuals. In this sense, new biomarkers for the accurate and early diagnosis are needed. In humans LRA is a secondary disease, related to the progress of other diseases. Thus, the development of animal models with similar response to humans is extremely important. This study aimed to develop and characterize a swine model of renal ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), followed by the identification of changes in serum metabolic profiles during acute renal I/R. In addition to collaborating with a better understanding of the physiopathology of the disease, these findings may provide new biomarkers with potential use in diagnosis and prognosis through the monitoring hospitalized patients. Here we report the development of a controlled, single-insult model of unilateral renal I/R without contralateral nephrectomy, using a suitable model, the pig. Animals underwent renal ischemia by balloon catheter placed and inflated into the right renal artery for 120 minutes and reperfusion over 24 hours. Serial serum and urine were sampled. The characterization of the renal I/R model was made by histological and biochemical analyzes. Identification of new biomarkers was performed by nuclear magnetic resonance (600MHz) followed by PLS-DA analysis and systems biology. Acute tubular necrosis (ATN) was identified in every animal, but only two animals showed levels of serum creatinine above 150% of baseline values. As expected, I/R increased serum creatinine and BUN. Fractional sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate and glucose excretion were modulated during ischemia. Serum nitrated proteins and NGAL presented two profiles: decreased with ischemia and increased after reperfusion. This decline was associated with increased protein excretion during ischemia and early reperfusion. From this renal I/R model developed, eight metabolites were selected: L-glutamate, L-serine, N-isovaleroylglicine, L-methionine, L-proline, 2-aminobutyrated, choline and creatinine. PLS-DA analysis for these metabolites resulted in an accurate separation between pre ischemia and ischemia groups. All selected metabolites recovered to baseline conditions after 11 hours of reperfusion. Through network analysis we found changes in H+, Na+ and Cl- ion transport pathways and association with Nuclear Factor-KappaB (NF?B), Huntingtin (HTT) and proinsulin (insulin) pathways. Thus, it was possible to develop a percutaneous model of renal I/R in swine model, allowing the development of studies to explore physiopathology responses and new renal ischemic biomarkers. With this model and metabolomic tools, it was possible to develop a metabolic panel that contributes to the study of ischemia physiopathology and may become a promising tool for the early identification of patients with AKI generated by renal I/R

Third Place Winner of the Conrad Jobst Award in the Gold Medal Paper Competition. Prevention of Spinal Cord Dysfunction in a New Model of Spinal Cord Ischemia

Lopez, S, Manahan, E, Evans, J. R., Kao, R. L., Browder, W. 01 January 1995 (has links)
Paraplegia or paraparesis caused by temporary cross-clamping of the aorta is a devastating sequela in patients after surgery of the thoracoabdominal aorta. No effective clinical method is available to protect the spinal cord from ischemic reperfusion injury. A small animal (rat) model of spinal cord ischemia is established to better understand the pathophysiological events and to evaluate potential treatments. Eighty-one male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 300 g to 350 g were used for model development (45) and treatment evaluation (36). The heparinized and anesthetized rat was supported by a respirator following tracheostomy. The thoracic aorta was cannulated via the left carotid artery for post-clamping intra-aortic treatment solution administration. After thoracotomy, the aorta was freed and temporarily clamped just distal to the left subclavian artery and just proximal to the diaphragm for different time intervals: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 minutes (five animals per group). The motor function of the lower extremities postoperatively showed consistent impairment after 30 minutes clamping (5/5 rats were paralyzed), and this time interval was used for treatment evaluation. For each treatment, six animals per group were used, and direct local intra-aortic infusion of physiologic solution (2 mL) at different temperatures with or without buffer substances was given immediately after double cross-clamp to protect the ischemic spinal cord. Arterial blood (2 mL) was infused in the control group. The data indicate that the addition of HCO3-(20 mM) to the hypothermic (15 degrees C) solution offered complete protection of the spinal cord from ischemic injury.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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