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Evaluation of Pulmonary Edema: Stereological versus Gravimetrical AnalysisFehrenbach, Antonia, Fehrenbach, Heinz, Wittwer, Thorsten, Ochs, Matthias, Wahlers, Thorsten, Richter, Joachim 12 February 2014 (has links)
Assessment of lung edema by gravimetrical analysis is a standard method to evaluate the severity of experimentally induced ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury. The aim of this study was to compare gravimetrical assessment of pulmonary edema with a stereological approach which allows for qualitative and quantitative distinction between intravascular and edematous fluids by light microscopy. Eight experimental groups which differed in mode of preservation, ischemic storage and pharmacological treatments were studied in an extracorporeal rat lung model. Analysis of the pooled data showed that the wet/dry ratio values mainly reflected the amount of intra-alveolar edema (rs = 0.442; p = 0.0057) but only stereological assessment of edema formation revealed differences depending on the treatment used. Only stereological data correlated significantly with oxygen tension measured at the end of reperfusion (rs = –0.530; p = 0.0009). We conclude that gravimetry is of minor functional importance compared to assessment by stereological methods which prove to be a reliable and efficient tool for the evaluation of IR injury in the different experimental settings. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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Analysis of Volatile Anesthetic-Induced Organ Protection in Simultaneous Pancreas–Kidney TransplantationJahn, Nora, Völker, Maria Theresa, Laudi, Sven, Stehr, Sebastian, Schneeberger, Stefan, Brandacher, Gerald, Sucher, Elisabeth, Rademacher, Sebastian, Seehofer, Daniel, Hau, Hans Michael, Sucher, Robert 26 October 2023 (has links)
Background: Despite recent advances in surgical procedures and immunosuppressive
regimes, early pancreatic graft dysfunction, mainly specified as ischemia–reperfusion injury (IRI)—
Remains a common cause of pancreas graft failure with potentially worse outcomes in simultaneous
pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPKT). Anesthetic conditioning is a widely described strategy to
attenuate IRI and facilitate graft protection. Here, we investigate the effects of different volatile
anesthetics (VAs) on early IRI-associated posttransplant clinical outcomes as well as graft function
and outcome in SPKT recipients. Methods: Medical data of 105 patients undergoing SPKT between
1998–2018 were retrospectively analyzed and stratified according to the used VAs. The primary
study endpoint was the association and effect of VAs on pancreas allograft failure following SPKT;
secondary endpoint analyses included “IRI- associated posttransplant clinical outcome” as well
as long-term graft function and outcome. Additionally, peak serum levels of C-reactive protein
(CRP) and lipase during the first 72 h after SPKT were determined and used as further markers
for “pancreatic IRI” and graft injury. Typical clinicopathological characteristics and postoperative
outcomes such as early graft outcome and long-term function were analyzed. Results: Of the 105
included patients in this study three VAs were used: isoflurane (n = 58 patients; 55%), sevoflurane
(n = 22 patients; 21%), and desflurane (n = 25 patients, 24%). Donor and recipient characteristics
were comparable between both groups. Early graft loss within 3 months (24% versus 5% versus 8%,
p = 0.04) as well as IRI-associated postoperative clinical complications (pancreatitis: 21% versus
5% versus 5%, p = 0.04; vascular thrombosis: 13% versus 0% versus 5%; p = 0.09) occurred more
frequently in the Isoflurane group compared with the sevoflurane and desflurane groups. Anesthesia
with sevoflurane resulted in the lowest serum peak levels of lipase and CRP during the first 3 days
after transplantation, followed by desflurane and isoflurane (p = 0.039 and p = 0.001, respectively).
There was no difference with regard to 10-year pancreas graft survival as well as endocrine/metabolic
function among all three VA groups. Multivariate analysis revealed the choice of VAs as an independent
prognostic factor for graft failure three months after SPKT (HR 0.38, 95%CI: 0.17–0.84;
p = 0.029). Conclusions: In our study, sevoflurane and desflurane were associated with significantly
increased early graft survival as well as decreased IRI-associated post-transplant clinical outcomes when compared with the isoflurane group and should be the focus of future clinical studies evaluating
the positive effects of different VA agents in patients receiving SPKT.
