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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urban inequalities : social geography and demography in seventeenth century York

Hibberd, Deborah Joan January 1981 (has links)
No description available.

Modélisation de l’interaction transport-urbanisme : choix résidentiels des ménages dans l’aire urbaine de Lyon / Transport-land use interaction modeling : residential choices of households in urban area of Lyon

Homocianu, George Marius 29 January 2009 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse est de proposer une modélisation des comportements résidentiels des ménages : le choix de changement de résidence (ou de déménagement) et le choix d’une nouvelle localisation. Ce type de modèles vise à prévoir la probabilité qu’un ménage change de résidence et son choix en matière de nouvelle localisation, en fonction d’un certain nombre de variables explicatives. Dans notre cas, la modélisation est fondée sur la théorie des choix discrets (approche de l’utilité aléatoire). La recherche s’appuie sur le cas lyonnais, le modèle étant construit sur l’aire urbaine de Lyon, sur des données de l’année 1999. En termes de résultats, du côté de la mobilité résidentielle, il faut retenir que les variables qui expliquent la variation du degré de mobilité (du taux de déménagement) des ménages sont l’âge de la personne de référence du ménage, le nombre d’enfants et le statut d’occupation du logement. En ce qui concerne la localisation des ménages, les préférences des ménages pour une zone ou autre sont liées aux caractéristiques de celles-ci et notamment à l’accessibilité aux différentes opportunités et services, ce qui confirme que parmi les facteurs qui influencent le comportement de localisation des ménages on retrouve les accessibilités, et donc, l’hypothèse de l’existence d’un lien entre transports et urbanisme. On a également trouvé que les caractéristiques des ménages comme l’âge de la personne de référence, le revenu ou le nombre de personnes ont une influence sur leurs choix de localisation. L’étude et les résultats des modèles suggèrent que des améliorations et nouvelles pistes de recherche sont possibles. Ainsi, du côté de la mobilité résidentielle, il pourrait y avoir d’autres variables qui motivent les ménages à changer de logement, comme des caractéristiques des logements, de l’environnement résidentiel ou d’autres caractéristiques des ménages non observées. Il serait aussi intéressant d’estimer le modèle de localisation a un niveau géographique encore plus fin (à l’îlot). D’autres alternatives de modélisation des décisions résidentielles des ménages seraient de modéliser une structure hiérarchisée des choix, par un modèle logit hiérarchique ou emboîté, ou bien de modéliser la trajectoire de vie, avec ses composantes familiale, résidentielle et professionnelle, qui sont en interdépendance (à condition de la disponibilité des données nécessaires). / The objective of the thesis is to propose a modeling of the residential behaviors of the households: the choice of change of residence (or removal), and the choice of the new location. This type of models aims at envisaging the probability that a household changes residence and its choice of new location, according to a certain number of explanatory variables. In our case, modeling is founded on the discrete choice theory (random utility approach). Research is based on the Lyons case, the model being built on the urban area of Lyon, on data of the year 1999. In terms of results, side of residential mobility, it should be retained that the variables which explain the variation of the degree of mobility (of the rate of removal) of the households are the age of head, the number of children and the statute of occupation of housing. With regard to the households location, the preferences of the households for a zone are related on the characteristics of those and particularly to accessibility on various opportunities and services, which confirms that among the factors which influence the location behavior of the households one finds accessibilities, and thus, the assumption of the existence of a relation between transport and land use. It was also found that the characteristics of the households like age of head, income or household size have an influence on their location choices. The study and the results of the models suggest that improvements and new directions of research are possible. Thus, on the side of residential mobility, there could be other variables which justify the housing change, like characteristics of the residence, residential environment or other characteristics of the households not observed. It would be also interesting to estimate the location model at a finer geographical level (îlot). Other alternatives of modeling of the residential decisions of the households would be to model a hierarchical structure of the choices, by a hierarchical or nested logit, or to model the life cycle, whit its components family, residential and professional, which are in interdependence (in condition of availability of necessary data).

