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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Metabolic rate, respiratory partitioning and the implications for dive duration in the bimodally respiring Arafura filesnake, Acrochordus arafurae

Kirstin Pratt Unknown Date (has links)
Diving vertebrates are constrained by an aquatic existence because they carry a limited store of oxygen whilst submerged and must return to the surface to breathe. Therefore, oxygen stores must be used efficiently in order to maximise aerobic dive duration. The ability to use additional, non-pulmonary gas exchange to obtain oxygen from the water provides a mechanism to alleviate the use of body oxygen stores and extend dive duration. The partitioning of gas exchange between aerial and aquatic modes is predicted by the theory of optimal breathing. As the cost of obtaining oxygen by one mode increases, the reliance on this mode should decrease whilst the reliance on the alternate mode should increase. A number of environmental, physiological and ecological factors can affect metabolic rate and/or the partitioning of gas exchange between aerial and aquatic modes, with consequences for dive duration. The overall aim of this study was to examine the effects of temperature, specific dynamic action and predation on respiratory partitioning and diving behaviour in the Arafura filesnake, Acrochordus arafurae. Filesnakes provide an excellent model to address the aims of this study because they are fully-aquatic and respire bimodally, utilising both aerial and aquatic (cutaneous) gas exchange. Metabolic rate and diving behaviour are usually thermally dependent in diving ectotherms. Given this knowledge, we tested whether A. arafurae was capable of up-regulating cutaneous oxygen uptake to compensate for the temperature induced increases in metabolic rate. Metabolic rate had a Q10(20-32°C) of 2.33, however cutaneous oxygen uptake was independent of temperature and all elevated metabolic demands were met by increasing aerial oxygen uptake. Consequently, maximum dive duration was reduced by 70%, from 77 min at 20°C to 28 min at 32°C. The temperature independence of cutaneous oxygen uptake suggests that blood PO2 remained stable across temperatures and the increased blood flow expected with an elevated metabolic rate did not enhance the capacity for oxygen uptake (diffusion limited rather than perfusion limited). Although cutaneous oxygen uptake was not regulated, its contribution to extending dive duration was significant. When the ability to respire aquatically was removed (severe hypoxia), dive duration was reduced by up to 30%. Acrochordus arafurae feeds infrequently on large, high-protein meals thus the postprandial metabolic response was significant. Meal size and fast length (13 days or one month) were both positively related to the peak metabolic scope. After fasting for one month, peak rate of oxygen consumption was up to 12-fold standard metabolic rate (SMR) with the largest meal size. By comparison, an animal that was fasted for 13 days and fed an equivalent meal size incurred a six-fold increase in SMR. The energetic costs of digestion (specific dynamic action, SDA) increased with meal size, but fast length had no effect, suggesting the up-regulation of gut function was not a significant cost in the SDA. Pulmonary and cutaneous gas exchange increased with elevated metabolic demands however pulmonary oxygen uptake was the dominant mode. Despite the increase in cutaneous oxygen uptake during digestion, maximum dive duration decreased by between 50% and 90% of fasted values. The significant reductions in dive duration following feeding may have implications for predator vulnerability. Diving animals are most vulnerable to predation at the water’s surface. The theory of optimal diving under predation predicts that animals should make shorter, more frequent surface intervals or longer, less frequent surfacing intervals to minimise exposure to predators. Acrochordus arafurae is prone to aerial (birds of prey) and aquatic (crocodiles, large fish) predation. Simulated avian predation did not change dive or surface duration or proportion of time at the surface or spent active. However, a greater number of longer dives were observed with fewer long surface intervals suggesting an increase in the use of cutaneous oxygen uptake. The nocturnal diving patterns of A. arafurae provide an in-built anti-predator strategy. The threat of aquatic predation by a large fish produced atypical anti-predator responses; A. arafurae became increasingly active, reduced dive duration and increased surface interval which was indicative of a foraging response. The field diving behaviour of adult A. arafurae was determined using acoustic telemetry and interpreted in the context of environmental and ecological conditions. The mean dive duration was 6.6 min, with 85% of dives less than 10 min in duration. The maximum dive duration was 153 min. There was no diel pattern in dive duration. Snakes were located at an mean depth of 0.62 m, however, they occasionally ventured to greater depths (up to 6 m) but very infrequently. Snake body temperature reflected water temperature and fluctuated by approximately 1°C on a daily basis. The short and shallow dives of A. arafurae minimise travel costs associated with surfacing and may be an anti-predator strategy. Metabolic rate and respiratory partitioning is dependent on physiological and ecological factors with consequences for dive duration. Temperature and postprandial induced increases in metabolic demands were met by increasing the reliance on aerial gas exchange given the limitations of cutaneous gas exchange; and dive duration was substantially reduced as a result. Ecological factors, such as predation, can increase the cost of surfacing and promote the use of aquatic gas exchange. However, changes to behaviour, including habitat choice, residence depth and the employment of a diving strategy that does not maximise dive duration may be just as effective at minimising the costs and maximising the gains of a dive.

