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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da sustentabilidade no mercado imobiliário residencial brasileiro / Analysis of sustainability in the brazilian residental real estate market

Teixeira, Marcela Mantovani 25 May 2010 (has links)
Com a virada do século XX para o século XXI, a devastação ambiental se tornou a principal ameaça a sobrevivência da humanidade no planeta. Descobrimentos alarmantes sobre o aumento do aquecimento global e a finitude dos recursos naturais trouxeram um novo desafio para o desenvolvimento mundial, crescer economicamente e ao mesmo tempo preservar o meio ambiente. A atividade de construção, como parte das atividades que colaboram para o agravamento do problema ambiental, começa a ser repensada como forma de produção e esforços têm sido feitos para torná-la menos impactante ao meio ambiente e ao espaço urbano. Nesse contexto de incertezas que envolve o desenvolvimento sustentável, um conceito ainda recente para a maioria da população, diversas empresas procuram adaptar-se para produzir produtos ecologicamente corretos e ter atitudes ambientalmente responsáveis, porém, sem ter ainda conhecimento suficiente para propor soluções eficazes. No mercado imobiliário brasileiro, tem crescido o volume de empreendimentos que são lançados como empreendimentos sustentáveis, considerados mais eficientes no consumo de recursos naturais e menos agressivos para o meio ambiente, ao passo que cresce, também, o interesse da população pelo consumo desse tipo de produto. Mostra-se, portanto, necessário fazer uma avaliação da real eficiência desses edifícios, pois, a observação da maneira impactante como esses empreendimentos se inserem no espaço urbano e sua baixa qualidade arquitetônica, indicam que há uma distorção do conceito de sustentabilidade no mercado. Este estudo pretende contribuir para o melhor entendimento do termo sustentabilidade e alertar para a maneira incorreta como ele tem sido, atualmente, inserido na produção do mercado imobiliário de edifícios residenciais, no Brasil. / With the turn of the century XX to the XXI, environmental devastation became the main threat to survival of humanity on the planet. Discoveries about the alarming increase in global warming and finite natural resources have brought anew challenge to world development: to promote economic growth while preserving the environment. Construction activity, as part of activities that contribute to the worsening environmental problem begins to be reconsidered as a means of production and efforts have been made to make it less harmful to the environment and urban space. In this context of uncertainty surrounding the sustainable development, a relatively new concept to most people, several companies trying to adapt to produce environmentally friendly products and be environmentally responsible, but without yet having enough knowledge to propose effective solutions. The brazilian real estate market has grown the volume of projects that are launched as sustainable business as more efficient consumption of natural resources and less harmful to the environment, while growing, too, public interest in the consumption these products. It is apparent, therefore, necessary to evaluate the real efficacy of these buildings, therefore, the observation of the way significant as these developments fall within the urban space and its low architectural quality, indicate that there is a distortion of the concept of sustainability in the market. This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the term sustainability and alert to incorrectly as it has been currently inserted in the production of the property market of residential buildings in Brazil.

Det är aldrig för tidigt att bostadsspara : En studie över sparandet inför inträdelsen på bostadsmarknaden / It’s Never Too Early To Start Saving Money For Residence : A study regarding savings before entering the residential market

Björne, Christoffer, Enander, Erik January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att analysera yngre vuxna i Stockholms sparbeteende inför inträdelsen på bostadsmarknaden utifrån livscykelhyoptesen. Teori: Den främsta teoritillämpningen för studien är livscykelhypotes om människans generella och rationella sparbeteende. Även Maslows behovshierarki behandlas då den angriper det social- psykologiska perspektivet angående behovet av att ha en bostad och Behavioral Finance angriper andra yttre faktorer som kan påverka huruvida en människa sparar eller inte. Metod: Studiens metodansats består av en metodkombination, detta innefattar en enkätundersökning med svarsalternativ som skedde inom Stockholmsområdet. Det innefattar även tre intervjuer med etablerade experter inom studiens område. Studien har en hermeneutisk vetenskapssyn och en abduktiv slutledningsform. Empiri: Presenterar den data som är mest relevant för studien från samtliga tre intervjuer och enkätundersökningen. Erhållen kvantitativ data presenteras i diagram. Slutsats: Studien påvisar att majoriteten av populationen anser att bostadsmarknaden är svår att inträda och att det är främst på grund av bostadsbrist och likvida skäl. Tendenser visar dock ett möjligt behov om att sparandet inför bostadsmarknadsinträdet bör läras ut och implementeras av individer i tidigare ålder, än vad livscykelhypotesen antyder. Föräldrar eller vårdnadshavare kan bli för ekonomiskt belastade på grund av delvis ökade bostadspriser. Därför bör barn samarbeta med deras föräldrar eller vårdnadshavare för att förebygga och bemöta bostadsmarknadsinträdet på ett optimalt sätt. Dock ska det tas i beaktning att alla hushåll eller privatpersoner inte har dessa ekonomiska förutsättningar för att efterfölja studiens generella och rationella sparbeteende.