Trelleborgsbanans inverkan på småhuspriser i Västra Ingelstad och Östra Grevie

Södergård, Anton, Dedic, Emir, Petrovski, Kristian January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker värdeförändringen på småhus vid en infrastrukturinvestering och under vilken tidpunkt denna förändring sker. Detta kommer göras genom att identifiera vilka faser som infrastrukturinvesteringar genomgår och när de inträffar. Metodvalet för studien kommer hämtas från en flermetodsforskning som kombinerar en kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. Genom att prioritera den kvalitativa informationen möjliggör detta för ytterligare förståelse och insikt kring de kvantitativa resultaten som presenteras. De kvalitativa studierna tar fasta i att analysera och granska handlingar och dokument som berör Trelleborgsbanans upprättande. Vidare kommer den kvantitativa datan att redogöra för de värdeförändringar som skett i Västra Ingelstad och Östra Grevie mellan 2003-2018. Interna fastighetsegenskaper och externa områdesanknutna faktorer kommer att granskas med hjälp av hedoniska prismodeller, där störst fokus riktas mot avståndsvariabeln och dess påverkan på priset för småhusmarknaden.Vidare visar studiens resultat på en positiv värdeförändring har skett i de båda tätorterna, detta under Trelleborgsbanans etableringsprocess där den största värdeförändringen skedde i samband med att finansieringsavtal undertecknades. Med hjälp av den deskriptiva statistiken och tidigare studier går det att underbygga det faktum att Trelleborgsbanan haft en positiv inverkan på småhuspriserna i Östra Grevie och Västra Ingelstad. / This study examines the change in value of single-family homes during an infrastructure investment and during which time this change takes place. This will be done by identifying which phases that infrastructure investments are undergoing and when they occur. The selection of the method for the study will be taken from a multi-method research that combines a qualitative and quantitative method. By prioritizing the qualitative information, this enables further understanding and insight into the quantitative results presented. The qualitative studies are determined by analyzing and examining papers and documents that concern the establishment of Trelleborgsbanan. Furthermore, the quantitative data will account for the changes in value that have taken place in Västra Ingelstad and Östra Grevie between 2003-2018. Internal property characteristics and external area-related factors will be reviewed using hedonic price models, where the main focus is on the distance variable and its impact on the price for the housing market.Furthermore, the study demonstrates a positive change in value has occurred in the two urban areas which took place during the establishment of Trelleborgsbanan, where the largest change in value occurred when the signing of financing agreements were done. With the help of the descriptive statistics and previous studies, we can conclude the fact that Trelleborgsbanan had a positive impact on house prices in Östra Grevie and Västra Ingelstad.

Two Essays on Local Public Economics

Horie, Shinya January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Atributos espaciais da localização residencial : estudo de caso das habitações em edifícios multifamiliares de alta renda em Porto Alegre