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Real-Time Acquisition and Analysis of Endothelial Mitochondrial Superoxide Radical Production and Membrane Potential During In Vitro Ischemia/ReperfusionGiedt, Randy James 26 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Die Bedeutung der toxischen Sauerstoffradikale beim Ischämie/Reperfusionsschaden nach Lebertransplantation in der RatteLehmann, Thorsten 04 November 2004 (has links)
Einleitung: Der Ischämie/Reperfusionsschaden (I/R) ist die wesentliche Ursache des frühen Transplantatversagens nach Lebertransplantation (LTx). Fettlebern sind dabei besonders betroffen. Freie Sauerstoffradikale spielen bei der Pathogenese eine zentrale Rolle. Die Morphologie der so versagenden Transplantatleber ist charakterisiert durch Entzündung, Nekrose und Apoptose. Endogene Radikalfänger wie die Superoxiddismutase (SOD), nicht aber exogen zugefuhrte, bauen freie Radikale ab. Das Ziel der vorgelegten Studien war es, im Modell der LTx von gesunden und verfetteten Lebern in der Ratte mittels adenoviralem Gentransfer von SOD den I/R zu vermindern, die Überlebensrate zu erhöhen und zugrunde liegende Mechanismen aufzuzeigen. Methoden: Bei Experimenten mit verfetteten Lebern wurde eine ausgeprägte Steatose der Spenderlebern durch Füttern einer Ethanol- und fettreichen Diät (Lieber-DiCarli) erzeugt. Explantierte Lebern wurden für 24 h konserviert und orthotop transplantiert. Einigen Spendern wurde 72 h vor Organentnahme Cu/Zn-SOD enthaltendes Adenovirus (Ad.SOD1) i.v. appliziert. Als Kontrollen dienten Fettlebern, welche mit dem Gen von b-Galaktosidase (Ad.lacZ) transfiziert wurden, oder aber gesunde Lebern. Untersuchungsparameter waren neben Transfektionsparametern die Transaminasen, histopathologische Morphologie, Überlebensraten, sowie die Aktivierung von Transkriptionsfaktoren und deren Kinasen. Freie Radikale wurden in der Galle mittels Elektronenspin-Resonanz-Spektroskopie nachgewiesen. In weiteren Experimenten wurden auch die mitochondriale und die extrazelluläre Isoform hinsichtlich ihrer protektiven Wirkung untersucht. Ebenso wurde die Auswirkung der freien Radikale auf die Regeneration nach Teillebertransplantation untersucht. Ergebnisse: 72 h nach Injektion von Ad.lacZ exprimierten etwa 80% aller Hepatozyten die b-Galaktosidase. In der Ad.SOD1 Gruppe war die Genexpression 3-fach, die Aktivität 12-fach erhöht. Im Vergleich zu den unbehandelten oder Ad.lacZ infizierten Empfängern von Fettlebern, stiegen die Transaminasen um etwa 50% bei der Ad.SOD1 Gruppe an. Alle Empfänger von Ad-SOD1 behandelten Fettlebern überlebten, hingegen nur 10% der Ad.lacZ Gruppe. Etwa 35% der Hepatozyten von Fettlebern waren nekrotisch, jedoch nur 10% in Ad.SOD1-behandelten Fettlebern. Ad.SOD1 halbierte die Freisetzung von freien Radikalen und minimierte die Aktivierung von NF-kB. Die Aktivität der Kinase IKK wurde nicht reduziert, der Anstieg der Aktivität von JNK jedoch komplett inhibiert. Die Freisetzung von TNFa wurde nicht beeinflußt. Als wirksamste Isoform hat sich die zytosolische erwiesen, die extrazelluläre ist nach Überexpression ohne protektive Wirkung. Die Leberregeneration läßt sich nach Transplantation durch SOD-Überexpression massiv anregen und das Organversagen bei kritischer Leberzellmasse vermeiden. Schlußfolgerung: Diese Studie zeigt erstmals die Wirksamkeit einer neuen Strategie zur Organprotektion fur gesunde Lebern und Fettlebern. Die Eliminierung von Sauerstoffradikalen spielt bei der Pathogenese eine Schlüsselrolle. Der adenoviraler Gentransfer von SOD stellt ein gangbares therapeutisches Verfahren für die Zukunft dar, um auch marginale, verfettete Organe vor reperfusionsbedingtem Versagen zu schützen. Dabei ist die zytosolische SOD am effektivsten. Auch bei der Teilleber-Transplantation ist diese Therapieform erfolgversprechend. / Background: Oxygen-derived free radicals play a central role in pathomechanisms of reperfusion injury after organ transplantation, and fatty livers are particularly susceptible. Endogenous radical scavenger systems such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) degrade toxic radicals; however, SOD is degraded rapidly when given exogenously. Therefore, the hypothesis that treatment of the donor liver with an adenoviral vector encoding the Cu/Zn-SOD gene (Ad.SOD1), or the Mn-SOD gene or the ec-SOD gene would lead to permanent gene expression and therefore protect the organ against injury and increase survival in a rat model of liver transplantation including fatty livers was tested. Transplantation of reduced-size livers may lead to a hypermetabolic state and increased production