Densidade populacional do lagarto endêmico Cnemidophorus littoralis em três restingas do estado do Rio de Janeiro: implicações na sua conservação / Populational density of the endemic lizard Cnemidophorus littoralis in three restingas in the State of Rio de Janeiro: implications in its conservation

Beatriz Nunes Cosendey 27 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Cnemidophorus littoralis é um lagarto teiídeo ameaçado de extinção, endêmico de restinga e restrito ao estado do Rio de Janeiro, tendo sido encontrado em apenas quatro restingas da região: restinga de Grussaí (limite norte), restinga de Jurubatiba, restinga de Maricá e restinga de Marambaia (limite sul). Devido à sua restrita distribuição, os efeitos da degradação de hábitat e mudanças climáticas são especialmente danosos para os indivíduos dessa espécie, podendo levar a uma extinção local ou até total. A fim de aumentar a gama de informações sobre esta espécie de lagarto, investigamos a sua densidade e o seu tamanho populacional em três áreas de restingas, além de termos registrado as temperaturas às quais estão sujeitos nos diferentes micro-hábitats disponíveis, bem como suas preferências a determinadas estruturas da vegetação, e a situação atual de degradação das restingas, comparando-a com a de anos anteriores. O presente trabalho foi realizado nas restingas de Barra de Maricá (Maricá), Jurubatiba (Macaé) e Grussaí (São João da Barra). Os resultados revelaram uma diferença na estrutura da vegetação entre as três restingas, sendo a de Grussaí a que mais se destaca. Essa restinga é também a que apresenta menor densidade populacional e maior índice de degradação. Por outro lado, a restinga de Jurubatiba foi o local com menor quantidade de distúrbios encontrados, possuindo a maior densidade populacional dentre as três e se caracterizando como a melhor área para manutenção da espécie. O folhiço no bordo de moita foi, no geral, o hábitat mais utilizado pelos lagartos, sendo o período entre 10h00 e 11h00 o que teve maior número de avistamentos. A altura de arbusto demonstrou influenciar negativamente a ocupação dos indivíduos na restinga de Grussaí, enquanto os períodos de observação ao longo do dia influenciaram a detectatibilidade dos indivíduos nas três restingas. As restingas também apresentaram uma temperatura ambiente semelhante ao longo do dia, sendo Maricá a restinga com média mais alta (34,6C), seguida por Grussaí (33,9C) e por último Jurubatiba, com uma média de 33,2C. As temperaturas corpóreas às quais os indivíduos estariam sujeitos nos micro-hábitats disponíveis variaram de 27C (folhiço sobre vegetação) a 42,5C (areia nua), na restinga de Grussaí e de 28C (folhiço no interior de moita) a 32,9C (areia nua) na restinga de Jurubatiba. Uma vez que a estrutura do ambiente influencia na característica termal dos lagartos e, consequentemente, na manutenção das populações, a conservação das restingas e de suas estruturas vegetacionais são indispensáveis para a perpetuação da espécie. / Cnemidophorus littoralis is a teiid lizard endemic to restingas and restrict to the state of Rio de Janeiro, being found only in four restingas: restinga de Grussaí (north limit), restinga de Jurubatiba, restinga de Maricá e restinga de Marambaia (south limit). Its current conservation status is "in danger". Due to its restricted distribution, the effects of hábitat degradation and climate changes are specially harmful to individuals of this species, which may lead to local or even total extinction. In order to raise the level of information about this lizard species, we investigated the population density and population size in three areas of restinga, besides recording the temperatures to which they are subject in different micro-hábitats available as well as their preferences for certain vegetation structures and the current situation of degradation of restingas, comparing it to the previous years. The present study took place in Barra de Maricá (Maricá), Jurubatiba (Macaé) and Grussaí (São João da Barra). The results showed a difference between the vegetation structures of the three restingas, being restinga de Grussaí the most different one. This restinga is also the one with the lowest density and the highest degradation index. On the other hand, restinga de Jurubatiba was the site where we found lowest disturbance, having the highest density among the three and being characterized as the best area for the maintenance of the species. The litter on the edges of bushes was, overall, the hábitat most widely used by lizards, and the period between 10:00 am and 11:00 am was the one when most of the sightings ocurred. Shrub height showed a negative effect on the occupation of the individuals in restinga de Grussaí, while the periods of observation along the day influenced the detectability of individuals in the three restingas. The restingas had similar temperature throughout the day, Maricá being the one with highest average temperature (34,6C), followed by Grussaí (33,9C) and finally Jurubatiba, with 33,2C average. The body temperature to which the individuals were subject in the micro-hábitats ranged from 27C (litter above vegetation) to 42,5C (bare sand) in Grussaí, and from 28C (litter inside shrub) to 32,9C (bare sand) in Jurubatiba. Since environmental structure influences the thermal characteristic of lizards, hence maintaining populations, conservation of restingas and its vegetation structures are essential for the perpetuation of the species