Análise da sustentabilidade no mercado imobiliário residencial brasileiro / Analysis of sustainability in the brazilian residental real estate market

Marcela Mantovani Teixeira 25 May 2010 (has links)
Com a virada do século XX para o século XXI, a devastação ambiental se tornou a principal ameaça a sobrevivência da humanidade no planeta. Descobrimentos alarmantes sobre o aumento do aquecimento global e a finitude dos recursos naturais trouxeram um novo desafio para o desenvolvimento mundial, crescer economicamente e ao mesmo tempo preservar o meio ambiente. A atividade de construção, como parte das atividades que colaboram para o agravamento do problema ambiental, começa a ser repensada como forma de produção e esforços têm sido feitos para torná-la menos impactante ao meio ambiente e ao espaço urbano. Nesse contexto de incertezas que envolve o desenvolvimento sustentável, um conceito ainda recente para a maioria da população, diversas empresas procuram adaptar-se para produzir produtos ecologicamente corretos e ter atitudes ambientalmente responsáveis, porém, sem ter ainda conhecimento suficiente para propor soluções eficazes. No mercado imobiliário brasileiro, tem crescido o volume de empreendimentos que são lançados como empreendimentos sustentáveis, considerados mais eficientes no consumo de recursos naturais e menos agressivos para o meio ambiente, ao passo que cresce, também, o interesse da população pelo consumo desse tipo de produto. Mostra-se, portanto, necessário fazer uma avaliação da real eficiência desses edifícios, pois, a observação da maneira impactante como esses empreendimentos se inserem no espaço urbano e sua baixa qualidade arquitetônica, indicam que há uma distorção do conceito de sustentabilidade no mercado. Este estudo pretende contribuir para o melhor entendimento do termo sustentabilidade e alertar para a maneira incorreta como ele tem sido, atualmente, inserido na produção do mercado imobiliário de edifícios residenciais, no Brasil. / With the turn of the century XX to the XXI, environmental devastation became the main threat to survival of humanity on the planet. Discoveries about the alarming increase in global warming and finite natural resources have brought anew challenge to world development: to promote economic growth while preserving the environment. Construction activity, as part of activities that contribute to the worsening environmental problem begins to be reconsidered as a means of production and efforts have been made to make it less harmful to the environment and urban space. In this context of uncertainty surrounding the sustainable development, a relatively new concept to most people, several companies trying to adapt to produce environmentally friendly products and be environmentally responsible, but without yet having enough knowledge to propose effective solutions. The brazilian real estate market has grown the volume of projects that are launched as sustainable business as more efficient consumption of natural resources and less harmful to the environment, while growing, too, public interest in the consumption these products. It is apparent, therefore, necessary to evaluate the real efficacy of these buildings, therefore, the observation of the way significant as these developments fall within the urban space and its low architectural quality, indicate that there is a distortion of the concept of sustainability in the market. This study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the term sustainability and alert to incorrectly as it has been currently inserted in the production of the property market of residential buildings in Brazil.

Optimalizace zdrojů tepla pro bytový dům / Optimization of heat generators for residential house

Smola, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves design of heating in a residental building. This work is focused on the selection of appropriate one of the two options a heat source, which are cascade heat pumps ground-water and gas condensing boilers. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with introducing to the issue of heat pump systems. The functional principle of the widely most used types and particularized type ground-water. In the practical part calculation and design of heating system with selected heating source that is cascade of gas condensing boilers.

Bytový dům / Residential building

Calda, Marek January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis designs project of residental house in Sluhy village. The thesis solves layout and spatial studies, technical reports, drawings for detailed documentation, simple static calculations, building physical examination and assessment of fire safety The architectural and spatial design is based on shapes and proportions oft he original building, which demolition was realized during the project developing. The desing is also based on shapes of existing buildings in surrounding, it means large rural homestead near Prague. There are designed eight dwelling units in the residental house ranging from one room with kitchen to five room with kitchen. All of them are accesible common entrance. Common garage are situated on the ground floor.

Evaluation of the web-based energy calculation tool Miljöhuset and future perspectives

Pagounis, Michail January 2009 (has links)
The residential sector was accountable for the consumption of 143 TWh in 2007, comprising35 % of Sweden’s total final energy use. The City of Stockholm has high ambitions in the environmental area. Miljöhuset is a web based energy calculation tool that helps to manage energy use, choose energy and cost efficient measures as well as present the environmental impacts of a building. This study had the aim to analyze the energy calculation tool from a scientific − and userperspective and to suggest potential further improvement of the tool. This was done in two maindirections: The first was to examine issues related to the tool itself such as user-friendliness,environmental impacts presentation, results transparency etc. The second direction was to explore potential future development possibilities for Miljöhuset and the possibility of using it asa support in energy declarations. The educational aspect of the tool was examined too, by attempting to identify whether there is a possibility for Miljöhuset to be utilized for this purpose too. In order to examine the aforementioned issues, a Stakeholders Opinion Assessment (SOA)method was used: 18 persons representing 18 different stakeholders answered a questionnaire and gave an interview. Through this procedure, it was possible to identify strengths and weaknesses of Miljöhuset and analyse stakeholders’ opinions on the same. The findings of this study are that Miljöhuset has a good user interface and a holistic approach towards the operation of a house by integrating economic, environmental and energy aspects into one tool. Furthermore, the participants’ perception is that Miljöhuset is understandable and itsvalues/parameters relevant. However, improvements will be necessary in order to increase itsacceptance. Such improvements include both user friendliness and accuracy of the results. A number of stakeholders that are interested in the tool have been identified and further discussions were suggested in order to specify the type of interest these stakeholders expressed. A morethorough discussion and analysis of suitable future target groups would be valuable since future development should be tailored to them. Such an analysis could also more clearly define the potential of Miljöhuset as an educational tool or as a support in energy declarations. The possibility of whether or not the introduction of a fee for Miljöhuset would be beneficial hasbeen studied. The results did not allow drawing firm conclusions about this aspect, however, and further research is suggested. Finally since there are other tools that fulfil similar functions as Miljöhuset, further study about the competition in the web based energy calculation environment is also suggested. / <p>www.ima.kth.se</p>