of oxygen radicals. Since oxygen radicals may cause liver injury and impair liver regeneration, we tested the hypothesis that overexpression of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in reduced-size livers (RSL) would accelerate regeneration and reduce injury in a rat model of transplantation of RSL. Methods: Donors received chow diet (untreated), high-fat diet, or ethanol-containing high-fat diet. Some donors were infected with Ad-SOD1, while untreated grafts and livers infected with the indicator gene lacZ encoding bacterial b-galactosidase (Ad.lacZ) served as controls. Some livers were harvested 72 hours later, reduced to 45% of weight, and transplanted. After liver transplantation, SOD activity and protein expression in liver, survival, histopathology, release of transaminases, free radical adducts in bile and activation of NF-kB, IkB kinase (IKK), Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) and TNFa were evaluated. Moreover, in transplanted split-livers regeneration was evaluated by Brdu-staining, and measurement of cyclinD1 and p21. Results: Approximately 80% of hepatocytes expressed b-galactosidase 72h after injection of Ad-lacZ. Moreover, SOD1 gene expression and activity were increased 3- and 10-fold in the Ad-SOD1 group, respectively. Following transplantation, 20-25% of rats treated with Ad.lacZ survived. In contrast, all SOD1-treated animals survived. Transaminases measured 8h after transplantation in Ad-SOD1 rats were only 40% of those in controls which increased 40-fold above normal values. Approximately 20% of hepatocytes in untreated and Ad.lacZ-infected organs were necrotic 8h after reperfusion, whereas necrosis was nearly undetectable in grafts from rats treated with Ad.SOD1. Free radical adducts were increased 2-fold in the ethanol group compared to untreated controls. Ad.SOD1 blunted this increase and reduced the activation of NF-kB, which was similar in untreated and ethanol-treated groups. Ad.SOD1 did not affect activity of IKK, but JNK activity was blunted. Release of TNFa was not affected. In recipients of Ad.SOD1-RSL survival was dramatically increased (100% vs. 20% in Ad.lacZ-RSL), and peak levels of AST/ALT and bilirubin levels were reduced by 75% and 87.5%, respectively (p
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Hemmung der Selektin-vermittelten Granulozytenadhäsion durch Fucoidin in der frühen Reperfusionsphase nach Ischämie im Modell der ex-vivo hämoperfundierten SchweineniereLippek, Frank 09 July 2001 (has links)
Der renale Ischämie-/Reperfusionsschaden (IRI) stellt in der Transplantationsmedizin ein grosses Problem dar. Fucoidin, ein potenter Antagonist der Selektin-vermittelten Leukozytenaggregation, verbesserte an der Rattenleber (in einer Konzentration von 360mg/l) das Ausmass der leukozytären Gewebeinfiltration in der frühen Phase nach Ischämie und Reperfusion. In einem Modell der isoliert hämoperfundierten Schweineniere sollte die Wirkung von Fucoidin auf die postischämische Organfunktion untersucht werden. Hierzu wurden 24 Versuche durchgeführt. Dem Blut der Versuchsgruppen wurde vor Beginn der Reperfusion Fucoidin in einer Konzentration von 100 mg/l zugesetzt. Es zeigte sich unter Fucoidin ein signifikanter Abfall des renalen Blutflusses (55 ( 28 vs. 143 ( 97 ml*min-1*100g-1, p / Renal postischemic reperfusion injury constitutes a significant problem after kidney transplantation. The polysaccharide fucoidin (360 mg/l) improves postischemic function in Ratliver, presumably by blocking selectin-mediated leukocyte adhesion. Twelve pairs of ischemic pig kidneys were reperfused in an ex vivo model with autologous blood with or without fucoidin (100 mg/L). Fucoidin resulted in a significant decrease of renal blood flow (55 ( 28 vs. 143 ( 97 mL*min-1*100g-1, p < 0.001) and increased vascular resistance (2.9 ( 2.8 vs. 1.1 ( 1.5 mmHg*mL-1*min-1*100g-1, p < 0.001). Compared to untreated control kidneys significantly more interstitial and intravascular leucocytes were found in fucoidin treated kidneys. Intraglomerular fibrinogen and thrombocytic aggregates were also increased significantly. Granulocytic emboli were present in afferent glomerular arteries of 10/12 fucoidin-treated kidneys and in 2/12 controls (p < 0.001). L-selectin-dependent granulocytic aggregation under shear stress in vitro was prevented by fucoidin in a dose-dependent fashion. However similar concentrations used in reperfused kidneys caused large granulocytic aggregates. The observed formation of embolizing granulocytic aggregates indicates limited effectiveness of fucoidin as an inhibitor of selectin-mediated leukocyte adhesion.