Costa, Fernanda Giacomel da January 2016 (has links)
O uso do solo residencial se apresenta em diferentes padrões espaciais que emergem em função de fatores sociais, econômicos, culturais, étnicos, ambientais, entre outros. A análise da relação entre a localização residencial e a forma urbana permite avançar na compreensão desses padrões. Determinados atributos espaciais de uma localização promovem uma diferenciação espacial que é valorizada e apro-priada diferentemente pelos diferentes grupos sociais. Esse processo de diferencia-ção e apropriação espacial é comandado principalmente pelas classes de alta renda que possuem o poder de adquirir as localizações desejadas e condicionam a locali-zação das outras classes sociais na cidade. Esta dissertação busca através da aná-lise espacial verificar a relevância para a localização de habitações em edifícios mul-tifamiliares de alta renda de alguns atributos espaciais. O trabalho aplica uma meto-dologia baseada na análise espacial que inclui modelos configuracionais, mais es-pecificamente os Modelos de Centralidade e de Oportunidade Espacial (KRAFTA, 2014). Essa abordagem foi testada através do desenvolvimento de um estudo de caso na cidade de Porto Alegre. O trabalho utiliza como fonte de dados para repre-sentar as habitações em edifícios multifamiliares de alta renda uma amostra do ca-dastro do Imposto sobre a Transmissão de Bens Imóveis (ITBI) fornecidos pela Pre-feitura Municipal de Porto Alegre. Os atributos espaciais selecionados e analisados são: concentração espacial, localização em sítios elevados, afastamento de vias de fluxo intenso, proximidade a atividade comercial e privilégio locacional em relação a equipamentos da cidade (shoppings centers e parques urbanos). Os resultados obti-dos sugerem que, para o caso de Porto Alegre, as habitações em edifícios multifami-liares de alta renda estão em localizações privilegiadas em relação aos atributos es-paciais explorados na pesquisa. A metodologia utilizada demonstrou ser eficaz para a exploração do tema, contribuindo para o conhecimento e a análise espacial das localizações residenciais. / The residential land use is present in different spatial patterns that emerge in function of factors social, economic, cultural, ethnic, and environmental, among oth-ers. The analysis of the relationship between residential location and urban form al-lows to advance in the understanding of these patterns. Certain spatial attributes of a location promote a spatial differentiation that is valued and appropriate differentially by social groups. This process of spatial differentiation and spatial allocation is main-ly commanded by high-income classes that have the power to acquire the desired locations and condition the location of other social classes in the city. This disserta-tion search through a spatial analysis to verify the relevance of some spatial attributes to the residential location of the dwellings in multi-family buildings of high-income. The study applies a methodology based on spatial analysis that includes configurational models, but specifically the models of Centrality and Spatial Opportu-nity, this approach was tested by developing a case study in the city of Porto Alegre. The study uses as a data source to represent the dwellings in multi-family buildings of high-income one sample of database of the Tax on the Transfer of Real Estate provided by the city of Porto Alegre. The spatial attributes selected and analyzed are: spatial concentration, location in places with high altitudes, distancing of high flow streets, proximity to commercial activity and locational privilege in relation to city equipment (shopping centers and city parks). The results suggest that, in the case of Porto Alegre, the dwellings in multi-family buildings of high-income classes are in pri-vileged locations relative spatial attributes explored in the survey. The applied me-thodology has proved to be effective for the explored theme, contributing to the spa-tial analysis of residential locations.

Localização residencial e demanda por recreação: um modelo para cidades litorâneas. / Residencial locaton and recreation demand: a model for coastal cities.

Côrtes, Marcus Vinicius Rolemberg 15 August 2008 (has links)
Os modelos clássicos de economia urbana, que tencionam descrever a estrutura espacial e de preços de residências das cidades, são, em grande parte, focados nos custos de transporte, o que acaba dando grande ênfase à distância ao local de trabalho. A acessibilidade a outras amenidades é o âmago de diversos trabalhos recentes, entre essas a distância à praia. O alto valor de lotes à beira mar nas cidades litorâneas brasileiras e a crescente demanda por lazer sugerem que a acessibilidade e a vista para a praia estão fortemente relacionadas com o preço da moradia. O modelo desenvolvido neste trabalho aspira explicar a ligação entre a demanda por recreação e o custo da moradia em cidades litorâneas. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto são discutidos diversos aspectos entre eles a acessibilidade ao local de trabalho, o número de trabalhadores de uma família e diferentes preferências entre estes. / The classical models of urban economics tend to describe the spatial structure of housing as well as their pricing in urban areas. Therefore, they focus on the cost of transportation by giving emphasis toward the distance to the working place. The accessibility of other amenities, e.g. beaches, is at the centre of various recent papers. High prices for real estate close to the seashore in coastal Brazilian cities and the rising demand for leisure time imply that reachability and a view to the beach are strongly linked with the housing price. The model that is going to be developed in this paper aims at explaining the connection between the demand for leisure and the housing prices of coastal cities. In order to achieve this goal, different topics like the accessibility to the working place, the number of working family members and their different kinds of preferences are going to be treated.