Densidade populacional do lagarto endêmico Cnemidophorus littoralis em três restingas do estado do Rio de Janeiro: implicações na sua conservação / Populational density of the endemic lizard Cnemidophorus littoralis in three restingas in the State of Rio de Janeiro: implications in its conservation

Beatriz Nunes Cosendey 27 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Cnemidophorus littoralis é um lagarto teiídeo ameaçado de extinção, endêmico de restinga e restrito ao estado do Rio de Janeiro, tendo sido encontrado em apenas quatro restingas da região: restinga de Grussaí (limite norte), restinga de Jurubatiba, restinga de Maricá e restinga de Marambaia (limite sul). Devido à sua restrita distribuição, os efeitos da degradação de hábitat e mudanças climáticas são especialmente danosos para os indivíduos dessa espécie, podendo levar a uma extinção local ou até total. A fim de aumentar a gama de informações sobre esta espécie de lagarto, investigamos a sua densidade e o seu tamanho populacional em três áreas de restingas, além de termos registrado as temperaturas às quais estão sujeitos nos diferentes micro-hábitats disponíveis, bem como suas preferências a determinadas estruturas da vegetação, e a situação atual de degradação das restingas, comparando-a com a de anos anteriores. O presente trabalho foi realizado nas restingas de Barra de Maricá (Maricá), Jurubatiba (Macaé) e Grussaí (São João da Barra). Os resultados revelaram uma diferença na estrutura da vegetação entre as três restingas, sendo a de Grussaí a que mais se destaca. Essa restinga é também a que apresenta menor densidade populacional e maior índice de degradação. Por outro lado, a restinga de Jurubatiba foi o local com menor quantidade de distúrbios encontrados, possuindo a maior densidade populacional dentre as três e se caracterizando como a melhor área para manutenção da espécie. O folhiço no bordo de moita foi, no geral, o hábitat mais utilizado pelos lagartos, sendo o período entre 10h00 e 11h00 o que teve maior número de avistamentos. A altura de arbusto demonstrou influenciar negativamente a ocupação dos indivíduos na restinga de Grussaí, enquanto os períodos de observação ao longo do dia influenciaram a detectatibilidade dos indivíduos nas três restingas. As restingas também apresentaram uma temperatura ambiente semelhante ao longo do dia, sendo Maricá a restinga com média mais alta (34,6C), seguida por Grussaí (33,9C) e por último Jurubatiba, com uma média de 33,2C. As temperaturas corpóreas às quais os indivíduos estariam sujeitos nos micro-hábitats disponíveis variaram de 27C (folhiço sobre vegetação) a 42,5C (areia nua), na restinga de Grussaí e de 28C (folhiço no interior de moita) a 32,9C (areia nua) na restinga de Jurubatiba. Uma vez que a estrutura do ambiente influencia na característica termal dos lagartos e, consequentemente, na manutenção das populações, a conservação das restingas e de suas estruturas vegetacionais são indispensáveis para a perpetuação da espécie. / Cnemidophorus littoralis is a teiid lizard endemic to restingas and restrict to the state of Rio de Janeiro, being found only in four restingas: restinga de Grussaí (north limit), restinga de Jurubatiba, restinga de Maricá e restinga de Marambaia (south limit). Its current conservation status is "in danger". Due to its restricted distribution, the effects of hábitat degradation and climate changes are specially harmful to individuals of this species, which may lead to local or even total extinction. In order to raise the level of information about this lizard species, we investigated the population density and population size in three areas of restinga, besides recording the temperatures to which they are subject in different micro-hábitats available as well as their preferences for certain vegetation structures and the current situation of degradation of restingas, comparing it to the previous years. The present study took place in Barra de Maricá (Maricá), Jurubatiba (Macaé) and Grussaí (São João da Barra). The results showed a difference between the vegetation structures of the three restingas, being restinga de Grussaí the most different one. This restinga is also the one with the lowest density and the highest degradation index. On the other hand, restinga de Jurubatiba was the site where we found lowest disturbance, having the highest density among the three and being characterized as the best area for the maintenance of the species. The litter on the edges of bushes was, overall, the hábitat most widely used by lizards, and the period between 10:00 am and 11:00 am was the one when most of the sightings ocurred. Shrub height showed a negative effect on the occupation of the individuals in restinga de Grussaí, while the periods of observation along the day influenced the detectability of individuals in the three restingas. The restingas had similar temperature throughout the day, Maricá being the one with highest average temperature (34,6C), followed by Grussaí (33,9C) and finally Jurubatiba, with 33,2C average. The body temperature to which the individuals were subject in the micro-hábitats ranged from 27C (litter above vegetation) to 42,5C (bare sand) in Grussaí, and from 28C (litter inside shrub) to 32,9C (bare sand) in Jurubatiba. Since environmental structure influences the thermal characteristic of lizards, hence maintaining populations, conservation of restingas and its vegetation structures are essential for the perpetuation of the species