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Hämodynamische und funktionelle Charakterisierung eines Modells zur isolierten Nierenperfusion anhand von Noradrenalin und Nitroprussid-NatriumAurich, Henning 27 July 2004 (has links)
Einleitung - Die ethische Rechtfertigung von Tierversuchen ist in unserer Gesellschaft höchst umstritten. Es ist in zunehmendem Maße Gegenstand von wissenschaftlichen Bemühungen, Alternativmethoden zu Tierversuchen zu etablieren. Fragestellung - In dieser Arbeitsgruppe wurde ein Modell zur isolierten Vollblutperfusion kältekonservierter Schlachthoforgane entwickelt. Es wurde anhand von Experimenten mit vasoaktiven Pharmaka der hämodynamische Funktionszustand der isoliert reperfundierten Schweineniere evaluiert. Methoden - 21 Nieren wurden nach einer warmen Ischämiephase von 16,5 min ± 4,3 min und einer Kältekonservierung von 6,6 h ± 1,9 h für insgesamt 150 Minuten normotherm reperfundiert, wovon eine Zeitspanne von 45 Minuten nach einer einstündigen Äquilibrierungsphase bei allen Nieren als interne Kontrolle diente. Daraufhin wurde ohne Pharmakongabe bei 6 Nieren (Gruppe 1, Kontrolle), unter Dauerinfusion von Nitroprussid-Natrium (NN) bei 8 Nieren (Gruppe 2) und von Noradrenalin (NA) bei 7 Nieren (Gruppe 3) für weitere 45 Minuten mit der Perfusion fortgefahren. In 15-minütigen Abständen wurden Blut- und Urinproben entnommen, und so wurden die renalen Funktionsparameter bestimmt sowie der Urin per Gelelektrophorese qualitativ auf Proteinurie untersucht. Anschließend an die Perfusion wurden die Nieren einer pathologisch-histologischen Begutachtung unterzogen, die mittels eines selbstentwickelten Scores quantifiziert wurde. Ergebnisse - Die beiden vasoaktiven Pharmaka entfalteten in der Interventionsphase die ihnen normalerweise zugeschriebenen Primärwirkungen: NA konstringierte die Hauptwiderstandsgefäße der Niere. Der renale Widerstand stieg von 0,61 auf 0,80 mmHg*min/(ml*100gNG). NN dilatierte die Hauptwiderstandsgefäße. Der Perfusionswiderstand sank von 0,74 auf 0,65 mmHg*min/(ml*100gNG). Umgekehrt verhielt sich der Perfusionsplasmafluß. Er sank unter NA von 104,74 auf 87,45 ml/(min*100gNG), während er unter NN von 107,20 auf 121,98 ml/(min*100gNG) stieg. Das Harnzeitvolumen stieg unter NA von 3,01 auf 3,33 ml/(min*100gNG) und sank unter NN von 1,62 auf 1,10 ml/(min*100gNG). Die Kreatininclearance sank sowohl unter NA (von 11,02 auf 9,48 ml/(min*100gNG)), als auch unter NN (von 10,89 auf 6,31 ml/(min*100gNG)). Während die Filtrationsfraktion unter NA konstant blieb, sank sie unter NN von 11,66 auf 6,30 %. Der Natriumtransport sank unter beiden Pharmaka, und zwar unter NA von 1,34 auf 1,14 mmol/(min*100gNG) und unter NN von 1,43 auf 0,84 mmol/(min*100gNG).Die Elektrophorese zeigte qualitativ eine selektive, im späteren Perfusionsverlauf unselektiver werdende Proteinurie bei allen untersuchten Nieren. In der Histologie zeigte sich in der Referenzgruppe tendentiell ein geringer ausgeprägter Ischämie-Reperfusionsschaden als nach Perfusion mit den verwendeten Pharmaka. Unter NN ließ sich hauptsächlich eine vermehrte Vakuolenbildung ausmachen, unter NA eine Dilatation der proximalen Tubuli. Diskussion - An den gemessenen Funktionsparametern konnte eine bevorzugte Wirkung beider Substanzen an den postglomerulären Arteriolen abgelesen werden, wie dies auch von der Literatur fast einhellig bestätigt wird. Die Ergebnisse der Elektrophorese lassen auf einen glomerulären Ischämieschaden schließen. Auch durch die histologische Begutachtung konnte diese Aussage des Ischämie-Reperfusionsschadens mit Ausdehnung auf eine tubuläre Komponente des Schadens bekräftigt werden. Sie steht in direktem Zusammenhang mit den Ergebnissen der Evaluation der Funktionsparameter. Die Ischämie bewirkte in erster Linie eine Erhöhung des renalen Gefäßwiderstandes. Die Verwendung des Kalziumantagonisten Verapamil sollte diesen Effekt einschränken und führte zu einer aufgehobenen Autoregulation. Die Experimente liefern als ein Modell des ischämisch induzierten Nierenversagens reproduzierbare und signifikante Ergebnisse. / Introduction - Ethical justification of vivisection is subject to controverse discussion. It is an issue of scientific effort to establish alternative methods. In this study a model of normothermic reperfusion was established including organs from slaughterhouse animals undergoing cold ischemia before reperfusion. Vasoactive agents were used to determine the state of function of the isolated reperfused pig kidney. Methods - 21 kidneys were reperfused for 150 minutes after a cold ischemia of 6.6 h ± 1.9 h and a warm ischemia of 16.5 min ± 4.3 min. Normothermic conditions were established. After a time span of an hour that served as an equilibration time, 45 minutes of untreated perfusion followed (internal control). After that, 6 kidneys remained untreated for another 45 minutes (group 1), 8 kidneys were continuously treated with sodium nitroprusside (SN) and 7 kidneys with norepinephrine (NE). In intervals of 15 minutes, blood