New methods for projecting enrollments within urban school districts

Smith, Geoffrey Hutchinson 15 December 2017 (has links)
This dissertation models K-12 enrollment within an urban school district using two grade progression ratio (gpr)-based and two housing choice methods. The housing choice methods provide, for the first time, a new spatio-demographic model for projecting school enrollments by grade for any flexibly defined set of individual catchment areas. All methods use the geocoded pattern of individual, address-matched, enrollments within the study district but are different in the way they model this data to estimate key parameters. The conventional method projects the intra-urban pattern of enrollment by assuming no change in grade progression ratios (gprs), which are themselves functions of enrollment change. The adaptive kernel ratio estimation (KRE) of local gprs successfully predicts local changes in gprs from three preceding two-year periods of gpr change. The two housing choice methods are based on different mixtures of a generalized linear and a periodic model, each of which use housing counts and characteristics. Results are clearly sensitive to these differences. Using the above predictions of gpr change, the adaptive KRE enrollment projections are 4.1% better than those made using the conventional model. The two housing choice models were 2.0% less accurate than the conventional model for the first three years of the projection but were 5.1% more accurate than this model for the fourth and fifth years of the projection. Limitations are discussed. These findings help close a major gap in the literature of small-area enrollment projections, shed new light on spatial dynamics collected at areas below the scale of the school district, and permit new kinds of investigations of urban/suburban school district demography.

Exploring social-cultural explanations for residential location choices : the case of an African City - Dar es Salaam

Limbumba, Tatu Mtwangi January 2010 (has links)
This study explores the factors urban residents consider when making residential location decisions. The context of the study is informal residential areas in a rapidly urbanising African city – the city of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. A central concern in the study is how the urban poor make their residential location decisions; the assumption is that with income limitations the urban poor rely on other non-economic resources to enable their residential location decisions in the context of rapid urban growth and urban poverty. The study attempts to question residential location choice concepts that rely on economic approaches as well as question explanations based on the developing world experiences.The study suggests that in the absence of reliable incomes, social networks and informalchannels prevail in the decision-making process. The concept of social capital where networks and social relationships are used as a resource by individuals or groups to achieve goals is explored in a residential choices framework. Demonstrated through in-depth interviews with heads of households settling close to the CBD (termed the inner city), the intermediate informal residential areas and the peri-urban residential areas; the study shows how socio-cultural factors play a role in the decision makingprocess of households. This is illustrated inter alia, in the form of informal channels for information on accommodation and residential plots, being accommodated rent-free by a relative, the actions of subsequently making short-distance moves to a location within proximity of a relative, or seeking people of the same socio-economic status. The context within which the actions have taken place has also been shown to be important in corroborating the network and relationship elements in the concept of social capital. The uncertainty that residents in rapidly urbanizing cities have to deal with on an everyday basis calls for networks and relations as an important resource for survival. The study goes further to suggest how urban planning practice can learn from the social processes. The study is based on qualitative methods such as in-depth interviewing with heads of household and key informants.

The Interaction Between Urban Form and Transit Travel

Concas, Sisinnio 08 November 2010 (has links)
This study presents an analytical model of the interaction between urban form and the demand for transit travel, in which residential location, transit demand, and the spatial dispersion of non-work activities are endogenously determined. In this model, travel demand is considered a derived demand brought about by the necessity to engage in out-ofhome activities whose geographical extent is affected by urban form. In a departure from the urban monocentric model, residential location is defined as a job-residence pair in an urban area in which jobs, residences, and non-work activities are dispersed. Transit demand is then determined by residential location, work trips, non-work trip chains, and goods consumption. Theoretically derived hypotheses are empirically tested using a dataset that integrates travel and land-use data. There is evidence of a significant influence of land-use patterns on transit patronage. In turn, transit demand affects consumption and non-work travel. Although much reliance has been placed on population density as a determinant of transit demand, it is found here that population density does not have a large impact on transit demand and, moreover, that the effect decreases when residential location is endogenous. To increase transit use, urban planners have advocated a mix of residential and commercial uses in proximity to transit stations. In this study, it is found that the importance of transit-station proximity is weakened by idiosyncratic preferences for residential location. In addition, when population density and residential location are jointly endogenous, the elasticity of transit demand with respect to walking distance to a transit station decreases by about 33 percent over the case in which these variables are treated an exogenous. The research reported here is the first empirical work that explicitly relates residential location to trip chaining in a context in which individuals jointly decide residential location and the trip chain. If is found that households living farther from work use less transit and that trip-chaining behavior explains this finding. Households living far from work engage in complex trip chains and have, on average, a more dispersed activity space, which requires reliance on more flexible modes of transportation. Therefore, reducing the spatial allocation of non-work activities and improving transit accessibility at and around subcenters would increase transit demand. Similar effects can be obtained by increasing the presence of retail locations in proximity to transit-oriented households. Although focused on transit demand, the framework can be easily generalized to study other forms of travel.