Psykisk ohälsa bland ensamkommande ungdomar : En kvalitativ studie om personal på HVB-hems upplevelser och förhållningssätt av psykisk ohälsa bland ensamkommande barn och ungdomar / Mental health among unaccompanied youth : A qualitative study on staff member´s experiences of mental health among unaccompanied youth in residential care

Odisho, Maria, Svensson, Sanna January 2019 (has links)
This is a qualitative study on mental health among unaccompanied children in Swedish residential care. The purpose of the study is to increase the understanding of the work and interaction with these children for anyone that in one way or another encounters unaccompanied children in their profession. To achieve this, we examined the experiences of staff members in residential care regarding mental health among unaccompanied children, by conducting semi-structured interviews of staff members. This study includes descriptions of how the interviewees experience mental illness and what challenges and difficulties they encounter in their work. Furthermore, the study also includes factors the interviewees believe are important in promoting mental health. The results show that mental illness amongst unaccompanied children in residential care is a recurring issue. The interviewees describe that mental illness can be expressed in anxiety, aggression, depression, insomnia, self-harm, isolation and psychosomatic symptoms. Socio-cultural differences is stated in the results as a challenge in ways that the children and the staff members have different norms and values. Moreover it is also described that the children’s view on what mental illness is, how they talk about it and how they handle it, is different from what the staff are used to and can lead to misunderstandings. Furthermore the results also show that interviewees believe the main cause behind the children’s poor well-being is the challenges they meet and the pressure they feel when they arrive to a new country. Challenges and pressure such as learning a new language and integrating in a new society. The interviewees describe it as being important to support and be available for the children, and for the children to find and be part of meaningful connections. Keywords: unaccompanied children/youth/minors, mental illness, mental health, residental care homes, refugees

Sportovně rekreační centrum Vsetín, Ohrada / Sports and Relaxation Centre Vsetín, Ohrada

Zifčáková, Tatiana January 2021 (has links)
The topic of this master's thesis is the revitalization of the former Spartakiad stadium. Nowadays it functions as a sports complex Ohrada, which is in neglected condition and not widely used. The area is located at the southern edge of the city Vsetín and is defined by a 1st class road from the northeast, Vsetínská Bečva from the western and agricultural areas from the southern side. Above Bečva, the Bečevná hill rises and together they create a pleasant, out-of-town atmosphere with a great potential. The priority of the proposal was to create an attractive place with a variety of sports and recreational activities for all ages. However, at the beginning it was necessary to somehow insulate the area from the overpass. Therefore a sports and recreation facility was designed at the entrance to the area - it copies the shape of the road and forms an imaginary entrance gate to the zone. A car park was designed under the overpass, so the rest of the area remained exclusively for pedestrians. Sufficient distances among the individual sports grounds are supplemented by recreational areas of greenery. Most playgrounds are designed as multi-purpose, for greater variability of the territory. The buildings have a maximum of two floors and they are located in a way not to disturb the views of the recreational areas. They contain sports facilities as well as a wide range of interior activities. Three materials are used on all the buildings - wood, steel and glass, complemented by neutral white plaster. Therefore, the area operates in a comprehensive and uniform manner.

Polyfunkční objekt / Polyfunctional building

Zogata, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The objective of this master thesis is a working out of project documentation of building „polyfunctional bulding“ containing all the requirements according to currently valid orders and standards. New bulding is located on plot No. 2636/5 flat terrain in the urban area of the village of Jablunkov. The building has 3 floors and a basement is partially. The roof is designed as a flat. The first floor is planned with space for library and cafe. In the second and third floor residental units are located on each floor of the two. In the basement of the building is designed background residental units. Connecting of utilities can be made of existing infrastructure.

Obytný soubor Brno - Červený kopec / The residential area in Brno - Červený kopec

Berousková, Dana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis shows the analysis and understanding of the locality Brno – Cerveny kopec and the subsequent drafting of a new urban fabric new urban fabric, which is used mainly for housing. The new proposal responds to the surrounding buildings and terrain slope. Complements, so that shaped the existing buildings one and emphasized the quality of the desired. location. There is an emphasis on high quality living close to green

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