and urine samples were taken. Thus parameters of renal function were determined and the urine was examined with gel electrophoresis. After the perfusion, all kidneys underwent a histopathological examination which was quantified using a self-established score. Results - Both pharmacological substances revealed their primary effects on renal vasculature. NE constricted the main renal resistance vessels. Renal resistance raised from 0.61 to 0.80 mmHg*min/(ml*100g renal weight). SN dilated the main resistance vessels. Perfusion resistance was reduced from 0.74 to 0.65 mmHg*min/(ml*100g renal weight). Perfusion plasma flow was reduced from 104.74 to 87.45 ml/(min*100g renal weight) under NE. It was raised from 107.20 to 121.98 ml/(min*100grenal weight) under SN. Under NE, urine time volume was raised from 3.01 to 3.33 ml/(min*100g renal weight) and it was reduced from 1.62 to 1.10 ml/(min*100g renal weight) under SN. Creatinine clearance was reduced rom 11.02 to 9.48 ml/(min*100g renal weight) under NE as well as under SN (from 10.89 to 6.31 ml/(min*100g renal weight)). Filtration fraction remained constant during infusion of NE, but it was reduced from 11.66 to 6.30 % under SN. Sodium transport was reduced under both substances. NE reduced it from 1.34 to 1.14 mmol/(min*100g renal weight) and from 1.43 to 0.84 mmol/(min*100g renal weight) under SN. Electrophoresis revealed qualitatively selective proteinuria in all examined kidneys, becoming more unselective in the course of the experiment. Histopathological findings revealed a smaller reperfusion injury in the control group than in both other groups (P>0.05). SN led to a vacuolisation in proximal tubular epithelium, NE was mainly responsible for a dilation of the proximal tubuli. Discussion - All measured function parameters revealed that the main effect of both substances was located in the postglomerular sphincter, which is also postulated by most of the literature. The results of urine electrophoresis lead to the assumption that there is a glomerular ischemic injury. Histological findings show also a tubular aspect of the reperfusion injury. It can be seen in direct context with the parameters of renal function. Ischemia was mainly responsible for a raise in renal vascular resistance. The calcium antagonist verapamil hydrochloride was used to diminish this effect and prevented autoregulation. Being defined as a model of ischemically induced renal failure, the experiments reveal reproducible and significant results.
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Untersuchungen zur Nierenfunktion bei der Behandlung angeborener HerzfehlerDittrich, Sven 17 July 2001 (has links)
Diese Arbeit befasst sich tierexperimentell und klinisch mit Aspekten der Nierenfunktion bei der Behandlung angeborener Herzfehler. Von Patientenseite sind das Neonatal- und Säuglingsalter und ab der Adoleszenz eine chronische Zyanose, von Behandlungsseite Röntgenkontrastmittelgaben, Dauer, Blutviskositätsänderungen und Kreislaufstillstand am kardiopulmonalen Bypass Risikofaktoren. Cortikosteroidgaben, Optimierung von Blutviskosität und Hydratation sowie eine prophylaktische Peritonealdialyse sind Ansätze zur Behandlung eines Nierenschadens. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Verbesserungen der Plasmaviskosität Nierenschäden am hypothermen kardiopulmonalen Bypass vermindern während eine Cortikosteroidgabe vor Kreislaufstillstand bei Ferkeln nicht nephroprotektiv wirkt. Bei Risikopatienten erweist sich der prophylaktische Einsatz einer Peritonealdialyse als günstig. Bei chronisch zyanotischen Patienten mit einer Glomerulopathie und einem erhöhtem Risiko für Röntgenkontrastmittelexposition und kardiopulmonale Byppassoperationen muss der Nierenstatus die Operationsplanung und postoperative Therapie beeinflussen. Nephroprotektion und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten der Blutviskosität am kardiopulmonalen Bypass müssen weiter untersucht werden. / This work focusses on clinical aspects of kidney function in the treatment of congenital heart disease. Neonates and infants as well as adolescents with cyanosis may be especially at risk. Contrast agents, duration, blood viscosity changes, and circulatory arrest in cardiopulmonary bypass may be risk factors. Corticosteroids, optimized blood viscosity and hydration, and early onset of peritoneal dialysis are considerations of treatment. Our results demonstrate a reduction of renal damage with optimized plasma viscosity during hypothermia in cardiopulmonary bypass, while corticosteroids have no advantage in young pigs after circulatory arrest. Prophylactic treatment with peritoneal dialysis has advantages in patients at risk. In chronicly cyanotic patients with glomerulopathy the risk of contrast agents and cardiopulmonary bypass is elevated. Thus, renal status should influence operative procedures and postoperative treatment. The possibilities of nephroprotection and improvement of blood viscosity should be further evaluated.