Express?o de zif268 no c?rebro do lagarto Tropidurus Hispidus ap?s explora??o de um ambiente enriquecido.

Santos, Jos? Ronaldo dos 24 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:36:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseRS.pdf: 1457742 bytes, checksum: 2f02b1d902f74f6756aecf4c07ded437 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-24 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / In the present work, we investigated behavioral changes associated with the increase in Zif268 protein expression within telencephalic areas of the tropical lizard Tropidurus hispidus that correspond to the mammalian hippocampus (HC). We used 13 male individuals of this species, collected at the Federal Agrotechnical School of Rio Grande do Norte, under SISBIO license number 19561-1. Four animals had their brains removed and were submitted to a Western blot with antibodies for the Zif268 protein. The remaining animals were separated in two different groups: a control group (n=4) and an exploration group (n=5). Animals from the exploration group were exposed to an enriched environment with many sensory cues novel to them. Control group animals stayed in the environment they were already habituated to. After 90 min from the onset of exposure to the new environment, animals from both groups were submitted to intracardiac perfusion with fixative, and the brains were removed, cryoprotected and frozen. After that, brains were sectioned at 20 μm and the sections were subjected to immunohistochemistry for the Zif268 protein. We verified that the Zif268 protein is likely conserved in the brain of T. hispidus, which showed antigenicity for the antibody anti-Zif268 made in mammals. In animals from the exploration group, we detected an increase of the Zif268 protein in the Septum, Striatum, Dorsoventricular Area and in cortical areas corresponding to the HC. This increase was proportional to the amount of environmental exploration, with maximum positive correlation in the hippocampal subareas Medial Cortex (R = 0.94 and p = 0.004) and Dorsomedial Cortex (R = 0.92 and p = 0.006). The data corroborate the notion that the reptilian hippocampus, as well as the mammalian HC, plays an important role in spatial exploration. / Neste trabalho, foram investigadas altera??es comportamentais associadas ao aumento da express?o da prote?na Zif268 em ?reas telencef?licas do lagarto tropical Tropidurus hispidus correspondentes ao Hipocampo (HC) de mam?feros. Foram utilizados 13 animais machos do lagarto T. hispidus, coletados no campus da Escola Agrot?cnica Federal do RN, sob a licen?a do SISBIO (n.19561-1). Quatro animais tiveram seus c?rebros removidos a fresco e submetidos a Western blot com anticorpo para a prote?na Zif268. Os animais restantes foram separados em dois grupos distintos, grupo controle (n=4) e grupo explora??o (n=5). Animais do grupo explora??o foram expostos a um Ambiente Enriquecido (AE) com diversas pistas espaciais desconhecidas pelos animais. Os animais do grupo controle permaneceram no ambiente ao qual j? estavam previamente habituados. Transcorridos 90min do in?cio da exposi??o ao ambiente, animais de ambos os grupos, foram submetidos a perfus?o intracard?aca com fixador, e os c?rebros foram removidos crioprotegidos e congelados. Posteriormente os c?rebros foram seccionados a 20μm e submetidos ? imunohistoqu?mica para Zif268. Verificamos a conserva??o da prote?na Zif268 no c?rebro do T. hispidus, com antigenicidade para o anticorpo anti-Zif268 produzido em mam?feros. Nos lagartos do grupo explora??o detectou-se aumento da express?o da prote?na Zif268 no Septo, Estriado, ?rea Dorsoventricular e ?reas corticais que correspondem ao HC (C?rtices Medial CM, Dorsal CD, Dorsomedial CDM). Esse aumento ? proporcional ? explora??o do ambiente novo, com m?xima correla??o nas sub?reas hipocampais do grupo explora??o, C?rtex Medial (R = 0,94 e p = 0,004) e Dorsomedial (R = 0,92 e p = 0,006). Os dados corroboram a no??o de que o hipocampo reptiliano, assim como o HC de mam?feros, desempenham um papel importante na explora??o de novos ambientes.