Atributos espaciais da localização residencial : estudo de caso das habitações em edifícios multifamiliares de alta renda em Porto Alegre

Costa, Fernanda Giacomel da January 2016 (has links)
O uso do solo residencial se apresenta em diferentes padrões espaciais que emergem em função de fatores sociais, econômicos, culturais, étnicos, ambientais, entre outros. A análise da relação entre a localização residencial e a forma urbana permite avançar na compreensão desses padrões. Determinados atributos espaciais de uma localização promovem uma diferenciação espacial que é valorizada e apro-priada diferentemente pelos diferentes grupos sociais. Esse processo de diferencia-ção e apropriação espacial é comandado principalmente pelas classes de alta renda que possuem o poder de adquirir as localizações desejadas e condicionam a locali-zação das outras classes sociais na cidade. Esta dissertação busca através da aná-lise espacial verificar a relevância para a localização de habitações em edifícios mul-tifamiliares de alta renda de alguns atributos espaciais. O trabalho aplica uma meto-dologia baseada na análise espacial que inclui modelos configuracionais, mais es-pecificamente os Modelos de Centralidade e de Oportunidade Espacial (KRAFTA, 2014). Essa abordagem foi testada através do desenvolvimento de um estudo de caso na cidade de Porto Alegre. O trabalho utiliza como fonte de dados para repre-sentar as habitações em edifícios multifamiliares de alta renda uma amostra do ca-dastro do Imposto sobre a Transmissão de Bens Imóveis (ITBI) fornecidos pela Pre-feitura Municipal de Porto Alegre. Os atributos espaciais selecionados e analisados são: concentração espacial, localização em sítios elevados, afastamento de vias de fluxo intenso, proximidade a atividade comercial e privilégio locacional em relação a equipamentos da cidade (shoppings centers e parques urbanos). Os resultados obti-dos sugerem que, para o caso de Porto Alegre, as habitações em edifícios multifami-liares de alta renda estão em localizações privilegiadas em relação aos atributos es-paciais explorados na pesquisa. A metodologia utilizada demonstrou ser eficaz para a exploração do tema, contribuindo para o conhecimento e a análise espacial das localizações residenciais. / The residential land use is present in different spatial patterns that emerge in function of factors social, economic, cultural, ethnic, and environmental, among oth-ers. The analysis of the relationship between residential location and urban form al-lows to advance in the understanding of these patterns. Certain spatial attributes of a location promote a spatial differentiation that is valued and appropriate differentially by social groups. This process of spatial differentiation and spatial allocation is main-ly commanded by high-income classes that have the power to acquire the desired locations and condition the location of other social classes in the city. This disserta-tion search through a spatial analysis to verify the relevance of some spatial attributes to the residential location of the dwellings in multi-family buildings of high-income. The study applies a methodology based on spatial analysis that includes configurational models, but specifically the models of Centrality and Spatial Opportu-nity, this approach was tested by developing a case study in the city of Porto Alegre. The study uses as a data source to represent the dwellings in multi-family buildings of high-income one sample of database of the Tax on the Transfer of Real Estate provided by the city of Porto Alegre. The spatial attributes selected and analyzed are: spatial concentration, location in places with high altitudes, distancing of high flow streets, proximity to commercial activity and locational privilege in relation to city equipment (shopping centers and city parks). The results suggest that, in the case of Porto Alegre, the dwellings in multi-family buildings of high-income classes are in pri-vileged locations relative spatial attributes explored in the survey. The applied me-thodology has proved to be effective for the explored theme, contributing to the spa-tial analysis of residential locations.

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