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Die Bedeutung von intraepithelialen Lymphozyten, oxidativen Streß und endogenen Schutzmechanismen für die Integrität der intestinalen MukosaNüssler, Natascha C. 22 November 2001 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Bedeutung von intraepithelialen Lymphozyten (IEL), oxidativem Streß und endogenen Schutzmechanismen bei GvHR, Dünndarmtransplantation, Sepsis, Morbus Crohn sowie intestinalem Ischämie/Reperfusionsschaden (I/RS) analysiert. Die Bestimmung der phänotypischen und funktionellen Charaktistika der IEL im Rahmen der o. g. Erkrankungen wies auf eine Selektion bestimmter T-Zell Subpopulationen in der Darmschleimhaut hin. Zusätzlich konnte gezeigt werden, daß IEL nicht nur als Effektorzellen zur mukosalen Barrierefunktion beitragen, sondern auch regulierende Funktionen bei weiteren Abwehrmechanismen der Darmschleimhaut, wie z.B. der NOS-2 Expression besitzen. Die Untersuchungen zum intestinalen I/RS zeigten eine Gewebeschädigung nicht nur im Darm sondern auch der Leber nach selektiver intestinaler Ischämie. Dabei konnte in beiden Organen oxidativer Streß als ein Faktor der Gewebeschädigung nachgewiesen werden. Bei der Modulation des I/RS durch Gabe von Zytokinen konnte eine Zunahme des I/RS durch Gabe von IL-10 und eine Abnahme des I/RS durch IL-2 erreicht werden. Der positive Effekt der IL-2 Gabe war von einer verstärkten und verlängerten NOS-2 mRNA Expression sowie einer gesteigerten NO-Freisetzung begleitet. Im Gegensatz dazu fehlte nach IL-10 Gabe die Zunahme der NOS-2 Epxression ebenso wie ein Anstieg der NO-Metabolite im Serum. Die verminderte NO-Produktion könnte somit den negativen Effekt des anti-inflammatorischen IL-10 auf den I/RS erklären. / In this study, the role of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) was analyzed in Graft-versus-Host disease, small bowel transplantation, sepsis and inflammatory bowel disease. Furthermore, the influence of oxidative stress and endogenous protective mechanisms on the development of intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injury was determined. The phenotypic and functional characteristics of IEL in these diseases indicated that only specific T-cell subsets selectively migrate and/or survive in the intestinal mucosa. In addition, it was demonstrated that IEL display several functions in the intestinal barrier system: they are cytolytic effector cells, but do also exert regulatory functions on the expression of mucosal host defense mechanisms such as NOS-2 expression. The investigations on intestinal ischemia / reperfusion injury revealed that selective intestinal ischemia induces tissue injury not only in the intestine, but in the liver as well. In both organs, oxidative stress plays a predominant role in the development of tissue destruction. Modulation of I/RS by administration of cytokines lead to increased tissue damage after IL-10 administration and reduced tissue injury after IL-2 administration. The beneficial effect of IL-2 may have been due to an increased NOS-2 mRNA expression and the subsequently increased NO production. In contrast, IL-10 administration failed to induce an increased NOS-2 mRNA expression or NO production in the intestine and liver.
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Dietary red palm oil-supplementation offers cardioprotection against Ischaemia/Reperfusion injury : possible cellular mechanisms involvedEsterhuyse, Adriaan Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Activation of the NO-cGMP pathway is associated with myocardial protection
against ischaemia/reperfusion injury. However, high-cholesterol diets alter
function of this pathway and these alterations have been implicated in both
ischaemic/reperfusion injury and the development of ischaemic heart disease.
Little is known about the effects of supplements such as Red Palm Oil (RPO)
on the myocardial NO-cGMP-signalling pathway. RPO consists of saturated,
mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fatty acids and is rich in antioxidants
such as β-carotene and Vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols). The aims of
this study were: 1) to determine whether dietary RPO-supplemention protects
against ischaemia/reperfusion injury in rats fed a standard rat chow (control)
and cholesterol-enriched diets and 2) if so, to investigate possible mechanisms
for this protection.
Male Long-Evans rats were fed a standard rat chow or a standard rat chow
plus cholesterol and/or RPO-supplementation for 6 weeks. Myocardial
functional recovery was measured and hearts were freeze-clamped for
determination of myocardial phospholipid, cAMP/cGMP concentrations, total
myocardial nitric oxide concentrations, lipid hydroperoxide production and
superoxide dismutase- and nitric oxide synthase activity in isolated rat hearts
subjected to 25 minutes of normothermic total global ischaemia. In addition,
the degree of phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK),
p38, c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK) and protein kinase B (PKB/Akt)
was investigated. Furthermore, the effect of RPO-supplementation on
caspase-3 activation and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP)-cleavage in
hearts subjected to ischaemia and reperfusion was also investigated. Our data show that dietary RPO-supplementation protects the hearts of rats on
a standard rat chow (control) and hypercholesterolaemic diet against
ischaemia/reperfusion injury as reflected by improved aortic output recovery.
Increased intracellular cardiomyocyte NO concentrations as observed in
control hearts supplemented with RPO after 120 minutes hypoxia may
contribute to the elevated cGMP concentration and may confer some of the
cardioprotection to the ischaemic/reperfused heart. Although improved
functional recovery with RPO-supplementation of a high-cholesterol diet was
also associated with an increase in intracellular cardiomyocyte NO production
after hypoxia compared to the non-hypoxic conditions, it could not be linked to
increased NO-cGMP signalling. These data are in agreement with other
studies, which showed that high-cholesterol diet impairs NO-cGMP signalling
and confirms our hypothesis that elevated cGMP concentrations may not be
the only mechanism of protection. We have also shown that RPOsupplementation
caused increased phosphorylation of p38 and PKB, reduced
phosphorylation of JNK and attenuation of PARP cleavage, which may
contribute to the protection of the cell against apoptosis.