Estudo comparativo entre anestesia espinhal com lidocaína e bupivacaína em Tartaruga-da-Amazonia (Podocnemis expansa Schweigger) (Testudines, Podocnemididae) / A comparative study of spinal anesthesia with lidocaine and bupivacaine in Podocnemis expansa Schweigger (Testudines, Podocnemididae)

Nascimento, Liliane Rangel 12 March 2013 (has links)
Was aimed at evaluating the effects of lidocaine and bupivacaine via the spine in turtles of the species Podocnemis expansa in promoting motor and sensitive blockages in the tail/cloaca and pelvic members, as well as the existence of significant differences in the effects produced by the two drugs. Was used 20 animals with average weights of 1.15 kg, which were divided into two anesthetic protocols: 4.6 mg/kg of lidocaine 2% and 1.15 mg/kg of bupivacaine 0.5% deposited in the spinal region in the sacro-coccigeal area. Was evaluated the latency period, the reasonable period for anesthesia and the recovery period. For the latency period of the tail/cloaca we obtained (Lca) 54±34.05 seconds (sec) and 54±18.97sec as mean values for lidocaine and bupivacaine respectively. The latency period of the pelvic member (LMp) was in average 264±75.89 seconds for lidocaine and 180±126.49 sec for bupivacaine. Then the reasonable period for anesthesia on the tail/cloaca (Hca) was 36±9.43 minutes (min) and 60.8±32.10 min for the anesthetics in the same sequence. The averages for the reasonable period in pelvic members (HMp) were 24.6±10.83 min and 58.7±33.82 min for the respective drugs. Finally, the recovery period (Rec) was 33.5±16.33 min for lidocaine and 77.5±33.27 min for bupivacaine. The average times found for bupivacaine were significantly higher except during periods of latency of the tail/cloaca and pelvic members. The heart rate remained within the range considered normal for the testudines. Was conclude that the use of lidocaine and bupivacaine via the spine is safe and effective in the promotion of anesthesia in the region of the tail/cloaca and in pelvic limbs, and that the reasonable times for anesthesia are enough to perform simple and ordinary surgical procedures. / Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da lidocaína e bupivacaína por via espinhal em cágados da espécie Podocnemis expansa na promoção de bloqueios motor e sensitivo nas regiões da cauda/cloaca e membros pelvinos, bem como a existência de diferenças nos efeitos produzidos pelos dois fármacos. Foram utilizados 20 animais com massa corporal média de 1,15 kg de ambos os gêneros, estes foram distribuidos em dois protocolos anestésicos: 4,6 mg/kg de lidocaína 2% e 1,15 mg/kg de bupivacaína 0,5%, depositadas na região espinhal no espaço interarcual sacro-coccígeo. Foram avaliados o período de latência, período hábil de anestesia e o período de recuperação. Foram obtidos, para período de latência da cauda/cloaca (Lca) 54±34,05 segundos (seg) e 54±18,97 seg como valores médios para lidocaína e bupivacaína respectivamente. O período de latência do membro pelvino (LMp) teve como média 264±75,89 seg para lidocaína e 180±126,49 seg para bupivacaína. Já o período hábil de anestesia em cauda/cloaca (Hca) foi de 36±9,43 minutos (min) e 60,8±32,10 min para os anestésicos na mesma sequencia. As médias para o período hábil nos membros pelvinos (HMp) foram de 24,6±10,83 min e 58,7±33,82 min para os respectivos fármacos. Por fim, o período de recuperação (Rec) foi de 33,5±16,33 min para lidocaína e 77,5±33,27 min para bupivacaína. As médias de tempo encontradas para bupivacaína foram significativamente maiores exceto nos períodos de latência de cauda/cloaca e de membros pelvinos. A freqüência cardíaca permaneceu dentro do intervalo considerado normal para os testudines. Conclui-se que a utilização de lidocaína e bupivacaína por via espinhal é segura e eficaz na promoção de anestesia na região de cauda/cloaca e nos membros pelvinos, e que os tempos hábeis de anestesia são suficientes para execução de procedimentos cirúrgicos mais simples e rotineiros. / Mestre em Ciências Veterinárias

Microbiota da cavidade oral e da peçonha de Bothrops atrox Linnaeus, 1758 (Ophidia: Viperidae)

Pereira, Heloisa Castro 27 April 2015 (has links)
Interest in research about Bothrops snake is growing, since the venom of these animals are used for therapeutic purposes. This study aimed to determine the bacteria in the oral cavity and venom in snakes of the species Bothrops atrox of a commercial breeding. We used 12 samples taken with the aid of sterile swab in the sheath region of prey, in animals with stomatitis, 30 samples of secretion in the mouth of healthy snakes and their dehydrated venom. The Samples were plated on agar- agar XLD blood and subsequently held If Gram staining and catalase tests and mannitol for Gram positive bacteria identification. For the identification of Gram negative bacteria was employed biochemical screening with Rugai medium Lysine. In the 30 healthy animals and six samples of venom the following Gram negative bacteria were isolated: Proteus spp (34.15%), Escherichia coli (26.84%), Citrobacter spp (14.63%), Serratia spp (9.75 %) and Enterobacter spp (7.31%) and Gram positive: Staphylococcus spp (4.88%) and Bacillus cereus (2.44%). In the 12 snakes with stomatitis Escherichia coli was isolated (26.31%), Citrobacter spp (21.05%), Proteus spp (15.78%), Salmonella (10.52%), and Staphylococcus spp (26.31%). Fisher\'s exact test showed a significant difference between samples of Staphylococcus spp from healthy snakes and serpents with stomatitis, suggesting that this microrganism is related to the cases of stomatitis in Bothrops atrox. / O interesse por pesquisas com serpentes do gênero Bothrops está em crescimento, já que a peçonha destes animais é utilizada para fins terapêuticos. Objetivou-se avaliar as bactérias presentes na cavidade oral e na peçonha em serpentes da espécie Bothrops atrox de um criatório comercial. Utilizaram-se 12 amostras colhidas com auxílio de swab esterilizado na região da bainha da presa, em animais que apresentavam estomatite, 30 amostras de secreção da cavidade oral em serpentes saudáveis e as respectivas peçonhas desidratadas, totalizando seis amostras de peçonha. As amostras foram encaminhadas ao Laboratório de Doenças Infectocontagiosas em meio de transporte Stuart. As amostras foram semeadas em Ágar-sangue e Ágar XLD, posteriormente realizou-se Coloração de Gram e provas de Catalase e Manitol para identificação de bactérias Gram positivas, já para identificação das bactérias Gram negativas empregou-se triagem bioquímica com o Meio de Rugai com Lisina, Kit comercial para identificação de Enterobactérias. Nos 30 animais saudáveis e seis amostras de peçonha foram isoladas as seguintes bactérias Gram negativas: Proteus spp (34,15%), Escherichia coli (26,84%), Citrobacter spp (14,63%), Serratia spp (9,75%) e Enterobacter spp (7,31%) e Gram positivas: Staphylococcus spp (4,88%) e Bacillus cereus (2,44%). Nas 12 serpentes com estomatite isolou-se Escherichia coli (26,31%), Citrobacter spp (21,05%), Proteus spp (15,78%), Salmonella spp (10,52%) e o Staphylococcus spp (26,31%). Através do Teste exato de Fisher encontrou-se diferença significativa de Staphylococcus spp entre amostras de serpentes saudáveis e serpentes com estomatite, o que sugere que este microrganismo está relacionado com os casos de estomatite em Bothrops atrox. / Mestre em Ciências Veterinárias