Based on our results we propose that the myocardial protection offered by
RPO-supplementation of rats on a normal and hypercholesterolaemic diet may
be associated with either its antioxidant characteristics and/or changes in the
fatty acid composition of the myocardium during ischaemia/reperfusion.
Furthermore, we demonstrated for the first time that RPO-supplementation
protects the isolated perfused working rat heart during reperfusion from
ischaemia/reperfusion-induced injury through a MAPK-dependent pathway. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Aktivering van die NO-cGMP sein transduksie pad word geassosieer met
miokardiale beskerming teen isgemie/herperfusie skade. Hoë cholesterol diëte
verander egter die funksie van die pad en hierdie veranderings speel ‘n rol in
beide isgemie/herperfusie besering en die ontwikkeling van isgemiese
Daar is egter min inligting beskikbaar oor die uitwerking van aanvullings soos
rooi palm olie (RPO) op die miokardiale NO-cGMP sein transduksie pad. RPO
bevat versadigde, mono-onversadigde en poli-onversadigde vetsure en is ryk
aan anti-oksidante nl. β-karotene en vitamien E (tokoferole en tokotriënole).
Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was: 1) om vas te stel of ‘n RPO-aanvulling
beskerming bied teen isgemie/herperfusie besering in rotte wat gevoed is met
‘n standaard rotmengsel (kontrole) en cholesterol-verrykte dieet en 2) indien
wel, om moontlike meganismes van beskerming te ondersoek.
Long-Evans manlike rotte is vir 6 weke gevoer met ‘n standaard rotmengsel of
‘n standaard rotmengsel plus cholesterol en/of RPO-aanvulling. Miokardiale
funksionele herstel is gemeet en harte is gevriesklamp vir die bepaling van
miokardiale fosfolipied, cAMP/cGMP, totale stikstofoksied, lipied
hidroperoksied, superoksied dismutase en stikstofoksied sintase in
geïsoleerde rotharte wat vir 25 minute onderwerp was aan normotermiese
totale globale isgemie. Hiermee saam is die graad van fosforilering van
ekstrasellulêre sein gereguleerde kinase (ERK), p38 mitogeen-geaktiveerde
proteïen kinase (p38 MAPK), c-Jun-N-terminale proteïenkinase (JNK) en proteïen kinase B (PKB/Akt) ondersoek, asook kaspase-3 aktivering en poli
(ADP-ribose) polimerase (PARP) kliewing in harte blootgestel aan isgemie en
Ons resultate toon dat RPO-aanvulling van rotte op ‘n normale en
hipercholesterolemiese dieet die hart beskerm soos getoon deur verbeterde
herstel van aortiese uitset. Verhoogde intrasellulêre miokardiale NO vlakke in
kontrole harte met ‘n RPO-aanvulling wat blootgestel was aan 120 minute
hipoksie, mag bygedra het tot die verhoogde cGMP vlakke en beskerming van
die hart tydens isgemie en herperfusie. Alhoewel verbeterde funksionele
herstel met RPO-aanvulling van ‘n hoë cholesterol dieet ook geassosieer is
met ‘n toename in intrasellulêre miokardiale NO produksie ná hipoksiese
toestande, kon dit nie verbind word met verhoogde aktivering van die NOcGMP
sein transduksie pad nie. Hierdie resultate stem ooreen met ander
studies wat aangetoon het dat hoë-cholesterol diëte die NO-cGMP seinpad
onderdruk. Hierdie bevinding bevestig ons hipotese dat verhoogde cGMP
vlakke moontlik nie die enigste beskermingsmeganisme is nie. Ons resultate
het ook gewys dat RPO-aanvulling fosforilering van p38 en PKB/Akt verhoog,
fosforilering van JNK verminder en PARP kliewing onderdruk. Dit dui op
beskerming van die sel teen apoptose.
Ons resultate dui aan dat die miokardiale beskerming wat RPO-dieet
aanvulling bied moontlik geassosieer kan word met sy anti-oksidant eienskap
en/of veranderinge in die vetsuur samestelling van die miokardium tydens
isgemie/herperfusie. Ons het ook vir die eerste keer bewys dat RPO-aanvulling die geïsoleerde geperfuseerde werkende rothart gedurende herperfusie
beskerm teen isgemie/herperfusie besering deur die aktivering en/of
deaktivering van die MAPK afhanklike pad.