Taxocenose de répteis Squamata em áreas de mata do Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, Minas Gerais, Brasil

Nascimento, Ana Elisa Resgalla do 23 February 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-06-21T13:37:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 anaelisaresgalladonascimento.pdf: 4723311 bytes, checksum: a53e707ecec14bc708f60c61c3bcc58e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-08-07T19:09:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 anaelisaresgalladonascimento.pdf: 4723311 bytes, checksum: a53e707ecec14bc708f60c61c3bcc58e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-07T19:09:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 anaelisaresgalladonascimento.pdf: 4723311 bytes, checksum: a53e707ecec14bc708f60c61c3bcc58e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-23 / No Brasil o número de espécies de répteis ainda é subestimado o que torna necessária a realização de mais inventários faunísticos. Apesar do número de estudos sobre a fauna de répteis brasileira estar aumentando, existem poucos que tratam deste assunto para o estado de Minas Gerais. No Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca (PEIB), Minas Gerais, Brasil, os principais trabalhos sobre a herpetofauna tratam principalmente do grupo de anfíbios. No caso dos répteis, os dados sobre o grupo para o PEIB são insuficientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi complementar os dados já existentes sobre a fauna de Squamata do PEIB. Para a amostragem dos répteis Squamata foram instalados sete conjuntos de armadilhas de interceptação e queda e de funil, de 100 metros de comprimento cada um, em três diferentes áreas de mata do PEIB: “Mata Grande”, “Matinha” e “Mata das Casas”. Além disso, foi realizada busca ativa pelos animais e os indivíduos encontrados ocasionalmente ou capturados por terceiros também foram considerados. O trabalho de campo contou com duas etapas: a primeira de janeiro a abril de 2009 e a segunda de agosto a novembro de 2009. Foram encontradas treze espécies de serpentes e três de lagartos em sete pontos amostrais localizados em três diferentes áreas de mata do parque. Destas, nove não estavam listadas no plano de manejo do PEIB e todas elas já listadas em trabalhos anteriores realizados em áreas de Cerrado e de Mata Atlântica do Brasil e para o estado de Minas Gerais. As famílias mais representativas foram Leiosauridae e Dipsididae, assim como foi demonstrado em trabalhos prévios. As espécies mais abundantes foram Enyalius perditus (43%) e Echinanthera melanostigma (17%). Duas espécies de lagartos (Ophiodes striatus e Mabuya frenata) e uma de serpente (Oxyrhopus rhombifer), típicas de Cerrado, foram encontradas em duas das áreas de mata amostradas. Devido principalmente à captura de indivíduos da espécie Mussurana montana, que é considerada quase ameaçada de extinção nos estados de Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, deve-se considerar a importância das áreas de mata do PEIB para a manutenção da fauna de répteis do local. / The number of reptile species in Brazil is underestimated and this fact makes it necessary to carry out more faunal inventories. Despite the fact that the number of studies about the Brazilian reptile fauna is increasing, there are insufficient studies for the Minas Gerais state. At the Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca (PEIB), Minas Gerais, Brazil, the most important herpetofauna studies are about the amphibian group. However, the reptile database in the PEIB is still insufficient. The aim of this study was, therefore, to complement the Squamata fauna data that already exists at the PEIB. Seven sets of pit fall traps with drift fence and funnel traps, 100 meters long each, were installed in three different forest areas at the PEIB (“Mata Grande”, “Matinha” and “Mata das Casas”) for Squamata sampling. In addition to those, the animals were actively searched and all specimens that were occasionally met or captured by PEIB employees have also been considered. There were two phases of field trips: the first one was from January to April 2009 and the second one from August to November 2009. Thirteen species of snakes and three species of lizards were captured in seven sampling points located at three different forest areas in the park. Of them, nine were not listed in the PEIB management plan and all of those had already been listed in previous researches performed in Brazilian Atlantic Forest and Cerrado areas, as well as at Minas Gerais state. Leiosauridae and Dipsididae were the most representative families in this study, as it was shown in previous studies. The most abundant species were Enyalius perditus (43%) and Echinanthera melanostigma (17%). Two lizard species (Ophiodes striatus and Mabuya frenata) and one snake species (Oxyrhopus rhombifer) that are typically from the Cerrado area were collected at two of the forest spots. Due to the fact that specimens of Mussurana montana, that is considered an almost threatened species at Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo states, were collected, the importance of the PEIB forest areas must be considered essential to the maintenance of the local reptile fauna.