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Efeitos cardioprotetores da Catuama® e seus componentes sobre o coração isolado de ratos submetidos a isquemia e reperfusão / Cardioprotective effects associated to Catuama® and its components in isolated rats hearts exposed to ischemia and reperfusionMoreira, Ana Lidia Corrêa da Silva 08 May 2012 (has links)
Há mais de 20 anos a Catuama® vem sendo utilizada contra fadiga física e mental, disfunção sexual e astenia muscular. Nos últimos anos, diversos estudos demonstraram efeitos como ação antinociceptiva, antidepressiva, neuroprotetora, vasodilatadora e dilatadora dos corpos cavernosos. Dados do Laboratório de Investigação Médica da Disciplina de Emergências Clínicas da FMUSP (LIM-51) demonstraram que a Catuama® é capaz de reverter e prevenir a fibrilação ventricular (FV) induzida em coração isolado de coelho. Tendo em vista a comprovação de que a Catuama® possui efeito cardíaco significativo, tornou-se necessário investigar mais a fundo outras potenciais propriedades cardioprotetoras. Investigamos então se a Catuama® e a Trichila catigua podem oferecer proteção ao miocárdio submetido a isquemia e reperfusão em coração isolado de ratos quando administrados cronicamente. Ratos Wistar machos e adultos foram submetidos a um tratamento de 14 dias com Catuama®, T. catigua, Água destilada ou Tween 80 por gavagem. Ao término do tratamento, os animais foram anestesiados com pentobarbital e os corações retirados e perfundidos com solução de Krebs-Henseleit (KHB) pela aorta em sistema de Langendorff. Foi mantido fluxo constante de 8mL/minuto, temperatura de 36º C e oxigenação com 95% de oxigênio e 5% de gás carbônico. Os corações foram submetidos a uma isquemia global através de interrupção da perfusão por 30 minutos seguida de 2 horas de reperfusão. Para avaliar o grau de lesão causada pelo protocolo, analisamos os aspectos hemodinâmicos e biomoleculares. Foi possível observar uma melhora significativa em muitos dos parâmetros analisados. Os grupos que receberam os extratos de Catuama® e T. catigua mostraram área de necrose inferior a 16% da área total, enquanto os grupos Tween 80 e Água destilada apresentaram uma necrose superior a 60%. Além disso, a pressão desenvolvida no ventrículo esquerdo também apresentou melhora nos primeiros minutos de reperfusão, alcançando uma recuperação próxima de 70% da pressão préisquemica nos animais tratados com os extratos, enquanto os animais dos grupos Tween 80 e Água destilada apresentaram uma recuperação em torno de 20% da pressão desenvolvida. O mesmo ocorreu com a pressão diastólica dos grupos que receberam os extratos: nos primeiros minutos de reperfusão a pressão diastólica foi reduzida para valores inferiores a 30 mmHg durante a reperfusão, próximos dos pré-isquemicos, enquanto os outros dois grupos mantiveram valores elevados de pressão diastólica durante toda a reperfusão (Água destilada: 69,56+10,05 mmHg; Tween 80: 101,69+19,80 mmHg). Os grupos tratados com os extratos também apresentaram aumento na expressão de proteínas totais e de Catalase. Por outro lado, houve uma diminuição da peroxidação lipídica e de subprodutos do óxido nítrico. A Catuama® e a T. catigua já são amplamente usadas pela população e, devido a sua popularidade e acessibilidade, podem tornar-se aliadas para seres humanos com risco de doença cardíaca isquêmica. / For over 20 years Catuama® has been used against physical and mental fatigue, muscular asthenia and sexual dysfunction. In the last years, several studies have shown effects such as antinociceptive action, antidepressant, neuroprotective, vasodilator and effects in erectile-dysfunction. Data from the Medical Research Laboratory in the Department of Clinical Emergency demonstrated that Catuama® is able to reverse and prevent ventricular fibrillation (VF) induced in isolated rabbit hearts. Given the evidence that Catuama® has significant cardiac effects, it became necessary to proceed a deeper investigation on other potential cardioprotective properties. We investigated if Catuama® and Trichilia catigua may offer protection to the myocardium subjected to ischemia and reperfusion in the isolated rat heart. Adult male Wistar rats were treated during 14 days with Catuama®, T. catigua, Distilled Water or Tween 80 by gavage. At the end of the treatment, the animals were anesthetized with pentobarbital and their hearts removed and perfused with Krebs-Henseleit (KHB) through the aorta in a Langendorff system. Perfusion flow was kept constant at 8mL/minute, temperature 36° C; the preparation was aerated with 95% oxygen and 5% carbon dioxide. The hearts were submitted to global ischemia by stopping perfusion for 30 minutes followed by 2 hours of reperfusion. To assess the extension of the injury caused by the protocol, we analyzed the hemodynamic and molecular aspects. It was possible to observe a significant improvement in many parameters. The groups that received the extracts Catuama® and T. catigua showed necrotic area inferior to 16% of the total area, while the groups Tween 80 and Distilled Water showed higher than 60% necrosis. In addition, left ventricular developed pressure also improved in the first minutes of reperfusion, reaching a recovery of about 70% of pre-ischemic values in animals treated with the extracts, while animals in groups Tween 80 and Distilled Water showed a recovery around 20% of the developed pressure. The same occurred with diastolic pressure of the groups that received the extracts: in the first minutes of reperfusion, the diastolic pressure was reduced to below 30 mmHg during reperfusion, close to the pre-ischemic values, while in the other two groups diastolic pressure remained elevated throughout reperfusion (Distilled Water: 69.56 +10.05 mmHg; Tween 80: 101.69 +19.80mmHg). The groups treated with the extracts also showed increased expression of total protein and catalase. On the other hand, there was a decrease in lipid peroxidation products and nitric oxide. Catuama® and T. catigua are already widely used by the population and, due to their popularity and accessibility can become allies to humans at risk for ischemic heart disease.
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