Demography, Movement Patterns, and Habitat Selection of Blanding's Turtles at Canadian Nuclear Laboratories in Chalk River, Ontario

Hawkins, Emily January 2016 (has links)
The development and implementation of effective species and population-specific management strategies requires population-specific information. To demonstrate the relative extirpation risk associated with various road mortality scenarios for a population of Blanding’s turtles at Canadian Nuclear Laboratories in Chalk River, Ontario, a Population Viability Analysis was conducted. Road mortality of two adult females every ten years resulted in population extirpation within 200 years relative to a stable population not experiencing road mortality. To accommodate informed decision-making for the management of this species at risk, the movement patterns and habitat selection of this Blanding’s turtle population were described. There was no significant difference between males and females in distance moved between relocations in either the spring or the summer, but turtles moved greater distances in the spring than in the summer. Annual and seasonal home range size did not differ between the sexes or between spring and summer periods. A compositional analysis indicated Blanding’s turtles preferred marsh habitats over bog, swamp, lake, and upland. Matched-paired logistic regression was used to determine selection of microhabitat features, such as type of vegetation, in the spring and summer. Turtles preferred sites with warmer air temperatures, shallower water, a higher availability of open water, and greater coverage of emergent and floating vegetation types in the spring period. In the summer period, turtles preferred sites characterized by cooler, deeper water, a higher availability of open water, and greater coverage of emergent and floating vegetation types. This population of Blanding’s turtles appears to be relatively small and the continued threat of road mortality indicates a delicate situation for its persistence. Considering seasonally preferred habitats will best inform management decisions for seasonal work restrictions and future development plans.

ZOOGATE : a forecourt to the National Zoological Gardens

Saunders, Dusty Wood 12 May 2011 (has links)
The project originated as a means to find a solution to the lack of legibility that the National Zoological Gardens’ entrance expresses where it is situated on the Northern gateway into the Pretoria CBD. In order to develop an appropriate responsive architecture, the proposed solution aims to find the requirements for a successful public interface for tourist attractions and the local community. Attention will also be given to the transitional spaces between the natural environments of the Zoo and the city. The aim firstly is to steer away from mono-functional urban spaces and tourist attractions hidden behind built barrier, in order to ensure that the architecture will be an asset to tourism and the general public. / Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Architecture / unrestricted

Descrição histológica e ultra-estrutural da absorção de óleo de soja pelo intestino do jacaré do pantanal (Caiman yacare, Daudin, 1802). / Histological and ultrastructural description of soybean oil absorption by the intestine of the jacaré do pantanal (Caiman yacare, Daudin, 1802).

Borges, Ricardo Moraes 12 September 2014 (has links)
O cultivo de Caiman yacare demanda grandes gastos com alimentação, deste modo, é necessário formular dietas mais baratas e mais eficientes para a engorda destes animais. Uma possibilidade de redução nos custos é o acréscimo de lipídeos de origem vegetal. Neste trabalho, analisou-se o processo de absorção de óleo de soja pelo intestino de Caiman yacare para avaliar possíveis alterações patológicas pelo uso deste óleo na mucosa intestinal de um animal carnívoro. A absorção de óleo de soja ocorreu massiçamente pelo intestino delgado, gerando esteatose intestinal temporária e formando quilomícrons pequenas, que foram transportadas pelo sistema linfático. Outros parâmetros que indicam ausência de patologias na mucosa intestinal, como alteração na proliferação celular, lesão tecidual, recrutamento de granulócitos, formação de heterófilos tóxicos e degranulação de mastócitos, não foram alterados, indicando o potencial uso de óleo de soja na dieta de Caiman yacare. / Cultivation of Caiman yacare demands large financial expenditures on food, so it is desirable to reduce costs by formulating cheaper and more efficient feedings. The soybean oil addition in the diet is an opportunity to reduce spending, but very little is known about the effects of vegetable-origin oils in this carnivore species health. Here we describe the process of soybean oil absorption by the intestine of Cayman yacare in order to evaluate possible intestinal pathologies caused by the soybean oil. Soybean oil absorption occurred massively across the intestine, caused temporary intestinal steatosis and produced small-sized chylomicrons that were carried away from the intestine by the lymphatics. Some mucosal integrity parameters analyzed such as enterocyte proliferation, epithelial damage, granulocyte recruitment, toxic heterophil formation and mast cell degranulation were not altered, suggesting soybean oil may potentially be used in Caiman yacare feedings.

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